A M E S S A G E F R O M TA A H P ’ S
to take advantage of the uncertainty he 2020-2021 term of and push for changes with several key Government Affairs and priorities: (1) Removal of Resolutions of Legislative Advisory (GALA) No Objection for 4 percent transactions; committee has been a great success for (2) Removal of the “clean” census tract our organization. The 87th legislative priority in the 9 percent scoring process; session began very slowly and with plenty (3) Reorienting the scoring priority of unknowns caused by the COVID-19 for 9 percent applications to allow for pandemic. In the early weeks of the session TDHCA to choose scoring priority based prep, the Capitol was largely closed, and upon policy and need; and (4) Modify legislators’ offices were closed to in-person the property tax appraisal process visitors. We quickly realized that this would to address properties that are under be a session like no other. Our lobbyists, construction or not yet stabilized. We Andrade-Van De Putte (AVDP), and our staff were not successful in getting all of decided to build on our previous efforts. them modified. Still, I am certain that Our goal was to elevate our voice and we elevated each of them to a level of stature within the legislature by meeting Governmental Affairs Committee consideration that will give us a chance Chairman with key Senate offices and House to address them in future legislative members positioned on committees that sessions. We did find success in a partnership with the Texas impact housing. We pushed further by holding joint fundraisers Association of Builders to addressing the Property Tax Appraisal with other housing-related organizations and meeting with every process for affordable housing under construction or not yet House freshman’s office to introduce our industry and our stabilized with the passage of HB 3833. Finally, much of our organization. There were several weeks where GALA members, critical successes came from preventing bad policies by working TAAHP staff, and AVDP met with legislative staff and members with legislators and lobbyists to understand the implications of to make sure they knew our industry and its impact on Texas these harmful measures. We were ultimately able to keep many families’ stability. We focused on how the need for housing detrimental bills from making their way to the governor’s desk. affordability impacts all Texans. These relationships yielded The GALA committee owes all of its success this session to our great results for our organization. TAAHP staff — Roger, Victoria, and Naomi, as well as the AVDP Engaging with peer organizations such as the Texas Apartment team. They spent hundreds of hours setting us up for success Association (TAA), Texas Association of Builders (TAB), Texas and strategically connecting the GALA committee’s “subject Association of Local Housing Finance Authorities (TALHFA), matter experts” with the members and staff in time to make and Rural Rental Housing of Texas (RRHA) marked a pivotal an impact. I want to thank the staff, GALA members, TxCAD change in TAAHP’s approach. These relationships helped us Members, TAA staff, TAB staff, Mike Warner, Austin Holder, and significantly throughout the session. This collaborative effort of course, the legislators who are our champions in the House helped strengthen our message and promote good housing and Senate. I would especially thank Senators Lucio, Alvarado, policies for Texans and assisted in protecting our industry from and Menendez. On the House side, I would like to thank bills that could have a negative impact. Representatives Cortez, King, Gerven-Hawkins, Chen-Button, Generally, most organizations declined to sponsor specific Holland, Bernal, Campos, Gates, Johnson, Minjarez , Morales bills that contained legislative changes. TAAHP and members Shaw, Slaton, and Deshotel. Each of these legislators have of the GALA committee took a different approach by deciding become champions for “Better Housing for Texans.”
Chris Akbari
Thank You to the GALA Committee Members Danny Allgeier, Lakewood Property Mgmt Terri Anderson, Anderson Development & Construction, LLC Bobby Bowling, Tropicana Building Corp. Debra Guerrero, The NRP Group Joy Horak-Brown, New Hope Housing, Inc.
Darrell Jack, Apartment MarketData Toni Jackson, Banks Law Firm Nathan Kelley, Blazer Building Texas LLC Dan Kierce, RBC Capital Markets Jean Latsha, Pedcor Investments Scott Marks, Coats Rose PC
Diana McIver, DMA Development Company, LLC Rick Sheffield, Rowlett Housing Finance Corp. Janine Sisak, DMA Development Company, LLC Lisa Stephens, Saigebrook Mike Sugrue, Stoneleaf Companies Valerie Williams , Bank of America Te x a s A f f o r d a b l e H o u s i n g M a g a z i n e