..................................................... , • • • , ......... 'f'T'f'"'f''f''f''f'..,'f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f''f'.
A year ago this fine bronze tablet was presented to the Student Body Presidents of the University of Washington and the State College of Washington to serve as a perpetual trophy in the annual gridiron conflict of the two state institutions.
"The Governor's Trophy", it was called in honor of the donor, Governor Clarence D. Martin. It is to be awarded annually to the team winning the game and is kept by the victor until the following year. The proper GOVERNOR CLARENCE D. The Donor
inscription with the score is engraved upon the plaque each season. ~
With last year's contest going to a scoreless tie, the trophy was awarded jointly to the two institutions
'1T In the years to come, "The Governor's Trophy" will become a highly prized tradition of Washington and Washington State. Emblematic of the hi ghest achievement and finest sportsmanship in collegiate athletic enterprise, the trophy already has won a place of esteem in the hearts of University and State College folk alike . The student bodies are indebted to Governor Martin for this splendid recognition of athletic activity and his personal interest in the extra-curricular affairs of the two great state educational institutions .
Intercollegiate Football's Challenge For Your Consideration, Please!
In some sections of the country, football has had a stain thrown on it by the indiscriminate use of intoxicants by fans at the games. In most instances, this has been by a small percentage who have been incon siderate of other people's rights. On our campus, this abuse has been at a minimum, but we are asking your wholehearted cooperation in discouraging such action at our games. There is no place for liquor on the Washington State campus, of which the stadium is a part. Each of you is entitled to every privilege and co nsideration. We have endeavored to give you the finest program possible. Football is America 's leading intercollegiate sport and characterizes the finest spirit in competition. Let us help keep it clean through our moral ob li gation to the sport and to others. EARL V. FOSTER, Graduate Manager.
HOMECOMING GAME University of Washington vs. Washington State October 19, 1935 - - - Pullman, Wash. Published by A. S. S. C. W . Publicity Department, Howard Greer, Director
Price 25 Cents
Architect Sketch-The NEW Sport Shop
If it's NEW it's at the NEW Sport Shop! More than any other recognition, the distinction of which we are most proud is the acceptance of the Sport Shop as headquarters for authoritive styJes for men. AJways you'll find . . . the NEW when it is NEW . . . America's finest cJothes . . . with choice seJections at $35 and $39.50.
With The
Huskies! BY ROY G. ROSENTHAL Director of Publicity University of Washington It has been ten years since the Husky song " Heaven Help the Foes of Washington" has meant anything to the fans at Pullman . Today another football team wearing the Purple and Gold will attempt to break the long record of Coach Hollingbery's men on their home field. Washington 's record thus far this year, in its two wins over Idaho and Santa Clara, has proven that the Huskies are a steady, fighting aggregation , who are to be reckoned with this season. There are only two double-stripers on Coach Phelan's team . Dan Lazarevich, thi s year's captain , and Ted Markov are the two boys who have this distinction . Both are first string ends and the two boys were team-mates in high school days.
COACH JIMMY PHELAN Coach Phelan is in his sixth football season at the Univers ~ty o f Washington. Jim's football experience was received at N otre Dame in 1915, 1916 and 1917, when he was Knute R ockne's ace quarterback. He coached the Univers ity of Mis.ouri fro m 1919 to 1922 and was head mentor at Purdue from 1922 until 1929.
Brothers in a Washington football team are
History of the Scores
Year 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1907 1908 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1917 1919 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934
Washington ·····------- --------------------·----------------------- -- ------------------
5 0
--- ---------------------------------------- ----- --- --------------------- ----------·---------------------------- -------
16 10 12
------------ -------- --------------------
---- -------- -------- ------- ------------------------ ------- ·---------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------------------·------------------------------·----- -------------------- ------ ----------------- -- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------·------------------------ ------------------ ---- ------------------- ------------ ------------------------------·---------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------- --------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
6 16 30 19 20 45 0 13 0 16 24 14 26 6 14 6 13 0 12
Games won ------- -···· ··-Games tied ------------------------
0 6
w. s. c. 5 10 0 0 6 11 6 0
6 0 0 0
14 7 14 13 7 0 0 9 0 0 20 3 0 0 17 0
not a new thi ng, but this year the Huskies have two sets- Chuck and Rink Bond and Vic and Ted Markov. And every one of these boys has the stuff that will make of him an outstanding star before graduating from the University. Last year's sophomore backfield - Elmer Logg at quarterback , Byron H aines and J immy Cain at halfback, and Ed Nowogroski, fullback, are playing today as juniors. In fact all of Washington's "number one" line- up are u pperclassmen , with the exception of sophomore Vic Markov, who will no doubt play tackle alongsicl.e his older brother. Of the twenty-eight games played between the two institutions, Washington has wo n 16 and Washington State 8. Four games have been tied, last year's exciting contest which was played before a capacity crowd in the University Stadium ending with a 0 to 0 result .
Again It's Hotnecotning ! Down through the years the custom of Homecoming has become firm ly implanted as a treasured tradition at Washington State. Today the greatest Homecoming crowd in the history of the co ll ege, in fact the largest football crowd ever assembled in the Inland Empire, is present to view the gridiron festivities and enjoy the day at Alma Mater. From all over the Pacific Northwest, even from Canadian and California points, old grads and former students have traveled to see today's great classic. The college and student body welcomes home the sons and daughters who have attended the institution during the last 40 years . A friendly greeting is also extended to the visiting students and alumni of the University of Washington and to the large throng of football fans in genera l who are present today. It promises to be a colorful affair, a splendid contest and an enjoyable time for ali. Two gallant teams, representing the finest
BABE HOLLINGBERY This is the tenth year that Babe Hollingbery has been at the coaching helm of the Washington State Cougars. A splenllid record has been made during that time. With only one exception, and that 1927, Washington State has finished in the top division or among the first five teams of the Conference. The records shows 60 games won, 21 lost and 5 tied under the Hollin~bery regime. In the Northwest only six games have been lost tn 61 contests.
in collegiate young manhood, ably coached and dealing in good sportsmanship, are matched on the field of combat. There is much at stake and the eyes of the nation are watching the outcome of today's encounter. Tv the better team may the glories of victory go! Both Washington and Washington State are ranked by Western critics as strong contenders for top honors in the Pacific Coast conference. Both are away to unb lemished star ts. The H uskies scored a conference win over the University of Idaho and marked up a brilliant victory · over the powerfu l non-conference team, Santa Clara.
JOHNNY BLEY One of the finest linemen of the West, Johnny Bley is captain of the Washington State eleven. An "iron man" performer, the Cougar tackle is a steady and dependable player with an intense love for the game .
Washington State pulled through somewhat shaky in its opening conference game with the University of Montana and counted non-conference wins over t he College of Puget Sound and Wi llamette. Both are now ready to give their finest brand of football and their greatest effort. I t's t he BIG GAME of the season for both Husky and Cougar and it's the BIG GAME of the Northwest!
41-Fred Gadke, guard
W asltington
61-Mitch Mondala, center
54- Walt Rohrscheib, end
Home Town Age Var. Exp. Wt Pos. Ht. Name Austin, Everett ________ FB or HB_ _______________ l8L _____ , _______ 5-9 _______ ___ _____ 2L _____________ _o___ _ _______________ , ----- Hoquiam Bond, Chuck (Charles) *-_________ T ______________ _205 ______________ .6-l ___________ ____21 ______________ ! ____ , __________ ________ , __________ Hoquiam
Bond, Rink (Randal) ___ ___________ Q _______________ _l88 ________________ 5-l 0 ____________ 20 ____ ____________ 0_. ________ ........................ .. Hoquiam
Brougham, Bud (Milton) *-_.. T ................ 197--- ------------- 5-9 ............... 21 ............... ! ........................ ---------·----·- Seattle Cain, Jirr.':' --------------·----........... HR ...... ......... l75 ............... 5-8 .. ...... ... ... 23 ...... . ........ !... ............... Holdenville, Okla. Callison, Don ....................... HB ................ l66 .... ........... 5-lL ........... 2L ............. 0 ................... S.'ln Diego, Calif. Douglas, Bud (John) ............. E ................ l68 ............. 6-0 ............... 20 ................ 0 ................................ Enumclaw Erickson, Bud (Car'ton) ........ C ........ ........ l82 ............... .6-0 ............... 19 ................ 0 ......................... ------.. ---- Bothell Gadke, Fred':' ....... .................... G ................ l77 .... ............ 5-8 ............... 21 ................ 1.................................. Anacortes Haines, Byron* .... ·............... HR ............... 172 ................ 5-9 ................ 20 ................ 1............................. Bend, Ore. Holmes, Jim .... .................. ........ T .... .... ........ l98................ 6-2 ............... 19 ................ 0 ........................ .. .............. Seattle Jacobi, Lee ............. ................... G ................ ISO ............... 5-8 ................ 21 ............... ! ........................................ Seattle Johnson, Dick .......................... E ................ 172 ................ 5-10 ........... 23 ................ 0......... Vancouver, Wash. Jones, Howard ...................... HB ............ .... l68 ........ ........ 5-11 .. ............ 20 ................ 0 ................................ Bellingham Lazarevich, Dan (Capt.) ** .... E ................ 193 .... ............ 6-2 ............... 23 .... ............ 2........................ .. :........... Chicago Lewis, Bob ................ .. .............. E ................ 175 ................ 5-11 .............. 21 ................ 0 .......................... ··----------- Seattle Logg, Elmer* ............................ Q ................ 181 ................ 5-10 ............ 22 ................ 1............... .............. Seattle MacKenzie, Jack* .................... T ................ l92 .... ............ 6-2.. .. ........ 21 ................ 1............................ Butte, Mont. McCaffray, Ted .... .. .................. G ....... -........ 183 ................ 5-10 ............. 20 .... ............ 0 ........................................ Seattle Malone, Jim .............................. G ................ l91 ................ 5-9 ............... 21 ................ 1............................ .... Bellingham Markov, Ted** .......................... E ................ l81 ........ ........ 6-l ............... 21 ................ 2 ...................................... Chicago Markov, Vic ............................ G ................ 196................ 6-0............... 20 ................ 0 .... ................ ................. Chicago Marlowe, Paul ........................ FB ................ 188 ................ 5-10 ............. 24 ................ 0 .......... .. ................. ............... Kent Matronic, Carl .......................... E ................ l78 ........ ........ 5-ll ............ 21... ............. 0........................................ Seattle Mattes, Frank ............................ G ................ l85 ................ 5-9 ........ ....... 19 ................ 0 .............................. Mt. Vernon Means, Arthur ............................ G ................ 203 ................5-8 ............... 19 .... ........ ....0 ....................................... Seattle Murdock, George .................... FB ................ 185................ 5-ll ..... ....... .22 ................ 0 ........................................ SeatJe Mandala , Mitchell* .................... C ................ 172 ................ 6-0 ............... 23 ... ............. 1....... ................................. Seattle Neander, Jim ........................ HB ................ l68 ............... 5-10 ............ 19 ... ............. 0 .... ........ ............................ Seattle Nowogroski, Ed* __ ................. FB ................ 188 ............... 6-0 ................ 20 ............ .... 0 . ................ Raymond, Wash. Phelps, Ralph ........................ HB ................ 162 ................ 5- 10 ............. 23 ................ 0 .. ......................... ............. Seattle Rohrscheib, Walter* ................ E ............... .181 ................ 5-11 .. ............ 21 ................ 1................ .. .............. Snohomish Rulis, Ed ................................ HR ............... l72 ................ 5-11 .............. 21 .... ............ 0 ...................................... Chicago Shyper, Abe''' ........................ .... G ................ l88 ...... .......... 6-0 ............... .22 ... ..... ........ 2 ........................................ Seattle Sipprell, Jim .............................. G ................ 187 ............. .5-8 .... ............ 21 ................ 0 .................... ........ ........ .... Seattle Starcevich, M 3.x ''' ................. ..... G ................ l88 .... .... ........ 5-9 ................ 23 ................ 1.......................... Morgan Park Tipton, Homer ............ ............ HB ................ l78 ............ .... 5-11 .. ............ 21 .... ............ 1................................ Wenatchee Waskowitz, Frank ................ HB ................ l65 ................ 5-9 .......... .... .. 21 ................ 0 ...................................... Chicago Wiatrak, John ':' ............ ............ C ................ l91 ................ 6-1 ....... ......... 22 ................ 1........ .. .. .......................... Chicago
No. 52
62 46 39 51 41 29 59 49 6 33 58 7 14 64 47 71 63 65
28 20 16 75 77 61
8 17 19 54 42 55 70 66 53 45 13
* Indicates Letters Won. Coaching Staff : James M. Phe~an, head coach; C. R. (Cotton) Wilcox, backfield coach ; Ra~ph (Pest) Welch, freshman coach; Dorsett V. (Tubby) Graves, assistant coach; Carl (Woody) Ullin, assb tant coach; Earl V. (Click) Clark, trainer. Charles F. Frankland, direc tor of athletics; Carl Kilgore, manager of athletics ; Henry Greeley, student manager. Note : Numerical Roster list on center spread, page 11. .44 4 4 44444 44 444 44~~ 444 4 4444 44 44 444 44 4 4 44444 444 4 44444444~44444 44 44444444A4.
(Subject to Change)
WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE 63 T. MARKOV ____ ---------------- LER ---··---··------------------------ALLEN, 12 54 Rohrscheib Grahek, 44 65 V. MARKOV -------- ------------- LTR -------------------------(C) BLEY, 2 64 Mackenzie Bell, 25 66 STARCEVICH ---------------- LGR ------------------------------ B. JONES, 66 16 Mattes Hoptowit, 45 13 WIATRAK ------·----- -------------- C ------------ __ _________ S. SMITH , 72 61 Mandala Rumburg, 46 55 SPHER ----------------------------- ---- RGL ---------- __ ---------- OSWALD, 50 41 Gadke Semancik, 63 72 C. BOND ------------------- ________ RTL ----------------------------- SCHEYER, 37 59 Holmes Grimstead, 32 58 LAZAREVICH (C)_ __________ REL -------------------------------------- BRETT, 9 Bates, 8 6 Johnson 14 LOGG ------------------------------------- Q _____________________________ GODDARD, 28 74 R. Bond . Agee, 3 62 CAIN -------------------------· ________ LHR --------- CHRISTOFFERSEN, 45 Waskowitz Zuger, 36 29 HAINES ---------------------------- RHL ·-------·----------------------- McBRIDE, 23 52 Austin Rosano, 55 , 17 NOWOGROSKI ---------------- F -------·----· ·-----·---- DOUGHERTY, 34 28 Marlowe Sienko, 39 OFFICIALS Nibs Price, (California), Berkeley ·---·---·-------··-·---------------------------· Refe~ee Dr. A. Boles, (Minnesota), Oakland -·-·------··------ ·-·----·--·--·-----·-·-·· :Umpire Bobby Morris, Seattle -------------··------···--------··-·--··---·------------Head Lmesman Jim Mitchell, (Gonzaga), Seattle ---··--···--·----------··--·-··------------- Field Judge
6 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 26 28 29 33 39
Johnson, e Lewis, e Neander, hb Meredith, e Wiatrak, c Logg, q Mattes, g Nowogroski, fb P)1elps, hb Matronic, e Papagani, c Breda, g Hewitt, q Marlowe, fb Haines, hb Jones, hb Douglas, e
40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59
Isaacson, c Gadke, g Rulis, hb Elliott, c Waskowitz, hb Callison, hb McCaffray, g Jarvis, g Jacobi, g Erickson, c Austin, hb Tipton, hb Rohrscheib, e Shper, g Brougham, t Lazarevich, e Holmes, t
60 Fulwiler, c
61 62 63 64 65 66 68
69 70 71 72 74 75 76 77 78
Mandala, c Cain, hb Markov, T., e MacKenzie, t Markov, V., t Starcevich, g Rich, f Morse, g Sipprell, g Malone, g Bond, C., t Bond, R., q Means, g Worthington, t Murdock, f Staley, t
WASHINGTON STATE 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 21 23
Caldwell, e Bley, t Agee, q Bennett, q Ball, g Bates, e Brett, e Sage, e Allen, e Christoffersen, h Springer, g Power, t Holmback, t Campbell, g Anderson, t McBride, h
24 25 26 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44
Thompson, t Bell, t Gibson, g Goddard, q Haynes, e Grimstead, t Dougherty, f Harrison, e Zuger, h Scheyer, t Jones, H., h Sienko, f Terry, e Smith, H., f Tatman, q Grahek, e
45 46 47 48 49 SO
53 55 57 58 61 62 63 66 67 72 77
Hoptowit, g Rumburg, c Hildebrand, e Sanders, h Stannard, g Oswald, g Simon, q Rosano, h Schaaf, g McCormack, h Suckling, c Johansen, c Semancik, g Jones, B., g Wilkinson, e Smith, S., c Magness, h
w. s. c.
38-Hal Jones, halfback
Oswald, guard
34-Rodger Dougherty, fullback
40-Floyd Terry, end
21-Ray Anderson, tackle
w. s. c.
72-Stan Smith, center
9-Ed Brett, end
28-Ed Goddard, quarterback
23-Chuck McBride, halfback
45--Al Hoptowit, guard
8-Paul Bates, end
{ {
w. s. c. Cougars
3-Jim Agee, quarterback
36-Walt Zuger, halfback
55-John Rosano, halfback
37-Dwight Scheyer, tackle
44-John Grahek, end
77-Tex Magness, halfback
The Suits ! The Suits! Those snazzy Cougar suits! Wilson made themyou can bet your boots!
• Football Fans Headquarters In Spokane
ERooms Comfortable Room~ At Moderate Prices ..,
And WILSON makes basketball, baseball, tennis, golf and a complete athletic goods line used by teams and students alike-if it is good enoug·h for the Cougars (they must have the best), well what do YOU think ?
• This space sponsored by t he f ollowing:
Was is
Including complete .F ountain and Fountain Lunch. Good Food, Tastily Cooked, Economically Priced.
Hunky Shaw ____ .. ________________ Yakima
9loundup 9loom
Students Book store ____ .. P ullman Bill Hatch ______________ ... ______ Spokane
Entertainment Romance Dance Dine
They Merit Your Support. Frank .J . .Jackson ........ Walla Walla Erb Hardware Co. _______ _____Lewiston Ward Paint & Hdw. Co . .... Moscow
WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE 1935 Varsity Football Roster
Var. Exp.
Home Town
Agee, James** ............................ Q................ 168 ................ 5-10 ............. 22 ............... 2 ....................... ............... Dayton Allen, DeWayne* ....... ............. E ................ 172 ................ 6-L. ............ .21 ............... 1.. ........ Huntington Park, Cal. Anderson, Ray* ........................ T ................ 190 ................ 6-1 ... ............. 23 ........ ... ..... 1.................................... Spokane Ball, Harry T . .......................... G ................ 187 ................ 5-10 .............. 19 ................ 0.................... Hollywood, Cal. Bates, Paul ................................ E ................ 185 ................ 6-0................ 21 ................. 0.................................... Yakima Bell, Kay* ................................ G ................ 208 ................ 6-2 ................ 20 ................ 1........................................ Seattle Bennett, Woody ........................ Q ................ 160 ................ 5-10 .............. 21 ................ 2 ........................................ Seattle Bley, John (Capt.) *':' .............. T ................ 194............... 6-2 ................ 22 ................ 2.................................... Spokane Brett, Edwin** .......................... E. ............... 194 .......... ..... 6-2 ................ 21 ............... 2.................... Lewiston, Idaho Caldwell, Joe ............................ E. ............... 170 ....... . ....... 6-3 ................ 23 ................ 0.................... San Diego, Cal . Campbell, Bob D . .................... G ................ 195 ..... ..... .... 6-0................ 20 ................ 0 ................................. Enumclaw Christofferson, Ted** ............ H ................ 195................ 6-2 ................ 22 .............. 2.................................. Honolulu Dougherty, Rodger* ................ F ................ 186 .............. 5-11.. ............ 21.. .............. 1.. ...................... Portland, Ore. Gibson, W . B . ........................... C ................ 177 ... ........ 6-2 ................ 18 ................ 0........................ Chandler, Ariz. Goddard, Ed* ......................... Q................ 180 .. ..... .. ...... 5-9 ................ 20 ............... !... ................... Escondido, Cal. Grahek, John* .......... ................ E ................ 186 ........ .... .... 6-0 ................ 21 ........... .. ... 1............ .................... Ely, Minn. Grimstead, Bob ................. ....... T ................ 225 ................ 6-3 ...... . ....... 19 ................ 0 ...................................... Tacoma Harrison, Hal ........................... E ................ 180................ 6-2 ............... 20 ................ 0...................................... Monroe Haynes, Laird .......................... E ................ 176 ................ 6-0 ........ ........ 23 ................ 1.............. ...................... Pullman Hildebrand, Les ........................ E ................ 178 ................ 6-0 ................ 21 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Holmback, Erick ......................T ................ 205................ 6-0 ................ 19 ................ 0..... ................................. Monroe Hoptowit, Alphonse ................ G ................ 187 ................ 6-0 ................ 20 ................ 0...................................... Wapato Johansen, Mel .......................... C ................ 175 ................ 5-11 .............. 23 ................ 2 ................................ Enumclaw Jones, Bud* ................................ G ................ 205 ................6-2 ................ 22 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Jones, Hal* ................................ Q................ 171 ................ 5-11 .............. 22 ................ 1.................................... Spokane Magnes3, Tex*':' ...................... H ................ 167 ................ 6-0 ................ 23 ................ 2 .............. Breckenridge, Texas McBride, Chas.** .................... H ................ 173 .......... ...... 5-10 .............. 21 ................ 2..................................... Puyallup McCormack, Levi .................... H ................ 178 ................ 6-1 ................ 21 ............ .... 0.... .............................. Clarkston Oswald, Andrew ...................... G ................ 188 ............... 5-10 .............. 21 ................ 1............................ Walla Walla Power, Merle ............ ................ T ................ 181 ................ 6-3 .... ............ 20 .......... ...... 1............................ Boise, Id~ho 55 Rosano, John* .......................... H ................ 175................ 5-11.. ............ 23 ................ 1...................... El Cerrito, Cal. 46 Rumburg, Chris ........................ C ................ 186 ................ 6-3 ................ 20................ 0.................................... Spokane 10 Sage, Jerry ................................ E ................ 185 ................ 6-2 ................ 18................ 0.................................... Spokane 48 Sanders, Bud ............................ H ................ 165 ................ 5-10 .............. 20 ........ ........ 0...................................... Dayton 57 Schaaf, O scar ............................ G ................ 180 ........ ....... 5-11 .............. 21 ................ 0.................................. Oakesdale 37 Scheyer, Dwight* .................... T ............... .211 ................ 6-3 ....... ......... 21 ................ 1........ ............................ Granger 63 Semancik, Chuck ...................... G ................ 188 ................ 5-11 .............. 20 ................ 0 .... .................................. Tacoma 39 Sienko, Joe .................................. F ................ 193 ... ............. 6-0 ................ 20 ................ 0 ........................................ Pe Ell 53 Simon, Keith ............................ Q ................ 15~................ 5-7 ................ 23 ................ 0 .................. Billings, Montana 41 Smith, Harold .......................... F ................ 175 ................ 5-10 .............. 20 .... ............ 0 .................................... Wapato 3 12 21 5 8 25 4 2 9 1 18 13 34 26 28 44 32 35 31 47 16 45 62 66 38 77 23 58 50 15
i~k ~!
Tatman, Max ............................ Q ................ 155 ................ 5-9 ................ 20 ................ 0...................................... Spokane
~~ ihr~~p!:!~:d~~~~i'd···::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~gt::::::::::::::t~::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: ...~~~~-~-~: .. cs~~~~:
67 36
Wilkinson, Jame~ .................... E ................ 195 ................ 6-1 ....... .. ....... 23 ................ 1................................ Bremerton Zuger, Walt* ............................ H ................ 175 ........ ....... 5-10 ...... ....... 21... .......... ... 1................................ Waitsburg
* [ndicates Letters Won. Coaching Staff: Orin E . (Babe) Hollingbery, head coach ; A . B. (Buck) Bailey, assistant coach ; Karl A . Schlademan, freshman coach; Harold Hawley, assistant coach; Garth Liesy, assistant coach. J. Fred Bohler, director of athletics ; Earl V. Foster, graduate manager; Loyd A. Bury, assistant graduate manager ; Bud Felton, student manager. Note: Numerical Roster list on center spread, page 11.
They Always Support Cougar T earns and Activities
Through their generous aid these firms and individuals make this program possible · Lee Allen Hardware James Hubbard, N.Y. Life Agt. Warren's Press Shop , Auto Transfer Dr. A. E. Hudson Washington Hotel Ward Baird Hutchison- Photographer W h' t 0 W t p C as mg ~ a er ower o. Berger's Garage Dr. F. D. Johnston Betty's Fashion Shoppe Grace C. Jones Watts Pharmacy Brock's 5c and lOc Store Fred Keller Otho West Brown & Holter Kelley-Hughes Co. Standard Oil Co. K. W. Carter, Implements Dr. L. G. Kimzey Rouse's Grocery Checker Cab Co. K & N Grocery City Club Lycan's Garage Dr. A. J. Herbst City Market Maxwell Meats Dr. A. E. Eyres Miller's Jewelry Lane's Midway Barber City Shoe Store Corner Drug Milk House Duynslager's Shoe Repair The Nook Thompson Motors Cougar Barber Shop . J. C. Penney Co. Students Bookstore Cougar Cottage · Petersen's Bros. Market Safeway Stores Cougar Service Station · Emil Pike Garage Chuck's Tire Store . Dan Downen Diamond Cab Co. Plaskett & Staley Oriental Cafe DeLong Plumbing Potlatch Yards, Inc. Audian Theatre Pullman Bakery Martin's Implement Dubert's Barber Shop J. P. Duthie Pullman Bottling Works Martin's Garage Pullman Grain Growers Jack Rainey Electric Shoe Shop Pullman Herald H. Baker Emerson Mere. Co. Pullman Hotel Drury Beer Parlor Fairchild's Barber Shop Pullman Laundry Dr. E. A. Archer Farmers Produce Co. Midway Barber Shop First National Bank Pullman State Bank Folger's Dr. A. A. Rounds Pullman Tfre Shop Dr. D. T. Ford Frank Sanger Central Barber Shop Fonk's 5c to $1 Store Standard Lumber Co. Lew Smawley Gentry's Smoke House John Trunda Snapp Electric Associated Oil Co. Dr. James Gilleland Glen Glover Spengler's Bakery Maiden Lane Lunch Struppler's Campus Grocery & Barber Shop Grange Whse. Co. Graves' Studio Cordova Theatre Dr. J. F. Newby Howard Haskell Street's Grocery Texas Oil Co. Hawley Shoe Store Taylor Jewelry Rodrick Tailoring E. S. Burgan & Son Held Auto Electric Tower Barber Shop TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTT~TTTTTTVTTTTTTVVTYTVTTTTTTVTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTT
• • • • • •
Sporting Goods Co.
EVERYTHING IN ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT .44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444A
OFFICIALS' SIGNALS WHEN THE umpire jerks his thumb back over his shoulc!er, you know that the runner is out. That baseball signal is probably the most familiar gesture in sport. But do you know the football signals? Probably not, because they are, as far as spectators are con-: cerned, comparatively new. Study them as they are sketched in the accompanying panel, and they will!j increase your enjoyment of the game. The signals' illustrated here are the most commonly accepted signals now in use. FIG. 1-Pushing movement of hands to front,' with arms hanging downward: Signal for penalty 1 for crawling, pushing or helping the ball-carrier. FIG. 2-Hands on hips: Signals penalty for offside or for illegal kick-off formation. JIG. 3-Grasping of one wrist: Signals penalty . for holdi_ng.
FIG. 4-Mi!itary salute: Indicates penalty for unroughness.
ne ce~sary
FIG. 5-Shifting of hands in horizontal plane: Signals penalty has been refused, an incomplete pass, missed goal, or that the play is to be re-played. FIG. 6-Both arms extended above head: A score; if the palm~ of the hands are brought together, a safety is indicated. If the hands are shifted in a vertical plane above the head: time out. FIG. 7-Folded arms: Flying ~lpck or tackle. FIG. 8-Waving hand behind back: Signa~s penalty for illegal forward pass. FIG. 9-Horizontal arc of either hand: Signals player illegally in motion. FIG. 1 0-Pushing hands forward from shoulden with hands vertical: Signals penalty for interference with forward pass, also a pass which touches J player i!lelig~ble to receive it .
It's Made of PAPER WE HAVE IT''
• ~~1r§.~~e~ • 707-711 Sprague Ave.
708-716 First Ave.
,......................................• PENALTIES LOSS OF FIVE YARDS Holding s id e.
Feint to snap ball. Illegal possession.
Crawling. Attempt to draw opponents offside. D elaying game. Taking more than two steps after fair catch. Ill egal tack ling or blocking. Of:side. Encroac hments on neutral zone.
Interferen ce with opponents b efore ball is put in play. Substitute failing to report. Backfield in motion. Taking time out more than three times during half. Player out of bounds. Running into kicker.
LOSS OF FIFTEEN YARDS Holding by side in possession of ball. Hurdling. Coaching from sidelines. Intentional grounding of forward pass.
Piling up. Tackling out of bounds. Rushing, pulling, inter! o c king, interference, etc. •"
Interference with fair catch.
Running into oppo nents illegall y.
Substitute communicating before fir st play.
Individual going on field without permission .
Throwin g fair catcher.
More than one attendant going on fi eld .
Tripping. Leaving f:eld dur:ng one-minute intermiss ion.
U nspo:· ts111a n I ike duct.
co n-
Failure to com e to onesecond stop in shiit play. Roughing th e kicker. Clipping.
OTHER PENAL TIES Illegal return to game: loss of 25 yards. Team not ready to play at sc hedu led time : loss of 25 yards .
Foul within one --yard line: half distance to goal line. Interferen ce with forward pass by defe nse: loss of the ball.
Slugging : half distance to goal and disqualification. F lagrant roughing of kicke r : 15 yards an :1 clisqual if ication. Any act committed by an out ider but affe cting the game: the referee is empowered to impose suc h penalty as justice may require .
Here you will find an·. in s tituti on dedi c ated to youn g me n's fa sh io ns, authen t i c f as h io ns. The so- called " Kollege Kut Klothe s" have no pl a c e a t Emry 's, The New , the Smart, t he Corre ct hav e ~ And the · ar e ch eerfully . ·. modest
Hit the line hard and hit it square Play the game and play it fair Crash right through-¡ do or die You've got to be good to SATISFY.