Texas VFW Post 1406, Dallas Commander Reggie Williams, Comrades Kennard Bowen, Percy Green, Jr., Victor Spencer, Richard Batiste, and Henry White, along with over 120 members of the community, participate in a 100th Birthday celebration for Army Specialist Leonard Jackson on October 21, 2020, at the Aya Senior Village Living Facility, Dallas, Texas.
! g n i d n a t Outs
Commander Williams presented Jackson with a U.S. Flag and a framed Veterans of Foreign Wars Certificate for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service in furthering the Aims and Ideals of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America. Specialist Jackson served under the command of General Patton and has no living relatives. The Post adopted him and promised to be there for him in any capacity needed moving forward. VFW Post 1406 says it was a “true honor” to help celebrate Specialist Jackson’s 100 years of life and his service to our great country and to be able to spearhead this special community project.
Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco
After Louisiana was hit severely hard by back to back tropical storms in October 2020, Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco, members stepped up to collect thousands of dollars worth of donations and goods over a two-week period, providing over 200+ hours of work and traveling over 2,000+ miles to Louisiana and back to deliver loads of food, household goods, water, cleaning supplies, masks, sanitizer and bedding.
W i n t e r 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e