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,_,_, _, _, _,_. _,_, _, _,_,_, __,_,_,_l l ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MANAGEMENT


South Fourth Street

Phone ADams




rt Huffm an

Heinie Butler Chuck Hunte r Georg e elbach Bum~ Coulte r Frank Bleilic Robt. Morro w Howa rd Buckw alter Fred Ropp Paul Wood cock

Harry Tipton John lngall "Bill" ood ruf£ Campu s Rep.

YOUR DOWNTOWN FORD DEALER you Will Be Happ ily urpr ised to Learn How Easy !t i for ·. Cred;t to Own a ew Ford V-8 Thro ugh Any P er on De e, .ving the •




... --- ·-· -



I I! !I

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• E:IGHT PAY TEL EPH O E S'l ATIO S are lo~ated on the g:ouncl floor, four on h side of the Stadmm.



1934 core

1933 core


21-0 7-6

t Illino i


Oct. 20-



Oct. 273-

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I o . 1


'thwe tern 28-6

t We tern Re e1 e -






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- 76-0

j j j

- 33-0


ov. 17- Michigan -


r ! l ! i


For Iowa : 2.40 re erved 1.20 gene ral admi ion.



(Gove rnor's Day)



( Dad's Day)

0 .



chool Day)

( fl omecomi11g)


A FIRS T AID STA TION with registered nurses in attendance is located on the second floor level of the northwe t tower.


Oct. 13-




( lligh



COM FOR T STA TIO S are located on each floor level.

ALL GAM ES STA RT promptly at 2:00 P. M., Ea tern Standard Time .



THIS PRO GRA M IS PUB LISH ED under the direction of the Athle tic D epartment. Address inquiries concerning inform ation or space to the Direc tor of Programs, Athletic Dept., Ohio State University.


6- lndia na




f ! i

MISC O DUC T OR DISC OUR TESY on the part of attendants should be reported to L. W. St. John, Director of Athletics.



A REST ROO M FOR WOM EN with a maid in attendance is located on the second floor of the northwe t tower.




REQ UEST S FOR INFO RMA TION REGAR DING TICK ETS for games either at home or abroad should be addressed to Football Ticke t Office, Ohio State University.

• •


i i

l i

DOC TOR S may leave their seat numbers with the clerk stationed in the southeast tower and will be notified by messenger in case a call is registered for them.

Harry Long



ONL Y ONE CON CESS ION, that covering the sale of refreshments, is licensed by the Athletic Board and thereby privileged to sell within the Stadium. H. M. HENDERSON



! ! l ! ! !





8117 - 8118



A LOS T AND FOU ND DEP ART MEN T has been established on the first floor in the Southeast Towe r of the Stadium. Articles found should be turned over to the ushers or left at the office.




+ ·--··-··---·-"-·-·-··-.. ---··- · -··-··-·--·+ .r .



ote: A govern ment tax of 20% is includ ed in the price quoted above.

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The Official Progra m

Ohio State -

Michigan Fred Machetanz Milt Caniff Bob Kelly Gluyas Williams Bo Brown

Larry Snyder, Editor Oscar Thomas, Advertising Mgr.

4 .. President Rightmire-Greeting 5 .... .. . Yost-St. John-Remarks 8 ........... Other Ga mes Today {Big Ten Standing) IO .. Chaucer Doth See Ye Footballe Gayme 11 - 13-55-57 . . . . . . . . . .... Ohio Players' Art . ....... . The Ohio Band 15 . 16 .......... Ohio Songs and Yells 17 ........... Homecoming Queen . . Ohio Dorms 18 . . . . . . . . 20-21 ............ On the Campus 22 ......... Rule Changes for 1934 24 ...... Michigan Songs and Yells 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indifferentosis 28-40 . . ....... ... Mich igan Players .... .... Gym Team 29




. Ohio Squad Roster 30 . 31 . . . . .......... . ...... Basketball . .. . Ohio Playing Numbers 32 . . . . . ...... ..... Starting Line-ups 34--35 . 37 ....... Michigan Playing Numbers 39 ... .. .... .. Michigan Squad Roster 44 . ................... . . .... Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseball 46 . 47 .............. Swimming , Fencing 48 .......... . ... ... Wrestling, Golf 50 .......... Michigan-Ohio Coaches 51 . .. ..... ..... . . ... . . . Polo, Tennis 52 ................ Intramural Sports 58 . ... Diary of an Ex-Football Player 60 ....... Personnel of the Ohio Band 62-63-64-65 ........ .. .. Varsity " O " Roster Penalties 68 . . .


" Those Jolly Day of Priceless Worth"

GREETINGS Michigan, Ohio State and Football. Those words are synonymous to followers of the gridiron sport. Michigan and Ohio State met first on the football field in 1897. The Wolverine is welcomed back to the stadium coday for this, the thirty-fi rs t mee ting between the two schools. It will carry "Old Timers" back to the days of the tallyho and the high - wheeled bicycle. Michigan - Ohio State games of old Ohio Field were memorable affairs. o it 1s with great affection for a foe of ancient standing that Ohio cate greets Michigan today.




Director of Athletics, THE OHIO STATE U N IVE RSITY.

L. W.


]oH ,


The football ga me with th e U ni versity of Michigan is unfailingly an occa io n of great excitement and enthusiasm and has been th e feature athletic relationship of The Ohio State U ni versity for a third of a cent ury. The two univer iti es have the most co rdial re lations of an educational nature and gra du ates of each institution occupy professorial positions in the other. Our experiences run in a more or less common channel and , as higher educa tion al institutions supported by the State , th ey have many common intere t .

路 1路 our ex t reme pleasu re to welcome nc I reprrTod ay it ., r路 sentatives, at hl etic and educa ti onal, of th e great . _111 :i~,. si ty of Michi ga n to th e campu s of Ohio Sta.re. lJn 1 0 J, W e extend also to the alumni and to the v1snin:! d hich of both institutions, a most cordial welcome an f 'fhe hopes for a clay of great plea sure. On behalf O s 10 Ohio State ni ver ity I extend enthu siastic gree ting yo u all. 路EORGE W. RIGHTMIRE,


Because of the fact that Columbus and Ann Arbor are rela tively nearby it has become a custom for thou sands of Michiga n men to accompany the team for the annu al Ohio-Michigan game. Your sta dium is usually jammed. And when Ohio comes to Ann Arbor - well, you all remem ber the enormous crowd that overflowed our 87,00 0 seats a year ago. All this speaks well for the perm anency of our athletic relationships and for the clean rivalry that is invaria bly manifest when Ohio and Michigan meet. Michigan is pl eased and proud .t,o kn ow that you chose today for your Bomecoming". FmLorNG

H. YosT,

Director of Athletics, THE UNJVER ITY OF M1 CJ-ITGAN .







L.W.ST. JOt1 N








IN OHIO Baldwin-Wallace at Akron Case-Western Reserve ( Cleve.) Obie; Wesleyan at Cincinnati Ohio . al Dayton Wittenberg at Heidelberg Miami al Marshall Bluffton at Ohio Northern Kenyon at OberHn Ashland at Woo ter W. & J. at Xav ier Marietta at D enni on (Fri. )

. . . . ......

IN THE SOUTH GAMES TODAY M ICHIGAN AT OHIO STATE. Illinois at Wisconsin. Chicago at Minnesota. orthwestcrn. • Notre Dame at • Maryland at Indiana. Iowa, open date. *Nonaconference games.

Big Ten Standing Opp.

Teams Minnesota .. .... Purdue ............ lllinois ............ OHIO STATE Chicago .... ........ Iowa ................ Wisconsin ...... orthwestern Indiana ............ Michigan ........

W 3 3

3 3 2 1


0 0 0 1 2 2



1 0

3 3



Tie Pts. Pts. Pct. 12 1000 0 112 26 1000 53 0 22 1000 35 0 20 .750 0 107 0 68 59 .500 1 68 .333 3 0 10 21 .333 .250 62 23 0 .ooo 84 0 1 78 .000 6 0

Alabama at Georgia Tech. orth Carolina tale al Georgia Tennessee at anderbi lt Arkan as at o. Methodi st Texas at Texas Chri stian Tulane at :E entucky Rice at Texa A. & M. o. Carolina at Furman Louisiana at Missis ippi Duke at orth Carolina Mississippi tale at Loyola Flor ida at Jabama Poly

LAST SATURDAY'S RESULTS OHIO STATE, 33; CHICAGO, O. \Visconsin, 10; Michigan , 0.

Purdue, 13; Iowa, 6. Minnesot3, 30; Indiana , 0. Illinois, J 4; Northwes tern, 3a

IN THE EAST Boston College at Boston U. Williams at Amherst Brown at Holy Cro s New Hampshire at Harvard Yale at Princeton Pittsburgh at Navy Dartmouth al Cornell Colgate at Syracuse V. M. I. at Davidson . Y. U. at Rutgers Columbia at Pennsylvania Lafayette at Penn. State The Citadel at Army Duquesne at Carnegie Tech.

01-HO S TAT{S N£.W

IN THE WEST outhern California-Oregon (L. A.) Puget ound College at Wa h . State tanford-Olympic Club (Palo A.Ito) Missouri at Washington U. Brigham Young at Denver Colorado at Colorado College Drake at Iowa tale Idaho at California fontana at Oregon State ebraska at Kansa Oklahoma A. & M. at Tulsa Colorado Mine at tab




... . .. Ye scorre doth stande at syx to naughtte; And whenne an hefttye passe is caughtte, Ye vysytors starte gettinge ruffe; I trow thys gayme ys plentye tuffe.

Geoffrey Chaucer Doth See Ye Footballe Gayme hy Bo BROWN

Ye ancienne Knyghttes who kild withe clubbes Were pikeres, yssies, doppes and dubbes Compar'd withe youthes who will, inne . horte, Doe ;ille theyr joustynge juste forre portte.

Whenne crysppe Novymbre breeze doth blowwe, Ye footballe laddes doe mayken howwe Of brutyshe stryngth upon ye lotte, And kyck ye skynne poore pygge hath notte.

Ye canto seconde ys an d uelle; Eache manne forgette ye Goldyn Rule. Theyye clippe eache othere at ye knees Ye judges slappe ye penaltyes.

Ye raccoon'd youthe neede nevyr shivv'r He totes hys gyrl frendde inne hys flivv'r To sytte themme downe on fyve buckke seattes And lyves an fortnitte withoutte eattes.

And nowwe ye halffe-tyme belle doth poppe Ye home teamme don't knowwe whenne to toppe. Ye coachys mayken language strongge To telle eache manne he was alle wrongge.

Forsooth ye Bandde doth heave inne yght To toote theyr hornnes with alle theyr myght. Proude Marshalle bears hys furre chapeau And maykes commencemente of ye showwe.

Ye seconde acte ys lyke ye fyrst . . . Ye foemenne goe fromme badde to worste \Vhenne twentye goalles doe thenne be scor'd Yon rooters showwe thatte theye be bor'd.

Ye rooteres mayken songes and houtte As soone ye teamme doth trotte th emme outte Upon yon grassie plotte of greene An tuffere bunche has notte beene eene !

Ye vysytores doe th enne gette ore And thynke to mayken lustye warre ... An lulu of an passe theye slynge Theye thynke they'r soone muste doe thatte thynge.

Thenne judges flippe an sil'er piece To see who's "\Ve tte, and who ys Easte. An myghtie boote doth st;irte ye gayme Knyghttes ne'er fotte harder forre an D ame.

As on yt sailes, theye feele so ille An rivalle brutte doth nabbe ye pille. Oure foemenne are knockk'd colde, and nowwe They knowwe notte who ys wherre and howwe !

An Rounde-hedde backe doth tayken fryght, They mayken runne wyth alle hys myght, And grabbee ye balle outte o' yon aire, And leaves hys foemenne yn de pairre. Theyye trye to halte Butte eache doe misse He gaines ye goalle. Ye gayme's on yce as

• OH 10 LETTERMEN 16, JOHN KABEALO Youngstown Junior-Arts Delta Sigma Phi Fullback 41. REGIS MONAHAN (C) Lorain Senior-Commerce Kappa Sigma Guard I. STANLEY PINCURA Lorain Junior-Education Phi Sigma Kappa Quarterback 12. TREVOR J. REES Dover

Junior-Education Delta Upsilon End 4. JACK E. SMITH Hamilton Senior-Ag ricu ltu re Delta Upsilon Halfback 43. LUDWIG YARDS Gary, Ind. Senior-Education Lambda Chi Alpha Tackle 14. JOHN N. McAFEE Ironton Senior-Education Kap pa Sigma Full back 6. RIC HARD HEEKIN Cincinnati Junior-Commerce Delta Upsllon Ha lfback 17

whenne ye settynge sunne goes lowwe And leaves ye fyeld inne chillye glowwe, An pistolle shotte doth ende thys frayye . Ye tymme hath comme to close thys layye.

hys fleete-foote stryde, hym farre and widde. Ye rootere saye plainne a day e.

........ 10

· DAMON H. WETZEL Colu mbus Senior-Education Beta Theta Pi Center

2 4. FRAN K FISCH Mansfield J~nior-Education ~grna Alpha Epsilon vuarterback

+ •- •--••- ••- •- •- ••- ••- ••- ..- •- ••--••-o1•- ·-- ·-•--••- ••- •--•-••-•- ••-... - ••-

••- u- 11- 11- ,1- -•-••- ••-+





S ave




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iI lI

ADam 6231

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I il i I

-··-··-··-··-··- ·-··-··---··- ·-·-··- · -·-·-··-··-··-··-- ·- ·-·-·--·-·+

OHi O . S OPHS 30, VE RNELL ROBERTS Wellsville Education Phi Kappa Sigma Gu ard 7. FRANK ANTENNUCI

Niles Commerce Tau Kappa Epsilon Halfback 5. VICTOR DORRIS

Bellaire Education Delta Chi Fullback 29. JNWOOD SMITH

This is the drink that makes a pause refresh ing.

Mansfield Commerce Sigma Chi Guard 18. MERLE WENDT

Middletown En gineering Tower Club-T.K.E. End

Pause a minute and try it!


Dayton Arts Sig ma Phi Epsilon Tackle 34. CHARLES HAMRICK


Gallipolis Veterinary Medicine Sig ma Chi Tedie





Lorain Education Tac kle IO. JOH N BETTRI DGE

Toledo Education Sigma Alpha Epsilon Full bad



Elyria Education Tackle

··--··-·-·--··-·-·-··-··-··---··-··-..-··-··-··--- · - ·-··--·. -··- ··-·-··- ·- ·- ·-·-· +-·-··-i i i i i



The Ivory Soap Laundr y 27



Curb Service Save 10 Percent


oungstown Educa tion Chi Phi End

Zoric Dry Cleaning Co. 577 N. FOURTH ST.

WILLI AM H. DYE Pomeroy Education ~hi Delta Theta vuarterback

ADams 6251

·-·- ·--· -·-·- ·- · -··-··-··-"+---·-··-· -·-··-·- ·--··-·· --·-··-· ·-·---12

Ohio State's All -America Band master he organizes the group, selects its personnel, makes up its musical programs, and has general supervision of the organizatio n and formations. He has instituted a system closely resembling that in effect in football. Before a bandman can become a member of the "varsity" he must have had a year playing as a member of one or the other of two regimental bands. After they have become eligible for the huge 120-piece "varsity" band, in order to rate a place with the organizatio n and keep it after they have g.iined it, the men must step on it, show some interest and spirit, attend practice regularly, and in general keep in step with the balance of the organizatio n. If they do not, there are something like 220 reserve bandmen eager to take their place. During August Weigel sends out invitations to the best of his musicians inviting them to report back at school a week before classes begin. The complete organizatio n is constructed through the mails and when the boys report each knows his position, a crude idea about the various formations and the programs.

ROLL of drums, a fanfare of trumpets. "The band is coming" passes from lip to lip in the crowded stadium. Deep down in the closed end of the horseshoe the vanguard of the band, the drum section, whisks crisply onto the field, to be followed by the main body of the group, a rolling flood of blue interspersed with a splashing of white spats, scarlet capes, and the silver and gold of the instrument s. In a seemingly endless wave it rolls onto the field, forms back of the goal posts. There is a splash of color as the most brilliant of figures, Drum Major William Casey, strides to the head of the organization. It swings into the "Buckeye Battle Cry" and to the rolling roar of approval from the stands is off down the field. It's Ohio State University' s All-Americ an band under the direction of Prof. Eugene J. Weigel. At Ohio State the band has come to be looked upon as an indispensable feature of the pageantry that makes presentday intercollegi ate football games one of the most compelling of shows. And after the band has done its act and retired to the sidelines, the average person will lean back and expand "great stuff" with no thought or realization of the time, expense and effort that has been expended to make this colorful bit of pageantry. The Ohio State band for the last five years has ranked as the leading college band of the country, an organizatio n that has attracted the most glowing of press notices and radio comment throughout the country. And this year it has taken another forward step, that of discarding all woodwinds and becoming the first all-brass wind instrument college band in America. But it all didn't just happen that way. The hardest sort of work, splendid organizatio n and the finest co-operatio n on the part of everybody concerned combined to make the splendid Buckeye musical body possible. The hardest worker for the success of the Ohio State band and to whom much of the credit for the success must be given is Professor W eigel. As band-


Under this system uniformly excellent musical organizations may be expected at Ohio State. There will never be a poor band representin g the university. Another contributin g factor toward the excellent organizatio n is the aid of the military department during the last five years. This departmen t has aided in working out the beautiful floating O-H-I-0 fo rmation. Ohio was one of the first bands in the country to display a floating formation. Since that start the band has floated such works as P-I-T-T, B-A-D-G-E -R-S, N-A-V-Y, M-I-C-H-I -G-A-N and several years ago literally took the east by storm when in Baltimore for the Navy game it floated a mammoth Scarlet and Gray anchor. This year the band has stepped out again and at Northwestern and also at Western Reserve it floated a huge wildcat, symbolic of those two schools. The Ohio State band during the last five years has been witnessed and heard by millions of persons at games and during street parades from the Atlantic ocean to as far west as Chicago.




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0- HiBuck- Eye-0-Hi-O Fight team, fight!

Yea Ohio! Yea Ohio! Yea Ohio! Fight! Fight! Fight!

TEAM RAH Team, Rah; Team, Rah! Rah, Rah, TEAM!


TEAM-TEAM-TEAM Team! Team! TEAM! O-H-I -0 Rah- Rah- Rah- RahOHIO

E-EE COMA LIOH E-ee Coma Lioh Gee Wah! OHIO


A prolonged ringing whistleBOOM-, Ah-, OHIO.



Words and Music by Frank Crumit In old Ohio there's a team That's known througho ut th; land · Eleven warriors, brave and bold ' Whose fame will ever stand ' And when the ball goes ove~ Ou: ch~ers w~ll reach the sky, Ohio Field will hear again The Buckeye Battle Cry. Drive! Drive on down the field Men of the Scarlet and Gray· ' Don't let them thru that line' We have to '!in this game today Come on, Ohio! Smash thru to victory We cheer you as we go; ' Our honor defend So we'll fight to the end For Ohio.

0-0-0 -0 H-H-H -H I-1-1-1 0-0-0 -0 OHIO

LOCOMOTIVE S-s-s-s-s ( 3 times) Ra~, Rah, Rah, Rah, Ohio State, Ohio State. (Repeat three times, very slowly faster, very fast, all cheer at end.)

WHA-H O OHIO Wha-ho, Ohio, Let's GO.

E-EE- E-YAH E-e-e-e- Yah! E-e-e-e- Yah! fight, fight, fight, fight, fight Ohio, Ohio, OHIO



Words and Music by W. A. Doughert y '17 The pride of Ohio, ' Comes on the field today And they will show that' Ohio Will fight to the finish Whatever is the score'. They do or die! They glorify! Ohio evermore ! So cheer them on their way. CHORUS Fight on Ohio! D!ive on down the field. Fight on Ohio! \ And never, never yield. • -~ • • Fight on Ohio! Z:::. · A_ touch1ow n n?w to go. Fight, Figh~, Fight, Fight, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Forever Ohio. ' ' ' They surge on the field In a wave of Scarlet hue. Thef:e fighting hard for you. So Jom our song resoundin g strong And cheer to the finish. ' And while the echoes roar They do or die! They glorify! Ohio evermore !


Words and Music by Fred Cornell ex-'06 (Hats off, standing) ' 0, come, let's sing Ohio's praise And songs to Alma Mater raise· While our hearts reboundin g thrill With jof that death alone can still. Summer s heat or winter's cold The seasons pass, the years wili roll· Time and change will truly show ' How firm thy friendshi p-Ohio .

Alumni Chorus Tho' age may dim our mem'ry's store We'll think of happy days of yore ' True to friend and frank to foe ' As sturdy sons of 0-hi-o. ' If on the seas of care we roll 'Neath blackened sky, o'er ba;ren shoal Thots of thee bid darkness go ' Dear Alma Mater-0- hi-o. '

ACROSS THE FIELD Words and Music by W. A. Doughert y, '17 Fight that team across the field Show them Ohio's here ' Set the earth reverbera ting with a mighty cheel'"' Rah-Rah -Rah! Hit them hard and see how they fall· Never let that team get the ball ' Hail! Hail! the gang's all here ' So let's beat that whole confer~nc e now. . Oh, Ohio! Oh, Ohio! Wa-hoo! Wa-hoo! f or Oh 10•







Dormitories, Old and New Because the plan immediately proved its worth, Pre ident R ightm ire and other Univer icy officials at once began plans to extend the opportunity of low-priced Living accommodati on to a larger number of deserving Ohio boy . Federai aut horities gra nted public wor k fund to help with 1 84 boy , most of the ex t ension of them fre hmen, it's facilities dormitory home. cadium. the under In che southwest room way, this In corner of the big for hed escabli wa hor e hoc, the e boys 184 boys. study, eat, leep and When the ta k of play-all at a co t of these tuelecting 100 approximatel y the Unime ca dencs each for the year. it elf found icy ver And, if history reome with confronted peats itself, 3 0 years applicahundred five from now Ohio ta tions from worthy dium will be pointed boy - all eager to out not only as the Ohio tate. attend famo:.i of scene Hurried c onfer football baccle , but ences re ul ted in the .as the place where crea tion of still anLO OUTH DORM governors, noted inocher coopera cive dor· ventors, college presLiving quar· boys. hundred one handle to mitory once men professional idents and succes ful busines and t he Physical of floor first he t on established were ters ago years thirty spent their college days. More than O hio Unioo. the in rooms dining with building Education souththe Ohio State had two cooperative dormitories at plant athletic big tate's Ohio of units two hus T ern edge of t he campus, where ambitious lads helped ad· ucational ed boys Ohio give to part their doing are with the work to keep their expense at a minimum. enjoy. otherwise not would they vantages Among the boys living t here, co mention only a few, It's a far cry from old orth and ouch Dorms co were Carmi A. Thompson , Chester A. Aldrich, Ulysses the pre ent dormitories, but the type of boys hasn't . Brandt, Benjamin G. Lamme-and George W. changed so much. Boy living in the Tower and Buck· Rightmire. eye clubs today are just as ambitious, just a energetic. Thompson subseq uently became a noted figure in pubas were the dormitory residents of a generation or two lic affairs, Ald rich became governor of ebraska, Brandt

Homecomi ng Ohio- orthwe tern 1933

HIO TADIUM i more than a big football plant. It' the bigge t men's dormitory in the country. To t he more than 60,000 people gathered here today, the stadium is the cene of gay and exciting aturday afternoon contest each fa ll. To


ago. They will make good, Univer icy officia ls predict, because they HA VE made good. Their scholas tic aver· age tops the all -campu average. They are active in campus affairs. When the team goe away, boys frorP the dorm are there to give it a royal end-off, and when the team come back, defeated or victoriou , che bo) are at the station again to extend a welcome. Nowhcrt 10 on t he campus i the old school pirit o evident as aoJ t he dormitorie . From the homes of farmers, merchant , lawyers, ~f fat her in 54 ocher occupation come these lads. Nea every Ohio county i repre ented in the group·

t he pre ident 0£ an insurance cc:np:rny, Lamme one of t he nation' best-known engineers and inventor - and Rightmire t he pre idenc of hi alma mater. Later, a the north end of olumbu s became a thriving re identia l di trice wi th plen t y of room for tudents at low cost, the old dorms became history. La t year, wi :h cores of Ohio boys of the fine t character and cholarship un:ible to attend college for lack of fund , Ohio tate revived the cooperative dorm ieventy-fi ve boy were elected co become tory plan. resident of the li ving quarters arranged in the ouchwest radium cower.


At Michiga.n Renner core For T he Home Team, 1933

Mo re Action In T he Ohio-Mich igan Fracas, 1933

T he 1933 Homecomi ng Crowd

The Stude Court Dean Gaw Counsels a Girls' Dancin Student Class Student Health ervice Scene aving Money in Co-op Store Yearbook Chiefs

Varsity Quartet at " Mike"

Tower Club (5) Park (6) Stradley

Performa by Strollan

Dean Park Giving Advice

The "Teke' House Ga~ Puppets Oii Display

Mining Engineers Parade Officers of


All-pow~ Stud_,t Senate

Freshrnfll J Out for

Indianola Presbyterian Church One of the Student Pastors King A M E venue

· · Church

Student Sund S ay chool Class

+·-··- ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-·+

I Get the Hab it j 1I. 1




1 9 3 4


in play and the 15-second restriction in the huddle has been eliminated. The ball may be legally punted by a player holding or dropping the ball and either he or another player kicking it before it touches the ground . The penalty for illegal delay by the team on defense is not an automatic first down, first down being declar ed only when the penalty takes the ball in advance of tlhe point to be gained. An invalid signal for Fair Catch (presumaibly made to confuse the opponents) may be penalized as unspor tsmanlike conduct, the penalty being 15 yards. A v alid signal consists of raising one arm only clearly above the head. A change in the enforcement of the penalty for a foul committed after a free ball ( a ball in play but not in the possession of a player) has gone out of bounds between the goal lines, ,proV'idcs tlhe ball be awarded to the offended team at the spot of the foul. Example: T eam A's punt goes out of bounds and then a player of Team A fouls an opponent. Ruling: Team B's ball at the spot of the foul.

The first forward pass in any series of downs which becomes incomplete behind the opponents' goal line is not an automatic touchback as heretofore unless it occurs on fourth down. Such a pass on first, second or third down is ruled as rhough it occurred in the field of play, the penalty being loss of a down. The second such pass is a touchback. Any pass intercepted by the opponents behind the opponents' goal line may be advanced and is a touchback only when declared dead in their possession behind the goal line. The five-yard 'Penalty for more than one incomplete or illegal pass has 1been eliminated. If a pass is touched by an ineligible player at any point inside the opponents' 10-yard line, the opponents may elect a touchback; and if the illegal touching takes place behind the opponents' goal line (on any down) they may elect a touchback or take the ball at the spot where it was put in play. Thirty seconds are allowed in which to put the ball




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to be regarded as a false start. Tlhe Conference ill'terpretation provides that any such movement which i, ordinarily used is legal, the penalty being enfo rced only when an unusual movement takes place. Any nu rober of shifts are allowed provided t!he full second stop between each shift is observed. Any shift which simulates a running play is considered a false start if it results in drawing the opponents off-s>ide. The Conference interprets interference by ineligible offensive linemen when a forward pass is thrown to mean that no ineligible player has a right to occuPY ; position beyond the line of scrimmage unless in actua blocking contact with an opposing lineman.

OT E: While there are nearly twenty changes and


clarifications in the 1934 Rules the changes noted are the most noticeable to the spectator, the others belflto of a technical nature and primarily of inte rest onlY officials, coaches and players.


$3 .50 Double


Other Changes with Interpretatio ns Ado pted by the Western Conference The 1934 Rules provide that when a team kicks the ball beyond the line of scrimmage it is a foul if a player of the kicking team touches the ball before it has been touched by an opponent. The Conference will use the 1933 rule on such plays, Vhe illegal touching not being called a foul but merely giving the opponents the privilege of taking the ball at the spot where illegally touched. Such touching of kicks from scrimmage will therefore not constitute an offset for a foul by the opponents in games played between Conference teams. The 1934 Rules provide protection for the forward passer when he is obviously out of the play. The Conference will consider the passer as any other player, thus allowing him to be blocked after his throw. The passer is, like all other players, protected from unnecessary roughness. The 1934 Rules provide that any movement of the body or arms by a single player, or by several players in uni on, which tend to draw the opponents off-side is

Rate s from $2.50 Single


! !l .

j The Kroger

Comfortab le Rooms and Exce ll ent Food


prices. Your

. I.

(Ohio Association of Football Officials)


goo d food




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The FLEETWOOD ba~us is a swell fullback. Nice fe ll ow, too. about his sports clothes.

An Exclusive Winter Resort Hotel Openi ng Ja nuary First- Eu ropean Plan

But it's too

GuIf he'd only make a few deft selections at Spalding's*, s would be a 100%. . •Right · . . . Jackets In ow Spaldmg is featuring a variety of leather includi' s acks · · · and a br ill iant a rray of accessories . .. a!dg mh_any worthwhi le contributions to your tie-rack s irt drawer.


There are Popular Priced Coffee Shops and Parisian Cocktail Bars at all DeWitt Operated Hotel,

~9'-/.?A/Jf. 120 EAST BROA D STREET



< :::::>








A. J. Gorney

W. A. P. John

Charles M. Gayley

'Chorus Men of the Maize and Blue We place our trust in you; Bravest of all and best, Lift up) your gleaming crest; Conquer for Michigan, Fight for your colors, true, Go at them man to man For good old Michigan, Men of the Ma ize and Blue!

Sing to the colors that float in the light; Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue! Yellow the stars .as they ride thro' the night, And reel in a rollicking crew; Yellow the fields where ripens the grain, And yellow the moon on the harvest wain;-Hail! Hail to the colors that float in the light; Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue! Blue are the billows that bow to the sun When yellow robed morning is due; Blue are the curtains that ev'ning has spun, The slumbers of Phoebus to woo; Blue are the blossoms to memory dear, And blue is the sapphire and' gleams like a tear;Hai!! Hail to the ribbons that nature has spun; Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!

< lo CQ


COLLEGE DAYS Earl V. Moore Chorus I'll ne'er forget my college days These dear sincere old college days I'll ne'er forget my Michigan, 'Twas there long friendships first began. At Michigan all hearts are true, All loyal to the Maize and Blue, There e'er will be a golden haze Around those dear old college days.

ANN ARBOR DAYS Russell Barnes

George H. Roderick

Chorus Ann Arbor days,-Ann Arbor days,When our hearts were young and gay; Dear old days,---college days,W orldly cares were far away: All friendships were strongAnd life a sweet song In those wonderful Ann Arbor days.

VARSITY Earl B. Moore, '12

J. Fred Lawton, '11

....I ....I

Donald A. Kahm

Here's to the college whose colors we wea1¡, Here's to the hearts that are true! Here's to the maid of 'the golden hair, And eyes that are brimming with blue! Garlands of bluebells and maize intertwined, And hearts that are true and voices combine;Hail! Hail to the college whose colors we wear; Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!

Men of Michigan, on to victory, Every man in every play;Michigan expects her Varsity to win today. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Win for Michigan!-

FIGHT, MEN OF MICHIGAN Wm. Achi, Jr., '14-'17L Fight, men of Michigan, Down them in your might.Rush them off the field, And for Michigan, Oh! fight, fight, fight, fight, Win, men of Michigan, Comrades brave and true, Shoulder to shoulder fight For the Maize and Blue. -By permission of Mrs. M. M. Root, Publisher.

Chorus Varsity, down the field, Never yield, raise high our shield. March on to victory for Michigan And the Maize and Blue,- Oh, Varsity, We're for you, Here for you, to cheer for you, We have no fear for you, Oh Varsity!


THE VICTO RS Louis Eibel Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail ! Hail! Hail!


to the victors valiant to the conquering h eroes, Hail! to Michigan and best,to the victors valiant, to the conquering heroes, Hail! to Michigan, the champions of the West.












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R. I.



from 2.00




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I i


I i i


' i i i i

i I


i !

As Time Passes ----

OH IO STADIUM stands as positive evidence of the enduring strength possible to attain in concrete by using


'' \.\HlD, °POLL'/. t du S'T CALLED BACK To

lt-lANI{ You FOR· ALL YOU'VE 1,)0NE FOR US',






A<; 1 DID. BUT Do~'r

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Alumni dues are three dollars a year - John B. Ful len, Sec'y The Ohio State University Association

••- ••--••- ••- ••- ••- ••-••- ••-••- ••- u_..27





Th e Gymnastic Team during the season of 1934193 5, withdrew from the college competitive .field and ga ve five exhibition throughout the tate which were well attended and enthusiastically received . The team did creditably in two state amateur meets and



had one member, Turner Wiley, wm a second m the \ V estern Conference meet at Chicago. The 1935-1936 team, with William icol et of Cleveland, Turner Wiley of Columbus and Adolph Shor of Cincinnati forming a nucleus, will be the strongest group of gymnasts ever to represent Ohio State. Each man has an imposing record of succe ful competition in college, state or national meets. It is hoped that this team will be able to secure a good dual meet schedule and attend the conference ll1eet where they are certain to place well up among th e B'1g T en schools.


•• 29

1934 SQUAD ROSTER 1934 0 No. 7 9 10 56 8 15 25 31 28

27 11 5

50 24 46 47 60 26 59 34 48 6 51 37 2 33 54 16 19 45 39 55 14 53 58 41 40 36 52 1 20 12 30 42 44 35 29 4 3 21 32 18 17 43 49





Pos. Home Town Name Antenucci, Frank. ....................... Niles ....................................... HB. Beltz, Dick. ................................... Findlay.................................. HB. Bettridge, John ............................ Toledo .................................... FB. Bittel, Robert .............................. Cleveland ............................... G. Boucher, Frank. ........................... Kent ....................................... HB. Boston, William .......................... Cleveland ............................... C. Brungard, George...................... North Lima.......................... HB. Busich, Sam ................................ Lorain .................................... E. Cox, Budd .................................... Springfield ............................ E. Cumiskey, Frank. ....................... Y oungstown .......................... E. Dobbs, Bennie .............................. Columbus............................... E. Dorris, Victor.............................. Bellaire .................................. FB. Dye, William ................................ Pomeroy............................... QB. *Fisch, Frank. ............................... Mansfield ............................... QB. Fleming, Mark. ...........................Columbus .............................. G. George, August............................ Dayton ................................... T. Georgepoulos, Tom .................... Cleveland ............................... C. Greider, Robert .......................... Cleveland ............................... T. Haddad, George.......................... Toledo .................................... G. Hamrick, Charles ........................ Gallipolis ............................... T. Harre, Gilbert.............................. Toledo .................................... T. *Heekin, Dick. ............................... Cincinnati .............................. HB. Heiser, Vern. ............................... Mansfield............. - ............... C. Horwitz, Sam .............................. Columbus ............................. _QB. Jones, Dave ..................................Jackson .................................. HB. Jones, Gomer................................ Cleveland .............................. C. Kabealo, George..........................Youngstown.......................... C. *Kabealo, John..............................Youngstown .......................... F B. Karcher, James ............................ Forest.................................... G. Kleinhans, John .......................... Maumee ................................. E. Lightburn, Robert ...................... Crestline................................ E. Luckino, Angelo .......................... Wellsville ......................... - ... G. *McAfee, John............................. .Ironton ................................... FB. Miller, J ames ................................ Shelby.................................... HB. Miller, Robert.............................. Cleveland............................... C. *Monahan, Regis (Capt.) .......... Lorain.................................... G. Nagy, John .................................. Cleveland .............................• HB. Neal, Geor ge ................................ Dayton ................................... G. Novotny, George........................ Elyria.................................... T. Pincura, Stan .............................. Lorain .................................... QB. P ipoly, James .............................. Struthers............................... E. *Rees, Trevor................................ Dover..................................... E. Roberts, Vernell... ....................... Wellsville.............................. G. Roush, Ernest.............................. Blacklick. .............................. G. Scholl, Millard ............................ Lorain.................................... T. Scott, James ................................Toledo .................................... T. Smith, Inwood .............................. Mansfield ............................... G. *Smith, Jack. ................................. Hamilton ............................... HB. Stump, Wilson............................ Alliance ................................. QB. Thomas, Earl... ........................... Ashland ................................. E. Torrance, James .......................... Cleveland .............................. E . Wendt, Merle .............................. Middletown ........................... E. *Wetzel, Damon ............................ Columbus .............................. C.-FB. *Yards, Ludwig............................ Gary, Ind ............................. T. Zirkle, Lewis ................................ Defiance ................................ T. *Denotes Letterman.





Weight 176 167 178 177 177 185 191 187 174 186 180 178 138 189 190 224 181 202 161 230 213 196

175 147 162 207 195 203 192 195 166


166 178 180 203 160 219 193 163 176

Height 5' 9" 6' 1" 5' 10" 6' %" 6' l" 6' 6' 6' 2" 5' 11" 6' 1" 6' 1h" 5' 9" 5' 6" 6' %" 6' 6' 4%" 6' 1%" 6' 2" 5' 5%" 6' %" 6' 2%" 6' 1" 5' 11" 5' 8%"

5'10" 5' 8%" 5' 9" 5' 9" 5' 10" 6' 1%" 6' 5' 6" 6' 10" 5' 11" 5' 11" 5' 10%" 5' 11" 6'

5'11%" 5' 11" 5' 9"



195 210 224

5' 11" 5' 9" 5' 9" 6' 1%" 5' 11" 6' 5' 8" 6' 1"

201 191 183 153 186 186 191 185 188 214

6' 1"

5' 10" 5' 10" 6' 3" 6' 4%"

Year So. Jr. So. So. Jr. So. Jr, J r. Sr. So. Jr. So. So. Jr. Jr. So. Jr. So. So. So. Jr. Jr. So. So.

Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. So. Jr. Sr. So. Sr, So. Jr. Jr. Jr.

so. Jr. So.

sr. so. Sr,

so, SO,

so. SO·

SrSr, Jr.

1 934



H . G . O LSEN , Coach US any players who can begin to compare with Cookie Cunningham, Mel haw, Wilmer Hosket or We Fesler, Basketball Coach Harold Olsen has already started to prepare his charges for the winter campaign.


The Buckeyes will take the usual holiday trip, appearing in Philadelphia again t Temple; College Park, l\!Id., again t the Univer ity of Maryland, and at Cincinnati. The home schedule will open this year the night of December 8 again t B. T. Grover's Ohio University five and the fir t road game will be again t Marietta the night of December 12. The We tern Conference season wi ll open at Iowa City, January 5.

Facing a strenuous schedule of 19 games, 12 of which are with Western Conference foes, Coach Olsen has been working his squad three nights a week for the last month. With the first game scheduled for December 8, 01 en soon will start nightly practice sessions.

This sea on' schedule:


Only three lettermen from la t year's squad will be available this fall. They are Captain Bill Beitner of Dover, John Wilson of Lakewood and Warren Whitlinger of Zanesville. Besides these three veterans, there ~e three more player who were on the squad last year, huck Wendt, Bruce Laybourne and Sam Bu ich the latter is a football man and will not report for ba~ketbal! practice until after the Thanksgiving vacation. everal firs t-year men are on the squad, or will be on after ~he football sea on closes, upon whom Olsen is . quar. . S ta te' s d.iminut1ve depending a g r e a t d ea l . O ne 1s ;rback, WiUiam Henry Harrison "Tippy" Dye of . orneroy and the other are Merle Wendt regular end ' ' . trorn M 1'd dletown; Augie George of Dayton another , ' B toorbal! pl ayer; arney Dagan of Springfield and Earl Th pl ornas of Ashland. The latter, an All-Ohio scholastic ayer, Probably will get the call at the center position.


niver ity 8~0hio 12-At Marietta 15- arleton 28-At Temple 29-At Maryland 3 1-At Cincinnati

] anuary

5-At Iowa 7-At Michigan 12--Illinois 21-Chicago


26--At I orthwestern 28-At Chicago 3 1- r otre Dame


+-At Purdue 9-Iowa I I-Northwestern 18-At Illinois 23-Purdue

· LaAnothe r mainstay, no doubt, will be Ronald Peters of

. Wrenceville • w ho t Ilri·11 e d state high school tournament cro 11·d two ll cha . years ago when he led his team to the Class rnpionship of the state.




OHIO STATE PLAYING NUMBERS Stan Pincura Dave Jones Wilson Stump Jack Smith Vic Dorris Dick Heekin Frank Antenucci 8- HB Frank Boucher 9-HB Dick Beltz 10-FB John Bettridge Bennie Dobbs 11-E Trevor Rees 12-E 14-FB John McAfee William Boston 15-C 16-FB John Kabealo 17~C-FB Damon Wetzel Merle Wendt 18- E 19~ G James Karcher James Pipoly 20-E Earl Thomas 21-E 24-QB Frank Fisch 25-HB George Brungard Robert Greider 26-T Frank CUmiskey 27-E Budd Cox 28-E Inwood Smith 29-G Vernell Roberts 30-G Sam Busich 31-E James Torrance 32-E Gomer Jones 33---C Charles Hamrick 34-G James Scott 35-T George Neal 36-G 37-QB Sam Horwitz Robert Lightburn 39-E 40-HB John Nagy Regis Monahan (C) 41~ Ernest Roush 42-G Ludwig Yards 43- T Millard Scholl 44-T John Kleinhans 45-E Mark Fleming 46-G Augie George 47-T Gilbert Harre 48-T Lewis Zirkle 49-T 50--QB William Dye 51~ C Vern Heiser George Novotny 52-T 53- HB James Miller George Kabealo 64-C Angelo Luckino 55--JG Robert Bittel 56-G Robert Miller &8-C George Haddad 59-G Tom Georgepoulos 60---;Q 1-QB 2-HB 3-QB 4-HB 5-FB 6--HB 7- HB


Operated by Ohio State Men J. A. McCLURE, JR., '13



The H. E. NESBITT, '14 Vice President

A complete organization set up give




efficient, honest




sha ll

serving you. L. N. MAYS, '31






I ! L

FA. 1112


FA. 1113

H. R. WOOD, '31


Sales Manager


---...._._·--·-··-··-.. -··-··-··-·-··-··--·-··-·-·-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-+


0 H I 0 33- Jone

Center 54



41- Capt. :Monahan 19- K archer

29- m.ith 36- eal

Right Tackle Hamrick 3 35- Scott

L eft Tackle 48- H arre 43- Yards L eft End 12- R ees 31- Busich 1- Pincura

48- Ford

. Kabealo

Right Guard

L eft Guard


Right End 18- Wendt 28- Co Quarterback 50- Dye 2~

Left Guard R ight Guard 29- Hildehrand 52- Austin, Capl. 68- Bi ell 72- Jacob on Left Ta kl Right Tackle 42- Viergever 6- Borgman 11- Sear Beard 1 L eft End Right End 17- Patanelli 62- Savage 61- Ward Quarterback 63- Renner J enning 6 Left Halfback 31- Everhardu ug 35-

Fi ch

Right Halfback 8-Bouch er ~ J. Smith

Left Halfback 6- H eekin ?- Ant enucci Fullback Kabealo 16-J.

Referee- Jame :Ma ker, ol'lhweslern Umpire--Anthony H aines, Yale Field Judge-Frank Birch , Earlham Head Linesman- Fred Young, Illinois Wesleyan

Right Halfback Regeczi 1 43- 0liver Fullback


6 193~

17- Wetzel


18- Fuog



5- R emia OF



OHIO 33- Indiana .......................... 0 13- Illinois ........................... .14 IO- Colga te ........................... 7 28-- orth weslern ................ 6 76--Western Re erve .......... 0 33- Chi cago .......................... 0 193

Oppo nents ...................... 27


0-Michigan Slate ................ 16 eor gia Tech ................. 2 9 0- Chicago ............................ 2 7 6--l llinoi ............................. 7 0- M in ne Ola .. .................... 31 0- Wi scon sin ..................... 10 15

Opponents ...................... 96




MILES OF CAREFREE DRIVING WITH SOHIO X-70 IN THE TANK The next best thing to seeing the Ohio State team in action is to hear the

SOHI O BROADCAST WLW Every Saturday Afternoon WTAM





o. Pos.


5- FB


6- G






11- G




15- Q




17- E




19- HB


20- HB


21- HB


23- FB 24-HB 25-G 26-T 27- T 29-G-T 30- Q 31- HB 32-T 34-E 35-HB 36-HB 37- HB 38- G 40- FB

Liffiton Amrine Garber Carr Wright Hildebrand Bolas Everhardus Stone Graper Aug Nelson Rudness Soodik Mumford

41~ C


42- T 43-FB 45-E 48-C 49-Q-HB 50- Q 52-T 53-E 54-T 55--G 60-FB 61- E 62-E 63-Q 64-Q 6~ 67-Q 68-G 70-E 72-T

Viergever Oliver Oyler Ford Ellis Brandman Austin Johnson Fisher Pederson Sweet Ward Savage Renner Jennings Hanshue James Bissell Lett Jacobson


·-··-··-··-·- ··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·- ··-··-·+

i l


I the Game --i

i i j

I i


i I

' 'i j j

l i j j

i 1 j l


Ir j



You don't need to devote your time to keeping a record of first downs, forward passes, punt yardage,

etc., and possibly . . missing some of the action and thrills.

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It take eleven men working as one to play winning football. Com· plete coopera tion must e i t from coach down to uh titute to attain uccess in football. Over three thou and worker are employed in maintaining your natural ga service. They are The Gas Company- motivated by a common purpose toward a ingle goal- better O'as service to you. This service, ~ade po sible by the effort of this host of worker , offers you the biggest fuel bargain obtainable for ordinary household u ses.


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I Though Deshler-Wallick Food and Servi'ce Has Been Superior for Many Years, Charges Are No Higher Than At Lesser


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America's Mose Bea.uti/ully· Equipped Houl L. C. WALLICK, Pm. JAMES H. MICHOS, Res. Mgr.


Doesn' t

os,: . . . It PAYS.1


+·-··-··-··-··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··-··-··-·-··- ··- ··--·-


i i i On Sale in . . i i THE STADIUM i

i i i i i i




1934 SQUAD ROSTER 1934



I i

i i i

No. 24 35 52 21 10 68 30 6 50 26 49 31 54 48 1 25 34 66 29 19 72 67 64 53 70 23 14 40

36 43 45 17 55 15 16 5 63 9 37 62 41 11

li i





i i


2 6 ~ 2 42 61 27






+·-·-··-··- · - · -··-·-·-··- ·-·-··-··-·-·-··+

+·-··-·-··-··-··--··-··- · -··-··-··-··- -· 38

_. ___J


ame Clas Amrine, Robert 0 ....................... '37 Aug, Vincent J ......................... '37 Austin, T. D. (Capt.) ................ '35 Barnett, David G......................... '37 Beard, Chester C....................... '35 Bis ell, Frank............................ '37 Bolas, George.............................. '36 Borgman, Wm. F ....................... '35 Brandman, Charles .................... '37 Carr, Carl W., Jr ......................... '37 Ellis, Joseph 0 ........................... '37 Everhardus, Chris...................... '37 Fisher, Joe .................................... '36 Ford, Gerald................................ '35 Fuog, Russell J ......................... '35 Garber, Jesse G........................... '37 Graper, Robert............................ '37 Hanshue, Cloyce E ..................... '37 Hildebrand, Willard H ............... '35 Jacobs, Phillip H ....................... '37 Jacobson, Tage 0 ....................... '35 James, Richard H ....................... '36 Jennings, Ferris.......................... '37 J ohnson, Ernest C....................... '36 Lett, Franklin.............................. '37 Liffiton, Jack K ........................... '37 Meyers, Earl J ............................. '37 Mumford, John ..................... ....... '37 Nelson, Winfred .......................... '36 Ol iver, Russell D......................... '35 Oyler, Thomas T ......................... '37 Patanelli, Matthew L ................. '37 Pederson, Ernest A ................... '37 Pillinger, Harry J ..................... '36 Regeczi, John M......................... '35 Remias, Steve .............................. '36 Renner, William W ................... '35 Rieck, John A ............................. '37 Rudness, George.......................... '36 Savage, Michael.......................... '36 Schuman, Stanton J ................... '37 Sears, Harold W., Jr ............... '37 Soodik, E li .................................... ·35 Stone, Edward Adam ................ '36 Sweet, Cedric C......................... '37 Triplehorn, Howard .................... '36 Viergever, J ohn D ....................... '36 Ward, Willis F ........................... '35 W right, Harry T................ ...... '37





Home Po : ition London, Ohio ......................... HB. Cincinnati, Ohio ......... ."........ JIB. Columbus, Ohio .................. ...T. Detroit, Mich ........................HB. Youngstown, Ohio .............. ,G. Pittsburgh, Pa ..................... ::::-. Chicago, Ill ............................QB. Fort Wayne, Ind ..................G. Findlay, Ohio ........................ QB. Saline, Mich ..........................T. Eagle River, Wis .................. Q-HB. Kalamazoo, Mich ................. HB. Ann Arbor, Mich ..................T. Grand Rapids, Mich ........... C. Chicago, Ill... ........................ C. New York, Y .................. G. Maumee, Ohio ....................... E. Kalamazoo, Mich ..................G. Saginaw, Mich .......................G-T. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich ....... JIB. Detroit, Mich .........................T. Detroit, Mich ........................ QB. Ann Arbor, Mich .................. QB. Grand Rapids, Mich ............ E. Battle Creek, Mich .............. E. Lakewood, Ohio .................... FB. Detroit, Mich........................ E. Highland Park, Mich ..........FB. Greenville, Mich ................... HB. Pontiac, Mich ........................ FB. Cincinnati, Ohio .................... E. Elkhart, Ind ......................... E. Grand Blanc, Mich .............. G. Whitehall, Mich ..................... QB. Muskegon Hts., Mich ........ FB. Chicago, Ill ........................... I<'B. Youngstown, Ohio ............... QB. Detroit, Mich ........................ E. Negaunee, Mich .................... HB. Dearborn, Mich .................... E. Winnetka, Ill... ...................... C. Grand Rapids, Mich ............ G. New Brighton, Pa ................ G. Chicago, Ill... ......................... T. Fremont, Mich ..................... ,FB. Bluffton, Ohio ....................... HB. Algonac, Mich ...................... T. Detroit, Mich .........................E. Mt. Clemens, Mich .............. T.



N Height 6'

5'1Ph " 6'1" 5'11" 5'9" 5'8" 5'7" 5'10" 5'6" 6'2" 6' 6'1" 5' 11"'' 6'

5' 11" 5'8 1h " 6'11h " 5'11" 6' 5' 10 1h " 6'1" 5'9" 5'10" 6' 6'

5'11" 5'11 1h " 5'10 1h " 5'10" 5'10 1h " 5'111A." 6'1" 5'10 1h " 5'8 1h " 6' 5' 11" 5'10 1h " 5'11" 5'8" 6'3" 5'9" 5'8" 5'7" 6' 6'

5'10 % " 6'1" 6'1" 6' 2 %. "

Weight 189 175 207 165 191 162 162 198 162 189 178 169 197 198 193 187 188 202 195 160 199 164 137 181 197 180 188 180 176 181 190 202 175 155 186 190 159 161 160 210 189 202 168 185 192 166 233 185 242

Years on Squad 0


2 0 2 0

1 2 0 0 0 0

0 2 2 0 0

0 2 0 2

1 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 2

0 0 0

0 2 1 2

0 1 1 0 0 2

1 0 1 1 2


+ •- • - •- ••-••- ••- •- ••-••- ••- ••-•- ••-u-••- ••- ••- •- -+

I ii j




: 1



! j



1 1


j j



i ·




As Captain Monahan stowed away his second helping of steak at Dutch Tavern today, he declared that the food at that famous campus eating place was even better than his mother'swho, he said, is no slouch in the kitchen. "We (I mean the fellows on the team and I) have been eating during the pre-season period at Dutch Tavern now for three years-and I sure was pleased when I found out that the Tavern was running our training table again this year", said Monahan today. Dutch Tavern invites you to eat with them tonight-they serve elegant meals from 45c t o 75c- Dutch Tavern 1924 N. High Street - opposite Education Building.


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ENVELOPES A Columbus Product from a Columbus Factory



"Fite Nite" spectators •.• Varsity O men cheer team . .. pop-corn relieves tension at basketball game . . . handballers and swimmers in action •.. Wesley Fesler, All-American . . . polo players tussle .• , over bar, pole-vaulting . . . Varsity diver . . . Swan Club .. . a long shot for basket ... "they're off" . . . Chic Harley, first All-American,

Safe at first base ... sprint swimmer splashes away . . . co-ed rooters show col ors ... women's equestrian class ... off for good gain against Nort hwestern ... Big Ten basketball champs ... Coach Francis Schmidt .. . te n intramural teams in action at once .. . Ohio hurdler leads way in Penn Relays ... drum major ... across Michigan's line for a touchdown.

jumpers. In the discus event, Inwood Smith, Varsity right guard, is th e best plate thrower to enter ince P ete R asmus matriculated back in 1925. These boys are all fre hmen.


To di count the loss of Bloor and Arnold, vVhitey \ onsowitz, star pole vaulter of 1932, who was out with a bad leg last season, will be back trying to raise hi record of 13 feet, 10 inches. Twice during the pa t summer he hit 13 :8 while participating in the Poli h Olympic G ames, and other Europea n meet . Glenn Price, Bob H uffman, two-milers; Frank J usek and Franklin Boucher, high jumpers ; G eorge eal and Joe Schwarts, shot-putters, and Dominic R enda, a 4 :25-miler, will be on deck. All in all, it looks like the best track team eve r to repre cnt Ohio on the ci nders.

LARRY SNYDER, Coach HREE Ohio tate track record were broken and one tied. That gives a better picture of the 1934 track team than a recounting of the meets could give. While the team was not well balanced in trength, there were certain ou tstanding individual performer who mad e the meets interesti~g. Also, for the fir t time, the meets were run at mght. pecial lighting illuminated th e straightaway and the cene of the individual field events. The meet were o scheduled that only one event took place at a time. Attention wa focused, participan ts were introduced to the crowd prior to each event, and the re were no lapses between events. ovelty races and stunt relieved the tension and ou tstanding performer exhibited their specialties. Carnival night, which included the final spring- practice football game, a dual meet with otre D ame, a dance in th e gymnasium, attracted 12,000 pectators.

T Whitey W onsowitz

Bill Bloor, captain of the team, erased Sandy Carroll' record of l :56 in the half mile, made in 19 16, when he wa timed in l :53. 9. In the quarter-mile event, eorge Arnold u urped the place long held by Tracy Pittinger, when he ran th e di tance in 48.1 J ohnny M oore tied the one-mile mark held by H arold K enn edy of 4 :23.4. The one-mile relay team of M erlin Willey, Cliff Smith, Bill Bloo r and G eorge Arn old, ran the mile in 3: 17 .1 three tim es duri ng the sea on. George cal increased his own shot-put rec· ord to 4 7 feet 11 ;/i inches.

Bill Bloor

60-yard dash ------- - - ---- - --------------- - 6.2 secs. Established by George imp on in 1929 and tied by Don Bennett in 1933. 75-yard dash -------------- ---------------- 7.6 secs. Established by George Simpson in 1929. 100-yard dash ___ ___ ____ _____ _______________ 9.4 secs. World's record established by George impson in 1929. 220-yard dash --------------------------- ---20,6 secs. Established by George imp on in 1929. 220-yard duh ----------- ------------------20.5 secs. With wind by Don Bennett in 1932. 70-yard low hurdles-------- -- - ------------ 7.8 secs. Established by J ack Keller in 1931. 70-yard high hurdles----- - -- - - ------------- 8.4 secs. World's record by J ack Keller in 1932. 120-yard high hurdles-------- --------------- 14 secs. World's record by J ack Keller in 1932.

The '34 Frosh squad was one of th e be t groups of freshmen ever to enter th e Un iversity. J ess Owen, egro sprinter and broad-jumper, set a new world indoor record of 25 fee t, 3Y-4 inches in Te w York' Madi on Square G arden during the winter. Outdoor he added five and one-half inches to that mark. In acldi tion, he has a better record as a high ch~ol sprinter than G eorge impson, who later, a a junior in college, raced th e l 00 yards in 9.4 econd . Three tim e last spring Jess ran 9.6 hundreds in fre hman · the meets and wa barely nosed out by M etca If in cni or Ia tional 100- meter event. Charlie Beetham and Ed G azdik are already good 440 and 880 runner . K enneth eitz and Johnnrk Maxwell hurdlers, are fine prospects a are Fran. > ·11 ' I Fowler and D on R eilly, di tance runner . Rei } .d 5 a rugged lad of the Glen n Cunningha m typ~- I~ White, Frank White and Fred Thomas all hit c has to the I 0-second mark in the hundred. Frank . everything that a fine quarter-miler should passessd: the other two a re al o better na I n average broa

Jesse Owens 44


Merlin Willey

George Arnold

220-yard low hurdle ----------- - -----------22.7 secs. W orld's record by J ack Keller in 1932. 440-ya rd dash ---- --------------------------48.l secs. Established by George Arno ld in 1934. 880-yard run ------------ -- - ----------------- 1 :53.9 E tablished by Bill Bloor in 1934. One mile run ------------------- - -- - -------- -4·23.4 Established by Harold Kennedy in 1926. Tied by Johnny Moore in 1934. Two mile run ---------- - -- - - ----------- ------9 ·40 E tablished by Harold Kennedy in 1925. P ole vault ---------- - --------- ------- 13 ft. IO in. Established by J ohn W onsowitz in 1933. Shot P ut ---------------------------- 47 ft. 11 ~ in. Established by George ea! in 1934. H igh Ju mp ---------------------- - - -- 6 ft. 5 111 , E tablished by Charles An on in 1926.

Discus --------- -- - ------- ------- ---- 159 ft. lU 111. Established by P eter Rasmus in 1929. Broad Jump --- -- -------------------- 23 ft. 8U in. Established by Guilford Hoi ten in 1931. Javelin ------------------------- - ---- 192 ft. 5 111. Established by Homer C. mith in 1932. Hammer ---- - ---- --- -- - ------------- 154 ft. 3 m. Established by Ray Bunker in 1924. 440-yard relay ---------------------------- 41.8 secs. (Kriss, Strother, Rockaway, impson) at the Penn Relays in 1929. 880-yard relay ----- - -------- ----------------- l :26.4 ( Rockaway, Richards, Strother, impson) in 1930. 1 mile relay --------------------------------- 3: 17. l (Willey, Smith, Bloor Arnold) in 1934. 2 mile relay --------------------------------- 7 :52.2 (Dille, Bloor, Brown, Beethman) outdoor in 1931. 2 mile relay -------- ------------------------- 7 :53.5 (Strother, Bloor, Brown, Beetham ) indoors in 1931. Medley, X, 220, 220, 0 mile ------------------ 3 :27.6 (Wise, Strother, Fazekas, Beetham) at Penn Relay in 1931-world's record. 440-yard shuttle hurdle ----------------------- 1 :01.8 (Pierce, Petersilge, Crooks, Rockaway) world's record, Ohio Relays in 1929. 4-mile relay ------- --- ------------ ---- - ------ 18 :38.3 (Kreider, Arnold, Russell, Kilpatrick) in 1924. 45

Cliff Smith




i-IE Buckeye ba eball team tarted th e 1934 eason with eleven l etter men back out of fourte e n, but were not e pecially trong becau e many of the e men had made letter as ophomore the pre vious year while the team wa lo ing all its Western Conference game .

even during the ea on. In conference games fou r were won and five lot, to fini h in a tie for fif th place . The team were o do ely bunched that Ohio could have tied Indiana for second place by winning the la t game with them, which wa played on Decoration Day.

The be t pitcher were \Villiams, Ulrick a nd E tell from the previou year, alon g with Blue, an outfielder, who ometime was u ed in th e box. They were forced to u e Mo er, a ophomore, as catcher, backed up by Bob Reily, and on the infield McAfee was at fir t, low on a t second, and aptain Lewi: at third, all holdover from 1933. Wicke! and King, two sophomore , divided the hort top a ignment. The outfield was practically riddl ed by ineligibility, Prosenjack being the only regular available from 1933. Vidis, Blue and Dolch were alternated in the other two po ition .

Pro enjack wa awarded the Potter RunCup for hi out tanding hitting ability.


The team played a 22-game


KEYE wimm e r are bu y at work this fall preparing for their fifth year of wimming competition. The ea on of 193.+-35 marks the fourth in th e new natatorium and promi e thrill galore for water enthu ia ts.

cinn a ti and Gordon Terpcnny of leveland , brea ttrokers; Jim Patterson , al so of ' leveland, and Harry Hallman of andusky, are expected to give Lettermen G ral~am and \Val ton close competition for diving Fionors. All 1.n all, the 193.+-35 aggregation looks much more formidable than any group to date and i expected to compete on equal terms with the be t in the Big Ten.



The loss of three former talwarts, ndy Fela of Akron, Ba rt Ewell of Toledo and rmond Adam of Port mouth , will he keenly felt. The e men were graduated la t June. Larry ray of Detroit, Harry urtis, al o of Detroit, and John trater of Toledo all excellent pro pects, failed to return this year. '

a ker

The high-light of la t eason ' competition was the promotion of the ' ational Intercollegiate and 1 ational A. A. . meets in the beautiful var ity pool. Thi was the fir t time in the history of nited tates swimming that both national meets were held at the same place. wimmers from all pa rt of the country competed, including Jack l\ l edica of Washington , the pence Brothers and ".e~er Fick of 1 ew York, Degener and'. ~rysdale of .\ l 1chigan, Flackman of fllinoi , Highland of i'\ orthwe tern, Vande Weghe of ewark Gilhula of outhern alifornia, 1ar hall Wayne of Fi'orida Chro tow ki and Higgin of Providence, and a ho t of others. ix new world' indoor record were e tabli hed , a

Pro pect for a good sea on in 1935 are encouraging . The only losse from this year's Varsity are William , pitcher, and Lewis, third baseman. It look a though Peters, promi ing fre hman pitcher, hould help to fill Vlilliam ' loss, and Wicke! will be hi f ted to third ba e for next ea on.

If eligibility does not take too high a toll, a bette r team than last year will represent Ohio ta te on th e diamond. Alex Clow on is the captain of th e 1935 outfit.

breakin g



aptain George olville of ircleville, George Burrell of Ak ron, Dick Figley of anton , Boyd Graham of Dayton, H arry Volk and Homer Hagaman , both of Cleveland , and Fred \Valton of Toledo, are the returning lettermen. Bill Drennan of olumbus, Ray Green of Toledo, Leonard Faurot of Lima and Bill Kettler of \Va hingto u, D. ., are others back from last year's quad . The team thi year will be greatly trengthened by a Bell-balan_ce d g roup of ophomore tar including Baker / .l'ant of Columbus, Jim William of Hamilton, Ray ler of Dayton and Dexter \Voodford of Akron, all tylers; Charle alie of incinnati and George iehel of As hl ::md , back trokers; Rus Kirhert of in-


fa~t which indica~e. that the hio natatorium i ideally u1ted for competitive purpo es and that Japan' victoriou wimmers in the last Olympic are going to encounter much tronger oppo ition from the repre entative of the nited tate in 1936.






Ohi~ tate fencing team i anticipatin g another Wm ter chedu[e which will get under way tencer tly after Christmas. La t sea on the Buckeye 0 .st only one match out of five starts and had one f 1'hie Wi th the niver ity of Cincinnati aggregation.

Conference champion hips held in hicago. In thi meet' D 'Amore and Kaufer cored five points between them and they were tied in this po ition with the niversity of Illinoi . Illinois wa the defending champion but wa forced to relinquish it top po ition by a crack hicago team. The team thi year will be minu the abilitie of D'Amore and Kaufer who graduated la t pring, but Coach Frank Riebel ie grooming everal men whom he hope will fill the gap and will continue the good reputation of the Buck .







hicae b arlet swordsmen dropped their lone bout to t11n i~go Y the sco re of 10 to 7, but triumphed over Day,\ ~\\'O mee t and defeated Iichigan tate 16 to 7. Pair of the 01110 . f encer , apta111 . Andanto D'Amore nd. A.nd rew K aufer, captured third place in the We tern







The pro pect for a good team in 1935 seem bright due to the return of four veterans: L eonard Fauver, J ohn C ox, W alter Cram er and Arthur D owne . Vern H eiser, a very capable light-heavy from the fresh man quad, will trengthen that weight and Charles H amrick, who won th e Fro h heavyweig ht title, will take care of that divi ion.

HE 1934 Wrestling eason opened with two meet in leveland on ucce sive nights, wi th th e Y. M . C . A. and C a e furni hing th e op-

position, which re ulted in two victories for tate. Michigan State was the next victim and then Ohio lo t a close one to Illinois. Drove to orthwestern the foll_£wing week-end and defeated the Wildcat , and the next week-end defeated the Wolverines from Michigan. Indiana trounced the Buckeyes in the next meet, but Ohio finished strong by def eating the University of West Virginia on the home floor.

M eets a re being arranged with Ill inoi , Indiana, orthwestern and Michigan and the non-conference opponents will. probably be Michigan tate and West Virginia.

CAPT. D ow Leonard Fauver, 118 pounds, and Hadley Smith, HS pounds, wrestling their first year of college competition, were defeated but once in eight matches. J ohn C ox, Walter Cramer, Capt. Downes and Wilbur R enner all won

the majority of their contests.


Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio hio

Cleveland Y Oh io tate 21 Case Ohio State 29 Michigan tate Ohio State 22 tate 11 Illinois 15 11 Michigan tate 19 Indiana tate 0 28 tate 26 72 West Virginia 0 orth we tern State 26 6


h ay the la t word in :flowers to , ear, for table , for weddings or any oth r purpose.


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Always unusual A lways a rtistic . Always at your service

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AD. 8058

Acknowledge /riendships this Chrntmas with a Baker Portrait.

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There's always a hearty welcome for you at . . . •



Hotel Chittenden P edect









H. G. OLSEN , Coach



" The trend is back to Quality"

17 3 8


LTHOUGH Perry Garver had been elected captain of the 1934 team, he found the vicissitudes of the Law College too trenuou to allow him to participate in hi favorite pastime. Without any available veteran material for hi team, and with a very light schedule due to financial limitations placed on the golf budge.t, Coach 01 en picked a team which had as its members Ray Dudley, William Loveberry, Robert Coe and Allen Tracewell. These men all received varsity





CLUB BREAKFA T 30c TO 60c LU CHEO 30c TO 60c DI ER 50c, 75c AND 85c


' for their participation. Two victories over Kenyon which were won by topheavy score , were the high-light of the ea on. Michigan took away eve rything but the golf link when they climbed back in their cars for ~ home trip, with the decisive score of 210 to 2~ ill their favor. Against the University of Cincinnati "'ial" ce,t· ers, the Buckeyes had to be content with making ac able showing . Cincinnati won the first match 10 to and the second 15 to 5.

i i ij •

i j_

I 49






Ii Ii


PmvATE D1 1 G RooMs



1. 1


p ring and High

GEO. A. WEYDIG, Manager



Mo t unique room in Columbus. Low prices.

+·- ·-··-··-··-·-··-··- ··-··- ··-··-·- ··- ··-·--·-·+

TE NN IS HERMAN WIRTHWEIN , Coach E D by Captain William ' hamber of Cincinnati, the Var ity tenni team finished third in the Big Ten ra nking for the 1934 ea on. hambers went to the emi-finals in single at the Conference championsh ip in Chicago, being put out by D avidso n of Chicago niversity, the winner of the tournament. Paired in the doubles with Robert Hoyle of uyahoga Falls, they lost in the semi-final to David on and W eis · of 'hicago in a hard three-set match, winning the first set and losing the next two. Prospects for next year look bright with the following letterm en b a ck: : Chamber , Hoyles, Stanley Lloyd of Cleveland, and Jack Benjamin of olu mbus. There are a ..number of very promising players from last year's Fre hman quad, including Robert i iho u en of Cuyahoga Falls, Dick i t of anton, William Hoyer of Columbu and Robert Pear on. The Varsity team, if all men are eligible, look a good as the Big Ten hampion hip team of '31 and '32, which

did not lo e a match in those two years. The pa t sea on has been the bigge t tenni year that the niver ity has ever had in the holding of tennis tournaments on the forty-six Stadium and Varity courts. Under the supervision of Coach Herman Wirthwein, the following tournament s were held: The High chool City Championship, the High School District Champion hip and the High chool tate Championhip. During the spring quarter the Intramural department held champion hips in men's si ngles and doubles as well as a ingles championsh ip in the Fre hman c 1 ass. The Colu:nb11 ity hampion hip in men' ingles and double , women ingle and junior ingle were held in June. One of t he largest tournament s of it kind in the country wa the ta te tournament for boy and girls in singles and doubles held during the latter part of August. Forty girls and more than one hundred boys participated in this tournament .


OHIO COACH ES Godfrey _ Gillman - Gailus - Larkins - Schmidt - Stinchcomb - Staten - Stahl

Tree Planting Ceremony Honoring the First Football Team





Ol\lPETI 1 G in their most pretentiou schedule, and mo tly at their own expense, the Buckeye polo team had a very succe sful season la t year. They competed both indoor and out. During the late fall and winter eason, they met the Troop E Horsemen of leveland, a fast Zane ville combination I another group at Harbor Hill s the Ohio tate Alumni 1 and Troop A at C leveland. They chalked up four victories while losing a single con test, the one to the Harbor Hills outfit.

a victory over the Akron aggregation closed the act1v1t1es. for the pring quarter. o clo e wa the competition on the Buckeye team that eight men were awarded letters at the close of the ea on. Max Cohen, manager, brought thi total up to nin e. Those awarded letten were : Vic Thompson, Miner Seymour, Andrew J. Sirilo, James Peeble , Ru sell Gardner, James H. McCoy, Jacob i\fauney, E. Paul White, Max ohen, manager. Bu ckeye polo enthusia ts a re looking forward to the day when they will, first, own their own table of polo horses and, econdly, be able to take tho e ho rse when they meet oppo ing teams away from home. nder the present condition , the lads repreenting the niversity are forced to u e the artillery hor e furnished by the government for use in military training. Then, when they leave home to participate at other chools, they are compelled to use the horses alloted to them by the team with whom they are competing.


b Then,

whe n the balmy reeze of spring brought back t he g reen to the turf they competed m eight matches on ucce · . ive week-ends.' Once again they defeated the La~ ville team and broke even with the trong Mi souri rsity team at Columbia, Mi sou ri. Two victories Ovn,ve er tit! 1II'1no_1·s at Urbana gave the Buckeye the mythical R.idc of Big Ten champion . A tie game with River ge and a de feat at the hand of the ame team , then

z . LeH to Right-Jac k Heston , assistant coach; Ray Fisher, freshm~n coach ; Walter Weber, backfield coach; Ray Courtright , assistant. coach; Harry K1pk.e, head coach; Franklin Ca ppon , line coach ; Clifford Keen , asmtant co~<:h ; Benni e Oosterbaan , end coach ; Dr. Frank Lynam , team phys1c1an. 50





chmidt and the team during the Indiana game

Intramural Sports HAROLD S. WOOD , Director


LD you know that Ohio tate and Michigan Uiniversities were pioneers in the Intramural Athletic " port for All" movement in the United tates? In 1913 both Ohio State and Michigan organized Intramural departments and appointed Intramural directors to promote and supervise a sports program in which all of the students in the University could participate. The Intramural sports program at The Ohio State University has grown to be the largest extra-curricular activity at the niversity and over five thousand men and women participate in one or more of the thirty different sports yearly. In the pre ent autumn quarter of the school year there are eighty-eight touch-football teams, forty-eight speedball teams, and over two hundred student and faculty bowling teams engaged in whole ome team port competition. In addition there are one hundred ninety-six men pitching horseshoes in the Intramural tournament and over one hundred cross-country runners have entered the annual cross-country race, which will be held on Thursday, ovember 15. A ladder tournamen t is being conducted in handball and over two hu ndred men will have played in t his tourname nt by the end of the autumn quarter. The above figure a re for organized sport competition only and for but one quarter of the school year. T hou and of tudent are wimming, playing handball, golf, tennis, archery, wrestling, boxing, basketball, fencing, polo and many other sports in an informal manner throughout the year.

Boucher 78 ard run agam l Indian a.

McDonough olgate half back re ls off 22 yard .

To give ome indication of the popularity of sports participation at the Ohio tate University, it might be intere ting to con ider the facilities available for student recreation and at the same time to realize that in many ca e additional facilities are badly needed to satisfy the tudent interest in sport participation. ( Continued on page 67)

llonahan boot the field goal that turn ed out to be the ¡ ¡ mar. IVznmng 'L n <igainst Col1(111e.


We Dave The EqnipD1ent! We have Lhe equipment to handle that next job of yours. We have the equipment that will produce that piece of literature swiftly, at a low cost and with a high degree of workman hip. Printing is lo us :1 Conn of merchandise that we are striving to sell to a con umer. To have continuous success we must produce our merchandise with a high degree of workman· ship, speed and at low cost. It has been our constant effort to secure men and machinery so that we can incr ase our ser· vice in every way. As we have stated before, we are always ready and waiting to help you with any difficulties that may arise. Perhaps we can be of some service when in doubt about paper, ink, type or niversity 4185, al any time, and a technician will come arrangement. Please feel free to call on the run.



Jackson Senior-Commerce Phi Kappa Psi Halfback


Springfield Senior-Education End

49. LEWIS G. ZIRKLE Defiance Junior-Engineering Sigma Nu Tackle 46. MARK FLEMING

Columbus Junior-Engineering Phi Delta Theta Guard




Cleveland Junior-Engineering Tower Club Center

pecializing in Color Printing

Day and ight ervice


Columbus Junior-Education End


15. WILLIAM BOSTON Cleveland Sophomore-Education Phi Kappa Sigma Center 39. ROBERT LIGHTBU RN

Crestline Senior-Education Tau Kappa Epsilon End 60. THOMAS

GEORGEPOULOS Cleveland Junior-Education End. 59· GEORGE HADDAD

Toledo Sophomore-Commerce Guard





~9 E.TOWN ST.. MAIN 2355





North Lima Junior--Commerce Chi Phi Fullback



Struthers Junior--Commerce Alpha Sigma Phi End


erved Exclusively on the Campu F



• 0 H 10

first I CE CR EAM a pp1·oved by THIRD DOWN

VETS 9. RIC HARD BELTZ Findla y Junior-Commerce Phi Delta Theta Halfba ck

aut SIX TO


45. JOH N KLEINHANS Maumee Junior-Education Pi Kappa Alpha End 31. SAM BUSICH Lorain Junior-Commerce Alpha Sigma Phi End


54. GEO RGE KABEALO Youngstown Senior-Commerce Delta Sigma Phi Center

Trying to grow a beautiful lawn is like playing football.

Just as you think your lawn is going

over for a " touchdown" something goes wrong and it is thrown for a " loss." up -

Bare spots show 35. JAMES H. scon Toledo Senior-Education Alpha Tau Omega Tackle

weeds beg·,n to take hold and the fi rst thing

you know you ore back to the " Fifty Yard Line." The difficulty usually lies in impure lawn seed. 'I


Why not try SCOTT'S CREEPING BENT next time. 36. GEORG E V. NEAL Dayton Senior-Agriculture Beta Theta Pi Guard

If planted at the right time, you will have only SIX weeks TO GO before thick , healthy turf will cover the entire yard -

then a beautiful lawn is assured.

But make certain it's SCOTT'S weed -free CREEP48. GILBERT HARRE

ING BENT - the best money will buy. Write for an interesting Booklet, entitled " Bent Lawns."

Fall is the









r=·--··-·--··- ··-··- ··---·---··-··----··-·-·-·--··--··-·-··-··--·- ··-·---·





8. FRANKLI N BOUCHER Ke nt Junior-Co mmerce Ph i Delta Theta Ha lfback 19• JA MES M. KARCHER

Forest Senior-Agric ulture Tower Club Gu ard

33 • GO MER T. JONES Cleveland J~nior-Education PC, Kappa Alpha enter




To ledo Ju nior-Education Sigma Nu Tackle




·--·-··-··- ·-··-··-··-··-··-..-··- ·--· L--··-··-··-··-..-..- ·-··-·-·-··-.. -··-··-··- ·-··---··--· 56

42. ERN EST RO USH Black lick J~nior-Education S,g rna Alpha Epsilon Guard

Diary of an Ex-Football

Ouesti onnair e for Sports Writer s b,· BILL BAER

Player by BILL BAER


hould you call a man who makes a five-yard gain? . . . ,, A.-He is a "Galloping Ghost of the Gnd1ron.

Mo DAY-Went to the campu hop and ordered some ties, shirt , and socks. When I told the clerk to charge it, he snickered, "Oh, a fast charging lineman."

Q.-Can he be anything el e? .-0 f cour e he can . He can be a Plunging P anther, a Tearing Tornado, a Battering Bulldog, or a Flying Phantom .

H e die<l

game . T

Q.-How may a player gain a couple of yards1 A.-He fight , tears, slashes, twists, whirls, rips, or thund er h;s way through the opposition.

E DAY-Had a date with Mabel. \ e went to a dance. "L oo k," h e a1.d , "don ' t you think I would make a good football team . I have a swell line and one of the

Q.-How do you de cribe the coach? f\.-He i "The Old Man," "The Wily Wizard," or he might be th e "Old Fox."

be t backs in this section of the coun try." he was a nice girl while he lived.

Q.-Does thi apply to any coach? .- Of cou r e it does.

\VED ESDAY-ln the locker room af ter practice, one of the boy . uggested we go to a

Q .- \ hen you predict the results each week do you have any idea who is going to win? A .- D on't be illy.

burlesque show .

"The coach ay we need practice getting down under th e kick ." They'll need a derrick to take the cleat

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Distributors of Complete Athletic Equipment and Sporting Goods.

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out of his head.


THURSDAY - itting at my desk readin g when m y room m ate came in. H e wanted to know if I didn't think this guy hake peare wa just what the tea m needed a they ay he has made up om e pretty good pla~· .



Make your stay complete-hea r the


H e never knew what hit him.

Russian Don Cossacks

FRIDAY-Th e prof called on me in cla today and when I gave him the wrong an wer he wanted to know wa I the dummy the team u ed fo r practice. rl hey're

ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT is Used and Endorsed for Team Use

lees Hall, Capital University, 8 :30

still looking for his body.

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East Main and Drexel

SATURDAY -The day of the Big Q.c1me. \Ve were in the locker room getting dre ed . I a ked one of the boy if a

Prices: $1.50, $1, 75c

man was supposed to play left end and played right end would the right end be the wrong end? He gave me a funny

For n entire new program of songs an d dances.wbeP ti cket call Ev. 4415 or stop at box office you come to the concert.

look and oh ... ugh ... they got me . · · oh ... uh ... no ... flowers ... 58

TH [ J











INC. U. S . A



! !


! !







The Ohio Band ---



eco11d t enror horn- canley L. Cramer, Harry huffle. barger, John T. Read, Dwight Garber, Richard W . Lyle. Baritone-Glen Warren, Richard Myers, Charles H. orman Kovar, H ugh C. Holme , Robert E. Mi ller, auer, Leo Perri, Floyd G. harp, A. L. Taylor, Robert toneman, Russell B. Dicka on, E. Ray Woodcoc k, G. . McPeek, Vernon Miller, James Moore. Alternate- luryl humaker, Glenn \'<feiler. First trombone-Roberc A. Ewing, Richard C. Reid. Orville Chamber , Bernard aylor, William Phillip · econd trombone-Frank teahly, Erne t A. Goda. W . A. coll, Her chel Hatfield, Jame E. R imelspach. Third trombone-We ley Ginn, Reed H. Cory, ~'ii· liam Doelker, Benjamin chrank, Don Deeter. raig, Howard W . owels. Alternate-John B.B. flat bass-Thoma L. A lbert , Loui L. Ch_e ~in. J ack 0. Dillahunt, hades \Yf. Bennett, R icha rd Ph1ll 1 Carol Long, J. Henry Giordan, J ame E. ci llwell, L. · wanger, Cla ude R. Veno del. E. flat bass-Robert J. Mayer, William . Ed"•ard;. lenn E. Mowers, H . Eugene Denni , rvin C. Pu e. Alternate-William Hopkin , Herman Gradmanh. 11are drn111-Fritz Ever, William G. Deffenbaug n; ldridge A. Wick, John Weil, Edwin Jona, Che,t<· W. mith. Bass drum-Jules Grad, drian B. Ki ling. Ymbals-John Litherl and, harle M. Frank, BIJ1r. Alternate-Glen R. Baumhardt, \'<filliam A · Thomas Burns.

Officer of che band for this year, in addition co Prof. eigel, are: ape. L. L. Hamilton, commanding officer; \Villiam Ca ey, drum major; Don McCullough, a iscanc drum major; R obert toneman, manager and li brarian; ergeant Major John \'<fi ll iam , property man. The band per onnel include : E. flat cornet--Charles T. Linehan, Howa rd trauch, Thomas toner, harles E. traight, Robert Burn . uy Thompon, Roger olo cornet-Philip \'<folf, Frericks, Will iam Moore, Harold Vos , Jo eph Bru ngart, ed B. Griner, Hubert Overmeyer, Robert Block, . H. Gableman, Ru ell Conover, Robert C. Karrer, Harley Hanna, John Hamilton, Howard Pardee. First cornet-Robert Hall, J. Rodney Fi cher, Don Gump, J. Edward \Varner, E. 0. Tungate, Joseph \V. Graham, Morris L. Battles, Victor Oltman , Joseph Leader, Wi lbur K. Jone . econd cornet-Harold helton, Carl Laufer, Fra nk'in Miller, Klein Gilha u en, Ru ell Dreyer, W . T. Griffith, G. G. Cline, am Kerr, Tom M. Mills, George \'v'a lm Icy. A lternates-Arthur Hopwood, R obert E. Kell er, Fred Yoder. First horn- · dward Katz, Gordon Harri, Jame crong, Duane D. Kackley, John M. hank . econd horn-John C. nyder, Anton Brenner, Arthur bascian, Richard eedham, Bernard Prehm. M. Third horn-Harry Pugh, Roland E. ain, Ludlow Elliott, Eugene Haa , William Hoffman. First tenor horn--Carl Reed, Everett Iaylor, J. \Vesley Lea , Henry url, John R. Titlow. ~


••• 60

We didn't know it was loaded61

Football Rosteri


Carver. Rolly J. Dr .• 71 W. Tulane Rd., Columbus. Football 1904. Case. Claude H., 26 Orchard Rd. , Akron. Ohio, Football 1902-03. Cherrington, M. H. Dr., 163 W. Main St., Logan. Cherry, Boyd, 212 E. 4 th St., N . Y. City, N. Y., Football 191 2, 13-14, Basketball 1912-13-14, Baseball 1912-13-14. Christopher, C., Football. Churches, Biagio V., FootbaO 191 -19. Claflin, Walter N., 1104 Elmwood Ave., Columbus , Football 190&. 07-08. . Claggett. Edward F., 402 Second National Bank Bldg., Saginaw, Mich., Football 1904-06-07. Clare, R. L ., 212 Rector St., Perth Amboy, N. J ., Football 1909-10. lark, David B .. The Marsh Foundation School, Van Wert, Foot. ball 1902-03-04. Olark, Meyers A ., Football 1924-25-26. Clouse, Football 1902. Coffee, Charles B., 1026 Parkway Dr., Columbus, Football 1927-

( 1iss Carrie Dudley, Athletic Dept. Ohio Late University, will welcom e any in/orma· tio11 that will tend to make this roster more accurate.)

Ackerman, Cornelius C., 118 E. Franklin St .. Football 1925-26-27 . Addison, Everett E., 8 E . Long St., Colu~bus. Football 191 -192~. Alber, Geo. F., 504 3rd St., Jackso":, M,ch .. Football 1926-27-2 · Allen, Robt. M., 2576 Summit St., Chicago, Ill., Football 1932. Assman, Elmer A., Deceased, Football 1921. Aldrich C A Deceased. Football 18 6. Bachm~n S ii Football 1908-09-10, Baseball 1909-1911, Track 1910. Baer, C. 'L.: J 005 S. 54th St., !'hiladelphia, Pa., Football 1911. Baird, Chas., R. No. 2, Franklin, Ky., Football 1 93. Ball, Fred Samuel, 1504 S. Perry St., Montgom ry. Ala .. Football 1896-1898. Barnes. Robert L. (M.D.), 6 3 E. Broad St., Columbus, F ootb a 11 (O.M.U.) Barnes, W. H .• Football 1 · 11 Barrett, Fred W., Capital City Products Co. , Columbus, Footba 192 -29. . s F tb 11 Barricklow, Donald, 1775 Franklin Park, ., Columbus, oo a 1910-11-12. B · gton Walter Consolidated Coal Co.. Rockefeller Center, arcN. Y. 'c., Football 1905-06-07 -08, Basketball 1906-07 -0 , Baseball 1906-07. Baumgartner, Gene H., 1735 King Ave., Co lumbus, Football 1930-31. Beatty H M Columbus, Football 1890-91-92 . Beatty; P~ul H., 1235 Bender Ave.. leveland, Football 1909-10. Beeth am. Rupert P., Deceased, Football l 99. Bell, Frederick J., 1454 Hollywood St., N. E .. Warren. Football 191 · Bell, Howard F., 1007 Blestein Ave:, Cody, W yo., Football 1907-09. Bell Robert R 228 Nixon Ave., Limn, Football 1925-26-2 . Bell: Robin A.:'130 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y., Football 1925-26-27, Basketball 1926-27-28. Bell. Wm . M., Claflin Univ., Orangeburg, S. C., Football 1929-30-3 1. Benedict. Wm., Football 1897. 0 Benis. Joe V., 109 E. 9th Ave., olumbus. Football 19.30- . J. Birdseye. Claude H., U. S. Geological Survey. Washington. D. C., Football 1901. . b 11 M 1925 Bixler. Ronald. 7056 Darnen Ave., Chicago. Ill .. ,,. root a gr. · Blair. Howard H .• University of Akron. Akron. Football 1920-21-22. Basketball 1921-22-23. Blanchard, Bruce, 1715 Quarrier St., Apt. 5, Charleston, W. Va., Football . Bliss, H arry 1910. W., Gamerco, New Mexico. Footba II l 9 l 9 · 20 • B ase b a II 1919-20-21. Blose. M. A., Deceased, Football 1897-~8. . Boesel, Richard E., Arch er Rd .. Sterling R idge. Rye, N . Y., Football 1915-16-17. Boesel, S. W . (M.D.). Niles, Football 1909-10. Bolen. Charles W., l 62 Barrington Rd ., Columbus, Football 191516- J 7 Basketball 1916-17-18. Boothma~. Dale M .• 223 th St .. Oakmont, Pa,.. Football 1000. , Boughton. Ivan S .. P. 0. Box 526, Sonora. 'lexas, Football rnl3-

Coch2r~-;~·Kenneth L., Coshocton Rd., Mt. Vernon. Football 1931. Cooke, C. Clement, 80 Cooke Ave., Columbus, Football, Track 1910. Conrad, Frederick B., 1658 Neil Ave., Columbus, Football 1931-32, Basketball 1932-33. Coover. Winfred F., Iowa State College, Ames, Ia., Football 1898. Cope, Harry, D. D. S. , 227 E. State St., Columbus. Football 1898. Cornell, Fred A. , 124 Delaware Rd., Kenmore, N. Y., Football 1902-03-04. Cory. T. Lincoln. 5415 Hyde Park Blvd .. Chicago. F ootball 1927-2 . Cott, Richard S .. 921 W. Broad St., Columbus, Football 1919-20-21. ourtney, Harold J .. Deceased, Football 1915-17. Courtney. Howard G.. 1994 Suffolk Rd .. Columbus . Football 1915-17. Cox, Joseph E .. 6 Bowman St .• Dayton, Football 1926-27-28. Cramer, Carl F .. Kenton High School, Kenton, Football 1931-32-33. Crecilius, W. Arthur, Masonic Temple, Sandusky, Football 1 94-96. Culbertson, C. L., Deceased, Football 1897-98. Cunningham. H arold B .. Mt. Vernon, Football 1923-24-25, Basketball 1924-25-26. Curra n, Michael F ., Football 1904. Darst. L. D., 387 Aqueduct St., Akron, Football 1912. Daughters. Charles G., 431 E. Columbia Ave., Ft. W ay n e, Foot. ball 1916-17. Davies, Thos. G., Ironton, Ohio, Football 1918-19. Dean, Chas. A., Football 1902. Delich. Peter D., 3752 Colbourne St.. Gary, Ind., Football 193 1-32-33. DeLong, A. z., Metropolitan Bldg., Vancouver, B. C., Football I 96. DeVoe. Keith, D. D. S., 26 N. High St., Columbus, Football 192324-25. Diehl, Wm. R., Jr., 308 S. Parkview Ave., Columbus, Football 1932. Sw imming 1933. Dike, Everett. Football 1904. Dill, M. Reese. 1 57 Union Trust Bldg. , Cleveland, Football 192 -:?!>. Dill, Raymond, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. , Milwaukee, W is., Football 1901. Dilts, Chas. R., 147 Crane Ave., Kent, Football 1901. Dixon. Frederick W., 67 E. orthwood Ave. , Columbus, Football Mgr. 19:32. Doig. Hal F., 604 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Football 1920-21. Donley, Ford, 1940 E. 117th St., Care Ford Donley Co., Cleveland. Football 1908. Dougherty, W m. A., R oom 30, Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, N. Y., Football Mgr. 1916. Dreyer. Carl A. M. D., 626 Western Ave., Toledo, Football 1924-25. Dreyer, Virgil 0., 2016 Mayfair Rd .. Dayton, Football 1914. DuBois, Wilbur L., 230 Federal Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. , Football 1900, Duddi•. James, Football 1914. Dunlap, John H., Williamsport, Football 1895. Dunlap, Nelson H., Chicago, Ill., Football 1921-22-23. Dunlap, Renick W., K ingston, Football 1891. Dunsford. J. R. , 310 Quaker Rd., Sewickley, Pa., Footba ll 190~. Dwyer, R. E., 5216 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Footba ll I 9,. Eagleson. John R., 85 E. Gay St., Columbus, Football 1 96. Earley, E. T., 6780 Tower River Rd., Cincinnati, Football. Eberle, John J., 277 S. 17th St., Columbus, Football 19~ · Eby, Byron, 6 W. Fifth Ave., Chillicothe, Football 1926-21 -2 · Ec kstorm, John B. C., 1584 Summit St., Columbus, Football 1 · ·· Egbert. Archie D., Afton, Wyo., Football 1910. ball Errensberger, Carl H., 1583 Briarwood Ave., Columbus. Foot 1930. Elder, W. N .. Route 4, Springfield, Football 1901. 0 ·~ Elgin, Edward S., 1592 Richmond Ave., Columbus, Football 192 Ellis, R. T ., Col., Washington, D. C., Office Quartermas ter · 0 :~i.9str Hall, 5050 Cass, Apt. L58, Detroit, ~ich, Football Mgr. 1924. Engensperger, Albert, Football 1897. lfgr. !•;rvin. Norman E., 1644 Juneway Terrace, Chicago, Footbal 1 · 1922. . b h pa.. Ewalt. Dwight S., 219 Mabrick Ave., Mt. Lebanon, Pitts urg • Football 1913. 1910.Z· Ewart, Kenneth L .. 1952 12th St. , Cuyahoga Falls, Footbalb1 JI j~ · Ewing, Harry E .. 77 W. Northwood Ave., Columbus. Food t aFootb>: Farcasin. Constantine. 10407 Edgwater Rd. , Clevelan • 8 2 Fars~~~ j ;hn P .. M.D. , 137 E. State St., Columbus, Football I~ -· 03-04-05. Fay. Sherman. Decef.sed. Football 1899. Feldwisch. Henry W .. Decensed. Football 1911-12. 12 Forgus , Corwin. 1122 Lincoln Rel. , Columbus. FootbalFI ltbail I~· Verrell. Junius B., 808 13th Ave., N. W., Canton, 00 31-32. Basketball 1931-32. ·c1ge ll•'' f'es ler, Wesley E .. Athletic Dept .. Harvard Univ., Cam b r~ 9'-3i)..II· Football 192 -29-30, Basketball 1929-30-31, Baseba 11 92

Bow~;;~· Gustus K., 329 E. Broad St., Columbus. Football Mgr. 1923-24. Bown. Harold S .• Wentworth Ave. and 27th St., Chicago, Ill .. F•oo tball Mgr. 1924-25. Boynton, A. J., 310 S. Michigan Ave .. Chicago, Football 1 93-94. Bradley Robt. T., Galena, Football 1925-26. Breese · O H R F D 4 Lima, Football 1 99-1900. Bridge: B~ookiyn · B.; 13°37 °Mulford Rd .. Columbus, Football 1912. Briggs Maurice0 3326 Milverton Rd., C'leveland. Football 1912-13-14. Brindl~. Arthur B., Miller St., Ashland. Football 1905_. Ba~eball 190:i. Bronson, F. P., Amer. Sheet & Tin Plate Co .. Continental & Commercial Bldg., Chicago, Ill. , ~·ootball 1890. Brown. Fred W., Football 1888. Brown, Geo. W ., Football 1902. Brown. Stanley, Football 1902. Brunson. Robt. P .• Toledo Colortype Co., Inc., 1719 Jefferson Ave .• Toledo, Football Mgr. 1928. Bryce, Chalmers K., Oxwell Acetylene Co., Newark, N. J., Football 1906-07-08. Bulen, J. Elwood, 6 N. High St .. Columbus . Football 1900-01. Butcher, Fred E ., Danville, 111., Football 1 95-97. Byrne Edward G 229 Grafton Ave .. Dayton. Football 1908-04. Calkin's. Geo. H., 'i W. Genesee St .. Buffalo, N. Y., Football 1895. Basketball Mgr. 1896. C'allinan Wm . H., Dece%ed. Football l 96. Cameron', Geo. D. , 690 E. 99th St.. leveland, Football 1923, Baseball 1923-24-25, Basketball 1924-25. Carlin. Oscar E., 33 Wilson Ave .. Colum.bus, Football 1926-27-28. Carr. Harry A., 165 Broadway, N. Y. City, N. Y .. Football 1905-



Eng;i'.'°J~:~~ ¥.:

Carr~t~1aul R., 56 S. Dawson Ave .. Columbus. Football 1912. Carroll, Wm. M., University Club, Akron, Football 1930-31-32. Carson. Samuel K., 1204 Belle Ave .. Lakewood, Football 1894. Carter. David W., 9408 Willard Ave .. Cleveland, Football 1928-29. Carter, Wm. H., D.D.S., Ravenna, Football 1905-06 (0. M. U.).


fioretti, Anthony, L icola & H orn, W illiams Bldg., Cleveland, Footba ll 1922-23. firestonc, Samuel R., Pease & Ellim an, Inc., 660 Mad ison Ave., N. Y. C'ity, N. Y., Football 1918. flower , James F., 718 Thayer St., Akron, Football 1919-20. f ontai ne, Lawton J., 604 W. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, lnd. , Football ]929-30. f oote. Philip, 3 Monteith Rd., Egmore, Madras, India, Football 1919. f oss C. M., 619 Sanford Ave., Flushing, N. Y., Football 1903-05. f oss: Earl, 1296 Broadview Ave., Columbus, Football 1910-12. f oster, F . B.. Foster, Football 1906. f ouch, Geo. E., 82 W. Tulane Rd .. Columbus, Football 1927-28-29. f oul k. C. W., Chemistry Dept., O.hio State Univ., k'ootball 1890. french. Edward H., 1458 Worthington St., Columbus, Football 1893-96. Friedma n , Leon A., Oliver Cromwell Hotel, N. Y. City, . Y., Footba ll 1916-19. fried rnn n. Max, Box 242, Circleville, Ohio, Football 1919. fried, L aw,rence L., 14918 Lakewood Hts. Blvd., Lakewood, Footba ll 1931. friend, Dwight E .. 2008 Beverly Rd., Columbus, Football 1921. frosh, Chas. 1°., M.D., 2081 Summit St., Columbus, Football 190506 (0. M. U.) ,uller, Mark, Ritz American Ice Cream Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Football 1917. Gailus, Joseph T., 32 16th Ave., Columbus, Football 1931-32-33. Gamble. Victor H ., 1485 W . 3rd Ave., Columbus, Football Mgr. 1928-29. Gardiner, Harold M., 1308 Lincoln Rd., Columbus, Football 191112-13. Geib, J ay R. , Orocker-Wheeler Co., Ampere, N. J., Football 1911-12. Geise, Football 1911. Geissm~n. Carl, 200 17th St., N. E., Canton, N. Y., Football 1894-95. Geissrna n , W . Irving, 2749 Woodh ill Rd., Oleveland, Football 1911-13. Gheen. Joseph W., 1273 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Football 1914. Gibbs, Geo. Carlton, Fovtball l 93. Gibson, Millard F., Continental Fisk. Inc., 17 W. 46 St., New York City, N. Y., Football 1906. Gic3C, Ne w Bremen, Ohio. Footba ll 1909-11. Gillman , Neal, Care J. K cersley M itchel. Villanova, Pa., Football 1918-!9. Gilland, Football 1905. Gillen, A. P., 725 Bryson St., You ngstown, Football 1891-93. Gillie, Geo. W. D VM, 634 Lawton Place, Ft. W ai•ne, Ind., Football 1905-09. Gillman, Sidney, 174 E. W oodruff Ave., Columbus, Football 193132-33. Ginn, Dwig ht C .. Deceased, Football 1931-32-33. Girard, Football 1901. Glasser, Chester F., 11721 Buckingham Ave., Cleveland, Football 1927-28. Godfrey, Ernest R., Athletic Dept. Ohio State Univ., Football 1912-1 5. Gorrill, Chas. V., 211 Bricker St., Fostoria, Football 1923-24-25. Grady, Robt. J., 44 Stewart Ave., Columbus, Football 1929-30-31. Graf, Cam pbell J., 240 N. H igh St., Columbus, Football 1912-1!;. Greenberg, Jack Z., 2205 W. Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich., Football 1931-32. Griffith, A. 0., Football 1892. Griffith, Charles W., 3 E. Oakland Ave., Columbus, Football Mgr. 1930. Griffith, William A., 14525 Ardenall Ave., E. Cleveland, Football 1928-29-30. Griffith, William N., Care A. G. Spald ing & Bros., 120 E. Broad St., Columbus, Football 1924-25. Grim. Fred H., Superior Engine Co., Springfield, Football 1925-2627, Bas ketball 1927·28. Griswold, Francis H., Lieut. elfridge F ield, Michigan, Football 1926-27 . G~bs, Cha rles, 7379 Bryden Rd., Cleveland, Football 1906. es, W. H. (Dr.), 628 Fulton St., Pittsburgh , Pa., ootbnll 18 8. • , H. f,., 613 S. Pershing Ave., York, Pa., Football 1908-10. Ha11 . James H., Football 1901. ~amilton , Ian D. (M.D.) , 428 Market St., N. Canton, Football 1922. ager, L. R ., 733 N. Wayne St., Piqua, Football I 9 -1900. ~anda, Ralph E., Edgewood. Anderson, Ind., Football Mgr. 1921-22. ar Y, P aul, Loop Bldg., Huntington, W. Va., Football 1 9 -01. 8 arley, Charles W., 6456 Oxford Ave., C'hicago, Ill. , Football 1916H 1_7-20, Basketball 1920-21, Track 1917, Baseball 1917-20-21. 18 l•d Ch~rles, 802 Lowman Bldg., Seattle, Wash., Football 139 . H e , Gideon, D. P., Silton, New Mexico, Football 1909. 88"g- !~~nk, Charleston, Ohio, Football 1891-92-93-94, Track 18924

H offman, G. W., Football 1893. H ogus, Clyde. Football 1902. H olcomb, Stu11rt K., F indlay College, Findlay, Football 1929-30-31, Basketball 1930. Holliday, Clovis M., 1200 Cadillac Sq. Bldg., Detroit, Mich., Football 1912. Holman, Allen M., Franklin-Marshall College, Lancaster. Pa., Football 1929-30. Holtkamp, Fred G. , 3526 Townley Ct., Shaker Hts., Football 1916. Honaker, C. Frank, 160[, 5th Ave., Huntington, W. Va., Football 1922-23-24. Horn, Robert L. , 818 Mildred Ave., Lorain, Football 1928-29-30. Hoskins, Donald J., 16 E. Broad St., Columbus, Football Mgr . .1920. Hoskins, Ceo. 0., M.D., 475 Cliffside Drive, Columbus , Football Mgr. 1912. Howard. Hurry C., 321 17th Ave., Columbus, Football 1914. Howard, Homer C., 1622 Clifton Ave., Columbus, Football 1893-96. H owenstine, James A., 701 College Ave., Lima, Football 1917. Howland, C. M., 1721 T immons Ave., Portsmouth, Football 1900. H oyer, Ralph W., 320 S. Parkview Ave., Bexley, Football 1904-05. Huddleson, l~. N., 20l Kearns Bldg ., Salt Lake City, Utah, Football 1896. H uffman, Iotas M., M.D., 2nd Nat'! Bank Bldg., Ravenna, Football 1918-19-20-21, Baseball 1919-21. Hunt. L. W., 52 E. Gay St., Columbus, Football 1911. Hunt, William P., 772 Chelsea Ave., Columbus, Football 1924-25-26, Basketball 1924-25-26. Huntington, C. C., Dept. Geography, Ohio State Unive rs ity, Columbus, Football 1901-1903. Huntington, Football 1894. Hurm, Paul W., 450 Dick Ave. , Hamilton, Football 1916. Huston, Arthur A., 320 W. 3rd St., Mansfield, Football 1927-28-29. Hyde, Wm. Walter. Post, Texas, Football 1903. Hudson. Addison N., 165 Crestview Rd., Columbus. Football 1930. [ams, Alvin L., 124 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Football Mgr. 1931. ldle, Ralph H., Wapakoneta, Football 1928. fsabel, Wilmer E .. 4897 E. Main St., Columbus. Football 1920-2122, Track 1920-21. Jackson, 0. E., DD . 4502 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Football 1905-06 (0. M. U.). Jackson, Paul, Maplewood, N. J., Football .1901. Jackson, Wm. M., 244 W. 10th Ave .. Columbus. Football 1921. Jam es, Kenneth L ., 158 T horn ton Ave., Youngstown, Football Mgr. 1932. Jeannot, Frederick C .. 4508 Sheridan Rd., Youngstown, Football 1903. Jenkin s, William R., Kellogg Sales Co., Cleveland, Football 1924-25. Jen ny, Stewart, 11409 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, Football Mgr. 1923. Joh ni"s°ti. Charles A., 201 Baldwin Ave., Findlay, Football Mgr. Johnson, Charles W., Deceased, Football 1895. Johnson, Earl Levan, Fairfield Dr., Painesville, Football 1916-19. Johnson, E. Yavon, Huntington Park H . S., Huntington Park, Calif .• Football 1919. Johnson G. N., Football. Johnston, H. L ., Football 1890. Jones, Jesse L., Football 1888. Jones, Thomas H., Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland. Football 1908-09. Jones, W. C., 9224 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill., Football 1903. .Judy, Edwin, 900 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Football 1922-23. Kaplow, Edward J., Box 927, Calinga, Calif., Football 1g20.21. Karch, Robert H., 725 Cassing ham Rd ., Columbus, Football 191516-17. Karow. Martin C., Univers ity of T exas, Austin. Tex., Football 1924-25-26, Basketball 1926, Baseball 1925-26-27. Keiser, R omeo 0., Deceased, Football 1890. Kellough , F. C., Tulsa, Ok la homa, Football 1902. Ken nedy, Arthur H .. Football 1890-92. Keefe, Thomas C., 1616 SuJ)erior St., Toledo, Football I ~82-33. Kerr, L. J., Chicago Junction, Ohio, Football 1911. Kerr, Kenneth W., Football. Kershaw, Abraham H., DDS, 120 15th Ave., C'olumbus, Football 1904-05-06 (0. M. U.). Kiefer, Arthur S., 86 Erie Rd .. Columbus, Football 1912-1 3-14. Kile, Eugene, Route 3, Mechanicsburg, Football 1930-31. Kimball, Philip J., Du Pont Co., Empire State Bldg., New York City, N. Y., Football Mgr. 1919. Kime, H. L. (Judge), 2701 Hibbert Ave., Columbus, Football Mgr. 1919, Baseball 1918-19. Kirby, H. E., Football 1905. Kirk, R. E., Football 1916. Kitti~oi.ames M., 2•154 Brentwood Rd., Columbus, Football 1899-



Klee, Ollie, Port Clinton H. S., Port Cli nton, O., Football 192223-24, Baseball 1923-24-25. Kle in, Alex, DDS, 334 W . Bancroft St., Toledo, Football 1922-25-26. Knoll, Elmer T., Deceased, Football 1913-15. Koebel, Leigh, 79 E. State St., Columbus, Football 1915. Kreglow, Julius J., Ridgeway, Football 1924-25-26. Kr iss, Howard R .. Room 701. The 1900 Euclid Bldg., Cleveland, Football 1926-27-28, Track 1927-28-29. Kruse, E. W., Football. Kruskamp, Harold W., Football 1926-28. Kutler, Rudolph J., Kenyon ollege. Gambier, Football 1922-23-24. Lackson, Frank J., Box 383. Quaker City, Football 1925-26. Landacre, W. A .. Hi-Way Pharmacy, 136 National Ave., ChulaVista, Calif., Football l 90. Lantry, Football 1906. Lapp, Harry R., 32 5 Cleveland. Cleveland, 0., Football 1914-15-16. Large, J. H., Deceased. Football 1890. Larkins, Richard C' •• Athletic Dept., Ohio State University. Columbus, Football 192 -29-30. Basketball 1929-30-31. Laughlin, Ralph W., Deceased, Football 1916. Lawrence, Wilbert W .. Gardiner Block, Norwalk. Football 1908. Lnyt fni~uiaul C .• 1336 C11estnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, O., Foot-

n:~kns,l'i W ill ia m F., 1404 Eastwood Ave., Columbus, Football 1913-15. Ha~ •. t . C., South Charleston. Football 1899-1900. lled~r,ch, Robert C., 379 12th Ave., Columbus, Football 1929-30-31. Fes, bHarry, Care International Harvester Co., Sheldon, Iowa. H fl oot a ll 1886-88. l{e leman , F red, Football 1904-05 . li~ler, David S., Washington C. H., Football 1890. 0 !{03~ ",;,lobert. 78 W. 4th St.. C'hillicothe, Football 1900. ball e r t F .. 1832 Huron St., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Foot19.27-28-29, Baseball 192 -29-30. 1! , fo~~tn A., Virginia Military In t., Lexington , Va., Football l!iero 5-26. • b:ft~~us, Theodore W., 544 S. Drexel Ave., olumbus . Footl!iU. R 25-27-28. liine' Jay C., Ft. Sam , Houston, Texas, Football 1902. l!in.; S .. Deceased, Football 1 90-91, Track 1890. . b~ll i , Grand Central ta., Room 353, Chicago, Ill., Footl!1neg J 909· lfobt.' A ames 0 ., F'?otbaH 1896. ., bau · 1-:t_:_tt. Un1ver,nty of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn ., Foot<10fler J 15. B~ske~eb A ·, 0. S. & S. 0 . H ome. Xenia, 0., Football 1932, a 11 1931-32, Tenn is 1931-32.



Leonard, W. T., Manufacturers' Glub. Mansfield, Football 1897. Leonard, Judson E .. Deceased, Football 1906.


Oppenheimer. Samuel, Marion, Ohio. Football 1 6. Osburn. M .. Football. O'Shaughnessy, Jos. J., U. S. Rubber Exp0rt, Ltd., 1790 Broadway, New York, N. Y .. Football 192 -29. Padlow, Max, 1125 Windsor Drive, Dayton, Football 1932-33. Parmelee, G. N., Football 1909. Patchell. James A .. Batavia, Fool '>all 1922, Track 1922. Pauley, Kenneth H., 1401 Midland Bank Bldg., C'levelancl, Football 1920-21-22. Pavey, R. M., 3685 E. l59th St., Cleveland, Football 1910-12. Peabod1•, Dw ight, 1507 Ridgeway Place N. W., Canton. Football 1915-16-17. Peppe, Lou is J., 165 15th Ave., Columbus, Football 1930-31. Perry, Will iam A., 265 Thorn St .. Sewickley, Pa., Football 1909. Petco!?, Boni E., 244 Plymouth St., Toledo, Football 1922-23, T rack 1922-23. Pickerel. Louis E., E. Oak St., Jackson, Football 1912-14. Pixley. Lloyd E., 129 E. Chestnut St., Columbus, Football 191 19-20-22. Poole. L. IL Piqua Milling Co .. Piqua, Football 1 9 -99. Popp. Milton E .. MD., 2204 Forest Park Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Football 1929. Portz, Grover .. Newcomerstown, Football 1909. are Igler Drug Co., S haronville, Football Pothoff, Wm. F., Jr., 1923-24. Potter, Frank D .. Care Pouch & Co., 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y, Football 1 92-95. Potter, L. M. H., Football 1 95. Powell, C. S., Football 1891-92. Powell. F. F., Football 1908. Powell, Harold T., 606 E. First St.. Tucson, Ariz., Football 190 -10 Purdy, Ross C., 59 E. Longview Ave., Columbus, Football 1 97 . Rainey, Llo~·d D. L., 1020 River Rd., Beaver, Pa., Football 1909. Ranney, Archie E., 2600 Batley Rd., Cuyahoga Falls, Football 1901 Rabenstein, Howard P., Williams t.. Lockland, Football 1930-31. Raskowski, Leo. 1210 E. 6th St., Cleveland, Football 1927-2 -29. Raymond, Arthur W., Care Columbus Auto Club, Southern Hot.ti Bldg., olumbus, Football 1910-11-12. Raymund, Frank M., 6729 Dublin Rd., Dublin, Football 1 86. Reboulet, LaVerne B., 1616 Emmons Ave., Dayton, Football 1929. Reed. E. 111alcolm, 2606 North Ave., Middletown, Football Msr 1925-26. Reed, W. A., Deceased, Football 1893-1896. Reed, William H., 4 Reeb Ave., Columbus, Football 1925-26. Reemsnyder. R. L.. 333 Society for Savings Bldg., Clevelant Football 1904-05. Rhoades, Gordon M., 1061 W. Goodale St., C'olumbus, Football 1911 Richards, Charles J .. 711 Noble St.. Toledo, 0., Football 1 97. Richardson, R. H.. Football 1890-91. Richie, L. A.. Care Denver Gas Electric Co., Denver, Co loraa Football 1 96. Richt. Fred H., 246 W. Bailey Rd., Cuyahoga Falls, Footbal 1 94-95. Ricketts, K. R .. Football 1901. Riddle, Abner E .. 155 W. 5th Ave., Columbus. Football 1901-02. Riddle, W. E., Football 1901. RiCe, Roy, 1 10 Coventry Rd., Upper Arlington, Columbus, Foolhll 1918. Rigby, Richard R. , 238 7th St., E. Liverpool, 0., Footbal l J90l Riggs, David R., 910 Cumberland Ave., Dayton, Football Mii 1926-27. Rightmire, Robert. Deceased. Football 1900. Rittman, Walter F., 331 4th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Football ! BC Roberts, 0. S .. 2621 Robinwood Ave .. Toledo, Football Mgr. 1911 Rodriguez, Camilo A .. Vet Colle Cordoba, 971 Concord ia Ent,, Rioa, Argentine, Football 1901. Roemer, Wellington F .. 702 Board or Tracie Bldg., Toledo, Foal· ball 1930. Rothrock, Philip, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Football 1904-01 Rosequist. 'fheodore A .. Warrensville. Football 1932-:l:J. Rowan. E,·erett L., 3041 Boston Blvd .. Dctro,t. Mich., Foothl! 192G-26-27. Rudge, Football 1893. Rutan, H. E., Xenia, Ohio, Football 1 90-92. Ryan. L. E., Football 1912. Sack. Irving A., 364 Monroe St., Toledo. Football 1!)2 -29. Salvaterrn. Jos. A., 1366 Belmont Ave .. Bellaire, Football 19J2, Sanders . Jos. A .. DDS .. 610 Hartman Bldg .. 79 E. State Columbus, Football 1905-06 (0. M. U.). Sanzebacher, Walter 0.. cdy, Wyoming, Football 1906. Sayre. Charles B., 25 Cliffside Drive, Columbus, Football 1900. Schachtel, Sol H., 1833 Selma Ave., Youngstown, Football 07-0 . Schad. Albert F .. R. F. D. l. Mansfield, Ohio, Football 19 13. Schaeffer. Geo. C .. MD .. Football 1 98. Schaffer, Val R .. Football Mgr. 1927-28. Schear, Herbert, 17 Lexington Ave., Dayton. Football rn2,;. Schory, Herbert L .. 311 14th St., N. W., Canton, Football • 06-07, Track 1906-07-08. Schreiber, John M .. 80 Park Place. Newark, N. J .. Football 1S9• Schulist. Bernard H., 13 0 Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland . .f'oo 1922-23-24. Schwartz. Robert M., 1 79 Bedford Rd., Columbus, Footba ll Schweitzer. Fred L., 445 Hanna Bldg., Cleveland. Football 17-20, Track 1918-20. Scott, Dudley, Deceased. Football 1899-1900. Scott. Walter S .. 304 Empire Bldg .. Denver. Colo., 92, Track 1890. Secrist, Fred N., 1213 Virginia Ave., Lakewood, 07-08, Basketball 1907. Seddon, Charles E., 225 E. Longview Ave .. Columbus, 1915-16-17. Segrist, J. L., Deceased, Football 1897-9 -1900-01. egrist, . F., Football 1897-9 -99-1900-01. Seiffer, Ralph E.. 621 E. Blackford Ave., Evansvi11e. 1923-24-25, Basketball 1924-26-26.

Lincoln. James F., T he Lincoln Electric Co., P. 0. Box 6 3, Cleveland, Football 1902-06. Lincoln Paul M., Cornell Univ .. Ithaca, N. Y .. Football 1 90-91. Lloyd, Will iam E., MD., 732 Pleasant R idge Ave., Columbus, Football 1902-03-04 (0. M. U.). Long, Earl F., Football 1910. Long, Herbert J., 1020 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Plainfield, N. J., Football 1910. Long, Thomas N., 1266 Primros,e Place, olumbus. Football 1922-23. Lowe, C. D .. Football 1909. Lukz. Frank, R. F. D. No. l, Niles, 0., Football 1931-32. McAllister, H. A., Logan Mining Co., Logan, W. Va .. Football 1907-08. McCarty, J. 8., R. F. D., Winchester Pike, C'anal Winchester, 0., Football 190 -09. McCarthy, Timothy J., 1029 Hayes Ave., Fremont, 0., Football 1924-25-26. McClaren, J. W., Hockingport, Football 1 91-92-93. McClain, W. B., 227 Hayden, Clinton Block, Columbus, Football 1909-10. McClure, Donald L., Agric. Laboratories, lnc., 3415 Milton Ave .. Columbus, Football 1927-2 -29. McClure, James W., 1503 E. Main St., Columbus. Football 1912. McC'onagha, Arthur B., MD., 39 13th Ave., Columbus, Football 5 1?cie!·£'.:\17th & Detroit. Cleveland. Football 192 -29. Mcc!~~ McCtane, Jonas H., Care E. Godel & Sons, Peoria, Ill., Football 191 . MacDonald, Clarence A., 2706 S. High St., Columbus, Football 19Hi-l -20, Basketball 1919-21. McDonald, Paul A., 16 Atlas Ifldg., Columbus, Football 1905. McGavran, Chas. W., MD., 31 E. State St., Columbus, Football



Mackey, Frederick C .. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Football 1924-25-26, Baseball 1926-27. Mackey. J. E., Football 1 97. Mahaffey, Wilbur M., University Club, Akron, Football Mgr. 1932. Mandula, George, 3566 East Blvd.. Cleveland. Football 1930. Manninl\', Ernest Page, American Bridge Co., Toledo. Football 1907. Marek, Elmer F., Goodyear Tire Co., Akron, Football 1925-26-27. Marker. James R .. 7 7 Franklin Ave., Columbus. Football 1901-04. Markley, Frank P .. 649 Nole Ave., Wooster, Football 1910-11-12. Marquardt. William B., 626 Parsons St., Easton, Pa., Football 1902-04. Marsh, George C., Ml. Union College, Alliance, Football 1930. Marshall. W. B .. Western Electric, Chicago, III., Football 1898. Martin, E. D .. Football 1 90. Marts, Raymond J., 301 Castell Bldg., Middletown, Football 1924, Baseball 1922-23-24. Matheny, Oliver S., 322 Parkwood Ave., Springfield. Football 191 19-20. Basketball 1919-20, Track 1919-20. Mathers. John Harrison. Route l, Fletcher. Ohio. Football 1892-94. Maxwell, Earl P., 66 Bulen Ave., Columbus, F otball 1912-13. Maynard, L. H. P., Football 1902-03. Means. John W., MD., 9 Bottles Ave., C'olumbus, Football 190405-06 (0. M. U.). Merry, Guy H .. Care Merry Bros., Augusta. Ga., Football Mgr. 1926. Metz, Horace B .. 29 W. 33rd St., Indianapolis. Ind., Football Miir. 1926. Meyer, Thc-odore, R., 117426 Larchwood, Cleveland, Football 192626-27. .. 779 Roselawn Ave., Akron, Football 1922-23, Michaels. Alton Daseba II 1922-23. Miller, G. Raymond. Deceased, Football Mgr. 1924-25. Miller. Luke E., 17666 Steepel Ave., Detroit. Mich., Football 1920. Miller. W. H., Good Hope, Ohio, Football 1 90. Milligan, Fred J., Attorney General's Oflice, State House, Columbus, Football Mgr. 1927. Minshall. Wm. E., 1409 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Football 1 96-9 . Mitchell. R. Jordan, Football 1926. Moler. William A., 96 E. High St .. Mt. Gilead, Football 1927-2 . Monahan, J. Regis, 2413 E. 33rd St., Lorain, Football 1932-33. Moorehead, Lewis S., 47 Whittier St., Kenmore, Kenmore High School. Football 1922-23, Track 1920-21-22. Morrey, Charles B.. Prof. Bacteriology, Ohio State University, Columbus. Football 1 93. Morrissey, Edward L., 2224 E. Court St.. Flint, Mich.. Football 1911-14. Mullay, l'at, Football 1893. Myers. Cyril E., MD .. 1 0 E. Exchange St., Akron, Football 191 19-20-21. Myers, Russell L., Salem. 0 .. Football 1917-1 . Nagel, W. G., 14th & Madison Sts., Toledo, Football 1893-94. Nassman. Bert, 610 Highland St.. Steubenville. Football 1930-31-32. Navin, James J .. MD., U. S. V. A. Hospital, Dayton, Football 1920-21. Nemecek, Andrew J.. MD., 5454 Broadway. Cleveland, Football 1919-20. Basketball 1918-19-20. Track 191 -19-20. Nesbit. Hugh E., 2321 Yorkshire Rd., Columbus. Football Mgr. 1913. Nesser, John P .. 1633 E. Rich St., Columbus. Football 1926-27-28. Nesser, William H., Deceased, Football 192 -29. Nicholas, Football 1896. Nichols, John H .. Care Swift & Co., leveland, Football 1923-24-26. Niemeyer. Football 1902. Norton, Frederick. Deceased. Football 1914-16-17, Basketball 191416-17. Baseball 1916-16-17. Norton, Elisha S., Football 1893. Oberlin. Russell W .. 1619 University Ave.. Columbia, Missouri , Football 1922-23. Ohsner, Clarence S., 2740 A. I. U. Bldg., Columbus, Football 1927. Olds, Benj11min H .. MD .. R. F. D. 3, Conneaut. Football 1909-10. Oliphant. Marshall T., 1001 Woodview Rd., Cleveland Heights, Football 1931-32. Oliver, Robert E., Route 5, Chillicothe. Football 1901-04. Onrubia, Lorenzo B .. P. 0. Box 980, Manilla, P. I., Football 1907. Opehlander, Gerald P., 327 Surety Bldg .. Toi do. Football Mgr. 1925-26.


SelbY, Samuel T., 356 Oliver Rd., Wyoming, 0., Football 1928-29-30. Shafer, Ralph W., Care Dorr & Co., 2 47 Park Ave New York ' ·• N. Y., Football 1911-12. Shnrp, C. C., Nelsonville, 0., Football 1 6- , Baseball 1885-8687_ . Shearer, Ray, Football 1902. Sheldon, Charles T., 3778 Glenwood Rd., Cleveland Heights, 0., Football 1904-06. Sherman, G. C., Football 1900. bilflette, Donald F., 415 E. Broad St. Columbus Football 1925 _26 · icklcs, Caleb N., DD~ .• Tiffin, O., Football 1900 _01 _02 _ s,~bert, George H., 0~10 State Univ., Columbus. Football 1921. Seiler, I. P., MD., Piketon, o., Football (O M U) ilsby, Christopher, Willard Storage Battery 'co. CJ~velnnd Foot • ·• ball 1914-15. I0 gh Herbert 571 R' bl d T rust Bldg., Mansfield, 0., Football •c an ' \ 925 _26 • Wm. V., 817 Lombard Ave., Evansville, Ind., Football 1918Slyker, 19 20 21 1919-20-21, Baseball 1919-20-21 . - - • Basketball 980 St., Columbus, Football i891-93 m!th, A. O., 723 N.i 4High th Ave., N. W., C'anton, Football 1910-11, Sm•*raftr] 9 .. Hamilton, Football 1911 _ ve A_ Smi.th, L .. J., 30 Marcia th R h d S 3 2 ·• 5 2 Fir St., E. Chicago, Ind., Football 1930Snu 3i_ 32,'c ar Smyth, John J., Football 1910, Baseball 1911-12 · R th M I J · F. D. 5, Box 664, Tacoma, Wash., Football a com, 5~~10 ~· . 93_ 1 Snednker, Football 94 Sneddon, E. R., Bay Village, Football 1918. Snider, A. J .. Footbsll 189 . Ch I d 4 14 th Ave., Columbus, Football 1912-13-14 Sny er, Lares R., aurence N., Track Conch, Ohio State Un'IV., F 00 tb.a JI Snyder, I 923-24, Track 1923-24-25. order, W . Stanford, 716 s. Taylor Ave Oak Park Ill ., F·oo tb a JJ , ·• Mgr. 1927-28. orensen, Frank G., ,Cincinnati Gear Co., Football 1914 _15 _16 · So~lhern. Clarence Ji!., Mesa, Arizona, Football 1923. h F High School M'ddl b Spiers, Robt. H., MiddleLrnnch ball 1920-21-22, Wrestling 1921 . Track 1,920 _•21 e ranc , oot. sprmger, George E., Ashtal,ula, Football 1914 • • Stark, Samuel, Football 1 98. D., R. F. D. London, Football 1921-22-23, Wrestling Steet92 Stimson Geo w p k d Bl dg., Warren, Football 1 9 ·• ac ar · ' . tm~~1~~~: Gaylord R., 127 Sherman Ave., Columbus: Football L 1 J0 h Athletic Director ' Ohio State Uni ve rs,'tY, CoW .. 1900. ynn n, · lumbus, Football t.olp, W. J., Football 1906 _06 _ E B to ., River & Rocklyn Rd. Bend, Oregon, Football vf;il-lron Strittmatte r, Albert, 33 11 Dover Ave Cleveln d a , Football Mgr. ·• 192:;-26. t t J h D s u~H~ntfng1on,''w.ta{; ,';;'_~tF%\b~fJ°\tJ~f Goods C'o., 1604 4th Ave., ulltvan, J. K., Dundee. N. Y., Footbail · Summers, John, Football 1909 • Summers Merl G 97 M lk S t Boston Mass., Football 1908. i e ·• , uu',f,naceto, 11Baron: Deceased, Footb~ll 1902.' Hos !l't I . FCyr,l T., Cleveland-Western Reserve U ., also c·t 1y p, a , ootball 1926-2 7_28 _ wan En I G D D s 1 Goodyear Ave., Akron. Football 1906· · ·• ., OMU.r E wartzbau h Ch ·• 13S6 W. Bancrort St., Toledo. Football as. l9l3. g ' W._E., Marietta, O. Football 1 97 _ 1455 E. 111 th St., Cleveland, Football 1932, ansW~esii'i''r,~r I . . H'II A Tarbill, John W 4044 R _ve., ~1ncmnati. Football 1899. Tangeman , Theodore H o~89 ve., Columbus. Football enn1son .• 1 99. b I 6 C' A Taylor, Chas Taylor, Joh~ i,' M amp e I St,. De_laware.. Football 1919-20-21. arquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. , Football 1920 iJ?lor, ~ussell E., Football 1929 _30 11,~~~.Wtlfred L .. 5204 Hunter Ave·.. Norwood. Football 193 3 _34_ B., 463 West St.. New York City. Footba]] 1906 _ 11,oma.~· 193~_34 seph A .. 227 E. Northwood Ave., Columbus. Football w University Club. Akron. Football Mgr. 22. Th.,man \V 8 It ·• F er 11,omp · 19 · M., Football 1905. ..,,,, son, Tho:~:~" R. E .. Football 1905-07. Throw n R. H .. R. F. D. 1. Morrall Football 1892. 190tot'hn Dudley, 3921 Olive St.; Kansas City, Mo. Football ~utman. A G Foothnll 1893-95. ,11ltnan, Foo.thnii 1901 _02 . •n. Josephus H., 1505 Indianola A ve., Columbus. Football ,. ,,189 -1900. 1 t -~'.. ~Vamrenpre H., Football 1 95 _96 _ w e JIs o., 175 N. Front St., Columbus. rar T ' T Footbal·l 1ij06 e racy . "a11trn Baseball Club, W. Mound t c · Columbus .. M G~. ~ lum"b"u· ·• o, at, W sG. r ootball 1911-14. ' •tt, D · ·• Football 1910. •I,,. nfe'];a;~36 Ridge. Ave .. Cincinnati. Football 1919-20-21. ? ,,;\litr. 19 26 _27 M., Oh10 Bell Telephone Co., Cleveland, Football · · h win M. D'•.vision l'll er, E or Health, Dayton. Football 1916 .. C 'I' •ner, 4 Linwood Ave .. C'olumbus. Football 1902. · rlc-r, Juiiu," 14 25 E. Long St., Columbus. Football l 9 lljh Rn_ ehall 1897• ' •Ii·, J os h. · 2 16 Pearl Ave .. Lorain. Football 1927-28-29, t~ tr;,k i;~R- 2 . · ,,._ -laok c " M. D., 970 Re,bel Bldg., Dayton. Football 1925"/6-2i. ''lttaff w· 0 l069 West Blvd.. Los Angeles. Calif. ~ F'o0tb~11 92









Vouchinirh. Michael N .. Southwest, Pa. Football 1931-32-33. Wadsworth, F. L. 0., 1347 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh Pa Foot.• ' ball 1898. Waite, E. G., Football 1897. Walker, Dow R., Gatun, Canal Zone. Football 1902-04. Walker, Gordon H., r,3 Latta Ave., C'olumbus. Football 1928-29. Walker, H. A., Football 1907. Wallace, R. W., R. F. D. 1. Gahanna. Football 1903. Wallace, R. S., Deceased. Football 1893. Walsh, James J., Football 1892. Walther, Lawrence R., 7 Mahoning Rd. N. E. , Canton. Football 1923. Baseball 1924-25. Ward. Grant P., 8 E. Long St. , Columbus. Football 1912. Warren. Lee G., Football 1905. Warwick. Herbert S., 265 Denita Ave .. Youngstown. Football 1904. Wasson, Richard B., 2197 Cottage Grove Ave .. Cleveland Heights. Football 1 95. Wass n. Harold. Brooklyn Friends School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Football 1922 23 - ,. Watkins. Edward H., 1 7 Cline Ave .. Mansfield. Football 1923, Wrestling 1924-25-26. Watb:1i f~o~~ne C., 3044 Berkshire Rd .. Cl veland Heights. FootWatt, W. Lawrence, Football 1914. C T W tt, R bt · S .. I s t c·t· rust o., 51 N. High St., Columbus. I izens a s. o Football 1922-23-24. & Weaver. 22 W. Wood St., C'alvin James, Weaver. Chas. R., Youngstown. Football 1919-20-21. Weber, F. C., Football 1898-1901. Weiss, P. J., Football. Welever. A. Watson. 2204 Melwood Ave .. Toledo. Football 1931. Wells, Leslie R.. 245 S. Canon Drive. Beverly Hills, California. Football 1909-10. Wendler, Harold, Box 281 Fremont. Football 19•-3-24-26. Wentz. Burke E .. Ft. Wayne. Indiana. Footba!J 1924-25. Wertz. E. S .. 354 E. Bowman St.. Wooster. Football 189 . E. Long St., Columbus. Football l 96-1900. Westwater. James G.. Wetzel. Chas. J .. 126 Otterbein Ave., Dayton. Football 1908. Hall. Columbus, Football 1932-33. Wellington .. B Damon Wetzel. Weybrecht, C. C., Deceased. Football 1886. Football 1 98-1900. Deceased. F., Homer Wharton. Wheeler. 'fhos. L .. 725 E. Tipton. Huntington. W. Va. Football 1902-03. WhiP P _le, Chas. A .. 1164 Westwood Ave., Columbus. Football 190507 Did H J M D M d' I A Wh't g., Tacoma. Washington. rts e ,ca . .. . .. ' acre. Football 1 90. W!>ite. Chas. C .. 600 Superior Ave., Cleveland. Football J 92. W1eche. Robt.. R. F. D. 6. Hamilton. Footba]] 1919-1921. Wilder. Thurlow C., Football 1920-21. Wiles. A. 0 .. Football 1902. Willaman. Frank R .. Deceased. Football 1917-20. Willch!!~ianSd.mF!tb:;lo~t]L1~.oac h, Western Reserve University, Wilson, E. R., Football 1899. Id D w·1s I A .. 10101 Sladden Ave .. Carfleld Height.,. Footb;II W'J 1 son. J oh n B .. 1009 ,Jefferson Ave., Evansville, Indiana. Football 192~-23-24. Basketball 1923-24. Win~~tb~fr1~ / .. Room 30 Gunter Hotel. San Antonio, Texas. 1 Wiper. Donald W. , Legal Dept. Gily Hall Columbus Football · ' · 1919-20-21. Wip1;;- ~irold A .. 29-1 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. Football 17 Wilhort. Claren~e. 410 Cent. Bank Bldg .. Oakland, California. Football 1 91-95. arnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Wood. Chas. L., C'arnegie St.eel Co.. Pa. Football 1893. Baseball 1893. Woodbury, Football 1905. Workman. C. Noel. 1714 5th Ave .. Huntingto n. W. Va. Football 1920-21. Baseball 1922. Workman. Harry, 234 Sunkle Ave .. Zan sville. Football 1920-22-23 ' Baseball 1923-24. Wright, Wm. E .. 53~ Nicholas Bldg .. Toledo. Football 1909-11. H .. M. D .. 35 W. 4th Ave. ' Columbus. Football Wyker. Calvin 1905-06 OMU. ff L y asseno . eo. F. & Y. Construction Co .. 32 E. Town St., Columhus. Football 1914-15. Yassenoff. Sol. 104 Xenia Ave., Dayton. Football 1913-15. Y~rge_s. Howard, 1546 Neil Ave .. Columbus, Football 1915-17. Ym~l~~~: ':alter E., 1404 Old National City Bldg., Lima. Football 2 · y os t . Beniamin F., Football 1 99. Young. Frank D., 1140 Leader Bldg., Cleveland. Football 1921-2324. Basketball 1921-22. Young. Wm. G., Rushylvania, Ohio. Football 1925-26. Youn g_. Wm. J., 334 Richards Rd., Columbus. Football Mgr. 19272 Zincke. Clarence F., 503 S. Sandusky Bucyrus F 00 tb II Mgr. a . • 1929-30. Z!nsmaster, John L .. Navarre. Football Mgr. 19~0-31.





Urban, H. M .. Football 1 97. UridJt teo E.. City Recreation Dept., C'olumbus. Footba!J 19252 Van Blari~om, Robert. Franklin Rd., Salem, Football 1932. Van Buskirk, Lear H., M. D., 6 :J E. Broad St Columbus Foot. ., ball 1932. Van Boyde, Geo. A .. 1057 Franklin Ave., Columbus. Footban 1928, Basketball 192 -29 . Van Dy'le. Kelley, Deceased. Football 1915-17. Var~!~a/•1. Dale, Bellaire High School, Bellaire. Football 1930v0I zer, Do~ald W., 701 Renkert Bldg .. Canton, Football 191 -19. Von19S2c7h.m1dt. Waller Von, 92 Brunson Ave., Columbus. Football

32~-~3~3~· ============= . =1~9~ ~ g=r= ==tb=a=l=l =M a ,~ F=oo = =r=b=a =n = = =..=U = =e=r,==F=r=a=n=k=E ================ ================ ================ =====Z=1=m=m



- -

ri gh t ody, Ro , Woerner, ook, Mizen, Kuhl chaffer, iuleoti , Hargrave , Craig, Widmer, mith, Fr cman , Foster ornsweet, Di ck Larkin , coach.

Front row, left to right- Myers, laven , Maggied, De hler, Gale , Burkholtz, hri s inger, Ra ggaz ino, illiam , Crowe, West, irDonalcl, Menendes, fruko wski , R ea m, anli.

1933 Action



The pre ent recreational facilitie follows:

7 Football fields 8 Touch-football fields 8 peedball field 61 Tennis courts 3 wimmi ng pools 6 Baseball diamonds 14 Playground ball diamond 2 Archery cour. es


Fron t row- Walter¡ Bakke, a i tanl train er ; Dr. Walter E. Duffee, team ph ys ician; Tuck r P . mith, trainer; Jack ibo n.



3 1 I

1 6 6

for men are as

6 Indoor volleyball court 4 Outdoor volleyball court 22 horseshoe court 6 ba ketball courts 8 Badminton courts

Archery golf course Golf cour e - 36 holes ( to be completed) olf driving cages Wre tling room Boxing room Fencing room Handba ll COLI rts quash COLI rts

2 occer field I Polo field I Polo practice cage 2 Outdoor tracks 2 ross-country course I Rifle range I Pi stol range

In addition there arc many special exercise rooms in the Phys ical Educa ti on Building containing rowing machines, che t weigh t , ta ndard gymnastic apparatu , etc.

Progress of Big Ten Race to Date

MINNESOTA-Defeated Iowa 48 to 12, Michigan 34 to O and Indiana 30 to O; yet to play Chicago and Wisconsin. PU RDUE-Defeated Wisconsin 14 to 0, Chicago 26 to 20 and Iowa 13 to 6; yet to play Indiana. ILLINOIS-Defeated Ohio State 14 to 13, Michigan 7 to 6 and Northwestern 14 to 3; yet to play Wisconsin and Ch icago. OHI O STATE-Defeated Indiana 33 to 0, Northwestern 28 to 6 and Chicago 33 to O; lost to Illinois 13 to 14; yet to play Michigan and Iowa. CH ICAGO-Defeated Michigan 27 to O and Indiana 21 to O; lost to Purdue 20 to 26 and Ohio State O to 33; yet to play Minnesota and Illinois. IOWA-Defeated Northwestern 20 to 7; lost to Minnesota 12 to 48 and Purdue 6 to 13; tied Indiana O to O; yet to play Ohio State. WI SCONSIN-Defeated Michigan IO to 0; lost to Purdue O to 14 and Northwestern O to 17; yet to play Ill inois and Minnesota. NO RTHWESTERN-Defeated Wisconsin 7 to O; lost to Iowa 7 to 20, Ohio State 6 to 28 and Illinois 3 to 14; yet to play Michigan. INDI ANA-Tied Iowa O to O; lost to Ohio State O to 33, Chicago O to 21 and Minnesota O to 30; yet to play Purdue. MICHI GAN-Lost to Chicago O to 27, Illinois 6 to 7, Minnesota Oto 34 and Wisconsin Oto IO; yet to play Ohio State and Northwestern.

Front row- Freer, lam~, Koegle, ear , Rudin, Hollingsworth, Fajsci; back row- McQuigg, Blair, Moore, Good¡ win, Downey. ot in picture- hamnn, Ballentine, Paulu .



( Continued from Page 52)


WHAT ' S THE PENAL TY Summary of Penalties


Loss of Five Yards Offside

Reque t for tim e out more than th ree time durin g a half. Illegal delay of game by either team . l•ailure of ub titute to report. Po ition of player in a crim.rnage. Illegal atlempt by napper-back to put ball in play. Atlempt to draw opponents off-side. Player taking more than two step after fair catch. Off ide. Illegal u e of hands and arms by players of def en ive team. si ng flyin g block or flying tackle. Running into the kicker. Crm lin g by th e runner.

A Score



Loss of Fifteen Yards

Play Called O ff

ubsti tu te communicating before ball is put in play. Failure to come to top in hift play. Inten tionally grounding pa s to save los of yard age. Interfer ence by pa ing team with player eligible for catch . Interference with opportunit}" to make fair catch. Throwing to ground the player who has made fair catch. Helpin g the runner or interlo cked interference. [llegal u e of hand and arms by player of offen ive team . P iling up. Tripping, ta cklin g runner out of hound s, etc. Running or divin g into player obviou sly out of the play. Cli ppin g.


a fact/ If you want your car to give smooth, satisfying, economical performance the year - 'round, make it a point to standardize on

Illegal Motion

Loss of Twenty-five Yards

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T am not ready to play at ch ed uled time. Illegal r tw¡n to game (also su pension).



Loss of Half-Distance to Goal Line trikin g, kneein g, kickin g, etc. (also disqualification ). Foul wi thin 1 ya rd line. Fou l by d fen ive team, b ehind its goal line.



~,A Illegal Forward Pass

Loss of Ball eco nd kick out of bounds at kick-off. o player of kicker's team who has go ne out of bounds may attempt to recover ball until opponent ga in po e sion. Forward pa touched by ineligible player. Interference by team which did not make pa . Illegal u e of band or arm when ball i free. Ball ing ball toward opponents' end line or bauina fr ee ball in encl zone. Free ball kicked or ki cked at.

Unnecessary Roughness

Suspension Ill egal return to ga me (al so 25 yard ) .



Penalty Refused

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