Quarterly Snapshot 25 veteran households with 42 dependents assisted with $44,329.89 in direct financial assistance for the first quarter of July – September 2023.
Donor Acknowledgement
For those Posts/Auxiliaries/Districts/Motorcycle Group Units who have donated during this last 2022-2023 program year, we thank you for choosing us to donate your treasure to. We know there are many who seek your assistance, and we are honored and humbled by your support. The following is only a partial list as we do not have unlimited space to thank you all, but know that each one of you is special to us:
VFW Posts 837 880 912 1480 2466 2775 3903 3904 4008 5074 5619 6115 6970 6974 7106 7108 7110 8456 8569 8573 8911 10427 12041
Post Auxiliaries 76 837 912 1806 1820 1836 2059 2438 2494 2772 3278 3542 3894 3903 4006 4008 4146 4372 4458 4692 4709 4815
4816 4818 5400 6115 6119 6382 6441 6873 6974 7108 7110 7523 8248 8273 8551 8785 8790 8878 8905 8925 10351 12024
VFW Districts
District Auxiliaries
1 2 3 9 17
1 4 9 17
Motorcycle Group Units Unit 7 – 6873 Abilene Unit 11 – 6386 Ingleside Unit 30 – 7108 Helotes
Since inception, the Texas VFW Foundation has received over $7 million in grants for the Veterans’ Assistance Program that assisted over 3,300 veteran households, including 4,000 dependent family members and 123 surviving spouses. This assistance has been primarily for basic living needs such as mortgage/rent, utility, vehicle, and auto insurance payments made directly to the veteran’s creditors on their behalf. The average award is $2,032.26 per household. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance awarded $500,000 for the year 2023-2024. This is administered through the Texas Veterans Commission. The funds are used in the Veterans’ Assistance Program. In addition to these funds, we were renewed as Plus 1 Customer Assistance Program Partner with Austin Energy, which grants us $41,020.71 in available credits for our applicants who are also Austin Energy customers and qualify. In addition to the Veterans’ Assistance Program, the Texas VFW Foundation also provided Disaster Assistance, most notably deploying cash for qualifying veterans during Hurricane Harvey. To date, the Disaster Assistance Program has provided over $147,000 to 495 qualifying veteran households during their time of need. The average award is $297.02.
About the Texas VFW Foundation Created in 2002, the Texas VFW Foundation was created by leaders of the Texas VFW to provide solutions to two needs the Texas VFW was unable to do on their own. The first was a place to receive donations from Posts and Auxiliaries and public support that would be guaranteed to be used for Texas veterans. The second was to offer more assistance to Texas veterans than their By-Laws and resources allowed.
Texas VFW Magazine 2023 Fall Edition
Hurricane Harvey devastation
VFW Posts and Auxiliaries make a huge impact in assisting other qualified veterans and families through their donations to the Foundation to expand outside of their local communities.