Early sketch of Govan approx 17th Century showing ‘Doomster Hill and Church Contact : Tom Manley – Liz Gardiner – FABLEVISION
Brief draft Description of Project 'Govan has already had two eras of greatness -‐ and that is two more than most places' – (Professor Stephen Driscoll) This proposal is submitted in the context of recent activity, dialogue, research and new partnerships of local organizations, creative processes and grass root initiatives. The aim is to create a shared vision for Govan’s future, encourage active participation in local decision making, and increase community empowerment, and the well being of its citizens through a culturally planned and sustainable approach to place making. Water Row, the route leading down from Govan Cross to the new ferry crossing and Riverside has been at the heart of this community since its earliest beginnings as a settlement and river crossing point. Once at the centre of the Kingdom of Strathclyde and throughout medieval times, until the shipbuilding era and industrialization took hold, this site was dominated by the mysterious ‘Doomster Hill’ and neighboring religious site, where Govan Old Parish Church sits today. Govan’s close relationship to the Clyde has recently been highlighted by the Riverside Museum, and despite a new ferry route operating from Water Row, the new building’s potential to have a positive and lasting impact on Govan, remains a tantalising prospect that its true success could be judged on. Today the large expanse and route known as Water Row acts as a missed opportunity for the community and is threatened with the prospect of being tarmaced to determine its position as a carpark at the heart of this pivotal and culturally rich site of huge significance to Glasgow’s story and beyond. We embrace the idea of this competition to provide a platform for a response to this site (to be developed in partnership and through conversation with the community and local organizations) that represents outcomes that are appropriate contextually, economically, environmentally and in respect of Govan’s important heritage. This approach invites a truly inclusive and innovative response to this large and culturally rich vacant site. A process that brings the different organizations together is required, that harnesses the knowledge of local people, and the ‘spirit of Govan’ into a dialogue for ideas of what this site could offer. The competition aims to identify uses for Water Row that reflects Govan as a vibrant centre for people to work and live in. Strengthening connections across the river, attracting and orientating visitors to the many assets within Govan, including the historic stones and maritime heritage, and enabling the community to reassert its place within the city are outcomes that exploring options for this site hopes to achieve. ‘Nothing about us without us is for us’. Addressing benefits for as wide section of the community as possible, key considerations already being investigated are as follows. Heritage / Tourism / Orientation / Local commerce & Economy / Landscape / Health Social inclusion & Sustainability.
Project Benefits A central part of activity underway in Govan and represented by other community groups, is a shared conversation and understanding of how the community responds to its own rich and important sense of place and identity. As communities require to become ever resilient and resourceful, this approach needs to be celebrated. A unique approach to how neighborhoods regenerate and improve is making progress in Govan. A model that illustrates the impact of community empowerment is in place. The possibilities for the Water Row site offer a huge transformative role for the area if properly considered and a culturally planned proposal would provide a powerful symbol for Govan’s future at the heart of the community. Govan unfortunately is still suffering from high levels of poverty and health problems. Initiatives across the area are working hard to tackle this. We feel that this project by utilizing active participation and engagement between community, organizations, and design team, has the ability to identify facilities and celebrate local resources to actively enhance the physical and psychological well being of Govan. A key benefit would be the strengthening of relationships, through dialogue and representation of different groups with interest and attachment to the site, such as the Scottish Show People who have settled adjacent to the site for generations. The site is large enough to allow for different uses and it is hoped that economic and environmental considerations can support the heritage and cultural value of this site for a sustainable future. Further to this and building on the great work already made in transforming Govan, this project encourages top quality and innovative design, raising the profile of Govan as a creative centre and enabling an inclusive design led approach to flourish whilst offering potential uses for the site that are firmly rooted in what is best for the area, and offers the most benefits to Govan and the city.
‘Glorious Govan
is a
community developed through collaboration between people & organisations working in diverse sectors. The working process was conceived & is being driven in the first instance by locally rooted community regeneration initiatives which all employ an artistic medium & inform the content
participation process & output.’!
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