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Hello Longhorn Friends!
We hope that your new year is o to a great start. From the social media posts we’re seeing, many of you have calves hitting the ground already. Congratulations! Hopefully, the spring rains will bring lush, green pastures for us all.
Did anyone hear about that little show to kick o the new year in Oklahoma City? ETLA would like to take this opportunity to congratulate some of our members on their success at Cattleman’s Congress. Members Jaylin Krimmel, Jackson Grace and Caden Grace did great exhibiting her own cattle as well as exhibiting for other breeders. You know it’s an indication of trust and confidence when other breeders ask you to exhibit their cattle. Caden won Junior Champion Steer in the youth show with JGC Oldchunckofcoal, bred and owned by lifetime members, Grace Cattle Company. Great job Jaylin, Jackson and Caden! Congratulations to lifetime members, Tammy, Tom and Megan Bush of TB Longhorns for winning Reserve Grand Champion Female in the Open Show and Grand Champion Female in the Youth Show. TB Harley Quinn returned later to compete in the Youth Supreme Show. And the Roberson family, Harlee Jo, Hailey and Hunter, deserve a shout out for their wins. Harlee Jo won Junior Showmanship. Hailey won Grand Champion Steer in the youth show with HX3 Wetzel and Hunter won, in the open show, Champion Junior Female with Flying H Pearl’s Destiny, bred by ETLA members Kim and Mark Hammack.

We want to remind everyone of our upcoming show, the ETLA Corsicana Classic, which will be held at the Navarro County Expo Center in Corsicana, TX, April 15 & 16. Please contact Debbie Burkham at dburk5@hotmail.com for a show packet or pick one up at upcoming shows. The entry deadline is April 1st. Late entries will be accepted until April 7th with a $10 late fee per entry. This TLBAA World Qualifying show will include Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Open Haltered and TLBT Youth Shows. We will have a barn party on Friday evening to welcome everyone. Samuel Faske will be available to provide hoof trimming and barbeque will be available for purchase provided by Smokin’ A Barbeque food truck. This will be a great opportunity to get those younger calves qualified for World Show. We hope to see you there!

Finally, Seniors, it’s time to get working on those scholarship applications. As a reminder, you must be an ETLA member and you must have participated in ETLA shows within the past 2 years. If you have any questions about your eligibility, don’t hesitate to contact Debbie Burkham, Anita Butler or Lana Hightower.
ETLA memberships are a great value at $25 per family or $100 for a lifetime membership. Contact Lana Hightower for an application.
AFFILIATES: Please submit your news to myra@tlbaa.org each month. You may include photos. If you wish for names to be included under photos, please supply those captions. All news and photos need to be submitted by the first of the month prior to publication date. (For example, October news items need to be turned in by September 1st)
Great Plains Texas Longhorn Association
The Great Plains Texas Longhorn Association has come a Looooooong way!
It seems like only yesterday, even though it has now been several years since the beginning. The number of faithful members has been slowly growing and new breeders in the region continue to join the ranks of Longhorn producers.
From the beginning, the mission has been to create a market and promote producers in the Upper Midwest. Members have seen a real increase in their private treaty sales, and membership co-operation has lifted everyone’s boat. A quick review of GPTLA sponsored and supported events reveals an impressive track record. Here is a preview of events in 2023:
• Feb 2 3rd Annual Black Hills Longhorn Sale
• Aug 18 4th Annual Regional Horn Measuring Event
• Aug 19 5th Annual TOP HAND SALE
• Aug 19 3rd Annual Bull Alley
• Aug 19 4th Annual National “Love your Longhorn Day”
• Aug 19 3rd Annual “Points Only” World Qualifying Longhorn Show

• Aug 19 Dinner on site at 6:00 pm
• Aug 20 8th Annual World Qualifying Longhorn Show
• Sept-Oct TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Horn Measuring Event
None of these GPTLA sponsored/supported events would be happening without the participation and co-operation of members. In addition to the events, the group has published an attractive cook book (which is available for purchase).
The discussion at the Feb. 2nd GPTLA meeting will include a proposal to upgrade the group website ( www.GPTLA.com ), to include a marketing “Sale Pen” for members. Watch the web site for new developments!

The October, 2022 meeting included an election of o cers. Current o cers were re-elected for a 2 year term as President: Gordon Howie, President, Scot O’Bryan Vice President and Jodie O’Bryan, Sec/Treas. Additionally, Shawn Tobin was elected to the Board of Directors. Another Board Member will be elected at the Feb. meeting. The o cers will serve as board members, creating a 5 member Board.
The GPTLA membership continues to welcome new member producers. We would LOVE to have you join us! $250 lifetime membership dues or $25.00 annual.
Call us any time! Scot O’Bryan, Vice President, GPTLA (605) 344-2263 or Gordon
We are always happy to help!