Heidi Beesley The Nature
Weave Designer
of double cloth
-ContentsDesigner statement -ABOUT THE COLLECTION-
Skecthbook and sample images Quote Contact details
The nature of double cloth is a collection created using traditional weave techniques focusing on double cloth. As a textile practitioner I use controlled experimentation with a combination of ideas and processes to create samples aimed for the fashion or interiors industry. The collection uses weave with a combination of other skills to develop experimental samples that show development in materials and patterns. Each sample is designed using a woven design then created using a range of new and traditional materials, incorporating different materials together create a unique piece that may be used on a large scale to create a garment or an interior item for example, however these pieces may not have any exact use, as a weaver I enjoy the process, picking out inspiration, colours and materials and combining them together to get a woven outcome, as a practitioner it’s all about the process and the making. As a weaver I use the process of weaving to understand my own emotions, for example weaving stressed or happy could change the outcome of the sample.
Sketchbook and sample work for collection inspired by the outdoor textures and objects that can easily be forgotton.
Creativity is the key to thinking, with creativity comes peace, tranquillity and the ability to understand ones emotions- Heidi Beesley
Contact details
Email: Heiidii.Beesley@hotmail.co.uk Mobile number: 07415070410
Blog: http://littlebluebuttons.wordpress.com/ Website: http://heiidiibeesley.wix.com/heidiweavedesigner
Home address Quinta Cottage Nant Y Gamar RD Llandudno North Wales LL303BD Term time address 2.2 Threadworks threadneedle st Huddersfield HD12HF