1 minute read

Operation Desert Storm


Texas VFW Post 6796, Dallas

Commander Greene presents information on Operation Desert Storm to Post members and the community. One veteran who was part of the Operation was present.

Outstanding! Texas VFW Post 5620, Carthage L-R: Colin Broadus, John Foster, Alfred Wenthe, Jim Kimberly, James Edge, and James McDaniel. Texas VFW Post 12152, Cleburne Members hold a Desert Storm Dinner including readings from “The Liberation of Kuwait: Honoring Veterans of Desert Storm.” Kimberly and Broadus were participants in the conflict.

Texas VFW Post 4458, Caldwell

Glenn Rhodes, Pat Seymour, Franklin Karasek, Donny Frieda, Tommy Miles and David Houck hold a ceremony for Liberation of Kuwait and Operation Desert Strom at the Post.

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