16 17 trend book - Sarah Shepherd

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Overview Contents <Overview <Timeline/Key Drivers <Trend <References

We enter the era of the intersection, a creatively strategic place enabling our search for a new perspective as we aim to expand our mind and senses through multi disciplinary endeavours. This trend although driven by technological advances encompasses many guises; science, art, technology and virtual reality creating a new perception of self and an enhanced view of the world around us. We use technology and virtual reality not to escape our environment but to add another dimsension and sense of perspective to it. Hand in hand with everyday objects technology interacts to enhance our ordinary experiences.

Artists Technology enables artists to explore,uncover,challenge and deepen the perception we have of ourselves. Like Marilene Olivers “Family Portrait� which uses CT and MRI scans to strip away our digital personas and demonstrate that we are all the same whilst commenting on our

Nick Veassey -

Marilene Oliver family portrait


Materials amalgamated


Furniture isnt quite what it initially seems as pieces are extraordinarily remade using both familar and unfamilar discarded materials and objects requiring a shift in our perception as to what rubbish is. Alongside furniture solidly made but embedded with technological enhancements

Ikea charging table

Will Yates-Johnson




http://www.yingchang.co.uk/neolastic/13fz v2gpn5mk7qiw83w0alp0ygrhof

http://www.trendhunter. com/trends/infrared-camera

Justin Bettman- setinthestreet http://www.trendhunter.com/ trends/upcycled-rooms

http://marileneoliver.com/portfolio/ portfolio2003/2003family_

http://cdn2.expertreviews. co.uk/sites/expertreviews/ files/1/52/oculus-rift-inside_0.jpg?itok=EkxFVPBN

http://www.treehugger.com/eco-friendly-furniture/ collectables-nomad-recycled-furniture-francoisduquesnoy.html

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ technology/news/11440557/ Ikea-launches-wireless-chargingfurniture-range.html

http://sussle.org/t/ Nick_Veasey

https://www.google.com/atap/ project-jacquard/

http://luisa.com/2014/03/01/cardboard-stool.html http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/ jed-malitz-4d-glasssculptures http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/ nomad-tablet-side-table


https://www.google.com/ atap/project-jacquard/


http://www.designboom. com/design/augmentedreality-ceramics-byandrew-tanner/

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