Texas VFW News | 2009 Fall

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Fall 2009


VFW Celebrates 110th Birthday

Award-W inning Publicati on

Veterans Scratch-Off Ticket to be Unveiled VFW Implements New Service Officer Program


American Flag at Regional Embassy Office in Babil, Iraq


Visit your local SportClips. On Veteran’s Day, November 11th, Sport Clips, Inc. will donate $1 from every haircut service to Operation Uplink.

Proceeds from this promotion will be donated to the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ Operation Uplink.



Veterans Scratch-Off Ticket


New Service Officer Program


On June 19, 2009, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed into law Senate Bill 1655 creating a lottery scratch ticket, the proceeds from which will be placed into the Fund for Veterans Assistance.

In consultation with the Budget and Finance Committee and with the approval of the Council of Administration it was decided that a move would be made to enhance the Service Officer Program within this state.

Community Connections

In the News

4 Commander’s Column 6 Texas VFW on Facebook 10 POW/MIA 11 4th of July Celebrations 12 Honoring the Living & the Dead 13 Branch of Service Decal Offer 14 Flag Day Celebration 15 Memorial Services at Cemeteries 16 Valuable Home Loan Information 18 Texas VFW Membership Form 19 Deployments 20 Get Your Official Texas VFW Gear 21 Texas VFW Accessories 22 Just for Fun! Back Cover POW/MIA Day

Upcoming Events 23 Mid-Winter Convention For information regarding:

Reunions General Orders Taps Seeking District Meetings and other related topics Visit our website www.texasvfw.org


Fall 2009

200 9

VFW Celebrates 110th Birthda


Award-Winning Publication

be Unveiled Veterans Scratch-Off Ticket to Officer Program VFW Implements New Service

Major Jeremy B. (Brent) Bush from Deleon, Texas raises the American Flag over the Regional Embassy Office in Babil, Iraq in honor of the Texas VFW. For over 110 years the VFW has been

American Flag at Regional Embassy Office in Babil, Iraq

we want to hear from you! Please send your comments, suggestions, ideas and Post activities to: Editor P.O. Box 14468 Austin, TX 78761 or by email dan@texasvfw.org

Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials, or photographs are welcomed but cannot be returned unless sender provides SASE. Texas VFW News will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings. Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish all or in part. Please send your comments, suggestions, ideas and Post activities to: Texas VFW, P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Texas 78761 or by email to dan@texasvfw.org Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and are not to be construed as those of the publisher nor as official views of the Texas VFW, the National VFW or any of its agencies, unless otherwise made manifest by writers or spokespersons acting on behalf of the foregoing. Advertising of products and services herein does not imply endorsement or approval of the Texas VFW.

the front lines, in VA Hospitals

Advertising is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services are accurately described. Ads that contain fraudulent, deceptive or misleading statements or illustrations, or in the opinion of the Texas VFW News may be offensive, are not knowingly accepted. If you encounter noncompliance, please tell us.

and in the halls of Congress.

For Information Regarding: Unit reunions, general orders, taps, seeking, District Meetings and other topics please visit www.texasvfw.org.

protecting America’s veterans on Periodicals


The official publication of the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Fall 2009


STATE Commander’s Column

VFW Celebrates 110 years of Service On September 29, 1899 a small group of Spanish-American war veterans banded together to create one voice on behalf of all American veterans. Many of these veterans arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans’ pension for them. They were, in fact, left to care for themselves. In their misery, these veterans formed what would become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. By 1915, membership grew to 5,000; by 1936, membership was almost 200,000. Since then, the VFW’s voice has been instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration, creating a GI Bill for the 20th century, the development of the national cemetery system and the fight for compensation of war related injuries and illnesses. The VFW has led the fight for improving VA medical center services for women veterans. Nationally, the VFW has led the way to the creation of the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II and Women in Military Service memorials. The VFW, in 2005, became the first veterans’ organization to contribute to the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial. Annually, VFW members and its Auxiliary contribute more than 13 million hours of volunteerism in the community. The VFW provides over $2.5 million annually in college scholarships. This year, the VFW Operation Uplink program reached 3 million free phone calls home given to deployed troops. The VFW Unmet Needs program reached $3 million dollars in financial assistance, disbursed to more than 2,000 military families worldwide. The VFW hosted over 259 military support events including welcome home and farewell ceremonies and involved more than 300,000 service members and their families. In Texas, the VFW has a long list of accomplishments. Over $1 million dollars in Military Assistance grants to our service members and their families. Behind the scenes efforts that ensured passage for the lottery scratch ticket with proceeds going to the Fund for Veterans Assistance. The 100% Disabled veterans tax exemption for their homes. Increased funding for the Texas Veterans Commission and support of all bills related to veterans and our large military population. The list is long. Suffice to say that in all areas the VFW and the Texas VFW has been at the forefront for over 110 years. We have accomplished these achievements “BECAUSE WERE PROUD” of our service and know the sacrifices that have been made by veterans to ensure the continuance of this great nation. I want to personally thank each of you for that service and say “thank you” on our 110th birthday. I certainly would be remiss if I and Lynn did not thank each of you who attended our recently completed Commanders Homecoming. A special thanks to my home Post, VFW Post 3892 in Harker Heights and District 14 and all of the volunteers who worked to ensure a successful Homecoming. I truly appreciate the attendance at the event and hope that all had an enjoyable time. As we approach the holiday season, let us remember our veterans in need, those in our VA Hospitals, Nursing Homes and our Homeless Veterans. Let us continue our 110 year history and ensure that no man or woman is left behind. It is I and Lynn’s wish that you and your families enjoy a great holiday and have a most prosperous New Year!

Mike Barber, State Commander


Fall 2009

The Official Publication of the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Texas VFW News (USPS 008-177). Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and additional mailing offices. Subscription price of $6.00 per calendar year for non-members. Free to all members in good standing. Published Quarterly by the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 8503 North IH-35, Austin, Texas 78753 Volume LXIII, Number 2, © October 2009. All rights reserved. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Dept., VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Members Change of Address: Forward address changes to: Data Entry, VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Be sure to furnish your old address, also your Post number, when requesting change to new address. To ensure accuracy, please clip and enclose your present address as printed on a recent copy of the Texas VFW News magazine. Advertisers: Electronic Media Kit available at www.texasvfw.org, or request a printed Media Kit at dan@texasvfw.org.

Roy Grona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Dan West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor www.medianation.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Design DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS....................................(512) 834-8535

2009-2010 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Commander Mike Barber . . . . . . . . . . .3892 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Sr Vice Wayne Depute . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6378 . . . . . . . . 324 Windward Dr., League City, Jr Vice John Spahr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8787 . . . 116 Trail Of The Flowers, Georgetown, Adj/Qm Roy Grona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3377 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Judge Advocate Ken Burton . . . . . . . . 9182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Surgeon Larry Velasquez . . . . . . . . . . . 2397 . . . . . . . 4829 Golden Eye, Corpus Christi, Chaplain Bob Dickerson . . . . . . . . . . . . 2451 . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 341136, San Antonio, Inspector Glen Heady . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9190 . . . . . . . 6620 Summertime Ln., Watauga, Chief Of Staff Ken Mosley . . . . . . . . . . 7767 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1860 Cr 217, Breckenridge, Past Cdr Jerry Murphree . . . . . . . . . . . 3359 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7209 Shipp Road, Rowlett, Council Member Russ Richards . . . . . 4010 . . . . . . . . 6610 Rowell Ct., Missouri City, Asst Adj Dan West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Asst Qm Carlos Sustaita . . . . . . . . . . . 6378 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Deputy Inspector David Bennett . . . . . 4372 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 N. Grant Ave, Odessa, Deputy Inspector John Lozanski . . . . . 5076 . . . . . . . . . . 1215 Cedar Ridge Rd., Heath, Deputy Inspector Robert Lafleur . . . . . 2775 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3528 Whippoorwill, Orange, Deputy Inspector Ray Dudley . . . . . . . 6115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Tahitian Dr., Bastrop, Officer Of The Day Eddie Williams . . 4008 . . . . . . 404 N Hwy 95, Ltl River Academy,


78761 77573 78633 78761 78761 78413 78234 76148 76424 75088 77489 78761 78753 79761 75032 77630 78602 76554

DEPARTMENT VETERANS COUNSELORS Waco – Sandra Covin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15045 . . One Veterans Plaza, 701 Clay St., Waco, TX 76799 Houston – King Beahan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Almeda Road, Houston, TX 77030

2009-2010 DISTRICT COMMANDERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 28 29 30

Joe Hayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9167 . . . . . . . . . . 207 Hwy. 36 S, Caddo Mills, TX 75135 Jesse Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . 8953 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1029, Splendora, TX 77372 Bill Oaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6796 . . . . . . . . 1818 Quail Hill Circle, Garland, TX 75040 Michael Contreras . . . . . . . . . 5619 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7409 Albacore, Houston, TX 77074 Eddie Maycen . . . . . . . . . . . . 3413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Pecanwood S, Kyle, TX 78640 Mike Kuertz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3904 . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Marion Dr., Rockport, TX 78382 Chuck Ratliff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 West 11th St., Post, TX 79356 Keith King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3278 . . . . . . . . . 2406 Belmeade, Brownwood, TX 76801 George Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7782 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1175, Clarendon, TX 79226 Joe Vargas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 10436 Tomwood, El Paso, TX 79925 Steve Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3986 . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Cr 1540, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455 Ron Suggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 617, Center Point, TX 78010 Linnie Mccall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4008 . . . . . . . . . . 375 Mesquite Road, Belton, TX 76573 Rudy Ostovich . . . . . . . . . . . . 4747 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 745, Burkburnett, TX 76354 Glenn James . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8551 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Primrose, Freeport, TX 77541 Lee Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12024 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11521 Fm 1484, Conroe, TX 77303 Arnold Garza . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8788 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 5956, Mcallen, TX 78502 Richard Shawver . . . . . . . . . . 5073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19151 Valley Dr., Flint, TX 75762 Tish Mccullough . . . . . . . . . . 4676 . . . . 5639 Wood Climb St., San Antonio, TX 78233 Jim Lacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5617 . . . . 216 S. Grants Ln., #37, Fort Worth, TX 76108 Carlton Bolting . . . . . . . . . . . 8136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1915 Fm 240, Yorktown, TX 78164 Mel Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5305 Clinton, Odessa, TX 79762 Red Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10427 . . . . . . . . . . . 620 Skyview Ter., Leander, TX 78641 Larry Bethea, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . 8564 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 N. 18th St., Waco, TX 76707 Ed Faught . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3894 . . . 225 N. Falling Leaves Dr., Waxahachie, TX 75167

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veterans cash scratch-off ticket to be Unveiled on Vetera ns Day 2 0 0 9 Fund for Veterans Assistance: The 79th Legislature created the Texas Fund for Veterans Assistance. Unfortunately, no revenue funds were appropriated. On June 19, 2009, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed into law Senate Bill 1655 creating a lottery scratch ticket, the proceeds from which will be placed into the Fund for Veterans Assistance. The ticket will premiere on November 9, 2009. Expected revenue will start in late January 2010, at which time the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) will begin the process of awarding grants to those organizations assisting veterans. On the same date, Governor Perry signed House Bill 4853 as amended to protect the lottery funds from being swept to the general accounts and allowing the transfer of money to the Fund for Veterans Assistance. Additionally, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 1940 which allows Texas State employees to donate to the Fund for Veterans Assistance and provides for a voluntary contribution to the fund when state citizens register their vehicles through a check off box designed for such donation.

VFW celebrates 110th birthday

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Texas VFW Posts 10427 and 9078 combined to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in 18899 by 13 Veterans of the Spanish-American War. Pictured is Steve Hixon of Texas VFW Post 10427 and Rod Keene of Texas VFW Post 9078

Fall 2009


Texas VFW on Face Book

Due to popular demand, Texas VFW

has initiated a new means of communicating news and information, and sharing videos and pictures directly with you. Now, you have the option of receiving all the latest updates from VFW National Headquarters and Texas VFW via Face Book. Video sharing, social networking, and blogging websites are extremely important in today’s fast paced world and make networking easy. It offers us the opportunity to make all of the great things our organization does for service members and veterans readily available to you, while we build relationships with innumerable military supporters along the way. Open to all veterans and supporters of the Texas VFW we encourage you to follow our updates, give us your feedback, and share some information of your own. To be a fan of the Texas VFW Face Book Page simply search for Texas VFW while logged in to your face Book account and click on the Texas VFW icon as pictured here. If you do not have a Face Book account simply go to www.facebook. com and create your own page, its simple and its free.

Veterans Land Board Thanks the Texas VFW A special thanks from the Veterans Land Board to the Texas VFW for their generous donation to the Texas General Land Office Voices of Veterans Program. This donation helped purchase recording equipment to expand the program at the Houston Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offices, allowing more veterans’ oral histories to be recorded in a convenient location and central to the services they are receiving. The Voices of Veterans Oral History Program seeks to record the stories of Texas veterans and archive the transcripts in the Office of Veterans Records for future researchers, historians,


Fall 2009

genealogists and the general public. Every veteran has a story to tell, and this program will ensure these stories of courage and service can inspire Texans for generations to come. Any veteran interested in including his or her story in the Voices of Veterans Program should contact the Veterans Land Board at 1-800 252 8387, or send an e-mail to vlbinfo@glo.state.tx.us. Oral history interviews can be conducted in person at the Veterans Land Board in Austin, at field offices, or by telephone from anywhere in Texas. Interviews usually last from one to two hours.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g


Serving Veterans Since 18

W Offer You?

What Does The Texas VF

Veterans • Camaraderie with fellow and involvement • Community networking • Remembrance programs ay’s service members • Full-time support of tod youth • Programs for families and capitol hill • Full-time watchdog on e isla and at the Texas leg tur ims cla VA • Free representation in ine • An award-winning magaz

Texas VFW is the

Official Sponsor

Stay Connected! Visit

www.texasvfw.org w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

of the Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association. Visit them at

www.pafra.com Fall 2009


Texas VFW Implements New Service Officer Program

Roy J. Grona State Adjutant/Quartermaster

September 1, 2009 marked






Department of Texas Service Officer Program. In consultation with the Budget and Finance Committee and with the approval of the Council of Administration it was decided that this Department would make a move that would enhance the Service Officer Program within this state. Let’s be frank, as the supervisor of Department employees, I had an extremely hard time trying to supervise employees whose duty station was 100 to 150 miles away from this office. Additionally, these employees were restricted to working within VA Regional offices with little chance to interact with members that needed help other than over the phone. Walking in to a VA Regional Office required admission through a security check station and many of our members are not living even remotely close to the two regional offices in Texas. Another factor in our decision was the size of the State of Texas. With limited employees there was no way we were ever going to be able to adequately cover this state. We had to come up with a better system and we believe we have. The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) has an outstanding reputation not only in Texas, but all across this nation. The TVC has been the driving force in Texas that helped us achieve the 100% disabled veteran property tax exemption, the establishment of the Fund for Veterans Assistance and


Fall 2009

the lottery ticket “Veterans Cash.” Their

are available for Post or District

services encompass not only claims

Training. These individuals will prepare

representation and counseling, but

and present all Department training.

also veteran’s employment, training


and education. Texas leads the nation

to emphasize our Post Service Officer

in veteran’s employment thanks to the

program. It is important that our

efforts of the TVC. On September 1,

Post Service Officers are capable and

2009, a Memorandum of Understanding

knowledgeable of the program. Post

(MOU) was signed between the Texas

Commanders need to appoint those

VFW and the TVC. The TVC will furnish

individuals who want the job, not just

the VFW two full time VFW accredited

another name in the book. Appoint

TVC Claims Consultants at the Waco and

those comrades who will take the time

Houston VA Regional Offices to handle

to familiarize themselves with the

VFW member claims representation and

programs, that take the time to visit

counseling. Additionally, across the State

with TVC Claims Consultants, Veterans

the TVC is taking action to ensure that

Employment, Training and Education

every TVC Claims Consultant becomes

Representatives and those comrades who

an accredited VFW Service Officer. This

can come back to your Post and inform

representation gives us access to TVC

the members. They must be able to pass

Claims Consultants located in Amarillo,

on basic information and capable of

Austin, Beaumont, Big Spring, Cedar

referring members to the appropriate

Park, College Station, Conroe, Corpus

office that can process their claims.

Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Hood, Fort

As your Post registers a Service Officer,

Sam Houston, Fort Worth, Galveston,

a VFW Service Officer Guidebook is

Harker Heights, Harlingen, Houston,

mailed to each. Every Post Service Officer



needs to become familiar with that

Lubbock, Lufkin, Marshall, McAllen,

guide. More so, they need to contact the

Midland, San Antonio, Sheppard AFB,

nearest TVC office and become familiar

Temple, Victoria, Waco and Wichita

with the TVC Claims Consultants who

Falls. Certainly, this degree of access

can further the process. A good working

to our members far exceeds the access

relationship with your nearest TVC

to a Service Officer that we have had

Office will go a long way in ensuring

in the past. Additionally, when the

the success of this program. Do not

employment, education and the training

hesitate to contact the two TVC Claims

aspects for veterans is included, we now

Consultants located at our VA Regional

have a broad band of services available

Offices. Their contact info is:

to our members. The agreement also

Waco VA Regional Office: Sandra

provides that TVC Claims Consultants

Covin, Telephone:






(254) 299-9959.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

State Commander Mike Barber Presents Retired General Karen Rankin, Chairperson of the Texas Veterans Commission a check for $50,000.00 officially engaging the TVC and their Claim Consultants to serve the members of the Texas VFW at all TVC locations statewide. Commissioner & Texas VFW Past State Commander Al Cantu looks on.

Email: sandra.covin@tvc.state.tx.us

Houston VA Regional Office: King

Beahan, Telephone: (713) 383-2750. E mail: Kermit.beahan@va.gov

Last year we partially funded over

75 Post and District Service Officers to attend training at the Mid Winter Convention. This year, once again, we

your reservations early. What

will pay each Post or District $150.00 if

will $150.00 pay for? It will pay for one

they send their registered Post/District

nights lodging and leave about $35 for

Service Officer to the training to be

food. Posts are encouraged to provide

conducted on January 30, 2010 from

their Post Service Officer reimbursement

8:00 AM to Noon at the Doubletree

for travel expenses on the road (gas, food,

Hotel in Austin. While there is no

etc). I encourage you to get involved.

registration form, seating will be limited

The Officers of this Department are

and it will be first come, first serve. Room

confident that we now have a system in

reservations can be made by visiting the

place that will benefit Texas veterans.

Department web site www.texasvfw.org

Our training will improve. Our services

and clicking on “Events” and then “Mid

will improve. Our access will improve.

Winter.” Rooms are limited so make

With the help of every Post and District in

this Department, the capabilities of our Post Service Officers will improve. Our commitment




to veterans across this state will not cease and the services will expand to encompass even more programs that aid those that served.

For a complete listing of TVC Offices visit their web site at: www.tvc.state. tx.us and click on “Publications” at the top of the home page and then on “TVC Directory.”

Before you take it off, think how well it fits . . .

The VFW cap represents more than 110 years of history, tradition and veterans services. Easily recognizable, it is worn by those who have gone into harm’s way for America. Membership to the VFW is earned through war time service in the military on foreign soil. Worn by few, yet respected by all, it symbolizes discipline, devotion and patriotism. Continue making history by keeping your cap on and renewing your membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars or upgrade to a life membership. VFW Membership is something to be proud of.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Fall 2009


pow/mia Austin, Texas VFW District 28 conducts POW/ MIA Ceremony at the Texas State Cemetery.

Midland VFW Post 7208 works with local High School ROTC and Cub Scout Pack to honor POW/MIA day.

Paris VFW Post 3990 Dedicates their new POW/ MIA table. Pictured L to R, Max Good, Robert Ogg, David Nichols


Fall 2009

National Sergeant at Arms Lonnie Garza helps raise funds during a POW/ MIA Motorcycle run conducted by Texas VFW Post 12058, Kyle, Texas.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

New Braunfels VFW Post 7110 gathers for group photo after hosting 4th of July celebration in the community.

4th of J uly ts a Odessa VFW Post 4372 Hos te Sta t Pas . 4th y youth Bicycle Rodeo on Jul y. ivit act the s ise erv Commander Danny Henry sup

Breckenridge VFW Po st 7767 conducts 4th of July Celebration

Texas VFW Post 12075, Humble, Texas participates in the Kingwood, Texas 4th of July Parade.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Summer 2009


Honoring the living & the dead Pasadena VFW Post 4395 conduct a flag retirement ceremony as part of their Patriots Day activities. Flour Bluff VFW Post 8932 honors local Fire Fighters and Police Officers

Katy VFW Post 9182 Commander, Peyton Lumpkin recognizes the commitment of local Fire Fighters and Police Officers.

Austin, VFW District 28 conducts a remembrance ceremony for those killed on 9/11 terror attacks by displaying 2, 976 American flags, one for every victim killed. 12

Fall 2009

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Texas VFW Branch of Service Decal Show your Texas VFW Pride with these new member decals designed for outdoor use. Coated with a clear ultra-violet resistant PVC coating it is ideal for long term exposure to the elements. Also ideal for indoor use. 3.75” wide X 4” tall. When ordering please designate: A-Army, M-Marines, N-Navy, AF-Air Force or CG-Coast Guard. Price $3.50 each includes shipping & handling fee.

Recognition Challenge Coin Say thank you to any veteran or to those who support veterans everyday with a Texas VFW Challenge Coin for “Outstanding Service.” Great for recruiting or recognition ceremonies. 1.5 inch diameter, heavy duty antiqued bronze with full color U.S. Flag and American Eagle profile on front and VFW Cross of Malta on back. Price: $5.00 each

Name:_________________________________________________________________Phone#(________)__________________________ Shipping Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________State____________________ Zip___________________________________

Mail this form and your check or money order to:

Texas VFW P.O. Box 14468 Austin, Texas 78761 All proceeds support Veterans and their families in need.

Item Texas VFW Member Decal ($3.50 ea.)

Branch Qty Total


Outstanding Service Challenge Coin ( $5.00 ea.)


Shipping and Handling (If ordering coins) (Texas sales tax included in price)

Order Total

+ $5.00


Conroe VFW Post 4709 Celebrates Flag Day by displaying the “Betsy Ross” flag.


Fall 2009

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Sweeny VFW Post 8551 Honor Guard conducts Memorial Day Services for several local cemeteries.

Wichita Falls VFW Post 8878 Commander Mike Hood works with Post members and supporters in placing American Flags on the graves of service members at the Wichita County Cemetery.

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All State Post Commander All State Post Quartermaster All American Post Commander All American Post Quartermaster All State District Commander All American District Commander National & State Committees National Assistant Inspector General Co-founder Texas VFW Motorcycle Group

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Fall 2009


Valu a ble H om e L o a n I n f o r ma t io n

How Texas Veterans Buy Houses By Chad Bowman The Texas Veterans Land Board (TVLB) offers many benefits to our proud Texas Veterans including a home purchase program known as the Veterans Housing Assistance Program or “VHAP”. The VHAP provides financing up to $325,000 toward the purchase of a home to eligible and qualified Texas veterans. The VHAP cannot be used for refinancing. It can only be used to obtain a purchase money loan (15-yr to 30-yr term) on a property you intend to owner-occupy as your primary residence. There are two big pieces to the puzzle: eligibility and qualification. Eligibility refers to you meeting the requirements of the program based on your residency status, military service, and previous TLVB payment history. Qualification refers to you being able to afford your new mortgage payment and therefore qualify for the loan with a lender who participates in this program.

Let’s start with eligibility. Are you a Texas Veteran? The answer is YES if your “Home of Record” on your DD214 is Texas and you currently reside in Texas OR you have lived in Texas for the last 12 months OR you are currently on active duty in Texas and changed your residency to Texas. The military service requirement is at least 90 days of active duty and anything but a dishonorable discharge. It is also required that you have successfully repaid any previous TVLB loans and are current on any open TVLB loans. Provide a copy of your DD-214 or other discharge papers to your lender to confirm you are eligible. Qualification is the other important piece and is best answered by your lender. The VHAP loan must be originated in conjunction with VA, FHA, or conventional financing and with a TVLB-Participating Lender. It is a matter of analyzing your credit, income, debts, assets, etc. based on the standard requirements for the underlying mortgage program. The vast majority of the time, the VHAP is used with VA financing since you typically get VA financing for 100%

of the sales price (no down payment) and have no mortgage insurance. The best way to confirm you qualify for a VHAP loan is to get pre-approved with a TVLB-Participating Lender. So, you’re eligible and qualified: now what? The whole reason behind using the VHAP program is for potentially below-market interest rates. It is a matter of comparing to other programs at the time you are locking your interest rate. There are, however, two times in particular that this program is especially beneficial. The first is if you have a 30% or greater VA disability rating. If so, you are likely eligible for a full ½ percent discount off of the base rate. The other special situation is for someone currently serving in the National Guard or Reserves. If, after funding your VHAP loan, you receive activation orders for the War on Terror, you MAY BE eligible to have your interest rate reduced to zero during your time of activation, plus one year after you return. Rates are updated after business hours every Friday and posted at www.texasveterans.com. Now you know how Texas Veterans buy their homesteads at potentially below-market interest rates!

Chad Bowman is a proud Marine Corps Veteran, VA Home Loan Specialist, and licensed Texas Mortgage Banker in Austin, Texas. He is a TVLB-Participating Lender who can originate VHAP loans anywhere in the State of Texas.


Fall 2009

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Community connections Katy VFW Post 9182 August 14, 2009 Pictured is George Berg, a WWII Army Veteran and the oldest member of Post 9182, was invited to play a tune on his miniature harmonica for both the audience and the USAF Band of the West and received huge applause.

Texas VFW member Richard Erlich works with Ladies Auxiliary members Michelle Stewart and Holly West of VFW Post 3413 in San Marcos on the Veterans Tutors Program helping connect young veterans in teaching computer skills to disadvantaged kids. Center VFW Post 8904 presents five year old Makel Johnson with his VFW National Lifesaving Award. He alerted his family to a fire that destroyed their entire apartment but all got out safely. The Post also replaced all his school supplies that were burned in the fire. L-R: Chaplain, Jim Johnson; Officer of the Day, Jim Cox; Post Commander, John Piersol; Uncle Sam (Larry Hume); and Post Surgeon, Dr. Robert Hughes. Port Neches VFW Post 4820 and sponsored Boy Scout Troop cleaned and waxed three military monuments. One was a marine WWII, the second statue was a soldier (Vietnam) with a guard dog, and the third statue honoring all women who served in the various branches. Scouts L to R: Greg Youngblood, Alex Hill, Eric Youngblood and Adam Youngblood. VFW Members L to R: Post Commander, Herb Stafford; and Park Chairman, James E. White.

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Fall 2009


Yes, I am a war veteran and want to continue my Legacy of Service to America. Please fill out the VFW Membership Application below and mail in, or sign up online at www.texasvfw.org > About > Membership and follow link.

How VFW Serves America

Lobbying for Veterans & Military Providing Disaster Relief Community Volunteerism Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Funding College Scholarships Phone Cards for Troops City:______________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________ Phone:____________________________ Supporting Youth Groups Emergency Financial Assistance Date of Birth: _____________________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) Supporting Memorials Military Service: p Army p Air Force p Coast Guard p Navy p Marines Assisting Veterans with Earned Entitlements

Name: _________________________________________________Email: _ ________________________________________ First Middle Last (Suffix – Sr., Jr., etc.)

Current Status: I served in:

p Active Duty p Veteran p National Guard/Reserve p Pre-World War II p Korean War 1950-54 p Desert Shield/Storm p Afghanistan 2001 p World War II p Korea 1955 p Bosnia/Kosovo 1995 p Iraq 2003 p WW II Occupation p Vietnam 1958-75 p Global War on Terrorism – Expeditionary 2001 p 1945 – 55 (Europe, Korea, Japan) p Expeditionary Operations 1958 – 2003 (Thailand, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, etc.) p 1945 – 90 (Berlin)

Qualified recipient of: p Imminent Danger/Hostile Fire Pay

p*SSBN Nuclear Deterrent Patrol*

* Period Covered: ______________________________________ (Required for applicants with no other reported qualifying service). I would like to join the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars as a: p Annual Member ($35)

p Life Member*

p Life 12 Mo. Install*

p Life 24 Mo. Install*

($35 Initial payment)

($35 Initial payment)

Life Membership Fee Schedule

Attained age on 12/31

One Time Payment

Through age 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 71 – 80 81 and over

$425.00 $410.00 $375.00 $335.00 $290.00 $225.00 $170.00

Life 12 Month Payment Plan $40.39 $39.02 $35.84 $32.20 $28.11 $22.20 $17.20

Life 24 Month Payment Plan $20.23 $19.58 $18.05 $16.32 $14.36 $11.53 $9.14

Less than .10 ¢ per day!

Installment Payment Plan Terms and Conditions: The VFW Life Membership installment plan allows any VFW member/applicant to purchase a Life Membership by making either 11 or 23 monthly installments after an initial payment of $35.00. The member/applicant will be issued a “Provisional Life” membership card and can elect, upon receipt of first monthly invoice, to pay via check, credit card or ACH Debit. The monthly fee (Shown in the payment schedule above) includes a $1.75 monthly service fee. The applicable Life Membership fee is to be determined from the schedule using the applicants age on December 31 of the installment plan year in which the application is submitted, regardless of actual date of birth. A permanent Life Membership card will be issued upon completion of this agreement. No refund of any portion of current year annual dues will be made. A “Payoff amount” will be printed on each monthly invoice, allowing the member the option to pay in full at anytime during the installment plan, thereby avoiding additional service fees. If the member pays off early, no additional monies will be collected.

I attest by forwarding this application that I am a citizen of the United States, that I qualify for the VFW and that my Campaign Service was honorable, and that I have never been discharged under other than honorable conditions or I am still serving honorably in the armed forces of the United States of America. I further give authority to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to verify my entitlement to membership in the VFW and that if no proof can be found or provided that I am subject to discharge from the VFW without refund. Signature:___________________________________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________ Include membership payment by check or money order (DO NOT SEND CASH) or pay by credit card.

p Mastercard p Visa p Discover p American Express

Credit Card Number:_ ________________________________________________________

Exp. Date: ____ ____/____ ____ $_____________________ Mail to: Texas VFW • P.O. Box 14468 • Austin, Texas 78761

For questions call: (512) 834-8535

Deployments State Jr. Vice Commander John Spahr and members from the Pilot Knob VFW Post 8925 sponsor a pre-deployment send off event with the 321st Military Intelligence Battalion. Presenting a plaque in recognition of the support the VFW has and continues to give is LTC. Harwig.

Sylvia Sanchez, State Women Veterans Chairman, and Tish McCullough, District 20 Commander visit with the female soldiers of Co A, 321st Military Intelligence, U.S. Army Reserve at deployment party given for troops at Post 7108 in Helotes, TX, District 20.

Helotes VFW Post 7108 recently sponsored Company A of the 321st Military Intelligence Bn. They are being deployed to Afghanistan. Event was hosted by Posts 7108, 8936, and 9174 from District 20.

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Fall 2009


Get Your Official “Texas VFW” Gear VFW Emblem & Supply Special Offer

Texas VFW Ball Cap — $16.00 Show your Texas Pride with a our new “Texas VFW” Ball Cap, complete with Texas VFW, Texas flag and your choice of emblem embroidered on the front. Available in White, Red and Blue: one size fits most. Imported.

Navy Polo Shirt with Pocket Texas VFW and your choice of emblem on right chest. 53% Cotton, 47% Microfiber, dri-balance performance material. Imported. VFW Logo Men’s pocket shirt – Stock #7942 VFW Logo Ladies’ no pocket shirt – Stock #7944 Men’s Aux Emblem – Stock #7948 Ladies Aux. Emblem No Pocket Shirt – Stock #7946 S-XL – $33.00 2XL – $34.50 3XL – $36.00 4XL – $38.00

VFW Emblem W7359 – White R7359 – Red B7359 – Blue VFW Ladies Aux. Emblem W7966 – White R7966 – Red B7966 – Blue VFW Men’s Aux. Emblem W7967 – White R7967 – Red B7967 – Blue

Caps & Shirts now available with Ladies and Mens Auxiliary Emblems!

Texas VFW Polo Shirt Texas VFW Polo Shirt. What better way to show of your Texas attitude than with a “Texas VFW” shirt. Made of 100% cotton knit with “Texas VFW” and your choice of emblem embroidered on left chest. Customized buttons with the five point Texas Star with Texas spelled out reminiscent of the first Texas flag known as the “Bonnie Blue” flag. Patriotic collar and sleeve cuffs with the Texas Flag image on left sleeve. Imported. VFW Emblem – Stock #7360 VFW Emblem Ladies Style – Stock #7361 Men’s Aux Emblem – Stock #7949 Ladies Aux Emblem & Style Shirt – Stock #7947 Price $35.00 for S-XL; 2XL Add $2.50; 3XL Add $4.50; 4XL Add $5.50. For custom embroidery options you can may up to 2 lines of text on the right chest for an additional $5.00.

The overseas cap was first issued to front line soldiers in World War I and is America’s first military decoration denoting war time service in harms way.

M6251 Light Weight Members Cap, Gold Piping M6251 Uniform Caps & Accessories Price: $32.45 Light weight style overseas cap with the Cross of Malta Emblem, letters VFW above the Post number and state name. Additional lettering is available at .88 per letter or numeral. No reduction in price if state name is abbreviated. STATE AND POST NUMBER TO BE ON CAP. SIZE 8 AND LARGER ADD $5.00. FORT KNOX STYLE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CAP MAY BE LETTERED WITH THE WORDS “VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS” ADD $2.55 for life member patch OR the words “LIFE MEMBER” can be embroidered on cap. Green, light weight, shade 51 Allow 8 weeks for manufacture except during April, May, June, & July. During these months allow 10 weeks.

table cover 100% Polyester digitally printed table cover. Three-sided, with 10” drop on back side. Machine washable, dry on low heat, flame retardant. Standard template (as pictured): VFW Logo in the center, one line of lettering above and one line of lettering below. Colors: Royal Blue, Red, Green, White. Stock #: 3485 – 6' Table Cover $160.00 3486 – 8' Table Cover $200.00

ALUMINUM LIFE MEMBER CARD Back by popular request. For VFW Life Members only. Same weight and art work as the cards from the past. Personal and Post information must be engraved, rather than stamped and is included in the price of the card. Caution: these cards can set off metal detection alarms. Be sure to include your name, Life Membership number and your VFW Post number. Life Membership will be verified prior to production of this card. Stock #: 1988


Prices good through 8-31-10

Cross of Malta enameled in full color. “LIFE MEMBER” in laid in Red enamel. Stock #: 0421 — Gold Filled


Just f o r Military Truisms • “Aim towards the Enemy.” [Instruction printed on US rocket launcher] • When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend. [From a US Field Manual] • Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit the ground. • Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons. • Don’t ever be the first, don’t ever be the last, and don’t ever volunteer to do anything. • If your attack is going too well, you are walking into an ambush. • If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn’t plan your mission properly. • Don’t draw fire; it irritates the people around you. • No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection. • Any ship can be a minesweeper . . . once. • If the enemy is in range, so are you. • Tracers work both ways. • Friendly fire isn’t.


Fall 2009


• Five second fuses only last three seconds. • Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are. • The problem with taking the easy way out is that the enemy has already mined it. • Incoming fire has the right of way. • The quartermaster has only two sizes: too large and too small. • If you can see the enemy, he can see you. • And never tell your Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.

Experience Wanted Shortly after joing the Army, I was in line with some other inductees when the sergeant stepped forward with that day’s assignments. He handed several tasks out and then asked, “Does anyone here have experience with radio communications?” A longtime ham radio operator, I shouted, “I do!” “Good,” he said. “You can dig the hole for the new telephone pole.”

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Leander VFW Post 10427 conducts a POW/MIA recognition ceremony at the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas on POW/MIA Day September 18, 2009.

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