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The Lone Star State: Texas and The Untapped Potential of the Green Economy
In the heart of the land of longhorns and bluebonnets, there’s an economic revolution happening. But it’s not in oil, cattle, or tech; it’s in cannabis. The “Green Economy,” as it’s become known, is booming across the United States, with states far and wide reaping the economic rewards of legalized marijuana. Yet, Texas, the Lone Star State, known for its big sky and even bigger potential, is watching from the sidelines.
Just over yonder in Missouri, they’ve amassed a striking $592.3 million in recreational and medical cannabis product sales since February. Oklahoma, our neighbor to the north, is on track to pile up a staggering $821 million in taxes over the next four years from an estimated $4.3 billion in combined recreational and medical marijuana sales if state question 820 passes. Even Arkansas, a relative newcomer to the medical marijuana scene, has reported sales of over $276.3 million in just 2022.
And let’s not forget Colorado, the Rocky Mountain State that’s been riding high on legalized recreational marijuana since 2012. They’re set to haul in a record $400 million in 2023. In fact, they raked in $131.6 million in total marijuana sales in April alone, with a whopping $32 million in March from recreational sales.
These states, each with a fraction of the population of our own Texas, are proving that the Green Economy is more than just a passing fad—it’s a gold rush, and Texas has yet to stake its claim.
Here in Texas, we’ve got a medical cannabis program, but let’s be honest: it’s got more restrictions than a dry county on Sunday. Currently, the only products on the market are 1% THC tinctures, gummies, and pills. This red tape isn’t just hamstringing the growth of the medical cannabis sector—it’s costing Texas a Texas-sized chunk of potential economic growth and revenue.

Now, imagine if we opened up a legal recreational cannabis market in Texas. With our population of nearly 30 million, we have the potential to outsell Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Colorado combined. That’s not just a boost to our state coffers; it’s job growth, entrepreneurship, and an opportunity for much-needed criminal justice reform.
Our great state, home to mavericks, innovators, and go-getters, is lagging behind in this modern-day gold rush. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Green Economy is here, and it’s as ripe for the picking as a Hill Country peach in July. It’s time for Texas to saddle up and seize the opportunities that the cannabis industry has to offer.
This ain’t just about the economy; it’s about progress, about opportunity, about what it means to be a Texan in the 21st century. The clock’s ticking, and the benefits— economic, social, and cultural—are too big to pass up. It’s high time Texas staked its claim in the Green Economy. Y’all ready?

5. How does Hometown Hero CBD stand out from other hemp and CBD companies in Texas?
A few reasons we think make Hometown Hero CBD standout as a leader is
1) Our commitment to quality. We are hyper-focused on developing great-tasting, superior hemp products from organically grown hemp with the highest-quality ingredients. The extensive testing we do and our small batch production are further evidence of why consumers love our product so much.
2) Our commitment to advocacy. We are also super focused on ensuring the availability of all hemp-derived cannabinoids both at the federal and state levels. Many here in the Lone Star state know we led the fight in 2021 with the Third Court of Appeals of Texas, granting a temporary injunction stopping the prohibition of Delta-8 products, and continue the fight in appeals court. In addition to our focus at the national level, we deploy lobbying teams in many other states via the state legislatures to ensure the continued availability of all hemp-derived products against any bans and/or excessive legislation/taxation.
3) Our commitment to veterans. We know how important hemp-derived cannabinoids are to our military heroes. In addition to making sure these products are readily available to vets, we donate to various veterans groups here in Texas and across the country.
6. Can you share any stories of how your products have positively impacted your customers?
We already have amassed nearly 3,500 five-star reviews. Feel free to visit our website and check out what customers are saying about our products. Moreover, we recently donated to a local Texas VFW and here are two stories of local vets using hemp-derived cannabinoids in replace of opioids.
Dave Walden, a veteran injured in combat who served two tours in Iraq, was addicted to opioids to help ease back pain and PTSD, until he came across hemp-derived Delta-8 products.
“For the last few years, I’ve been using hemp-derived cannabinoids exclusively, which have become safe replacements for narcotic pain killers, migraine meds, sleeping pills, PTSD meds, anxiety meds and various other medications that I was on,” said Walden. “These products have been a life saver for me, taking me out of the drug haze that I was in for many years and making me a more productive member of society.”
Angel Ramirez, a retired combat veteran who served 16 years as a medic and four years as a field artillery man, was diagnosed with PTSD in 2018.
“About a year ago, I wanted to get off my PTSD medications. I was on Zoloft, another medication that I take three times a day for panic and anxiety attacks, and one at night to help me sleep,” said Ramirez. “Then I started taking CBD and it helped me not only with my pain but with my panic and my anxiety attacks. About six months ago, I approached my psychiatrist and told her I would like to get off my meds. She agreed, and with her help, I’ve been off my meds now for three months.”
7. As veterans of the CBD industry, what are some trends you anticipate seeing in the next few years?
We see three key trends that are likely to emerge:
Diverse product offerings: Companies will continue to expand and develop an even wider range of applications for hemp-derived cannabis around edibles and beverages and other form factors. This trend is driven by consumer demand for alternatives to smoking and the desire for CBD-infused products in different areas of daily life.

Expanded legalization and regulation: While legal at the federal level due to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, individual states have been moving toward the regulation of hemp-derived cannabis, primarily due to its non-intoxicating properties and potential health benefits. This trend has allowed for a more robust market, which is likely to continue expanding as more jurisdictions recognize the economic and social potential of hemp-derived cannabinoids.
More research and education: As research continues on the effects of hemp-derived cannabis and CBD, there will an increased emphasis on education and consumer awareness. This trend is likely to continue, with efforts to disseminate accurate information about hemp’s properties and usage.
8. Can you tell us about your vision for the future of Hometown Heroes CBD and how you plan to achieve it?
Our vision for Hometown Hero CBD is to build upon our leadership position, well known for our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction and veterans focused advocacy. To do this, we will continue to emphasize transparency, authenticity, and ethical practices in all our products that has fostered trust among our customers and stakeholders. By showcasing the quality and safety of our products, we solidify our reputation as a reliable hemp brand. Last but not least, we will remain dedicated to our primary mission of supporting veterans through our valuable nonprofit partnerships, as we have for the past nine years.