Edition 518

Page 1

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Tribute to Austin G. Baillon


PAGES 22 - 23

PAGES 29 - 36


Doctors threaten walk-out


HE health service in Tenerife and the Canary Islands is said once again to be in total disarray with medical staff threatening strikes.


Photo from OAFAR archive, author Jesús de Sousa

ET set to go back to the future! It’s time to enjoy all the main attractions of the 2015 Santa Cruz Carnival and a massive crowd is expected. The colourful programme has already started with children taking part in the competitions for musical and dance groups but the big events are nearing ever closer. This year’s Carnival is on the theme of “The Future” and there will be spectacular costumes and performances,

together with the massive procession which is second in the world only to Rio de Janiero. The Carnival Queen will be chosen on February 11th, there will be a day Carnival on February 15th and again on the 21st but the main “Coso” is on February 17th, followed by the

Burial of the Sardines on the 18th. There are numerous events in between - details are on www.carnavaldetenerife.com Entrants are also invited for “Carnival Running” on Valentine’s Day, with all members of the family being invited to take part in the five mile route, hopefully wearing fancy dress. Organisers are once again putting a major security plan into operation to ensure people’s safety.

The Canary Government last week narrowly averted a walk-out by doctors who said they were totally fed-up with working conditions and what they describe as “broken promises”. They only called off their threat after agreeing to wait two more weeks so further talks could take place on the key issues. These include the request of the Government for medical staff to work an extra half an hour each day without pay to try and catch up on a backlog of patients waiting for specialist appointments and operations. The conflict has been in the news again at the same time as reports of continued problems at Tenerife’s hospitals where the urgency department is said to be bursting at the seams. National papers have been reporting that at the end of the day, up to 70 patients have not been seen in the emergency

department and stretchers are once again being put in corridors. It is alleged that if there are no stretchers there on one particular day, it is only because they have been put elsewhere “out of sight”. The Ministry of Health of the Canary Government managed to negotiate the truce with doctors following an emergeny meeting with officials of the Medical Associatin in both provinces. Staff say they have been unhappy for months over various problems, including the blocking of careers and non-recruitment. They say emergency departments are totally overwhelmed although the Government promises it is trying to rectify the matter with new shift patterns. In addition, it is prepared to negogiate with private clinics to help prevent bed blocking and cancellation of operations. However, unions are very unhappy about the delays in the

full opening of the north and south hospitals in Tenerife and say they cannot yet see an end to the problems. The Canary Government says it is willing to talk and negotiate and to look at solving issues, as well as reviewing staffing. Meantime, unions at the University Hospital of Candelaria in Santa Cruz say the emergency situation has been unbearable since December. They say operations are being suspended to make more beds available but as soon as ten are vacated, ten are filled up again. Staff are said to be working under unacceptable enormous pressure and are at breaking point. They too want an urgent solution. What do you think of the health service in the Canaries? Is it at breaking point? Has your operation been cancelled or have you been left on a stretcher in a corridor? We would welcome your letters for a health special in our next edition so please send us an email at info@tenerifenews.org.es






































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Cabildo presses for second terminal at south airport


HE Tenerife Cabildo is urging the airport authority, AENA to plan now for a fully operational second terminal by early 2017.

“Keep on renovating”, urges Canary president



HE Canary Islands must continue to renovate and update tourist accommodation as part of its plans to remain competitive.

President, Paulino Rivero said the archipelago had done really well to survive the crisis and to create a strong and competitive tourism industry. In 2009, there were 10.2 million visitors to the Canaries and five years later, in 2014, 12.9 million people chose to come to the archipelago. Sr. Rivero said the strategies adopted had been the right ones and “our tourism industry is experiencing the best time in history.” Nevertheless, it was essential to keep this trend going and that meant

providing better accomodation through rehabilitation, with continued private-public partnerships. The Canary president made his comments in his personal blog where he also praised diversification projects and the opening up of new air routes. Tourism, he said, was the main industry of the island and one to which more attention should be paid. “Things have gone well in recent years but it is essential to deepen this policy so millions of visitors know they can count on the Canary Islands to spend your holidays,” he said.

Last year, the south airport recorded its highest level of passengers in the last 13 years, dealing with 9,176,274 people, an increase of 5.5 per cent. This surpassed the 9,111,065 users notched up in 2001. As far as Spain was concerned, Tenerife south was seventh on the list for passenger numbers and the second busiest in the Canary Islands after Gando in Gran Canaria. All predictions suggest the south airport will get even busier and Tenerife Cabildo believes the current facilities will reach saturation point in the next five to six years.

President, Carlos Alonso said the Cabildo was doing a great deal of work to increase connectivity with new routes and the recovery of the domestic market. This is why they wanted AENA to start planning for the new terminal now as in other places, this could take up to seven years to implement and put into service. Sr. Alonso stressed they did not need a huge building, just something useful and practical to increase the floor surface. It is also being suggested that the airport should join the Trans-European Transport Network so that funds could be gained for the work.


Helicopter in two rescues hours apart


HE emergency helicopter was called out twice within a few hours to help hikers who got into difficulty on two separate islands.

The first incident happened at 5.25pm on January 24th when a 69-year-old woman, believed to be a tourist, needed help when walking in the Masca barranco in Tenerife. She was reported to be exhausted. The helicopter was able to land at a small docking area at the Masca shoreline whilst firefighters found the location of the woman. They then took her back to the helicopter and, after initial treatment, she was flown to hospital. Her condition was said not to be serious.

The second call-out occurred two hours ealier in Gran Canaria. A 64-year-old Norwegian man suffered health problems when walking along a trail in the Inagua area of La Aldea de San Nicolás. The man was located but because of the difficult terrain, the helicopter could not land and had to hover over the casualty whilst a crew member was lowered down to stretcher the walker back up. He was also taken to hospital but was not in a serious condition.





Woman Stew so traditional it is listed! suffers head injuries OROTAVA FIESTAS


OTORISTS and pedestrians were shocked when a young woman was involved in an accident with a bus in La Laguna.

The collision happened on the evening of January 24th in the area of La Cuesta. The 1-1-2 emergency control centre received a call that a 24-year-old woman had received head injuries and the police and Canar y


ENERIFE has all sorts of unusual traditions and if you make a trip to La Orotava, you will be able to sample one of the best, literally!

One of the highlights of the fiestas of La Florida in honour of San Antonio Abad is the cooking and serving of a traditional “puchero” or stew which is so historic that it is listed as of official tourism interest. The festivities began on January 23rd, with this 45th edition offering recreational activities, culture, religion, food and sports, all culminating on February 1st. There will be a wine competition at 5pm on January 29th, followed by a dane the following night when preparations for the stew begin. The biggest day is on Saturday, January 31st with the 45th Cattle Fair from 10am and then events all day, rounded off with the serving of the puchero, a firework display, procession, orchestra and dinner. This event attracts people from all over the island. The fiesta concludes on February 1st with the 34th pilgrimage of San Antonio Abad from 2pm with refreshments, street musicians, folk groups, decorated carts and fanfares.

Street renamed in special lady’s honour


98-year-old woman who helped to bring hundreds of babies into the world has received a local honour.

María Alayón Hernández used to be a midwife and in honour of her work, Arona Council has named a street in Las Galletas in her honour. Calle Barranquito, which is in the centre of the town, has been renamed calle María Alayón Hernández. The Mayor, Francisco José Niño presided over the special ceremony with other councillors and guests and, of course, the nonagenarian herself.

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Urgency Service went to the scene. The injured pedestrian was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital but fortunately, her injuries were described as not of a serious nature.







Science pledge begins with tourism exhibition


A Orotava has unveiled plans for a wide range of activities and events as part of its commitment to science.

The year ahead will see a varied programme, including a theatrical presentation, lectures, activity days, cultural and scientific routes and a monologue competition for secondary schools. The idea is to present science as educational, fun and entertaining through an organisation known as Fundoro, the Canary Orotava History of Science Foundation. As one of the first initiatives,

an exhibition on how tourism reached the Canary Islands is being held in the National Park of Teide interpretation centre which is situated in El Mayorazgo in La Orotova. Open until February 15th, it focuses on the era 1880 to 1930 and has 16 panels containing 130 old images, most of them never seen by the public before. The exhibition is open Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 2pm and from 4pm to 6pm.


Official opening of route to see the stars


RANADILLA has formally opened a new route to see the stars.

The “Granadilla Sideral” links the hamlet of Las Vegas with Pico de Guajara as part of the municipality’s Starlight programme. The astronomical project has been supported by Tenerife Cabildo, Teide National Park and Unesco. The route includes a number of information signs and runs through protected areas and lunar landscape, ending at the peak of Guajara where remains of the first mountain shelter in the world still remain. It was built in 1856 by scientists studying the stars. The 20,000 euros for the project was provided through European funds and is aimed at diversifying the tourism product in Granadilla.

Massive haul of hashish was destined for UK and Europe


HIS warehouse full of drugs, with row after row of seized marijuana, is the result of a two year investigation by police.

The massive haul was destined for the UK, France, Italy and the Netherlands but never made it, thanks to the arrest of 55 suspects and the discovery of nearly two million pounds in black money. Drug squad officers also seized seven guns, including automatic rifles, 52 cars, 200 mobile phones and 20 computers, as well as 30 fuel tanks for lorries and false number plates. The arrests were made in various parts of Spain, with the biggest find of 3,500 kilos of

hashish in Madrid but also in Malaga and Barcelona. Police said the gang was split into secret cells and was run by known criminals, some of them wanted for murder. “Each cell was unaware of the existence of the others or the identity of the ringleaders,” said a police spokesman. The drugs were smuggled out of Morocco, usually in yachts with false bottoms and then stored in Spanish warehouses before being couriered to Europe.

Strange case of sunbeds fire


OLICE in Santa Cruz continue to investigate the very strange case of a man who went to a popular beach and burnt 40 sunbeds and umbrellas. The incident happened in December 2014 at Las Teresitas and was discovered

Pensioner receives head injury


78-year-old man involved in a collision with a car in Adeje was taken to hospital with head injuries.

The accident happened in Calle Antonio Navarro at 5pm on January 23rd and led to the police being called out, as well as the Canary Urgency Service. The 1-1-2 control centre was told a pedestrian needed help after being hit by a car. The man was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital. Police said that barring complications, his condition was not serious.

by the owner early in the morning. A similar incident took place about 18 months ago. A 49-year-old man has now been arrested in connection with the latest offence. The sunbeds and umbrellas were stacked up when they were set on fire. Police say their investigations continue amid allegations that it was something to do with an inheritance.





Costa Adeje looks to recover Güímar aims domestic market for new sewage PLANS PROGRESS



UCCESSFUL Costa Adeje will not be resting on its laurels when a delegation attends the important International Travel Fair in Madrid.

The municipality remains at the top of Spain’s league table for occupancy rates and tourist profitability but is determined to keep on improving and to win back the Spanish tourism market. The Mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga will head the delegation who says they go to the event with optimism “because we believe we are an established destination but also a dynamic one.” The last year was an

Walkers found after losing way R

excellent one for Costa Adeje and was the most profitable municipality in Spain (87.8 euros on average per room compared to 49.8 in the country). There were two million visitors, seven per cent up. However, recovering the lost section of the domestic market is seen as very important to Costa Adeje and there will be meetings with airlines and tour operators in association with Tourism of Tenerife.


EPORTS of a group of German hikers having gone missing in the Teide National Park ended on a happy note.

One of the hikers called the 1-1-2 emergency control centre themselves after they strayed from the main path and got disorientated. Firefighters from San Miguel de Abona were called in, together with volunteers from Guia de Isora. They were joined by the Red Cross, National Park staff and the mountain rescue squad of the Civil Guard. All three walkers were found safe and well and only had to be redirected onto the proper trail.

treatment plant

Güímar council is aiming to build a sewage treatment plant and desalination plant that supplies the Valley


LANS by the company, Arllen Development have been presented to the island Water Board.

The Mayoress, Carmen Luisa Castro has pledged full support for the idea and there will be further meetings to discuss the way ahead. She commented: “The treatment plant located in the Valle de Guimar is not currently operational and is pouring directly into the sea, something that is aggravated by the existence of the industrial estate in the area.” President of Arllen Development, Pavol Matusik welcomed the interest shown by Güímar council and highlighted the possibilities of such facilities for the islands. Ivan Bidenko, engineer for the company Environment Comerce, which specialises in the construction of treatment and desalination plants, stressed that these facilities encompassed the latest technology and occupied an area ten times less than the conventional ones. The project was first announced last April and is a result of an agreement signed between Güímar council and Arllen Development which is interested in constructing the first geothermal plant in Spain in the municipality.







One project concludes, now for the Golden Mile


31,000 euro project to improve part of Playa de las Americas has come to fruition but one costing 5.1 million euros is soon to start.

Tenerife Cabildo has completed enhancements around the football stadium and president, Carlos Alonso was amongst a group of officials who visited the area to see the results for themselves. The aim was to improve the landscaping and greenery to provide a more attractive tourist space as part of ongoing plans. Sr. Alonso said projects such as this were “fundamental” to

Heroin found after police chase


WO men who ran away when stopped by the police in La Orotava during routine patrols were found to be in possession of drugs.

The two suspects, both aged 39, gave flight and one of them threw away a packet during the subsequent chase. It was later retrieved and found to contain about 47 grams of heroin. Both men were subsequently arrested.

keep the island competitive against other destinations. In the next few months, he announced that work should start on giving the most emblematic street in Playa de las Americas - the avenida or “Golden Mile” - a major new image. He said this would bring a substantial improvement to the route which links Adeje with Arona for the benefit of the thousands of tourists, residents and businesses in the area.

Santa Cruz sets up police security unit to help visitors

SUC visits schools in the south


ANTA Cruz is to be patrolled by a special security group as the city steps up safety for local residents and visitors.


CHOOL-CHILDREN in the south of Tenerife are being given the chance to pick up potentially life-saving skills.

The Canary Urgency Service is visiting schools over the next three months to give theory and practical classes to fifth and sixth graders. So far, 100 students from Playa San Juan and Guia de Isora

have participated in the training for youngsters aged ten to 12. The idea is to convey basic first aid techniques and how to deal with emergencies such as choking, burns, bleeding, wounds, fainting and sun stroke among others. The SUC also explains its work and the role of the 1-1-2 emergency control centre. In the coming weeks, the workshops will roll out to Arona and San Miguel.

Blaze in warehouse Cabo Blanco burglary


huge column of thick black smoke coming from premises in Santa Cruz led to an emergency call to the fire brigade.

Crews from the capital and La Laguna rushed to the Santa María del Mar area and found the blaze had started in back rooms of an abandoned warehouse where waste was

stored. Police and the Civil Guard also attended and the fire was extinguished. An investigation was also started to find out how it started.


WO residents of Cabo Blanco have been ar rested on suspicion of burglary.

They are accused of breaking into a property by forcing a window and stealing electronic equipment worth around 1,400 euros. Damage was also caused to the house. The two people arrested are aged 19 and 22.

Six police officers have been assigned to the new Tourist Protection unit (Prottur) and will mostly be patrolling the capital’s centre on foot. However, they also intend to use special electric bicyles and even motorcycles. The agents have received special training in various languages so can help foreign tourists in English, French, German, Russian, Italian and Portuguese. They will be out and about between the hours of 9.30am to 6pm and will have an office in the tourist information office in plaza de España. The Mayor, José Manuel Bermúdez has praised the collaboration between the city council and the Cabildo in the setting up of this new unit, devoted entirely to any incidents relating to visitors.

Cabildo president, Carlos Alonso said the launch was “ver y positive news” as Tenerife had always been known for its safety, a real advantage when compared to other destinations. The tourist information office will have security advice available in Spanish, English, German, French and Russian. This can be downloaded by mobiles and contains items of interest, safety recommendations, important telephone numbers and advice on what to do in the event of a theft or mishap. The new unit will also pay special attention to the arrival of cruise ship passengers. If any issue needs to be followed up, people would be taken to the police station for further help.





Cabildo to act over TF-5 traffic congestion


ENERIFE Cabildo has signalled its intention to do something about traffic congestion on the TF-5 in the north of the island but work will be prioritized. The original intention was to look at five different areas on the stretch between Guamasa and the University Hospital. Now, however, attention will focus on the access to Las Chumberas, around the Guajara business park and the connection to the south motorway. It is also hoped to create an access from the TF-5 northbound at the height of the old bus station at San Benito. Cabildo president, Carlos Alonso said it was better to concentrate on an area which

could benefit from traffic relief ie the area around the entrance to Via de Ronda and the entrance to the TF-2 and the commercial park. Technicians will now make a study to determine its viability and whether opening of the entrance to the old bus station would alleviate traffic density at the roundabout. If feasible, these would be short-term projects but no date has yet been given. Last week, motorists staged a demonstration on the TF-5 by sounding their car horns as a way of drawing attention to increasing congestion.

Three escape house fire


HREE people had to be taken to hospital after a fire in Las Galletas.

The alert was raised at just before 10.30pm on Januar y 22nd when an emergency call was made to 1-1-2Tenerife firemen went to the scene, together with the police,

Civil Guard and Canar y Urgency Service, and found the fire had started in the kitchen of a property in calle Luis Ă lvarez Cruz. Two women, aged 69 and 76, and a 64-year-old man all suffered mild smoke inhalation.

Opening up the views at Los Gigantes



major project costing 446,000 euros to open up the vista at Los Gigantes will prove a major benefit to visitors.

President of Tenerife Cabildo, Carlos Alonso recently visited works at the famous viewing point as it has contributed 30 per cent of the funding. The rest has come from the local council. The Mirador del Acantilado is in the area of La Hondura de Puerto de Santiago and the improvement works were awarded to the company Dragados. The project has included the installation of a handrail between calles La Hondura and Hibisco to calle Magnolia, together with adjacent car parking. Landscaping is being improved with more greenery, the pavement resurfaced and a pergola installed with shade so visitors can better enjoy the view through a glass panel. All involved in the project feel it is a substantial improvement at a very popular tourist attraction and improves on the lack of parking and accessibility.

Daughter’s disgust Man throws cat out of at necklace theft window


heart-broken woman has expressed her disgust after a gold necklace was stolen from her mother who had died in hospital.

The grieving daughter spoke to the Spanish press about the theft as a warning in case it should happen to other people visiting the Candelaria University Hospital in Santa Cruz. Her mother had been admitted with heart problems and later died but when her possessions were given to her daughter, the gold chain was missing. She said it was not of monetary value but hugely sentimental. The necklace, with a gold chain, showed Cristo de La Laguna on one side and the Virgen de Candelaria on the other. The theft was immediately reported to the police.


resident of La Laguna has been charged with animal cruelty after throwing a cat out of a win-


A passing motorist saw the incident happen in the area of La Cuesta and reported it to the police. The man is said to have thrown the cat from a third floor window on to the street where it died. The investigation was carried out by the police ecological unit.







Puerto and La Orotava collaborate over road scheme



IFTS and cards were the order of the day when a Charco del Pino resident celebrated her 100th birthday.

Irene Martín González, who lives with her grand-daughter, Juana, was congratulated by the Mayor of Granadilla, Jaime González Cejas and councillor for social services, Ana Esther Flores Ventura. The centenarian was joined by members of her family as she was wished many congratulations on her milestone achievement.

HE municipalities of La Orotava and Puerto de la Cruz are working on a joint collaboration to repair and improve Calle Río Duero.

This busy and important route is shared between both councils, leading to several residential areas and a school, but is in a bad state. Mayor of La Orotava, Francisco Linares and councillor for infrastructures, Narciso Pérez recently met with Puerto councillor for works, Ricardo Padrón on site to check the deficiencies. Puerto’s Mayor, Sandra Rodríguez said: “For months we have been working on different routes that need our attention. On this occasion, as it is a route between two

A milestone birthday

municipalities, we had to find a joint collaboration and are thankful for it.” As the road leads to a school, the works programme will take school hours into account to tr y and avoid disruption. Ricardo Padrón said there was “significant” deterioration on the road which needed new thick asphalting and irrigation. Puerto is currently undertaking various road improvements and the next on the list will be calles Tafuriaste, Juana Viera y Clavijo and Mecánico.


Festive traffic figures show a busier Santa Cruz


F you drove into Santa Cruz during the Christmas and New Year period and thought there were a lot of cars, you would be right!

Figures just produced by the traffic department show that a staggering 2,830,825 vehicles entered the city between December 10th and January 5th. This represents an increase of 5.78 per cent (154,644) over the same period of the 2013 season. The Traffic Control Room is able to count the number of cars with electronic counters at the entrances and exits to the city. Virtually every day of the Christmas season saw an increase in traffic, with a peak of 123,925 vehicles on December 10th. Conversely, the lowest amount was on January 1st when the number fell to just over 62,000 vehicles. The average number per day was 104,845. Most of the drivers used the TF-5 north highway to get into Santa Cruz (25 per cent of the total).




Latest Crimestoppers appeal: Granadilla police search for these two men cracks down on security after recent crimes


RANADILLA is tightening security in the municipality with new measures and night patrols by the police.


AVE you see either of these two men who are wanted by Merseyside Police? At least one of them might be in Spain.

Just recently, a wanted criminal was arrested in Tenerife so it is important that these appeals are circulated as widely as possible. Detectives want to speak to these men in connection with an on-going investigation into thefts from cash point machines across the North West and Central England. Both men, Adam Murphy and Andrew White, are wanted for conspiracy to cause explosions at cash machines and burglary of bank and shop premises between January 2013

and December 2013. Adam Murphy, 29, is described as being white of a medium build with short brown hair and blue eyes. His last known address is Waresley Crescent in Liverpool. Detectives believe Murphy may be in Scotland. Andrew White, 25, is described as being white of a medium build with fair hair and blue eyes. His last known address is Nyland Road in Huyton. White has links to Spain. As part of the same investigation, seven men were sentenced to more than 114 years last year. Anyone with information is asked to contact Merseyside Police on 0800 230 0600 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Safety councillor, Guacimara González said they were taking the action following a number of recent incidents. “Security is an absolute priority for the municipal government,” she stressed. An action plan is being launched, which together with the work of the police, will hopefully put an end to criminal events over the last week or so. It is realised that darkness gives thieves more cover so

patrols at night are being stepped up. The council says that despite economic cutbacks, it has managed to make improvements since 2011, including purchasing a new more modern fleet of police vehicles and manned stations. Members of the public have been asked to co-operate in this campaign and locally, the number of 092 can be dialled to make quicker contact with the police.







Two men held after dramatic bank robbery


OLICE have arrested two men following a dramatic bank robbery in Santa Cruz.

Customers feared for their lives after two masked men burst into the branch of la Caixa in la calle Azorín. Their faces were completely hidden and they were brandishing large knives. The robbers forced staff and customers to lie on the floor whilst they searched for money during the incident on January 2nd. The men got away with around 62,000 euros and made their escape in a vehicle

which was later found to have been stolen. Investigations have been ongoing since and police made the breakthrough last week when they arrested two men, aged 44 and 36. Both are residents of Santa Cruz. A search was made of their homes and items found included 37,000 euros, clothing and knives. The men have been charged with robbery and remanded in custody.


Traditional scenes as huge crowd, pets and animals celebrate San Sebastian


DEJE has celebrated another major part of its history with festivities in honour of San Sebastian, a saint still believed to be responsible for miracles.

The fiesta can trace its roots back to the early 18th century but time has not diminished the interest in the full programme of events. This included an exhibition on the history of San Sebastian, a gastronomic competition and an evening procession featuring musical bands. The highlight took place on January 20th when around 15,000 people gathered in the square and church of San Sebastian in La Caleta.

“Mr X” helps need families with surprise donation

This year, there appeared to be even more horse-riders and domestic animals who joined the parade through the streets to reach the beach of La Enramada. A huge crowd watched as the animals entered the sea before returning to the church for the symbolic blessing of the animals. The Mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga said they were delighted with the turnout to celebrate an important part of their history. “This traditional festival is undoubtedly one of the most important pilgrimages of this part of the island,” he said. Organisers said they were also pleased with new security arrangements and praised owners for looking after their pets.


Vicious comments posted on internet after PC’s death


number of people who posted vicious messages on the social network sites following the murder of a policeman will be paying the



AN Juan de la Rambla has a new “Mr X” after a very generous donation to help local families in need.

The local food bank has received an anonymous gift of 2,000 kilos of food, given by a local resident who wants to stay anonymous. He is therefore being known as the new “Mr X” as he follows in the footsteps of a local couple who donated 30 Christmas hampers in 2012 and were called “Mr and Mrs X”. The Mayor Tomás Mesa

said they had been ver y surprised by this latest donation which included nonperishable food items and canned meat and fish. He added: “I am proud to preside over a municipality with people as noble as this gentleman.” The local food bank is hugely important in the municipality as it regularly helps about 80 families.

On January 2nd, an officer who went up to a suspect on a railway platform in Madrid was pushed onto the tracks by his attacker who fell with him. The policeman suffered fatal injuries when he was run over by an approaching train but the his assailant survived and is recovering in hospital. On mainland Spain, several people were arrested for posting horrible comments on Facebook and Twitter. This crackdown was reflected in Tenerife where three youths were also

arrested on suspicion of being responsible for posting similar disparaging comments. National Police have a specialist unit which monitors all comments made on the social network sites. One of the men arrested is said to have tried to resist and brandished a knife at an officer so will face additional charges. Penalties for posting libellious or vicious comments on the social network range from a hefty fine to prison.






Plans unveiled for Major pet campaign welcomed marine station at as La Orotava plans a first El Médano L A Orotava has unveiled an ambitious new plan designed to make the municipality more dogfriendly but encouraging responsible ownership at the same time.


RANADILLA council has presented the draft of plans for a marine station at El Médano.

The department for urban environment and beach planning unveiled details to local companies engaged in water sports. The project affects the area specifically between the beaches of Leocadio Machado and Los Balos and follows discussions with all interested parties. Councillor in charge, Juan Rodríguez Bello said the aim was to regularise practice of these sea and air water sports, with security and other beach

users very much in mind. The Mayor, Jaime González Cejas said it had been a very complicated process because various authorities were involved but Granadilla council would be taking charge of management of the beach. Further meetings would now take place with regard to the proposed beach station. For this summer, the various zones available for water sports will be divided off using beacons.

The Mayor, Francisco Linares and health councillor, Yurena Luis hosted a presentation which was also attended by veterinary representative, Ana Cabrero. The intention is to create several dog parks, either in plazas or spaces which will be adapted for this purpose. The first is expected to take shape shortly and will be in the Mayorazgo district, specifically in plaza Miguel Hernández in the lower part of the zone. In the future, there will be other dog parks elsewhere in the municipality such as Carmenaty and La Luz amongst others. The park, the first of its kind in the north of Tenerife, will be fenced off and will feature various games for dogs to enjoy, as well as benches and a play area for children as the object is to show the whole family can walk and play. Councillors trust these properties will be well used by dog owners but they also agreed to encourage responsible ownership. The authority is also therefore promoting the dog census and the Pet ID card, TIM. Yurena Luis said the main purpose of the card was to provide support for identifying dogs and cats. The “credit card” design is easy to carry and contains information about insurance policy numbers, the microchip code and data of the owner. It also has a QR code which directs the owner to the municipal website with information about keeping pets. The card can be considered a symbol of responsibility - they are green for all types of animals and blue for those dogs on the potentially dangerous list. Ana Cabrero gave more details of the cards and explained the difference between it and the obligatory chip. The four veterinary clinics in the municipality are offering promotions in February, with 20 per cent discount on vaccines.

Registration in the municipal census of animals costs just 1.80 euros. The representative of the International Animal Shelter, Silvia Fest, also attended and appreciated the work done by the City of La Orotava in this area, and congratulated them on the sensitivity they had always shown.

Mobile phone app for Tegueste complaints



EGUESTE has pledged to take its “e-government” programme to another level by introducing a mobile phone app so residents can report incidents.

An agreement has been signed with FECAM, the Canary Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, and the city council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The app will be suitable for Android smartphones and tablets and will allow citizens to report damaged areas, abandoned street furniture or any problems in open spaces. “The launch of this application will bring the town hall closer to our residents,” said the Mayor, José Manuel Molina. Once it comes into operation, expected to be “soon”, the app can be downloaded from Google Play. Each incident will be reported with a description, picture and location, through geo-referencing. Egovernment Tegueste was launched in 2011 with the aim of bringing more electronic services to every day administration.

Man hurt at fair


HE emergency ser vices were called out to deal with an incident at the fair on the Puerto docks after a report that a man had fallen on one of the rides.

The 1-1-2 control centre received a call in the late afternoon, reporting that a man had been hurt. The police and Canar y Urgency Service went to the scene and found he had sustained an injury to a leg but not of a serious nature. He was given treatment before being taken to hospital.






Update from Accion del Sol


NCE again, a new year begins at the refuge, unfortunately with a very sad story.

Four puppies were put in a plastic bag and dumped in bins. Only one puppy survived, her three brothers didn’t. Such sad and cruel cases are still very much part of our day to day running of the refuge. We also have the usual influx of unwanted dogs and puppies given as Christmas presents so if you are thinking of adopting a dog please come and visit us. We are also in desperate need of towels, sheets, blankets , puppy milk , leads , collars and dog toys , so please contact us on the number below if you can help in any way. Our next fund raising event will be at the refuge on the 9th of May and the theme is spring flowers, pets and children. Please take a photo of your pet or child with flowers and submit it to teneriffa@aktiontier.org where they will be

All Saints Church


printed out and displayed. The best three winning pictures will be awarded prizes at the spring event. You are welcome to submit as many pictures as you like. Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in any way or maybe you have some spare time and would like to walk some of the many dogs at the refuge. That would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday , Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00 . The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holiday.


LL Saints held an Epiphany Brunch at the Monasterio on January 11th. Fifty seven people joined together and enjoyed a superbbrunch in beautiful surroundings. A great start to the New Year.

Two of our dog walkers

On Sunday February 1st at 11am All Saints Church will be holding its annual Candlemas Service during which candles will be blessed in celebration to Jesús being the light of the world. Dont forget first Car Boot of the new year which will be held on February 7th in the Church grounds commencing at 11.30 am. Come along and enjoy a great day out. The dates for the successive Car Boots upto and including June are as follows, March 7th , April 11th please note this is a week later than the usual first Saturday of the month due to Easter, May 2nd and June 6th.

The monthly Inter Quiz will take place on February 10th and will be hosted by The Wednesday Group of Friends starting at 7pm in the Church grounds. On Friday February 27th All Saints Church will be holding a Mardi Gras. Dress code “Anything goes” If you would like to come along and enjoy the fun please phone Wendy on 922320978 As All Saints Church is currently in an Interrugnum our Locum Priest until March 23rd is Revd Ian Eglin. Revd Ian can be reached by phoning the Parsonage on 922384038 or mobile 619847598.

Live Arico Pets Animal Welfare Supporters (PAWS) DOG OF THE WEEK - OSCAR Looking for a small, cute, fluffy handbag dog? Then Oscar is probably not for you. However, a true dog lover knows that looks are not so important when it comes to choosing your canine companion. Oscar is 6 years old and certainly a handsome boy however. This loyal boy really needs a family who will love him forever. He is vaccinated, sterilized, and mi-

crochipped, and for all this we ask a one off adoption fee of 110 euros. For more information call Sue on 629 388102. Adopt don´t buy – every dog bred or bought takes away the chance of happiness from a dog like Oscar.


show has yet again fallen foul of red tape and ad ministrative hassles and has had to be postponed. We are really sorry but we need to reschedule yet again. We are now making it a weekend event, starting on Saturday the 7th March at 3pm with a basic obedience course along with an “Ask the Vet” session, followed by the fun dog show, in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de San Miguel, on Sunday the 8th March from 12pm. Both events will be held next to the Cultural Centre at Llano del Camello. Its only 2 euros to enter your pooch, so come and have a great afternoon with us. As our last dog show was so successful, we have added in a fancy dress category, it will be fun.

WHALE AND DOLPHIN FUN DAY On Saturday the 21st February we have chartered the Mustcat catamaran and will be having a private party from 14:30, sailing from Las Galletas. If the sad fact of whales and dolphins being kept in captivity and performing tricks for food bothers you, then come out with us and see them in their

natural environment. We ask only 20 euros per ticket, which includes drinks, for the three hour excursion, which is less than half of the normal price. A donation from the proceeds will be made to Sea Shepherd, to recognize the outstanding work they do to preserve our oceans and marine life.

For more information on either of the above events call Sue on 629 388102.

LIVE ARICO SHOPS NEWS!!! San Eugenio shop now open Sundays 12 – 3pm!!! If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 3pm Saturday and Sundays. Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..






Future of Canary wrestling worries El Hierro Cabildo


L Hierro is worried that funding difficulties might have an impact on the future of Canary wrestling on the island.

The Cabildo is having talks with the Canary Government to make sure this traditional sport does not disappear. President, Alpidio Armas has already had a meeting with the regional councillor for sport, Inés Rojas over the difficulties faced by two local clubs, Martín Marino and Concepción in the Tenerife league. Both are experiencing funding difficulties, particular in regard to financing travel to the other islands to take part in competitions. At the moment, the Government helps out by making direct payment to travel agencies who arrange the transport. However, the system is going to change in

that payment will be made direct to the clubs but they need to have enough money to foot the bill up front and then wait for it to be reimbursed, something they do not think will be possible because of limited funds. “The adoption of this measure in the middle of the season is causing a serious problem,” said the Cabildo president. “It’s getting to the point where they might have to abandon the league and we don’t want this to happen for the good of the sport which so many people love.” He wants the Canar y Government to come up with a solution which will support the clubs and ensure their survival, not their demise.

Capital plans new-look beach front



ANTA Cruz de La Palma is planning a major new look for its main beach.

Plans are being drawn up following various discussions with interested parties, including Spain’s Coastal department and the Ministry of Environment. The Mayor, Juan José Cabrera Guelmes said it was hoped to go to Madrid some time in February to hold a further meeting with Costas as it was vital to reach an agreement which would then help with achieving the finance. The beach will have a specific area for sport, such as courts for soccer and beach volleyball, together wigth changing rooms, bathrooms

La Gomera getting its rural Lorry appeal just right careers down bank


lorry driver was lucky to escape more serious injuries when his vehicle careered down a slope on Gran Canaria.

The 64-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment to multiple cuts and bruises following the incident in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. The driver was reported to have lost control on the GC-1 at the top of Pasito Blanco. The accident promoted a full-scale alert with all the emergency services going to the scene, including the police, fire brigade, Civil Guard, Canary Urgency Service and Civil Protection. The injured driver was stabilised before being taken to hospital in the south of the island.



A Gomera feels it is winning its campaign to attrat more visitors interested in rural tourism.

Figures for the year up to the end of November 2014 show the growth of rural tourism is keeping pace with the demand in the hotel and non-hotel sector. Rural tourism grew by 23.9 per cent, recording a total of 26,604 overnight stays.

and a small store. Another zone will allow for water sports such as windsurfing and kayaking, plus further lockers and changing rooms and classrooms for courses etc. It is also hoped to provide space for a restaurant along the promenade and accessed by a beachside walk. The terrace would be capable of holding 50 people but for this part of the project, special permission will be needed. The plan also envisages four small seasonal kiosks and two areas for sunbeds and shades, one in the south zone, one in the north.

CABILDO DELIGHT President of the Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo said these figures showed the success of the different products offered by La Gomera. “Tourists come to the island looking for attractions which they cannot find elsewhere,” he commented. “It reinforces what we are working towards with initiatives such as improved hiking trails, better sign-posting, more viewpoints and so on.” Councillor for tourism, Fernando Méndez said the positive upward trend of the figures showed that La Gomera was establishing itself as a destination for walkers, cruise passengers and those who wanted to spend a holiday close to nature. The average stay of tourists in rural accommodation in La Gomera stands at 6.54 days.







Another historic record for Canary tourism during 2014


OR the first time in history, the Canary Islands exceeded 11.5 million foreign passengers in 2014.

The exact number was 11,511,108 which represents an increase of 8.68 per cent or 919,848 people compared to 2013, says the airport authority AENA. The figure was achieved despite a slight drop in December of 1.1 per cent (a

total of 1,052,092 which was 11,752 down). However, the previous December had been a record month so this figure was still the second highest since records began. The Canary Government is still awaiting the final figures for Spanish arrivals but

Patera found after difficult search


AD weather hampered the search for a boat full of illegal immigrants which had initially been spotted off the coast of Gran Canaria.

The islands were experiencing a calima at the time which restricted visibility. However, after the search was resumed following a break at night, the patera was found about 45 miles of the south coast of the island. It is understood there were around 23 people on board who had set sail from the south of Cabo Bojador.

expects the total 2014 total to be about 13 million. With regard to the various islands, Fuerteventura received 151,652 foreign passengers during Decembeer, an increase of 5.37 per cent. In 2014, the island was visited by 1,870,591 foreign passengers, 13.71 per cent more, ie 225,489 foreign passengers than in 2013. As for La Palma, in December 2014 it was visited by 13,328 foreign passengers, representing an increase of 9.94 per cent over the same month of 2013, with 1,205 more foreign passengers. In 2014, the island of La Palma was visited by 106,169 foreign passengers, 1.16 per cent more than in 2013, with 1,216 more foreign passengers. Lanzarote received last December 164,375 foreign passengers, 5,794 less than in the same month of 2013,

representing a 3.40 per cent decline. With regard to 2014, the island received 2,090,529 foreign passengers, up 12.26 per cent over 2013, with 228,226 more passengers. Gran Canaria in December 2014 received 332,803 foreign passengers, representing a decrease of 2.24 per cent, with 7,635 foreign passengers less than the same month of 2013. However, with respect to 2014 as a whole, Gran Canaria welcomed 3,203,870 foreign passengers, 6.99 per cent more than in 2013, ie 209 262 more foreign passengers. In Tenerife, 389,934 foreign passengers visited in December, 7,251 foreign passengers less, ie 1.83 per cen t less than the same month of 2013. As to 2014, the island was visited by 4,239,949 foreign passengers, 6.42 per cent more than in 2013, ie 255 655 more foreign passengers.

Cocaine in capsules


man was arrested at Fuerteventura airport for trying to smuggle cocaine into the island.

The 27-year-old, described as a foreigner, was stopped in the baggage reclaim hall because officers became suspicious about his general behaviour. He was taken to hospital in Puerto del Rosario where an X-ray showed he had swallowed 22 capsules containing a total of 243 grams.

Canaries aim for united approach to increase cruise tourism NEW HORIZONS


HE number of cruise passengers visiting the Canary Islands is expected to reach 3.7 million between 2015 and 2034, the Government predicts.

This figure is said to be a “conservative” estimate so the actual figure could be considerably more. The Canary Government is drawing up a comprehensive plan so that all islands can pull together and work towards the same aim. The most recent meeting was attended by some 30 representatives of local authorities, ships, cruise tour operators and the main ports. Various working groups have now been set up. Deputy Minister of tourism for the Canary Government, Ricardo Fernández de la Puente Armas said it was hoped to put forward “a single

message” in order to increase cruise traffic. During 2013, the archipelago welcomed 1.62 million cruise passengers, 33 per cent of whom were from the UK, 34.9 per cent from Germany and 16.9 per cent from Italy, France and Spain. These areas are seen as having great potential for growth. The campaign aimed at the American market, representing 15 per cent, will be different from the others. It is hoped to offer new innovations for cruise ship passengers and extending the range of destinations such as Cape Verde and Africa.

Vueling helps Lanzarote to open new doors


LANS by Lanzarote to recover the domestic market have received a boost from the airline Vueling.

The company is one of the Cabildo’s main tourism partners and has been helping to strengthen the Lanzarote brand. Since last summer, the island has been working on various initiatives to win back the Spanish market which has seen decreases rather than the increases reflected by international visitor numbers. The Cabildo is delighted that Vueling will start to operate a new link between the local

airport of Guacimeta and Oviedo in Asturias from this April. “This is great news and Vueling is helping Lanzarote to open doors with the rest of the world,” said president, Pedro San Ginés. The airline already runs flights to Bilbao, Barcelona and Malaga, with Seville being added this summer. Just recently, a new route to Paris has been added as a result of the Canary Government’s special development fund.






“Disguised” fishing boat hid massive haul of cocaine

Island aims for network of cultural venues


UERTEVENTURA is aiming to establish a network of auditoriums and entertainment spaces capable of hosting cultural events and shows across the island.


RUG trafficking and the logistic importance of the Canary Islands continues to make the headlines with a seizure described as the most important for two years. Nineteen people were arrested in an operation which started with the interception of what looked like a normal fishing boat about 650 miles west of Cape Verde. It turned out to be anything but ordinary, however, as the 20-metre vessel had been specifically designed to smuggle drugs and had 1,500 kilos of cocaine on board. All that could be seen from the outside was fishing equipment

and navigation instruments but inside, it contained 49 bales of cocaine as well as oil drums which each contained 6,000 litres. This was the first boat of its kind to be detected in Spain. Police believe that although the drugs were probably heading for Galicia, the Canary Islands, because of their position, would also be used as a base and this was confirmed by Government


Stabbed man dies at scene


EDICS called to help a man who had been stabbed in the stomach in Gran Canaria were unable to save his life.

Police were told that a 52-year-old had been attacked with a knife in calle Núñez de Balboa in Las Palmas. The 1-1-2 emergency centre received a call in the midafternoon and mobilised the police and Canary Urgency Service to the scene. On their arrival, they found the man was in cardiac arrest but resuscitation failed to revive him. Police immediately opened an investigation to determine what happened.

delegate in the archipelago, María del Carmen Hernández Bento. When the so-called “fishing boat” was stopped and boarded by drug squard officers, there were nine Venezuelan crew members on board and they were all arrested. Had they not been caught, the consequences for the crew could have been even worse as they were found to have no water or food left and their engine was defunct. It was later brought into dock at Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. A few hours later, as a result

of organised raids, another ten members of the gang were caught in Pontevedra and Madrid. One of them was a man known as “ O Mulo” who was considered by the security forces to be a drug dealer dedicated to arranging the transport of hashish and cocaine for several organisations. Twelve properties were searched, together with two warehouses, and items seized including two firearms and 170,000 euros in cash. This boat is the latest in a string of interceptions in the waters near or around the Canary Islands.

The Cabildo says the flagship is obviously the “Palacio de Formación y Congresos” but in Antigua, a multi-purpose centre is being built and in Morro Jable, the new bus station will have a functions room with 250 seats. In Tuineje, a financial partnership with the town council has allowed the reopening of the Gran Tarajal municipal auditorium whilst the Cabildo has also been involved in projects such as auditoriums in Puerto del

Rosario, Corralejo and La Oliva. Island president, Mario Cabrera said: “ We are continuing with our efforts in Fuerteventura to provide a decentralised cultural network.” The Cabildo is also keen to provide local people and visitors with places where they can expand their knowledge, such as the Cheese Museum , the new archaelogical museum at Betancuria and the Gran Tarajal insular library.


New home for replica of Columbus ship


Man dies in paragliding accident


55-year-old German man has died in a paragliding accident in Lanzarote.

The tragedy happened in Los Pechos, Caleta de Famara, which is in the municipality of Teguise. The 1-1-2 emergency control centre received several calls about a paraglider having crashed in the area. Police, the Civil Guard, Civil Protection, the Canary Urgency Service and the Lanzarote Emergency Consortium all went to the scene and found the man had died as a result of serious injuries.


beautiful replica of one of the boats Christopher Columbus used to discover America now has a new home in Gran Canaria.

La Niña III has moved from the gardens of the Castillo de La Luz to the Santa Catalina park in Las Palmas. The Cabildo feels this is a more fitting location as more people will be able to admire it and will also serve as a gateway to the thousands of cruise passengers who arrive in the city. It is also considered to be a fitting addition to the lovely park. The unveiling ceremony was attended by various guests, including island president, José Miguel Bravo de Laguna and the Mayor of Las Palmas, Juan José Cardona, as well as Canary Government delegate, María del Carmen Hernández Bento. The replica of La Niña III was built in Galicia in 1992, sent to Madrid in the same year and then on to Las Palmas.






Stowaways risked lives after enduring nightmare journey


HESE shocking pictures show the lengths desperate African illegal immigrants will go to in a bid to find a new and better life.

Police found two men tired and exhausted after risking their lives squashed into tiny areas of a car driven by a 16year-old. One of them, aged 17, had jammed himself under the passenger seat whilst the other, a 23-year-old was found between the boot and the rear backseat. They were unable to move and had to endure horrifying moments when the youth sped through a police checkpoint in Melilla, nearly ploughing into a security guard. The Spanish city is on the north coast of Africa and shares a border with Morocco. The two stowaways were only found when police eventually stopped and searched the old Mercedes which had to be dismantled to free them. They are understood to come from Guinea Conakry and part of the huge army of illegal immigrants trying to get into Europe by any means possible, even it means risking their life.


Lorry driver handcuffed to tree as gang seizes hashish in olives HIDDEN HAUL


lorry-load of green olives was so precious that the driver was kidnapped, taken to a pine forest, hand-cuffed to a tree and had his feet tied with tape, police have revealed.

The gang also drove straight at a patrol car, forcing it off the road before the hijacked truck smashed into a bus stop. The reason for the escapade then became very clear - inside the hundreds of sealed cans on board was a ton of hashish. Two men, aged 27 and 33 and living in Barcelona, have been arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking, violence, intimidation, unlawful detention, reckless driving, endangering the lives of police officers and membership of a criminal network. The incident happened in Zaragoza, Spain and started when the lorry was intercepted by a car with the two men inside. They bundled the driver inside before taking him to a forest, threatening him with a gun along the way. He eventually managed to get free and alerted the police who set up roadblocks in the area and finally stopped the stolen vehicle. Checks revealed various goods on board, including electrical items and clothing, but it was the cans which proved of the most interest. In total, they contained 1,040 kilograms of hashish.

Spain sets new record for organ donations and transplants


OR yet another year, Spain has consolidated its position as world leader in organ donation and transplantation and set another new record.

There were 4,360 transplant recipients last year - including all-time records in kidney and heart transplants - thanks to the generosity of 1,682 donors (an increase of 1.6%). The Spanish organ donor rate stands at 36 donors per million population. These figures were presented by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Equality, Alfonso Alonso, at a press conference on the results from activity by the Spanish National Transplant Organisation (ONT) in 2014. Alfonso Alonso, who was accompanied by the Secretary-General for Health, Rubén Moreno, and the ONT Director, Rafael Matesanz, highlighted the “generosity of the general public and the great responsiveness of the Spanish transplant system, as it once again increased activity in spite of the difficult environment”. In his speech, Alfonso Alonso described 2014 as an iconic year for the ONT, both in terms of celebrating its 25th anniversary and the extraordi-nary activity undertaken by the entire Spanish transplant network. In total, 2,678 kidney transplants, 1,068 liver transplants, 262 lung transplants, 265 heart transplants, 81 pancreas transplants and six intestine transplants were performed. The ONT also posted a new record in the number of new bone marrow donors in Spain. This number of new donors last year amounted to 33,506, representing an increase of 34% on the targets set by the National Bone Marrow Plan for 2014 (25,000 new donors). Furthermore, the number of umbilical cord units stored at public banks has now surpassed 60,000, meaning that the forecasts provided by the National Umbilical Cord Blood Plan have been met one year ahead of schedule.





Illegal snuff factory Cocaine hidden in Chorizo sandwiches was camouflaged from the air




HE Guardia Civil has discovered the biggestever illicit cigarette factory ever in Spain and arrested 13 people.


ANCY a sausage sandwich anyone? You might get more than you bargained for if you snacked on these as police discovered when they stopped three people on their way to France. The married couple and another man had what looked like two ordinary sausage sandwiches in a coolbox. Howeve, when officers looked closer, they found they contained 150 grams of cocaine and the trio were part of a much bigger organised crime gang involved in smuggling and a shooting “pay-back” incident. Ironically, although police were already investigating the network, the trio, including the ring-leader, were only stopped

after the driver went down a one-way street the wrong way. They were arrested in Zaragoza whilst on their way to France. A police spokesman said their investigations had started last September after a man with a gunshot wound was taken to hospital. They discovered he had been shot during an argument between drug traffickers. Later, his attacker was arrested and nearly two kilos of cocaine found on a boat.

Hotel of Toys where there’s even Lego in the bathrooms!


S this the coolest hotel in the world for children and adults who have never grown up?

The hotel near Alicante has toys EVERYWHERE, including lego in the bathroom, robots in the lounge, teddies in the bedroom, builder Bob in the bar, Wendy houses on the terrace and transformers in the restaurant. The soap smells like bubble gum, the puddings are sprinkled with sweets and the lights change colour to set the mood for all different fantasies. The four-star Hotel del Juguete is situated in Ibi, in the socalled Toy Valley, and has 21 themed rooms, including one dedicated entirely to Playmobil which is guarded by a giant policewoman. There’s also a Lego room, one for fans of Doraemon, the cosmic cat, and a trio dedicated to the Three Wise Men, with the others dedicated to famous cartoon and film characters. The new concept is proving a star attraction with all ages, with one guest saying; “I have already been here twice and would go back 200 times. The smile of a child is worth everything!”

The clandestine operation was capable of turning out 65,000 packets a day when at full level and worked around the clock. Illegal workers lived in houses on the pig farm and properties were disguised to fit in with the landscape so they could not be detected from the air or from the higher levels of mountain roads. Police also seized 30 tons of illegal tobacco snuff and 64,500 packets of cigarettes ready and prepared for sale. Eleven properties were

searched, including homes, industrial buildings and other farms. Officers said the main factory in the north of Seville used high-tech machinery but because it had no electricity supply, there were two generators hidden in horse stables. Those arrested face various charges, including money laundering, industrial counterfeiting and smuggling. Police also found 60,000 euros in cash and firearms and impounded four vehicles.

Illegal immigrants “thrown into sea” because pastor prayed


OLICE have arrested two Cameroonians who are said to have murdered at least seven illegal immigrants by throwing them overboard into the stormy ocean and leaving them to drown. A tiny boat full of 50 subSaharans left Nador in Morocco for a dangerous journey to seek a new life but only 29 of them lived to tell the tale. Survivors have told police the sea was so rough that a Nigerian pastor on board started to pray for salvation but this caused an argument with the men who had arranged their transport. They said it was “Nigerians who prayed that caused the bad weather” and used wood from tables in the boat to attack them. They then stole nearly 1,500 euros from the injuried immigrants before pushing them into the water, the pastor included. Spanish police say they believe between seven and ten immigrants were murdered in this way, it not more.

Witnesses said it was so dark in the middle of the ocean with such bad visibility that they were unable to count how many perished because of the ravages of the journey or were deliberatey killed. The tiny inflatable boat was discovered drifting without an engine towards the coast of Almeria in December but officers have only just got to the truth of what happened. Of the 29 left on board, one was a toddler under three. The survivors were taken to a Red Cross centre and later transferred to an immigration centre and have since given official statements following their recover y from their ordeal. “They were terrified about what they went through,” said a police spokesman.

Art forgery gang tried to sell fake Picasso and masterpieces


N art forgery gang has tried to pass off fake paintings as originals by Picasso, Matisse and Miró for hundreds and thousands of euros.

The Civil Guard in Spain has seized nine false masterpieces and arrested three people, including the director of an art gallery. Police said two paintings were claimed to be originals by the great French artist, Henri Matisse who became one of the leading figures in modern art. His works can fetch more than 30 million pounds. Another was being touted around European art galleries as a genuine Picasso, as well as six other drawings by the Spanish painter and sculptor, Joan Miro. Some of the frauds were found by investigators in a car

driven in Andorra by one of the suspects who also had false authenticity papers for the artwork. He had been trying to sell the counterfeits to art galleries and curators but was unaware police were tracking his movements following a tip-off. “ When journeys were made between Spain and Andorra, the paintings were deposited in the office of a lawyer in Tarragona to avoid the risk that they might be seized by police,” said a spokesman for the Civil Guard. The fakes were so good that a number of experts had to be called in to verify they were not original master-pieces.




Child abuse arrests after raids in Alicante


Gang set up bogus course “to help the disabled” CCTV CAMERAS



T least 20 people have been duped into taking a course which they believed would allow them to help disabled people.

Police said the bogus organisers advertised in magazines and asked students to “make a donation” of 150 euros towards getting a professional certificate. However, the courses were unapproved and any certificates which were sent out were worthless. The group was based in Madrid and deliberately set out to defraud people, said officers who launched an investigation in 2012 following complaints. Three people have now been arrested and face charges of belonging to a criminal organisation, fraud, document forgery and money laundering. The three are aged 34, 42 and 48 and are all Spanish. So far, police know about 23 people who fell victim to the scam. During the operation, properties were searched and various documents and receipts seized.


One of the suspects is believed to have assaulted two of his young daughters and also placing hidden cameras along public roads in order to capture images of children. Officers said those arrested included people who posed as baby-sitters or child minders, as well as an accountant, teacher, lorry driver and even a retired 71-year-old. The raids were carried out all over Alicante as a result of an operation launched in February 2014. Fourteen houses were searched and thousands of pornographic files found on computers which were also taken away. Laptops, hard drives, pen drives and mobile phones were also seized. Police said grooming techniques were used in some cases to gain the trust of young children who were then abused. Specialist agents are now inspecting all the material in order to identify and locate new victims of abuse or sexual harassment.


F you are expecting a baby, you might like to follow the example of pop singer Shakira and her FC Barcelona footballer husband Gerard Pique. Just before the birth of their first son, Milan in January of 2013, they launched a virtual baby shower to help UNICEF. Now, they have done the same for their second child, also a boy, and would like other parents to do the same. They are asking wellwishers to support Unicef and buy a gift such as medical equipment to help with safe births, blankets and baby

scales. Other gifts include a soccer ball, which serves as recognition of the power of sport to promote a healthy, happy childhood and a storybook to promote the love of reading and learning. “There are millions of kids in the world who die daily from preventable causes, and with your help we want to change this permanently,” says Shakira on her Facebook post. “Every baby deserves to have the best possible start and because we all can and should help. We hope this campaign will continue long after our baby is born and encourage other parents to share their joy and pay it forward by helping less fortunate children around the world.” The couple are using the new button on Facebook to give people the chance to donate. “Now that we are soon welcoming our second child we want to help other children around the world and also contribute to a long-lasting solution for getting children living in extreme poverty the supplies they need to survive,” said Shakira who is a goodwill

Pic by Jaume De Laiguana


OLICE raids across Alicante have led to the arrest of 12 people for the possession and distribution of child pornography over the internet.

Shakira and Gerard launch a very special baby shower!

ambassador for UNICEF. “ We also want other parents to feel compelled to do the same,” Shakira added. “With the explosion of social media, celebrities aren’t the only ones who have platforms that can reach mass audiences, and we want this movement to keep going long

after our baby shower has ended, so we want to invite them to host their own baby showers with Unicef as well.” The “Inspired Gifts” website can be found at unicef.org.uk/Shakira and also at http:// www.worldbabyshower.org/





A new name for stunning store as owners celebrate tenth anniversary section which features children’s beds and furniture, again in room settings, which makes you want to be a youngster again because of the design and array of colours. A new cool range of teenage furniture is about to arrive as well. As stated before, ever ything you see is available for instant delivery but there are also catalogues just in case you can’t find what you want (which is highly unlikely!) The store

The team


change of name for the long-established Tenerife store “Muebles Antiquities” will be celebrated in style on the evening of February


British owners Steve and Eileen Crane will also be marking the tenth anniversary of setting up this family business so what better a time to give it a new name? “Mueble4you” will still give customers the same service, choice and quality which has become the hallmark of the team at this beautiful shop in Las Chafiras. But Steve and Eileen believe the new name is a better reflection of the modern furniture and accessories they offer, all with the very exceptional distinction of instant delivery on everything you see. That means even a few hours after your purchase or, if not, the very next day! And it’s free unless it is a considerable distance to a far part of the north. As you drive up the TF-1 to Las Chafiras, the store is on the left of the motorway and you will probably have seen the big “Muebles Antiquities” sign over

Steve & Eileen Crane, owners

the very expansive two-storey premises. What you might not realise is the extent of the products you will find inside. If you have ever thought Tenerife doesn’t offer the same sort of choices as in the UK, think again. You will change your mind once you step inside. This is a store where you just want to buy anything and eveything in sight to turn your house into a home. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of items, all beautifully set out in room scenes and everything is very affordable. You won’t admire something like a sofa bed or a new comfy settee and then get a shock at the price. Quite the opposite, in fact. Managing director Steve, who actually comes from a fishing background, has always loved furniture and he and Eileen have great staff to help them deal with all

nationalities. They came to Tenerife 12 years ago and set up “Muebles Antiquities” on another site in Las Chafiras before moving to these premises at Av. 7 Islas Canarias four years ago. The furniture is mainly sourced from Asia but it is modern with lovely designs, fabrics and colours to suit the chic home of today. They also stock some furniture from mainland Spain. You will find a big array of gorgeous beds, bed linen, towels, vases, lights and lamps, mirrors, sideboards, tables and chairs, accessories, settees, armchairs, sofa beds, curtains (which can also be made up), pictures, display cabinets, sideboards, headboards, bars.....the list is endless. Upstairs, there is another vast showroom with beautiful garden furniture, including in hardwearning Indonesian rattan, loungers, garden day beds with curtains, patio sets, tables and chairs, some of them with “hot plates” in the centre, hammocks and more. There is also an enchanting

also offers a service to furnish your entire home and can do the same for restaurants etc on request. Because Steve never believes in sitting still, the stock here is forever changing so no two visits will be the same. There is free parking outside and no closure for lunch and of course English is one of the five languages spoken. The store is open Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm and from 10am to 2pm on a Saturday (closed Sundays).

Steve and Eileen would love to see customers old and new at their celebration party from 6pm on February 6th and, of course, at any other time. During their open evening, there will be a big raffle, the proceeds of which will benefit K9 and Live Arico.

For more details and pictures, do see www.mueble4you.com, phone 922 736 783 or email sales@mueble4you.com or antiquities.tfs@gmail.com






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Health Insurances

Carola Jäger

Health, Funeral, Dental and Accident Insurances on the Canaries


HE Asssa office has been open since almost three years now and we can look back on another successful year. In 2014 we have worked hard to bring news and improvements for 2015, not only for our existing clients but also for newcomers. One of the mayor achievements is that we have introduced our funeral insurances on the islands. These

kind of insurances were only available on the Spanish mainland with Asssa, but now we are able to organize a

funeral or cremation and take care of all the necessar y formalities on all the Canary Islands. You can choose a suitable option for you and your needs. We have also included more qualified English-speaking doctors in our medical directory particularly in specific areas of the Canary Islands.

This year we will continue giving our personal and professional client service. Our friendly, multi-lingual employees are pleased to inform you about our policies without any obligation to purchase. We speak your language, answer all client queries fully and with complete honesty and assist

Insure your health with up to 30% lifetime discount! We provide flexible levels of health insurance, depending on the cover level and premium best suited to the client’s requirements, from a supplementary insurance to comprehensive insurance cover. ASSSA offers a variety of unique, written, contractual guarantees. The age at which you sign your contract is always used as the basis on which to calculate your premiums, i.e. the premium does not increase due to increased age. In addition, we provide protection against policy cancellation from the first day of insurance. ASSSA also offers Special Con-ditions (Without waiting periods plus Preexisting conditions) if you come from another insurance company.

Funeral Insurances Protect and take the worry out of your dependents from high funeral costs and foresight a pre-plan in case of death. Now 25% lifetime discount. For example: Only 194,68 euros a year for a person 60 years old. The plans give the possibility of local burial or cremation, reimbursement options or repatriation to Spain in case the demise happens

outside Spain. One accompanying person included. No cancellation of the insurance due to age or illness and no premium increase due to age guaranteed.

Dental Insurances Get your perfect smile now with 10% discount! Immediate cover from 86,00 euros a year! Choose between our Dental or Extradental for dental treatments. Fillings, Restorations, Implantology and much more with incredible special prices. Visit us for a chat and without any obligation, receive a personal premium calculation. Our area manager will be pleased to answer all your questions. We look forward to your visit!

“Visit us” Tenerife South: C.C Bahía de Los Cristianos. Local 21, Los Cristianos

Customer service office: Tenerife: Tel: 922 752794 Carola Jäger tenerife@asssa.es






By Brian Eldridge


Head for Guargacho and its popular weekend Flea Market


NE of the biggest Flea Markets in Tenerife is growing in popularity and is filling a very definite gap in weekend leisure and bargain shopping. Each Saturday and Sunday between 8am and 3pm, local residents and visitors alike are heading out to Guargacho, near Las Chafiras and Costa del Silencio, for a few hours of enjoyable browsing and buying. There are dozens and dozens of stalls offering all sorts of goods and the chances are that if you are looking for something special, you will find it here. As we walked round the market recently, my husband spotted some old-fashioned LPs of yester year and remarked that all he needed was a record player. Just around the corner on another aisle, he found exactly that! Until last year, people who enjoy this kind of shopping experience would probably have headed for nearby Guaza and were disappointed when the local council called time on the Sunday car boot sale. This Flea Market at Guargacho started independent from this around the same time and has increased in size since with all nationalities both selling and visiting. This isn’t strictly a car boot. Although there are just a few cars on the actual site, all vehicles are parked elsewhere. In fact, it is a big asset

of this Flea Market that it has a very large car-park just a stroll away from the site. It is off-road and free of charge. There is no need to park on the busy main road which

leads to Las Chafiras one way and Costa del Silencio the other. You will also find a number of pedestrian entrances to the Flea Market which is good as it doesn’t matter which direction you come from. You don’t have to walk a long way to get in. Anothr major attraction is that the base of the site is laid to concrete, not dirt, so you don’t get covered in dust or splattered in mud should it rain. It means you can walk quite happily up and down and around the various aisles.

We were taken by surprise at just how big the Flea Market now is. You can plan your route like we did. Up and round and then back-tracking to go up and down the aisles. On one side, you will also find a number of small cabinas which also sell various items, mostly of new goods. On the majority of stalls, the items are second-hand ie car boot items but dotted here and there are more “new” articles such as plants, pots and urns, socks and underwear and a very handy haberdashery. Otherwise, there is everything you would expect ie. books, DVDs, furniture, household items, clothes, shoes, jewellery, bags, toys, puzzles, glasses, pots and pans, electrical equipment, furnishings, bikes, bathroom fittings...the list is endless. There are lots of bargains to be

had and of course you are open to make offers, no matter what language you speak. Guargacho also has some of its own shops, together with some nice restaurants, cafes and bars so you can pop across the road for some refreshments. We also spotted an icecream man near the car-park selling old-fashioned cornets! You are highly recommended to pop out to this Flea Market and if you would like information about taking a stand, please call 649 581 154 or 922 730 055.


It’s just a stroll in the park, only longer! Keen walker Brian looks ahead to Puerto’s role in the Tenerife Walking Festival


ROM 10th until the 15th of March, Puerto de la Cruz plays host to the Tenerife Walking Festival. Six days of up to 15 organised walks, designed to suit all tastes and abilities. Why have a festival for walking, almost ever yone does it, day to day; after all it is simply putting one foot in front of the other, isn’t it? Yes, that’s right, and year on year more people are choosing to spend their leisure time doing just that. It has become a very popular pursuit, a pastime, a social activity and even in extreme cases, a sport. Walking, rambling, hiking, or to give it its 21st century name, trekking has suddenly become fashionable, even

sexy. It has shaken off the cobwebs and banished its dated image of sensible shoes, a stout stick and a canvas rucksack. It is no longer only the preserve of, shall we say, the older generation, out for a bit of a ramble combined with a pub lunch. Now it appeals to the younger generation as well, and with their arrival on the scene there is the need for more challenging routes. Trekking is a ver y important part of the tourist

industr y on Tenerife, particularly in the winter months and Puerto is an ideal base to enjoy the wide variety of walks both on its doorstep and within easy travelling distance. There are coastal paths, forest walks, high altitude walks, challenging climbs, green valley walks; you name it the area provides it. Be it at Anaga, Teno, La Caldera, The Teide National Park, or the market garden of the island at Tegueste . All are just a short car ride away, or if public transport is your thing, a slightly longer, Titsa bus journey. Or simply walk from your hotel; there are excellent coastal walks both to the east and to the west of the town. So what is the attraction? Firstly, as I have already mentioned, almost everyone can do it, albeit to varying degrees. High on the list, of course, is its exercise value, it is healthy. Recent research has revealed that just 20 minutes of brisk walking each day will extend your life. What do they mean by brisk? I think they mean that you need to get your heart pumping, raise your pulse a bit and dare I say it you need to work up a sweat, or to perspire if you are lady. Another thing in its favour is you don’t need any special equipment or need to join an expensive club. So, it is inexpensive, but you will need a few things, good footwear is a must, walking boats or shoes, the best you budget will stretch too, if you intend to take on some of the more challenging routes, or good trainers with a rugged sole if you are more





CONTINUED PAGE 21 likely to be pounding the pavements, whichever, the correct footwear is important. A backpack is probably second on the list, of sufficient size to carry all your needs and more importantly one that sits comfortably. Apart from waterproof clothing, yes, it does rain sometimes, what you wear is down to personal choice. Visit any sportswear shop and you will be spoiled for choice, including, as you would expect to find, the dreaded multi-coloured Lycra. What is my interest in this? I am of course, a keen ‘trekker’, not to be confused with a ‘trekkie’ as I don’t have the big ears, well maybe, but they’re not pointed and besides, I can’t make the V shape with my fingers, at least not the right one. So yes, I like to walk, in fact, if I don’t manage a three to four hour 10km plus walk each week, with a couple of shorter ones in between, I get itchy feet. For me, the more challenging the walk, the better and to use the old adage, there is no gain without pain. Yes, I walk to maintain fitness, but principally because I enjoy it and my preference of walk, I suppose, is to get off the beaten track, to see parts of the island that cannot be visited by car. Is there any risk? There is always a risk, but you lessen it by going prepared. You should always plan your route beforehand, research it and make sure you are aware of the terrain and your ability to tackle it. Visit the tourist information centre for the area, most will be able to advise you about local walks. Take extra clothing with you, the vest top, shorts and flip flops may seem like a good idea when you leave the hotel, but the weather changes so quickly on this island, and to experience all four seasons in one day is not uncommon. Take plenty of water and food, no matter how short the proposed walk. I always take fruit and ‘energy’ bars, you know what I mean, those

muesli bars that are so good for you, yet the cardboard box they come in often looks more appetising and appealing. Always take a hat to protect your head from the sun. I carry two, a cap and a floppy hat, for whichever mood I’m in. To be honest I am not a lover of wearing a hat, but sometimes there is a need, if only to protect the bald spot. I always carr y a map, but it is not essential depending on your route, most of the known walks are now well marked. Remember when you pack your bag you are the one carrying it, don’t overload it, lots of layers of lightweight clothing are more practical than a heavy jumper or overcoat. Don’t laugh, you never know, I recently started a walk with three layers plus a woolly hat, scarf and gloves until I got warmed up, that is. Always let someone know where you are going, your proposed route, your start time and your expected finish time. Even if you are staying in a hotel, let reception know, or write it down and leave a note in your room. Confession time, I admit I often commit the cardinal sin with regard to walking, I like to walk alone. It is completely selfish of me I know, but I like to set my own pace, a quicker one than many of my walking partners. Not for me, I cringe at the ver y thought, the organised walk, but they have their place, and if you are not confident enough to venture forth on your own, there are plenty of operators to choose from. I did Masca in the summer on a Sunday and had to navigate myself past three such groups, there were even queues in places, not exactly what I had in mind. Do I think I take an unnecessary risk by walking alone? No, not really, someone always knows where I am going and with the aid of modern technology I keep in touch throughout the walk, as indeed I can always be reached, sometimes more often than I would like. Besides,


with GPS, someone always knows where you are, big brother is watching you. There is a risk, there always is, but not being hampered or distracted by conversation I am more focused and aware of exactly where I am putting my feet. There are accidents and emergencies, 2014 saw the busiest year to date for rescues within the Teide National Park, a combination of falls, effects of the elements and people just being unsure of where they are, or to put it less politely, lost. The increase should not be viewed negatively; it is testament to the growth in numbers of visitors to the park who are prepared to leave their cars behind. Don’t be put off by it. I can’t believe I have got this far without mentioning one piece of seemingly essential walking equipment. How remise of me. I am talking about the ever popular hiking sticks. They are not for me; I will put off using any walking aids until they are absolutely essential. They have their use and indeed their place, over very rugged ground or on a steep descent, but not as you see them more often than not, being put to use on the streets of, the very mountainous, Puerto. So there you have it, an insight into walking in Tenerife, with, as all my articles have my very own personal slant to it. If you are already a walker you will know how fulfilling it can be, if you are not, go on, put on a pair of boots and give it a try, you might enjoy it. You don’t need to tackle Teide on your first outing, start with short walks, build your stamina up and slowly increase your distance, you’ll benefit from it. But, please I ask you avoid the routes I am likely to take, I can be a very anti-social walker at times, thankfully there are still places on this island where you can enjoy the peace and quiet and not see another living soul for a couple of hours.

More information on the forthcoming Tenerife Walking Festival, with full details and costs of the walks can be found on www.tenerifewalkingfestival.com

Puerto de la Cruz 1620 – 1975 – 2015 by Toby Baillon Only a few things have stood the test of time over the last 400 years in Tenerife.



HE last 40 years has seen the Island and its traditions swept into the twenty first century, in relentless and often welcomed progress. The once popular tourism resorts of the North being overtaken by the once barren landscapes of the South. So 40 years count for a lot.

But one corner of the landscape has remained unchanged; not only for the last 40 years but for the last 400! And it is thanks to an Englishman, born in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife in 1920: Austin Baillon. Austin was born in what is now the Miramar Hotel in the Taoro Park. At that time it was home to Alexander and Kathleen Baillon. Alex ran the affairs of Elders & Fyffes – fruit exporters from the Canaries, mainly bananas. Austin had 4 siblings and all were brought up in Tenerife and educated in England. After the war he went to work for Shell in South America and mostly in Venezuela. It was with some degree of horror on Kathleen’s part that Austin announced one day in


2015 1963, during a visit to see his family, that he intended to buy the run-down and scruffy building on the harbour, known by the derogatory name of “the Fish House”. It stood among many other buildings of a similar age, in a similar state of disrepair. The purchase

But history has a strange way of vindicating the brave. Today we have the architectural jewel in the crown of the town, perhaps of the Island or even the Archipelago – the Former Royal Customs House built in 1620 for Don Antonio Lutzardo de Franchy – the

Austin G Baillon on the dock at Puerto in front of the Customs House (1997) went ahead, for an astronomically high sum of money, despite the fact that the ground floor was inhabited by two fishermen and their families, a total of 16 people with no water, light or sanitation. In fact Austin was widely regarded as having completely lost his mind!

founder of the town. When Austin Baillon retired from Shell de Venezuela in 1975 he moved back with his wife Julia and family to Tenerife and lived in the Customs House. He and his wife ran a ver y successful tourist attraction, with a shop and a





state of the art multivision audio visual show called EXPO TENERIFE. This ran daily from 10am till 6.30pm from 1975 to 1989, when a few years later the house was sold to the Island Government, the Cabildo, with a BIC protection order in place, ensuring that it would be kept for the benefit of the nation and the Island’s visitors for ever more. However the story does not end there. Austin’s eldest son Toby worked with the producers of Expo Tenerife and learned a thing or two about production. He went to live in London and worked as an audio visual producer for over thirty years, producing conferences and audio visual programmes for many British and International companies. In 2011 he came back to Tenerife, good timing, as he enjoyed a final year with his father. Sadly Austin died in May 2012, aged 92. 2015 marks a momentous date in this story. It is 40 years since the production of Expo Tenerife and 40 years since Austin’s “retirement” at age 55. This year his son Toby celebrates his own 55 years. And he has dedicated the past few months to meticulously restoring the show to its former glory. On the 25th March 2015, (Austin’s birthday) and as a tribute to him and the Expo Tenerife show (as a former recipient of the CIT Medalla de Oro – Puerto’s Gold Medal of Tourism – the town’s highest and most prestigious honour) the Instituto de Estudios Hispanicos de Canarias and the MACEW museum have granted permission for the house to be used to relaunch the show at a special VIP event. At the Museum Director ’s request, Expo Tenerife will be shown every half hour from 10 am to 6.30pm on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28th March to the general public at the Customs House on the first floor. Entrance fee 5€. Not only is this an opportunity to see this historical and spectacular audio visual, but there will also be an exhibition of items surrounding the Customs House and the life and times of that extraordinary gentleman: Austin G Baillon OBE.


The short reign of King Amadeo I


by Alastair Robertson

EXT time you’re sitting in the sun, drinking your wine or a cup of tea, and ruminating on the pro’s and con’s of constitutional monarchy, as everyone does from time to time, spare a thought for King Amadeo I of Spain. Amadeo was a young man, aged only twenty-five, in 1870 when he was called upon to be a king. As Duke of Aosta in Italy Amadeo was the founder of the House of Savoy, as King Amadeo I he was a complete outsider to Spain with its convoluted and often violent politics. The situation that led to his accession to the Spanish throne can be traced back some forty years, to October 1830 and the birth of Isabella, the daughter of the Bourbon King Ferdinand VII by his fourth wife, Maria Cristina. Ferdinand died not long afterwards in 1833 leaving Maria Cristina as regent for Isabella until she came of age. Ferdinand had been a reactionary but his brother Don Carlos was even more so and Don Carlos disputed Isabella’s succession, claiming the throne for himself, supported by a large and militant group of followers. This opposition erupted on occasion into the Carlist Wars. Isabella II attained her majority in 1843 at the age of thirteen. Like Queen Victoria in England she was short and dumpy and no beauty. Like Victoria, as a politically innocent young girl when she came to the throne, she was seen at first as the hope for a liberal Spain, but, unlike Victoria, Isabella she lacked a strong, well-intentioned husband. She married a Bourbon cousin who was described as “effete”, although he did produce a son, Alfonso, by her. Isabella herself was viewed as “bigoted and licentious”, although warmhearted. She was popular with the common people, whose views of course did not count, having no political clout, but

she presided over a succession of increasingly reactionar y, corrupt and inefficient governments that finally resulted in the Glorious Revolution of September 1868, at which point Isabella abdicated in favour of Alfonso, who was by then eleven years old, and went into exile in France. However, young Alfonso, with all his mother’s connections and influence, was rejected by the provisional government that arose from the Revolution. The provisional government drafted the ‘Constitution of 1869’ which, in trying to please everyone, promised to be a truly representative political system combined with a constitutional monarchy. The problem was that the government had to find an acceptable monarch, preferably a king. A return to the repressive, reactionary, strongly pro-Catholic church, Bourbon monarchy was an anathema to the Republicans and Progressives, while among royal houses of Europe there was reluctance to send anyone to sit on the troubled throne of Spain. Yet the attempt had to be made and the choice finally settled on the anti-clerical, indeed the “atheistical and masonic”, House of Savoy in Italy. King Victor Emanuel II of Italy had two older sons, the eldest was in line to inherit the Italian crown as King Umberto I, but his second son, Amadeo, Duke of Aosta, was available and, although he was reluctant, Amadeo was persuaded by his father to accept the nomination. Pleasure-loving Amadeo had made an arranged marriage with Maria Victoria dal Pozzo, a young woman of

noble but lower birth, her great attraction being that she was extremely wealthy. But her wealth was not sufficient reason for Amadeo to become a one-woman man, he was often unfaithful. When Maria complained to her father-inlaw, the King of Italy, about Amadeo’s behaviour, the king simply brushed her feelings aside and told her not to interfere with her husband’s life. In Spain, “the strong man of the Progressives” for years had been General Juan Prim, a very able military politician and statesman, the man who led the movement that overthrew Isabella in 1868. As leader of the Progressives in the provisional government, Prim engineered the appointment of Duke Amadeo as King of Spain in the election of 16th November 1870. Unfortunately, Prim was shot by an assassin on the 28th of December and he died on the 30th, the very day that the new king entered Madrid. By the death of Prim, Amadeo was left without his main support, he was opposed by the Catholic church, and the supporters of the Bourbon monarchy and the Carlists in the north, and he was ridiculed with the nickname of ‘King Macaroni’ by the people. Nevertheless, from the outset Amadeo tried his best to carry out his duties as a conscientious and impartial monarch, duties that included, as he saw it, the task of reading all the daily newspapers of every political persuasion in order to make up for his ignorance of Spanish life. In the practicalities of government Amadeo could rely only on the Progressives but that party was severely weakened by infighting between the various factions, which meant that no stable government could ever be formed. After eighteen months of frustrated effort another armed Carlist uprising

occurred, during which even the army was divided, so, after only two years as king, without any political, economic or aristocratic bases for support, Amadeo gave up and abdicated on 11th February 1873. His departure was followed at 10 o’clock the same night by the declaration of the First Republic, which was doomed to last only until 1874 when, in December that year, Isabella’s son Alfonso was recalled and declared King Alfonso XII of Spain. King Amadeo I of Spain left nothing by way of a legacy, but his wife, Maria Victoria, was remembered fondly for years afterwards by the poor people of Spain, who referred to her as “our queen”. As queen in Spain, while her husband was struggling to be king, the practical and saintly Maria Victoria did much to alleviate the suffering of the poor of Madrid, providing for example

a chapel, a school and a nursery for the children of washerwomen during their working hours. Using her own wealth she founded other institutions, or ‘refuges’, for poor children as well as schools and hospitals. In these good works she was joined by Amadeo, who also used his own wealth to help charitable causes. The memor y of their kindness lingered on. Some years after the abdication an English traveller was asked by a Spanish fisherman, “How are our King (meaning Amadeo) and his generous Queen?” When Maria Victoria died on 8th November 1876, aged only twenty-nine, requiems were sung for her in churches all over Spain, whereas for King Amadeo I, he came, he did his best – and he went, declaring Spain to be ungovernable. (Things have moved on a lot since then, I hasten to add.)

Pets World




An insight into stick insects: unusual but challenging creatures


OT everyone wants to keep a cat, dog or cute bunny rabbit as a pet.

There is a growing interest in more unusual animals includng snakes, terrapins, lizards, scorpions, frogs and sugar gliders. But don’t be fooled. These animals are challenging and demanding. Exotic pet species, as wild animals in captivity, have the same needs as they do in the wild, linked to a specialist environment, diet or behaviour. It can be challenging to look after them properly, which you must do by law under the Animal Welfare Act. The same is true of stick insects - tiny and you might think, easy to look after without too much attention. Wrong. There is a lot involved here too. The Indian stick insect is the most common species available. They are normally olive green but brown and yellow-green colours occur too. Their twig and leaf-like appearance gives them good camouflage. An adult stick insect measures about 7.5cm after about five or six skin moults and will live for about a year. Stick insects live in tropical

and semi-tropicals areas of the world. They are vegetarians and eat the leaves of plants, shrubs and trees. Privet and bramble leaves are favourites. In the wild, they are usually eaten by birds so stick insects tend to feed at night when birds are not around. Stick insects can be brought from pet shops or specialist breeders. Before keeping stick insects, it is crucial that any potential keeper finds out about them and how to provide for them in captivity. Only then can an informed decision be made about whether you can provide the facilities, time, financial means and long-term commitment to look after them properly. Suitable accommodation, food and the necessar y accessories should be bought and prepared before bringing your new arrival home. Novice keepers should also take the time to talk to experienced stick insect owners and professionals, such as a vet, for

further advice. If your stick insect is injured, it will need to see a vet. If it is twitching, for instance, it has probably eaten leaves which have been treated with pesticide and is quite likely to die. A quirk of this unusual animal is that if it loses a leg, it will grow another one during its next skin change. Mites can affect stick insects if their home is not kept clean and well ventilated. Remember, stick insects are completely dependent on their owners to provide the correct accommodation and food. If their home is too low and small, they may not be able to climb out of their skins. They might also fight or even eat each other! Stick insects are ver y delicate and should be handled with great care. It is best to pick them up with an artist’s paintbrush. They can be transported home in a sturdy ventilated container in which their leaves are placed. Stick insects should never be left in parked cars on warm days, even with the windows open, as they could literally roast to death.

Your cat and dental care


EETH are important and, just like people, animals benefit from regular dental care and daily brushing can prevent this process.

Before starting, look inside your pet’s mouth. The teeth should be evenly white or offwhite. If they are grey or brown it may indicate plaque accumulation. Is there an unpleasant odour? Are the gums pink where they meet the teeth or red and inflamed? Do the surfaces of the teeth look clean or is there a greybrown coating which looks like kettle scale? Unless the teeth look clean, or your pet is under a year of age, it is best to get your pet’s mouth examined by the vet. Plaque in animals is hardened by saliva, forming a concretelike coating. Brushing will not remove this and it will contribute to the accumulation of further plaque. An

anaesthetic will be needed so your pet remains still. Plaque is then removed using an ultrasonic de-scaler. The vet will also fully examine your cat’s mouth and remove any problem teeth which need to come out. Start the habit of brushing whilst your kitten is young, although you can train an older cat to accept it. Wait until your pet is in a relaxed mood before your first attempt. Keep initial sessions short. You will need a special brush from the vet or pet shop. Toothpaste designed for humans cannot be used; it is too frothy and can cause stomach irritation. You may clean your cat’s teeth without using toothpaste but a nice tasting toothpaste helps to

make the procedure more acceptable. Some toothpastes contain chemicals which may slow down the accumulation of plaque; however, the mechanical effect of brushing is probably more effective. At first, just put a little toothpaste on the cat’s nose or lips and let them lick it off. Repeat this daily for three to four days. Then start to combine this with holding your cat in a position suitable for brushing. Be as calm and relaxed as possible. It is best if the cat is on a surface at a suitable height so that you can stand or sit comfortably. Face the cat away from you and use your body to prevent backing away. Lean forward over the cat and position your forearms so that they are pressing on the sides of the cat to restrict wriggling. Spread your left hand (if your cat is struggling, you may be

holding too tight). Practice moving the cat’s upper and lower lips with your other hand. Be careful not to be bitten. At the end of each session, give a tasty treat, such as a small

These creatures do need to be kept indoors with other stick insects but NOT with any other type of insect. They need a large, ventilated home that is kept indoors in a warm place out of direct sunlight. They should have plenty of room to climb out of their skins. The floor of their home should be lined with paper and this should be changed each week. When their home is being changed, do be very careful that you don’t throw the insect out with the old leaves or twigs! Stick insects need a diet of fresh leaves. Most will live on bramble and privet but Indian stick insects eat hawthorn and rose as well. The leaves should be kept on the twig and stood in a pot of water with a cover to prevent the insect drowning. The leaves must be sprayed with water daily and then changed once a week. In some species of stick insect, females produce fertile eggs without mating. This is called parthe-nogenesis. Hundreds of eggs can be laid in a hutch. They should be collected and carefully destroyed.


piece of prawn. Spend three to four days practising putting the cat in position and applying toothpaste to the lips. Don’t progress too fast – your cat needs to feel comfortable with each stage of the procedure before you move on. Finally, you can start to brush the teeth. You do not need to open the mouth. Put a little toothpaste on a cotton bud and pass it between and under the lips to the teeth, then start to brush with a circular motion. It’s usually best to start with the back teeth. Do this for just a

few seconds, and then let your cat go. Give a treat. Gradually extend the time period until you are brushing all the teeth. Pay special attention to the area where the tooth meets the gum, as this is where plaque tends to build up. Once your cat is comfortable with the procedure, you can move on to using a toothbrush. Aim to brush daily and to do about a minute on each side of the mouth. Do not worry if there is sometimes a little bleeding when the tooth is brushed. Always give a treat after each brushing session.





Fast-paced entertainment series voiced by Mel Giedroyc, featuring the best and worst of magic and other incredible performers from around the world. Featuring grapes that float into people’s mouths, a man who likes to disguise himself as an armchair and strange goings-on in a fish and chip shop. Plus top magicians from around the world and some of the moments where the magic failed to work.






Perceptive comedy drama following the ups and downs of parent-child relationships within a large family. An over-protective dad - determined to do a better job than his own distant father - anxiously dotes on his troubled eight-year-old son. His brother, meanwhile, strives to mould his toddler daughter into an academic high-flyer, and his sister struggles with two rebellious, angst-ridden teenagers. Director: Ron Howard Starring: Steve Martin, Dianne Wiest, Dennis Dugan, Mary Steenburgen, Paul Linke, Jason Robards Sr.



There’s a gold rush happening in the transport industry. The online shopping boom has created a wave of people buying more and more items that need to be delivered. Now online delivery websites have sprung up meeting this demand, listing over 50,000 items every day. Customers list their loads in online auctions and almost anyone with wheels can place a bid, win a load and take to the road. Each week, Shipping Wars sees six transporters going head to head to win four loads. At the end of the week the four drivers who have been selected are awarded points based on profit per mile and customer feedback. The driver who comes out on top will be crowned ‘Transporter of the week’. In this first episode, big rig drivers Stu and Jemma win the job of transporting three priceless sports cars 56 miles from East Sussex to a charity event in London. World’s Toughest Trucker Stu says he can do the job with his eyes shut, but will he keep his cool?


Comedy series about a British bomb disposal detachment in Afghanistan. The team gets a visit from a government minister, to whom Mary unexpectedly takes a shine. Nick tries to get rid of him with a questionable plan involving high explosives. Starring: Oliver Chris, Matthew Lewis, Stephen Wight, Scott Hoatson, Jamie Quinn, Katie Lyons

Drama series based on the novels of GK Chesterton. When a troubled young woman’s father is killed just weeks after her mother’s death, Father Brown must help her deal with her grief while solving the father’s inexplicable murder by one of three weapons. Director: Paul Gibson Starring: Tom Chambers, Mark Williams, Sorcha Cusack, Alex Price, Alice Henley, David Calder


Animated update of the story of Red Riding Hood presenting a modern spin on the tale, as the wolf is taken away and charged with ‘intent to eat’ while the police hunt down the feared Goodie Bandit. Director: Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards Starring: Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, James Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Anthony Anderson, David Ogden-Stiers



Sue Barker hosts the sports quiz with regular team captains Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell. The guests are rugby league great Robbie Hunter-Paul, Olympic rowing champion Helen Glover, Scottish rugby union international Chris Cusiter and European athletics champion Martyn Rooney.


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:45

23:15 00:00 01:55


Breakfast Wanted Down Under Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Pets: Wild at Heart Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Holocaust: A Story of Remembrance The League Cup Show Film The Mexican Weather for the Week Ahead

06:00 07:00 07:45 08:15 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:50 15:50 17:15 17:55 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:15 23:20

Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Channel Patrol Great Continental Railway Journeys Claimed and Shamed See Hear BBC News The Daily Politics Coast Reel History of Britain The Churchill Obituary Churchill Paratrooper Flog It! Party Political Broadcast Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Antiques Road Trip The Great British Sewing Bee Wolf Hall Up the Women Newsnight Weather David Starkey’s Magna Carta

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:10 03:00 03:45


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase ITV News London Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather Bring Back Borstal I Never Knew That About Britain Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:30 01:20 03:05

Countdown According to Jim King of Queens Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Restoration Man 24 Hours in A and E Bodyshockers The Undateables Launched at Red Bull Studios Ramsay’s Hotel Hell Film Transamerica Kirstie’s Best of Both Worlds

07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:20 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pajamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Lethal Obsession 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cowboy Builders North Pole Ice Airport Celebrity Big Brother Age Gap Love Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Trauma Doctors

08:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:15 22:30



10:55 11:25

19:30 23:30

Live Big Bash Cricket Best of ICC WT20 Capital One Cup Football Big Bash Cricket Sachin Tendulkar: One in a Billion Sachin Tendulkar: One-Day King PL 100 Club Live Capital One Cup Football The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold

Tour Down Under Cycling Capital One Cup Football Football Gold Live OneDay International Cricket Big Bash Cricket Best of ICC WT20


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:45 23:45 00:30 00:35

Breakfast Wanted Down Under Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Eat Well for Less? Death in Paradise BBC News at . Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Skiing Weatherview BBC News

07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:40 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:15 23:20 23:50

Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Channel Patrol Six Puppies and Us Claimed and Shamed HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Coast Reel History of Britain Walden on Heroes Churchill Return from the River Kwai Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Antiques Road Trip Attenborough’s Paradise Birds Modern Times Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe Newsnight Weather MH17: In Search of Truth The Super-Rich and Us

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:45 23:45 00:30 00:35

Breakfast Wanted Down Under Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Eat Well for Less? Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time This Week Skiing Weatherview BBC News

06:45 07:10 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:10 01:05 02:00 02:25 02:55 03:50

According to Jim King of Queens Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location Cucumber The Mega Brothel 24 Hours in Police Custody Weighing Up the Enemy One Born Every Minute Food Unwrapped Dispatches Queen Victoria and the Crippled Kaiser Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:30 06:45 06:55 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


Toot the Tiny Tugboat Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pajamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Cedar Cove 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight North Pole Ice Airport Benefits Celebrity Big Brother Botched Up Bodies Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

09:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 14:30 18:30 19:30 22:00 23:00

08:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 17:0 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00

Barclays Premier League Legends Capital One Cup Football Football Gold Capital One Cup Football Sporting Greats Live Dubai Int. Racing Carnival Ringside Live Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Footb. Ringside A League of Their Own

Big Bash Cricket One-Day Int. Cricket Best of ICC WT20 One-Day Inter. Cricket WWE: Raw Capital One Cup Football The WWE Experience Barclays Premier League World Best of ICC WT20 Great Run Series Sporting Greats Great Run Series



06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:25 23:55 01:50 01:55

Breakfast Wanted Down Under Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Room 101 The Musketeers BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Bluestone 42 EastEnders Omnibus Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 10:30 11:00 11:05

Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Channel Patrol The Big Allotment Challenge Food and Drink The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Great Britons Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell Young Winston Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Antiques Road Trip Mastermind Food and Drink The Big Allotment Challenge QI Newsnight Weather The Road

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 00:30 03:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Martin Lewis Money Show Coronation Street Benidorm ITV News at Ten and Weather Film Shaun of the Dead Jackpot247 Film Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:40 00:05 01:00 02:45

Countdown According to Jim King of Queens Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Last Leg Catastrophe Brooklyn Nine-Nine Rude Tube Film The Rocky Horror Picture Show The Ricky Gervais Show

06:55 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

23:30 00:15

Pip Ahoy! Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pajamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film A Risk Worth Taking 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Race to the Pole Ice Road Truckers Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Celebrity Big Brother Super Casino

09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00

12:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 21:30


Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Football Barclays Premier League Legends Barclays Premier League World Ringside Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Football Barclays Premier League World Barclays Premier League Legends Ringside Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Football

Ricky Ponting Masterclass One-Day Int. Cricket Ricky Ponting Masterclass Great Run Series One-Day Int. Cricket 2015 PDC Awards Tight Lines The Rugby Club Live Live International Rugby Union Ashes Memories


06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:50 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:20 18:10 18:20 18:30 19:00 20:30 21:20 22:10 22:30 00:00 01:20

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live James Martin: Home Comforts BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Homes Under the Hammer Final Score Pointless BBC News BBC London News Now You See It The Voice UK The National Lottery Casualty BBC News Match of the Day The Football League Show Film Stark Raving Mad

Heist comedy. A man joins a crime syndicate in the hope of exacting revenge on the boss who murdered his brother. Planning a complicated robbery, the group of young crooks aim to steal a valuable statue and get even with the crime lord while throwing a huge rave as a diversion to the heist they are pulling on the bank next door.

06:45 08:25 11:30 12:00 12:45 13:25 15:25

Bitter Victory Live Tennis Animal Park James Martin: Home Comforts Hollywood Greats Lust for Life Hidalgo

A former pony express rider appearing in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show is invited by a wealthy sheikh to take part in a legendary 3,000-mile horse race across the Arabian desert. However, his rivals in the contest are determined not to see a foreigner win, and the cowboy is also drawn into political intrigue as the sheikh’s enemies plot to steal his horsebreeding secrets. Drama, starring Viggo Mortensen, Zuleikha Robinson, Omar Sharif and Louise Lomba 17:30 18:30 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:55

The Great British Sewing Bee Flog It! Attenborough’s Paradise Birds Dad’s Army The Secret World of Lewis Carroll QI Ginger & Rosa The Tempest

07:25 07:30 07:35 07:50 08:30 08:50

09:25 12:30 12:35 13:40 14:10 15:10 16:10 17:10 17:20 17:30 18:30 19:30 20:05 21:20 22:25 22:35 01:10

Share a Story Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Adventure Time Horrid Henry Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show The Undriveables Who’s Doing the Dishes? Doc Martin Big Star’s Little Star ITV News London ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes Planet’s Got Talent Take Me Out The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather Film The Shawshank Redemption Jackpot247

06:00 07:00

07:25 07:55 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:25 13:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:10 01:05 02:00

Transworld Sport Helly Hansen Killarney Adventure Race Itera Expedition Race The Morning Line King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Speed with Guy Martin Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Channel 4 News The Restoration Man The World’s Weirdest Weather Film Ted Film Your Highness The Last Leg Film Prizzi’s Honor

07:15 07:25 07:30 07:45 07:55 08:10

08:25 08:40 09:00 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:35 10:45 14:40 16:35 18:10 20:55 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:50 00:15

Bananas in Pajamas Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Wanda and the Alien Zack and Quack Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown SpongeBob Squarepants Access Ice Road Truckers Columbo: A Friend in Deed Columbo: A Deadly State of Mind NCIS 5 News Weekend Celebrity Big Brother CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Law and Order Criminals: Caught on Camera Super Casino


10:00 12:00 14:30 16:40

20:00 23:30

09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00

The Fantasy Football Club Soccer AM FL72 Live Live LV= Cup Rugby Union Live Ford Saturday Night Football Live Fight Night Sporting Rivalries

Tight Lines 2015 PDC Awards The Rugby Club The Ashes One-Day Int. Cricket The Ashes One-Day Int. Cricket Best of ICC WT20 2015 PDC Awards One-Day Int. Cricket SNF - Game of the Day SNF - Match Choice


06:00 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 13:15 14:15 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:35 17:50 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:20 22:30 23:30 00:50 00:55


Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics MOTD2 Extra BBC News Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Eat Well for Less? Your Home in Their Hands Songs of Praise BBC News Regional News and Weather Animals in Love Countryfile Call the Midwife Last Tango in Halifax BBC News Regional News and Weather Match of the Day 2 The Celebrity Apprentice USA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 07:20 08:15 12:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:45 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

The Football League Show Countryfile Live Tennis Saturday Kitchen Best Bites James Martin: Home Comforts Food and Drink Talking Pictures Ivanhoe Flog It! Trade Secrets Ski Sunday The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve The Motorway: Life in the Fast Lane Top Gear Dragons’ Den True Grit

A farmer is murdered by a hired hand, who flees into the wilderness. The dead man’s strongwilled 14-year-old daughter is determined to bring the killer to justice, and recruits the aid of a hard-drinking, one-eyed marshal to help her track him down. The Coen brothers’ Western based on Charles Portis’ novel, with Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld, Matt Damon and Josh Brolin 23:45

New Jack City


06:35 07:00 07:10 07:25 07:30 07:35 07:50 08:30 08:50 09:25 12:30 12:40 13:40 14:10 15:15 16:15 18:35 18:45 19:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 22:15 23:15

Dino Dan Canimals Sooty Share a Story Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Ultimate SpiderMan Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes Off Their Rockers Mel and Sue’s Best Bits Tipping Point Film The Spy Who Loved Me ITV News London ITV News and Weather Get Your Act Together All Star Family Fortunes Mr Selfridge ITV News and Weather Perspectives Rugby Highlights

06:20 06:45 07:35 08:30 09:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00

NFL How I Met Your Mother Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Penelope

07:20 07:35 07:45 08:00 08:15

08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:35 10:40

16:50 17:20 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:05 22:30


Channel 4 News Film Mr. Popper’s Penguins The Jump The Hotel Our Guy in India The Simpsons The Super Bowl: American Football Live Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not

13:35 15:25 16:55 18:50 20:55 21:00 22:00 00:00 01:00

Bananas in Pajamas Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Wanda and the Alien Zack and Quack Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown SpongeBob Squarepants Access Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge Film A Little Princess Film Hoodwinked Film Made of Honour Film Hellboy II: The Golden Army 5 News Weekend Celebrity Big Brother Film Justice Britain’s Flashiest Families Super Casino


Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pajamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Angels Fall 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Criminals: Caught on Camera Car Crash TV Celebrity Big Brother Film 10,000 BC Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Botched Up Bodies Super Casino


07:30 09:00 10:30 12:30

18:30 22:00

06:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:30 22:00

Barclays Premier League Legends SNF - Match Choice The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Ford Super Sunday NFL Gameday Super Bowl XLIX

Live One-Day Int. Cricket Best of ICC WT20 One-Day Int. Cricket European Rugby Special One-Day Int. Cricket WWE: Raw European Rugby Special Live National Badminton League One-Day Int. Cricket


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:45 23:30 00:15 02:00 02:05

Breakfast Wanted Down Under Revisited Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Silent Witness BBC News at Ten BBC London News Football Focus The Graham Norton Show Film City Hall Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:15 13:45 14:40 18:40 16:10 16:35 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00

22:30 23:15 23:20 23:50

Helicopter Heroes Down Under Channel Patrol Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Railway Journeys Click BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Coast The War Lords The Road to War Mountain Open All Hours To the Manor Born Hi-De-Hi Flog It! Eggheads Great Antiques Map of Britain Top Gear University Challenge QI Elves v Coders A Cook Abroad Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad Newsnight Weather My Right to Die: Debbie’s Story Alex Polizzi - The Fixer

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:45 00:10 03:00 03:40

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Richard Wilson on the Road Coronation Street Broadchurch ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show The Kyle Files Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:40 00:35 01:30 02:25 03:20

Countdown King of Queens 3rd Rock from the Sun Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Shipping Wars Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump The Undateables Catastrophe Bodyshockers 24 Hours in A and E Walking the Nile Man v Weird Jon Richardson Grows Up A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

06:45 06:55 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 23:00

00:00 01:00

11:00 11:30 11:45 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:30 15:30 16:00 16:30

07:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 17:00 19:00 19:30 21:30 22:00

Barclays Premier League Legends PL 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Sky Sports Originals FL72 Review Barclays Premier League Legends Goals on Sunday Barclays Premier League Legends PL 100 Club The Fantasy Footb. Club

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The Spanish Property Market Recovery Starts Now By Mark Stücklin

will not be uniform. He highlights that consolidated areas in large cities (mainly Madrid and Barcelona), home to the upper and middle classes, will drive purchases. He even goes as far as predicting price rises over 10 per cent in these areas. “This high increase will contrast,” he adds, “with the stagnant prices that we’ll see in medium-sized cities and provincial capitals.” Ruiz Bartolomé and García Montalvo take a stab at forecasting price movements this year. Ruiz Bartolomé cites a global range of -2 and +2 per cent and García Montalvo gives a range from -5 to +5 per cent, depending on the area. “There won’t be huge variations,” said Ruiz Bartolomé, pointing out that location is now more important than ever. “During the property bubble everything went up, but the market is now much more selective”.

Mortgage Lending

2015 will be the start of the Spanish property market recovery, according to an article in El Mundo’s property section.


HE article, by El Mundo’s property specialist Jorge Salido, reports the year is kicking off with optimism after green shoots appeared in 2014, and a new property market cycle has begun. El Mundo is one of Spain’s leading daily newspapers, with considerable influence over housingmarket expectation. Experts forecast increasing demand driven by price stability (no longer falling), cheap and accessible finance, and a rising supply of new building projects. This optimism is reportedly

shared by experts such as Gonzalo Bernardos, economist and head of the Masters degree in Property in the University of Barcelona; José García Montalvo, economist and lecturer at the Pompeu

Fabra University; Julio Gil, President of the Foundation for Property Research (FEI in Spanish); and the property consultant, José Luis Ruiz Bartolomé. These four experts agree that a positive alignment of price stability, mortgage lending, and new development sets the scene for a recovery in home sales, and a reactivation of the property sector, fundamental to the Spanish economy.

However, the experts warn that there are still some causes for concern. “During 2015 the market will again move at different speeds,” Julio Gil told El Mundo. “On the one hand, areas where prices will stabilise and on the other, places where price adjustment will continue more moderately,” Gil still worries about a huge excess supply and low household purchasing power. Bernardos also points out that the increase in transactions

Along with stable prices, 2015 is also the year the experts reckon the banks will turn on the mortgage taps for clients who are clearly solvent. “In order to improve their turnovers, Spanish banks have no choice but to start lending again now that other lending alternatives are no longer an option. In addition, their balance books are healthy,” says García Montalvo. García Montalvo expects mortgage lending to get competitive quickly, with a battle “to see who offers the lowest interest rates.” However, the lending frenzy will only benefit solvent borrowers. “Mortgages granted on the basis of temporary employment and low wages will not be back at least for a while,” he says.

Bernardos, for his part forecasts the competition will turn into a “spectacular” war in the second half of the year

New Developments

The third factor expected to give the market a boost is the launch of attractive new developments, say the experts. Developers (in many shapes and forms) will start building again in response both to the new buyers and new credit. Demand will be stimulated by a greater choice of attractive new homes, they argue. “We won’t see a general return of cranes,” explains Gil, “building activity will start more strongly in areas with a solvent demand for properties that should go on the market at reasonable prices. At the start of this year,” he continues, “banks will put more resources into financing development, cooperatives will continue to play an important role, the number of developers will increase and investment funds will join the sector.” Bernardos talks of “a new sector of development” already leading new supply and leaving the boom properties behind. He says that three and four bedroom properties will be the norm in new projects and that, in general, all properties will be larger regardless of the number of bedrooms. The experts conclude that 2015 will be a good year for buyers, but Gil warns that though 2015 will be better than 2014, we are not yet out of the woods. “There are reasons for optimism, but we must be careful because there were many excesses in the past and there’s still a number of risks and imbalances that will take time to disappear”.

Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008). He can be reached by email on ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.






£ 95,000

Hibisco I 2 Bedrooms TPS2870

£ 249,000

Flamboyant 2 Bedrooms TPS2837

£ 165,000

Calle Tabaiba 2 Bedrooms TPS2917

£ 49,000

Concanassa 1 Bedroom TPS1589

£ 745,000

Avda. San Antonio San Francisco: 4 Bedrooms TPS4307

£ 200,000

El Marques Palace 3 Bedrooms TPS3178

FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Four levels Double garage Store room Community pool Three bedrooms Roof terrace Spacious living room Garden & terrace Three bathrooms






Adeje - Tijoco Bajo

Romantica II

Finca( 5.724,98 sqm), 2 small bungalows (furnished) + 1 garage, unique views, more than 250 palm trees, fully automatic irrigation.

Spectacular apartment (145sqm), Panoramic Views, 1st line of Sea, 2 bed, 2 bath, Sauna, private heated pool, terrace (175sqm), communal garage, no steps.

425.000 €

395.000 €

La Longuera - El Toscal

Spacious family house (220sqm), plot 429 sqm, 4 bed + guest apartment, 2 baths, big garage, lovely pool, beautiful mountain and sea views

First ocupation. Apartment directly from builder, sea view. Corner apartment (67,50 sqm), 2 bed, 1 bath, terrace (13 sqm), garage.

Romantica II Gorgeous studio (33sqm) with lovely terrace (22 sqm) and roof terrace. Lovely views, very quiet, completely renovated, furnished.

82.000 €

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San Vicente - Los Realejos

315.000 €


116.000 €

Property of the month! El Sauzal - Ravelo. Spectacular Finca, 11.238 sqm, 3 houses + apartment, enormous barbecue (547 sqm), actually 3 to rent (rural tourism), own water tank. NEW PRICE: 950.000 €

San Vicente Lovely studio (33,50sqm), first line sea, balcony (17,50sqm),impressive sea view & natural park Rambla de Castro, renovated & furnished

Emergency Sale 48.000 €

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Fully furnished apartment: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, dining/living room, big terrace, washing room and garage. Area with big gardens, 3 swimming pools and easy access. Very privileged area, El Durazno.

550€ per month

TIJOCO BAJO 2 bedrooms. Long term, masive sunny terrace, ocean views, quiet area. 490€ per month BILLS INCLUDED Two month deposit.


(water and electricity not included)

Tel. 628 022 152 - 676 254 865 GOLF DE ADEJE New Super luxury villa, 500 sqm house in 700qm plot, panoramic views, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, garage for 4 cars, sauna room, 3 levels elevator, 60 sqm swimming pool, garden. Gymnasium. Best quality materials and finishings. 2.490.000€

Villa 160 m2 with marvellous garden 800 m2 with more than hundred tropical and subtropical plants. Well furnished B ungalow with 3 Bed & 3 Bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows,heated pool,garage.

LOS CRISTIANOS Large Studio, sunny terrace, panoramic views, communal pool, completely new. 114.000€

TIJOCO BAJO 2 Bedrooms, 100Sqm, masive sunny terrace, sea views. Fully furnished. 89.000€


TIJOCO BAJO 395sqm corner plot, urban land, for independent house or apartments. Nice mountain and sea views, residential quiet area. 126.000€

PARQUE LA REINA 140sqm urban plot, for independent house (max 270sqm in 2 level + garage). 69.000€


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PRICE: 139.900€



PRICE: 308.000€


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BANK REPOSSESSIONS 22905. San Isidro. 2 bed, 1 bath apt with lounge, kitchen, built-in wardrobes, 90 m2. 44.000 Euros

Castle Harbour, Los Cristianos Newly refurbished. The complex has plenty of amenities, i.e. communal swimming pool, pool bar, lift, reception, etc Ref: B1536 78.750 Euros

Jardin Tropical, San Eugenio Studio on fantastic front line apart-hotel 136.000 Euros Ref: a348

Parque San Eugenio, San Eugenio 1 bed, 1 bath bungalow, fitted kitchen, lounge, terrace, parking space. Air-conditioning fitted. Communal pool. Ref: B1525. 140.000 Euros

73044797. 1 bed, 1 bath apt sold with garage parking space & store room within the building. The building has a lift. Valle San Lorenzo. 47.300 Euros 22908. Costa del Silenco. 1 bed, 1 bath apt with a terrace of 19 m2, roof terrace of 34 m2 + garage parking space. 66.000 Euros



73234858. Los Abrigos. Ground floor apartment by a plaza & near the seafront, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 59 m2. 44.100 Euros

Panorama, San Eugenio 1 bed, 1 bath apt with excellent views from the terrace, fitted kitchen, lounge-diner, sold furnished. Heated communal pool, reception, bar-restaurang, lift, etc Ref: B1530 189.000 Euros

Callao Salvaje Villa with lovely garden & private pool on a plot of 1000 m2 with 287m2 construction + 70 m2 garage. 4 bed, 3 en-suit bathrooms REDUCED: 650.000 Euros Ref: D1502

50673. Las Chafiras. Ground floor apt with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (one is en-suite), lounge-diner, kitchen, fitted wardrobes, & a garage parking space + store room. 70.100 Euros 51422. Sotavento, El Medano. 176 m2 property with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms located near the beach. Communal pool & gardens. 160.700 Euros 15927. La Finca, Chayofa. Duplex with garage, 3 bed, 3 baths, communal pool & gardens. 167.900 Euros

2 bed totally renovated & furnished ground floor apartment. High quality. Ref: C1640. 89.000 Euros

81900. Charco de Valla. 164 m2 town house, garage, various terraces + roof terrace. 191.500 Euros

ESTATE AGENTS Calle Flor de Pascua 33 , Los Gigantes I Tel.: 922 862 901 I www.delmargigantes.net

Villa San Juan - Playa San Juan Front line well furnished 1 bed 1 bath apartment, fantastic sea views from the terrace, large comm. pool, quiet location. 199.000 Euros

Balcon de Los Gigantes – Puerto Santiago Modern 2 bed 2 bath well furnished ground floor apartment, large terrace with garden and pool views. Lifts, Wi-Fi, a/c. £150,000

Jazmin - Los Gigantes Refurbished 2 bed 2 bath well furnished apartment, fabulous cliff and sea views, community pool and gardens. £190,000

Villa - Playa San Juan Seafront semi-detached 3 bed 2 bath well furnished house, conservatory, terrace, large garage, mountain views. £495,000

Carissa - Los Gigantes

Apartaments Eva - Los Gigantes

Refurbished 2 bed 2 bath furnished apartment, sea views from the terrace, heated community pool. £129,000

One bedroom split level refurbished apartment, wonderful sea views from the terrace. Lift. £69,000

Vitamar II – Puerto Santiago

Neptuno – Playa La Arena

Quality 2 bed 2 bath furnished duplex apartment, fabulous sea views, heated comm. pool, convenient for shops & restaurants. £229,000

Pool and beach side 2 bed 2 bath furnished apartment, large community pool, lift, close to local restaurants and shops. £159,000






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La Finca, Chayofa

Port Royale, Los Cristianos



Price: €210.000

Price: €135.000

Price: €109.500

If peace & tranquility is on your search list, this bungalow should be top of your viewing list. Located on a quiet complex in the village of Chayofa just a few minutes drive from Los Cristianos. The bungalow has three good sized bedrooms and ample living area which leads onto the terrace offering a view of the gardens and peaceful pool area. With on site community parking close by and well run community, this is one not to be missed

Are you tired of looking at the same old one bedroom apartments with small terraces? Then look no further, this one bedroom garden apartment with a huge 51m2 terrace & garden area with sea view & access to community gardens & pool area! With a 44m2 interior including a bright & airy lounge, a fully fitted kitchen and a double bedroom with fitted wardrobes. Included in the price is a private underground garage .

Based on a very popular complex, this easily accessible ground floor one bed apartment is spaciously laid out with a terrace area looking directly out on to the pool. Refurbished internally, based on a complex with reception and just a stone´s throw from bars and restaurants in the area plus Los Cristianos on your doorstep with its harbour, beaches and nightlife - an enviable location.

Duquesa del Mar, Golf del Sur GOLF01286

Fañabé LA01635

Price: €130.000

Price: €169.000

Located in Fanabe this excellent townhouse is perfect as a starter home for a working family or to retire in the sun! If you prefer a taste of authentic living but only minutes away from the main tourist areas then this is ideal. With main supermarkets, schools & sports facilities all within easy reach. The property is well proportioned & has a fine roof terrace for extra living space. Also included is an underground parking space and storeroom.

Excellent opportunity, fabulous property in a highly desirable development. The property has benefitted from a overhaul with new furnishings and a brand new modern kitchen. Large living areas consisting of lounge, dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and utility area. Marble floors, air conditioning, private sunny terraces and a great location to boot. The complex is spotless and the communal pool is heated in the cooler months of the year.


Parque Albatros, Amarilla Golf Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Bajo LA01618

Price: £79,995 JUST REDUCED TO £73,500 APPROXIMATELY €95.550 A very well presented one bedroom apartment overlooking the pool on a pretty complex set in the heart of 27 holes of golfing paradise. The apartment boasts a refurbished bathroom, air con, fully equipped kitchen and tasteful furniture. The complex has a heated pool, on-site restaurant, kids club, tapas bar, and is within walking distance to bars, restaurants, shops and the marina. This really is worth viewing!

Price: €249.000 A very spacious 2 bedroom apartment located just a short stroll to Puerto Colon Marina & San Eugenio. This property has two terraces with plenty of room to relax & enjoy the beautiful weather. The property is ideal for those who are looking for winter sun during the day. The property has two double bedrooms a good size lounge with dining area & a fitted kitchen. The complex has reception, pool bar & a very pleasant communal pool area.

El Beril, La Caleta LA01655

Price: €295.000 If you would like a villa in the most upmarket of areas, so close to the best hotels you could almost get room service: then this 1 bedroom property is ideal. With views over the ocean, adjacent to the communal pool a rare opportunity, worth taking a look while you still can. With the sandy beaches of Del Duque and quality restaurants on your doorstep it will be hard to leave at the end of your stay.


Candelaria OUT01036 Playa Graciosa, Los Cristianos Price: €495.000


A beautifully presented 3 bedroom penthouse apartment with excellent views to the mountains, sea & coastline of Los Cristianos, not to mention the lovely pool area! With a bright and spacious lounge including a dining area which leads onto a large terrace, an independent fully fitted kitchen with breakfast area, a master bedroom with ensuite and two other double bedrooms & further guest bathroom. On the upper level is a great usable area which can accommodate a sofa bed for guests or can be used as an office. From here you access to the large roof terrace which is private and enjoys all day sun. This is a high quality property in a very convenient location on one of the most sought after & well maintained complexes in Los Cristianos. Also included in the sale is a storeroom and lock up garage.

Recognised Internationally:

Price: €420.000 This property is located in the historic town of Candelaria, it has been completely renovated in 2014 with bright spacious living areas & modern fully fitted bathrooms & kitchen. Based on a plot of 921m2 with a beautiful manicured garden which has coastal, sea & mountain views. The property has a constructed area of 162m2 including a private garage. If you prefer to leave the main tourist resorts behind this is a perfect opportunity!







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02:10 02:15

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06:45 06:55 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


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09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:15 1

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Breakfast Wanted Down Under Revisited Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Eat Well for Less? Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Skiing Weatherview BBC News

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Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Wanted Down Under Six Puppies and Us Great British Railway Journeys HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Coast The War Lords The Road to War Mountain Open All Hours To the Manor Born Hi-De-Hi Flog It! Eggheads Great Antiques Map of Britain The Great British Sewing Bee Modern Times Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe Newsnight Weather A Cook Abroad

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:50 00:10 03:00


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale The Kyle Files Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Car Crash Britain ITV News at Ten and Weather Kylie: Kiss Me Once Ade at Sea Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:05 09:00 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:05 01:05

Countdown King of Queens 3rd Rock from the Sun Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Shipping Wars Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump Cucumber Married Behind Bars 24 Hours in Police Custody Up All Night One Born Every Minute

07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


The Mr. Men Show Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pajamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Seduced by Lies 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Classic Car Show Secrets of Rome’s Colosseum Celebrity Big Brother Botched Up Bodies Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

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09:00 12:30

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06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 Union 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:20 23:50 01:20 01:25

Breakfast Wanted Down Under Revisited Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Helicopter Heroes Down Under Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Six Nations Rugby

07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:20 13:50 14:40 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30

BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Bluestone 42 EastEnders Omnibus Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:05

Helicopter Heroes Down Under Wanted Down Under The Big Allotment Challenge Food and Drink The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Coast The War Lords The Road to War Mountain Open All Hours To the Manor Born Hi-De-Hi Flog It! Eggheads Great Antiques Map of Britain Six Nations Rugby Union The Wonder of Animals Mastermind Food and Drink The Big Allotment Challenge Rhod Gilbert vs Kilimanjaro Newsnight Weather Things We Lost in the Fire

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 00:55 03:00 03:40

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Benidorm ITV News at Ten and Weather Film Parenthood Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:35 00:00 01:00 02:55

Countdown King of Queens 3rd Rock from the Sun Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Shipping Wars Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Last Leg Catastrophe Brooklyn Nine-Nine Rude Tube Film Nine to Five The Ricky Gervais Show

06:45 06:55 07:10 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:45 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:50

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09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00

Darts Football Gold Ringside PL 100 Club Ringside Soccer AM: The Best Bits PL 100 Club The Fantasy Football Club Live First Utility Super League The Fantasy Football Club

Sporting Greats Time of Our Lives Ashes Fever Sporting Greats Sporting Heroes Time of Our Lives Cricket Classics Ashes Fever WWE: Smackdown The Rugby Club Grand Final Gold Sporting Greats Ashes Fever Cricket Classics



06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:50 13:00 14:00 18:55 19:10 19:15

20:35 21:25 22:15 22:30 23:50 01:15 02:25

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen James Martin: Home Comforts BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Bargain Hunt Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News BBC London News The Voice UK

The National Lottery Casualty BBC News Match of the Day The Football League Show TBA BBC News

06:00 09:10 10:10 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:45

Film TBA Fred Dibnah’s Age of Steam British Isles: A Natural History Six Nations Rewind James Martin: Home Comforts Food and Drink Talking Pictures Cowboy

Chicago hotel clerk Jack Lemmon befriends visiting cowboy Glenn Ford and soon talks his way into joining him on a cattle drive so he can impress the woman he loves. Naturally, the tenderfoot has no idea of what awaits him as he ventures out into the Wild West, an experience which forces him to undergo a dramatic change. Atmospheric fact-based Western which was met with controversy on release. Anna Kashfi and Brian Donlevy also star 15:10 16:30 17:15 17:45 18:45 19:35 20:35 21:05 21:50

TBA Final Score TBA The Great British Sewing Bee Flog It! TBA Dad’s Army QI XL TBA

07:25 07:30 07:35 07:50 08:30 08:50

09:25 09:30 12:30 12:35 13:35 14:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 17:15 17:30 18:30 19:30 20:05 21:20 22:20 22:35 00:30

Share a Story Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Adventure Time Horrid Henry Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. ITV News The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show The Undriveables The Chase Doc Martin Big Star’s Little Star Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes Planet’s Got Talent Take Me Out The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather Film Hard Target Jackpot247

07:00 07:55 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00

Cycling Revolution Show The Morning Line King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Child Genius Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Channel 4 News Our Guy in India

Guy Martin has a love for adventure and they don’t come much bigger than an epic 1000mile trip across India, culminating in one of the world’s maddest bike races. Rider Mania is the largest gathering of Royal Enfield motorbikes on the planet. Guy wants to ride there and win it at the end of his two-week trip. Along the way, Guy, with his love of tea, lorry repair, motorbikes and daredevil risk taking, introduces viewers to a rarely-seen side of modern India. Only Guy would want to visit the largest lorry repair yard in Asia. 20:00

The World’s Weirdest Weather

06:00 10:00

Milkshake! Sponge Bob Square Pants

Children’s series following Spongebob Squarepants and his aquatic friends under the ocean. 10:35 10:40 13:25 17:00

Access Ice Road Truckers TBA NCIS

10:00 12:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 16:45

20:00 22:00

21:00 21:55 22:00

NCIS: Los Angeles 5 News CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas. 23:00 00:00 03:05 04:00

Law and Order Super Casino TBA House Doctor

09:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:00 13:30 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00


Soccer AM Live Scottish Cup Football Ringside Sporting Rivalries Darts Gold Live Ford Saturday Night Football SNF - Game of the Day SNF - Match Choice

Ashes Fever Sporting Greats First Utility Super League Sky Sports Classics Sporting Greats Bumble! The David Lloyd Story Sporting Rivalries WWE From the Vault Ashes Fever Sporting Rivalries Bumble! The David Lloyd Story Scottish Cup Foot.


06:00 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 13:15 14:15 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:35 17:50 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:20 22:30 23:00 23:20 23:30 00:55 01:00

Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics MOTD2 Extra BBC News Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Eat Well for Less? Your Home in Their Hands Songs of Praise BBC News BBC London News Animals in Love Countryfile Call the Midwife The British Academy Film Awards BBC London News The British Academy Film Awards BBC News Regional News and Weather The Apprentice USA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:20 07:20 08:05 09:00 10:20 11:20 12:50 13:20

Great British Garden Revival Glorious Gardens From Above Countryfile The Football League Show Six Nations Rewind Saturday Kitchen James Martin: Home Comforts Food and Drink

Tom Kerridge is joined by Cyrus Todiwala (The Incredible Spice Men) to discuss the benefits of wholesome food, with the host challenging the award-winning Indian chef to come up with an alternative take on a curry to rival his own spice-crusted tuna salad. Comedienne Arabella Weir tries her hardest to fall in love with salad, and drinks expert Joe Wadsack picks a selection of healthy red wines 13:50 16:45 17:15 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

TBA Flog It! Trade Secrets Alaska - Earth’s Frozen Kingdom The Motorway: Life in the Fast Lane Top Gear Dragons’ Den Match of the Day 2

06:00 06:35 07:00 07:10 07:25 07:30 07:35 07:50 08:30 08:50 09:25 12:25 12:30 13:30 14:15 16:15 18:35 18:45 19:00 20:15 21:00 22:00 22:15 23:15 00:15

Bottom Knocker Street Dino Dan Canimals Sooty Share a Story Scrambled! Nerds and Monsters Ultimate SpiderMan 0 Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes Catchphrase Mel and Sue’s Best Bits Film Moonraker Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather Get Your Act Together All Star Family Fortunes Mr Selfridge ITV News and Weather Perspectives Rugby Highlights The Store

06:20 06:45 07:35 08:30 09:30 12:30

Rush Zone How I Met Your Mother Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast

Ellie Goulding joins Jamie Oliver and Jimmy Doherty and relives the junk food of her past as she gives a dirty burger a vegan twist. Jamie cooks an indulgent Japanese pork belly ramen. Jimmy reinvents the humble roast chicken with his DIY rotisserie. And the boys revive a medieval tradition to tackle the problem of farm waste. 13:30 14:45 15:15 16:55 17:25 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:15 02:15 03:00

The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons TBA Channel 4 News TBA The Hotel Our Guy in India 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown TBA The Last Leg TBA Double Your House for Half the Money

06:00 10:00 10:35

Milkshake! Sponge Bob Square Pants Access

A daily round-up of showbiz news and gossip from around the world, focusing on celebrities, movies, music and entertainment. 10:40

Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge

09:30 11:30 16:00 20:00 21:00

21:30 22:00 23:30

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:25 20:55 21:00 01:05

TBA 5 News TBA Super Casino

14:30 17:00

18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

Goals on Sunday Live Ford Super Sunday TBA Goals on Sunday Barclays Premier League Legends PL 100 Club Ford Football Special The Sunday Supplement

Cricket Classics Time of Our Lives Sporting Greats Live Scottish Cup Football Live LV= Cup Rugby Union Gary Newbon Interviews Phil Taylor Scottish Cup Foot. LV= Cup Rugby Union HSBC Sevens World Series Cricket Classics


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 13:40 13:45 14:15 15:05 15:50 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:42 22:45 23:45 00:30 01:40 01:45


Breakfast Wanted Down Under Revisited Homes Under the Hammer TBA Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Father Brown The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama TBA BBC News at Ten BBC London News BBC Weather Waterloo Road The Graham Norton Show TBA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News



A visit to West Yorkshire, where Ellie Harrison is on the moors following the Stanza Stones trail, a series of rocks with verses by poet Simon Armitage carved upon them. Matt Baker visits a volunteer-run farm and Joe Crowley tells the story of the Cragg Vale Coiners, an 18th-century outlaw band responsible for one of the biggest counterfeiting crimes in history. Adam Henson meets a farmer using French percheron heavy horses to work the land and Tom Heap is at Pirbright laboratory, which will soon become the first line of defence against a host of diseases affecting farm animals - and even humans 01:50

Holby City

Mary-Claire agrees to supervise AAU in Fletch’s absence, and is soon balancing several precarious and sensitive cases. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by her feelings for Harry - until an old friend gives her a fresh perspective on her relationship with the doctor. Jonny is asked to make peace between the parents of a dead teenage boy, who cannot agree whether their son’s organs should be donated. Sacha jeopardises his new understanding with daughter Rachel by forgetting her birthday 02:50

This Is BBC Two


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 10:55 11:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:05 03:00


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Judge Rinder Tipping Point Mel and Sue The Chase Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Richard Wilson on the Road Coronation Street Broadchurch ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show The Kyle Files Jackpot247 UEFA Champions League Weekly The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 06:45 07:10 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:10 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00

Countdown King of Queens 3rd Rock from the Sun Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Undercover Boss USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Three in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Shipping Wars Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches

06:00 09:15 11:10

12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 5 News TBA Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Missing at 17 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Criminals: Caught on Camera Car Crash TV

06:00 06:30 07:15

07:30 11:30 12:00 12:30

13:00 14:00 15:00 17:00 17:30 19:00 20:00 22:30 00:00 02:30

20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:30 00:00

Food Unwrapped TBA Catastrophe Bodyshockers 24 Hours in A and E Grammys

20:00 22:00 23:00 01:15 03:05 04:00

TBA 10,000 BC TBA Super Casino TBA Wildlife SOS

02:45 04:30 05:00

PL Legends PL 100 Club : Les Ferdinand Football Gold: Man Utd V Newcastle 2009 Premier League PL Legends - Peter Schmeichel PL 100 Club:sheringham Football Gold: Chelsea V Tottenham SKY Sports Originals 31 FL 72 Review PL Legends PL 100 Club Fantasy Football Club FL 72 Review League 1 - Bradford V MK Dons Barclays Premier League Review FL 72 - Review Premier League West Ham 3-4 Tottenham Football Gold PL Legends PL 100 Club:sheringham







Outstanding pianist to perform at Puerto de la Cruz


national and international pianist from Gran Canaria is coming to Puerto de la Cruz to perform an evening concert dedicated to the works of Mozart, Debussy and Brahms. The Reyes Bartlet Association is delighted to welcome

Jorge Robaina to the Teatro Timanfaya at 8.30pm on

February 6th. This special concert will feature pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (“Sonata in E flat major KV. 282”), Claude Debussy (“Suite Bergamasque”, “Masques “” L’Isle Joyeuse “) and Johannes Brahms (“ Sonata in F minor Op. 5 “). Jorge Robaina was born in Las Palmas where he began his musical studies. At 15, he moved to Vienna to complete his training at the State Conservatory where, in 1991, he achieved top honours. He is the winner of several national and international awards including most notably the “Pegasus” and the “Bosendorfer” awards in Vienna. He also performed the world’s first recordings of “Piano Concerto” by Falcon Sanabria annd “Nostalgic” for piano and orchestra by Carmelo Bernaola. He also won the “Rhythm” magazine for his album of piano music by Guridi.

As a soloist, he has collaborated with various orchestras including the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Asturias Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria, Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, RTVE Orchestra, Community of Madrid Orchestra, Cordoba Orchestra, National Orchestra of Spain, Polish RTV orchestra, orchestra of the Region of Murcia, Community of Madrid Orchestra, Hungarian Chamber Symphony orchestra and the Vienna Mozart Orchestra. Tickets can be purchased on the day of the concert in the Timanfaya Theatre, at a price of 15 euros, and can also be booked by emailing mail@reyesbartlet.com, as well as telephoning 922 386 974 and 696 227 636 . The advance sale can be made at the offices of CIT Puerto de la Cruz, in the Library Masilva and at the theatre.

Hiking programme celebrates 15th birthday and busy year to come



project which has offered 225 hiking routes over the last 15 years is promising more to come during 2015.

El Sauzal celebrated the milestone birthday of “@Patear” with a ceremony and exhibition of past activities featuring nearly 3,000 images. Since the initiative was set up in 2001, it has been enjoyed by nearly 15,000 people. The Mayor, Mariano Pérez said the hiking trails were becoming more popular as time progressed and now took supporters to all parts of the archipelago, as well as the mainland. The event included a presentation of the activities planned for the coming year, including a walk to the convent of Santa Catalina de

Siena on February 15th and a trip to the Teno Rural Park on February 28th, passing through the lovely area of Buenavista del Norte. On March 14th, there will be a historic route along the Camino Viejo and on March 28th, the route runs from the peaks of Anaga to the coast, with the opportunity to visit the villages of El Batán and Bejía. April 11th will see the health event @ Patear Saludable which coincides with the municipality’s 12th Health Week. The destination on April 25th will see a return visit to spectacular Masca whilst the

lunar landscape of the Teide National Park will fascinate on May 16th. From June 12th to 14th, the destination is La Gomera and there will be a range of new options in July to include trips away from the islands. It will be back to Anaga on September 19th and the beautifu beach of Antequera. On October 17th and 18th, there will be camping and a night walk and the programme will end on November 28th with a tour of the laurel forests of the region of a Acentejo before reaching El Rosario. All those who would like to take part can register in the local sports department or telephone 922 570 000, extensión 146.








Your chance to book your themed Come and guided tour around Tegueste support Charity Market in aid of cancer bus


EGUESTE has started its programme of unusual guided tours and the 2015 events are expected to be a huge success.

The initiative began with a spotlight on the municipality’s

rich history and wine which included a visit to to local wineries and vineyards. It proved a hugely

The remaining routes are: Januar y Saturday 31st Workshop Route. Laurel trees in the Laurel valley. Febr uar y Saturday 7th Dramatised route. Tegueste and its people. Encounters with the past Saturday 21st Staged Route. In the footsteps of the great pirate Amaro Pargo. Saturday 28th Enological Route. By the vineyards of Tegueste the Elder March Saturday 7th Workshop Route. Ornithology in Tegueste Saturday 14th Enological Route. Verdejos, Vejeriegos and Listanes. White wines from Tegueste. Saturday 21st Interpretative Route. Mesa de Tejina through time. Saturday 28th Cultural Route. Tegueste religious landmarks. A history to discover April Saturday 11th

Enological Route. Beetween heaven and hell.

Night Route. In La Orilla. Full moon.

Saturday 18th Enological Route and Concert between vineyards.

September Saturday 12th Interpretative Route. Mesa de Tejina through time.

Saturday 25th The carts of the Pilgrimage of San Marcos May Saturday 16th Photographic Route. Around the corners of Tegueste. Saturday 23rd Stellar Route. Tegueste to heaven.


June Saturday 13th Enological Route. Tegueste vintages and wines. A treasure to rediscover. Tuesday 23rd Evening Route. Night of San Juan. July Saturday 4th Archaeological Route. The Guanches in Agua de Dios ravin. Saturday 11th Antropological Route. The charmed forest. August Saturday 1st

Saturday 19th Archaeological Route. The Guanches in Agua de Dios ravine. Saturday 26th Dramatised Route. In the past of Tegueste under the moonlight October Saturday 24th Trekking Route. Tegueste, natural richness Saturday 31st Night Route. Night of souls November Saturday 14th. Enological Route. New Tegueste, following the footsteps of the Designation of Origin.

entertaining day but if you missed it, don’t worry. There is much more to come throughout the coming year, with a look at many of Tegueste’s attractions from its nature and countryside to dramatised tours and sport. These guided tours are particularly special because they can be conducted in English, French or German. The programme has been arranged by the local council’s tourism department headed by Marcela del Castillo and is designed to introduce local people to the charms on their doorstep and visitors to the delights other areas of Tenerife, apart from the tourist zones, can offer. The guided tours are always on a Saturday but prior registration is needed as places will be limited. All interested should ring the tourist office on 922 31 61 02. There are about 30 routes in all, promoting culture, archaeology, the landscape and local cuisine. The degree of difficulty is always specified, together with the length of the walking route. “One of the objectives of this initiative is to help spread the cultural heritage of Tegueste,” said the tourism councillor.

Saturday 21st Trekking. Volcanoes December Saturday 12th Enological Route. With water and wine the road begins.

As with the wine tour which began the programme, the events will help to discover hidden corners of the municipality.


HE campaign to raise money to buy a bus for cancer patients travelling to the Candelaria hospital in Santa Cruz has been successful.

Appeal organiser, Carol Chappell is delighted to report this news and would like to thank everyone who helped with this very important cause. Thanks to overwhelming support, 75,000 euros has been raised and the new, very smart bus has been presented. It began taking patients last week. Now, however, the fund-raising needs to continue as money is needed to keep the bus on the road. To this end, another charity market is to be held, this time in Los Cristianos on Friday, February 6th. On sale will be nearly new clothes and household items. The venue from 10am to 6pm is the spacious terrace of the Food Hall by the supermarket Dial Prix and bank Santander in Los Cristianos (Pasarella Oasis Bridge, near Paradise Park Hotel). This is in walking distance from the Apolo Centre and the bus station. If anyone would like to make a donation towards the maintenance of the bus, they can donate directly to the bank account which is specifically for this cause: Banco Santander, Account No: 0049 0043 35 2313 69 7231, (AECC - Cancer Association of Spain) - but you must specify the concept, which is “KM Solidario”. If anyone has any new, or nearly-new, items of clothing or household items to give towards the charity market, please get in touch. In fact, Carol would be pleased to hear from anyone who could help her at the event.

Contact can be made with Carol Salisbury Chappell at carolchappell2004@yahoo.com or telephone 922 781 783 or 639 069 862.





Tenerife tour brings flamenco in the authentic style


Fancy a sponsored cycle ride from Teide down to Los Gigantes?



EVER an organisation to sit still, the Foundation “En Pie” has decided to start 2015 off with a bang.

Following earlier fundraising successes, the organisation is looking for people to take part in a cycle challenge with a difference on February 7th. It is part of En Pie’s mission to highlight the plight of those affected by severe mental illnesses on the island and make the world a more accepting place for them to live in. This latest fund-raiser/ awareness-raising event will start at the foot of Teide and the participants will cycle down with various stops to the port of Los Gigantes where festivities and refreshments will await them. Anybody is invited to take part and fundraise for the minimum amount of 100 euros to join the challenge alongside those who are helped by “En Pie”, some of whom will also be participating. “Our objective is to challenge ourselves, doing something which combines physical exertion,fun and adventure amidst natural surroundings and at the same time highlights our plight to improve mental health on the island,” a spokesman explained. “We want our participants to understand and feel passionate about the cause they are taking part in whilst enjoying a great experience.”

ITINERARY OF THE EVENT. 1. 8am Meeting at Los Gigantes Port. 2. A guided descent from el Teide Mountain with three programmed stops. 3. Arrival at the Port of Los Gigantes with refreshments for the participants on arrival. 4. Canary record attempt of most infinities (180 degree somersaults) performed by a local paragliding expert from a helicopter. (This is dependent on favourable weather conditions.) 5. Raffle with prizes. 6. Some live entertainment for participants and their family and friends and whoever else would like to join in. *Insurance is provided for all participants and all proceeds are in support of “En Pie”.

About En Pie The Canary Mental Health Foundation “En Pié” was founded to promote and protect good mental health in the Canarias. It is a multi-disciplinary group of people made up of people with mental health illnesses, family members, associates and professionals. It has many ongoing projects to fulfil its aims of

challenging negative perceptions, encouraging social integration and improving the quality of life for those affected by mental illness. The participation of all those interested is ver y welcome; individuals, companies, associations and public bodies, to help and share in their efforts and accomplishments. “ We believe mental health concerns us all one way or the other and we hope to work together with our fellow Tenerife dwellers to make the island a safer and happier place for those affected by mental health problems,” they explain. “As a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, we depend on such events not only to highlight our cause and to let people see why we do what we do but also to provide financial support to the Foundation, which employs four individuals affected by mental illness, as well as providing quality of life programmes for many others. All proceeds from fundraising are directly used to enable us to continue our work.”

To get in touch with En Pie about this event or the Foundation in general, please ring 636 271 853.


O matter what else is happening in the world and how much it changes, the spirit of flamenco will always live on. This is the message the highly-regarded company of Antonio de Verónica and Saray Cortés will be relaying when they bring their spectacular show to Tenerife. “Por derecho” will be performing in Puerto de la Cruz, Adeje, El Sauzal and Arona in February and will feature beautiful dancing and live music. This new show reflects the ancestry of flamenco and its roots, during which three generations will demonstrate their art.

The performances will take place on February 4th

and 5th in the Teatro Timanfaya of Puerto de la Cruz at 8pm and 9pm respectively, with an admission fee of 12 euros. On February 6th, the show goes to the cultural centre in Adeje town, starting at 8.30pm. Admission will be eight euros. The municipal auditorium at El Sauzal will be the venue on February 7th. The show starts at 9pm and tickets are seven and nine euros. The Tenerife tour ends on February 14th in the Auditorio Infanta Leonor in Los Cristianos. Admission is ten euros and the show starts at 8.30pm. The flamenco company Sánchez Cortés was formed in 2005 and has made authentic flamenco its hallmark. The dance has been passed down through four generations of the same family. Antonio de Verónica started dancing when just seven whilst his partner on stage and in life, Saray Cortés was only five. She was taught by her well-known mother, La Salinera.






Exhibition looks at hydro-electric history


N exhibition with a rather different theme has opened in La Orotava.

Until Febr uar y 28th, visitors to the exhibition hall in the Casa de la Cultura de San Agustín (p laza de la Constitución, nº 2) can look

at the histor y of hydroelectric power in the municipality. The exhibition is called “Aguas y Luces para La Villa”

(“Water and Lights for the Villa”) and was opened by the Mayor, Francisco Linares. Through documents, manuscripts and drawings, it looks back at projects since the late 19th century.


There is also a video projection with aerial images of the layout of the channels in both hydroelectric plants. You can see the exhibition between the hours of 9am and 9pm.

Eurovision sets the theme for Los Realejos


HE official poster for the 2015 Los Realejos Carnival raises a laugh even before the festivities begin!

The festivities have been inspired by Eurovision and the main person on the poster is Juan Manuel Rodríguez “El verde” who is transformed into “Massiel”, the Spanish singer who won the competition in 1968.

Eurovision was chosen for this year ’s theme last September by a joint committee made up of Carnival group representatives. The carnival programme begins on February 8th with the opening ceremony.

Puerto prepares for 80s style colourful Carnival


HE 2015 Puerto de la Cruz Carnival, on the theme of the 80s, promises to be an explosion of light and colour.

The festivities take place in mid-February and include the

Burial of the Sardine on February 18th, the hilarious

Mascarita Ponte Taón (in which men race wearing high heels!) on February 20th,and the main parade on February 21st. The Mayor, Sandra Rodríguez and councillor for

fiestas, Juan Carlos Marrero have been out and about visiting the various Carnival groups and thanking them for their support and dedication. The official programme

was launched last Thursday with the election of the Gala Queens in the adult and children’s age groups. This new edition promises a number of surprises and new

innovations to make sure it puts Puerto firmly on the Carnival map and lights up the town. One of the attractions will be a chariot race through the streets.

Exciting year ahead for Las NEW PROGRAMME Palmas venues


HE Auditorio Alfredo Kraus and Teatro Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria are looking forward to a busy 2015 with entertainment to suit all tastes. The two venues have just revealed details of their programme for the first half of the year and once again hope for good support. There will be classical and chamber music, theatre, piano, soul, opera, jazz, organ recitals, satire and more. One of the highlights will be continuation of Jazz Corner

which has become a meeting point for all those who love this music. The cycle starts in February with pianist Aaron Goldberg and continues in May with singer Hailey Tuck and his trio. The popular series “Young Performers” will continue to be a showcase for young Canary talent, with concerts on the first

Sunday of the month under the umbrella of the “Sunday Shopping Party” in Los Palmas. The venues will also host concerts during the 31st edition of the International Festival of Canary Music and the 2015 season of the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra. There will also be a stunning Symphonic Rhapsody of Queen concert. You can find out more on the social network sites of www.facebook.com/ AuditorioAlfredoKraus and @AuditorioAKraus.

Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants

Bodeguita Algarrobo

The Oyster Catcher

Restaurante Magnolia

Puerto de la Cruz

Los Cristianos

Puerto de la Cruz

A family-run business with a long history of restaurateurs. The cuisine served here is local Canary food with some surprisingly original features and the most exquisite flavours. Piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns, hake mounted on a tower of perfectly cooked, seasonally fresh veg, Canary “wrinkled” potatoes with a twist, lamb estofado, an inside-out pie without the pastry, fig biscuit with chocolate sauce, pork steak with caramelised onions open sandwiches, stuffed leak with cheese and belly of pork fritters, piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns. These are just some of the dishes which have enchanted diners of all nationalities throughout the day and night.

The Oyster Catcher would like to welcome customers, old and new, and has an exciting announcement to make. Although the restaurant changed hands recently, owner Angel is delighted that Mike, who many people will remember during his eight years there, is returning to be the manager with effect from February 1st. Angel, Mike and the team look forward to welcoming you again to this popular venue which offers everything you could want, from flambes, steaks and fish to pasta, salads and roasts. There are daily specials, a daily roast and delicious and affordable breakfasts. Angel has worked hard over the last couple of months to make the Oyster Catcher as appealing as ever and comments on TripAdvisor certainly suggest he is doing just that. Customers say they have found great food, a very warm welcome and a lovely atmosphere. You can sit inside or out under a covered terrace and watch the world go by.

Restaurante Magnolia has come a long way, starting life as a small intimate restaurant with an outdoor terrace to the finished article we see today, with the terrace now covered and well spaced tables inside. The kitchen is open plan and creates the most wonderful national and international dishes with an extensive menu of fish, shellfish, lamb, steaks, pastas. This venue is always busy and customers are full of praise for the Restaurante Magnolia as one of the finest places to eat on the island. The quality and service certainly stands out and the cost is very reasonable indeed. They are open every day from 13:00 - 16:00 and 19:00 to 23.30.

For reservations call 922 373 513 / 647 600 784 Carretera General del Botánico Puerto de la Cruz bodeguitaalgarrobo@gmail.com

For reservations call 922 788 038 Open daily from 9am to 11pm. C.C. El Mirador, Local 5 Avenida San Francisco, Los Cristianos

For reservations call 922 385 614 Avda. Marqués de Villanueva del Prado s/n Puerto de la Cruz www.restaurantemaganolia.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants

Under New Managment


Restaurante Terraza La Boheme

El Tejadico

Meson El Drago

Puerto de la Cruz

Playa San Juan


Restaurante Terraza la Bohème is a place to enjoy an unforgettable experience in atmospheric surroundings completely away from your normal routine. You will find beautiful dishes prepared using fresh seasonal produce. The restaurant is located in the centre of Puerto de la Cruz in Plaza del Charco, having been inaugurated in September 2014 and with superb decor by the designer Roberto Torres González. It’s a restaurant where you can enjoy the best food, good service and above all, a different experience with the atmosphere created.

El Tejadico is a different place to visit, having recently opened and already proving a great success. Why not try a new concept which is more and more popular every day: the tasting and purchase of 100 per cent Iberian products. You can sit outside at the Playa San Juan square, relax and taste some of their delicious Iberian products, which range from a great variety of Manchego cheeses, one of which won the first prize world-wide during 2012: Queso Gran Reserva de los Llanos, to all kinds of Iberian hams and chorizos. Why not enjoy together with all these delicious options their denomination of origin wines, which can be red, rose or white wines. If you haven’t got time to sit on their terrace, you can always buy their products and enjoy them at home together with some friends.

Distinguished chef, Carlos Gamonal is passionate about food and he and his team aim to give the diner an experience to remember. Restaurant Mesón el Drago looks beautiful but it is still affordable to all as you can tailor your choices to fit your budget. Carlos is a pioneer of modernist cuisine, using only the freshest of products grown in the region and cleverly combining ingredients to produce a unique taste. Customers love his Canary dishes but they also offers an international menu and dishes of the day. The wine cellar is very extensive and the desserts are simply exquisite. This is a lovely location for special celebrations, parties, weddings etc or just to eat an exiting meal. It is only open Friday, Saturdays and Sundays.

Closed Monday , Tuesday-Thursday: 19:00 to 12am Friday to Sunday: 13:00-16:00 & 17:00-12:00 Tel: 922 37 05 64 Calle Blanco nº5, Puerto de la Cruz www.restauranterraza-laboheme.com

For reservations call 633 235 727 Plaza de San Juan nº1 zorbenito@gmail.com

For reservations call 922 543 001 Calle Marqués de Celada nº2 Tegueste www.mesoneldrago.com

Restaurante Gom


The Potter Inn

Santa Cruz

Los Cristianos

Puerto Colón

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

At Bushido we offer an explosion of tantalising tastes and textures, always true to our simple motto: Quality ! Our menu guides you expertly to richly exotic parts of the globe. Our enthusiastic Chef Gonzalo Tamames, is considered to be one of the “Masters of Creative Cuisine.” His vision is always bold and explosive- always provocative ! Then when night falls it’s time for “ Be Flat Jazz & Blues Club “ – our famous and authentic New York Jazz Club, offers you the best Jazz and Blues musicians every single weekend: Be Unique, Be You... Be Flat ! So why not treat yourself to a unique dining experience, relax in our comfortable surroundings then enjoy a little sophistication in our intimate jazz Club.

Come and see Mark, Kerry and their team at this great pub in Puerto Colon, just down the steps near the taxi rank. Something new to tempt you is hand battered cod with homemade chips every day. The food is great, with generous portions; try two starters for four euros or two “Traditional Favourites” for just nine euros total all day until 9pm. It’s always buzzing for Sunday lunch so best to pre-book. Food is served every day from 10am (noon on Sunday) so pop in for breakfast. Sunday 3pm to 6pm is Ray Wilde’s Sunday Session, Free & Easy and Karaoke. You will also find some amazing drink offers during “Happy Hour” Monday to Saturday 10am to 7pm.

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com

For reservations call 922 719 705 www.bushidotenerife.com Vista Hermosa 4, Carretera General, Los Crisitanos Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 13:00 -16:00 & 19.00 - 23.00 / Friday – Saturday: 13:00 - 16:00 & 19:00 - 24:00 / Sunday & Monday - Closed.

For reservations call 922 714 231 Local 232, Puerto Colon Costa Adeje potterinn@outlook.com


Your special fortnightly gastronomic news

Eating Out & About


The wonderful fresh produce of Tenerife Tenerife has many wonderful products which you can find in markets, local shops and of course in restaurants. Here, we turn the spotlight on a few of them. Cheese (quesos)

Tenerife produces high quality cheeses. It should not surprise you that the Canary Islands is the autonomous region that consumes the most cheese per person each year, with figures that vary between 14 and 16 kilograms per person: in total volume this adds up to about 24,000 tonnes a year. Of this amount, about half is locally produced, and approximately 80 per cent of these are farmhouse cheeses which generate an important income for the farming sector. A large amount of the cheese is made locally, although as mentioned, under strict controls and regulations. The most commonly used milk is Goat’s milk and in particular, indigenous breeds well known for their high production and quality are used. In some cases they add sheep’s milk which gives the cheese greater stickiness during maturation. They are considered a real part of Canarian gastronomy and there are different farmhouse cheeses made according to the traditions and methods in each area or county. The most commonly eaten cheese is called “fresco” (fresh), just a few days old, without too much pressing and drained on its own. It has a light, pleasant taste, slightly salty with an aroma of fresh milk. There are also “fresh” cheeses, which are smoked with special woods, almond shells etc, which gives them a unique character and a longer shelf life. Cured cheeses require a few weeks in storage and there are various methods for doing this ranging from natural methods to others in which the cheese is covered with pepper or Gofio. These methods are typical of cheeses from the Anaga area, where Gofio is made from “millio” (the common name for sweet corn on the Canary Islands). There is not a large number of cheese recipes in restaurants or in homes: mainly cheese accompanies a range of dishes, especially “potajes” (vegetable soups and broths), and in the past, cheese was eaten with fruit, such as grapes, figs, bananas etc, as well as the with the excellent honey from Tenerife. The recipe most commonly used is “queso asado” (fried cheese) or “queso a la plancha”(grilled cheese), where it is usually accompanied by a “mojo” (sauce) nearly always made from light or “green” coriander or parsley although sometimes red sauces are used.


The gastronomy of Tenerife includes a great variety of fish thanks to the abundance and diversity of its coastal waters. Of all the species caught, the most valued for its exquisite taste is the “vieja” (sea bream) which is boiled and served simply with

“mojo” (a traditional sauce made from red pepper or coriander) and “papas arrugadas” (new potatoes, boiled dry in sea salt). This fish is also an important part of some more sophisticated dishes. Besides the sea bream other popular fish in the island’s cuisine are the snapper, sardine, tuna, and stonebass which are all prepared in a variety of ways. One of the favourite ways is as a fish stew, especially in the north of the island. Another favourite is to mix and mash fish soup with “gofio” (toasted, ground cereals that were part of the guanches’ diet) to prepare one of the most typical and popular dishes on the island - “escaldón.”

Potatoes The potato is a popular part of the diet in the Canarian Archipelago. The Canarian variety of this tuber, originally from South America, is completely different from the ones eaten on mainland Spain. On the islands, the potato is small, round and very tasty, which is why it is commonly used in traditional cuisine. It usually accompanies most dishes, as well as being eaten on its own, as in, “papas arrugadas con mojo,” which, are “wrinkled” potatoes (jacket potatoes boiled in salt) served with a traditional sauce. Nowadays, there are over twenty varieties, among which, “papas bonitas” (pretty potatoes), “papas negras” (black potatoes), “papas Quineguas or Chineguas” (King Edward potatoes) and the “papas up to date” are particularly worth mentioning.


In the past the chestnut was an extremely important subsistence

crop for the population of Tenerife, it was even used for bartering. Today chestnuts survive almost everywhere on the island but especially in the Acentejo region, in the north of the island, where 20 different varieties are grown and in the district of Arafo in the South. Chestnuts are still used to accompany many traditional dishes. Once autumn arrives, it is easy to come across chestnut sellers and their stands filling the streets with the sweet smell of roasted chestnuts. However, it is during the celebration of San Andres that chestnuts play an important role. On the 29th of November the wine cellars in Tenerife open their doors to taste the new wine. The wine is always accompanied with chestnuts boiled in water, salt and green anise and served with a good sauce, salted fish and local sweet potato.


Gofio is basically a toasted, ground cereal. It is the only food that originates from the islands’ aboriginal inhabitants that is still eaten with great relish today. That primitive Gofio was mainly made from barley as well as from other roots and dr y fruits. The ingredients were ground using a hand mill made up of two rough, circular stones that turned one on top of the other. Later Gofio acquired new flavours mainly from the use of wheat and sweet corn. Nowadays, Gofio is dissolved in milk as a breakfast or mixed with different ingredients (oil, water, and fresh fruit, such as bananas, or dried fruit and honey) to be eaten with other meals. It is used to accompany some vegetable soups (watercress, for example) and to cover pork scratchings which gives them a special taste. It is also an essential part of dishes such as “puchero canario” (Canarian stew) or fish casserole. Gofio is mixed with the juices of these specialities until it reaches a paste-like consistency. Nowadays, it is also used a lot in cake making and even in ice- creams.


In Tenerife we can find delicious, multiflora honeys from the coast, hills and mountains and because no specific botanical species dominate here the honeys from the combination of flowers have quite surprising characteristics. However, you can also find honey that comes from one particular plant or a small number of plants. Among the many types of honey, there is the honey from the Teide Broom, which is produced in the period between spring and summer at a height of over 1500 metres. This honey has a clear, amber colour, with yellow tones and a delicate aroma with a hint of warm plants and a gentle taste. Then, there is honey from the Tower of Jewels plant with a delicate taste of chestnut and avocado. It has a dark colour and a characteristic smell of caramel, ripe fruit and of heathland etc. Information and pictures courtesy of www.webtenerife.co.uk


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants



Restaurant/Bar & Bistro


Terrazas del Mar

Golf del Sur

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

The Rendezvous in Golf del Sur offers diners a double delight. By day and in the evening, you can enjoy a full menu with great prices and big portions at the Rendezvous Bar and Bistro, overlooking the bowling green at the Winter Gardens. In the evening, you might opt for the Rendezvous Restaurant which is just above it and offers an extensive à la carte menu, fine wines and a relaxing night out to enjoy excellent cuisine at a leisurely pace. The Rendezvous Restaurant has a lovely ambience and it’s a restaurant where you can sit back and enjoy. Booking is advised at the main restaurant because it is extremely popular.

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

For reservations call 922 738 683 / 922 738 602 Winter Gardens Complex Golf del Sur San Miguel de Abona

For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz Puerto de la Cruz

How about a fabulous dinner complete with a sunset, gentle waves, palm trees, grassy verge, flowers and exceptional service? That´s what the Terraza del Mar delivers. The restaurant has traditional Canary food with a sensitive touch. It consists of an indoor terrace and two outside terraces that overlook the “Garden Beach”. The setting is heavenly, with landscaped walkways down to the black sand beach. Parking is usually quite easy, especially in the evenings, but Playa Jardin is only a five to ten minute walk from Puerto´s main bus station. The location, the food and the service speak for them-selves. Giovanni the owner says he´ll feed you on ANY budget - just tell him how little you “wanna” spend.

For reservations call 922 371 518 Avda. Francisco Afonso Carrillo s/n Playa Jardin, Puerto de la Cruz terrazadelmar@gmail.com

New! Tasting menu for two for only 17 euros

Tasca Casa Paco Los Cristianos “The best tapas ever!” is how customers describe this lovely little restaurant in the centre of Los Cristianos. If you want a real taste of Spain and the leisurely way of life where you enjoy a drink and meal whilst socialising and chatting, this is the place to head for. You will Tasa Casa Paco not far from the cultural centre. It’s a charming place wher you can sit inside or out. There are more than 30 dishes on the menu and a huge wine list. Founded by the late “Paco”, who was known as the singing guitarist, his values are continued by his son and daughter-in-law. The restaurant is open Monday to Saturday 6pm to midnight, closed on a Sunday.

For reservations call 686 520 440 / 658 788 023 Calle Amalia Alayón nº16 Los Cristianos pokone@telefonica.net

Restaurante Algarrobo

The Bar

La Orotava

Golf del Sur

This family run restaurant is situated in the well-known and much visited venue in La Orotava. The current owners are brothers Toño (front of house) and Cristóbal (head chef). They have carried on the family tradition of offering top quality products at affordable prices whilst bringing the menu up to date. There is a lively atmosphere here with some really unusual dishes to taste. All the dishes are fresh using vegetables from the market. The cuisine is traditional with a modern slant without being too over elaborate. They now have a new tasting menu for only 17 euros, drinks and IGIc not included. You have a choice of two starters, one main dish and a choice of two desserts. This is a great opportunity, not to be missed.

The Bar in the square at San Blas, Golf del Sur is more than a “pub”. It is trendy, comfortable, friendly, lively, featuring chic decor and furniture and with great food and entertainment. It’s a place where you can relax but also have fun whilst enjoying some really great food at affordable prices. You can sit inside or out as there is a large terrace which has the benefit of full blinds if it is too cool, too sunny or too windy. There is live entertainment every night with some great singers and tribute acts and a gastro-menu which offers really good home-made food. The menu always features new dishes so you will never get bored. Sunday lunch is very popular from noon to 6pm. Sport is shown but it’s not intrusive. Special occasions welcome.

For reservations call 922 332 305 / 647 600 784 Carretera La Luz, Las Candias Urbanizacion Pedro Martin 9 restaurantealgarrobo@gmail.com

For reservations call 634 138 443 San Blas Square, Golf del Sur Food served Mon-Sat 11:30am to 8pm. Open to 1am

Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants

Bistro Bolle

Tipsy Terrace

Costa del Silencio

Los Gigantes

Bistro Bolle is one of those lovely friendly restaurants which also offers great food at affordable prices and a very special atmosphere. What also makes it so special is the good location with stunning views and easy parking. There is no formal menu, you simply choose from the blackboard or specials. From June of this year, Bolle’s new chef Michel has added lots of new dishes to the menu and loves to be innovative so you will find many new suggestions and some delicious surprises. All this makes Bolle Bistro a must place to visit as there is always something fresh to delight you whilst retaining its aim of keeping prices very affordable. As Patrick says, you will always find quality at a good price and always done with a smile.

Tipsy Terrace in Los Gigantes is described as one of the friendliest places around and you will see why when you visit. You will find great home cooking and dishes to suit all tastes, from breakfast through to evening meals and everything in between. Tap into their menu on www.tipsy-terrace.net and you can see all the choices for yourself, from Tipsy’s Ploughman’s and Rise and Shine sandwiches to wraps, jacket potatoes, burgers, crunchy salads, light lunches and much, much more. Tipsy Terrace also has a swimming pool, tennis, mini-golf and lovely gardens. It is easy to find as it is just by the coach and bus stops.

El Calderito de la Abuela Cuesta de la Villa Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. This is already an award-winning restaurant and it’s not surprising that this year, it has again scooped a TripAdvisor accolade. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 699 351 694 Parque Don José, Calle Hercules 7-8, Costa del Silencio www.bolletenerife.com Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

For reservations call 922 868 432 Los Gigantes Sports & Gardens Calle Hibisco 4, Los Gigantes www.tipsyterrace.net

Bar El Pincho

Dula y Pipa

Creativo - Gourmet

Las Vistas, Los Cristianos

La Orotava

Playa San Juan

At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 9.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Every two weeks, you will find live music and do try the fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Reservations can be done between 10:30 to 20:00pm

This lovely new restaurant is a commitment to quality local produce and somewhere you must head for to sample a very different concept in wining and dining. It is run by chef, Norberto Betancor with the expert gastronomic advice of Juan Carlos Clemente. It forms part of the new project known as “La Granja Verde” or “The Green Farm” and centres around fresh, locally-grown produce, offerings from creative Canary artists and a commitment to the local wines of the island. Wednesday to Sunday, from 12:30 to 16:30 and also from 18.30 to 23.00 Friday and Saturday.

Creativo San Juan is a quality restaurant/ bistro offering the finest cuisine in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Creativo takes its name from the ambition of Chef Klaus to design and prepare for you , some of the most creative dishes you will find. Ranging from a 5 course set menu, or slow-roast shredded pork to a succulent chiken breast infused with Ginger and Lime. These are just some of the dishes, indivicually created to tantalize your taste buds. Night or day, you have a choice from extensive menus accompanied by a wide selection of fine wines, all served by efficient and friendly staff. You can also while away a lazy afternoon enjoying a cool drink or coffee, perhaps even one of Eva’s amazing mojitos on the beautiful sunlit Church square.

For reservations call 922 333 509 Exit 33 - TF-5. Back street of Camino del Torreón 2 La Orotava www.lagranjaverde.es / info@lagranjaverde.es

For reservations call 650 609 791 Playa San Juan, on the church square Open from 9am to 11 pm, closed on Tuesdays sanjuan-creativo@hotmail.com

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net







Has your baby got a rash?


T’S normal for babies to develop skin rashes from as early as a few days old, as their sensitive skin adapts to a different environment. Most rashes are harmless and go away on their own. However, if your baby has developed a rash and seems unwell, or if you’re worried, see your GP to find the cause and any necessary treatment. It’s especially important to be aware of the warning signs for meningitis. Here’s a brief guide to some of the possible causes.

MILIA About half of all newborns will develop tiny (1-2mm) white spots, called milia, on their face. These are just blocked pores and usually clear within the first four weeks of life.

ERYTHEMA TOXICUM Half of all newborns will develop a blotchy red skin reaction called er ythema toxicum, usually at two or three days old. It is a normal newborn rash that won’t bother your baby and will soon clear after a few days.

NEONATAL ACNE (“BABY ACNE”) Pimples sometimes develop on a baby’s cheeks, nose and forehead within a month of their birth. These tend to get worse before clearing up completely after a few weeks or months. Washing your baby’s face with water and mild soap can help improve the appearance of their skin. You should avoid acne medicines intended for older children and adults. Pimples or blackheads that develop after three months of age (infantile acne) tend to be more severe and often need medical treatment.

CRADLE CAP Cradle cap is where

yellowish, greasy scaly patches develop on a baby’s scalp. Occasionally, the face, ears and neck can also be affected. It is not itchy and should not bother your baby. If your baby is scratching or upset, they may have eczema. Cradle cap is a common condition that tends to develop within two or three months after birth. It will usually get better without treatment in a few weeks or months. Gently washing your baby’s hair and scalp with baby shampoo may help prevent further patches developing.

ECZEMA Eczema is a long-term condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. The most common form is atopic eczema, which mainly affects babies and children but can continue into adulthood. Eczema in babies under six months is associated with allergies to milk and egg. Atopic eczema often starts in young babies as a red, itchy rash on the face, scalp and body. As the child gets older it usually starts to develop in areas with folds of skin, such as behind the knees or on the front of the elbows. Creams and ointments can often help relieve the symptoms.

NAPPY RASH Nappy rash occurs when the skin around the baby’s nappy area becomes irritated. This is often caused by prolonged exposure to urine or stools, but can sometimes be the result of a fungal infection. You can usually reduce nappy rash by taking simple steps to keep your baby’s skin clean and dry, and using a barrier cream if needed. Antifungal cream may be necessary if the rash is caused

by a fungal infection.

RINGWORM Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection that causes a ring-like red rash almost anywhere on the body (the baby’s scalp, feet and groin are common areas). It is usually easily treated using over-the-counter creams.

MILIRIA (“SWEAT RASH”) A sweat rash may flare up when your baby sweats, for example because they are dressed in too many clothes or the environment is hot and humid. It is a sign that your baby’s sweat glands have become blocked. They may develop tiny red bumps or blisters on their skin, but these will soon clear without treatment.

IMPETIGO Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the surface layers of the skin, which causes sores and blisters. It is not usually serious but you can visit your GP for a prescription of antibiotics, which should clear the infection within 7-10 days.

URTICARIA (HIVES) Urticaria (also known as hives) is a raised, red itchy rash that appears on the skin. It happens when a trigger (such as a food that your baby is allergic to) causes a substance called histamine to be released into their skin. If your baby gets urticaria during feeding, the condition may be triggered by something they have had to eat or drink. The most common foods are egg and milk but many other foods can sometimes be the cause. The urticaria rash is usually short-lived and can be controlled with antihistamines.

If your baby gets hives repeatedly, it’s important to see your GP to discuss possible allergies.


How to keep a hangover away

SLAPPED CHEEK SYNDROME Slapped cheek syndrome (also known as fifth disease) is a viral infection particularly common in children and babies. It typically causes a bright red rash on both cheeks and a fever. Most babies will not need treatment as slapped cheek syndrome is usually a mild condition that passes in a few days.

HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common, mild viral illness that causes a blister rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, as well as ulcers in the mouth. Your baby may feel unwell and have a fever. Treatment is usually not needed as the baby’s immune system clears the virus and symptoms go away after about 7 to 10 days. If you’re worried, see your GP.

SCABIES Scabies is a common infestation of the skin that can affect people of all ages. It is caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin. It is often spread between family members, so when babies get scabies it is usually because someone else in the family has had it recently. Babies with scabies develop tiny and very itchy spots all over the body, including on the soles of the feet, armpits and genital area. Treatment with creams that kill the scabies mite needs to be given to the whole family at the same time to be effective.


PLITTING headaches, sickness, dizziness, dehydration: anyone who’s ever drunk too much knows the consequences of it.

Unfortunately, hangover cures are generally a myth. There are none! There are, however, tips for avoiding hangovers and for easing the symptoms if you have one. The best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink. If you decide to drink, do it sensibly and within the recommended limits. To minimise the risk of future serious health problems, men shouldn’t regularly drink more than three to four units a day. Women shouldn’t regularly drink more than two to three units a day. To avoid a hangover, don’t drink more than you know your body can cope with. If you’re not sure how much that is, be careful.

Know your units Adding up your units can be tricky at first but once you know how many units a drink contains, you can keep track of what you’re consuming. You may be surprised. A large glass of wine, for instance, contains around three units. In one evening, that can quickly add up to a lot more than you intended to drink. Here are some examples:  A can of standard lager, beer or bitter –1.8 units.  A pint of standard lager, beer or bitter –2.3 units.  A small glass of wine (125ml) – 1.5 units.  A large glass of wine (250ml) – 3 units.  A measure of spirits (25ml) – 1 unit. Meantime, follow these tips to keep hangovers away: Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Before you go out, have a meal that includes carbohydrates (such as pasta or rice) or fats. The food will help slow down the body’s absorption of alcohol. Don’t drink dark-coloured drinks if you’ve found that you’re sensitive to them. They contain natural chemicals called congeners (impurities), which irritate blood vessels and tissue in the brain and can make a hangover worse.

Drink water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink. Carbonated (fizzy) drinks speed up the absorption of alcohol into your system. Drink a pint or so of water before you go to sleep. Keep a glass of water by the bed to sip if you wake up during the night.

The morning after If you wake up the next morning feeling terrible, you probably didn’t follow this advice. Although there are no real cures for hangovers, there are ways to ease the symptoms. Treatment involves rehydrating the body so it can deal with the painful symptoms (though the best time to rehydrate is before going to sleep). Over-the-counter painkillers can help with headaches and muscle cramps. Paracetamolbased remedies are usually preferable, as aspirin may further irritate the stomach and increase nausea and sickness. Sugary foods may help you feel less trembly. In some cases, an antacid may be needed to settle your stomach first. Bouillon soup, a thin vegetable-based broth, is a good source of vitamins and minerals, which can top-up depleted resources. Its main advantage is that it’s easy for a fragile stomach to digest. You can replace lost fluids by drinking bland liquids that are easy on the digestive system, such as water, soda water and isotonic drinks (available in most shops). “Hair of the dog” (drinking more alcohol) does not help. Drinking in the morning is a risky habit, and you may simply be delaying the appearance of symptoms until the alcohol wears off again. If you’ve had a heavy drinking session, hangover or not, doctors advise that you wait 48 hours before drinking any more alcohol, in order to give your body tissues time to recover. Sometimes, of course, a hangover makes that advice easier to follow.





By Dr. Victor Cubillo



Good health in The amazing use of PRGF in dentistry and older age (Medical Director of Dental Clinic Artedental)

enhancing healing


AKE sure you’re eating plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre. Bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes are good examples. As well as being low in fat, they are good sources of other essential nutrients: protein, vitamins and minerals. The fibre from these helps to prevent constipation which reduces the risk of some common disorders in the intestine. Don’t be tempted to buy raw bran and sprinkle it on your food to increase fibre as this may prevent you absorbing some important minerals. Oats, beans, peas, lentils, fruit and vegetables are also sources of fibre.

Iron-rich foods

Have you heard of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors?


ERHAPS the year 2015 won’t give us cars flying over cities such as in movies like “Back to the Future” or the “Fifth Element” but what it has offered us is “the future we are living today”, courtesy of the breakthrough in the study of stem cells. Have you heard of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF in English and PRFC in Spanish)?

Many people already know the results of this injection which heals everything, but what is it, when can you can use it and why? Top athletes who have suffered an injury, such as Spanish tennis player Rafa Nadal, are aware of this technique which has been practised for many years in oral surgery. Investigations regarding the healing of the human body has obtained fantastic results which today extends to all areas of medicine but it began as one of the most effective formulas in the regeneration of bone tissue around dental implants. A formula that could reduce healing time and increase the margins of compatibility which has been practised for months in the Dental Clinic Artedental, done with the A-PRFTM protocol from Dr. Choukroun ( read more www.aprf.com) When we speak of Plasma Rich in Growth Tactors, we are talking about obtaining a product which is 100 per cent autologous and biocompatible with the patient’s own blood. This makes this option quicker, more efficient and with fewer side effects in any area of health seeking success in the repair and / or regeneration of muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. This plasma is an intrinsic component of blood that contains various chemicals called growth factors that stimulate regeneration in both quantity and quality. With a small blood sample can be obtained PRGF concentrate of three to five times that circulating in the bloodstream providing, in the case of the dental implant, the equivalent of the proteins needed to stimulate bone growth in a safer and faster way than in normal conditions. Orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians , elite athletes, aesthetic doctors, plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists and, of course, dentists have joined us in use of growth factors in order to more effectively repair damaged tissues, thus ensuring any surgery is to the benefit of the patient. And now? Have you heard of the benefits of plasma rich in growth factors?

Eating plenty of iron-rich foods will help keep up your body’s store of iron. The best source of iron is red meat. It can also be found in pulses (such as peas, beans and lentils), oily fish such as sardines, eggs, bread, green vegetables and breakfast cereals with added vitamins. Liver is a good source of iron. However, it is also a rich source of vitamin A and having too much vitamin A can be harmful. It’s a good idea to avoid drinking tea or coffee with ironrich meals because this might affect how much iron the body absorbs from food.

Foods and drinks rich in vitamin C

These might help the body absorb iron, so you could have some fruit or vegetables or a glass of fruit juice with an ironrich meal. Fruit, especially citrus fruit, green vegetables, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are all good sources of vitamin C. Foods containing folic acid These help maintain good health in older age. Good

sources are green vegetables and brown rice, as well as bread and breakfast cereals that have vitamins added.

Calcium-rich foods

Osteoporosis is a major health issue for older people, particularly women. This is where bone density reduces and so the risk of fractures increases. Good sources of calcium are dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Remember to choose lower-fat varieties when you can or eat higher fat varieties in smaller amounts. Calcium is also found in canned fish with bones, such as sardines. Other sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli and cabbage, but not spinach), soya beans and tofu.

Healthy weight

Try to keep your weight at a healthy level. As you grow older, if you’re overweight this will affect your mobility, which can affect your health and your quality of life. Being overweight increases your risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Equally, sudden weight loss is not healthy and may be an indication either that you are

not eating enough food or that you are not well. If you are concerned then ask your doctor to check. He or she may refer you to a dietitian, who can give you advice about changing what you eat to meet your current needs.

Eating less As you age it’s natural to start eating less because you will become less physically active and so your body will adapt and adjust your overall food intake accordingly. You may find it difficult to tolerate the meals you used to eat. Try having smaller meals more frequently and with nutritious snacks in between. Also make sure you drink plenty of liquids. It’s important to eat regularly, at least three times a day. You might not always feel like cooking so you could increase your intake of tinned, chilled and frozen ready-prepared meals. Always make sure you heat chilled and frozen food until it’s steaming hot all the way through. Have a store of foods in the freezer and cupboard in case you are unable to go out. You might be eating less because you’re finding it more difficult to buy or prepare food or you’re finding it harder to get around if you have conditions such as arthritis. You may be able to get help with these sorts of problems via your GP.





We welcome Letters to the Editor, which must be exclusive to Tenerife News. For the purposes of verification, please include your home address and telephone number. Please cite the page and edition for articles mentioned. Due to space limitations letters of 300 words or less are preferred. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject submissions. Copyright in letters and other materials sent to the publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the publisher and its licencees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic and other forms. Although we are unable to acknowledge letters we cannot publish, we value the views of all readers who take the time to send us their comments.

Post your Letters to: The Editor, Tenerife News, Apartado de Correos nº54, 38390 Santa Úrsula E-mail: info@tenerifenews.com

Pressure for Palm Mar bus services? Dear Editor We have noted your recent stories about a group of people in Palm Mar trying to clean up the dog mess situation. Good luck to them. We are big fans of Palm Mar as we live in Los Cristianos and like to go there for a walk and a drink and something to eat. However, this presents us with enormous difficulties as we don’t have a car and to put it mildly, the

Palm Mar bus service is awful! There are NO buses at all at the weekend and let’s face it, for people who work, a Saturday and a Sunday are the days when you want to go out and enjoy a bit of free leisure time. Palm Mar has a lovely unspoilt beach front and a fantastic nature reserve. In the afternoon, however, the last bus out of Palm Mar is 4.45pm and then it’s not direct to Los Cristianos. In fact, there are no direct buses at all to Los Cristianos - only to Gauza and change or to Las Galletes.

WWW.TENERIFENEWS.ORG.ES There are no services at all in the evening and we think, about four services only a day, or is it three? We don’t know how residents stand it. Worse still is that you take life into your own hands if you want to walk from Palm Mar down to the main Guaza road to catch a bus into Los Cristianos. There is no footpath along this stretch (didn’t the council once say they were going to create one?) The side of the road where you have to walk is very uneven with loose stones and it is so easy to slip and stumble in front of a car as the road is also quite busy and fast. We are wondering whether this action group has any teeth and whether it woud extend its remit to press for a substantially improved bus service? Perhaps start a petition as any people would surely sign it not least business owners who must be tearing their hair out. And why can’t someone a bit enterprising start some sort of shuttle bus to and from Los Cristianos to Palm Mar? No doubt that wouldn’t be acceptable to the council OR to taxi drivers! Name and address supplied

Lack of disabled access Dear Sir or Madam, I am looking for someone to

champion my cause regarding the lack of disabled access in Los Gigantes. My wife and I have had a property in los Gigantes for nearly eleven years and just over three years ago I fell on the ice in the UK which at the time left me paralysed from the chest down. However since the accident I have improved to the extent that I am able to walk short distances with the aid of walking sticks. To travel longer distances I use a mobility scooter which I bring with me on the aeroplane which I use locally to travel to and from the village. We recently moved apartments with a lift to give better access. When we were in the process of buying the new property I mentioned to the estate agent about the access to pedestrian crossing (kerbs not lowered and trees in the centre of the pavements) he rang a contact he had in the town hall at Santiago del Tiedy who came down to look at the problem and gave an undertaking to lower the relevant areas. When asked about the trees he said they had been established for so long that nothing could be done. The said lowering of the pavements has not been done. I know of one accident last year where someone on a mobility scooter whilst trying to pass one of these trees he got to close to the to the edge of the kerb and his wheel went over the edge, he went head first onto the road and an ambulance had to be called to treat him. This is a

blind bend had a bus come round the corner things could have been a whole lot worse. Regarding the long established trees, just up the road from where we are a villa has just been renovated and a swimming pool installed just over a boundary wall which separates the property from the pavement. When they were doing the installation I thought it strange that a healthy tree was situated adjacent to the pool in the middle of the pavement which to me would have dropped all types of leaves into the pool. However just over a week ago I presume it was council workers who came along and felled the tree. I can only presume that the cleanliness of the pool is more important than the safety of pedestrians and people who are disabled. Regards, John Maines.

Brochures creating litter Dear Editor I have visited Tenerife a number of times over the past few years and every time I am amazed and appalled by the dreadful litter created by companies who place quantities of brochures along every thoroughfare use by tourists island-wide. In windy weather the effect is devastating and must be heartbreaking to street cleaning

staff who work so hard to maintain a clean, tidy and attractive island destination. Even in calmer times the effect is ver y unpleasant and depressing. This commercial littering must be sanctioned by island authorities otherwise it would have been stopped long-since. But why, why should residents and visitors suffer the effects of this form of promotion which would not be permitted in any other developed economy? On the other hand, if it is not so authorised why havn’t the authorities taken action to prevent it? Before anyone argues that it is a free world and competition should not be restricted I would suggest that we all have a responsibility to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment and not to undermine the work of public servants. By distributing in this way they are being subsidised by all who contribute to island revenues. If their product is so attractive, let them distribute it in a more responsible way. I would encourage all who are angered by this objectionable practice to make their voice heard. Any Tourist Office will direct you to the local Consumer Affairs office and they will provide a form by email to register a complaint. Let us help the Tenerife authorities stamp out this scourge on the streets. Name and address supplied




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CROSSWORD DOWN 1- Mother of Helen of Troy; 2- School founded in 1440; 3- Breezed through; 4- Horror film reaction; 5- Distance measuring instrument; 6- Dreadful; 7- Teheran’s country; 8- Attack; 9- Shudder; 10- Apians; 11- Deli breads; 12Russian airline, _____flot; 13- ___-Magnon man; 22- Comply; 24- Male sheep who may play football for St Louis!; 26Capital of the Ukraine; 27- Man of many words?; 28- Ire; 29- Island of Hawaii; 30- Parsley-family herb, used for flavoring; 32- Type of shirt; 33- Minute Maid Park player; 34- Put a new price on; 37- Hardware fastener; 39- Chop ___; 41- Manmouse link; 43- Novel; 46- Pampering places; 48- Explosive sound; 51- Opening word; 53- Tabs; 55- Jazzy Chick; 57Wise; 58- “So be it”; 59- Roman emperor; 60- Sounds of disgust; 61- Pigeon coop; 63- Tons; 64- Actress Russo; 65- Nair rival; 66- Cigarette ingredient;



ACROSS 1- Meadows; 5- Writer of lyric poetry; 10- Bric-a-___; 14- ____ - a -Sketch; 15- More urgent; 16- Watchful one; 17- Active one; 18- Take to the soapbox; 19- Architect Saarinen; 20- The King ___; 21- Less rapidly; 23- Before; 25- San Francisco’s ___ Hill; 26- Indonesian volcano; 31- Pave over; 35- Electrically charged particle; 36- Intended; 38- Affirmatives; 40Breakfast brand; 42- Thick-skinned charger; 44- Words to Brutus; 45- Swerves; 47- Encroach; 49- ___ Dawn Chong; 50Snares; 52- Cause of a disease; 54- Former nuclear agcy.; 56- Student stat; 57- Without care; 62- Building for storing hay; 66- Domesticate; 67- Vacuum tube filler; 68- Gen. Robert ___; 69- Antiquing agent; 70- Conductor Zubin; 71- Solitary; 72- “All The Way To ___”, song by REM; 73- Stand used by painters; 74- Let it stand;



Provided by Bestcrosswords.com







s e m a J e n n By A

T is pleasing to see the library heaving with members again after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Hurry to book for our forthcoming events as there are only a few places available for our Pantomime, Aladdin, which will take place in the library on Thursday February 12th, and, I’m sorry but there are no places left for the Pig Roast on Saturday 28th February. However, there is a waiting list so do give us your names if you would like to attend - you may be lucky ! To celebrate the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, there is to be a talk on ‘The Wicked Ways of Bad King John’. This will be given by Derek Winterbottom on March 12th at 12 noon, and will be followed , as is customary, by a buffet lunch at 1.00 p.m. All for the price of 6 euros. Once more, welcome back to all our Swallows, it’s good to see you all once again. The following books are all from Richard and Judy’s Spring collection.

A Colder War by Charles Cummings

On an Autumn day in 1686

Maud is forgetful. But there is one thing she is sure of: her

Do not get upset over trivial matters. Unfortunately, your personal life may suffer from a lack spare time. Do your own research and be prepared.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You might find that delays will cause setbacks and upset. Travel will also entice you. Don’t make any drastic changes or begin new projects today.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Mrs. Hemingway by Naomi Wood

Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey

TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)

You won’t get the reaction you want from your mate today. Discuss your objectives with par tners or peers. You will feel so much better about yourself if you can control your addictions.

friend Elizabeth is missing. The note in her pocket tells her so. Maud will get to the bottom of it. Because somewhere in her damaged mind lies the answer to an unsolved seventy-year-old mystery.

Clarissa is frightened of her colleague Rafe. He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. He is always there. Being selected for jury service is s relief. In the courtroom she will be safe. Clarissa begins to see parallels between her own situation and that of the woman on the witness stand.

You can learn a great deal if you listen to those who are older or more experienced. You may find yourself in the midst of a pretty good deal. You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

The Book Of You by Claire Kendall

The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)

You can make some favorable changes to your looks. Be careful of disclosing personal information. Keep your wits about you and be sure that you can trust those you confide in

eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman arrives at a grand house in Amsterdam to begin a n e w l i f e as wife o f wealt h y merchant Johannes Branat. He presents her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. As Nella uncovers the secrets of her new household she realizes the escalating dangers they face. The miniaturist seems to hold their fate in her hands.

Thomas Kell is a disgraced agent who longs to come in from the cold. When MI6'’s top spy in Turkey is killed in a mysterious plane crash his chance arrives.Kell soon discovers that there is a traitor in Western intelligence. From London to Greece Kell tracks the mole.


In the dazzling summer of 1926, Ernest Hemingway and his wife Hadley travel from their home in Paris to a villa in the south of France. They swim, play bridge and drink gin. But wherever they go they are accompanied by the glamorous and irrepressible Fife. Fife is Hadley ’s best friend. She is also Ernest’s lover. Hadley is the first Mrs Hemingway, but neither she ,nor Fife, will be the last. Over the ensuing decades as each marriage is ignited by passion and deceit, four extraordinary women will learn what it means to love - and lose - the most famous writer of his generation.

You will also encounter individuals who can help you further your goals. Accept the inevitable. You can make financial deals that will bring you extra cash.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Jealousy may get in the way of a good relationship. You have the stamina and determination to succeed. Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Travel will be favorable. You can’t lock your partner up and if you keep restricting their freedom you may be left out in the cold. Be prepared to neutralize any threats.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Communication must be open, precise, and honest. It’s time to reevaluate your motives. You will be prone to carelessness that could result in accidents.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Unexpected bills will be impossible for you to pay. Don’t jump too quickly if someone tries to make you join in on their crusade. You must consider yourself for a change.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Family members may want you at home, when your heart is telling you to spend time with someone you recently met. Throw yourself into your profession. Nothing can be resolved if you don’t want to talk about it. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Don’t make those you live with feel unloved or unworthy. Take a second look; difficulties with appliances, water, or electricity in your home may be evident. Sort situations out as best you can. Watch your spending habits.




Tráfico by appointment only

Hot TT lifts winter blues images and drivers can choose between two display modes – a classic view with the speedometer and rev counter in the foreground – or “infotainment” – where the virtual instruments are smaller. The space that becomes free as a result provides ample room for other functions, such as the navigation map and, at the lower edge, displays outside temperature, time, mileage, warning or information symbols. Sport models also include the


ANUARY in Scotland isn’t usually the best time to sample a sports car but on this occasion it proved to be a massively enjoyable one.

I mentioned in the previous News issue that I spent New Year on the South of the island and enjoyed temperatures of around 60 degrees and sunshine, even with some strong wind at times. Well it was back to winter reality for me with daytime temperatures of around 5 and 6 degrees when I got home and dropping to zero on the morning I sat down to write this review. Driving conditions have been what we expect at this time with a fair share of ice, rain, sleet and snow. Sounds ideal for a big 4x4 but my test car was a sporting Audi TT Coupe – a newly-arrived third-generation model. And the big plus was that it was an all-wheel drive – a topof-the-range 2.0 TFSI quattro S line S tronic. The TT has been a hugely popular model in the UK since it was launched in 1988, with its stunning looks and performance. Exterior changes are minimal with the Audi Space Frame steel and lightweight aluminium construction carried over from its predecessor and further evolved so it’s 50kg lighter, tipping the scales at just 1,230kg to enhance performance and economy.


ROM the 25th of June 2014 Tráfico only deal with their paper work by prior appointment. With the system being started here and in the Balearics this meant that all 66 Tráfico offices now only deal with people by appointment.

Appointments can be made via www.dgt.es, the Tráfico website or via telephone on 060. If the appointment is made online then you have the option to choose the date and time up to fifteen days in advance. The system has been working well and is proven to save time and stop the offices getting very busy at certain hot spot times. It also helps the staff know what the required procedure is for each individual. The online appointment system is easy to use and is more suitable than the telephone system as you cannot choose a time or date over the phone; this first available appointment is given. To access the appointment system you will need to go to Tráfico’s website www.dgt.es and click on the icon that says SEDE ELECTRONICA (online office), from there you will need to click on ACESSO A LA SEDE ELECTRONICA (acess to the online office), then select the option of CITA PREVIA TRAMITES (appointment), the icon also shows a calendar. From there you will need to choose the option SOLICTIAR CITA PREVIA EN JEFATURAS (request appointment in the office) at the bottom of the page. The next step is to choose the correct office, which is Santa Cruz de Tenerife. After that you will have to choose what area you wish to make the appointment with either fines or other. The “other” option covers driver’s licences and car paperwork. Once you have selected the area you will need to fill in your personal details and the choose the date and time you wish to go, appointments can be made up to 15 days in advance. Once the appointment has been reserved you will then be given the option to either save or print a confirmation. You can also modify or cancel any appointments online but only one appointment per area can be made in any one day for any individual or representative. Cash can no longer be paid in Tráfico, to be able to pay in cash you would need to go to the window and obtain a payment document that you would then need to take to the bank and pay. You may however still pay by card at the window. The appointment system does not change the processes or documentation that it is required for each individual process. The appointments system makes a trip to Tráfico quicker providing you take the correct paperwork otherwise an alternative appointment for another day will have to be made.

If you have any questions just send me an email to emma@motorworldtenerife.com .

My test car stood out from the crowd though with Audi’s new Tango red colour. And you’ll be blown away by the TT’s interior – Audi’s first all-digital virtual cockpit. Described as an automotive supercomputer, it is based around a 12.3-inch, high resolution LCD display that completely fills the driver’s instrument binnacle and replaces the traditional analogue dials. It features brilliantly sharp

Multi Media Interface with an MMI touch pad for fingertip data entry, navigation preparation, Audi Music Interface and Bluetooth connectivity. The test car also had the £1,795 Technology Package, which includes hard disk-based navigation mapping that can completely fill the 12.3-inch TFT monitor, and beams the Internet to the car. This brings features such as Google Maps, Google Street View, traffic information, price-

graded refuelling locations, the latest news, flight and train information. It also adds Audi music stream and access to social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. There’s no shortage of quality in the cabin and there’s plenty of space up front with the leather sports seats extremely comfortable and not too hugging. Like previous TTs, the two back seats would only be suitable for very small children, and are more likely to be folded down to increase the 305 litres boot space to 712 litres. There is a choice of two specs – Sport and S line – with two engines available, 2.0 TFSI 227bhp petrol and a 2.0-litre 181bhp diesel that is capable of achieving 67.3mpg with CO2

emissions of just 110g/km yet can accelerate to 62mph in 7.1 seconds and has a top speed of 150mph. My petrol-engined test model was a good bit quicker – and felt it. Push the start button, slide the auto lever to drive, put your foot down on the accelerator pedal and it hurls you out of the starting block to 62mph in just 5.3 seconds. You can bring the power smoothly though a super sixspeed S tronic auto transmission and when quick acceleration is needed it comes instantly from a turbo engine capable of 155mph. There’s a nice rasp from the twin exhausts – especially when you use the steering wheel paddles in manual mode and push up the revs. Audi’s drive select allows

you to choose different driving modes – auto, dynamic, efficiency and comfort. With sharp, responsive steering, the TT didn’t disappoint when cornering at speed as the quattro system brought super agility and the required all-weather grip. TT lovers will adore the performance they get from this model and for those looking for even more pace there’s a 2-litre petrol 306bhp TTS model arriving in the UK in March. On-the-road prices start at £29,700 with the test car costing £35,335, excluding options. Audi has upped the sports car driving enjoyment in this latest TT that, with its looks and amazing new virtual cockpit, can easily continue its success story.







Insight into Canary wrestling Güímar hosts


HOSE interested in Canary wrestling might like to visit an exhibition in Arona town hall.

“Entre imágenes y palabras” (“Between pictures and words”) features items from the personal collection of Dámaso Rodríguez. The exhibition was arranged by the council’s fiesta department as part of the festivities in honour of San Antonio Abad. It opened on January 13th and can be seen until January 30th. The visitor can see photographs, paintings by


Formula One in Spain as Jerez hosts pre-season tests in February

Canary artists on the theme of Canary wrestling or “lucha” as well as various books and literature. Together, they bring together fascinating details about the sport since the first half of the 21st century until today. Those attending the inauguration included deputy Mayor, Antonio Sosa and sports councillor for Tenerife Cabildo, María del Cristo Pérez.


Better facilities for football 7



ERRARI have become the second team to confirm the launch date for their 2015 Formula One car, announcing an online reveal of their new machine for January 30th.

The Italian team will release further details of the car, including its name, in the build up to the launch. The car will then be formally rolled out at Jerez in Spain, which hosts the first of this year’s three pre-season tests from February 1st to 4th. Ferrari are looking to respond to an underwhelming 2014 campaign that yielded just two podiums - the first season since 1993 that the Scuderia failed to win a Grand Prix. The Maranello-based squad have made several changes over the winter, with engineering director Pat Fry and chief designer Nikolas Tombazis departing and Maurizio Arrivabene recruited as team principal in place of Marco Mattiaci. The biggest change comes in their driver line-up however: Sebastian Vettel, the youngest four-time world champion in F1 history, has been drafted in to replace Fernando Alonso, with 2007 world champion Kimi Raikkonen retained alongside the German. As it stands, McLaren will be the first team to take the covers off their 2015 car, having set an online launch date of January 29th. The first race is the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on March 15th. It’s Spain’s turn on May 10th.

successful cross country final

ORE than 150 runners took part in the final of the Tenerife Cross Country Championships held at the Tasagaya circuit in



RANADILLA council has pledged to improve facilities for football 7 at the Francisco Suárez municipal campus.

An investment of 3,000 euros is being made to meet the demands of local users of the sports facility. Sports councillor Marcos González Alonso said the work had been carried out by Simpromi and has included improving the line markings and signs. He said many people enjoyed football 7 from the

beginner categor y up to juvenile and the activity brought together more than 100 children Monday to Friday from 4pm to 6.30pm, as well as for competitions and at weekends. The sports councillor said there would be further improvements, mainly relating to painting and general maintenance.

The test was organised by the local council’s sports department in association with the Trivalle athletics club, the Canary Federation of Athletics and the Tenerife Athletics Federation. The runners competed in various categories, including youth, juniors, seniors and veterans who were cheered on by supporters and guests. Güímar runner Ayoze Pérez of Realejo-CajaCanaria was overall champion in a time of 40:40 followed by teammate Samuel Benito Chávez (40:45) and Roberto Carlos Vera of Trivalle de Güímar

in a time of 41:37. In the women’s section, Amada de Jesús Sánchez of Realejos-CajaCanaria was first in 23:22, second was Paula Martín (RealejoCajaCanaria) and third, Marta Arnay of CEA Tenerife 1984. Local sports councillor, Pedro Daniel Pérez expressed his appreciation to both Federations for choosing Güímar to host the event. He said cross countr y was a growing sport in the municipality as shown by the municipal schools of athletics and cross countr y and Club Trivalle de Güímar.






Spectacular night of boxing Teenage in Adeje baseball player SECOND PLACE


Photos by Gerard Zenou

shines in Spain


T was no ordinary night of boxing when a lavish night was staged in Adeje.

The promoter Chocolat made a stunning debut into this aspect of the sporting world with a hugely entertaining evening. Guests knew straight away that this was going to be something extra special as the municipal sports hall presented spectacular acrobats, lighting, dancers and entertainment. The list of boxers also pointed to an unforgettable night. There were professional and amateur bouts, culminating in the star attraction between Carlos Esteban who was supported by a number of fans from Madrid and Adasat “El Toro” Rojas who received a standing ovation. The match went to ten rounds and there were deafening roars when Adasat was named the winner, retaining his title of Spanish champion in his category.


Lego League attracts teams from around the Canaries


HE third edition of the Canar y First Lego League will bring together a total of 44 teams in Los Cristianos on February 7th.

The main objective of this robotics tournament is to promote scientific and technological vocations amongst the young and involves boys and girls from six to 16 years in two categories. On this occasion, 28 teams from Tenerife, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote will take part in the robotics challenge, together with the presentation of a scientific project. For the younger children, the project is to create some sort of scientific project out of lego and 16 teams will be competing. Tenerife Cabildo president, Carlos Alonso said it was ver y important that young people were pointed in the direction of science and technology careers so they could contribute to the islands’ future economy. Tenerife has been praised for its ongoing role in this competition and it will be hosting the national phase of the tournament in Santa Cruz in March.

The February 7th event takes place in the Auditorio Infanta Leonor de Los Cristianos.


EALEJOS sport in general and the Tiburones Municipal School of Baseball, Softball and KickinBall in particular continues to strike up collective and individual successes. This is the case with 14-yearold Aarón Hernández Hernández who recently played baseball at Spanish Championship level with the club Astros de Valencia and managed to get second place against the likes of Barcelona, Seville and Vigo. Aaron, who still belongs to

the Los Realejos club following this tournament, works with Félix Jesús Hermoso and both were welcomed to a special reception hosted by the Mayor, Manuel Domínguez and councillor for sport, Benito Dévora to congratulate them on their success.

New running event for women only



OS Realejos is to host a new athletics event for women on February 8th.

The first “Trail Woman de Canarias” will start from the plaza de Realejo Bajo and cover a distance of 17 kilometres through the municipality. It has been organised by the local council’s sports department, headed by Benito Dévora, and Quiro+Run. The event is exclusively for women under the theme of “Mujeres que corren” (“Women who run”) although there will be an additional test over a four kilometre route for all the family, as well as entertainment and sports activities throughout the day. Further information is available on www.quiromasrun.com.





City values sports Taekwondo facilities with lessons from updated work the master in




Arona backs sports with grant aid


OUNGSTERS interested in taekwondo have been learning from the best in Güímar.


ANTA Cruz council has initiated repairs at various sports facilities in the Ofra-Costa Sur district.

This has included attention to the football fields of García Escámez and Las Delicias, as well as the sports section of the latter for various improvements. The soccer pitch at García Escámez has seen renewed irrigation around the perimeter and centre, with the replacement of all pipes and fittings. This work was similar to that carried out a month ago at Añaza. Zósimo Darias, sports councillor, recently visited the site to see the work for himself. He said that between them,

the clubs of Chincanayro and San Fernando Rey catered for some 350 youngsters aged between five and 18. Added to this was Sunday practice for Gladiolos youngsters. He stressed the dangers of incorrectly irrigated artificial turf as it could cause injury to players who fell and also diminished the lifetime of the surface since it directly affected its maintenance. Repair work on the irrigation cost around 16,000 euros. Work at L as Delicias included new netting and court fencing.

Four times champion of Spain, Yeray Rodríguez has been giving free lessons to children in a number of sessions. They have been aimed at five to nine year olds and also those aged between ten and 16 in two different groups. The sessions have been held at the Tasagaya sports pavilion and continue with the final session on January 29th from 6pm to 7.30pm. After this date, those interested can continue with the training with a monthly fee of 15 euros. Yeray Rodríguez said taekwondo also helped children to develop discipline, respect, honesty and friendship. This Olympic sport also taught physical co-ordination, balance, skill, resilience, flexible control and elasticity. Sports councillor for Guimar, Pedro Daniel Pérez said: “Such initiatives are intended to diversify the sporting activities of the municipality and support minority sports with less followers but no less important.”


RONA has pledged its commitment to sport, particularly at grassroot level to allow more people to enjoy all sorts of activities.

Councillor for sport, Marcos Afonso Esquivel says a total of 361,614 euros has been given in grants for the year 20142015. This represents 70 per cent of the council’s total budget for subsidies and, he points out, shows the esteem in which the authority holds sport in the municipality. The council is particularly keen to promote sport amongst

the young but the grants have gone to clubs enjoyed by all age groups. A total of 260,000 euros goes to grassroot clubs, including soccer, Canary wrestling, base sports and action in the community. “We are working hard to ensure grant aid goes to all clubs and athletes of the municipality,” he said.

Badminton players are great ambassadors for Granadilla


OUNG badminton players from the municipality of Granadilla are ready and able to take on the Canary competition.

The two squads from the municipal school and Club Bádminton Granadilla Badsur were recently unveiled during a ceremony attended by supporters, family and representatives of the local council. The youngsters were received by the Mayor, Jaime González Cejas and councillor for sport, Marcos González Alonso.

The municipal school has received 60 enrolments for the 2014/2015 season in various age categories which makes Granadilla the Canar y municipality with the most badminton recruits. Club Bádminton Granadilla Badsur also has 40 federated players. The young players are looking forward to taking part in a wide range of

tour naments this year, including locally, in other parts of Tenerife and on the

other islands as well. The Mayor said the young badminton talent was going

from strength to strength since its inception a decade ago. They were also praised

for being such good ambassadors for the municipality.

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