~~~;;:~HUDDLE I'
I' I
They Always Support Cougar T earns and Activities
Through their generous aid these firms and individuals make this program possible Lee Allen Hardware Hutchison- Photographer Otho West Standard Oil Co. Auto Transfer Dr. F. D. Johnston Ward Baird Grace C. Jones Rouse's Grocery Berger's Garage Fred Keller Dr. A. J. Herbst Kelley-Hughes Co. Betty's Fashion Shoppe Dr. A. E. Eyres Brock's 5c and lOc Store Dr. L. G. Iilinzey Lane Thrift Store Brown & Holter K & N Grocery K. W. Carter, Implements Lycan's Garage Duynslager's Shoe Repair Maxwell Meats Checker Cab Co. Thompson Motors City Club Miller's Jewelry Students Bookstore City Market Milk House Safeway Stores The Nook City Shoe Store Chuck's Tire Store Corner Drug J. C. Penney Co. Cougar Barber Shop Petersen's Bros. Market Oriental Cafe Cougar Cottage Emil Pike Garage Audian Theatre Plaskett & Staley Cougar Service Station Martin's Implement Dan Downen Potlatch Yards, Inc. Martin's Garage Diamond Cab Co. Pullman Bakery Jack Rainey DeLong Plumbing Pullman Bottling Works H. Baker Pullman Grain Growers Dubert's Barber Shop Drury Beer Parlor J. P. Duthie Pullman Herald Dr. E. A. Archer Electric Shoe Shop Pullman Hotel Midway Barber Shop Emerson Mere. Co. Pullman Laundry Pullman Tfre Shop Fairchild's Barber Shop Pullman State Bank Central Barber Shop Dr. A. A. Rounds Farmers Produce Co. Lew Smawley First National Bank Frank Sanger John Trunda Folger's Standard Lumber Co. Associated Oil Co. Dr. D. T. Ford Smoke House Maiden Lane Lunch Snapp Electric Fonk's 5c to $1 Store Campus Grocery & Barber Shop Spengler's Bakery Gentry's Dr. J. F. Newby Dr. James Gilleland Struppler's Texas Oil Co. Glen Glover Cordova Theatre Rodrick Tailoring Street's Grocery Grange Whse. Co. E. S. Burgan & Son Taylor Jewelry Graves' Studio College Inn Howard Haskell Tower Barber Shop Gamble Service Station Hawley Shoe Store Warren's Press Shop Ed Lybecker Held Auto Electric Washington Hotel Neill's Furniture James Hubbard, N. Y. Life Agt. Washington Water Power Co. White Drug Store Dr. A. E. Hudson Watt's Pharmacy
OFFICIAL PROGRAM The Suits ! The Suits ! Those snazzy Cougar suits ! Wilson made them-
you can bet your boots !
• And WILSON makes basketball, baseball, tennis, golf and a com-
plete athletic goods line used by
teams and students alike-if it is good enough for the Cougars (they must have the best), well what do YOU think '!
• This space sponsored by the following :
WILSON DEALERS They Merit Your Support Hunky Shaw ______________ ______ ___ Yakima Frank J. Jackson _.. __ Walla Walla Erb Hardware Co __ __ ___ _____ Lewiston
November 2, 1935
Ward Paint & Hdw. Co. ____ Moscow Student Book Store __________ Pullman
Rogers Field, Pullman, Wash.
Bill Hatch ---------------·-···---- ... Spokane
Published by Associated Students Publicity Department, Howard Greer, Director
Price 25 Cents
I 8===============================8
Five years ago Mike Pecarovich wa s called back to hi s Alma Mater to become head coach of Gonzaga University. Hi s outstanding success was climaxed last year by the Bulldogs' victo ry over their three larger Pacific Coast con fere nce brethren , the Univ ersity of Idaho , University of Montana and Washington State. Eight wins , two losses and one ti e formed the fine 1934 record.
,T Graduating
in 1922 after a splendid playing career, Pecarovich se rv ed as assistant coach at Gonzaga the nex t yea r. He coached Gonzaga high school in 1924 and 1925 and then went to Lo s Angeles to tutor a pro fess ional team . H e coached Lo yo la university for two years during 1927 and 1928.
Claude McGrath
Sam Dagley
Mike Pecarovich
Billy Frazier
In his tenth year as Coach of the Cougars, Babe Hollingbery has made a brilliant record to rank as one of the nation 's foremost gridiron mentors. His record since coming to Washington State in 1926 shows 61 games won, 22 lost and five tied. Among the teams of the Pacific Northwest, including the states of Washington , Oregon, Idaho and Montana , his teams have lost only seven games in 61 played.
Hollingbery teams are known as clean , capable and courageous and they are respected and feared by all opponents. An inspiring leader , a thorough teacher and a popular fellow , Hollingbery is known for getting the utmost in performance from his men who always " fight to the last inch" for him. ¡-
0 . E. ( B abe) HOLLINGBERY H ead Coach
Karl Schlademan
Babe Hollingbery
Fred Bohler
Dr. Wilbur Bohm
Buck Bailey
Jack Friel
Gonzaga Bulldogs ~
14-Barrett Ely, end
28-Mike Todorovich, guard
25-Cecil Mcilvain, half
22-Herman Brass, end
46-John Close, tackle
77-Geo. K aramatic, full
5(}..-Capt. Russell Hale, guard
8--Bill McBreen, half
Gonzaga Bulldogs
47-Henry P eyron, guard
9-Rus Habermann, guard
49-Tom M cN eese, full
24-Matt Vaessen, tackle
35¡-Al Caramanica, quarter
7-John Janssen, end
13- Ed Justice, half
29- Leo McKenna, half
(Subject to Change
GONZAGA GONZAGA WASHINGTON STATE W ULVESTAD .......................... LER ........................ ................ TERRY 40 22 Bra3s Allen 12 ~5 MADDEN .............................. LTR ................................. (C) BLEY 2 62 Franck Anderson 21 50 HALE (C) ............................. LGR .................................. B. JONES 66 24 Vaessen Grimstead 32 38 TUCCI...................................... C ......................................... SMITH 72 44 Day Rumburg 46 28 TODOROVICH .................. RGL ............................... SPRINGER 14 Oswald 50 47 Peyron 46 CLOSE. .................................. RTL ................................. SCHEYER 37 32 Imhoff Bell 25 14 ELY ......................................... REL ........................................ BRETT 9 7 Janssen Bates 8 6 HIGGINS......................... ....... Q ..................................GODDARD 28 18 Bradford . Simon 53 12 OLSEN............ .... ........... LHR ........... CHRISTOFFERSEN 13 8 McBreen McCormack 58 13 JUSTICE......... ............ RHL ................................... McBRIDE 23 25 Mcilvain Rosano 55 49 McNEESE. ...... .......... ............ F .......................... DOUGHERTY 34 77 Karamatic Sienko 39 OFFICIALS George Varnell (Chicago), Seattle ................................................ Refe~ee Abe Cohn (Michigan), Seattle ........................................................ Ump1re Ralph Coleman (Oregon State), Corvallis .................... Head Linesman Jerome Buckley (Columbia), Portland ................................Field Judge •
-, __j_
1 Curtis, q 2 Murphy, e 3 Hawley, c
4 Leonard, t 5 Kennedy, t 6 Higgins, q 7 Janssen, e 8 McBreen, h 9 Habermann, g 10 Seigle, e 11 Bauregard, f 12 Olson, h 13 Justice, Ed, h 14 Ely, e
15 Michaels, g 18 Bradford, q 20 Ulve3tad, e 21 Goldstein, e 22 Brass, e 23 O'Donnell, f 24 Vaessen, g 25 McElvain, h 27 Van Voorhis, e 28 Todorovich, g 29 McKenna, h 30 Flanagan, e 31 Lamanna, g 32 Imhoff, t 35 Caramanica, g
37 Knowlton, e 38 Tucci, c 39 Justice, C., e 40 Gallagher, q 41 Pannetto, f 43 Eiguren, f 44 Day, c 45 Madden, t 46 Close, t 47 Peyron, g 49 MeN eese, f SO Hale, g 62 Franck, t 77 Karamatic, h
WASHINGTON STATE 1 Caldwell, e 2 Bley, t 3 Agee, q 4 Bennett, q 5 Ball, g 8 Bates, e 9 Brett, e 10 Sage, e 12 Allen, e 13 Christoffersen, h 14 Springer, g 15 Power, t 16 Holmback, t 18 Campbell, g 21 Anderson, t 23 McBride, h 77 Magness, h
24 25 26 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44
Thompson, t Bell, t Gibson, g Goddard, q Haynes, e Grimstead, t Dougherty, f Harrison, e Zuger, h Scheyer, t Jones, H., h Sienko, f Terry, e Smith, H., f Tatman, q Grahek, e
45 46 47 48 49 SO
53 55 57 58 61 62 63 66 67 72
Hoptowit, g Rumburg, c Hildebrand, e Sanders, h Stannard, g Oswald, g Simon, q Rosano, h Schaaf, g McCormack, h Suckling, c Johansen, c Semancik, g Jot~es, B., g Wilkinson, e Smith, S., c
w.s.c. Cougars
37-Dwight Scheye r, tackle
9- Ecl Brett, End
3-Jim Agee, qua rterback
w.s.c. Cougars
23-C hu ck M cB rid e, halfba ck
38-Hal Jones, halfb ack
72-S tan Smith , ce nter
·': i~~H • ..... ,, ,,· •• • ·• ' 50-And y Oswald, guard ·~
77- Tex Magness, ha lfback
28- Ed Goddar d,
., 'l
No. 18 22 35 46 1 44 4 43 14 30 52 40 9 50 3 6 32 7 36 39 13 77 34 5 42 31 45 11 8 25 29 49 15 2 37 23 12 41 47 10 28 38 20 24 27
Var. Exp.
Home Town
Barry, Dennis ............................ E. ...............168.............. 5-10 .............. 23 ............... !.. ................................... Spokane Brass, Herman* ........................ E ................ 175............... 6-2 ................ 22................ 1........................ Wallace, Idaho Caramanica, Alfred* ............ .... Q................ 167 ................ 5-10 .............. 25 ................ 2.................... Portland, Oregon Close, John** ............................ T ................ 193 ...............5-11 .............. 21 ................ 2 ...................................... Spokane Curtis, Ernest ............................ 0 ................ 142................ 5-7 ................23 ................ 1........................... ......... Spokane Day, Douglas** .... ...................... C ................ 164................ 6-0 ............ ....21 .... ............ 2.................................... Spokane Dragseth, Anton ................... ..... C ................ 200 ................ 6-3 ............. ... 23 ................ 0.................. Orland, California Eiguren, Fredrick .................... F ............ .... 178................ 5-11 ........ ...... 18 ................ 0........ .................... Boise, Idaho Ely, Barrett':' ............................ E. ............... 176................ 5-9 ................ 21 ................ 1........................ Berkeley, Calif. Flanagan, James ...................... E ............ .... 180................ 6-3 ................ 20 ................0....................... ............. Spokane Franck, Ralph ...,........................ T ................190............... 6-2 ................ 21 ................ 0....... ............. Sandpoint, Idaho Gallagher, Bernard .................. Q................ 162 ................ 5-11 .......... .... 23 ........... ..... 2........................ ............ Spokane Habermann, Russell* .............. G ................ 180................ 6-0 ................ 24 ................ 1.................... Ellsworth, Wise. Hale, Russell (Capt.) ** ........ G ................ 190................ 6-0 ................ 24................ 2 ................ Los Angeles, Calif. Hawley, James .......................... C ................ 174............... .6-0 ................ 18 ................ 0................ ...... ...... Boise, Idaho Higgins, Peter* .... .................... Q ................ 160................ 5-8 ................ 22 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Imhoff, John ............................ T ................ 195............... 6-1 ................ 20................ 0............................ Boise, Idaho Janssen, John* .... .................... E. ............... 175...... .......... 5-11 .............. 21 ................1...................... De Pere, Wise. Johnson, George** .................. H ................ 155............... 5-8 ................ 22 ................ 2.................................... Hadlock Justice, Clarence ...................... E ................173 ............... 6-0 ................ 19 ................ 0.... ............................ Clarkstnn Justice, Edward** .................... H ................193 ................ 6-1 ................22................ 2 .................................. Clarkston Karamatic, George .................... F ................ 180................ 5-10 .............. 18................ 0.................................. Aberdeen Kearney, Joe .............................. H ................ 160................ 5-8 ................ 22 ................ 2.................................... Veradale Kennedy, Cecil ........................ T ................ 240 ................ 6-4 ............... 19 ................ 0.................... Sandpoint, Idaho Klinkenberg, Gordon ............ G ............ .... 170................ 6-0 ................ 19 ................ 0.................................. Pine Cily Lamanna, Michael .................... G ................ 174................ 5-2 ................ 17 ................ 0................ Priest River, Idaho Madden, John* ........................ T ................ 200................ 5-11 .............. 20 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Madsen, Lester* ...................... 0 ................ 165................ 5-9 ................ 21 ..... ........... 1................ Missoula, Montana McBreen, William .................... H ................ 160................ 5-9 ................ 19 ................ 0.................................... Spokane Mcilvain, Cecil* ........................ H ................ 160................ 5-10 .............. 24 ................ 1.................... San Diego, Calif. McKeena, Leo ........................ H ................ 160............... 5-11 .............. 19 .... ............ 0.................................... Spokane McNeese, Thomas** ................ F ................ 174................ 5-10.......... .... 21.. .............. 2................ Los Angeles, Calif. Michaels, James ...................... G ................ 170................ 5-9 ................ 21 ................ 0 ................ ........ Nampa, Idaho Murphy, Conrad ...................... E ............ .... 170................ 5-11 .............. 20 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Murphy, Pierce** .................... C ................ 198................ 6-2 ................ 21 ................ 2 .................... Portland, Oregon O ' Donnell, Thomas ................ F ................ 178................ 5-11 .............. 19 ................ 0.................... Sandpoint, Idaho Olsen, Raymond* .................... H ................ 187 ................ 5-10 .............. 22 ...... .......... 1................ Missoula, Montana Pannetto, Andrew .................... G ................ 174................ 5-10 ..............22 ................ 0........................ Modesto, Calif. Peyron, Henry ........................ G ................ 190 ....... ......... 5- 10 .............. 21 ................ 0........................ Baker, Oregon Seigle, Gale ................................ E ................ 189................ 6-2 ............ .... 19 ........... ...0.................................. Pine City Tordorovich, Michael* .......... G ................ 183 ................ 5-10.............. 22 ................ 1............ .... Thermopolis, Wyo. Tucci, Michael** ...................... C ................ 180................ 5-11 .............. 22 ......... .......2 ............ .......................... Tacoma Ulvestad, Thor* ...................... E ................ 184................ 6-0 ................ 20 ................ 1.... .................................... Seattle Vaessen, Matthew** .............. G ................ 179 ................ 5-8 ................ 23 ................ 2...................... De Pere, Wise. Van Voorhis, Coerte .............. E ................ 185 ................ 6-3 ................ 22 ................ 1...................... Berkeley, Calif.
* Indicates letters won. Coaching Staff: Michael ]. Pecarovich, head coa : h; Sam Dagley, assistant coach; Claude McGrath, freshman coach; Billy Frazier, backfield coach. Father Paul F. Corkery, S. J., director of athletics ; Arthur O 'Sullivan, publicity director; William Walsh, senior manager; Ray Mauro, trainer. Note: Numerical roster list on center spread, page 9.
WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE 1935 Varsity Football Roster
No. 3 12 21
5 8 25 4 2 9 18 13 34 26 28 44 32 35 31 47 16 45 62 66 38 77
23 58 50 15 55 46 10 48 57 37 63 39 53
11{1~~~~· 36
Var. Exp.
Home Town
Agee, James** ............ ................ Q ................ 168............... .5-10 ............ .22 ................ 2...................................... Dayton Allen, De Wayne* ................... E ................ 172................ 6-L ............. .21 ............... !... ....... Huntington Park, Cal. Anderson, Ray* ........................ T ................ 190 ................ 6-1 ................ 23 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Ball, Harry T . .......................... G ................ 187 ................ 5-10 .............. 19 ........... ..... 0 ........ ............ Hollywood, Cal. Bates, Paul ................................ E ................ 185................ 6-0 ................ 21................ 0........................... Albany, Ore. Bell, Kay* ................................ G ................ 208 ................ 6-2 ................ 20 ................ 1........................................ Seattle Bennett, Woody ........................ Q................ 160 ................ 5-10 .............. 21 ................ 2 ................................ ........ Seattle Bley, John (Capt.) ** .............. T ................ 194............... 6-2 ................ 22 ................ 2 .................................... Spokane Brett, Edwin** .......................... E ................ 194 ................ 6-2 ................ 21 ................ 2.................... Lewiston, Idaho Caldwell, Joe ............................ E. ............... 170 ............... 5-3 ................ 23 .......... ...... 0 .................... San Diego, Cal. Campbell, Bob D . .................... G ................ 195 .............. 5-L ............ .ZO.. ............ 0 ................................. Enumclaw Christofferson, Ted** ............ H ................ 195................ 6-2 ............... 22 .............. 2.................................. Honolulu Dougherty, Rodger* ................ F ................ 186 ................ 5-11 .............. 21 ................ 1........................ Portland, Ore. Gibson, W. B . ............................ C ................ 177 ............ 6-2 ................ 18 ................ 0 ........................ Chandler, Ariz. Goddard, Ed '~ .......................... Q................ 180............... 5-9 ............. 20 . ............. 1... ................... Escondido, Cal. Grahek, John* .......................... E .... ............ 186 ................ 6-0 .... ............ 21 ........ ........ 1................................ Ely, Minn. Grimstead, Bob ........................ T ................ 225 ................ 6-3 .............. 19 ...... ......... 0.... .................................. Tacoma Harrison, Hal ........................... E ................ 180................ 6-2 ............... 20 ................ 0 ...................................... Monroe Haynes, Laird .......................... E ........ ........ 176 ................ 6-0 ................ 23 ................ 1.................................... Pullman Hildebrand, Les ........................ E ................ 178................ 6-0................ 2l ................ 1.................................... Spokane Holmback, Erick ...................... T ................ 205 ................ 6-0 ................ 19 ................ 0 ...................................... Monroe Hoptowit, Alphonse ................ G ................ 187 ................ 6-0 ............... 20................ 0 ...................................... Wapato Johansen, Mel .......................... C ................ 175 ................ 5-11 .............. 23 ................ 2 ................................ Enumclaw Jones, Bud* ................................ G ........., ....... 205 ................ 6-2 ................ 22 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Jones, Hal* ................................ Q................ 17L.............. 5-11 .............. 22................ L .................................. Spokane Magness, Tex** ...................... H ................ 167 ................ 6-0................ 23 ................ 2 .............. Breckenridge, Texas McBride, Chas.** .................... H ................ 173 ................ 5-10 .............. 21 ................ 2 .................................... Puyallup McCormack, Levi .................... H ................ 178 ................ 6-1 ................ 21 ................ 0 .................................. Clarkston Oswald, Andrew ...................... G.'............... 188 ............... 5-10 .............. 21... ............. 1... ......................... Walla Walla Power, Merle ............................ T ................ 181 ................ 6-3 ................ 20................ 1............................ Boise, Id~ho Rosano, John* .......................... H ................ 175................ 5-1L ............ 23 ................ 1...................... El Cerrito, Cai. Rumburg, Chris ........................ C ..... ........... 186 ................ 6-3 ............. ... 20 ................ 0.................................... Spokane Sage, Jerry ................................ E ................ 185................ 6-2 ................ 18 ................ 0.................................... Spokane Sanders, Bud .... .. ...................... H ................ 165 ................ 5- 10 .............. 20............... .0...................................... Dayton Schaaf, O scar ............................ G ................ 180 ............. 5- 11.. ............ 21.. .............. 0 .................................. Oakesdale Scheyer, Dwight* .................... T ................ 211 ............. .. 6-3 ................ 21 ................ 1.................................... Granger Semancik, Chuck ...................... G ................ 188 ............. ... 5- 11 .............. 20 ................ 0 ...................................... Tacoma Sienko, Joe .................................. F ................ 193 ................ 6-0 ................ 20 ........ ........ 0 ........................................ Pe Ell Simon, Keith ............................ Q ................ 15§,................ 5-7 ................ 23 ................ 0 .................. Billings, Montana
~ !;j;Jii fi i~; /~~~ ~ ~ Jli!IIIf.:~i,j
Zuger, Walt* ............................ H ................ 175.............. 5-10 ............. 21.. ............. !.. .............................. Waitsburg
* [ndicates Letters Won. Coaching Staff: Orin E. (Babe) Hollingbery, h ~ ad coach ; A. B. (Buck) Bailey, assistant coach; Karl A. Schlademan, freshman coach ; Harold Hawley, assistant coach ; Garth Liesy, assistant coach. J. Fred Bohler, director of athletics; Earl V. Fo ~ ter, graduate manager ; Loyd A. Bury, a Jsistant graduate manager; Bud Felton, student manager. D .. Wiibur Bohn, trainer. Note : Numerical Roster list on center spread, page 9.
O FFIC IALS' SIGNALS WHEN THE umpire jerks his thumb back over his shoulder, you know that the runner is out. That· baseball signal is probably the most fami liar gesture in sport. But do you know the football signals? Probably not, because they are, as far as spectators are concerned, comp:.ratively new. Study them as they are sketched in the accompanying panel, and they wilJ increase your enjoyment of the game. The signals illustrated here are the most commonly accepted signals now in use. FIG. !-Pushing movement of hands to front, with arms hanging downward: Sign~! for penalty for crawling, pushing or helping the ball-c arrier. FIG. 2-Hands on hips: Signals penalty for off. side or for illegal kick-off formation. FIG. 3-Grasping of one wrist: Signals penalty for holding.
FIG. 4-Military salute: Indicates penalty for unnecessary roughness. FIG. 5-Shifting of hands in horizontal plane: Signals penalty has been refused, an incomplete pass, missed goal, or that the play is to be re-played. FIG. 6-Both arms extended above head: A score; if the palms of the hands are brought together, a safety is indicated. If the hands are shifted in a vertical plane above the head: time out. FIG. 7-Folded arms: Flying block or tackle. FIG. 8-Waving hand behind back: Signals penalty for illegal forward pass. FIG. 9-Horizontal arc of either hand: Signals player illegally in motion. FIG. 1 0-Pushing hands forward from shoulden with hands vertical: Signals penalty for interference with forward pass, also a pass which touches 1 player ineligible to receive it .
8================================================================8 ~~If
It!)§ Made o f P
ft1 I:
V I: I T
• ~~lf~~~G~ • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 707-711 Sprague Ave. 708-716 First Ave.
Feint to s nap ball. Ill egal possession.
Craw ling. A ttempt to draw opponents offside. Delay ing game. Taking more th a n two steps after fair catch. rll eg<.l tackling or bl ocking. Offs id e. E ncroach me nts on neutr al zo ne.
Interference wit h opponents befor e ball is put in play. Substitute fa iling to report. Backfield in motion. Taki ng tim e out more th an three tim es during half. Player ou t of bounds. Ru nnin g into kick er.
LOSS OF FIFTEEN YARDS H old ing by sid e in possession of ball. Hurd li ng. Coachin g fr om sid elin es. Inten ti onal ~Srounding of forward pass. Interference w ith fa ir ca tch. S ub s titute comm uni ca tin g before first play. Throwi"ng fair ca tcher. Tripping . Leaving fi eld durin g one-minute intermi ssion. Un spo rtsman li ke du ct.
co n-
Football Fans Headquarters In Spokane
• Rooms
Pilin g up. T ack ling out of bound s. Ru , hin g. pulling. inte r! o c kin g . interference. etc. R unnin g into op ponents ill Pga ll y.
Comfortable Rooms At Moderate Prices
• Oasis
Individual goi ng on field wit ho ut permi ssion. M ore than one atte nd a nt go in g on fi eld . F a ilure to come to on eseco nd stop ;n shift pl ay. R o ug hing th e kicker. Cli pp ing.
Including Complete Fountain and Fountain Lunch. Good Food, Tastily Cooked, Economically Priced.
• Roundup Room Entertainment Romance
OTHER PENAL TIES Ill egal return to game: los of 25 yard s. T ea m no t ready to play at sc hed uled tim e : loss of 25 yard s. F oul w ithin one-yard line : half di stan ce to goal lin e.
J nterference w ith forwa rd pass by defense : loss of the bal l.
Sluggin g: half di stance to goal and di squalifica ti on. Flagra nt r oughing of kicke r : 15 yards and clisq uali fi ca ti on. Any act co mmitted by a n outs ider but affec ting th e ga me : th e r eferee is emp owered to impose s uch pena lty as justice m ay requir e.
Hit the line hard and hit it square Play the game and play it fair Crash right throughdo or die You've got to be good to SATISFY.