2021 Texas VFW Winter Magazine

Page 10

Recognition of WOMEN in MILITARY SERVICE O C T O B E R 18

Texas VFW Post 2195, Allen Commander Pete Hersom honors “Women in Military Service Day” with a short presentation at the Army National Guard Armory in Wylie, Texas, to members of H Company, 949 FSB.

Texas VFW Post 7873, Pottsboro Texas VFW Post 3892, Harker Heights Comrade Lynda Nash, Life Member and Women’s Veterans Committee Chair, shares the history of female veterans in the United States Military.

The Lake Texoma Post holds a joint program between members and Auxiliary for its Recognition of Women in the Military program. Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, the program was held outside at the entrance to its Post home.

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Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco The women veteran members from the Post celebrate Recognition of Women in the Military by visiting the women’s veteran area of the War Memorial in McAllen, Texas, and read the contributions of past service women including the Women’s Army Corps.


W i n t e r 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e

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