Power Trippin' by Deborah Whitham

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Power Trippin’ Fashion Trend Forecast

Deborah Whitham


Power Trippin’ SS15


Energy and power are already proving difficulties concerning usage and costs. SS15’s fashion forecast Power Trippin’ demonstrates the interaction of the fusion of power and energy. Generation of energy through fusion is the new future power source. A combination of power is used to combat power shortages of the future. Future fuels are to be devised from a fusion of power. Power isn’t a physical object but an image and impression creating illusions. Voltage of colour expands through waves of pattern to create an abstract explosion of prints. These powerful statement prints generate future fashions. Women crave to portray an omnipotence status through the wearing of these powerful fashions. Luxurious materials including satin and silks are used to show the power and high importance and authority. The fabrics allow light to reflect and boast power.

Power Trippin’ SS15

Regeneration of the economy after recession faces an upcoming energy epidemic Predicted blackouts in 2015

Need for new power sources

Energy costs are high energy is powerful Fusion energy could be a future solution

Coal-fire power stations face closure

Power Trippin’ SS15

Consumer Thinking

Power Craving


Distortions of Perception


viv Mind is Focused on Power

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Power Trippin’ SS15

Light is Needed to Beat Blackouts



Altered State of Awareness

Light is the Illusion of Power

Power Trippin’ SS15

Colour Inspiration

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Energy Bursts

of Col our

Light Movement

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Power Trippin’ SS15

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ins Aga Neon & Fluorescent

Power Trippin’ SS15





Psy Hallucinations

Power Trippin’ SS15





Power Trippin’ SS15

Key Looks



Pow Control

Power Trippin’ SS15

Future Fashions




Power Trippin’ SS15

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Power Trippin’ SS15

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Power Trippin’ SS15

Deborah Whitham Textile Design for Fashion & Interiors

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