Sophie Lupton
Textile craft Machine Knitter Press Pack
Knitted Skins ‘Knitted skins’ started out as an experimental collection, I aimed to use yarns that I could then manipulate and melt hopefully looking at the effects they create once melted. I began to use polypropylene and my main material and continue to melt with the heat press onto a variety of papers I used this with drawing which is an on-going key element throughout this project to help achieve print patterns. I have since then decided I wanted to develop knitted print patterns into trend drawings. The word trend scared me massively as I have never worked with fashion being my main source of inspiration. I looked at an on-going trend that was hot skins and then interpreted this into my own trend collection. I achieved my printed patterns by firstly creating a well-structured knit using lace holes and ladders I needed my knits to have a great deal of looseness about them to help achieve the look of animals skins. I then used the melted knit to print through with acrylics and oil pastels to create the negative pattern of the knit. I collaged areas of the melted knit onto the printed drawings and picked out detail with pens. This collection has since developed extremely using my own free hand drawings and a variety of rich colour pallets. I have also designed trend boards for both colour collections which could then be passed on to the design industry to convey my design and project ideas.
A/W 14/15 Knitted Skins
Small scale experimental knitted skin drawings that resemble animal skin textures through printed and melted knits.
Textural Melted Printed Collage Animal Skins Experimental Delicate Rich Translate
A/W 14/15 Knitted Skins
Small scale experimental knitted skin drawings that resemble animal skin textures through printed and melted knits.
Collage Animal Skins Experimental
Delicate Melted Textual Rich Printed Small scale Translate
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