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Boom times, but not for all!

Traders say all-inclusive is destructive


HE summer weather has arrived and the popularity of Tenerife and the Canary Islands is booming.

In the midst of a string of accolades from hotel booking websites and travel agents, Tenerife was also last week in the trending top ten on Yahoo for all-inclusive holidays. That, claims a group of fed-up business owners, is the sting in the tail. Even though the beaches are packed and the airports are registering record figures, the Association of Businesses for Playa de Las Americas and Costa Adeje says there are still empty pavement cafes for most of the day in various parts of south

Tenerife and establishments are closing on a a regular basis. It puts the blame on the trend for all-inclusive holidays, even though tourism chiefs say this is not the case, and has called for urgent action to look at the whole situation. The organisation, known as Aepaca, has denounced the system as “destructive” and says all-inclusive clients have stopped using other services because “they are provided with absolutely everything”. Its president, Víctor Sánchez

says it is “no longer about generated wealth” but “pure and simple survival”. Although tourism bosses say all-inclusive hotels are in the minority, Aepaca claims in its August newsletter that the vast majority of these hotels are based in the south of the island. As a result, most of the guests are “staying off the streets” and have stopped using the rest of the service sector. He said there were visible signs of this as all you had to do was walk around on any day, including weekends, to see how many businesses had closed their doors. He described this

as “a significant amount”. Many of the businesses which had managed to stay open to support Tenerife had little dignity left as their terraces remained empty for most of the day.

The association has also criticised hotels for having shop facilities within their premises so people could buy things they wanted, describing this as “unfair”. Aepaca wants the public

authorities to be aware of this situation and “act accordingly as soon as possible.” In the same week as this criticism is made, hundreds of thousands of passengers are passing through the Canary airports. In the first six months of this year, the archipelago has attracted 5.6 million foreign visitors, an increase of 12.4 per cent and becoming the fastest growing national destination. June was also a record month. Spending is also up and Tenerife’s top attractions have received TripAdvisor accolades. However, figures also show that stays in apartments are up so some are wondering whether this is having an impact on people going out to spend money on meals and drinks in bars and restaurants. Tourism chiefs have been working very hard to bring more people to Tenerife and the statistics show their campaign is working. What Aepaca wants to debate, however, is this question: “Is it benefitting everyone?” If you have a view on this, do let us know by emailing info@tenerifenews.org.es so we can publish your letters.













































Court action threat over street prostitution


group of residents and business owners in a popular part of Playa de Las Americas say they will take the Mayor and other officials to court unless a problem with prostitutes in the streets is solved. They say this issue has been going on for years and is blighting the area around the streets of Arquitecto Gómez Cuesta and Troya and around the park area near the golf

Plaza gets updated image

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course. They have complained for yet another time about prostitutes touting for trade in the streets in full view of tourists and near to a children’s

playground.They believe this is connected with crime and trouble in the area concerned and is doing nothing for the image of the resort. The collective Citizen’s Group says it is filing a lawsuit against the Mayor, Minister of Interior, delegate and subdelegate of the Government and the local councillor for neglect of duty and failing to

ensure the safety of local people. They say there are grave breaches in the Public Safety Act which should be punishable with fines of between 1,000 and 3,000 euros. This problem has been raised before on several occasions and four years ago, there was even a demonstration on the streets.


ASHIONABLE” El Médano, currently hosting the World Windsurfing Championships, has a new-look plaza to suit its image.

The final phase of work on a 100,000 euro project has just been completed with improvements and expansion of the children’s playground. The remodelling has included modernisation of the tourist office and police station, new landscaping, better accessibility and open spaces which can be used for numerous performances during the year. El Médano has also seen

redevelopment of the coastal path between the dock and La Jaquita and increased parking spaces for the summer. Granadilla’s Mayor, Jaime González Cejas said El Médano was the place to be and had to provide the best facilities for the thousands of visitors, hence improving its economic activity and helping jobs. *Thousands of people turned out for the town’s gastronomic showcase “Sensaciones, Sa-

bores de Verano” on the evening of August 1st which

included tastings, tapas and live music.

Gun thefts: two Night-time face prison water cuts lifted EL SAUZAL

GENERAL ENQUIRES: info@tenerifenews.com Office hours: 9:00am to 14:00pm Tel: 922 30 49 87 · Fax: 922 30 02 17 Printed by: TF Print S.A. Póligono Industrial Los Majuelos, 16 38108 La Laguna Edited by: Seven Islands Media Group S.L. APARTADO DE CORREOS 54 38390 SANTA ÚRSULA TELEPHONE: (+34) 922 30 49 87 FAX: 922 30 02 17

Email: info@tenerifenews.com



soldier and his accomplice face prison sentences of up to eight years after being caught steaing guns from the military base in Gran Canaria.

The Canary Government called a press conference to assure people that this was “a one-off” incident and there was no cause for concern. It is believed the ten guns were sold on the black market for up to 1,000 euros each. The two men are aged 28 and 30, the latter being a soldier who also faces expulsion. Canary Government delegate, María del Carmen Hernández Bento said the thefts in June had caused alarm but it was isolated and not connected to anything.


OME water restrictions remain in place in El Sauzal despite the lifting of a night-time cut in supplies.

Residents lost their service between 11pm and 6am from July 17th until August 1st because of dwindling supplies in the water tanks. There was also a problem with the flow to a number of properties in the area of Radazul. The local council says the

situation was caused by high consumption but levels are now back to normal. Residents have been reminded, however, that there are still restrictions, including the use of the mains for watering gardens and filling swimming pools.




Pavement café rules to include “move quietly” clause


USINESSES in Guimar will face fines of between 750 euros and 3,000 euros if they breach new laws about pavement cafes.

The council believes it has come to an agreement with traders about the size of the terraces, the width inbetween, times etc. The full proposals will now be subject to a formal consultation exercise and it is hoped the new rules will come into force in the final quarter of this year. Guimar council says it fully appreciates the importance of pavement cafes and it was important to achieve consensus between restaurant/ cafe/bar owners and the general public. It had already tried to act on feedback received. At present, the council feels there is little regulation over the activity of chairs, tables, awnings and umbrellas on the pavements. The draft would allow pavement cafes to operate from July 1st to September

30th between 7am and half past midnight and this would be extended to 1.30am on Fridays, Saturdays and the eve of public holidays. The rest of the year would be from 7am until midnight, with the extra hour on weekends and prior to fiestas. The fine for minor violations (lack of cleaning or posters without permission) would be 750 euros) up to 1,500 euros for serious breaches (such as no permission for tables and chairs) and 3,000 euros for very serious offences (ie.out of time, over-crowding, obstruction). Authorisations will be for four years and those with licences will be required to keep the terraces clean and tidy and to make as little noise as possible when putting out the furniture. With special permission, they can be stored in the street.


Sick images via Twitter


OLICE say there could be further arrests after a paedophile was caught sharing indecent images, emails and videos of young children over Twitter. This was the first arrest of its kind in Spain concerning use of the popular social network site in this way and was prompted by Twitter who made a complaint to police. The man is aged 30, lives in Toledo and is said to have worked with disabled children. Computer experts discovered that he had devise a complicated file-sharing system which was hidden under the computer “cloud” but which allowed him to pass on the sick images to paedophiles in different parts of the world. The children were aged five to seven.


New flight to Mauritania


HE airline Binter has re-started its flights to Mauritania because of their importance to island businesses.

The service began again on August 5th from Gran Canaria to the capital of Nuakchot and will operate three times a week, on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The times are different from each, with the flight leaving Gran Canaria at 8am,

1.35pm and 11.35am respectively. An ATR 72 is being used, with capacity for 72 people and the journey takes just under three hours on the way out and two hours 35 minutes on the return. A round trip is 224 euros.


What is your question for Stephen Hawking?


f you came face to face with the great scientist Stephen Hawking, what would you ask him?

That prospect could become a reality in September, thanks to a competition launched by the organisers of the Starmus Festival to be held in Tenerife. Entries are being invited for the “Ask Hawking” competition, with a closing date of August 29th. All you have to do is to email your question now (see below for details). There will be one winner from the general public who will win a ticket to Starmus and three others from those who have registered for the festival. All four will be invited up on stage to meet Stephen Hawking and to put their question to him. A really unique moment. It’s another exciting development for this most eagerly awaited scientific encounters of 2014, with the Canary Islands as the worldwide meeting point for astronomy, astrophysics and space exploration. The jury will publish the winners of “Ask Hawking” on September 1st: the three questions by the festival’s attendees and one by the non-attending public. The festival has also extended its Canarian Residents special offer for a second person to attend for half price until 31st August. It is therefore 300 Euros for two people if they register at the same time. Participate in the “Ask Hawking” competition: E-Mail : hawking@starmus.com Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1rAx2D3 More Information at: www.starmus.com Tickets are now on sale for another highlight of Starmus, the Sonic Universe concert featuring Brian May and Rick Wakeman on September 26th at the Magma Centre in Costa Adeje. See also the Starmus website for the link to buy tickets.

Stephen Hawking

“Years of neglect” to be rectified


ESIDENTS of La Vera Baja in San Juan de la Rambla have been promised that years of neglect for the neighbourhood will be rectified.

The pledge was made by the Mayor, Tomás Mesa and planning councillor, Marco Antonio Abreu during a meeting to discuss various projects. This is the most populated area of the municipality yet residents feel there has been a history of neglect. Plans include a new drinking water network, new street lighting, improvements to the roads and pavements and new power lines which comply with the Canary Sky Law. The work, involving an investment of 622,471 euros, is scheduled to start in September.








Ideas sought for Adeje pledge over social housing Laguna’s 2014 White Night


T might well be the height of summer but thoughts are already turning to Christmas in Tenerife.

La Laguna has announced that the sixth edition of its “Noche en Blanco” or “White Night” will take place on November 29th. The event has become hugely popular across the island, having been introduced to revitalise trade and therefore the local economy and jobs. This will also be the start of the cultural and Christmas campaign and meetings are already taking place to make arrangements. As part of this, local residents are being asked for their ideas and emails can be sent on lalagunanocheenblanco@gmail.com from individuals or groups. The artwork for this 2014 edition has been designed by Zoostudio of Tenerife. Councillor for the economy, Juan Antonio Alonso said the key to the success of the Noche en Blanco was the involvement of many people, including other municipal areas, public and private organisations and other social groups and citizens. The White Night initiative was actually started in Paris in 2002 and expanded to several major cities in the world. La Laguna was the first place in the Canary Islands to start its own Noche en Blanco in 2009, stemming from the Anti-Crisis Forum.

Day care centre is still a priority


day care centre to help people suffering from Alzheimer’s is still the aim of Granadilla, the council has reiterated.

A donation of 60,000 euros has just been made to the organisation ACUFADE which is an association which looks after sufferers and their carers. The Mayor, Jaime González Cejas said it was a significant and substantial amount give the state of public finances in Tenerife and Spain. However, 14.9 per cent of the Social Services budget was aimed at help for the elderly because those who needed care represented a large part of the community and needed support in their every day activities. The day and service centre for Alzheimer patients would cater for 40 people.


DEJE has pledged its commitment to more social housing in order to help families in need during the continued financial crisis.

The first stage of rehabilitation to 28 social houses in Las Rosas-Armeñi-me has now been completed and work on the second and third stages is scheduled to begin before October. Councillor for works and public services, Gonzalo Delgado Díaz said they were facing a large number of unemployed with limited resources and income and the council considered it impe-

rative to help the disadvantaged. The priority has been to tackle rented social housing more than ten years old. As well as the restoration of facades and interiors, the work has included energy-saving measures, cleaning, painting, new doors and windows where necessary, solar panels and water-proofing. Electrics and telecommunications have also been updated.


El Médano warning over anti-social behaviour


RANADILLA council has warned it will take action against individuals or establishments causing a nuisance through loud noise or


Residents who live around the plaza del Galicia in El Médano say they have been complaining about one particular location for years but nothing has been done. Another meeting was held last week with council representatives. Those who live in the area say the noise goes on way past 5am on some occasions and there is dirt, urine and vomit left behind.

Councillor for security, Guacimara González sad the problems appeared to be taking place outside as the premises themselves had all the correct authorisations and sound-proofing. She realised that people hung around longer whilst on holiday or during the hot summer nights but stressed they had to respect the rest of others and antisocial behaviour had to be eradicated.

“Be safe this summer” alert



HE Red Cross has issued urgent advice to those basking in the sun to be very careful about their safety.

Figures for Spain show there 32 people died from drowning during July, either in pools or in the ocean. There was only one fatality in the Canar y Islands, putting it at the bottom of the league table. The tragedies have included little children and the Red Cross says it is imperative that parents keep a very close eye on them and never leave them playing in water, no matter how shallow it is. Generally, people shouldn’t

go swimming after a meal or alcohol and never dive into a place you don’t know. If a swimmr feels unwell whilst in the water, they should leave immediately. Experts also advise that if anyone sees anyone in difficulty in the water or pool, they should immediately thrown them a float rather than risk also being dragged under. Also, it is imperative to comply with beach flag warnings.






Raise your glasses for Puerto’s Bavarian Week


HOUSANDS of people will be saying “cheers” Bavarian-style as Bavarian Week comes to Puerto de la Cruz.

This popular event is organised by the Centre for Initiatives and Tourism and takes place for the 41st year between August 20th and August 30th, ending with the traditional Oktoberfest. The origins of this celebration dates back to 1973 when the CIT at Puerto decided to invite a Bavarian orchestra to give a series of concerts in the town. Contact was made with a Bavarian group who, two years later, returned and this was the beginning of a cultural exchange that remains to this day. Visitors will be able to enjoy the lively music of “Die Lustigen Egerländer”, which consists of more than 30 musicians from Germany. They will be playing in various parts of Puerto in concerts which are free of charge and open to all. The programme is as follows: Wednesday, August 20th: Noon. Concert Lago Martiánez Thursday, August 21st:

9pm. Concert Calle Iriarte / corner calle San Juan Friday, August 22nd: 6.30pm. Parade through Puerto Saturday, August 23rd: 8pm. Concert Playa Jardin Sunday, August 24th: 8.30pm. Concert in the churchde la Peña de Francia Wednesday, August 27th: 6.30pm. Concert tour train Loro Parque Thursday, August 28th: 9pm. Concert Avenida de Colón / Avenida Venezuela Friday, August 29th: 9pm. Concert Plaza del Charco Saturday, August 30th: 7pm. Beer Festival, Plaza de Europa The “Fiesta de la Cerveza” on August 30th is always one of the highlights and the Bavarian orchestra will play a varied repertoire throughout the evening. This is the only event which involves a charge but in return, you do get food and drink and automatic entry into a raffle with prizes such as hotel stays, spa sessions and so on. The beer festival has


Italian man hurt in fall


ATIONAL Park environment staff helped to rescue an Italian man after he fell in La Caldera de Taburiente in the municipality of El Paso on La Palma. The emergency services were alerted through the 1-1-2 system and were told tha a hiker needed urgent assistance. The 27-year-old man suffered a back injury of a less serious nature in the accident and had to be airlifted to safety by the emergency helicopter to the helipad at the general hospital.


Four arrests for drug trafficking


OLICE have made more arrests for drug trafficking in the Canary Islands.

In one incident last week, officers were carrying out spot checks in the Candelaria area when they saw a car approaching and watched as a small package was thrown out of the window. The vehicle was stopped and a search revealed hashish hidden inside, together with 420 euros in French notes which was assumed to be the proceeds from earlier drug sales. The package thrown out of the window was also retrieved and also found to contain hashish. Two people were arrested, aged 18 and 19, and both residents of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In another operation, two people in their 30s were arrested on Gran Canaria on suspicion of drug trafficking after they were found in possession of 1.35 kilograms of marijuana and more than 300 plants.

increased in popularity year after year and helps to turn the spotlight on Puerto as a warm and friendly town for tourists and local people alike. Each summer, more and more visitors also turn up in traditional Bavarian costume to add t the atmosphere. There were more than 1,000 people at this end of festival party in 2013. In anticipation of another great turn-out, it’s recommen-ded that you buy your admission ticket for the Oktoberfest early. They are available at the CIT de Puerto de

la Cruz in calle Puerto Viejo número 13, between 9am and 3pm, telephone 922 388 777 or at the box office Plaza de Europa on the day of the event. As every year, the Bavarian Week is organised by the CIT, the town council, Tourism of Tenerife, the Consortium for the Rehabilitation of Puerto de la Cruz, CCC-Dorada, Loro Parque, Columbus, El Corte Inglés, Fonteide, Egatesa, Sprugman, Cash&Carr y and various restaurants, hotels and establishments associated with the CIT.








“Be our eyes and ears” Mayor appeals


ESIDENTS of Los Realejos are being urged to be vigilant about public incidents which might need the council’s urgent attention.

A new instant reporting measure has been set up on the municipal website so that community-minded people can report any problems on the roads, pavements, parks or gardens or perhaps relating to water services, electricity, cleaning, signs etc. It coud be an actual incident or even something like rubbish bins being over-turned.

The new service was unveiled by the Mayor, Manuel Domínguez and councillor for public services, Domingo García. It can be accessed through www.losrealejos.es or via smartphone and will then be relayed to the department or body responsible. The sender will also receive an acknowledgement.


OLICE have not ruled out further arrests after uncovering a 17.5 million euro Social Security fraud on Tenerife.

The Mayor said they were delighted to offer this service because residents frequently went to locations out of the

council’s daily reach but if they were told about deficiencies, they could rectify them immediately.


Puerto traders go to court


NGRY traders in Puerto de la Cruz have started to go to court over substantial rises in the fees for their pavement terraces.

The Association of the Central Zone says some of their members face huge increases in their bills following new rules introduced by the local council.

Social security warning after swoops in Tenerife

The authority says this is not the case as those business owners with bigger bills were paying originally for smaller spaces but following inspections, were found to have more tables and chairs over a bigger area than declared. The association has held talks with the council but says these have failed to rectify the situation so the warning of court action has materialised.


Grant aid for rural road


ESURFACING and conditioning of a rural road in Tegueste was considered so important that it received a 26,000 euro grant from the Canary Government.

The operation is still open and warnings have been reiterated to any business which thinks it can get away with deliberating not paying contributions. Agents with the National Police last week arrested seven people in various places on the island and they face 18 charges relating to Social Security and eleven of insolvency in order to avoid paying off debts. In total, six companies were investigated. The investigations began some months ago after the authorities heard of a number of businesses in the Canary Islands and particularly on Tenerife trying to commit such frauds and to conceal assets. It was carried out under a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Social Security and

Employment to combat illegal employment and social security fraud. The businesses are said to have used various methods to avoid payments, including moving workers and equipment around to other companies and using proxies and intermediaries. They also transferred debts and assets and created false labour contracts and fictious bills, often between their different companies. To try and cause confusion, the businesses were also said to regularly change ownership of assets into different names and deliberately hindered the work of investigators. However, the investigators obtained details of workers and owners and consulted public records about commercial properties before launching raids.


Blue Flag is “an accolade for all”

Work on the Camino del Peral has now been completed and the local council feels the quality of life of residents will be substantially improved. The grant was received from the Rural Development Programme of the Canaries through the Ministry of Agriculture which looks at amenities in rural areas. The total cost of the work was 29,000 euros. The reconditioned road will allow better access for residents and farmers.

Countdown traffic lights for capital



EW-STYLE traffic lights are being installed in various areas of Santa Cruz to improve safety for pedestrians.

The “countdown” lights in 50 locations give people an indication in seconds as to how long they have to cross and the time-scale has been calculated to take into account the number of lanes and traffic. The lights will help all ages but especially those with reduced mobility and the elderly as it saves having to

“gamble” with the appearance of the green man or just following the rest of the crowd. Work has been initiated in avenidas Tres de Mayo and La Salle and calles José Emilio García Gómez, Áurea Díaz Flores and Álvaro Rodríguez López and will proceed to other urban roads in the coming weeks.


beach which nearly disappeared in the 1990s has hoisted the Blue Flag for the third consecutive year.

The accolade is regarded by Playa San Juan as a symbol for the successful struggle, as much as verification of all the facilities available. Councillor for municipal services, Bruno Domínguez thanked everyone who had been involved, past and present, in creating a beachfront now regarded as one of the best on the south-west coast of Tenerife. The Blue Flag has encouraged an increase in visitors to Playa San Juan, with the Foundation for Environ-mental Education recognising quality, cleanliness, service and security. Amongst the assets the

beach offers are accessibility for the disabled, changing rooms, daily cleaning of the promenade and sand, sunbeds, parasols and defibrillator heart machines. Twenty years ago, parts of the beach front area were in a derelict state and residents had to fight off a proposal for a port. The revival began with the arrival of Pedro Martin as Mayor and continued until the completion of the most radical step in 2008 with full renovation of the beach with sand. More facilities for visitors followed, together with lifeguards, beach showers, accessibility and security.







Cars are the stars of the show Beware of scams promising lost riches


HE dangers of being duped by emails promising a lost fortune or a lottery win have been hit home by a massive Spanish police operation with 84 arrests and a multi-million euro gain.


A Esperanza in El Rosario was the place to be for auto fans when it staged a day dedicated to cars.

Hundreds of people turned out for the event which included more than 50 classic minis, some of which were driven over

from Gran Canaria and Lanzarote especially for the occasion. There were also 50 rally cars and even more unusual, 13 championship wooden cars which proved a great talking point. The day was held as part of the celebrations in honour of Nuestra Señora del Rosario and as it came to a close, drivers and visitors alike enjoyed a giant paella.

La Laguna taxis agree flat rate charge



T’S a frustration for many people in Tenerife that the same taxi journey can cost different amounts.

This will no longer be the case in La Laguna, however, where drivers have reached a flat rate agreement which became effective on August 1st.

They agreed this would help to increase the confidence and trust of users of their service and eliminate any confusion caused by the previous systems when

charges could fluctuate. The flat rate will be as set by the Canary Government ie. 3.15 euros on weekeday 6am to 10pm and 3.45 euros for weekday nights 10pm to 6am and the same for Sundays and fiestas. For journeys of less than two kilometres, this will be the only charge and it

will be just over one euro extra for each kilometre thereafter. The Taxi Bureau of L a Laguna also unanimously agreed to call a referendum in February 2015 to assess the current system of two days rest per week for drivers to see if it is favoured.

These scams, known as “Nigerian Letters”, have been around for some time and take a number of different forms, including claims that you have been left an inheritance or even that a Royal Prince wants to give you money. The recipient is asked to send money on-line and though you might think few people would fall for it, they do and in considerable numbers too. Last week, Spanish officers carried out raids across the mainland which led to the 84 arrests in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Alicante, Seville and Valencia amongst others. They seized nearly 100 cars worth around one million euros, 73 properties valued at nearly ten million euros and blocked 50 bank accounts. They had been inves-

tigating complaints from 4,593 people, mainly Canadians, Germans and Americans who had been duped by the emails. The arrests equated to an alleged gain of around 11 million euros but it is thought the gang, made up mostly of Nigerians, could have netted as much as 120 million euros over the years. Many other people are likely to have fallen foul of the scam but did not report the matter to the police. Whilst carr ying out the raids, police also seized a quantity of false passports bearing the pictures of celebrities, actors, sportsmen and TV presenters. No names were revealed and it is not known what part they played in the set-up. Money sent by victims was laundered and transferred back to Nigeria.






Pylons “should be removed” from historic area OROTAVA PLEA



Tenerife arrests as Cuban forgery gang discovered

new consortium in La Orotava is calling for the instant removal of high tension electricity pylons in an historic part of the town.

An executive committee is trying to improve the area known as El Rincón and is holding regular meetings to discuss various projects. The latest was chaired by the Mayor, Francisco Linares and included representatives of the Canary Government. It was agreed that a top priority should be to insist that Unelco-Endesa removes the

pylons within the protected areas of the municipality, including Rincón, as a matter of urgency. Any new towers, the committee added, should be subject to consultation. The consortium has recenty been revived and it was agred to organise a competition to come up with a new logo.


“Be patient” over Orotava roadworks



NOTHER major scam has been uncovered in Tenerife, this time to help Cubans eventually get into the United States.

Police have arrested 14 people in connection with the forging of documents, including passports and certificates of residency for fees of between 1,000 and 1,500 euros. They also seized credit cards, 13,000 euros in cash and 3,250 dollars. The credit cards included at least a dozen of known names

but a large quantity of blank plastic cards waiting to be imprinted. The arrests were made in Tenerife and in Madrid, three of the 14 being of Spanish nationality and the others Cuban. The fraud squad said a travel agency was used as a front to attract potential customers, especially the Cuban community of the south of Tenerife. The investigation began when the police received a tip-off about this organisation working from the island but acting throughout Spain. It was dedicated to the falsification of official documents such as Foreigner Identification Cards (TIEX) in various formats, old and new. Fraud squad officers also found Spanish passports which had been forged to a high standard. The network was apparently made up of a large number of Cubans who were assigned their own specific tasks. At least one of the forgers was based in Tenerife, together with accomplices. The organisation also had offices in Madrid. To reach “clients” all over Spain, parcel delivery companies were frequently used but sometimes couriers as well to transport materials used to manufacture the fake documents. The idea was to falsify documents needed to travel to Mexico and avoid the high costs. This is one of the countries where longterm residency certificates are not part of the requirements. From here, the Cubans would try to get into the USA, with the gang using their contacts to smuggle them acorss the border. Once here for a year, they would then apply for permanent residency under the US rule which grants this to Cubans under the adjustment laws.

ESIDENTS of La Orotava have been urged to be patient as a succession of roadworks are carried out around the town.

The Mayor, Francisco Linares has apologised for any inconvenience but says the projects are necessar y to improve the roads, their surfaces and general safety. The most recent work took place in urbanisation Carmenaty and Polígono San Jerónimo where the asphalting was in a very poor condition.

There has also been resurfacing at Calle Rómulo Bethencourt where there had been great concern over subsidence. The Mayor said he hoped residents would understand it improved their quality of life despite the disruption. Further projects are planned during the second part of this year.


Stairway to a beautiful beach


complex project to provide new stairs down a steep access to one of the nicest beaches in La Orotava is expected to take three months, provided there are no complications.

The old staircase to Playa de Los Patos has been closed since last summer for safety reasons because the structure was in a bad condition and it posed a serious threat to users. However, there has been a long-standing demand for a permanent solution and a contract has now been awarded for the work to one of four bidders. The Mayor, Francisco

Linares said he was pleased as the details were complicated and involved demolition as well as rebuilding in a new format. The old quota of 83 steps will be replaced with six flights of between eight and 16, interspersed with landings. Various permissions were also needed, including from Spain’s coastal department and the Canary Government. It is costing 110,000 euros,

shared between the council and Tenerife Cabildo. Sr. Linares said the work was complicated because of the location of the staircase and the need to make the cliff slope safe and the safety of the team on the site had to be paramount. He hoped there would be no delays. The old concrete railings will be replaced with Finnish pine.





One road tackled, now more to follow


URTHER roadworks have been promised in areas of the Granadilla municipality, with a start hopefully this autumn.

The restoration of the road from San Isidro to the centre of Chimiche has recently been completed and there was a site visit by the Mayor, Jaime González Cejas and councillor for roads for Tenerife Cabildo, José Luis Delgado. The work was carried out on a stretch of 1.2 kilometres and has involved the filling of potholes, followed by resurfacing and new signalling. The Mayor said that thanks to the collaboration of the

Cabildo, this completed a total of 4.7 kilometres with a total investment of 350,000 euros. He was pleased that talks involving all the bodies involved were proving a success. During the site visit, progress was discussed over plans for a roundabout at Los Llanos in Charco del Pino which is currently in the bidding process. It is also hoped to improve the main road through Los Abrigos.

Alert after arrests for bogus time-share resales


OLICE have reiterated “time-share” advice after a successful operation to break up a gang which swindled people out of at least three million euros. Raids were carried out on two telecom centres on the Spanish mainland but victims, who were always contacted by telephone, were spread all over Europe. They were targeted as being time-share owners who wanted to sell their weeks, their points or their properties and were told by the bogus company that they could achieve this. However, they first needed to pay a substantial deposit up front and once they did so, nothing more was heard from them. More than 150 cases of fraud were reported to the police. Fraud squad officers, helped by specialist officers from Gran Canaria, caught the ring-leaders in the process of accepting 8,000 euros in cash for one of the latest transactions so one person’s money was saved at least. Fifteen people were arrested, including the

“management” and telephone operators. Computers were seized, together with 11,426 euros in cash and USB storage drives. A list of potential future victims was also found. Police advise anyone who is suspicious about a timeshare offer not to sign anything and never buy over the phone without viewing the property. Pictures provided might well be fake. Take time to study all the information, brochures and sales contract and demand ever ything in writing. If possible, ask to speak to other people who have completed deals and insist that all costs are detailed. If you get a phone call offering something which sounds too good to be true, it probably is and be wary if they claim there is already a potential buyer or boasts that they can achieve a certain price.


Drug tests catch 15 drivers in one week


campaign to stop drivers getting behind the wheel whilst under the influence of drugs seems to be well justified.

When police carried out checks in Santa Cruz, 15 drivers were tested positive and two others refused to give the new saliva test. Fines of up to 1,000 euros can be imposed, together with six points on your driving licence. Throughout Spain, officers can now request motorists to give take a drugs test, as well as the normal alcohol breathilser. If the initial saliva test detects drugs in the system, the suspect is taken to the police station for a further test. During one specific week, police carried out checks in eleven specific areas of Santa Cruz and checked 178 drivers. Of these, 8.42 per cent tested positive for drugs, two refused and another four were found to be over the drink-drive limit. All these figures have been sent to the Traffic Directorate to be incorporated into the national pattern. The checks also discovered four drivers without insurance, two people without a licence and one car without a valid ITV (MOT) certificate.

Arrests for false Anger over right to papers reach BOGUS JOBS strike “interference” 634 FREEDOM CURTAILED


OLICE have arrested another 159 people in the final phase of an investigation into the issue of thousands of false work diplomas and university degrees.

The operation, which began in 2008, was centred on Malaga where the ring-leader was based but involved several Spanish provinces and is thought to have had wide-spread implications. After paying around 1,2000 euros for false documents, people have been working as police officers, security guards, cleaners, butchers, dental hygienists and even a football team coach. In all, 634 people have been arrested on suspicion of deliberate deception and another 174 imputed. It is thought the gang netted around one million euros from the scam. Those who got jobs with the police using their false papers have already been sacked.


EOPLE have the right to voice their opinions and should not be prosecuted or persecuted.

This is the view expressed by the governing board of the city of Santa Cruz, under the Mayor, which says it is concerned about the increasing interference in the right to strike. The “Junta de Gobierno” says there seems to be a prevalence of cases in recent times where people have been arrested by the police or union protests stopped. Members say it is a fundamental right of the people in Spain to do so and any action against it affects democracy and freedom as expressed in the Constitution. One incident over which concern has been expressed happened in La

Laguna when a Spanish Government Minister attended the official opening of the restored cathedral and students took the opportunity to demonstrate over education cuts. The board says it was disappointed in the government’s decision to prosecute and impose fines of 500 euros on some of the demonstrators. The board also laments the suspended sentences given to five women on Gran Canaria who entered union offices in Las Palmas with banners reading “Canar y women against labour reforms”. They say a one year suspended sentence appears to be disproportionate to the circumstances.






Guia de Isora warns youths over trouble hot-spots



Police patrols are being stepped up in a number of “hotspots” where residents have previously complained about rowdy behaviour and late-night open-air parties. Alcohol has been involved, together with drugs. Councillor for public safety, Cristina García said the arrival of the hot summer weather and warm nights also brought out more visitors and young people in particular tended to congregate in certain areas. Checks had already been intensified and these would continue throughout August and any bad behaviour would

be tackled. The hot-spots include various areas in Playa San Juan, the boat yard area of Alcalá, an abandoned house at the rear of the municipal library in the centre of Guia and others. The majority of the complaints concern anti-social behaviour in the evening but the police checks will take place during the day as well. In some cases, this will involve the Civil Guard as well as regional police. Social services staff will also be out and about and any alcohol or drugs will be

Cristina García

OUNG people are being warned that Guia de Isora council will not tolerate anti-social behaviour this summer.

confiscated and although there will be a programme for young people and their parents to take part in, more serious cases could lead to court action. Cristina Garcia said experience had shown that

police patrols did serve as a deterrent and that rowdy behaviour did decrease. However, it was imperative to repeat them because over time, the groups of youths did tend to come back.

Triple expertise for Santa Cruz Carnival

Get fit on new equipment



HE next time you visit El Socorro beach in Los Realejos, you will notice new updated outdoor gym equipment.

As part of its quest to improve facilities at this popular area, the local council has invested 6,500 euros in replacing the old apparatus with four to six new pieces. They are made in weatherresistant material so they will last longer against the elements. The beach has received for another year the Blue Flag distinction from the European Foundation for Environmentl Education.



XPECT the very best for the 2015 Santa Cruz Carnival next February!

The city council and organising committee intends to draw on not just one designer but three to make the worldrenowned event yet another spectacular success. For the fourth year, Juan Carlos Armas will be taking the reigns of the gala evening to select the Carnival Queen and attendants. Fiesta councillor, Fernando Ballesteros said this demonstrated their confidence in him and his abilities and he was regarded as a director of great calibre.

Enrique Camacho and Lucas Balboa will have responsibility for the galas to choose the children’s Carnival Queen and the representative of the Third Age respectively. In addition, each of the three will have further responsibilities for organising other parts of the Carnival, such as the competitions for the musical groups, fancy dress, Festival of the Seniors and so on. Plans are already taking shape for the Carnival which will be on the theme of “The Future” so some spectacular costumes are expected. Carnival news can be followed on www.carnavaldetenerife.com and on the social network sites.

Early-morning fire alert



IRE crews were called out to an apartment block in Los Cristianos in the early hours of the morning following a 1-1-2 alert.

Volunteers from Adeje joined firefighters based at San Miguel de Abona to put out a fire in a flat in avenida Juan Carlos at 4.15am. The emergency call reported that black smoke was seen billowing from the property. The crews found the fire had originated in one of the rooms of the apartment and they put out the flames before ventilating the building. Police and the Canary Emergency Service also attended.

Disputes to be settled in amicable way


A Laguna is setting up a special unit within its police force to try and settle neighbourhood disputes without resorting to official complaints or the courts.

Officers will receive training and guidance from experts at the University of La Laguna and a third party will be used when residents with any sort of axe to grind meet face to face. La Laguna council says the main areas of complaints are usually about noise, the use of communal spaces or the failure to maintain or respect joint boundaries. The Mayor, Fernando Clavijo recently signed an agreement with the ULL. Councillor for security, José Alberto Díaz said it had been proven that this type of approach to conflict did work as making official complaints or taking people to court did not resolve things for the future. All agreements drawn up by the two parties involved will be signed by them.






Fire mock-up to help historic centres worldwide

Arona plans cull of “nuisance” birds


Antonio Sosa

HAT appears to be a massive increase in the bird population in various parts of Arona is to be tackled as a matter of urgency by the local council.


ENERIFE can rest easier that the emergency services are well-prepared to deal with a major fire, say security chiefs.

More than 100 representatives got together recently to discuss the mock-up alert held in La Laguna at the beginning of July. This simulated a major fire, deaths and injuries in the historic church of La Con-

cepción. All the organisations involved reconvened in Santa Cruz to draw conclusions and all agreed the day had been a great success. Also present at this forum

were representatives from World Heritage centres around the world, of which La Laguna is one. The came from Romina, Hungary, Warsaw, Liverpool and Latvia amongst others because the fire-fighting plan falls within a scheme called Heritprot which aims to protect spaces of great cultural interest.

The findings from the La Laguna exercise will help form a template for a new firefighting manual for the World Heritage centres. President of the Tenerife Fire-fighters’ Consortium, Carlos González Segura said the drill had served as effective training and had brought freshness to the current drill.


Safety pledge for El Puertito beach


NE of the most popular natural beaches in Tenerife is to double its lifeguards for the summer.

Police are also to step up patrols to make sure El Puertito in Guimar is as safe as possible as thousands of people flock in to enjoy its delights every day. The council has signed an agreement with the Red Cross which will allow four lifeguards to be on duty, as opposed to the two of last year. This will be for the three busy summer months. In addition, the use of a shop unit is also being donated by Promotora Punta Larga to act as a lifeguard and first aid base. El Puertito also has a 50 metre area of the beach at the end of the maritime walk near the Club Náutico which is specifically for dogs and their owners. The council became a pioneer when it opened this facility last summer.

Environment councillor, Antonio Sosa says they are calling in a specialist firm for at least one year to control the situation. This will be particuarly directed at pigeons but also doves and other species. Details of how this will be done were not specified but Sr. Sosa said it was necessary because “the increasing population of these birds in some areas of the municipality is quickly becoming a public health problem because they are carriers of certain diseases such as chlamydia salmonellosis or pulmonary alveolitis, among others.” The birds, he added, were also causing damage and

economic losses because of the bad image and mess they created. Although the contract is for one year, the council says it will continue until the desired results are achieved and the level of birds becomes acceptable for human health. The work will take place in all of the major urban centres with priority for gardens, pathways, walkways plazas, parks and outside public schools in Los Cristianos, Arona town, La Camella, Valle San Lorenzo, Buzanada, Cabo Blanco, Guaza, Las Galletas, El Fraile, Costa Silencio and Playa de Las Amércias in addition to specific cases in any dwelling or building.



man arrested at the ferry terminal in Santa Cruz was found to have swallowed five capsuls of heroin.

The Civil Guard became suspicious of the 57-year-old when he arrived from Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. He showed signs of being nervous and could not answer questions about why he was visiting the island so his luggage was searched. Officers suspected he might have been carrying drugs so he was taken to hospital and an X-ray confirmed their suspicions. He had swallowed the five capsules which turned out to contain 540 grams of heroin.




News from Accion del Sol

Live Arico Pets Animal Welfare Supporters (PAWS)


Thelma and Louise, failed by their owners

WO Belgium animal-loving girls have been very busy lately.

They made bracelets and then sold them during the World Cup football matches. They came along to the refuge recently to present the 80 euros they had raised. It is so nice to see that young people have very kind hearts to help the many abandoned dogs here in our refuge. A really big thank you for your hard work and dedication to helping the dogs. Panchitto and Dougal are resident ponies who help with educating children on animal welfare. They were very happy when a loyal supporter of the refuge visited laden with extra large carrots, a justifiable

reward to two hard working ponies. Please remember if you really want to help the dogs plight here in Tenerife, then please STERILISE; CASTRATE AND ADOPT A PET from a refuge.Together we can make a difference. Please also remember to call 112 if you find a stray or abandoned dog

on the streets. We are always looking for dog walkers to bring a little sunshine to a dog or two so if you do have any spare time then please do visit the refuge and take one of the many dogs for a walk in the scenic surrounding area of the refuge. Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in any way. Towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if

you have any to spare. They would be ver y much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holiday

2014 Ingane Yami Golf Day review OVERVIEW This year we returned to the excellent Golf Costa Adeje for our fifth annual Ingane Yami Golf Tournament. Organised by the staff at Pearly Grey Ocean Club, this year’s event was held on Saturday 19th July with 80 players making up 20 teams to play for the right to be this year’s champions. After months of preparation it was great to see the event culminate into a very successful and enjoyable day. The team at Golf Costa Adeje together with the team at Pearly Grey Ocean Club hosted a great day of golf and fundraising. This year we raised a record total of 14,765 euros which equates to around R212,000. All those involved in the organising and all those participating can feel very proud of what we have achieved, well done.

THE TOURNAMENT The players teed off at 09h30 on what was a typical hot July day in Tenerife, the weather was perfect for golf with a gentle breeze wafting in from the calm blue Atlantic. We had estimated that the players would be returning to the club house about five hours later but most were finishing between 13h30-13h45. Whilst the golf marshals collated all the teams scores the

players sat down to a buffet lunch and this was followed by the speech, prize giving, auction and raffle.

THE RESULTS Winners with a score of 57 were; ALAN HARDY, RICK MCKENZIE, CHRIS ELKINTON & DANNY. Runners Up with a score of 59 were; PAUL GREENWOOD, BRADLEY GREENWOOD, PAUL SIDNEY FELLOWS & DAVID MORALES. NEAREST TO THE PIN HOLE 2: JOHN LEES HOLE 5: KEVIN SPENCE HOLE 7: EUGENIO VONK HOLE 10: MICHAEL SETCH HOLE 14: JOHN GERNON HOLE 16: DARLEY D ´ ALBERT LONGEST DRIVE MALE: EUGENIO VONK FEMALE: TINA PAZERA A full list of all the individual team scores will be added once we receive confirmation from the golf marshals. Thanks to everyone who participated and we hope to see you again at next year’s tournament.

Thelma and Louise have a sad story. They were found together near Granadilla, the police wouldn’t come so we took them in. They were in bad condition, full of ticks and fleas, teeth missing and sadly they are both heartworm positive. Despite all this they are quiet and loving, and they have each other. We don’t want to separate them, they have been through enough. So, we need...... Sponsors to cover their heartworm treatment. Someone very special who is prepared to give them both a loving home. They are around 6 years old and could be Mother and Daughter. Is that person you? If you can give them a forever home, we know it’s a long shot, please call Sue on 629 388102 to arrange a meeting. Adopt don’t buy – always the best option.

Gillian Banks Theatre School – They’re Here! The talented guys and girls from The Gillian Banks Theatre School are back in Tenerife raising funds for Live Arico and Helping Hands charities. Tickets are almost gone!!! - Tuesday 5th August at Restaurant La Cueva and Thursday 7th August at the Harbour Club Los Gigantes. Tickets for both events are 20 euros which will include dinner, and anyone who has seen these shows in the past years will tell you that the show alone is worth more than 20 euros, they are simply outstanding. Don’t miss out, these are THE hot dates of the summer – get involved – call Sue on 629 388102 for yours.

Thank you Tenerife Insurance Services For a donation of 675 euros, more than welcome in these summer months when our shops are more quiet. By contracting your DKV Health Policy, or indeed any Liberty Policy including life, boat, house, pet you name it, Live Arico gets commission from it. All you need to do is call Chris Ross on 922 735672 and quote LIVE ARICO, that way we are sure to receive much needed funds. Many thanks Chris!!

Live Arico Shops

If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills

Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..








Book signing Cheese museum allows prompts repeat island dairies to shine


new cheese museum has opened on Fuerteventura and there are plans for more to follow, including one dedicated to the history of lighthouses.


E highlighted in a previous issue the fact that John Searancke would be holding a book signing for his new book “ DOG DAYS IN THE FORTUNATE ISLANDS” at Libreria Red-hound in Los Cristianos. The steady flow of people to buy a signed copy of the book, encouraged no doubt, on a very warm night, by the offer of a cold glass of wine, has prompted the bookshop to offer a repeat performance this autumn. We shall be sure to bring you news of this in good time. In the meantime, copies are available at all good bookshops in Tenerife (including Libreria Redhound!) or online through Amazon.

The official opening of the “‘Museo del Queso de Fuerteventura” in an old mill was hailed as a great step forward for the island and another major attraction for visitors. Several hundred guests were present at the inauguration, including representatives of the agricultural and tourism sector. The museum features 500 square metres of exhibition space and beautiful gardens. There are displays of cheese and other local produce and information about the culture of Fuerteventura and its natural features, particularly the flora and fauna. It also tells the visitor about the keeping of goats and the manufacture of goats’ cheese from centuries ago to the present day and explains the history of dairies, what tools are used and so on. All the information is available in several languages. The new museum allows more than 50 island dairies to display their products and there is space for tastings and educational events. Deputy Minister for agriculture for the Canaries, Alonso Arroyo said this was a great opportunity for the tourist sector whilst Cabildo president, Mario Cabrera said the more the two million visitors to the island knew about their products, the more it would open up new opportunities. The museum will continue to expand its attractions and content and will host the island’s next Craft Fair. The next challenges which lie ahead include a lighthouse museum “ La Entallada” and the Betancuria archaeological museum currently under construction. The museum is open Monday to Saturday 10am to 6pm with a nominal admission fee of one euro for residents, two euros for general visitors.






Gran Canaria celebrates a record six months



OURISM chiefs are celebrating after new figures showed Gran Canaria was the fastest growing Canary destination during the first half of 2014. With nearly 200,000 more tourists over the same period of last year, it represents an increase of 12.6 per cent. The German market was up 12.3 per cent and there was a dramatic increase of 513.4 per cent in French visitors. Italians were up 61.3 per cent and holiday-makers from Poland went up by 22.8 per cent. In June, Gran Canaria led the way in the archipelago for the arrival of domestic visitors. The island received 214,262

tourists, of which 41,581 were Spaniards, representing an increase of 17.51 per cent over June 2013. For the first time, Gran Canaria was the island which attracted the largest number of domestic travellers, accounting for nearly 35 per cent of all visitors from the mainland to Canaries, even beating Tenerife by more than 2,3000 people. Next to Fuerteventura, it was the only island in the

Child saved from drowning


four-year-old child has been saved from drowning on Fuerteventura.

Photo: www.grancanaria.com

The little boy was spotted floating face down in a pool in a tourist complex in the town of Antigua. The 1-1-2 emergency control centre received an alert just after 10am in the morning and medical staff from the SUC rushed to the scene. On their arrival, they found that the child had been pulled unconscious from the water but had been revived by another holiday-maker. Remarkably, the toddler was fine but was taken to hospital for observation. The child’s condition was described as “of a less serious nature”.

archipelago to increase the number of Spanish visitors compared to June of 2013 (there was a drop of 8.8 per cent for the whole group). Cabildo president, José Miguel Bravo de Laguna said the data was very encouraging

and represented the fruits of three years of hard work in a bid to recover domestic tourism. In the full year between January and June, the number of tourists grew in Gran Canaria by 12.6 per cent, amounting to 1,761,548 visitors.


More cash sought to help domestic violence victims


HE Canary Islands will press Spain for more money to combat domestic violence after describing the current allocation as “insufficient”. Minister for Justice and Equality, Francisco Hernández Spínola said the State Government provided 4.3 million euros for the entire country, together with an extra one million euros from the European Union. Of this, the Canaries received 222,583 euros which, he said, was not enough and represented just 1.6 per cent more than in the 2013 budget. Howevr, Sr. Spinola said that before the arrival of the

Popular Party in government, this figure was reaching the 279,528 euro mark. The regional government would continue to press Spain for increased resources to help care for the victims of domestic violence and their families. The Canary Islands says the Spanish Government must take insularity into consideration when calculating allocations which meant the archipelago should be considered a special case.





Protect the Canary whales and dolphins, urges World Wildlife How to adopt a dolphin Fund SPECIAL DONATION


HE World Wildlife Fund in Spain is calling on the Government to create a “Sanctuary for Whales” in the waters of the Canary Islands.

The environmental organisation has started an on-line petition with the aim of collecting at least 10,000 signatures to send to the Prime Minister. This number is growing daily with support from all over the Canaries and beyond. The WWF wants a ban on any exploration or extraction of gas or of oil as proposed by Repsol off the coasts of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. But the organisation wants more than this; it is calling for regulation of the dense maritime traffic in this zone to avoid the risk of any

collision with cetaceans and a reduction in noise, plus a ban on naval militar y manoeuvres and the use of active sonar. “This is one of the last places on earth where you can still spot groups of semisubmerged whales playing with their calves, huge sperm whales in search of giant squids, herds of dolphins jumping and at least three species of the elusive beaked whales which feed more than 1,000 metres down,” says the WWF. The ecologists have opposed the prospect of oil

exploration by Repsol from the beginning and the WWF is one of the groups which has so far unsuccessfully asked the Supreme Court and the European Commission to intervene. The WWF deplores the prospect that the very area in which dolphins and whales currently live and play - their home - will become the centre of the zone where oil drilling could take place. They say this will make their lives a misery, “forever threatened by the prospect of oil spills and noise”. It would hamper their ability to seek food, to communicate, to orientate, to live in peace and also interfere with their reproduction cycles. Asking people to sign their

petition, the WWF says it is ironic that in 2011, the Spanish Government seemed to recognise the importance of this area for whales and dolphins as it agreed to commission a report into making it a marine protected area. “Paradoxically, this is the same area where it has just approved exploratory drilling for oil,” said a spokesman. The WWF wants the government to resume this marine proposal and to call a halt to oil exploration. It is, they stress, a unique place in which a third of the world’s whales and dolphins come together. The World Wildlife Fund has promoted and worked upon the creation of similar sanctuaries in other locations around the world. It notes that the Spanish Government recently announced an increase in marine protected area but says this is not enough and that “there is still a long way to go”. An oil spill, thought to have come from a passing tanker, recently happened on the beaches of Gran Canaria and the WWF points out that is an example of what could take place in the future. “It is a reminder of the fragility of this huge space,” said WWF secretary general, Juan Carlos del Olmo. The petition can be signed on www.wwfenaccion.es


O you love dolphins? Do you know you can “adopt” one through the World Wildlife Fund?

The organisation, which has its Canary base in Lanzarote, runs an “Adopt an Endangered Species” project involving tigers, polar bears, elephants and chimps. With the new campaign very much in mind to try and give long-term protection to the whales and dolphins of the Canaries, you can make a symbolic adopion for 39 euros. The idea is described as “a beautiful gift for family, friends or yourself and always for nature”. Those who subscribe, if in Spain, will receive a cuddly toy of their choice, adoption certificate and information about the WWF’s work. Those interested should email socios@wwf.es or ring 91 354 0578 / 902 102 107.

Graduates working below skill levels


Although the situation in the archipelago is not as bad as on the mainland, generally speaking, young people who have attended university are working below their quaifications. This is mainly as clerical assistants or in the service sector, sales and catering. New figures show this is the case for 68 per cent of graduates across the whole of Spain and 35 per cent specifically from the Canary Islands. These statistics apply to 2013 but there has been a slight decrease for the Canary percentage. In places like Navarra and Cataluña, the mismatch is as high as 75 per cent. Education chiefs say this is an alarming situation as Spain is becoming known for the low number of college graduates in highly-skilled jobs such as in industry or science. It has been described as “a major competitive disadvantage” and calls are being made on the Government to try and reverse the trend. The economic group OECD says it is also a challenge for the universities to ensure the quality and relevance of education.

Festive flight boost for La Palma


A Palma is “slowly getting there” in its bid to improve connectivity.

OTH Spain and the Canary Islands are suffering from a problem known as “sobre-education” or “over-education”.


This was the view expressed by the Cabildo’s tourism councillor, Raúl Camacho after news that Vueling is to operate a direct flight between Bilbao and the island this December. There will also be flights on December 22nd and 29th, as well as on January 5th. The company has indicated it will look at this as a trial which could signal the start of new routes for the summer of 2015 if successful. Sr. Camacho said they appreciated the initiative and recognised the commitment of Vueling to La Palma. A summer route between the island and Barcelona is also producing encouraging data. The tourism councillor said they were doing a lot of work on connections, particularly in the Canary market which they considered the key to the summer months. There was “constant communications” with the airlines and tour operators and the priority was to get new routes. “Our work is beginning to bear fruit and we are seeing a significant improvement in the tourist sector,” he commented.






Heartbreak as dog complaints soar FATAL BEATINGS


LLEGATIONS relating to the mis-treatment of dogs have soared over the last five years, both in the Canary Islands and on the main-

Tourist flat used as marijuana front


WO Italians in their 30s have been arrested on suspicion of supplying at least 200 people with marijuana whilst using a tourist business in Gran Canaria as a front.


Heart-breakingly, some of the denuncias relate to animals which have been found hanged and others to maltreatment, beating and shooting. Whether the figures reflect an increase in cruelty or greater awareness about the problem and hence more reports is not clear. The figures have been announced by Seprona which is the nature protection service of the Civil Guard. Since 2008, complaints across Spain relating to the mistreatment of dogs increased 88 per cent to 13,799. Of these, 44 per cent concerned hunting dogs. Health and hygiene, theft, malnutrition, fatal beatings and nine cases of hanging were all reported incidents. In the Canary Islands between 2008 and 2013, complaints rose from 215 to 585 and this rise was reflected in other regions, including Castilla y León, Murcia and Galicia. There were less complaints in Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Asturias.

Aged 33 and 36, they had apparently lived on the island for some years and on the surface, appeared to run some sort of cultural association from an apartment in the tourist resort of Maspalomas. Police said the enterprise had all the necessar y paperwork and seemed to be legitimate but it was in fact just a front for drug trafficking. It came to light that the couple lived in a remote village in the area of Temisas

(Agüímes), which was difficult to access and where they owned several units. Officers discovered they were using it as a base to prepare marijuana for distribution and consumption. They seized more than 300 plants in various states of growth, leaves weighing 13.5 kilos and about 3,000 euros in cash. The apartment in Maspalomas was used to arrange sales.


Photos: El Hierro. Islas Canarias

Caves are El Hierro’s latest tourist attraction

new tourist attraction has been officially opened on El Hierro and the link with the island’s past will talk visitors below the earth.

The “Cueva de Guinea” is the first volcanic tube to open to the public and will help the island in its bid to join the European and world network of Geoparks. Cabildo president, Alpidio Armas said it would also turn the spotlight on El Hierro’s natural heritage and especially its geological wealth. The cave is situated below

the “Fuga de Gorreta” in the steep Valle de El Gofio and will complement tours made to the eco-museum and “Lagartario” which is a restoration centre dedicated to lizards. These gian creatures, which can reach up to 60cm in length, are an important symbol of the island. Visitors to the cave will be able to follow a route of nearly 90 metres and see the

volcanic stratifications in an environment enhanced by dramatic lighting. The guided tours will last between 30 and

45 minutes and will give an insight into the ancient people of the island who were known as” Bimbaches” and like the

Guanches on Tenerife, also lived in caves. The town of Guinea is considered to be one of the

most imortant archaelogical areas on El Hierro and within the eco-museum, you can see recreations of cave homes.






Phone advice Canaries will fight any cuts in revives choking school meal aid baby NO PRIVATISATION



tiny baby was saved from choking, thanks to the timely intervention of the Canary Emergency Service and her mother’s cool head.

The incident happened on Gran Canaria and involved a little girl of just three months of age. Her frantic mother called the SUC to report that the baby had choked whilst feeding and had gone into respirator y arrest. She said the baby was not responsive, appeared to have stopped breathing and was turning purple. A doctor gave instructions

over the phone, first asking the mother to place the baby on a flat hard surface and then to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation. At first, this appeared not to work but she was advised to keep trying and eventually, the baby started to come round. In the meantime, an ambulance rushed to the scene and the baby was taken to hospital to be stabilised.


HE Canary Government has denied any suggestion that it intends to privatise the canteens of public schools.

Minister of Education, José Miguel Pérez said this was definitely not the case and in any event, some schools had already outsourced the service. By law, they were also unable to employ more staff and had just enough money to cope with replacements. Sr. Pérez made his com-

ments as the Canary Government promised to continue its collaboration with La Caixa and CajaCanarias to help families in need with school meals and breakfasts. Both entities have contributed 1.4 million euros of the 2.6 million euros that the regional government has allocated to plan breakfasts,


which benefitted 12,000 Canary students in the two provinces. The Minister said this figure had increased by 1,000 and around 61 per cent of students received some sort of help with lunches whilst nearly 17 per cent paid nothing. The Canary Government had also given two million euros to keep school canteens open in the summer. He warned that next year

Patera found after relative’s concern

Traders voice Man used false concerns over notes for car P Los Gigantes A issues AGAETE SCAM


Woman breaks leg in ravine fall


76-year-old woman had to be airlifted to safety after falling down a ravine on La Palma.

The accident happened at the Time barranco in Tazacorte at around 6.30pm in the evening. The 1-1-2 service deployed the emergency helicopter because of the difficulty in accessing the site, together

with the police and Canary Emergency Service. The woman was found to have suffered a broken leg of a serious nature so a medic was lowered down to her to provide initial treatment before she was taken to hospital.


OLICE who received a tip-off about a boat full of illegal immigrants having left Cabo Bojador found the patera off the coast of Gran Canaria.

man was arrested in Santa Cruz after allegedly buying a car using a wad of false notes.

A complaint was lodged by the seller of the vehicle following a private transaction in Agaete, Gran Canaria. The 33-year-old purchaser was arrested as he arrived at the Tenerife capital by ferr y and arrested on suspicion of misappropriation and counterfeiting. He was reported to have paid 1,200 euros for the car, of which 550 euros turned out to be false, in amounts of 50 euros and 20 euros. The seller went to the main Post Office to alert the police.

would be a difficult one as the Spanish Government was planning more cuts and food aid was going to be one of them. “But the Canaries, I tell you, are not going to play,” he said. Representatives from both La Caixa and CajaCanarias pledged their continued support to the school meals plan which they said was vitally important during these tough economic times.


USINESS owners in Santiago del Teide have met with the council to raise various issues, including concerns over street hawking, parking and the black economy. The meeting involved the board of ASEMTEIDE (Association of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen of Santiago del Teide) and commerce councillor, Emilio Navarro. AMONG THE ITEMS DISCUSSED WERE:

The submerged economy and street vending. Location of parking meters and the “zona azul” (“blue zone”)

in Los Gigantes. The parking situation in La Vigilia. Cleaning of the Open Trade Zones (containers etc) Works at the plaza Buganvilla.

The traders were told that the blue zone in Los Gigantes would begin to operate after the summer months, as would the parking meters and parking in La Vigilia. The association agreed that the council had already started its commitment to clamping down on the submerged economy which was considered a serious problem presenting unfair competition to traders in the municipality.

The 21 men and one woman, all of sub-Saharan origin, had apparently left the western Sahara two days before and a relative had raised the alert through a government official after becoming concerned about their fate.

The boat was found 23 miles from Maspalomas and was spotted by a patrolling aircraft. It was then towed in to Arguineguín where all the occupants were checked over and found to be in good health despite their long journey across the ocean.


Head injury after sea fall


25-year-old man was lucky not to be seriously injured after falling ten metres from a promenade in Yaiza on Lanzarote.

The incident happened in the early hours of the morning, with the emergency services alerted through the 1-1-2 system. Police, fire crews, the Canary Emergency Service and Civil Protection all went to the scene and because of the difficult location, the man had to be rescued and taken to safety by firemen. He was taken to hospital where he received treatment for a head injury which was described as of a less serious nature.







Shock as immigrants found in dashboard and jet ski

Conmen use “Game of Thrones” ploy


HOUSANDS of people are believed to have been duped into applying for a role in the fifth series of “Game of Thrones”.

Two conmen apparently took advantage of a genuine call for extras to set up a bogus website. It invited interested people to phone in but then kept them hanging on the line whilst the clock ticked on and cost at least ten euros or more. Police believe the fraud netted around 100,000 euros in one week alone. Filming is to take place in Seville and a genuine email was published. However, taking advantage of this, two men in Ibiza set up the bogus website and a premium telephone line on 11858. The

Call to denounce domestic violence


LLEGAL immigrants continue to go to extraordinary and potentially life-threatening extremes in order to get into Spain.

Police say only the swift action of a border control guard in Melilla saved a 19year-old woman from suffocation as she hid inside the dashboard of a car. A 15year-old was discovered clinging onto the chassis of the same car and it was seeing his legs hanging out that alerted the officer. In a separate incident, police found two would-be immigrants concealed inside a jet ski and they too were showing signs of suffocation. In the first incident, the two teenagers were discovered at the checkpoint in Melilla but the driver escaped, running back towards Morocco. As officers helped the 15-year-old out of the chassis area, they heard banging and screaming and had to dismantle the car to free the girl from inside the dashboard. She was taken to hospital for treatment. Both came from Guinea

website looked genuine because it had the same design and colours of the film logo. Because of the interest in “Game of Thrones”, the number of callers was very high. The average waiting time was six minutes, earning money for the two men who set up the scam and line collaborators. Both the bogus website and bogus line have been discontinued and it is hoped to make an arrangement under which all those who lost out will get their money back. Both men have been arrested.

Conakry. In the second case, also in Melilla, police discovered two immigrants of sub-Saharan origin hidden inside the jet ski which tried to race away at a high speed. When stopped, voices and screams were heard from inside calling for help. Police said this was the first time they had come across such a case and warned it could have had fatal consequences.


N appeal is being made to anyone who suspects domestic violence to report it immediately to the authorities.

Spain’s Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato made the plea after expressing her strong condemnation of the latest murder in Malaga. A young mother of 24 was killed and her ex-partner was arrested. The murder brings the death toll of women through domestic violence to 31 so far this year and at least ten had submitted precomplaints of ill-treatment. Ana Mato called on “the whole society of Spain” to denounce this evil and said friends and families, as well as victims, had a vital role to play. She stressed there were numerous avenues of help available and a freephone of 016 which was confidential.

Cars double in value as clocks turned back


OLICE have made 27 arrests on the mainland for a con which involved turning back the clocks of cars and doubling their value.

In some cases, the speedometers “lost” between 80,000 and 120,000 kilometres, with experts being paid up to 900 euros for doing the fraudulent work. Three of those arrested were professionals in this field. Agents with the National Police detected at least 48 cars which had been tampered with at workshops before being resold, sometimes to family members who went on to make a profit when the cars were sold on to private unsuspecting customers. The investigation began

when a complaint was made to police in Ponferrada from a man who purchased a car in Toledo and suspected that the clock had been altered. It turned out that the real mileage was 207,000 kilometres but it had been lowered to 87,000. More dealers were involved in other cases, including in Madrid, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Jaén and Alicante. Raids were carried out at various workshops and a van detected with various equipment inside which had been used to tamper with the vehicles.




OUR 19


Brian Eldridge’s Puerto Diary Living at home with mum and dad What’s happening in “sunny”


ORE than three out of four Spaniards under the age of 30 are still living at home with their parents, according to a new re-


According to the country’s Youth Council, the percentage is 77.7 per cent and its president, Héctor Saz has described emancipation as “a utopia”. The situation has been attributed to the high unemployment rate amongst the young and their unabiity to finance a mortgage, even if they were lucky enough to get one in the first place. The Council says that if a young person aged between 16 and 29 wanted to buy a house, it would cost them 61 per cent of their average

wage. This is even higher in places like Álava, Barcelona, Baleares, Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, Madrid and Ceuta where the cost exceeds 70 per cent of their salary. The percentage of young people who opt to rent instead has increased since 2006 from 37.9 per cent to 46.3 per cent. The Council is asking the Spanish Government to reverse its labour reforms introduced in 2012 and to give new rights to young people so they can afford to live in quality and decent conditions.

Owners want more dog-friendly beaches



PAIN is “tailing” behind when it comes to dogfriendly beaches and residents are not im pressed.

According to the website Playea.es which you can visit to find your ultimate choice in beaches, there are only 40 beaches in Spain which have spaces allocated for dogs and their owners. Four of these are in the Canary Islands. This means Spain lags behind other places in Europe. Britain, for instance, has 350 dog-friendly beaches whereas France has 190 and there are 1620 in Italy. It says Spain lacks “legislative unifor mity ”

which prevents dog owners knowing what to expect. According to the site, Cataluña has the most dogfriendly beaches with nine in all and Valencia and the Balearic Islands have seven, followed by Galicia with five and Andalusia, Cantabria and the Canaries with four each. The need for more dogfriendly beaches is a big issue on the petition site of Change.org and there are around 50 petitions on the go calling for ones in specific areas of Spain.

Girls charged 100 euros an hour


OLICE have broken up a prostitution ring in the centre of Marbella where girls were forced to work seven days a week, even when ill.

Clients were charged 100 euros an hour and were plied with drugs, which the girls also had to take. Officers said they were being kept against their will in a house which had an

Puerto this summer?

adjoining internal passageway to an adjacent property to try and avoid police raids. Seven people have been arrested and more than 20,000 euros in cash seized. Fourteen girls were released.


UGUST is upon us, the vacation month, the month when the whole Spanish system effectively shuts down and Puerto is no different (not that anyone gets over-excited here during the rest of the year!) So again I am faced with the same dilemma, finger poised over the keyboard, thinking what on earth there is to write about. What has the council had to say for itself lately? A good place to start. There have been plenty of new announcements; I hesitated slightly before typing new, because of course, although the announcements may be new, their content surely isn’t. Playa Martiánez, for instance. Work will commence on phase one after the summer. Work is expected to start on the new bus station before the end of the year. News of the new port project is imminent, this month, or maybe next, depending on how many more amendments have to be made to the overall plan. There is a reoccurring theme; the timescales, they are so very vague and lacking commitment. Are there local elections coming up by chance? Next year I think, so perhaps we will yet see some of these long outstanding projects at least get underway. So what is actually happening in Puerto? San Telmo, for a start, and true to their word, access to the sea, if not the small beach, has been reopened, an anxious attempt to retain its coveted blue flag status, no doubt. Yes, there is access, but it is by no means easy, constructed from

scaffolding, I would liken it to an assault course. Anyone with a fear of confined spaces, or sufferers of vertigo, should definitely give it a miss. I am not a supporter of overzealous health and safety regulations; have often applauded they apparent lack of them here. More often than not they appear to place unnecessary constraints on projects, causing delays, where a common sense policy is all that is needed. I take back my words; this is one time when they should be stringently applied. This bridge to provide access should never have been constructed, common sense should have told them that an accident is waiting to happen. More roads in the area are to be resurfaced; a list has been published of the streets that will receive the black stuff and rightly so. We all paid our RFL, or the local equivalent of it a few months ago, so it is good to see that some of this money has filtered its way down and will be spent on maintaining the local roads where it should be. So it seems Camino Tapias was not a one off; this former bumpy track is now so smooth that it has created a new problem. Now drivers using the narrow winding lane are going much too fast. The council for its part have installed a 20 kph speed limit and placed warning signs to alert drivers of pedestrians,

but it is not enough, road signs are often ignored. Speed humps, or traffic calming measures , as they like to call them now, although I still prefer to call them by the old term ‘sleeping policemen’, that is what is needed now and they shouldn’t be too hard to find. There have been reports of restaurant and bar owners not only taking the Council to task, but going further and actually taken it to court over increases in the charge levied this year for outside tables. There have been report s of charges being twice, or even in some cases, three times that of previous years. They had my sympathy, my thoughts were along the lines of, the money grabbing so and so’s , or something similar, but now my opinion has changed. There are two sides to every story and the Council’s side has a ring of truth to it. Their reply to restaurant claims is that the charge is reflective of the actual number of tables being used. Reading between the lines, I would say that restaurants that are consistently putting out more tables than they have declared are now being asked to pay for them. Take a walk through Plaza del Charco on any weekend evening and you are dodging tables and chairs, evidence enough, I suspect. Either way it is a dispute that needs to be settled and in a courtroom is not the best place for that to happen, but ultimately it will be the customer who has to pay. Now it seems, as if to throw another spanner into the works, there has been recent Cana-

rian government legislation that states that the number of tables and chairs, be they inside or out, are to be restricted depending on both the number of and the size of the toilet facilities that the establishment has. Bad news for owners of small bars with large terraces, but good news overall if it results in improvements to facilities, many of which are barely adequate. More of the town’s wheelie bins are going underground, this time, just of Calle Mequinez, bins that are not even prominent. They have been working there a couple of months; I wonder just how long it takes to dig a hole. I have said in the past that I am not a fan of this out of sight is out of mind approach to dealing with the rubbish. It is not as if it works, rubbish does not just come in uniform size and when it doesn’t fit the chute it is simply stacked up alongside. Sort of defeats the object don’t you think. I fully understand the logic behind the move to hide unsightly rubbish from view in popular and prominent positions, but if that is the town’s aim, why then weren’t the row of smelly bins alongside the harbour, in what must be one of the most popular tourist spots, the first ones to go below ground. I may be writing this in brilliant sunshine with clear blue skies, but let’s be honest the weather in Puerto has not been great this last couple of months. More fuel for the ‘it’s colder in the north, it’s always cloudy’ brigade, but this year unfortunately it has been true. The cloud for the last two months has decided to take up almost permanent residence in the Orotava valley. Let’s hope the last few days of sunshine are a sign of better things to come. As a result of the weather I have been spending more time out of Puerto, visiting neighbouring towns and the surrounding area, just half an hour away yet they have enjoyed entirely different weather. Having visited various events and fiestas it has been interesting to see the different approaches and the organisation of such events. Quite an eye opener when compared to similar events in Puerto, but then perhaps they have more money to spend.






Register your vehicle Stepping Stones, the in Spain English nursery your ENROL NOW FOR THE NEW TERM

Spanish licence plates and registration document


EGISTERING a non-Spanish vehicle in Spain is a complex and potentially costly procedure. However, you may be exempt from Spanish registration tax by getting Spanish number plates within one month of entering the country. But to do this, you need to become a resident. Linea Directa has been insuring expat drivers in Spain for over a decade and understands all the steps involved. Below we outline this process.

child will love

STEP 1: OBTAINING A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY This is a statement by the car’s manufacturer that it conforms to EU regulations. You will need the car’s chassis number to complete this straightforward process online at www.eurococ.eu/en/ certificate_of_conformity. The charges for this service will vary according to type of vehicle, make and country of 1st registration. STEP 2: CURRENT LOG BOOK The vehicle’s original log book showing your name as the owner, the vehicles age and a valid UK address. You will also need the bill of sale for the car. STEP 3: RESIDENCY IN SPAIN The Spanish residency certificate (Certificado de Empadronamiento) is your official proof of residency in Spain. Your local town hall can provide you with this document. You will need to take your passport and proof of Spanish address (rental contract, contract to purchase or property deeds). STEP 4: OBTAINING A SPANISH MOT CERTIFICATE All vehicles over 4 years old must be roadworthy and clearly display a valid ITV sticker. The ITV (Vehicle Technical Inspection) must be tested at an authorised centre, just as for an MOT test. You can find out the location of your nearest ITV centre on DGT website (equivalent to the DVLA). You can also call your local centre to make a booking. If the centre is busy, especially pre-summer, this can save a lot of time. The cost can vary but generally is around 40€ for petrol-engine cars and 56€ for diesel-engine cars. Step 5: OBTAINING A SPANISH EQUIVALENT OF A TAX DISC The Spanish Tax Agency can provide your vehicle with a valid “tax disc” for Spain, which must be carried in the car when in use. You will need to complete the relevant form online and pay the amount according to your car’s tax band. You can carry out all these procedures yourself or you can seek the assistance of an accountant to do this for you. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902-123-161 More information on Linea Directa online at www.lineadirecta.com


T must be every parent’s dream to find a day nursery which they love as much as their child does.

Stepping Stones at Las Chafiras, currently inviting registrations for its new term from September 8th, certainly fits the bill. The age range is six months to six years. The youngsters who attend here under the care of mother and daughter Julie and Leah and their team simply adore it which takes a great deal of pressure off working mums or dads. This English nurser y is

totally safe and secure and prides itself on offering a happy, professional, friendly, fun, educative and fulfilling atmosphere. If you visit to have a look for yourself, it’s highly likely that your son or daughter won’t want to leave! Julie and Leah love their work which is ver y much reflected in the way Stepping Stones is run. Each day has a planned routine which could incorporate anything from dancing and

singing to playtime or PE. For the older children, Stepping Stones acts very much as a bridge between nursery and school and Leah teaches them the basics, including the alphabet and numbers, whilst treating each one as an individual with their own special personality. It also boosts their self-esteem and confidence. The youngsters here also learn their manners “please” and “thank you” being very important - and because the nursery is multinational, learn to mix and make new friends. All nationalities are represented, including British, Spanish, Russian, French, Dutch and Italian, but everything is conducted in English. Although the children are split into three age groups, everyone eats together and it’s a real bonus to know that three meals and two snacks are available for just one euro extra a day. Facilities include a lovely sleep room. Julie and Leah, who originally come from Essex, are thrilled with the success of Stepping Stones which they started in March of 2013 elsewhere in Las Chafiras. It is now based at totally secure premises in Calle Caracas, complete with a garden area and parking outside, which are spacious, light and accessible. It’s proof of their commitment to the children and their care that numbers are limited to 24, looked after by four fully-qualified members of staff. The nurser y is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm but hours within this can be arranged to suit what the parent needs; full-time, part-time, flexible. Just chat to Julie and Leah about what you want (you are also very welcome to pop in after 2pm to have a look round). If you are thinking of enrolling your child, please do so without delay to avoid disappointment. At the moment, the summer school is still on so this might also help you out. The slogan of Stepping Stones is “The first steps into your child’s future” and it’s a great start to their life that will stay with them for ever.

STEPPING STONES ENGLISH NURSERY 6 Calle Caracas Las Chafiras Industrial Estate (next to British Aluminium, top of Las Chafiras/ Amarilla Golf back road) Tel: 693 730 444 Email: steppingstonesenglishnursery@hotmail.co.uk


Pets World



Watch out, there’s poison about!


OST people realise chocolate is very bad for dogs but did you know batteries, paracetamol, some types of mushroom and grapes are potentially fatal as well. Here are the top ten poison cases as reported to the VPIS which is the Veterinar y Poisons Information Centre If you are an animal owner and your pet has been exposed to any of the following then please contact your local veterinary practice immediately. 1) NSAIDS (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammator y, analgesic drug) These most commonly include ibuprofen, diclofenac and carprofen. NSAIDS are commonly available in the UK as an “over-the counter ” medication used for pain management. Ibuprofen is particularly poisonous to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, gastric ulceration and kidney failure. 2) Anticoagulant rodenticides Otherwise known as rat or mice poison. These products are commonly put down to help to control rodent infestations. Unfortunately, exposures to these substances can cause excessive bruising or bleeding and effects may not appear for several days. It is important to note that not all rodenticides are anticoagulant, and therefore it is always important to determine which type of rodent poison an animal has ingested. 3) Chocolate Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical very similar to caffeine, which many animals are particularly sensitive to. The amount of theobromine in chocolate varies depending on the quality and type of chocolate. Even a relatively small amount of dark chocolate (which is very high in theobromine) can cause agitation, hyperex-

citability, tremors, convulsions and problems with the heart. 4) Paracetamol A type of analgesic freely available throughout the UK from pharmacies, supermarkets and newsagents. Some animals are ver y sensitive to paracetamol and even very small amounts can be extremely harmful to some pets. 5) Permethrin An insecticide commonly found in some flea treatments available from pet shops and supermarkets. Cats are very sensitive to permethrin and even a therapeutic dose for a dog can be fatal to a cat. Some “spot-on” treatments contain very concentrated solutions of pemethrin, and can be very dangerous to cats. 6) Metaldehyde Commonly used around the garden to kill slugs and is usually found as blue or green pellets. These pellets are often eaten by inquisitive dogs and can cause convulsions. Metaldehyde poisoning often results in hospitalisation for several days. 7) Lilies These are very poisonous to cats and can cause them to go into kidney failure. Unfortunately the toxic mechanism is currently not understood, but it is believed that all parts of the plant are poisonous to cats. Even a small exposure to the pollen can be potentially very dangerous to a cat. 8) Grapes, raisins and sultanas Otherwise known as Vitis vinifera, again the toxic mechanism is not understood, but ingestion can cause kidney failure in dogs, and potentially other animals too. The amount which can cause problems

seems to be very variable. Some dogs have eaten large amounts and developed no effects, while others have gone into kidney failure after ingesting a small handful of raisins or grapes. 9) Batteries The types of batteries most commonly implicated in animal poisoning are miniature cell (button batteries), AA or AAA batteries. Most batteries contain either strong acids or alkalis, and many also have significant metal content. Ingestion of batteries may result in severe chemical burns to the mouth, throat and stomach, resulting in severe impairment of both breathing and swallowing. If possible, make your veterinary surgeon aware of the type of battery ingested or the battery code. 10) Adder The European Adder is the only venomous snake native to the UK. Adder bites are generally seasonal, the majority occurring in the spring / summer months. Adder bites can be extremely dangerous, particularly if an animal has been bitten in the facial area. Bites may result in severe swelling, bleeding and fever, and a bitten animal may go into shock. Kidney and liver poisoning may also occur in some cases. Any animal bitten by an adder should be assessed urgently by a veterinary surgeon. Other common enquiries of interest include: Fungi There are numerous types of fungi (more than 4000 species in the UK). The terms ‘mushroom’ and ‘toadstool’ are not helpful in deciding whether a fungus is potentially poisonous. It is extremely difficult to identify any fungi without expert analysis; identification via images or

description is often insufficient or inaccurate. A sample of the fungi could be taken and sent to fungi experts for identification. Many types of fungi can cause liver and / or kidney poisoning. Blue green algae Blue-green algae are found in fresh, brackish and marine waterbodies throughout the UK. They may form massive growths or blooms; these blooms occur most

commonly in late spring, summer and early autumn. Ingestion of blue green algae can result in rapid death. Animals may develop severe vomiting and dia-rrhoea, breathing difficulties, coma and convulsions. Inges-tion can also result in liver and kidney poisoning. Any animal thought to have ingested blue green algae must be urgently assessed by a veterinar y surgeon.

Xylitol Xylitol (food additive code E967) is used as an artificial sweetener and is frequently found in sugar-free chewing gums and sweets. It is also being increasingly used in pharmaceutical products, mainly nicotine replacement chewing gums but also in some medications. Xylitol is extremely harmful to dogs and may cause low blood sugar and liver damage.


An indoor cat can be healthy and happy


EEPING a cat in Tenerife has its own problems, mainly because most people live in flats which could be high up and with or without a balcony.

The question is: is it fair or even feasible to keep a cat inside all the time or not? There is no definitive knowledge regarding whether being an indoor-only cat is better/ worse than one who goes outdoors. You must meet all your cat’s needs whether they’re an indoor cat or not. However, indooronly cats have additional needs to meet to ensure they’re healthy and happy. Cats can adapt well to indoor life if they’re kept inside from an early age. Cats that are used to going outside may find adapting more difficult. We wouldn’t recommend keeping cats that are used to going outside, as ‘indoor-only cats’, except for health reasons. If rehoming a kitten intending to keep it indoors, consider adopting a sibling-pair so they keep each other company. Indoor environments can become predictable and boring, leading to stress, inactivity and obesity. It’s important you provide cats with everything they need. When keeping indoor-only cats: Provide a litter tray in a quiet place; clean it regularly. Cats are often reluctant to use a dirty tray or one located in a busy area. Ensure your cat has enough space. Indoor-only cats should have access to several rooms. Allow your cat access to two types of resting place, one at floor level, enclosed on three sides and another higher one with a good view. It’s important the higher position is safe and won’t allow your cat to fall, as this could cause injury. Provide scratching posts in several locations so they can mark territory/strengthen muscles/ sharpen claws. Provide opportunities for daily exercise to stay fit and healthy. Provide/create new ways for your cat to stay stimulated and active, both physically and mentally. Cats can become frustrated and bored with indoor-only lifestyles. As your cat won’t have the freedom to interact with people/other animals outside, you become its main companion; make plenty of time to interact. You shouldn’t leave cats alone for long periods during the day. An indoor-only lifestyle may appear safer for cats as they ’re protected from dangers outdoors. Indoor environments can be equally dangerous; cats can be injured by household accidents. Take care! Ensure your home is a safe and suitable environment for cats.

You should, of course, take extra special care if your flat is high up and has a balcony!








Fun festival with a serious Join in solidarity race environmental message and march for Santa



UT a note of September 7th in your diary if you like the idea of combining health and sport and helping a ver y good cause at the same time.

Los Realejos and Puerto de la Cruz councils have announced details of a race and solidarity march to benefit the Santa Rita home for the elderly and the Foundation which runs it. The initiative “Santa Rita se mueve” was unveiled by the Mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Domínguez, together with Benito Dévora, councillor for sport. They were joined by Roque Silva, president of the Foundation and home manager, Tomás Villar. Both the solidarity race and the march will take place between Los Realejos and Puerto de la Cruz, the two municipalities joining forces to help Santa Rita. The race is over 7.5 kilometres and will leave the beach of El Socorro in Los Realejos at 9am, heading for Santa Rita. The march is at 10am, leaving from Punta Brava with the home also being the destination. The fees to take part are ten euros and five euros respectively and enrolment can be carried out at Santa Rita. Thanks to the support of the councils and companie such as Loro Parque, Obra Social de La Caixa and Cavas Catalanas Meprolim, all the money will go direct to the Foundation to help with the social work carried out with the elderly. The Mayor thanked the management team at Santa Rita and the Foundation for coming up with this initiative linked to health and sport and helping an organisation to whom many Realejos people had cause to be grateful to. He also encouraged everyone to join in on September 7th.


new project which has taken four years of planning and discussions has been launched in Los Cristianos but it intends to have an international impact. “Son Atlántico. La Fiesta de los Océanos “ is the brainchild of Martín Rivero and Santi Gutiérrez, the creators of two previous emblematic festivals in the form of Son Latinos (19982003) and Aguaviva (20052009). Both were also based in Arona. The festival was launched on July 17th but continues for one month, culminating on August 23rd and 24th with a programme aimed at all ages. There are concerts and forums, water sports and workshops, a surfing party, exhibitions and beach cleaning. The aim of Son Atlántico is to establish itself as “an irrefutable reference for the conservation and sustainability of the oceans.” Arona will be making a “loud and clear” call for the protection of our oceans, backed by artists, scientists, environmentalists, the general public and the media. The organisers say they have found inspiration in the colony of whales and dolphins which live permanently in the waters of the Canary Islands and the many others passing through on their world journeys.

The new event does not have a big budget and though it has risen modestly, “the intention is to stay”. It has the support of many private enterprises, as well as the Canary Government, Tenerife Cabildo and Arona council. On August 23rd from 5pm, there will be an eleven-hour Concierto Limpio or Clean Concert in Arenas BlancasPlaya Honda (Playa de Las Americas) which will combine concerts and surf for a festive summer day. There will be artists from the current pop scene with ever ything from pop and salsa to electronic and rock. In parallel, a Surfing Party will feature surfing, bodyboarding and paddle with a slogan against Repsol’s future oil exploration off the coasts of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote under the slogan “Piche No Gracias”. This will start at 5pm, also at Arenas Blancas-Playa Honda. The culmination of the festival will be on August 24th with an “Atlantic Day” for all the family, with music, an exhibition of nautical sports and a release of turtles on the beach in Los Cristianos. The fun begins at 5pm. Son Atlántico is also

covering educational, cultural and sporting activities. There has already been a clean-up of the beach and a marine exhibition and there is a chance to swim with the whales. Experts have also been meeting to address various issues such as renewable energy, rational uses of the sea and risks and threats to the oceans. On August 15th, Playa de Las Vistas will host the third swimming competition whilst at te same beach on August 22nd and 23rd, you will get the chance to have an “Atlantic Diving Baptism” free of charge. Until the end of August, visitors to Los Cristianos will also find an unusual exhibition with ten huge billboards featuring the work of Sergio Hanquet, the naturalist traveller who follows whales around the world and is one of the leading experts of the Tenerife colonies.


7TH AUGUST 23:35





Romantic comedy about two couples fighting to save their relationships. Rebecca is an actress whose marriage to sex addict Tom is falling apart. Meanwhile, Rebecca’s brother Tobey is in a long-term relationship with Elaine, but is scared of making a commitment. Will the couples stay together in the face of mounting problems and extramarital temptations? Director: Bart Freundlich Starring: David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, Billy Crudup, Sascha Gillen, Brianna Gillen, Liam Broggy

World War II drama about a mission to hunt and destroy a dangerous German battleship in the Baltic, which goes wrong when the British submarine Sea Tiger runs short on fuel. A crew member with a flair for the German language is forced to disembark on an enemy-occupied Danish island. Director: Anthony Asquith Starring: John Mills, Louis Bradfield, Ronald Millar, Jack Watling, Reginald Purdell, Caven Watson

9TH AUGUST 14:05


11TH AUGUST 17:00

Gethin Jones presents the quiz show that revolves around what you know and how well you play your hand. Eleven contestants compete to get onto the power spot and to control the game. Whoever is standing on the power spot when Gethin asks the 21st and final question gets the chance to win and take home all the prize money.


Murder mystery. When the body of a has-been starlet is found in a Hollywood producer’s swimming pool, it is up to his wife to find the real killer among the rich and famous. Director: David S. Cass Sr. Starring: Justine Bateman, Elizabeth Peña, George Hamilton, Laura Johnson, David Gail, Melora Hardin

13TH AUGUST 15:15



Tina Fey and Steve Carell star in Shawn Levy’s chase comedy. Phil and Claire Foster feel their marriage has gone a bit stale and decide to pep it up by going out on a date, just like they used to do, before the kids and the mortgage and rest of life’s inevitable distractions got in the way. In principle it’s a good idea, but their first mistake is to try to get into one of Manhattan’s swankiest restaurants without a reservation. Their second is far more serious: they bluff their way in, pretending to be a couple who have failed to show up for their table. Unfortunately for the Fosters, the absent diners have serious gangland connections. Even more unfortunately, the people whose identities they’ve adopted are due to be silenced forever by hitmen. Cue a tightly plotted, gag-packed, headlong flight for survival, which has distinct echoes of 40s screwball classics. And keep an eye out for memorable cameos from Mark Wahlberg and James Franco.


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:35 01:30 01:35


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Saints and Scroungers Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country Wanted Down Under Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The Sheriffs are Coming The Great British Bake Off Operation Wild BBC News at Ten BBC London News Who Do They Think They are? Film The Man Without a Face Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:00 07:45 08:15 09:00 10:00

11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 16:20 17:20 18:00 18:30

19:00 20:00 21:00


22:30 23:20 00:20 00:50

Wanted Down Under Animal Park Rip Off Britain Talk to the Animals The Machine Gun and Skye’s Band of Brothers BBC News BBC World News Life in the Freezer My Life in Books Breakaway Film Mrs. Miniver Italy Unpacked Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure The Stuarts The World’s War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad Newsnight The Secret History of Our Streets The Village That’s Falling Into the Sea This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:05 03:00 03:40


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel ITV News and Weather The Speakmans Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street All Star Mr and Mrs Secrets From the Clink ITV News at Ten and Weather Weight Loss Ward Off the Beaten Track Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00

21:00 22:00 22:30 23:35 00:25 01:20

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Sarah Beeny’s Double Your House for Half the Money One Born Every Minute The Mimic 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Lovebox Festival 2014 Heston’s Great British Food

07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff On the Yorkshire Buses 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Mind over Murder 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ultimate Police Interceptors Emergency Bikers World’s Worst Storms Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00

09:00 09:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30

22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00

Game Changers Premiership Years The Fantasy Football Club PL 100 Club The Fantasy Football CLub Prem. Leag. Legends Premiership Years The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club Boots ‘n’ All

Super League Backchat The Ashes Best of ICC World T20 Sporting Greats Ashes Moderns Classics Live Royal London One-Day Cup Cricket Boots ‘n’ All Total Rugby Racemax Max Power


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:35 01:15 01:20

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Saints and Scroungers Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country Wanted Down Under Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News Fake Britain EastEnders Scrappers Who Do You Think You Are? BBC News at Ten BBC London News Motorway Cops Film Trust the Man Holiday Weatherview BBC News

06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:30

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20



Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Animal Park Rip Off Britain Escape to the Continent Gardeners’ World HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News Life in the Freezer My Life in Books Film Quo Vadis Italy Unpacked Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure Natural World The Honourable Woman QI Newsnight The World’s War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire Nick and Margaret: Too Many Immigrants? This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00

22:00 22:40 23:40 00:30 03:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel ITV News and Weather The Speakmans Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Harbour Lives Kids with Cameras: Diary of a Children’s Ward ITV News at Ten and Weather Benidorm The Chase Jackpot247 Tonight

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:05 01:05

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens IPC European Swimming Championships Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year Embarrassing Bodies First Time Farmers Child Genius One Born Every Minute Embarrassing Bodies

06:55 07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00

21:00 22:00 23:00

Milkshake! Show Songs Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Ultimate Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film The Husband She Met Online 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 The Killer Next Door: Countdown to Murder Autopsy Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 22:30 00:30

Game Changers Premiership Years The Fantasy Football Club Pl 100 Club The Fantasy Football Club Prem. LEag. Legends Premiership Years The Fantasy Football Club SPFL Highlights FL72 Review Ringside FL72 PReview

The Ashes Boots ‘n’ All The Ashes Live Test Cricket Sporting Greats Ashes Modern Classics Test Cricket Teh Pistorius Trial WWE: Late NightRaw WWE: NXT



06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:45 02:10 02:15

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Saints and Scroungers Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country Wanted Down Under Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The Sheriffs are Coming EastEnders Scrappers Walter BBC News at Ten BBC London News John Bishop Live: Elvis Has Left the Building EastEnders Omnibus Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:30

19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00

21:30 22:00 22:30 23:05 01:10

Wanted Down Under Animal Park Rip Off Britain The Big Allotment Challenge First Time on the Front Line The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News Life in the Freezer My Life in Books Breakaway Film Lust for Life Italy Unpacked Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure Mastermind Sweets Made Simple The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice Gardeners’ World Edinburgh Nights with Sue Perkins Newsnight Film The Lady The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 00:55 03:00 03:40

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel ITV News and Weather The Speakmans Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Doc Martin ITV News at Ten and Weather Film Duplicity Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 01:30 02:00 02:25


Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Million Pound Drop The Singer Takes it All The Last Leg Virtually Famous Film The Dilemma Derek The Inbetweeners USA Desperate Housewives

07:35 07:50 08:00 08:10 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:35 23:35 00:15

The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff World’s Scariest Drivers 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film After All These Years 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 On the Yorkshire Buses Big Brother: Live Eviction Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Stand by Your Man Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 18:30 19:30 22:00

06:00 08:00 10:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:30 00:30


Game Changers Prem. Leag. Years The Fantasy Football Club Ringside Barclays Premier League Legends Football GOOd The Fantasy Football CLub FL72 Highlights FL72 Review FL72 Live Barclays Premier League Legends

The Ashes Test Cricket Live Test Cricket Tight Lines Test Cricket The Pistorius Trial WWE: Late Night - Smackdown WWe: Late Night - Bottom Line


Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live The Great British Bake Off Bargain Hunt BBC News Escape to the Country Rugby League Challenge Cup SemiFinal Final Score BBC News BBC London News Pointless Tumble The National Lottery Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Michael Mcintyre’s Showtime


Following his two record-breaking shows Live and Laughing and Hello Wembley, Michael McIntyre returns with more energetic observations in a stand-up performance recorded in front of a packed O2 Arena in London.



22:15 23:00

06:00 10:00 11:30 12:30 13:00 13:15 14:00

16:30 17:20 17:30 17:40 18:30 20:00 20:50 21:40 22:10 22:30

00:50 00:55

The Football League Show Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:30 08:35 09:30 10:00

12:30 13:30 14:05 15:40 16:00 17:00 18:00

20:00 20:30 21:15


Film The Falcon and the Co-Eds Film The Falcon Out West The Living Planet Sweets Made Simple Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo Rick Stein’s India John Mills Film We Dive at Dawn Flog It! Natural World Cycling Great War Diaries Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Dad’s Army Proms Extra 2014 Melvyn Bragg’s Radical Lives QI XL Film Seraphim Falls Film Mother’s Boys

07:05 07:15 07:40 07:55 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:25

12:15 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:25 16:25 18:20 18:30 18:45 19:45 20:45 21:45

22:40 22:55


Sooty Nerds and Monsters Mr. Bean Chowder ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Film Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man ITV News and Weather Storage Hoarders The Unforgettable... Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover All Star Mr and Mrs Film Housesitter ITV News London ITV News and Weather The Guide to You’ve Been Framed! Tipping Point All Star Family Fortunes Film Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope ITV News and Weather Film Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope The Cube

06:05 07:00

Transworld Sport Armoy Road Races

Graham Little presents the annual Armoy Road Races which features some of the biggest names in motorcycling including Guy Martin and Michael Dunlop. This spectacular area of Northern Ireland is synonymous with the sport after road racing legends Mervyn Robinson, Frank Kennedy, Joey and Jim Dunlop based themselves here in 1977 under the name The Armoy Armada. 08:00 09:00 09:55 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:40 16:10 18:40 19:05 20:00 21:00 23:10

01:15 02:00

The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Speed with Guy Martin Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year Grand Designs Film Immortals Film Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street The Last Leg Utopia

07:10 07:20 07:35 07:55 08:05

08:25 08:40 08:55 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:10 10:40 11:40 12:40 14:30 16:40 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:00

Bananas in Pyjamas Make Way for Noddy City of Friends Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Access Meerkat Manor Police Interceptors Ultimate Police Interceptors Film Rocky IV Film Any Which Way You Can Film The Sea Wolves Cricket on 5 World’s Worst Storms 5 News Weekend Big Brother Dangerous Dog Owners and Proud Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Super Casino

09:00 09:30 10:00 10:15 11:30 12:00 14:30

17:00 19:30

06:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00

Barclays Premier League Legends FOotball GOld The Fantasy Football Club FL72 Highlights The Fantasy Football Club FL72 Live Live Women´s Rugby Union World Cup FL72 Live Live WOmen´s Rugby Union World Cup

The Ashes Test Cricket Cricket Fever Cricket Extra Live Live Test Cricket The Ashes Test Cricket The Ashes Test Cricket


06:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:15 14:00 18:35 18:50 19:00 20:00 21:00


Breakfast Sunday Morning Live Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News Escape to the Country Cycling BBC News BBC London News Antiques Roadshow Countryfile The Village

Historical drama series set in a Derbyshire village. Bert is accused of cheating in the annual village race. It’s the word of a farmer’s boy against that of a peer of the realm. The Middletons need the money and Grace is not afraid of a fight. 22:00 22:15 22:25 23:10 23:40 01:15 01:20

BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day Live at the Apollo Film Annapolis Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:20 11:50 12:50 14:30 17:00 17:35 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:30

Countryfile Alan Titchmarsh’s Garden Secrets Gardeners’ World The Beechgrove Garden The Football League Show Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Rick Stein’s India Film Firecreek Live Rugby League Challenge Cup Songs of Praise Flog It! Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Tropic of Capricorn Dragons’ Den James May’s Cars of the People Legacy Film The Trench


06:50 07:05 07:15 07:40 07:55 08:10 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:20 11:30 12:30 13:30 15:30 17:35 18:30 18:45 19:00

20:00 21:00 22:00 22:15

23:15 01:05 02:00

Countryfile Holby City


Canimals Sooty Nerds and Monsters Mr. Bean Chowder Chowder ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Love Your Garden Long Lost Family Columbo: Troubled Waters Midsomer Murders Tipping Point ITV News London ITV News and Weather Come on Down! The Game Show Story The Zoo The Great War ITV News and Weather Kids with Cameras: Diary of a Children’s Ward Premiership Rugby 7s Highlights The Store

06:10 07:00 07:30 08:30 09:00 09:30 12:30 13:30 14:25 15:25 17:35 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

How I Met Your Mother Caterham Motorsport London Triathlon Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Step Up 3 Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News Tom’s Fantastic Floating Home The Mill Child Genius Film The Eagle

07:20 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:00

08:15 08:20 08:35 08:40 08:55 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:10 13:10 14:55 17:05

19:00 19:55 20:00

00:15 02:40

Film Red Cliff First Time Farmers

21:00 22:00 00:00

Milkshake Monkey Make Way for Noddy City of Friends Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Olly the Little White Van Angelina Ballerina Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Access Police Interceptors Film Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol Film Baby Boom Film The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep Cricket on 5 5 News Weekend Caught with Their Fingers in the Till Big Brother Film Killers Shoplifters and Proud


Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Milkshake Monkey Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film A Nanny’s Secret 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 Police Interceptors Big Brother 70 Stone: The Man They Couldn’t Save Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Autopsy


09:30 11:00 13:00 15:30 18:30 19:30 20:30 22:30

06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00

Barclays Premier League Legends The SUnday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Scottish Football FL72 Live SPFL Highlights Goals on Sunday Live Football SPFL Highlights

The Ashes Test Cricket Cricket Writers on TV LIve Test Cricket The Ashes Test Cricket The Ashes Test Cricket


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:20

00:20 00:25

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Fake Britain EastEnders Miranda Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten BBC London News Have I Got a Bit More News for You Who Do They Think They Are? 10 Years, 100 Shows Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05

10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20 01:20

Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Animal Park Rip Off Britain Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies Animal S.O.S. Click BBC News BBC World News Climbing Great Buildings My Life in Books Cash in the Attic Breakaway Italy Unpacked Natural World Great Continental Railway Journeys Antiques Roadshow Eggheads The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure University Challenge Food and Drink Kate Adie’s Women of World War I The Sarah Millican Tv Programme Newsnight Dragons’ Den University Challenge This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:35

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street Long Lost Family ITV News at Ten and Weather The Zoo All Star Family Fortunes Jackpot247

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:25

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens IPC European Swimming Championships Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Food Unwrapped Royal Marines Commando School Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Embarrassing Bodies The Shooting Gallery Film Like Someone in Love

07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

10:45 12:15 13:15 15:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:30 22:00

07:00 09:00 10:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Goals on Sunday PL 100 Club Football Gold Goals on Sunday PL 100 Club The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold PL 100 Club FL72 Review Live Capital One Cup Football Ringside

Test Cricket The Ashes Live Test Cricket Ashes Modern Classics Test Cricket Ashes Modern Classics WWE: Late Night Afterburn WWE: NXT



06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:35 00:35 00:40

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City In the Club BBC News at Ten BBC London News Scrappers Operation Wild Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 07:15 08:00 09:00 13:00 13:30 14:15

Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Food Inspectors Athletics My Life in Books Breakaway Cash in the Attic

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00

14:45 15:45 16:45 20:30 21:30

22:30 23:20 00:20 01:20

Natural World Great Continental Railway Journeys Athletics Coast Scotland Votes: What’s at Stake for the UK? Newsnight The Stuarts Hive Alive This is BBC Two

21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40

00:05 03:00 03:40

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Ade at Sea Love Your Garden Executed ITV News at Ten and Weather The Chase Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05

00:05 01:00

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free Undercover Boss Utopia Royal Marines Commando School Pokerstars.Com PCA KOTV Boxing Weekly

07:50 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10

12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Milkshake Monkey Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff I Nearly Died: World’s Worst Near Misses 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film A Surrogate’s Terror 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Henry and Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Dangerous Dog Owners and Proud

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:30

06:00 07:00 09:00 13:30

22:00 22:30 00:00


Game Changers Prem. Leag. Years FOotball GOld Capital One Cup Football Barclays Prem. Leag. Legends Prem. Leag. Years The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold PL 100 Club Football: Race for the Title Live ELite League Speedway

The Ashes Test Cricket The Ashes Live Royal London One-Day Cup Cricket Super League Backchat The Ashes Super League Backchat


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:05 00:10 00:15

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Fake Britain The Great British Bake Off Operation Wild BBC News at Ten BBC London News A Question of Sport The League Cup Show Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 07:15 08:00 09:00 12:00

Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Talk to the Animals Athletics Film Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure

Musical adventure. A New York casting director spots well-heeled Sharpay Evans performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, and offers to arrange an audition for a new Broadway musical. Sharpay and Boi head for the Big Apple, but Sharpay is in for a big surprise. 13:30 14:15 14:45 15:45 16:45 21:00


22:30 23:20 00:20 01:10

Breakaway Cash in the Attic Natural World Great Continental Railway Journeys Athletics The World’s War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad Newsnight Kate Adie’s Women of World War I The Trouble with Mobility Scooters This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:05 03:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street 100 Year Old Drivers Secrets From the Clink ITV News at Ten and Weather Dangerous Dogs Off the Beaten Track Jackpot247 British Touring Car Championship Highlights

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00

21:00 22:00 22:30 23:35 00:25 02:10

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Sarah Beeny’s Double Your House for Half the Money One Born Every Minute The Mimic 8 Out of 10 Cats Best Bits Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Film The Wall Film Remember Me

07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff On the Yorkshire Buses 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film The Hollywood Mom’s Mystery 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ultimate Police Interceptors Emergency Bikers Grand Theft Auto: UK Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 22:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 13:30

22:00 23:00 00:00

Game Changers Prem. Leag. Years Football Gold Soccer AM: The Best Bits Barclays Premier League Legends Prem. Leag. Years The Fantasy Football Club Football GOld Boots ‘n’ All Live Capital One Cup Football Football: Race for the Title

The Ashes Sporting Heroes Super League Backchat Ashes Modern Classics The Ashes Live Royal London One-Day Cup Cricket Boots ‘n’ All Max Power Boots ‘n’ All


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:35 01:20 01:25


Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders The Sheriffs are Coming Who Do You Think You Are? BBC News at Ten BBC London News Motorway Cops Film Biker Boyz Holiday Weatherview BBC News

06:15 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:45 13:30

Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Escape to the Continent Athletics Film Sydney White Breakaway

Hosted by Nick Hancock, Breakaway is a race to the finish line with up to £10,000 to be won. Six players take to a giant track to answer a series of general knowledge questions, but will they stick together and share the prize, or break away from the pack in a bid to win everything for themselves? 14:15 15:00 16:00 17:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20



Cash in the Attic Natural World Great Continental Railway Journeys Athletics The Honourable Woman QI Newsnight The World’s War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire The Great Big Romanian Invasion This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00

22:00 22:40 23:40 00:30 03:00


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Harbour Lives Kids with Cameras: Diary of a Children’s Ward ITV News at Ten and Weather 100 Year Old Drivers Benidorm Jackpot247 Tonight

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:05 01:00 01:55

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location Embarrassing Bodies First Time Farmers Child Genius One Born Every Minute The Last Chance School Dispatches

06:50 07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Emergency Bikers 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Reverse Angle 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Caught with Their Fingers in the Till Countdown to Murder The Last Secrets of 9/11 Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

08:30 10:30 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00

07:00 08:00 09:00 12:00 12:30

21:00 22:00 00:00

Live ITM Cup Rugby Union Capital One Cup Football Barclays Premier League Legends Football Gold SPFL Highlights Premier League Years Football Gold Capital One Cup Football Ringside Super League Superstars

Sporting Heroes Boots ‘n’ All The Ashes Ashes Modern Classics LIve Royal London One-Day Cup Cricket Ashes Modern Classics WWE: Late Night Raw WWE: NXT


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:05 23:35 01:30 01:35

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Scrappers Boomers Outnumbered BBC News at Ten BBC London News Room 101 Would I Lie to You? EastEnders Omnibus Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:45

Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain The Big Allotment Challenge Athletics Film The Gumball Rally

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

13:30 14:15 15:00 17:00 17:30 21:00

21:30 Simple 22:00 22:30 23:05 01:40

Breakaway Cash in the Attic Equestrian Great Continental Railway Journeys Athletics The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice Sweets Made Edinburgh Nights with Sue Perkins Newsnight Film The English Patient The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 00:55 03:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers Tipping Point The 21st Question ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Doc Martin ITV News at Ten and Weather Film Dog Day Afternoon Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 01:10 01:35

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Win it Cook it Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Million Pound Drop The Singer Takes it All The Last Leg Virtually Famous Film Date Night Derek The Inbetweeners USA

07:00 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:35 23:35 00:10

Pip Ahoy! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Mr Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Milkshake Monkey Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film My Daughter Must Live 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 On the Yorkshire Buses Big Brother: Live Eviction Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Stand by Your Man Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:30 22:15

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 19:00

22:00 00:00

Game Changers Prem. Leag. Years Football GOld Capital One Cup Football Barclays Premier League Legends Prem. Leag. Legends Football Gold Football: Race for the Title The Fantasy Football Club Live SUper League The Fantasy Football Club

The Ashes Sporting Heroes Super League Ringside Live Test Cricket Live Top 14 Rugby Union Test Cricket WWE: Late Night Smackdown



06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:50 13:00 14:00 16:30 17:20 17:30 17:40 18:30 20:00 20:50 21:40 22:10 22:30

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Food and Drink BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Bargain Hunt Athletics Final Score BBC News BBC London News Pointless Tumble The National Lottery Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Match of the Day

06:00 07:45 10:45 11:30 12:00

TBA Athletics TBA Great British Railway Journeys Sweets Made Simple

07:15 07:40 07:55 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:20 11:25 13:25 14:25 16:15 16:45 18:20 18:30

12:30 13:00 13:50

23:55 01:15 01:20

The Football League Show Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

15:45 16:30 17:15 19:00 20:00 20:30 22:15 23:00 00:35

Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Talking Pictures Film The First of the Few Flog It! Athletics Equestrian Great War Diaries TBA TBA QI XL TBA This is BBC Two


19:45 20:45 21:45

22:40 22:55

Nerds and Monsters Mr. Bean Chowder ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Columbo Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Film Smokey and the Bandit II TBA Film Mr Bean’s Holiday Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Tipping Point All Star Family Fortunes Film Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back ITV News and Weather Film Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

06:10 06:35 07:00

The Hoobs Mobil 1 Transworld Sport

06:00 10:00 19:00

Milkshake! TBA Cricket on 5

Round-up of sports action from around the globe, featuring reports from the biggest international competitions, in-depth features on lesser-known sports and profiles of rising stars of the future. 07:55 08:55 09:50 10:50 11:40 12:35 13:40 16:10 18:45 19:05 20:00 21:00 23:20 01:25 02:10

Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Speed with Guy Martin Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The Restoration Man Grand Designs TBA Film District 9 The Last Leg Utopia

09:00 10:00 12:00 14:30 15:30 16:30 20:00


19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:00

5 News TBA Big Brother TBA Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych

Rylan Clark and Iain Lee present all the latest debate from the Big Brother house with a panel of experts and psychologists who analyse the power struggle in the house. 01:00 03:05 04:00

Super Casino TBA House Doctor

09:00 10:00 10:30 19:00


22:00 00:00


The Fantasy Football Club Soccer AM FL72 Live Ringside Formula One Legends Echoes of the PAst: Ayrton Senna SAturday Night Football - Game of the Day SAturday Night Football - Match Choice

Cricket Fever Cricket Extra Live Live Test Cricket Ashes Modern Classics Live Top 14 R ugby Union Test Cricket The Rugby Championship


06:00 08:30 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 13:15 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:05 18:35 18:50 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:15 22:25 23:25 01:10 01:15

Breakfast Match of the Day Sunday Morning Live TBA MOTD2 Extra BBC News Bargain Hunt TBA Helicopter Heroes Escape to the Country The Great British Bake Off Songs of Praise Deadly Pole to Pole BBC News BBC London News Antiques Roadshow Countryfile The Village BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day 2 TBA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News


Alan Titchmarsh’s Garden Secrets

06:00 06:25 06:50 07:05 07:15 07:40 07:55 08:25 08:30 09:25

08:45 10:30 11:50 13:45 16:50 17:20 18:00 19:00

Athletics The Football League Show Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Athletics Great Continental Railway Journeys Flog It! Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Tropic of Capricorn

A travel documentary which embarks on a journey along the Tropic of Capricorn, the line of latitude which cuts through Southern Africa, Australia and South America. 20:00 21:00 01:05

Dragons’ Den TBA This is BBC Two

10:30 11:20 11:30 12:30 13:30 15:30 17:35 18:35 18:45 19:00

20:00 21:00 22:00 22:15

23:15 00:15

Pat and Stan Dino Dan Canimals Sooty Nerds and Monsters Mr. Bean Chowder ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Love Your Garden Long Lost Family Columbo Midsomer Murders Tipping Point Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather Come on Down! The Game Show Story The Zoo The Great War ITV News and Weather Kids with Cameras: Diary of a Children’s Ward The Cube The Store

07:05 08:00 09:00 09:30 12:30 13:30 14:25 15:00

2014 Off Peak Dreamteam Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Runaway Bride

Garry Marshall’s romcom stars Julia Roberts as Maggie Carpenter, who has reportedly left seven, maybe eight, grooms at the altar. USA Today journalist Ike Graham uses her as an example for a female-bashing piece, only for Carpenter to angrily reply she only jilted three men, one of only 15 inaccuracies in his piece. Stung by the rebuke, Graham travels to her small home town to get the story directly from her. But when the pair meet, it’s soon clear that wedding bells might ring again and for a final time. 17:15 17:40 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 02:05

Deal or No Deal Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters Channel 4 News How Britain Worked The Mill TBA First Time Farmers



09:00 10:30 12:30 19:00 20:00 21:30

10:00 19:00

TBA Cricket on 5

Eng v Ind 5th Investec Test - Day 3. Highlights coverage of England’s summer season begins on 20th May 2014 on Channel 5. 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00

5 News TBA Big Brother TBA

22:00 23:30

06:00 07:00 09:00 10:00

The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Ford Super Sunday Football: Race fot the Title Red Bull Air Race Barclays Premier League Legends Ford Football Special Fight Night

The Ashes Test Cricket The Ashes Live Test Cricket

England v India. Coverage of the third day of the Fifth Test at the Oval, where both sides will be keen to put themselves in a strong position in the final match of the series. 19:00 01:00 03:05

Super Casino TBA


Ashes Modern Classics Test Cricket


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 19:57 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:32 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:20 00:25


Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Fake Britain BBC News and Regional News EastEnders Miranda TBA BBC News at Ten BBC London News BBC Weather Have I Got Old News for You Boomers TBA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00

12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00

22:30 23:20 00:20 01:20

Homes Under the Hammer Animal Saints and Sinners Real Lives Reunited TBA Click BBC News BBC World News Fred Dibnah’s Magnificent Monuments Climbing Great Buildings My Life in Books Cash in the Attic The Chef’s Protege Celebrity MasterChef Nature’s Weirdest Events Great Continental Railway Journeys Flog It! Eggheads TBA The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure University Challenge Food and Drink TBA The Sarah Millican Television Programme Newsnight Dragons’ Den TBA This is BBC Two


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning The Chase ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Secret Dealers

Presented by auctioneer and antiques expert Kate Bliss, each episode sees two family homes paid a visit by three hard-bitten, expert antique dealers on the look-out for fresh items they can sell. 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:35 03:00

Tipping Point Gift Wrapped Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Tonight Coronation Street Long Lost Family ITV News at Ten and Weather The Zoo All Star Family Fortunes Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:40 14:10

Countdown 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Jamie’s Money Saving Meals Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

06:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15

18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 00:00

06:30 07:00

08:00 09:00 10:00 10:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:15

18:30 19:00 20:00 Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Food Unwrapped Royal Marines Commando School TBA The Shooting Gallery



17:00 17:30 18:00

15:10 16:00 17:00

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff TBA 5 News TBA Home and Away

21:00 22:00 23:00

Neighbours NCIS Film Imaginary Friend 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Cricket on 5 Police Interceptors Big Brother TBA Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

Emma Willis hosts a round-up of Big Brother-related news and debate, with special guests, exclusive footage and behind the scenes treats. 00:00 01:00 03:05

TBA Super Casino Under the Dome

14:00 15:00 15:45 17:15 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00

00:00 01:00 01:30 02:30 05:00 05:30

Premier League Legends Premier League Hundred Club Football Gold One 2 Eleven Wwe Bottom Line Goals On Sunday TBA Ford Football Special TBA SKY Sports Originals Goals On Sunday TBA Ford Football Special TBA Fantasy Football: the Highlights Soccer Am - the Best Bits FL72 Review Live Ford Monday Night Football FL72 Review SPFL Round Up Soccer Am: the Best Bits Ford Monday NGHT Football One 2 Eleven SPFL Round Up





Historic tribute as group records first album


musical group which can trace its history back to 1939 has recorded its very first album.

True to its roots, “La Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa “ of Los Realejos has captured tradition by paying homage to the processional marches of composers from the

municipality. Recording of this first-time disc took place last week with the support of the local council’s culture department and the Teobaldo Power premises.

The band was formed in 1939 and then reconvened in 1987. A study was made of the compositions of Manuel Plasencia, Florentino Bencomo, José Mesa Cabrera and Jesús Agomar González Guillama and their works are included on the album. Councillor for culture, Adolfo González said most people knew about the musical excellence of today ’s groups but it was also good to look back to the legacy of great composers. The municipality had cause to be ver y grateful to the group for this project which would enrich its musical heritage. Today, the musical group has 65 musicians, added to which is a musical academy with about 60 students. Its director is José Manuel Álvarez Rodríguez.


The wind and waves to capture the crowds World-class windsurfing is fascinating the crowds until August 10th


EGARDLESS of whether you follow sport or not, these championships are for all ages and all nationalities and as much for holiday-makers as for local residents. Spectators have even come from all parts of Europe especially for the occasion. The event, for men, women and juniors, also turns the spotlight on the delights of El Médano and

its incredible coastline and huge waves. The World Windsurfing Championships began on August 1st and all the weather indications suggest great weather and a strong wind so conditions should be ideal. It wil involve the best competitors in the world and gets better and better each year and generating widespread publicity. International television crews and media are covering the championships. Mayor of Granadilla, Jaime González Cejas thanked everyone involved, including the sponsors and highlighted

how the event consolidated El Médano, the south of Tenerife and the whole of the island as a tourism destination with diverse appeal. Organisers said Tenerife had become a world-class destination in relation to sport involving the wind and waves and would encourage others to come to the island for sporting pursuits. Many of the competitors arrived on the island early for training. The draw for the 32 men and 16 women was supported by Björn Dunkerbeck, holder of 39 world titles in different types of wind-surfing.

In parallel with the championships, Siam Park has been hosting a competition on its famous wave machine with a jet ski as a top prize.

General information about of El Médano and the rest of the municipality can be found on www.granadilladeabona.org (and if you miss the event, there is always windsurfing and other water sports going on at the famous beach)


December date for “The Nutcracker”


F you and friends or perhaps a club fancy a trip over to Gran Canaria to see a show in December, there’s a bargain offer from the Moscow Ballet. They will be performing Tchaikovsky ’s “El Cascanueces” or “The Nutcracker” on the evening of December 8th at the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus in Las Palmas. Ticket prices for groups of 12 or more have been reduced so it will cost you just 20 euros to see this spectacular version of one of the best known ballets. The show has been organised by Factoría Producciones Culturales and will feature Russian soloists

Cristina Terentiev and Alexei Terentiev. The company alway favours this auditorium for its Canary tours and receives a great reception; this date should be no exception. The Moscow Ballet was founded more than 20 years ago and has made over 60 tours around the world, from Japan and Taiwan to Switzerland and Spain. In 1991, the company was chosen by the great Rudolf Nureyev for his last tour of Europe.

Tickets are available through various channels, including web www.auditorioteatrolaspalmasgc.es, www.auditorio-alfredokraus.com and www.entradas.com







Loro Parque visitors roar for tigers’ future WALKING GUIDE

Discover the old trails of Adeje


OUNG visitors became tigers for the day when Loro Parque celebrated the International Day of the Tiger.

The children were encouraged to get involved in the activities by having their faces painted, joining in games and getting inside tiger suits to have their pictures taken with the park mascots. There were also themed workshops and lots of surprises. Although the day was designed as fun for all the family, there was a serious side to it as well as it raised public awareness of the plight of this endangered species. The team of carers prepared food for the Royal Bengal white tigers in a special way in an activity known as environmental enrichment to stimulate the animals’ senses. The young visitors were also encouraged to get to know the other occupants of Loro Parque including the penguins, gorillas, whales and dolphins and many more. World Tiger Day was introduced to stress how much help tigers need as in just over a century, 97 per cent of those in the wild have been lost. Just over 3,2000 tigers exist in the wild and urgent action is needed to save them, including new protected areas and repopulation and the elimination of threats such as poaching. Modern zoos like Loro Parque are backing the campaign and awareness-raising and information is part of this quest. You can read more about Loro Parque at Puerto de la Cruz on www.loroparque.com


Taste a montadito in Santa Ursula


ANTA Ursula in the north of Tenerife is always a charming place to visit and there is an extra bonus between August 8th and August


The town is holding its annual “Ruta del Montadito “, now in its third year. A montadito is a tapa-sized roll with tasty fillings and is a typical element of Spanish culture and gastronomy. The event will not only introduce people to some new culinary delights but also to the shops and attractions of Santa Ursula. It is organised by the local council’s department of trade and tourism. Visitors will be able to enjoy a montadito with a glass of beer, wine, soft drink or water for just 2.50 euros. This is also a competitive event as the restaurants taking part stand to win substantial cash prizes if their dish is chosen as the

best by visitors. Likewise, customers can win free meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) at the participating establishments by completing a special road book with stamps. These need to be filled in and returned to one of the restaurants or the town hall. Taking part in the route are: Bar Rte. Pizzería “El Paraíso”; Bar Cafetería Niros; Tasca Taller Don Diego Álvarez; Cafetería Noemí; Bodegón Los Chamos; Bar Cafetería Los Parrales; Bodegón Nuevo Paso; Auditorio Bar Café; Bar Cafetería Mc Lolo´s; Tasca El Parralito; Tasca La Catuja; Cafetería July; Garden Café Rosenblatt y Pacheco; Bar Cafetería La Estación; Aleluya del Paladar; Ágora Café Bar; Bar Cafetería Km 30; Zumería El Comelón; La Tasca de Fran; Cafetería Donde Alberto; Capricho Café; Pizzería El Diablito; Tasca Restaurante El Valle; Café Bar Mi Pueblo; Q`Tomas; La Sartén; Zumería EL Bocata and Boutique del pan “El Mimo”.


F you enjoy walking, Adeje has been working on a new project that you should know about.

Details of six routes have been included in a new publication which is available in hard format as well as on line. The new guide was recently unveiled by the Mayor, Miguel Rodríguez Fraga who was joined by environment councillor, Esther Rivero Vargas. This represents the first phase in a project to recover and promote the natural heritage and ethnography of the municipality. The Mayor said they were working hard to recover the traditional routes of Adeje which many people had requested and to turn the spotlight on the wealth of history and beautiful countryside the area enjoys. Parallel to this, the council is also hoping to collate the memories of many residents who used to use the trails in yesteryear. Many people, he added, knew Adeje as a five-star holiday destination but it had a great deal more to offer, including its history and was happy to encourage active

tourism. Details of the first six trails have been brought together. Three of them - Camino de Teresme, Boca del Paso and La Quinta - are shorter routes and to these are added the local routes of Roque del Conde and Camino de la Virgen. Finally, Adeje forms part of the Vilaflor – Arona walk, promoted by Tenerife Cabildo, which starts in La Esperanza and runs through Adeje before reaching Arona. Esther Rivero said this first phase of walks concerned the area of Ifonche, La Quinta and Adeje but they were already working on the second phase which would feature five to nine walks in the zones of Taucho, Tijoco Alto and La Concepción. The guide is available in three languages, Spanish, English and German, and is available on the municipal website of www.adeje.es or at tourist information centres, sports federations and associations and cultural, entertainment and recreational entities.

“I love skateboard” festival in Santa LA RECOVA Cruz


KATEBOARDING has been confirmed as one of today’s most poular urban sports and Santa Cruz agrees.

Throughout August, the city is holding a “I love skateboard” festival at La Recova which is in Plaza de Isla de La Madera. Those who love this sport will find stunning photographs, an inception workshop and a championship of acrobatic moves. The festival is in its third year and promises once again to be an outstanding succcess. Skateboarders can be seen in most of the island’s towns but it is particularly popular in Santa Cruz where a new park has recently been opened alongside the water’s edge. The starter workshops are on August 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th and the sessions with ramps and the championships on August 23rd. Visitors will also be able to enjoy an exhibition of 24 large format photographs. Organisers feel skateboarding crosses the boundaries between sport and leisure and this is reflected in the number of people who enjoy it. It has also influenced the world of fashion, music, literature and cinema.


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants The Pink Parrot, Las Galletas sea-front A great name, great British cooking and a great location. What better reasons could there be than to visit The Pink Parrot which is right on the seafront promenade at Las Galletas? This is a beautiful flat location as you are literally a metre away from the ocean with a panoramic view. The Pink Parrot was taken over by Brenda and Mike a year ago and is a family-run café offering a traditional English menu with daily specials and all home-made dishes. Specialities include cod, chips and mushy peas (delicious!), served only on Fridays, Sunday roast, jacket potatoes and a special combo platter for two people for only 8.50 euros. There is also a gluten free menu and delicious home-made desserts. There is also wifi. Everyone who goes to Las Galletas falls in love with it and the sea-front promenade is just two minutes away from the banks, shops, post office etc. So with Pink Parrot in mind, you have extra reason to visit and can just hop on a bus if you don’t drive. It’s a great day out. The restaurant is closed on a Monday but open 9.15am to 5pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday 9.15am to 8pm (last fish and chip orders 7pm), Saturday 9.15am to 4pm and Sunday 9am to 5pm. Brenda and Mike are happy to stay open later for a private party or celebration, just ask.

Restaurante Magnolia, Puerto de la Cruz Restaurante Magnolia has come a long way in the last three decades, starting life as a small intimate restaurant with an outdoor terrace to the finished article we see today, with the terrace now covered and well spaced tables inside. The décor is pleasant and comfortable and makes you feel at home right away. Windows run down both sides of the restaurant allowing the light to beam in, creating a bright atmosphere even on a dull day and there are lovely views. The kitchen is open plan and creates the most wonderful Catalan and international dishes with an extensive menu of fish, shellfish, lamb, steaks, pastas. The combination of ingredients and flavours is wonderful with exquisite sauces. This venue is always busy and customers are full of praise for the Restaurante Magnolia as one of the finest places to eat on the island. The quality and service certainly stands out and the cost is very reasonable indeed. You will find Restaurante Magnolia opposite the Hotel Botánico on the main road, tucked into the side of Apartamentos Molino Blanco.

The Potter Inn, Puerto Colón Here’s another good reason to visit The Potter Inn the next time you are out and about in the Puerto Colón area. Mark, Kerry and their team already offer good value food, great drink offers and a friendly family atmosphere. Something new to tempt you is hand battered cod with home-made chips every day which are going down a real treat and are simply delicious. You will find all the Stoke City fixtures show here, as well as other matches but it is a popular family place for all. The food is great, with generous portions; all the chips are hand-made incidentally. It’s always buzzing for Sunday lunch so best to pre-book if you can. Food is served every day from 10am (noon on Sunday) so why not pop in for breakfast? Sunday 3pm to 6pm is Ray Wilde’s Sunday Session, Free & Easy and Karaoke. The best way to Potter Inn is down the steps at the taxi rank at Puerto Colon and then turn left. The frontage looks small but inside is deceptively spacious, with a terrace at the front and at the back overlooking the harbour.

Tasca Casa Paco, Los Cristianos

Rendezvous Restaurant/Bar and Bistro, Golf del Sur The Rendezvous in Golf del Sur offers diners a double delight. By day and in the evening, you can enjoy a full menu with great prices and big portions at the Rendezvous Bar and Bistro, overlooking the bowling green at the Winter Gardens. In the evening, you might opt for the Rendezvous Restaurant which is just above it and offers an extensive à la carte menu, fine wines and a relaxing night out to enjoy excellent cuisine at a leisurely pace. “The Rendezvous Restaurant has a lovely ambience and it’s a restaurant where you can sit back and enjoy”. The Winter Gardens is very easy to find and is on your right just as you drive into the Golf and where you can park. Just go through the main entrance and down the steps or ramps to find Rendezvous. Booking is advised at the main restaurant because it is extremely popular and it’s testament to its success that diners come back time and time again.

Tasca Casa Paco is a hugely popular restaurant because it offers a real taste of Spain right in the heart of Los Cristianos. It has become known as the restaurant with the singing chef because owner Paco is always singing and most evenings will take to his guitar and sing Spanish and English songs with great expertise. There are more than 30 dishes on the menu and a wine list with over 50 choices. Paco is passionate about his food and only uses fresh ingredients. You can watch him as he creates your meal with an artistic flair. He’s like a maestro conducting an orchestra. People often talk about this place for weeks after their visit because it is a unique experience over and above the excellent cuisine. It’s not surprising it is highly rated on TripAdvisor, having recently held the number two spot for Los Cristianos. It’s easy to find near the cultural centre as you walk into Cristianos town. Find the two petrol stations and it’s on the left of the one in the centre of the road.


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants


Restaurant Gom, Santa Cruz This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. It’s beautifully presented, of course, and although the interior of the restaurant has a contemporary, minimalist design, it is still warm and welcoming. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria , one of the landmarks of Santa Cruz. This is a place for all, whether you are heading for the capital to do some shopping, want somewhere to meet friends, perhaps have a business meeting in a less formal setting or simply to enjoy a memorable occasion. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. The dishes are very innovative – you might be served marmalade to accompany your food in a shot glass or prawns on a bed of small pebbles to reflect the ocean or a risotto topped with little petals. The team is very attentive to detail and offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. There is a very extensive wine list and don’t forget to sample the exquisite desserts.

Tressardi, Puerto de la Cruz

Restaurant Algarrobo, Las Candidas This family run restaurant is situated in the well-known and much visited venue in Las Candidas (La Orotava). The current owners are brothers Toño (front of house) and Cristóbal (head chef). They have carried on the family tradition of offering top quality products at affordable prices whilst bringing the menu up to date. There is a lively atmosphere here with some really unusual dishes to taste. All the dishes are fresh using vegetables from the market. The cuisine is traditional with a modern slant without being too over elaborate. They specialise in roast lamb and suckling pig and fish lovers have a huge choice. You will find Restaurant Algarrobo in Las Candidas just off the road between El Monasterio and La Orotava. A great place for parties, communions, business meetings etc.

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price, look no further than Tressardi in Puerto de la Cruz. This well established Italian restaurant and pizzeria is managed by three partners from Sardinia and can be found in La Paz (the main tourist area of Puerto). It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. You can accompany it with an Italian wine or cold beer whilst enjoying romantic soothing Italian music. The desserts like tiramisu and panna- cota are to die for! Depending on your choices the price averaging 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect. So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or a take away, Tressardi is the restaurant for you. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well prepared dishes for kids and grown ups.

Bodeguita Algarrobo, Puerto de la Cruz Across the street from the Botánico Hotel is the small but chic “Bodegita Algarrobo”. A family-run business with a long history of restaurateurs, the restaurant was opened by Cristobal and Antonio whose parents founded the Algarrobo in La Orotava more than three decades ago, so it has a fine pedigree. The cuisine served here is local Canary food with some surprisingly original features and the most exquisite flavours. Piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns, hake mounted on a tower of perfectly cooked, seasonally fresh veg, Canary “wrinkled” potatoes with a twist, lamb estofado, an inside-out pie without the pastry, fig biscuit with chocolate sauce, pork steak with caramelised onions open sandwiches, stuffed leak with cheese and belly of pork fritters, piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns. These are just some of the dishes which have enchanted diners of all nationalities throughout the day and night. Some British tourists eat here four times during a week’s holiday! Plan a visit and you will see why for yourself.

Bar El Pincho, Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos With so many bars and restaurants along the sea-front of the main Las Vistas beach in Los Cristianos, where on earth do you head for? Why not try Bar El Pincho where you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean as you watch the world go by. Bar El Pincho is winning many fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the really delicious Spanish tapas. Opened about two years ago, customers of all nationalities come here, including the British, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. It’s a lovely place and one of the bargains they offer is a combination of tapas for two for just 8.50 euros. You can’t go wrong with this. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. The owners really mean it when they say customer satisfaction is paramount so do ask if there is something special you would like or arranged. Every two weeks, you will find live music and do try the fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. The aim is to make you feel at home which regular customers say is definitely the case. Please note, Bar El Pincho is closed on Sundays so the staff can spend some valuable time with their families as well. For an extra special treat, why not phone and reserve a table for when popular singer Claudio performs two Fridays a month.

Bistro Bolle, Costa del Silencio Bistro Bolle is one of those lovely friendly restaurants which also offers great food at affordable prices and a very special atmosphere. Owner Patrick, who comes from Belgium, is multi-lingual which is one of the reasons you will find all nationalities here and you are always greeted as a friend and made to feel very welcome in your own language. The other ingredients which make this restaurant so special are a good location with stunning views, including Mount Teide beyond, a huge sunny terrace with cover against the elements and easy parking. There is no formal menu, you simply choose from the blackboard or specials. Dishes include a fantastic spaghetti bolognaise for just seven euros, duck in orange sauce for 14 euros, salmon tagliatelle for ten euros and entrecote steak for 13 euros. The food is excellent with good-sized portions. Bolle offers a wide range of Belgian beers, including on draught. On the last Saturday of each month, there is a great buffet night with live entertainment for 25 euros per person (including half a bottle of wine, aperitif and dessert) and mid-month, Saturday live entertainment with the normal a la carte menu. As Patrick says, here you will find quality at a good price and always done with a smile. *If in a car, when you turn left into Silencio from the main Galletas road, turn right in front of the funny statues in the fountain swimming pool, then filter left along the one-way system and first left again. You will see the red awning of the bistro on the right.

Eating Out & About



Your special fortnightly restaurant review

Try a touch of “picoteo” at

Santa Úrsula delight Wine and dine fans will know only too well that when you go out to a lovely restaurant and ponder the menu, it’s virtually impossible to decide what to have and you often change your mind several times over. El Calderito team

Mario & Fabian, owners & chefs

Enjoy amazing views of the mountains and ocean

HY not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions.

It goes without saying that only fresh ingredients are used and there is a full menu, as well as daily specials. Going along with our “picoteo” theme, we started with a delicious home-made gazpacho, really fresh and with a touch of olive oil on the top and avocado. Next we had a salad which had a great variety of ingredients: different types of lettuce, tomato, egg, bread croutons, potatoes and sardines. All the ingredients were mixed up well with a slight touch of sauce. Then we had “Huevos al Estampido” which is a typical mixture of potatoes, eggs and chorizo. The egg is used when it is still soft so you get a lovely juice and it’s great to enjoy with a bit of bread. Following this, we had “ Puntas de solomillo al ajillo”, I had never tried such juicy and soft meat, topped with chips. Delicious! To finish off, there could be nothing better than their home made desserts. We were greedy and each tried a different dessert. My daughter loved her chocolate mousse, one of the best and I had a three milk cake “ Tres leches”, a lovely sponge cake dipped in three milks with a topping of merengue. The meal was accompanied by a bottle of their own produce wine: Terral, highly recommended. I really suggest people don’t ask for one plate a head. It is always nicer to order a few dishes and try a bit of them all.


This is what we did when we returned to one of our favourite haunts, the delightful “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Ursula. This is already an award-winning restaurant and it’s not surprising that this year, it has again scooped a TripAdvisor accolade. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is full of charm and character and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley below. “A gem” is how it is described. Here you will find great service, attention to detail and excellent food and wine. As co-proprietor Mario Xavier Torres Núñez says:

“We strive to give our customers a memorable experience.” “El Calderito de la Abuela” is based on strong family traditions stretching back 80 years, as well as culinar y treasures. The restaurant’s charm is unique and homely and it is proud to have a history of almost four generations of restaurateurs. The restaurant combines traditional Canary cuisine with modern creativity, producing dishes which are great in flavour. You can savour various textures and flavours with produce and wine from the region.

A selection of the dishes you can eat at El Calderito

For reservations call 922 30 19 18 Carretera Provincial, 130 Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

If you want your restaurant to be part of this guide please contact our offices on 922 30 49 87 or e-mail : info@tenerifenews.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants


Electra, San Blas, Golf del Sur

The Venue, Costa del Silencio

Some chefs just seem to draw the crowds and Paolo, now back at Electra, is one of them. He produces the most exquisite dishes as a labour of love, using an unusual combination of ingredients and always creating beautifullylooking plates. He is also a wine expert and will happily chat to you and recommend choices to go with your meals. He believes the two must perfectly complement each other. Electra is a relatively small restaurant on the first line of San Blas Square but it oozes charm and style and has a lovely interior with clever attention to the design. This also applies to the cutlery, plates and glasses which combine to present a very inviting table. There is also a small terrace outside if you want a table under the stars or to enjoy the sun. The food is always freshly cooked and diners over the last few months have enthused over dishes such as the steak (“Fantastic”), sea bream cooked in sea salt (“The best I have ever tasted”) and the tapas with a twist. “The best food I have ever eaten, amazing presentation and service. Unbelievable quality and quantity of food. Brilliant prices. Absolutely five stars!” is just one of the glowing reviews on TripAdvisor

Look no further than this new venue if you want to enjoy good food, live entertainment, special events and regulars like an “old skool disco night” on Thursdays and quiz and karaoke on a Wednesday. Smartly refurbished with a spacious interior and sunny outside area, The Venue on the lower level of Coral Mar Square is now officially open and waiting to welcome you. It is open every day from 9am through to at least 2am in the morning. Owner Dave and manageress have created a great mix of a bar, restaurant, nightclub and entertainment spot with something to suit everyone, with an appeal to all ages and nationalities. There’s a full restaurant menu with tables inside and out but snacks as well, including something we all long for – chicken and chips and scampi and chips in a basket! The good-quality food on the British/American-style menu will also include breakfasts and Sunday roasts. Drink prices are also very affordable. You can enjoy live acts and the resident compere is Gordon Slayney. Dave and Julie believe “The Venue” is somewhere different for the area and will fill a definite gap in the market. They can also cater for parties and special events if you would like to get in touch on 618 492 074.

Tapas ‘n’ Chill, Golf del Sur This very popular tapas restaurant, described by many as “an absolute gem”, is now open from lunch-time as well. Between noon and 6pm Monday to Saturday, you can opt for three dishes for 12.99 euros or choose from the full menu. The restaurant is then open to close as before (and from 6pm on a Sunday). Tapas ‘n’ Chill is in the same ownership as Volare cabaret lounge next door so if you haven’t booked or arrive early, you can just pop in here for a pre-dinner drink (and go back afterwards for the entertainment!) Owner Gary loves being in the kitchen and produces mouth-watering tapas dishes which are different and delicious. He has a great passion for cooking and this is reflected in creations such as “Meatballs in a slightly spicy creamy curry” or “Crostini-toasted bread with tasty toppings”. Don’t miss the house potatoes! The restaurant receives glowing reviews for its excellent food, friendly service and chill-out atmosphere so being open for lunch now as well is a great bonus. If you are driving through Golf del Sur, go past the Winter Gardens bowling green on your right, take the next turning right and double back on yourself. Look out for the Apartamentos Aquamarine Golf on the left (opposite Best Buys supermarket) and there is a sloping pathway down to the sea next to it. Walk down here and Tapas & Chill is on the right.

The Bar,, San Blas Square, Golf del Sur Having opened last summer, The Bar in the inner courtyard of San Blas Square is already proving a popular venue. Now, there are even more reasons to visit. The Bar has introduced a new gastro-menu to tempt your appetite. You will find The Bar in the right-hand corner of the square and you can sit inside or out. There is a large terrace which has the benefit of full blinds which help tremendously if too cool, too sunny or too windy. The Bar offers live entertainment every night with some great entertainment from singers and a magician. You will love the new gastro menu as it offers really good home-made food. The open sandwiches on home-made bread are particularly mouth-watering! You are, of course, guaranteed a warm welcome at this family-run favourite where other attractions include a Happy Hour from 4pm to 7pm.

Tipsy Terrace, Los Gigantes Tipsy Terrace in Los Gigantes is described as one of the friendliest places around and you will see why when you visit. This delightful venue is run with great enthusiasm by owners Sally and Sarah. They love to celebrate special occasions and dates in the calendar and have become experts in providing great entertainment and lovely decorations. It is not by chance that it has become a favourite place for many people, locals and holiday-makers alike. You will find great home cooking and dishes to suit all tastes, from breakfast through to evening meals and everything in between. Tap into their menu on www.tipsy-terrace.net and you can see all the choices for yourself, from Tipsy’s Ploughman’s and Rise and Shine sandwiches to wraps, jacket potatoes, burgers, crunchy salads, light lunches and much, much more. Tipsy Terrace also has a swimming pool, tennis, mini-golf and lovely gardens. It is easy to find as it is just by the coach and bus stops.

New Opening hours: Mon - Sat: 18:00-24:00 Sundays closed

H NIS E A P S ISIN THE BEST CU HOME MADE TAPAS C/Amalia Alayón No 16 EXCELLENT ATMOSPHERE LIVE MUSIC EVERY NIGHT 38650 Los Cristianos, Tenerife Orders Tel: 686 52 04 40 or 658 78 80 23 - pokone@telefonica.net

Restaurant Algarrobo, Las Candidas This family run restaurant is situated in the well-known and much visited venue in Las Candidas (La Orotava). The current owners are brothers Toño (front of house) and Cristóbal (head chef). They have carried on the family tradition of offering top quality products at affordable prices whilst bringing the menu up to date. There is a lively atmosphere here with some really unusual dishes to taste. All the dishes are fresh using vegetables from the market. The cuisine is traditional with a modern slant without being too over elaborate. They specialise in roast lamb and suckling pig and fish lovers have a huge choice. You will find Restaurant Algarrobo in Las Candidas just off the road between El Monasterio and La Orotava. A great place for parties, communions, business meetings etc.






25th July 1797: The British invasion of Tenerife The Experience of a soldier in Nelson’s Army by Alastair Robertson

Alastair marching

Alastair holding the flag


’VE never thought of myself as a military man, but on Saturday 26th July 2014 I joined the British army as a private. Within ten minutes I was promoted to sergeant; that evening I was in the fight against a Spanish army through the streets of Santa Cruz; I came through unscathed and I was demobbed, all in one day. For the uninitiated, during the Napoleonic Wars it was considered by some that it would be a good idea to take the Canaries for Britain, especially with Spain being Napoleon’s ally, the islands were fair game. For a brief account of the campaign read any biography of Nelson, but look out for a more detailed publication at some time in the not-too-distant future, there’s one in translation from the original Spanish as of now. (How many British people know that it was here in Santa

Cruz where Nelson lost his arm?) Anyway, the islanders are ver y proud of what happened and they commemorate the event every year by laying a wreath at the monument to the commander general, Antonio Gutierrez, and performing a reenactment of the battle. In fact the day is a holiday on the island and a thanksgiving service for deliverance is held in the Church of La Concepcion, when a detachment of today’s army is present as a mark of respect.

The statue of St. James (Santiago) is brought out from the church and taken through the streets in a parade led by musicians followed by civic dignitaries and re-enactors, dressed in period Spanish army uniforms. On Saturday 26th July this year, the nearest to the 25th, my own enlistment in Nelson’s army wasn’t exactly a pressgang affair, but it was a bit of friendly coercion. I’d never done anything like it before. Firstly, items of uniform had to be found for me. Luckily I had my own white shirt, but the red jacket, white trousers, white waistcoat, black shoes and black hat, all came from various generous sources, so I was complete apart from long white socks and a black neckerchief. After trailing the

streets of Santa Cruz I finally found a shop run by a Chinese chap. I bought a pair of thighlength ladies white stockings and a five foot long black cotton scarf with tassels on, the nearest things I could find to what was needed. I told the gentleman that I was buying them for myself and that I was going to be a soldier. The Chinese have a reputation for being inscrutable, but there was a definite look in his eye that said, “Oh, yes? Tell that to

the Marines”. Which in fact is what I was going to be. With a bit of drastic surgery on the scarf, there was more than enough to cut in two and give one part to a comrade, I was kitted out and almost ready for action. But – no musket. So I could be the flag bearer, this was good because it was the simplest military task – even though I was likely to be a prime target for the enemy to shoot at. The Spanish and British

camps had been set up, tents and all, all very amicably, side by side in the Plaza de Espana, thankfully under the shade of the trees, and at eleven o’clock, the fun began. A cannon was fired over the pool, extremely loudly, to enthusiastic applause from the crowd. (British in the audience were noticeable by their absence.) Demonstrations were given during the day as to how to load a musket, the blacksmith of the camp was there doing his stuff, children were sword fighting and people were being photographed alongside the soldiers, a ‘monk’ held court to tell everyone exactly what the event was all about, soldiers were drilled and volunteers were encouraged to participate. People could also witness the mysteries of cartridges being made with gunpowder and paper for use that night. The cannon was loosed at twelve and then at one, again to great applause. To ginger up the spirits of the British soldiers, we were given something to drink. I’ve forgotten the ingredients but it was accurately called ‘firewater’ and it just about blew the top of my head off. In the afternoon there was a lull to allow the soldiers to have time to eat, then the cannon was fired at six o’clock, when there was entertainment by Tinerfeno folk musicians, singers and dancers. Canarian dancing is so genteel and courtly, it’s a delight to watch.

Photos courtesy of: Asociación Histórico-Cultural Gesta del 25 de julio de1797


As the evening drew in the atmosphere grew tense. The time for battle was approaching. The Spanish troops moved off to their places of deployment, followed by the British. As we marched we sang ‘Rule Britannia’ and in the absence of fifes and drums we whistled ‘The British Grenadier’, which, I’m proud to say, was my contribution to the proceedings. We assembled beside the fountain near the Museo de Naturaleza y el Hombre, the Spanish held the bridge over



offer the Canarians the privilege of becoming part of the British Empire, much as the Americans did when they offered the Hawaiians the opportunity to join the USA, thousands of miles away. Well anyway, retreating and fighting behind and in advance, we made it through the streets to the Plaza de Madera, where the Convent once stood to where the British had really retreated in 1797. This was the showdown, with hundreds of people to witness our humiliation. Singing a last

fully buttoned up, a black hat and a black neckerchief for good measure.); finally, 5, I had a thoroughly enjoyable day and I’d like to do it again next year. (Any volunteers?) The only slightly disappointing aspect was the lack of British support in the crowd. Perhaps the event wasn’t publicised sufficiently, or maybe we British are just too embarrassed that our national the Barranco de Santos with their cannon. We advanced on those Spanish peasants to take the bridge and their cannon fired on us, which was loud enough in that echoing space to scare the pants off some. Then musket fire was exchanged and - by Gad - we were driven back! I mean, we made a tactical withdrawal. However, there was a cunning plan because we re-assembled in the Plaza Iglesia and advanced to the calle of Dominguez Alfonso in front of the church, but the Spanish cannon that were still on the bridge were turned around to fire on us again and we had to withdraw further up the street. Then – Demmit – the Spanish were behind us as well, so we were fighting on two fronts and the musket fire was heartstopping as it echoed around the narrow streets – all tremendously exciting for the assembled masses. The crowds of local people were cheering their troops – the mighty British were losing and were in retreat! There were shouts of ‘Go home British!’ and ‘Tenerife for the Spanish!’ I was offended. Honestly, it’s not as if we were Israelis taking our daily helping of land from the West Bank Palestinians; we were there to

gasp of ‘Rule Britannia’, and with cries of ‘Long Live King George!’ and ‘God save the King!’, which met with no response while every cough by a Spanish soldier received a cheer, we made a last stand on the steps of the theatre. Then, with our dead and wounded around us, we surrendered to the noble and ver y skilled Spanish commander general, Antonio Gutierrez. After signing away our dignity, our defeated army again had to run the gauntlet through the jeering crowds to the Iglesia de Concepcion, where we were dismissed – defeated and ashamed. Ho, hum. I learned several things about myself during the day: 1, I can carry a flag; 2, I can shout things; 3, I’m the world’s worst at marching - I was continually being hissed at by the sergeant major to keep back, go slower, march - left, right, etc.; 4, I - an unacclimatised Englishman can withstand the Tenerife temperatures for hours during the heat of the day in full militar y uniform (While people in the audience wore tee shirts and shorts and were sweating, we had to wear a shirt, a waistcoat, a thick red jacket, all of which had to be

hero actually lost a battle to a force where the majority of soldiers were just a bunch of local lads – Dad’s Army. So, on next year’s calendar, draw a ring around the nearest Saturday to July 25th and come along to the Plaza de Espana in Santa Cruz to cheer us on, and, who knows, with your rousing support we might change the course of history and WIN!

We would like to thanks Alastair for becoming part of a piece of our history and to the Asociación Histórico-Cultural Gesta del 25 de julio de1797 for organising the event and supplying us with some beautiful photographs.







Fatigue could be part of CFS


T’S estimated that around 250,000 people in the UK alone have CFS which is sometimes called “myalgic encephalopathy”. Encephalopathy means a condition that affects brain function. CFS is a serious condition that can cause long-term illness and disability but many people – particularly children and young people – improve over time. Anyone can get CFS, although it is more common in women than in men. It usually develops in the early 20s to mid-40s. Children can also be affected, usually between the ages of 13 and 15.

days off work to rest. Moderate: you may have reduced mobility and your symptoms can vary. You may also have disturbed sleep patterns and need to sleep in the afternoon. Severe: you are able to carry out minimal daily tasks, such as brushing your teeth, but you have significantly reduced mobility. You may also have difficulty concentrating.

How it affects quality of life Most cases of CFS are mild or moderate but up to one in four people with CFS have severe symptoms. These are defined as follows: Mild: you are able to care for yourself but may need

Why it happens It is not known exactly what causes CFS. Various theories have been suggested, including a viral infection, problems with the immune system, an imbalance of hormones and

psychiatric problems, such as stress and emotional trauma. Some people are thought to be more susceptible to the condition due to their genes, as the condition is more common in some families. More research is needed to confirm exactly what causes the condition. How it is diagnosed There are specific guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) about the diagnosis and management of CFS. NICE says that a diagnosis of CFS should be considered if you meet specific criteria regarding your fatigue (for example, it can’t be explained by other conditions) and if you have other symptoms too, such as sleeping problems or problems thinking and concentrating.

Quinsy, a rare but serious infection


and neck. If quinsy is suspected, you will be referred immediately to an ear, nose and throat specialist who will carry out further investigations. You may be admitted to hospital immediately if you have severe quinsy. It is important that quinsy is diagnosed and treated quickly to prevent the infection from spreading. If the abscess grows large enough, it can block your airways and cause breathing difficulties. Therefore, it is important treatment is started as soon as possible.

Treating quinsy

Antibiotics will be recommended to clear the infection and painkillers used to deal with any pain. Pus from the abscess may

How it is treated There is no cure for CFS, so treatment aims to reduce the symptoms. Everyone with CFS responds to treatment differently, so your treatment plan will be tailored to you. Some of the main treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a structured exercise programme called graded exercise therapy and/or medication to control pain, nausea and sleeping problems. Treatments such as these can help improve CFS in most cases, although some people do not make a full recovery. It is also likely there will be periods when symptoms get better or worse. using the same eating and drinking utensils. Maintain a high level of hygiene by washing your hands regularly with soap and hot water. Smoking could also possibly increase your risk of quinsy.

F someone told you they had quinsy, would you know what it is?

Also known as a peritonsillar abscess, it is a complication of tonsillitis that is left untreated. The abscess (collection of pus) forms between one of your tonsils and the wall of your throat. This can happen when an infection spreads from an infected tonsil to the surrounding area. Symptoms of quinsy can include a worsening sore throat, usually on one side, a high temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above, difficulty opening your mouth, pain when swallowing, difficulty swallowing, which may lead to drooling saliva, changes to your voice or difficulty speaking, bad breath, earache on the affected side, headache and feeling generally unwell and/or swelling around your face

The diagnosis can then be confirmed if these symptoms are experienced for several months.

need to be drained. This may involve having a minor surgical procedure carried out under anaesthetic in hospital.

Preventing tonsillitis

The best way to prevent tonsillitis is to avoid close contact with people who have the viral or bacterial infections that cause the condition. For example, do not share a toothbrush with someone who has tonsillitis and avoid

How common is quinsy? Quinsy is not common. This is because most people with tonsillitis have effective treatment early enough to prevent quinsy from developing. For every 100,000 people with a sore throat, 96 may develop quinsy. Quinsy most commonly occurs in teenagers and young adults. In England during 2011-12, around 7,000 people were admitted to hospital with quinsy.

When thirst might be more serious


EELING thirsty all the time and for no good reason isn’t normal and should be investigated by your doctor.

Normally, feeling thirsty is the brain’s way of warning that you’re dehydrated because you’re not drinking the amount of fluid your body needs. You can soon quench your thirst and restore the fluid balance in your body after having a drink. If thirst is excessive and persistent, it could be a sign of diabetes or another underlying health condition. Doctors often refer to abnormal thirst as ‘polydipsia’.

Points to consider It’s worth thinking about what you’ve been eating and drinking recently. Eating more salty or spicy foods than normal can cause a sudden increase in thirst. Thirst can also be caused by losing excessive amounts of water from the body. This can happen after intense exercise where water is lost through sweating or diarrhoea and vomiting. A dry mouth or excessive thirst can sometimes be a side effect of certain types of medication, such as antidepressants, antihistamines or diuretics (water tablets). These medicines can affect the salivary glands, leading to a reduction in the amount of saliva they produce. If a particular medicine is causing your dry mouth, it may be possible to change to a different medicine or reduce your dose. Speak to your GP about this. In women, feeling thirsty can also be one of the symptoms of pregnancy. This is because of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. You should see your GP if you feel thirsty all the time for no apparent reason or feel thirsty all of the time and you also have other symptoms, such as extreme tiredness (fatigue) or passing a lot of urine Your GP will probably carry out a blood glucose test to see whether you have diabetes. Diabetes clues As well as feeling thirsty, people with diabetes usually feel very tired and need to go to the toilet a lot, particularly at night. If you have diabetes, your body will be unable to break down glucose into energy. This is because either the body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin to move the glucose, or the insulin that is produced doesn’t work properly. Other causes of thirst There are also many other potential causes of a dry mouth or severe thirst. These include excessive bleeding, sickle cell anaemia (an inherited blood disorder), diabetic ketoacidosis a dangerous complication of diabetes caused by a lack of insulin in the body) or Sjogren’s syndrome , where the body’s immune system attacks glands that secrete fluid, such as the tear and saliva glands There is also a condition called psychogenic polydipsia where a person with a mental health condition, such as schizophrenia, drinks excessive amounts of water that can’t be excreted (got rid of) by the kidneys. Any condition that leads to dehydration will cause thirst. Hot weather and exercise It’s very important to drink plenty of water or other drinks (non-alcoholic) during hot weather and while exercising or doing other types of strenuous physical activity. Remember, you need to take on board extra fluid while exercising in hot conditions to avoid becoming dehydrated.





Artedental leads the way in bone regeneration



ONE regeneration is making great strides forward and the dental clinic Artedental has established in its practice the latest developments in the field of implantology. There are many people who, for various reasons, have lost some of their teeth. Traffic

accidents, an impact whilst playing sport, the state of maternity; all are common

Preventive hygiene for the visual function

These are elements of common sense:  In open sunlight, protect your eyes with brown/yellow tinted sunglasses filtering ultra/violet and infra-red rays.  Eat green vegetables, like broccoli, spinach, lettuce…  Eat red fruits, like blueberry, raspberry, strawberry…  Do regular physical exercises, like gym, walking, biking…  Avoid smoking.  Check your arterial tension.  Check your cholesterol levels. Dr. Saffiedine Oftalmología Playa de Las Américas www.drsaffiedine.com

reasons why people of all ages might need at some time in their life a dental implant. However, in these cases, and depending on the characteristics of the patient, implant experts often encounter cases where it is not possible to substitute the piece with a new part immediately. The time between the loss of our original piece until the time of going to see the dentist, together with the unique features of each person, may in some cases reduce the speed and effectiveness of the implant placement. These are situations in which the complications do not arise from the hand of the professional or the implant system but because of the capacity of our own jaw to be the receiver. Therefore, until now, a variety of techniques have been used, for example,

artificial chemical bone which would take approximately one year to reabsorb; animal bone, bones from cows bred exclusively for donations (options in which the composition is not the same and the proportion of collagen is not sufficient) or the bone itself. However, the advance of KometaBio laboratories in the study of I+D+I, developed by an expert in the matter from the French University of Nice, Dr. Lari Sapoznikov, has led to implantology becoming a faster, safer and more reliable option than ever before. The use of dentine for bone regeneration has only been used for just over five years in dental advancement. Today, Artedental is the only clinic in Canary Islands to have the necessary means to put it into practice and also to be the official distributor of the product for Spain. Thanks to this method, with the use of just one of our teeth and the fusion of our own plasma, implantology is capable of restoring our mouth however necessar y. In this for m, the components are the same, var ying only in quantities and thus achieving a result even tougher than the original bone. Once again in the Canaries, the clinic Artedental in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, leads the way in research and development progress.



Coping with that energy slump


ESEARCH has shown that the most common time for energy slumps is 2.16pm, when workers feel drained and unable to concentrate in the afternoon. Here are some tips to help you get back into the swing of things. Desk stretches Link your hands, push your arms out in front of you and then raise them above your head. Lift your shoulders up towards your ears and gently roll them backwards. Extend your legs in front of you and point and flex your toes. Hug your knees, one at a time, towards your chest. Before you reach for the chocolate bar or packet of crisps, try these energy boosters instead. Mid-afternoon snacks The energy boost of a sugary snack wears off quickly. Instead, have fresh fruit, dried fruit or nuts, which are a healthy and longlasting source of energy. If you must have chocolate, choose a few squares of good-quality plain chocolate. It contains less sugar and the richness means that you need less to feel satisfied. Stretches Hunching over a computer all day can leave you tired and aching. Make sure you’re sitting correctly at your desk. Take regular breaks, at least once an hour: get up, move around and stretch your legs. A few deep breaths and stretches will boost your circulation and help to wake you up. Drink water If you don’t drink enough water you’ll feel sleepy, be less able to concentrate, and you may get headaches. When you feel hungry you’re often actually thirsty. Don’t wait to feel thirsty to have a drink. Keep a filled bottle of water on your desk, so that you’re more likely to drink regularly, and can see if you’re drinking enough. Changing work focus When your work pile seems endless, it can be easy to lose enthusiasm and slip into an energy slump. Breaking your “to do” list into small, manageable tasks and taking a short break after each one will help you stay focused. Leave the simple jobs for early afternoon so that you don’t have to concentrate too hard.





WWW.TENERIFENEWS.ORG.ES occurred to me. Does Tenerife make enough of its most famous asset? I read your paper with interest when here on the island and back at home on line so I know all about diversification and the desire to do something

different here. We also go a lot to Spain and love Puerto Banus where one of the attractions is a restuarant on board a boat in the harbour. It doesn’t sail anywhere. It is static.

Wouldn’t this be something nice for Tenerife or are there too many obstacles in the way regarding permissions? Also, the island doesn’t seem to have many regattas or sailing events or competitions. Isn’t this

We welcome Letters to the Editor, which must be exclusive to Tenerife News. For the purposes of verification, please include your home address and telephone number. Please cite the page and edition for articles mentioned. Due to space limitations letters of 300 words or less are preferred. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject submissions. Copyright in letters and other materials sent to the publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the publisher and its licencees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic and other forms. Although we are unable to acknowledge letters we cannot publish, we value the views of all readers who take the time to send us their comments. Post your Letters to: The Editor, Tenerife News, Apartado de Correos nº54, 38390 Santa Úrsula E-mail: info@tenerifenews.com

Thankyou to 1-1-2 Dear Madam Through your paper, could I say a big thank you to the 1-1-2 emergency service and ambulance crew for their recent help when my husband had a heart attack whilst here on holiday. The operator immediately put us through to someone who spoke English and she was very helpful and comforting and so were the ambulance staff. I am glad to say my husband has made a good recovery and

we are now back in the UK but just wanted to put our thanks down on paper through your excellent paper. J and G Roberts Cheshire

Parking issue at market site More water events needed Dear Editor I am writing this letter from our holiday apartment which overlooks the sparkling blue sea and this suddenly

Dear Editor As regular visitors to Tenerife, we were surprised to find that the Los Cristianos market had moved from its orignal site to just up the road. We like the new location. It is much nicer to walk around, you don’t feel so claustrophobic and the area is greener and prettier. One thing we would like to point out, however. The big vans which the traders use for transporting their goods are parked on the other carriage-way and because of the way the parking zones are designed, the backs of the vans stick out. If you have a van park on each

something the councils could look into? We would love to see these things and would give our support and we are sure others would too. Logan family Tenerife/ Shropshire

side, there isn’t that much room for a passing car to get by and we have seen some near misses as vans reverse, either nearly into a car or into a pedestrian crossing the street. We fear there is going to be an accident soon. It’s not even possible for vans to reverse into the slots so they are facing towards the road when they leave or at least we don’t think so. We know there was always congestion on the other road during the Sunday market so from the point of view of traffic and parking, neither site seems ideal. Could we also say how daft it is that the camper vans have been moved off the waste ground near Iceland in Los Cristianos to around the corner where they can stay for three days? We are not surprised residents of the lovely flats in this area are incensed. They are an eyesore here and were better off at the original place which is waste ground which now stands empty.Just bonkers! Taylor family. Visitors, Los Cristianos





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HOUSE for rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lovely sea views. Romantica I, Los Realejos. Tel.: 619 73 25 46 / 922 36 40 50




APARTMENT for long term rental, 2 bedrooms, sunny terrace, partly furnished. 350 euros. Tel: 922 30 01 09 (Only speak Spanish)

PUERTO DE LA CRUZ, La Paz. 2 bedroom apartment, 65sqm + 20sqm terrace. Completly renovated and furnished. Community pool. Long term rental. Tel.: 619 257 157 LOS CRISTIANOS Studio long term. 480€ per month BILLS INCLUDED Two month deposit.


LOS CRISTIANOS: centre. Cozy 1 bedroom apartment, short term rental, close to beach, furnished. 35 euros/ day incl. Contact: 666 166 058 OPPORTUNITY! Playa Americas studio for rent, well furnished and equipped, 100m to beach, beautiful view, community pool, parking, neat complex, all included, water – electric, rent: 470 euros/ month, sale: 75,000euros, please call 670 458 074 PLAYA AMÉRICAS studio for rent, fully furnished and equipped, central location, quiet area, close to beach. No finding fees, 430 euros per month, bills included. Call: 620 230 871 / 922 75 11 13


COTTAGE RENTAL. Candelaria. Beautiful 1 or 2 bedroom coutnry cottage, large terrace facing the ocean, communal pool, on a finca int he mountains just 1km from Candelaria. Not suitable for children or pets. Chris 670 609 359 PLAYA AMERICAS. 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for rent, central and very quiet location, close to beach. Well furnished and equipped. Available 2nd week December. No finding fees. 750 euros, incluiding bills. Call: 620 230 871 / 922 75 11 13 SUNNY 3 bed apartment Tabaiba Alta (5 mins German School, 10 mins Santa Cruz), 103 sq m, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, garden, large terrace with panoramic sea views, parquet floors, garage & store rooms, very small complex.. Tel. 686 798 367 / eoptenerife@gmail.com


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Quality second hand furniture and bric brac bought and sold. HIRE OF CAR SEATS, COTS, HIGH CHAIRS AND Z BEDS, REMOVALS AT THE LOWEST PRICES






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Canary, beautiful, French, postures, kisses, deep Greek. Available 24 hours. Tel.: 634 948 137 LOS CRISTIANOS

Patricia, blonde, big breasts, no limits. Available 24 hours. Home and hotel visits Tel.: 650 442 665 LOS CRISTIANOS

Any service with no limits, 24 hours a day. I wait for you in my private apartment. I also do home and hotel visits. Tel.: 602 383 409


SECTION Send your contacts advert through to : info@tenerifenews.com





Lucia, blonde, Colombian, I’m complete and I do all services without limits. Amalia Alayon Street. Tel.: 628 895 416 BEAUTIFUL

Sexy Italian young lady, big breasts, slim, waiting for you. I am not profesional, call me for an appointment. Erotic massage and more. Descreet. Hotel visit. Tel.: (0034) 671 868 681 Send your contacts advert through to : info@tenerifenews.com


Blonde, Colombian, attractive, sensual, complete, vicious, good body, threesome, Fetitxes, fantasies, playfull and erotic games. Tel.: 649 879 663 LAS AMERICAS

Send your contacts advert through to : info@tenerifenews.com LOS CRISTIANOS

Micaela, Mexican,beautiful, French, Greek, postures,. Available 24 hours. Tel.: 608 103 319 LOS CRISTIANOS

Patricia, blonde, big breasts, no limits. Available 24 hours. Home and hotel visits Tel.: 650 442 665 LOS CRISTIANOS

Canary, beautiful, French, postures, kisses, deep Greek. Available 24 hours. Tel.: 634 948 137

Blonde, Colombian, attractive, sensual, complete, vicious, good body, threesome, Fetitxes, fantasies, playfull and erotic games. Tel.: 649 879 663 LOS CRISTIANOS LOS CRISTIANOS

Monica, Latin, 24 years old, multiorgasmic, no limits. Available 24 hours. Tel.: 660 938 631 BEAUTIFUL

Sexy Italian young lady, big breasts, slim, waiting for you. I am not profesional, call me for an appointment. Erotic massage and more. Descreet. Hotel visit. Tel.: (0034) 671 868 681 LOS CRISTIANOS


Blonde, Spanish, 35 years. I wait for you in my private flat. 24 hours. Tel.: 626 087 584

Lucia, blonde, Colombian, I’m complete and I do all services without limits. Amalia Alayon Street. Tel.: 628 895 416


Any service with no limits, 24 hours a day. I wait for you in my private apartment. I also do home and hotel visits. Tel.: 602 383 409 LOS CRISTIANOS

Blonde, Spanish, 35 years. I wait for you in my private flat. 24 hours. Tel.: 626 087 584 LOS CRISTIANOS

Micaela, Mexican,beautiful, French, Greek, postures,. Available 24 hours. Tel.: 608 103 319 Send your contacts advert through to : info@tenerifenews.com

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CROSSWORD DOWN 1- Neighbor of Cambodia; 2- Electric fish; 3- Blue-pencil; 4- Gun, as an engine; 5- Seaport in N France; 6- Came down to earth; 7- Fleur-de-___; 8- Person’s individual speech pattern; 9- Clan symbol; 10- Continental identity of a Chinese person; 11- Desert bloomers; 12- Small child; 14- Lady of Spain; 22- Flow back; 24- Corker; 25- Boarded; 26- Parentheses, essentially; 27- Turkish titles; 28- Low-quality diamond; 29- Greek portico; 32- No longer young; 33- European capital, in song; 34- Tel ___; 35- Seward Peninsula city; 36- Terrible time?; 38- Not quickly forgotten; 39- Spheres; 42Pest control brand; 43- Period of five years; 45- Drowsy; 46- Part of UNLV; 47- Hoops; 48- Very, to Verdi; 49- Aquarium fish; 51- Winglike parts; 52- Baby carriage; 53- Dimensions; 54- Revenuers, for short; 55- City in Western Nevada; 58PBS benefactor; 60- Scooby-___;



ACROSS 1- Sly look; 5- Colombian city; 9- Diplomacy; 13- Yellow-fever mosquito; 15- Put ___ on it!; 16- Anthem opener; 17Martini garnish; 18- Actress Virna; 19- Bloodsucking parasitic arachnid; 20- Concorde, e.g.; 21- Trim; 23- Soap ingredient; 25- Mongolian desert; 26- Reunion attendees; 27- Soaks up; 30- Fam. member; 31- Must, informally; 32- Resident; 37- Buck follower; 38- “The Planets” composer; 40- Confess; 41- Norm; 43- A-one; 44- Young bear; 45- Arm coverings; 47- Conductors’ rods; 50- Narrow path for walkers, cars or ships; 51- Missing; 52- Nuisance; 53- Orch. section; 56Endure; 57- About, in memos; 59- Stop on ___; 61- Banned apple spray; 62- Type of tide; 63- Group of 12; 64- “East of Eden” director Kazan; 65- Malodorous; 66- Vintner’s prefix;



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s e m a J e n n A By

Don’t forget our quiz to be held on Wednesday 20th August at 2.00 p.m. in the library gardens. Afternoon tea is included in the price of 4 euros. We are also now taking bookings for our annual Garden Party, also to be held in the garden. The charge of 12 euros includes wine and soft drinks. Please book for these events at the treasurer’s desk. If this hot sunny weather continues - and why shouldn’t it? - don’t forget your sun-tan lotion and big floppy hat - although we have an abundance of parasols, there may be some errant rays escaping ! Visitors to the Island are always welcome to our events, places permitting. We can be found behind the British School in the Taoro Park, and our ‘phone number is 922 38 30 98 New DVD’s now available are Wainwright’s Walks, Coast to Coast - 190 miles across England with Julia Bradbury (DN 72C) Prime Suspect, series 6, ‘The Last Witness’ (DS 30L) and ‘The Smoke’ - a series about firemen set in the East End (DS 262)

Longbourn by Jo Baker

‘If Elizabeth Bennet had the washing of her own petticoats,’ Sarah thought, ‘she would be more careful not to tramp through muddy fields’. It is wash-day for the housemaids at Longbourn House, and Sarah’s hands are chapped and raw. Domestic life below stairs, ruled with a tender heart and an iron will by Mrs Hill the housekeeper, is about to be disturbed by the arrival of a new footman, bearing secrets and the scent of the sea. (A fascinating insight into the harsh working conditions of life in a grand house two hundred years ago)

Balancing Act by Joanna Trollope

Susie Moran is a success. She founded and runs her own pottery

comany, and now her three daughters are all involved in what has become a highly profitable family business. Susie is justly proud of her family and her achievement - and has no intention of letting things change. But nothing can stay the same forever. Susie’s daughters find themselves increasingly at odds with their wonderful, creative, determined mother. And when Susie’s estranged father arrives to build bridges with a family he has never known, their lives are turned upside-down Everthing is changing and Susie’s world will never be the same again. In wanting to preserve her business, will she lose something more precious?

The Hanging by Lotte and Soren Hammer


Life After Life by Kate Atkinson What if you had the chance to live your life again and again, until you finally got it right? During a snowstorm in England in 1910, a baby is born and dies before she can take her first breath. During a snowstorm in England in 1910, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. What if there were second chances? And third chances? In fact an infinite number of chances to live yor life? Would you eventually be able to save the world from its own inevitable destiny? And would you even want to ?

The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon by Alexander McCall Smith

LEISURE YOUR HOROSCOPE WWW.ASTROLOGY-ONLINE.COM ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You will be relentless when it comes to getting yourself back into shape. You will do well with clients today. Be careful that you don’t overextend yourself.

TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people’s money or possessions today. Romantic opportunities are evident. Do not let them blow situations out of proportion.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You will be on the rampage today. Favors will be offered readily. Residential moves are evident.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) Take a look at the possibilities of starting a small part time business with friends or relatives. This will not be the best day to initiate change. You will be full of good ideas, and your choice of activities may bring you enrichment far beyond your expectations. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) A second chance will result in good work. You can make career changes that may put you in a much higher earning bracket. You may want to take a look at the personal papers of elders in your family. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Don’t take your frustrations out on the ones you love. The talk you have may be eye-opening with regard to your present situation. New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You can write beautiful love letters today. Build on friendship rather than starting out in an intimate encounter. You may be admired by colleagues and employers for your diplomatic way of handling your work and those you work with. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You will find the excitement gratifying. Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers. You will be emotional about family matters.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Exercise your talents and present your ideas to groups you think you can contribute to. Don’t be too critical. Upgrading at this point is not a bad plan.

(This the first in an explosive new 6 part Scandinavian crime series and an international bestseller) On a cold Monday morning before school begins, two children make a gruesome discovery. Hanging from the roof of the school gymnasium are the bodies of five naked and heavily disfigured men. Detective Chief Superintendent Konrad Simonsen and his team from the murder squad in Copenhagen are called in to investigate this horrific case. When the identities of the five victims and the disturbing link between them is leaked to the press, the sinister motivation behind the killings quickly becomes apparent to the police. Up against a building vigilante internet campaign, and even members of his own team, Simonsen finds that he must battle public opinion in order to catch the

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

There are joyful tidings at the No.1 Ladies’Detective Agency with the arrival of Mma Makutsi’s baby.However, while her assistant is busy with motherhood, Mma Ramotswe must tackle tea-making and detective work alone. Wellknown troublemaker Violet Sephotho may or may not be behind a smear campaign against the Minor Adhustment Beauty Salon, and a dispute over the will of a local dignitary points to a shocking family secret. But the agency is resilient, adaptable and open to useful lessons - in particular, that our enemies and allies are not always obvious.

Your partner’s a little jumpy. Try to include friends and relatives in your activities. You are best to listen for the time being.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Get together with friends and do something entertaining but not too expensive. Strong willpower will come to your rescue. Travel in pursuit of pleasure and knowledge. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Your philanthropic contributions will bring you praise. Compromise if you have to, to avoid verbal battles. You are best to listen for the time being.




Fiat 500L goes star Trekking


IAT added a new flagship model to its 500L range last September and it was a star attraction during my time with it.

speed smartly enough with a zero to 62mph time of 12 seconds and was punchy moving up through the slick sixspeed manual gearbox and is capable of reaching 109mph. Impressive fuel economy figures of 60.1mpg combined, 68.9mpg extra urban and 50.4mpg urban are achieved thanks to Fiat’s MultiJet II technology and stop/start feature. The 1.6 engine is proving popular since being introduced into the 500L range with 20 per cent of buyers opting for it. Prices start at £17,095 and the high level of standard

The 500L Trekking has a galaxy of top features, not least its sporty yet rugged appearance. It stands out from other 500L models with its speciallydesigned bumpers, underbody protection shields front and rear, diamond-finish alloy wheels, and satin-finish inserts on the bumpers, side mouldings and door handles. A further clue to the Trekking’s off-road potential is its raised ride height and mud and snow all-season tyres.

It doesn’t have full 4x4 ability but is more than capable of traveling on some rough country roads and tricky terrain thanks to Traction+. This is easily activated by pressing a button in front of the gear lever and transfers grip between the right and left sides, allowing the Trekking to travel in conditions other two-wheel drive cars wouldn’t be capable of. The test car – a top-of-therange £19,590-priced 1.6 MultiJet 105bhp – arrived in shining Opera Red, one of seven new body colours for Trekking. Interior space is the same as other 500L models – surprisingly roomy and able to squeeze three adults into the back seat

Importance of transferring a car from your name


HEN you sell your car either privately or to a showroom or garage it is vital that you ensure the car is transferred out of your name. There are numerous reasons why it is so important some more, obvious than others. If the car is not transferred then several issues can arise, as could be:  The new owner driving without insurance, an out of date ITV, etc. If this happens and the police carry out a routine check or an accident occurs an automatic fine is issue to the registered keeper, who if the car has not been transferred is the seller.  Fines can mount up on the car for parking offences or speeding fines and again the registered keeper would be notified and held accountable of said fines. If you didn´t receive the notifications and subsequently didn´t pay the fines then an embargo could be levied on your bank account and/or car and property so as to ensure the government get the money. The new owner could drive the car without a valid licence and be stopped by the police who would in turn tow the car to compound. Fines would then accrue for storage and the grua in the name of the registered keeper.

for short journeys. Boot capacity is decent at 400 litres, extending to a 1,310 litres flat loading area when the 60/40 split rear seats are folded. Fiat has upped the quality in its bright interior and I found the driving seat particularly comfortable. I didn’t venture off the tarmac and felt the Trekking’s on-road behaviour was pretty decent despite its raised height. There is a choice of two petrol and two diesel engines with the 1.6-litre diesel unit in the test car well up to the task. It’s not a model for racing off the blocks but picks up

equipment – also on other 500L models – includes air conditioning, five-inch touchscreen radio with Bluetooth and cruise control. Trekking gets other items, including dark tinted widows, rear parking sensors, and for the first time fitted as standard in a Fiat – city brake control which is designed to prevent low-speed collisions in traffic. This system operates at speeds between three and 19mph, detecting a frontal collision and applying the brakes if there is no action from the driver. Also standard is Uconnect ‘infotainment’ platform – a multi-function system using the five-inch turchscreen. It is also available with optional digital radio and includes functions with the ability to connect media players and mobile or smartphones – enabling hands-free access. One of the options on the test car was a superb Beats Audio hi-fi system and subwoofer, priced at £600. The Trekking has many top features, not the least its looks and smart, quality interior, and could be a real star for Fiat.

The best way to stop this from happening is to make sure the transfer is completed yourself, either by paying for it or accompanying the new owner to a gestoria or legal registered business that carries out transfers on other people’s behalves and placing all relevant documents with them. In most cases the person carrying out the transfer would be more than happy to provide a copy of the paperwork in the new owners name for any future refence. If you cannot ensure the transfer is completed then at the very least you need to obtain a signed contract of salepurchase and a photocopy of the buyer’s passport and NIE/Residencia or DNI. This could help you if any of the situations mentioned above arise, however it could be a costly process, so the best thing to do is ensure the car is transferred. This should occur regardless of how well you know the person you are selling to even if they are family and any future sale of the car would likely be untraceable to you the registered keeper leaving you in the dark or very difficult situation. If you have any questions please email emma@motorworldtenerife.com

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. My Ford Focus 1.6tdci 2005 frequently turns over very slowly, and often won’t start, when the engine is hot after driving for 30 minutes or more. Voltage at the terminals drops from 13.5v to 9v or less when cranking. However, it always starts readily when cold (within a couple of seconds) and can then be turned off and restarted several times without hesitation. When symptoms first appeared intermittently a few weeks ago, I had the battery (3+ years old) and charging tested with the engine hot - all was reported OK. Unfortunately there were no symptoms on that occasion. So which is more likely - bad battery and bad battery test, or lazy starter motor when hot?

A. It could be any or all of the above problems. You need to find somewhere that can actually carry out accurate tests on the battery, starting and charge systems. I doubt if any of the quick fix places are capable.

Please email your questions to graham@motorworldtenerife.com







Great driving and thrilling viewing Countdown to 2015 Walking Festival


ENERIFE Walking Festival will take place from March 10th to March 14th, 2015 and great interest is already being show.


Lauren García and Antonio Gorrín were the winners of the Guia de Isora event which earns points for the Mountain Championships of Tenerife. The test took place along the TF-463 with a great response from the public and some stunning cars and racing. Lauren García (Speed Car) came home in a time of 3.11:049, her second victory and a personal best, with

Pedro Javier Afonso (Silver Car S2) in second and Fran Suárez (BRC B49) in third in the sports cars’ section. In the touring cars, there was a great tussle between Antonio Gorrín (Citröen C2 Super 1600) and second placed Juan Carlos Rodríguez (Fiat Uno turbo). Goyo González Mora (Citröen Saxo Kit Car) was third. Winners in these and the other categories received

Pics by Gerard Zenou

HE fifth edition of the Guia de Isora rally climb proved a spectacular event for competitors and spectators alike.

their prizes from Walter Delgado, president of Escudería Isora Motorsport

who thanked ever yone involved for making the event such a success.

This is an open event for registered hikers from all over Europe, combining different types of hikes and trails and original supplementar y activities. A great event to be enjoyed with your usual hiking group, with your family and children or even on your own. Apart from hiking, the festival will let you share your experiences at the partici-

pants’ meeting point. Tenerife Walking Festival is organised by Tenerife Cabildo through Turismo de Tenerife, the European Ramblers’ Association (ERA), Federación Española de Deporte, Montaña de Escalada (Spanish Mountain Sports and Climbing Federation, FEDME) and FECAMON (Canar y Islands Mountaineering Federation).

If you would like to find out more, see www.tenerifewalkingfestival.com which is available in English.

Tegueste promotes “greener” sport


New pool makes it two for Granadilla


HE official opening of a new swimming pool in the centre of Granadilla has been hailed as a “promise fulfilled”.

President of Tenerife Cabildo, Carlos Alonso and Mayor, Jaime González Cejas were among the guests who attended the inauguration of the much-anticipated facility at Los Hinojeros sports centre. It represents an investment of 2.3 million euros, with 804,000 euros from the Cabildo, 268,000 euros from the council and about 1.2 million euros from the concession holder.

Three athletes are guests of honour


OS Realejos council has paid homage to members of the Realejos Athletics Club and its three veteran national medallists.

Deputy Mayor, Adolfo González and councillor for sport, Benito Dévora hosted a reception at which guests of honour were Miguel Hernández Hernández, Pedro García Estévez and Antonio Martínez Serrano who achieved special municipal distinctions. They were all medal winners at the last Championships of Spain for Veteran Athletics. They and other representatives of the club were presented with commemorative plaques. Miguel won a bronze in the 200 and 400 metres in the M80 category, Pedro scooped the gold in the 3,000 metres steeplechase in M50 and Antonio achieved gold and silver in the M35 in the weights. Sr. González thanked the sportsmen for being ambassadors for Los Realejos which had been the birth-place for many great athletes and had also hosted many major championships.

The Mayor said the project represented the culmination of a long-standing demand from Granadilla. It meant the municipality now had two sports centres with first-class pools, the other one being in San Isidro. The 25m heated pool will host various activities and classes for all ages and complements the other facilities at the sports centre. There is also a large parking area.


EGUESTE is leading the way by hitting home a “go green” message to sports clubs in the muncipality.

The local council is also to practise what it preaches by looking at a range of energy-saving initiatives at its sports centres and facilities. The aim is to make sport more sustainable and encourage clubs and individuals to look at aspects such as how they travel to fixtures (could they perhaps use bikes or share vehicles?), recycing, water usage, waste reduction, recycling and so on. The council is working with all the sports clubs, including Canary wrestling, football, basketball, athletics and bowls. The campaign will include lectures, leaflets and information in the hope that local people will become more aware of the environment and its care.








Better facilities Mountaineers fly the flag for Guimar at San Juan de T la Rambla WO intrepid mountaineers are to take the name of Guimar to the top of the world.

Geographer Manuel Alonso and Adrián Escohotado, both members of the Club Maján of Guimar, will be in the Karakorum mountains in Pakistan this month for an adventure through the valleys of Hunza and Shimshal. The latter is a hidden gem off the tourist trail which connects the Shimsal Pass with north Pakistan along an ancient silk road. Sports councillor for Guimar council, Pedro Daniel Pérez wished them well with their new challenge and for flying the flag for the municipality. The club has a long list of conquests under its belt, including climbs in the Alps, in the Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada. Last February, three of its members organised an expedition to Kilimanjaro. Club Maján consists of a group of friends who love mountain climbing and also promotes other sports such as trekking, canyoning and rock climbing.



series of improvements are to be carried out to sports facilities in San Juan de la Rambla.

Work has just been completed on various repairs to the sports centre Las Aguas, including reinforcement of the security fencing, painting, new court lines and replacement of the basketball hoops and soccer goal nets. Lighting has also been improved. One of the first events held at the sports centre following

completion was the traditional football tournament as part of the fiestas in honour of La Cruz and San Pedro. The rolling programme has since moved on to the sports centre of San Juan where surfaces will be improved, defects corrected, walls painted and water and electricity facilities revised.

New-look for first time in 15 years

Works at sports centre


series of improvements have been carried out at the sports centre of San Agustín in Los Realejos.

Repairs to fencing, repainting, new nets for the goals and replastering have all taken place to improve facilities for users. The company responsibe for the gym equipment is also to carry out extra supervision and improvements.


OUNG soccer players at Guia de Isora have a new-look kit for the first time in 15 years.

More than 200 children have enrolled in the Municipal Football School for the 2014-2015 season beginning in September. Their new tops are modern and updated and include the coat of arms of the municipality. Mainly, however, the usual colours have been kept. Councillor for sport, José Rivero said the new kit had represented a municipal investment of 5,000 euros. The school has been improving and expanding in recent years to cater for more age groups from four upwards and there are special courses, including for goal-keeping, and summer camps. There are now 15 teams.






El Chio pleads again for artificial turf


soccer club in Guia de Isora feels it is receiving unfair treatment amidst a long-standing call for artificial turf.

“El Chio” is asking Tenerife Cabildo to make this project a priority as there was a site inspection in June 2013 but nothing has been heard since. The management committee says the Guia club is one of only two in the south which does not have artificial turf, the other being El Roque in San Miguel. However, they were disappointed to learn recently that the latter was to get the facility after all, even though it was alleged there was no

money to do so. The project would cost about 370,000 euros and is seen as an absolute must for the club which returned to competitive action in 2010-2011. The committee says it is not fair for the club not to enjoy the same facilities as other clubs in the south and that thre is a bias towards investment elsewhere. The plea for action is being backed by the Mayor, Pedro Martín.

Combat continues as Belgium approaches



T’S gearing up for a very exciting Belgian Grand Prix on August 24th with team-mates Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton still locked in combat. Hamilton has revealed to the official Formula One website that he was “very shocked” that Mercedes has asked him to move aside and let Rosberg through at the Hungaroring. The Briton had moved ahead of Rosberg, who started from pole, after the second round of pit stops, but the two drivers were on differing strategies: Hamilton had switched to the medium compound and was set to run until the finish, while Rosberg was on the softs and needed to stop again. Mercedes asked Hamilton to move aside for Rosberg, but the Briton declined and after finishing the race in third, 0.5s ahead of the German, he explained why. “I was in the same race as him - just because he had one more stop than me doesn’t mean I wasn’t in the same race as him,” Hamilton said. “And naturally if I’d have let him past, he would have had the opportunity to pull away and when he does pit, he’s going to come back and

overtake me, so I was very, very shocked that the team would ask me to do that, to be able to better his position. “He didn’t get close enough to overtake but I was never going to lift off and lose ground to Fernando [Alonso] or Daniel [Ricciardo] to enable him [Nico] to have a better race. So that was a bit strange.” Toto Wolff, Mercedes-Benz’s head of motorsport, said that the team will review the decision to ask Hamilton to let Rosberg by, adding: “We will do this calmly and work our

way through any confusion or misunderstanding. There were so many things influencing the decisions we made and we must still determine whether we were right or not.” Hamilton said: “I can’t express to you the pain that you feel when you have issues such as the issues that I’ve had in the last couple of races. “It’s very, very difficult to swallow, and, to come back the next day and get the right balance between not attacking too much, and not making mistakes, all these different things…obviously when you’re at the back you’re having to push way past the limit than perhaps you would from pole position or in the top

five. “The fact that I’ve managed to come back through obviously is a showing of just how great this car is and how great this team is - but ultimately we’ve worked, I’ve worked, hard for it so it feels probably better than perhaps a win, gliding from the lead. “It feels definitely much more satisfying when you come back through. And, as I said, to be ahead and to win the fight is really encouraging.” As a result of finishing third, Hamilton has cut Rosberg’s championship lead to just 11 points - the duo on 202 and 191 points respectively. Race winner Daniel Ricciardo is third on 131.

1 Nico Rosberg




2 Lewis Hamilton




3 Daniel Ricciardo


Red Bull Racing-Renault


4 Fernando Alonso




5 Valtteri Bottas




6 Sebastian Vettel


Red Bull Racing-Renault


7 Nico Hulkenberg


Force India-Mercedes


8 Jenson Button




9 Felipe Massa




10 Kevin Magnussen




Tennis champions at Jardin Tecina



HE 29th edition of a tennis tournament once again proved a great success on La Gomera.

The Hotel Jardín Tecina - Goodrive Canarias annual competition was organised by Humberto Sapere and included various categories for men and women. In the ladies, the winners were Ana López and Olga Sánchez, with Begoña González and Lorena Gallardo the runners-up. In the mixed doubles, Sara Capote and Adolfo Sosa gained the title at their second attempt, regulating Celia Rodríguez and José A. País to the runners-up slot. In the men’s category, Antonio Fuentes and Ivo Sicilia were crowned champions in the final against David Serna and Juanjo Fernández. Sports group Goodrive continue their competitions at the Hotel Jardin Tecina on August 29th, 30th and 31st with padel and tennis for adults and children. Further information is available on eventos@goodrive.es

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