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APRIL 29 • TLBNM Rawhide Days, Tucumcari, NM. Contact James Johnson (575)799-8110 or MJJ1971@ME.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Miniatures & Trophy Steers.
MAY 2023
MAY 5-6 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. Contact Teresa Sparger at Teresa_redmccombslonghorns@yahoo.com or (210) 392-5133.
MAY 5-7 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farms, Brenham, TX. Stephen Head (979) 549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Miniatures, & Miniatures.
MAY 12-13 • Midwest Sale & Futurity, Springfield, MO Chase Vasut (512) 917-8654
MAY 12-14 • Trail of Turquoise Longhorn Show, Childress, TX, Kyla Lovejoy (940) 600-7033 or kyla_gail@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Miniatures, Points Only, & Miniatures.
May 26-27 • Hudson-Valentine Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, River Ranch Stockyards. Lorinda Valentine (270) 996-2046 or panthercreekranch@att.net
JUNE 2023
JUNE 14-17 • TLBAA World Expo, Bell County Expo Center, Belton, TX. Pam Robison (817) 635-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org.
JUNE 16 • GLTLA Futurity, United Producers, Manchester, MI. Johnny Hicks (269) 998-8027
JUNE 23 • The Futurity of the West Dundee, OR. Scott Picker (503) 572-5656, Scott@aspencreeklandscaping.com
JUNE 24 • Oregon Trail Sale Dundee, OR. Scott Picker (503) 572-5656, Scott@ aspencreeklandscaping.com
JULY 2023
JUNE 14-15 • Biggest Little Longhorn Sale & Cal-Neva Futurity, Reno LIvestock Event Center Pavillion,Reno, NV. Melissa Boerst (775)560-3767, silversummitranch@gmail.com, www.silversummitranch.com
August 4 • North Star Cheesehead Longhorn Futurity, Gresham, WI. Dan Huntington (715)853-7608 or Ali Mast (715)495-4369
August 5 • Great Northern Longhorn Classic Sale, Gresham, WI. Dan Huntington (715)853-7608 or Ali Mast (715)495-4369
SEPTEMBER 8-9 • East Coast Classic Longhorn Sale, Culpeper, VA. Chase Vasut (512) 917-8654 or Ann Gravett gravett99@yahoo.com
OCTOBER 6-7 • Fred Bryant Sale and Futurity, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, MO. Johnny Hicks (269) 998-8027
OCTOBER 26- NOVEMBER 2 • Mid-American Stock Show, Grand Island Nebraska. Contact office@midamericanstockshow.com or (530)228.3567
April 21-23
• Great Western Trail Days, Goree Expo Center, Coleman, TX. Ashlee Miller (325) 669-2292, slickrockdesigns@gmail.com or Catherine Morris (325) 829-9219 or morriscatran@taylortel.net. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only & Trophy Steers.
APRIL 22 • 45th B&C Spring Sale, Kirksville, MO. Sale auctioneers: Shawn & Bill Sayre. Contact: Shawn (660)734-8782.
April 28-30 • Llano Spring Fling, Kuykendall Arena & Events Center, Llano, TX. Jill Rosales (512) 743-8026 or Kathy Bruner (512) 689-8624. Email: registration@stla.org. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Miniatures and Miniatures.
Affiliates: Please submit a completed show application to pam@tlbaa.org in order to have your TLBAA World Qualifying show listed.
All other events: All other events, sales, field days or other activities may email your information directly to myra@tlbaa.org. No event will be added without a request being made.