1J1nnt inll (@qto ~tatr 1ltnturrstty us.
1ltntur!stty of fluqtgan (@rtnbrr 15, 1!tn4 ~rnunbs
Clrnnqdimtn1& nf
Ltug &: J(iltr's ~nk&tnr'
0, 0, O-hi-O. (Repeat indefinitely)
O-hi-O, Rah, O-hi-O, Rah, Rah, Rah, O-hi-o.
\Va-hoo, \Va-hoo, Rip, Zip, Bazoo, I yell, I yell, 0. S. D.
Dmh, yah! yah! Dmh, yah! yah! l'Iichigan, l'lichigan, Dmh, yah! yah!
Che he, Che ha, Che ha, ha, ha, Ah, ha, Michigan, Ah, hu.
Come a zam, Come a zam, Come a flip flop, flip flop, flam, Come a zam, zam, Michigan, Hot jam!
E-phisophiloe, E-phieophilos, E-phisophilos, E-phisophilos,
E-phisophi-lil, E-phisophi-lil, E-phieophi-Iasefas, E-phisophi-lil.
\Ve can, \Ve can, \Ve know we can, \Ve know 'W~ can, Beat l'Iichigan.
Rah, Rah, Hah, (Very Slow) Ohio State, Ohio State, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Ohio State, Ohio State, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, (Ver,v rt\~t) Ohio State, Ohio State, I~ah,
.All yell
10 U. of 1\1., Rah, Rah, U. of 1\1., I~ah, RAh, \Vho Rah, \Vho Rah, Michigan, !-lichigan, Rah, Rah, Rah. SONG-
\Vahoo, \Vahoo, Rip, Zip, Bazoo, I yell, I yell, for O. S. U. Wahoo, \Vahoo. -SONG
12 Oh how he flew, Oh how he flew, He flew, He flew for O. S. Oh how he flew.
MV (jirl~s Too (jood for You My girl's too good for you She goes to O. S. U., Gues to all the foot-ball games, \Vlto told you so? She i3 fflie and sedate, Pride of Ohio StateHow in the world'd you find that out? She told me so. My son's a temperance man He goee to WesleYfln, If he smokes he gets the can\Vllo tolo you so? He dare not drink or swear \Vheu he is in Delaware-How in the world'd you find that out? He told Ine so. 1'1y girl'::! too good for you She goes to O. W. U. Al wflys goee to Sunday SchoolWho told you so? She is both good and fair, Pride of "Old Delaware"How in the world'd you fino that o u f? !::)he told me so.
-New O. S. U. Song Book.