Texas VFW News | 2009 Spring

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Spring 2009

Texas State Commanders Spring Ride Military Unit Adoption 89th Annual State Convention Information

Texas Legislators Establish Veterans Caucus



Award-W inning Publicatio n



The Citizen-Soldiers of the Texas National Guard salute Texas’ Veterans of Foreign Wars. NATIONALGUARD.com



Texas VFW Scout of the Year


Veterans Legislative Caucus

Texas VFW announces its Scout of the Year, Justin Brundin of Martindale, Texas selected from over 25 entries.

Texas legislators who have served in uniform from World War II to Iraq/ Afghanistan now serving at the State Capitol.


Post’s Adopt-a-Unit Post 8541, San Antonio and Post 8790, Houston adopt units of the Texas Army National Guard.

In the News

4 Commander’s Column 6 Texas VFW Supports Rodeo 10 POW/MIA 11 VA Loan Information 13 Enriching the Lives of Students 14 In the Community 16 State Commanders Spring Ride 18 Texas Airmen Provide Show of Force 19 Texas VFW Foundation 22 Just for Fun! Back Cover Veterans Memorial

Upcoming Events 7 Officers Training Seminar 23 State Convention For information regarding:

Reunions General Orders Taps Seeking District Meetings and other related topics Visit our website www.texasvfw.org


Spring 2009

Texas State Commanders Spring


Military Unit Adoption 89th Annual State Convention


Texas Legislators Establish Veterans Caucus


The Texas State Capitol this year has been a busy place for veterans and veteran related legislative issues. From property tax relief for 100% disabled veterans to the funding of a state Veterans Assistance Fund to help all Texas veterans the Texas VFW Legislative Committee has been busy educating our elected officials on the selfless service of Texas veterans and their families to America and Texas.” Photo by Dan West

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The official publication of the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars

we want to hear from you! Please send your comments, suggestions, ideas and Post activities to: Editor P.O. Box 14468 Austin, TX 78761 or by email dan@texasvfw.org

Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials, or photographs are welcomed but cannot be returned unless sender provides SASE. Texas VFW News will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings. Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish all or in part. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and are not to be construed as those of the publisher nor as official views of the Texas VFW, the National VFW or any of its agencies, unless otherwise made manifest by writers or spokespersons acting on behalf of the foregoing. Advertising of products and services herein does not imply endorsement or approval of the Texas VFW. Advertising is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services are accurately described. Ads that contain fraudulent, deceptive or misleading statements or illustrations, or in the opinion of the Texas VFW News may be offensive, are not knowingly accepted. If you encounter noncompliance, please tell us.

Spring 2009


STATE Commander’s Column For the Good of the Organization Jerry Murphree, State Commander As we enter the final 45 days of my tenure as the State Commander, the wheels of the State Legislative process continue to turn. I would like to report to you favorable success with veteran related issues here in Texas, but at this time many of the bills written to enhance veteran programs are not yet out of committee or have not been scheduled for vote. The Coalition of Texas Veterans Organizations (CTVO) continues to try to exert the influence of 400,000 Texas veterans on those bills that were prioritized at the start of the legislative session. The establishment of a lottery ticket to fund the Texas Veterans Assistance Fund SB 421 and HB 1299) is in the Calendars Committee awaiting its’ chance to be voted on by the House. The property tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans (HB 742 and SB 469) has passed favorably on the House side and is awaiting action on the Senate side. We need every member to contact their State Representative and State Senator and ask that these bills be forwarded for a full vote. Each of these bills carries great significance for veterans. It should come as no surprise that donations across the country are down. With a state assistance fund, grants will be made to those organizations, including the VFW, that provide services to our veterans. This is not an insignificant amount. In the last three years, the Texas VFW has provided over $1 million in grants to our veterans. The property tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans will provide a large measure of relief to Texas veterans who have given so much for us. So, please, become active and let our law makers know that we support these issues. Time is running out on this session and if we cannot effect the changes now, then we must wait another two years to try again. This has been a year of change. The National Commander in Chief, Glen M. Gardner, Jr., set out to try and redirect our priorities back to what this organization was chartered for. It has been a tough year. Many Posts have closed their doors. Many others have come to the realization that in order to continue to operate, we must change our ways. I believe that the changes made this year were for the good of the organization. That is the bottom line. Ask yourself “What is good for the organization?” If that is your primary focus, then I believe we will be successful in the future. The next few years will bring many changes to the VFW. As our membership rolls continue to diminish, the resultant loss of income will demand that many changes to the way we operate at the state level be made. These will not be easy to do as we in Texas, have certainly benefitted over the years by our large membership. We must prepare for these changes now and make the necessary sacrifices at all levels to ensure our viability in the future. I have complete faith that our leadership in the coming years will do what is right for the “good of the organization”. I would be remiss if I did not thank each and every one of you for the courtesies extended to Pat and myself over the past three years. We traveled far but always felt as if we were at home in our visits. Thanks to the Department Headquarters and our staff as they consistently work more than a forty hour week. Most weekends, the staff is working VFW programs. Most of the leadership knows that many of their e mails are answered at 9:00 or 10:00 PM at night. Each and every day brings new challenges to the Department Headquarters and our staff there truly works for the “good of the organization”. Thanks to my team, State SVC Mike Barber, State JVC Wayne Depute and to Past State Commander Al Cantu. Thanks to the State Adjutant/Quartermaster Roy Grona, whose counsel was invaluable to me and whose availability was 24 hours a day. Most of all, thanks to our members for the laughs, the fun and yes, even the hard times. Continue to serve and most of all, lets continue to work for the “the good of the organization”. n


Spring 2009

The Official Publication of the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Texas VFW News (USPS 008-177) Spring 2009 Issue. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and additional mailing offices. Subscription price of $6.00 per calendar year for non-members. Free to all members in good standing. Published Quarterly by the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 8503 North IH-35, Austin, Texas 78753 Volume LXII, Number 4, © May 2009. All rights reserved. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Dept., VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Members Change of Address: Forward address changes to: Data Entry, VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Be sure to furnish your old address, also your Post number, when requesting change to new address. To ensure accuracy, please clip and enclose your present address as printed on a recent copy of the Texas VFW News magazine. Advertisers: Electronic Media Kit available at www.texasvfw.org, or request a printed Media Kit at dan@texasvfw.org.

Roy Grona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Dan West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Editor www.medianation.net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Design DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS....................................(512) 834-8535

2008-2009 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Cdr Jerry Murphree . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3359 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Sr Vice Mike Barber . . . . . . . . . . . . 3892 . . . 1169 Shine Lane, Harker Heights, Jr Vice Wayne Depute . . . . . . . . . . . 6378 . . . 324 Windward Drive, League City, Adj/Qm Roy Grona . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3377 . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Asst Adj Dan West . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3413 . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Asst Qm Carlos Sustaita . . . . . . . . . 6378 . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 14468, Austin, C Of S Richard King . . . . . . . . . . . . 8790 . . . . . . . . . . . 8936 Padfield, Houston, Judge Advocate Ken Burton . . . . . . 9182 . . . . . . . . . . . .P.O. Box 14468, Austin, Surgeon Larry Velasquez . . . . . . . . 2397 . . . . 4829 Golden Eye, Corpus Christi, Chaplain Robert Dickerson . . . . . . . 2451 . . . . . . P.O. Box 341136, San Antonio, Inspector Ray Dudley . . . . . . . . . . . 6115 . . . . . . . . . . 463 Tahitian Dr., Bastrop, Council Member Russ Richards . . . 4010 . . . . . .6610 Rowell Ct., Missouri City, Immed Past Cmdr Al Cantu . . . . . . 2397 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 14468, Austin,


78753 76548 77573 78753 78753 78753 77055 78753 78413 78234 78602 77489 78753

DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICERS Mel Glidewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6008 . . . One Veterans Plaza, 701 Clay St., Waco 76799 Donald D. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4443 . . . . . . . . . . . 6900 Almeda Road, Houston 77030

2008-2009 DISTRICT COMMANDERS 1 John Owen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Ironwood Dr., Allen, TX 75002 2 Robert Lafleur . . . . . . . . . . . . 2775 . . . . . . . . . . 3528 Whippoorwill, Orange, TX 77630 3 John F. Lozanski . . . . . . . . . . 5076 . . . . . . . . . 1215 Cedar Ridge Rd., Heath, TX 75032 4 Noble J. Alix, Sr. . . . . . . . . . . 8930 . . . 140 Black Walnut Dr., Houston, TX 77015-1757 5 Tom Kilpatrick . . . . . . . . . . . . 8800 . . . . . . . . . 257 Shayla Ln., Canyon Lake, TX 78133 6 Francisco Gonzales, Jr. . . . . . 9170 . . . . . . . . . 1102 E. Hutchinson, Beeville, TX 78102 7 Charles Ratliff . . . . . . . . . . . . 6797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 West 11th St., Post, TX 79356 8 Ken Mosley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7767 . . . . . . . . . . 1860 Cr 217, Breckenridge, TX 76424 9 Clayton Hoffman . . . . . . . . . . . 430 . . . . . . . . . 2001 Two Deer Trl., Amarillo, TX 79124 10 Joel R. Cool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 6221, El Paso, TX 79906 12 Terry Rowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8560 . . . . . . . 523 Plano St., Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 13 Ron Suggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480 . . . . . . . . . . . 209 First St., Center Point, TX 78010 14 Charles S. Duncan . . . . . . . . . 3892 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 23, Nolanville, TX 76559 15 James L. Mansfield . . . . . . . . 8878 . . . . . . 11 Lackland Circle, Wichita Falls, TX 76306 16 Bruce E. Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . 7109 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1833 Max Road, PearlandTX 77581 17 Norm Brawner . . . . . . . . . . . 12024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 1650, Willis, TX 77378 18 Luis Lucio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2035 . . . . . . . . . . 865 John Ave., Brownsville, TX 78521 19 Richard Shawver . . . . . . . . . . 5073 . . . . . . . . . . . . 19151 Valley Drive, Flint, TX 75762 20 Lewis E. Gravelin . . . . . . . . . . 8541 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 423, Converse, TX 78109 21 Glenn Heady . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9190 . . . . . . 6620 Summertime Ln., Watauga, TX 76148 24 Herman Sturm . . . . . . . . . . . . 4146 . . . . . . . . . . . 7932a Lmv Road, Victoria, TX 77905 25 Melvin Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . 4372 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5305 Clinton, Odessa, TX 79762 28 James J. Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . 8787 . . . 2107 Aaron Ross Way, Round Rock, TX 78665 29 Larry Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . 8571 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 2466, Whitney, TX 76692 30 Harry Fontenot . . . . . . . . . . . 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1607 Vzcr 4517, Van, TX 75790

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veterans around texas

Texas Teacher Receives National VFW Award Texas VFW Scout of the Year Justin Brundin of Martindale, Texas has been selected as the Texas VFW Scout of the Year for 2008-2009. Justin is an Eagle Scout from Troop 215 and was selected from over twenty five entries this year. Justin is Sponsored by VFW Post 3413 San Marcos, Texas and was selected because of his work in sponsoring a Blood drive for wounded veterans as his Eagle project. He developed a theme and marketing strategy for the blood drives, solicited donations and spoke to numerous community groups. After receiving his Eagle Scout Rank he sponsored a second and third set of blood drives. His efforts have had a impact well beyond his community and state as his efforts in raising over 140 units of blood have literally saved the lives of hundreds of combat wounded soldiers on the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The national headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) announced that Brenda Beaven, a seventh grade Texas History teacher at Montgomery Junior High School in Montgomery, Texas, as one of three teachers who are this year’s recipients of the VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award. Ms. Beaven was selected from thousands of entries submitted by VFW Posts across the United States and overseas. VFW Post 4709 and its Auxiliary in Conroe sponsored Ms. Beaven.

100 Years and Counting VFW Life Member of Post 2933 in dripping Springs, Texas celebrated is 100th birthday on Feb. 25, 2009. Comrade Bradley Davis served with the U.S. Army Air Corps in Europe during World War II.

Community Mourns Loss of WWII Veteran Past State Commander Earnest G. “Ernie” Mudd of John B. Sprague VFW Post 8541 passed away April 29, 2009. Mudd, an Army veteran, served in Africa and Italy during WWII and in in the Korean war. During his military service, he earned the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, WWII Victory Medal, and the Korean Service Medal. He served as the Texas VFW State Commander for 1985-86 and as the National Council Member for Texas in 1988-90.

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Spring 2009


Bill Hogue, President PAFRA

texas vfw supports armed forces rodeo Texas VFW has become the Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association’s (PAFRA) first “Title Sponsor” since PAFRA’s inception. PAFRA President, Bill Hogue, and TEXAS VFW representative, Dan West, worked diligently to insure the sponsorship came to fruition. Bill Hogue contacted Dan West in January and in February the deal was sealed. The Title Sponsorship is a $7,500 tax-deductible donation to PAFRA. “This is the first time we have had a title sponsor and we are extremely excited about the partnership. Texas VFW was the first one to jump on board and support our troops and veterans.” “I can’t tell you the volume it speaks for the Texas VFW. Actions always speak louder than words and the Texas VFW has acted. Hopefully other businesses and organizations will follow suit and support our troops and veterans. Freedom is not free and our troops, veterans, and their families continue to pay the price everyday to insure our freedoms and assist those who are oppressed to become free.” “How fitting this endeavor is because PAFRA holds it’s World Finals Rodeo over Veteran’s Day weekend in the Cowtown Coliseum, Ft. Worth, TX every year.” “Now to have the Texas VFW sponsor PAFRA is like it has all come full circle,” states Bill Hogue. n

“Hopefully other businesses and organizations will follow suit and support our troops and veterans.”


Spring 2009

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19 t h A n n ua l

Topics Covered

who should attend

H Service Officer Training H Post Commanders & Officers Htopics Conductingcovered a Meeting H District & Post Quartermasters Officer training HService Commanders Responsibilities H District & Post Trustees Conducting a Meeting HCommanders Adjutant/Quartermaster H Elected & Appointed Post Officers Responsibilities Duties HAdjutant/Quartermaster Trustee’s ObligationsDuties H District & Post Committee Members Trusteeís Obligations who should HMembership Membership Recruiting Recruiting H Anyattend VFW member wanting to know Post Commanders & Officers Operating Procedures HVFW VFWStandard Standard Operating Procedures more about the VFW District & Post Quartermasters VFW Programs & Awards District & Post Trusteeís Publicity and more... HPost VFW Programs & Awards Send completed Registration Forms and Checks to: Elected & Appointed Post Officers H Post Publicity Texas VFW P.O.Committee Box 14468 •Members Austin, TX 78761 District & •Post Any VFW member wanting to know Make checks payable to Texas VFW more and more . . . about the VFW.

• Beginning with arrival and check-in on Thursday, July 30, 2009 the 19th Annual Officer Training Beginning with arrival and check-in on Thursday, July 30, 2009 the 19th annual Officer Seminar willSeminar be conducted the Doubletree North in Austin, Texas. Training will beatconducted at theHotel Doubletree Hotel North in Austin, Texas. phases of VFW and District operations be discussed this seminar • AllAll phases of VFW PostPost and District operations will bewill discussed during during this seminar includingin-new cluding new program initiatives and By-Law changes that affect every VFW Post statewide. program initiatives and By-Law changes that affect every VFW Post statewide. All Participants must be registered to attend and seminars start at 7:00 am and end at 5:00

• Allpm Participants be registered to attend and seminars start at 7:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. Friday & must Saturday. Friday and Saturday. Attendance is limited to the first 300 registrants.

• Attendance is limited towith the the firsthotel 300 registrants. We have negotiated a special room rate of $80.00 per night + taxes & fees. canthe be hotel madeaby: • WeHotel haveReservations negotiated with special room rate of $80.00 per night + taxes & fees.

Phone: 800-347-0330 use group name - VFW or Veterans of Foreign Wars Online: www.austin.doubletree.com use code - VFJ • Hotel reservations can be made by: Phone: 800-347-0330 use group name “VFW or Veterans of

Foreign Wars” – Online: www.austin.doubletree.com use code-VFJ

$75.00 $75.00 Registration Fee Registration Fee.

2009 Registration form 19th Annual Officer Training Seminar - 2009 Limited to- Limited the first 300300 only Registration Information to the first only.

Pre-register andRegistration save! Pre-register and save!

Your 2009 Title: _______________________________________ Post #: _________ Dist #: _____ Your 2009 Title:__________________________________Post#:_________Dist#:_ ___________ includes program workbook, morning • Registration includes program workbook, Name: __________________________________________________________________________ coffee and lunch for Friday & SaturName:_ ____________________________________________________________________________ morning coffee and lunch for Friday & day classes. Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Saturday classes. Cut off date for refunds is July 10, 2009. Hotel reservations must be Address:___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ______________________ • Cut off date for refunds is July 10, 2009. City: made through the hotel.

• HotelRegistration reservations be$125.00 made through Phone #: (____________) __________________________________________________________ at must door is if City:_________________________________State:__________Zip:_ ______________________ space available. the hotel. • Registration at door is $125.00 if space available.

Phone#:(_______)_ _________________________________________________________________

tex as legisl ators estab During the current 80th State Legislature, members with prior military service were determined to establish a veterans caucus. The purpose of the caucus is “to study, develop and promote legislation designed to improve the quality of life for veterans in the State of Texas in the areas of benefits, employment, education, economics, training and health”. All members of the Texas State Legislature shall be eligible to become members of the Texas Veterans Caucus. Representative Joe Farias, District 118, San Antonio and a Vietnam veteran, is serving as the Chair of the Caucus. The original caucus members included many staff members who have had prior military service.


Representative Allen Vaught, District 107, served 8 years in the U.S. Army with combat service in Iraq 2003-2004 where he survived an IED blast on the vehicle he was in.

Representative Jerry Madden, District 67, is a West Point graduate and served 6 years in the Army with one year of service in Vietnam.

Representative Leo Berman, Representative Delwin Jones, District 6, A retired Lieutenant District 83, served in the Air Colonel served 22 years in the Force during WWII from 1942-45. Army with 2 years combat service in Vietnam earning 3 Bronze Star Medals & 9 Air Medals.

Representative Jim McReynolds, District 12 served in the Marine Reserves from 1962-68 as a Sergeant.

Representative Frank Corte, District 122, has served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve from 1982 to present as a Colonel with service in the Anbar Province in Iraq in 2006.

Representative Joe Farias, District 118, served in the Army in 1968 and served three years in Vietnam and Berlin, Germany

Representative Dan Flynn, District 2, served in the Army National Guard from 1962-68 and presently serves as a Lt. Commander with the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment.

Representative Jim Aycock, District 54, served in the Army from 1970-72 as a Captain.

Representative Joe Deshotel, District 22, served in the Air Force Reserve as a Technical Sergeant.

Representative Carl Isett, District 84, served as a Commander in the United States Naval Reserve for 17 years with service in Kuwait and Iraq.

Representative Wayne Smith, District 128, served in the Army from 1968-70 as a Corporal in Vietnam.

Spring 2009

lish a veterans caucus Texas VFW is proud to introduce the legislative members of the caucus and highlight their service to our country.

Representative Kino Flores, District 36, served in 3 years in the Army

Representative John Otto, District 18, served 8 years in the Army as a Captain.

Representative Warren Chisum, District 88, served in the Army national Guard from 1957-65 as a Corporal.

Senator Jeff Wentworth, District 25, served in the Army from 1962-65 as a 1st. Lieutenant.

Senator Steve Ogden, District 5, served 9 years a officer in the Navy submarine fleet

Senator Juan Hinojosa, District 20, served in the Marines from 1966—68 as Squad Leader in Vietnam

Senator Carlos Uresti, District 19, served in the Marine Reserve as a Captain.

Representative Rob Eissler, District 15, served in the Navy as a carrier Based Fighter Pilot on the U.S.S. John Kennedy.

Representative Joe Crabb, District 127, served in the Navy Reserve as a Commander in the JAG Corps.

Representative Edmund Kuempal, District 44, served as Sergeant First Class in the U.S. Army.

Representative Charles “Doc” Anderson, District 56, served as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Spring 2009


pow/mia SOLDIER MISSING IN ACTION FROM THE KOREAN WAR IS IDENTIFIED — Feb. 17, 2009 He is Sgt. Stanley E. Baylor, U.S. Army, of Webster, N.Y. His funeral will be held on Aug. 1 in Warsaw, N.Y. Representatives from the Army’s Mortuary Office met with Baylor’s next-of-kin to explain the recovery and identification process, and to coordinate interment with military honors on behalf of the Secretary of the Army. Baylor was assigned to Company L, 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. On Nov. 1, 1950, the 8th Cavalry was occupying a defensive position near Unsan, North Korea in an area known as the “Camel’s Head,” when elements of two Chinese Communist Forces divisions struck the 1st Cavalry Division’s lines, collapsing the perimeter and forcing a withdrawal. The 3rd Battalion was surrounded and effectively ceased to exist as a fighting unit. Baylor was reported missing on Nov. 2, 1950 and was one of the more than 350 servicemen unaccountedfor from the battle at Unsan. Between 1991-94, North Korea gave the U.S. 208 boxes of remains believed to contain the remains of 200-400 U.S. servicemen. Accompanying North Korean documents indicated that some of the remains were exhumed near Chonsung-Ri, Unsan County. This location correlates with Baylor’s last known location. Among other forensic identification tools and circumstantial evidence, scientists from the Joint POW/ MIA Accounting Command and the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory also used mitochondrial DNA and dental comparisons in the identification of Baylor’s remains, which were turned over in 1993. n


Spring 2009

AIRMAN MISSING IN ACTION FROM THE VIETNAM WAR IS IDENTIFIED — April 1, 2009 The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a U.S. airman, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors. He is Lt. Col. Earl P. Hopper, Jr., U.S. Air Force, of Phoenix, Ariz. He was buried on April 3 at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix. On January 10, 1968, Hopper and Capt. Keith Hall were flying an F-4D Phantom near Hanoi, North Vietnam, as part of a four-ship MiG combat air patrol. Before they reached the target, an enemy surface-toair missile exploded slightly below their aircraft. Hall radioed that he and Hopper were ejecting. He told Hopper to eject, but when he heard no response, he repeated “Earl get out!” Hopper replied, “I’ve pulled on it and it [the ejection seat] did not go,” followed by “you go!” Hall then pulled on his primary ejection handle but it failed to initiate, forcing him to use the alternate. Hall was captured and held as a prisoner of war until 1973, but Hopper was unable to get out of the aircraft. Between 1993-1998, the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) conducted three joint investigations and five excavations at the crash site in Son La Province, west of Hanoi. The team interviewed four informants who had knowledge of the site. The excavations recovered numerous skeletal fragments and crew-related items which were ultimately used in the forensic identification process. Among other forensic tools and circumstantial evidence, scientists used extensive dental comparisons in the identification of the remains. For additional information on the Defense Department’s mission to account for missing Americans, visit the DPMO web site at www.dtic.mil/dpmo or call (703) 699-1169 or (703) 699-1420. n

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valuable va loan information Refinancing Your VA Loan? By Chad Bowman

With interest rates on VA home loans as low as the lakes in Texas, you can bet a lot of folks are asking about refinancing their homes. Why not, when you can quickly and easily reduce your interest rate and monthly payment using the VA “Streamline” Program with no out-of-pocket expenses? Consider the benefits and basic requirements outlined below. What makes this a “streamline” program is that the lender will generally not require an appraisal (saving you $350), a full credit report (only mortgage history and scores), or even ask you for income, asset, or debt information. Employment is not reported or verified. “Upside down” on your VA mortgage? No problem -- you can still use this program. It can even be used for veterans who have moved out of their VA-financed homes, but own them as rental properties. The major benefit to this program, besides the streamlined nature, is that you do not incur any outof-pocket expenses. Depending on the timing of your loan closing, you may be able to “skip” one, or even two,

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mortgage payments. (The term “skipped” is used loosely here, as those payments are accounted for in your payoff and your new loan balance, but nevertheless, those payments stay in your pocket.) Also, once your current VA loan has been paid in full, you will be refunded the balance of your escrow account to use for cash reserves or to pay off higher cost debts. The most important benefit is a lower, fixed interest rate to reduce your monthly housing costs for the life of your VA loan. There are basic minimum qualifications to use the VA Streamline Refinance Program. For starters, your current loan must be a VA loan. No past due mortgage balances or late mortgage payments are allowed in the last twelve months with case-by-case exceptions. There are also exceptions for the minimum credit score, but 620 is generally the new target on VA. You also cannot get any cash back at closing and the savings on your new VA loan must meet minimum thresholds. As always, other qualifications may apply. There are obviously real costs involved in refinancing your VA loan, but those costs are offset by the amount of money you save every month. The basic formula is to calculate how many months it will take you to recoup the cost of your refinance. Generally, if you plan to own your home at least that long, then refinancing is to your benefit. Be sure to subtract your “skipped” payments and your escrow refund, as those are real dollars you keep in your pocket as a result of refinancing. Any experienced VA Home Loan Specialist will be happy to run this analysis for you. Chad Bowman is a proud Marine Corps Veteran, VA Home Loan Specialist, and licensed Texas Mortgage Banker in Austin, Texas. n

Spring 2009


posts support troops by adopting military units

Soldiers of the 201st Military Intelligence Battalion and their families serve themselves food prepared for them by the Samoan Church Women’s Association at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8541. The VFW post and the City of Fair Oaks Ranch “adopted” the battalion prior to its 15-month deployment in Iraq beginning in September 2007. The recent “luau” was the latest way the two entities have shown their appreciation for the battalion, which returned last December. On this occasion, the battalion also saluted the post and the city for their support of the unit and its families during the last two years. (U.S. Army photo by Gregory Ripps)

72nd IBCT commander Col. Campsey addresses the members of VFW Post 8790 after the post officially adopted the Brigade. Texas Army National Guard photo by Capt. Adam Collett

72nd IBCT commander Col. Mark Campsey presents certificates of appreciation to VFW Post 8790 junior vice commander Keith Hall during a ceremony recognizing the adoption of the Houston-based National Guard unit by the post. Mr. Hall was recognized for his coordination of a December 2008 gift basket campaign benefiting Brigade families. Texas Army National Guard photo by Capt. Adam Collett.


Spring 2009

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veterans enriching lives of students

VFW Post 4695 matched Come Read with Me School for mentally challenged adults with Stetson Troop serving in Iraq. Stetson Troop was given custom Christmas cards that the students made on the computer. When one of the men, WO2 David Lance (VFW Life Member) came home, he visited the school in Euless, TEXAS to present them with a Mission Flag. Then he invited them all to Ft. Hood for a tour, lunch in the mess hall, and a peek inside his helicopter — plus each student was presented with a t-shirt that the men all chipped in to buy for the students. All the men who had received cards for Christmas helped out with the tour and answered questions. The owner of the school called the field trip “life altering.” Twelve soldiers used their day off to host the students.

VFW Members (L to R) Walter Caviness, Don McWhorter, Mike Lira and Charles Clark from VFW Post 6794, Brownfield, Texas pay a visit to Dawson Middle School in Welch, Texas for a living history project.

VFW Member Charles Parker and Charles McClellan from Tomball VFW Post 2427 conduct the opening ceremonies for the Magnolia High School Special Olympics on March 12, 2009.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Spring 2009


veterans in the community

VFW Post 8587, Georgetown, “Officer of the Day” Vic Pearson distributes Buddy Poppies in the community.

VFW Post 1480 Commander O.L. Hartmann, Kerrville TX receives plaque of gratitude, for the second year, from Post member Robert Darnstaedt USMC (RET). Post 1480 has donated time and money to Hill Country Youth Ranch in Ingram, TX. The boys at the Ranch wanted to show their appreciation — especially to the officer’s pictured — Mike Tivy, Quarter Master, Terry Harp, JR Vice and for the extra effort from Senior Vice Tom Prout.

VFW Post 2150, McKinney, Texas member LeniMark Williams, Purple Heart veteran of WWI I, Korea, and Vietnam at the Market Street Store in McKinney Texas on Veterans Day, 2008.

VFW Post 1514 Village Mills dedicates the Lt. Col. Amy McConnell United States Army Nurses Corp (Ret) Military Museum located at the Post home on April 2009.

From left to right: Hardin County Judge Billy Caraway, Hardin County Sheriff Ed Cain, 88th District Judge Earl Stover, III. Post 1514 Commander Richard Moore, VFW District 2 Commander Robert LaFleur, VFW District 2 Community Services Chairman Charles Atwood, Tyler County Sheriff David Hennigan, Post 1514 Jr. Vice Commander/Officer of the day Sheldon Meaux, Post 1514 Quartermaster/Adjutant Ray Pender, VFW Texas Department Chief of Staff Richard King. 14

Spring 2009

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

National VFW Emblem & Supply will be at the State Convention to help assist you with supplies and materials for the new VFW year. Stop by and visit us in the vendors section. ATI Career Training Presents

THE LARRY GILBERT/VFW MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ATI Career Training is awarding 9 scholarships among its 9 Texas campuses. Each scholarship will provide a veteran with 12 months to 3 years of career training at ATI in a variety of fields, including health care, computer repair, information technology, automotive repair, massage therapy, personal fitness trainer, business administration, HVAC and welding

Applications are Available Through July 7, 2009.

Apply online now!

www.ATI4Veterans.com w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Richardson and Stemmons, TX campuses are branch locations of ATI Career Training Center, Technology Blvd. Dallas, TX Garland, TX campus is a branch location of ATI Technical Training Center, Maple Ave., Dallas, TX

Spring 2009


By Allen Freeman Unit 14 President, Member VFW Post 3892

The texas state commanders Spring ride Riders from across the state of Texas converged on Harker Height Texas on the second day of spring March 21, 2009 to participate in the 2nd Annual Texas State Commanders Spring Ride for the VFW Military Assistance Program (M.A.P.). VFW Post 3892 was the chosen location for this year’s annual ride. Veterans of Foreign Wars Motorcycle Group of Texas Unit 14-3892 (VFWMG) hosted riders from across the state from the Unit 1, The Woodlands, Unit 2, Abilene, Unit 3, Alvarado, Unit 12, Pittsburg, Unit 14, Harker Height, and Unit 21 Bryan. The night before VFW Post 3892 Ladies Auxiliary hosted an evening dinner to welcome the 35 Motorcycle Riders and their support personnel. Riders visited the following VFW Posts 3892, 10377, 8230, 3393, 9192, and 4008 we’re they stopped and raised money for the VFW MAP program, raising a total of $1,230.00 for MAP on the 165-mile ride through District 14 As the day ended, the convoy of 35 motorcycles and chase vehicles returned to Post 3892 where everyone gathered for a closing prayer to give thanks for a safe return of all members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Motorcycle Group and its Auxiliary members. With new friendships made and old ones renewed, the outlook has never looked better for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Motorcycle Group of Texas.

About the VFW Military Assistance Program (MAP) MAP is the outstretched hand between the VFW and active duty, Guard, and Reserve military units. MAP provides Emergency Financial Grants to service members who experience financial issues related to military service and not of their own doing. Operation Uplink provides at least one free call home day every month from the countries of Iraq & Afghanistan. MAP also offers grants to VFW Posts who participate in military unit functions, such as sponsoring “Farewell and Welcome Home Activities,” “Family Readiness Group” events, or other sponsorship ideas.” n


Spring 2009


2009 DATES: AUG 9-22 • SEPT 13-26 2010 DATES: MAR 7-20 • MAR 21- APR 3 • APR 18 - MAY 1 MAY 2-15 • JUN 9-22 • AUG 15-28 • SEPT 12-25

Every Hero Needs a Hero To help a Hero send donations to Texas VFW MAP Program: Texas VFW P.O. Box 14468 Austin, Texas 78761

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Yes, I am a war veteran and want to continue my Legacy of Service to America. Please fill out the VFW Membership Application below and mail in, or sign up online at www.texasvfw.org > About > Membership and follow link.

How VFW Serves America

Lobbying for Veterans & Military Providing Disaster Relief Name: _________________________________________________Email: ___________________________________ Community Volunteerism First Middle Last (Suffix – Sr., Jr., etc.) Funding College Scholarships Phone Cards for Troops City:______________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________ Phone:_____________________ Supporting Youth Groups Date of Birth: _____________________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) Emergency Financial Assistance Supporting Memorials Military Service: p Army p Air Force p Coast Guard p Navy p Marines Assisting Veterans with Earned Entitlements

Current Status: I served in:

p Active Duty p Veteran p National Guard/Reserve p Pre-World War II p Korean War 1950-54 p Desert Shield/Storm p Afghanistan 2001 p World War II p Korea 1955 p Bosnia/Kosovo 1995 p Iraq 2003 p WW II Occupation p Vietnam 1958-75 p Global War on Terrorism – Expeditionary 2001 p 1945 – 55 (Europe, Korea, Japan) p Expeditionary Operations 1958 – 2003 (Thailand, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, etc.) p 1945 – 90 (Berlin)

Qualified recipient of: p Imminent Danger/Hostile Fire Pay

p*SSBN Nuclear Deterrent Patrol*

* Period Covered: ______________________________________ (Required for applicants with no other reported qualifying service). I would like to join the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars as a: p Annual Member ($35)

p Life Member*

p Life 12 Mo. Install*

p Life 24 Mo. Install*

($35 Initial payment)

($35 Initial payment)

Life Membership Fee Schedule

han Les s 0t ¢ .1 y! pe r da

Attained age on 12/31

One Time Payment

Through age 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 71 – 80 81 and over

$425.00 $410.00 $375.00 $335.00 $290.00 $225.00 $170.00

Life 12 Month Payment Plan $40.39 $39.02 $35.84 $32.20 $28.11 $22.20 $17.20

Life 24 Month Payment Plan $20.23 $19.58 $18.05 $16.32 $14.36 $11.53 $9.14

Installment Payment Plan Terms and Conditions: The VFW Life Membership installment plan allows any VFW member/applicant to purchase a Life Membership by making either 11 or 23 monthly installments after an initial payment of $35.00. The member/applicant will be issued a “Provisional Life” membership card and can elect, upon receipt of first monthly invoice, to pay via check, credit card or ACH Debit. The monthly fee (Shown in the payment schedule above) includes a $1.75 monthly service fee. The applicable Life Membership fee is to be determined from the schedule using the applicants age on December 31 of the installment plan year in which the application is submitted, regardless of actual date of birth. A permanent Life Membership card will be issued upon completion of this agreement. No refund of any portion of current year annual dues will be made. A “Payoff amount” will be printed on each monthly invoice, allowing the member the option to pay in full at anytime during the installment plan, thereby avoiding additional service fees. If the member pays off early, no additional monies will be collected.

I attest by forwarding this application that I am a citizen of the United States, that I qualify for the VFW and that my Campaign Service was honorable, and that I have never been discharged under other than honorable conditions or I am still serving honorably in the armed forces of the United States of America. I further give authority to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to verify my entitlement to membership in the VFW and that if no proof can be found or provided that I am subject to discharge from the VFW without refund. Signature:___________________________________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________ Include membership payment by check or money order (DO NOT SEND CASH) or pay by credit card.

p Mastercard p Visa p Discover p American Express

Credit Card Number:_ ________________________________________________________

Exp. Date: ____ ____/____ ____ $_____________________ Mail to: Texas VFW • P.O. Box 14468 • Austin, Texas 78761

For questions call: (512) 834-8535

Story by Staff Sgt. Tim Beckham U.S. Air Forces Central, Baghdad Media Outreach Team

texas airmen provide show of force


SATHER AIR BASE, Iraq - The use of show of force is intended to warn or intimidate an opponent and to demonstrate capability or will to act if provoked. For two female Airmen here the showing of force is more than just a term, it’s a way of life. For Senior Airman Elizabeth Gonzalez and Staff Sgt. Vida Reveles, 447th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron heavy weapon operators, manning the .50 caliber machine guns here is a job they take very seriously. “We are here to secure the flight line area and deny unauthorized entry into Sather Air Base,” said Sgt. Reveles, who is native of Las Cruces, N.M. and is deployed from the 204th Security Forces Squadron at Biggs Army Airfield, Fort Bliss, Texas Air National Guard. “It’s a different beast working with the .50 cal, but a real privilege.” “Our primary duty is to provide direct fire to any unauthorized personnel or vehicles trying to gain access to the base but if we are firing this weapon it means something bad is happening,” added Airman Gonzalez, who is a native of El Paso, Texas and is also deployed from the 204th SFS. “I have shot eight different weapons and this is the best, it is very powerful and accurate and I just love it.” The .50 cal guns, used in combat since World War II, have predominately been manned by men in the past, but partly in thanks to these two Airmen, seeing a female behind the trigger has become more and more normal. “It can be very difficult and challenging at times, physically, but the guys expect us to be able to lift and mount the weapon ourselves so it’s just something we have to be able to do,” said Sgt. Reveles. “It’s challenging because people are always underestimating the female, we probably have to be twice as tough as the guys, but I have always liked guns more than doing my makeup,” said Airman Gonzalez. Whether they are patrolling the base perimeter in a Humvee, or manning a post overlooking the flight line, the show of force these Airmen provide is part of the reason people here can sleep well at night. n

Spring 2009

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

Texas V FW Founda tion H


























Show your Faith in America “GOD BLESS AMERICA” Caps 6-panel, low-profile, cotton twill in two colors (Red & Blue). The U.S. Flag and “God Bless America” is embroidered on the front panel, “God Bless America” is embroidered and U.S. Flag label are on back of cap. Velcro type adjustment back strap with USA. Imported. One size fits most.

Price: $10.00 each H








































Recognition Challenge Coin

Say thank you to any veteran or to those who support veterans everyday with a Texas VFW Challenge Coin for “OutstandingService.” Great for recruiting or recognition ceremonies. 1.5 inch diameter, heavy duty antiqued bronze with full color U.S. Flag and American Eagle profile on front and VFW Cross of Malta on back. Price: $5.00 each H












Please print legibly Name:_________________________________________________________________Phone#(________)__________________________ Shipping Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________State____________________ Zip___________________________________

Mail this form and your check or money order to:

Texas VFW P.O. Box 14468 Austin, Texas 78761




God Bless America Ball Cap ($10.00 ea.)



God Bless America Ball Cap ($10.00 ea.)



Outstanding Service Challenge Coin ( $5.00 ea.)


Shipping and Handling — (Texas sales tax included in price) For pricing on orders of 100 or more call (512) 834-8535 and ask for Dan West.


Order Total

+ $5.00


Texas VFW member, Texas VFWproudly Member Joe Joe Meller, sports Meller, proudly sports his his Texas VFW shirt and cap. Texas VFW Shirt and cap. Joe is currently in Officer Joe is currently in Officer Candidate School with Candidate School with the the Texas Army National Texas Army National Guardand and isisaaveteran of of Guard veteran Afghanistan. Afghanistan.

Texas VFW Cap. Texas VFWBall Ball Cap Show your Texas Pride with your a ourTexas newpride ì Texas Show by VFWî Ball Cap com-Ball wearing our Texas VFW pleteEmbroidered with Texason VFW, Cap. the Texas flag and VFW front are the words “Texas Emblem embroidered VFW” along with the VFW on the front, one Size emblem and Texas flag. fits most.ó $16.00 One size fits most. Stock Stock#: # W7359 W7359— $16.00

Texas WhatSbetter way to show of your Texas attitude than with a Te x aVFW s VPolo F WShirt. Polo hirt ì Texas VFWî shirt. Made of 100% cotton knit with ì Texas VFWî and VFW em-

What better way to showon offleft yourchest. Texas spirit than with a buttons Texas VFW polothe shirt! Made of 100% cotton blem embroidered Customized with five point Texas Starknit with words “Texas VFW”out and reminiscent VFW emblem embroidered the left chest area. Customized buttonsBlueî reflect with Texas spelled of the first on Texas flag known as the ì Bonnie the “five Patriotic point” Texas star reminiscent of Texas’ called the “Bonnie Blue.” on Patriotic collar andGet sleeve flag. collar and sleeve cuffs first withflagthe Texas Flag image left sleeve. cuffs withtoday Texas flag onoff left your sleeve.Texas Get yours today and show off your Texas pride! yours andimage show VFW Pride. Imported.

Indicate men's #7360 #7361. $35.00 for$4.50, Só XL, Mens Stock #: 7360 — S, M, L,orXLladies — $35.00, 2XL Price add $2.50, 3XL add 4XL 2XLó add $5.50Add $2.50, 3XLó Add $4.50, 4XLó Add $5.50.2XL Foradd custom embroidery Ladies Stock #: 7361 — S, M, L, XL — $35.00, $2.50, 3XL add $4.50,options 4XL add you $5.50can add up totwo 2 lines onright the chest rightforchest for an$5.00 additional $5.00. Add lines ofoftextext on the an additional Prices good thru 8/31/09 Mail or Fax VFW Emblem & Supply Dept. 406 W. 34th Street, KC, MO 64111 Fax: 816-968-1196

Post Name Street City Zip

Stock #




Price $

Online orders

www.vfwstore.org Phone Orders



Phone (


SHIPPING AND HANDLING Up to $10.00..........Add $ 3.00 $75.01 to $100.00...........10.00 $10.01 to $25.00 ............ 6.00 $101.01 to $200.00.........12.00 $25.01 to $50.00 ............ 7.00 $200.01 to $300.00.........14.00 $50.01 to $75.00 ............ 8.00 $300.01 & Over ...............16.00 Prices good until 8-31-09

(If additional space is needed, attach a separate sheet)

0003 Please send catalog for $2.50 (will include $2.50 redeemable coupon) Merchandise Total $ Make Checks Payable to: Veterans of Foreign Wars, OR Charge it. Missouri residents only - add 7.725% Tax Shipping & Handling M.C. (16 numbers)

Visa (13 or 16 numbers)

Exp. Date: Month


Discover (16 numbers)

American Express (16 numbers)


ADD THE LAST 3 NUMBERS that appear in the signature block on the back of your charge card.

Year Date

For American Express add the 4 numbers printed on the front of your card on right side.

western style hat with theater of operation patch

Price: $18.95 Structured Black Felt Western Hat with Embroidered Patch; Self Adjusting Band — One size fits most. Imported. 7450 WWII (Ruptured Duck) 7451 Korean War 7452 Vietnam War

7453 Desert Storm 7454 Enduring Freedom 7456 Iraqi Freedom

The overseas cap was first issued to front line soldiers in World War I and is America’s first military decoration denoting war time service in harms way.

M6251 Light Weight Members Cap, Gold Piping M6251 Uniform Caps & Accessories Price: $32.45 Light weight style overseas cap with the Cross of Malta Emblem, letters VFW above the Post number and state name. Additional lettering is available at .88 per letter or numeral. No reduction in price if state name is abbreviated. STATE AND POST NUMBER TO BE ON CAP. SIZE 8 AND LARGER ADD $5.00. FORT KNOX STYLE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CAP MAY BE LETTERED WITH THE WORDS “VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS” ADD $2.55 for life member patch OR the words “LIFE MEMBER” can be embroidered on cap. Green, light weight, shade 51 Allow 8 weeks for manufacture except during April, May, June, & July. During these months allow 10 weeks.

How to Order:

Branch of Service Caps Price: $9.95

www.vfwstore .org 1 (800) 821-2 606 or use Order Form to left

6-panel, low-profile, wash down cotton twill. The branch of service is embroidered on the front panel, official branch of service logo is embroidered on the cap visor, and an eagle is embroidered on the left side of the cap. Belt/clamp type adjustment back strap. Imported. 07209 – Coast Guard Cap. Faded Khaki Embrd. Logo on Bill 07212 – Army Cap. Faded OD w/ Embrd. Logo on Bill 07213 – Navy Cap Khaki. Embroidered Navy. Logo on bill 07214 – Marines Cap. Faded OD Green. Marine Logo on Bill 07215 – Air Force Cap. Faded OD. Air Force Logo bill

Just f o r fun! U.S. Marine Corps Rules:

U.S. Army Rules:

1. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. 2. Decide to be aggressive enough, quickly enough. 3. Have a plan. 4. Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won’t work. 5. Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 6. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun whose caliber does not start with a “4.” 7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive. 8. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral & diagonal preferred.) 9. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. 10. F lank your adversary when possible. Protect yours. 11. A lways cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. 12. I n ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived. 13. I f you are not shooting, you should be communicating your intention to shoot.

1. Select a new beret to wear. 2. Sew patches on right shoulder. 3. Change the color of beret you decide to wear.

US Air Force Rules: 1. Have a cocktail. 2. Adjust temperature on air-conditioner. 3. See what’s on HBO. 4. Ask “what is a gunfight?” 5. Request more funding from Congress with a “killer” PowerPoint presentation. 6. Wine & dine ‘key’ Congressmen, invite DOD & defense industry executives. 7. Receive funding, set up new command and assemble assets. 8. Declare the assets “strategic” and never deploy them operationally. 9. Hurry to make 13:45 tee-time.

US Navy Rules: 1. Go to Sea. 2. Drink Coffee. 3. Scrape Paint. 4. Deploy the Marines.

Navy SEALS Rules: 1. Look very cool in sunglasses. 2. Kill every living thing within view. 3. Adjust speedo. 4. Check hair in mirror.

U.S. Army Rangers Rules: 1. Walk in 50 miles wearing 75 pound rucksack while starving. 2. Locate individuals requiring killing. 3. Request permission via radio from “Higher” to perform killing. 4. Curse bitterly when mission is aborted. 5. Walk out 50 miles wearing a 75 pound rucksack while starving.


Spring 2009

What retired Sgt. Majors do for fun.

w w w . t e x a s v f w . o r g

89th State vfw convention • corpus christi, TX • June 24-28, 2009

Room Reservations

State Convention Awards Banquet NO REFUNDS AFTER JUNE 15, 2009 Name:__________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ City:______________________State:_________Zip: _____________ Phone: (_________) _______________________________________

Call the Omni Hotel at 1-800-843-6664 and let reservations agent know that you are with the “Texas VFW State Convention” for room rate guarantee of $109 + tax. Hospitality Rooms can be reserved by calling Christie at 512 834-8535 at State Headquarters.

Post/Aux#:_____________________District #: _ _________________ # of Tickets: __________ @ $40.00 each = $ ____________ # of Tables:___________ @ $400.00 each = $____________ (Seats 10) Special Needs:____________________________________________

_ ___________________________________________

Complete this form and mail with payment to: Texas VFW P.O. Box 14468 Austin, Texas 78761

Must be recieved by June 15, 2009 Tickets at the door are $50 if available

2009 VFW State Convention Bay Cruise

2009 VFW State Convention Golf Tournament

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 Shotgun Start: 8:15 a.m.


Format: 4 Persons, Scramble Based on Handicap



City:______________________State and zip: _________________

City: _____________________State and Zip:_________________

Phone: (

Phone: (

) _ _______________________________________

)_ ______________________________________

Other Guests:___________________________________________

Handicap No.: ______________ Avg Score:___________________


Do you need transportation to the course?


Send form with $15 fees payable to Convention Account to: Al Cantu • 4009 Tripoli Dr. • Corpus Christi, TX 78411-5022 361-537-1025 Cell Additional info: Larry Velasquez 361-510-5014 Note: After June 3, 2009 Entry fee will be $25

Yes ____ No ____

Send form with $65 fees payable to Convention Account to: Al Cantu • 4009 Tripoli Dr. • Corpus Christi, TX • 78411-5022 361-537-1025 Cell Additional info: Larry Velasquez 361-510-5014 Note: After June 3, 2009 Entry fee will be $90 Sponsors needed at a cost of $100 per hole


Father Denis Edward O’brien, a Marine Chaplain said “It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protestor to burn the flag�.

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