Project Learning - Beginings

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The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato is known today as one of the greatest philosophers of all time. His words have inspired people for centuries and it was his opinion that: ‘The beginning is the most important part of the work’. You are at the beginning of your time at the Academy. How important is it for you to make a good start? By the end of this half term, you will either have taken up the challenge offered by the English department to produce a book of creation stories which have been influenced by your learning from this half term or have submitted a piece of work directly to Mrs. Di Vito in a bid to become the Project Learning Champion of the half term.

Are you a potential Project Learning Champion? Have you immersed yourself within learning? Are you an original thinker who is prepared to grab every opportunity that is offered to you? Are you a determined and successful learner? If so,this is your opportunity to demonstrate all of these amazing learner attributes and submit a piece of work that summarises your findings from the entire project.

You might: Produce a piece of art which demonstrates your transition from primary to secondary education. Produce a magazine illustrating your learning and introducing your new teachers to prospective students. Create a blog detailing your experiences of this half term and how it is different to a half term at primary school.

English This half term you will investigate autobiographical writings and consider the ways in which professional writers attempt to engage their audiences. You will demonstrate your understanding of the techniques that professional writers use by constructing your own short story. You will research and investigate Greek myths and legends which were used to explain natural phenomenon to people who had no understanding of science. Finally, you will work collaboratively as part of a group to construct your own myth which explains a natural phenomenon, and you will perform your play to a real live audience. You will be required to transfer the skills that you have been developing in drama into the performance of this piece.

Core Independent Learning

Week commencing 10th September: Write the opening paragraph of your own autobiography.

Week commencing 17th September:

Research a myth or legend. Create a presentation, in a format of your choice, summarising your chosen myth.

Week commencing 3rd October:

Learn your lines. Rehearse your role with a family member or friend, consider your intonation and non verbal communication whilst developing your character.

Extended Independent Learning

Develop your understanding of the autobiographical genre by reading ‘Boy’ by Roald Dahl. Ask your English teacher for a work pack to support your reading of this fantastic novel.

Period 6 opportunities

Have you enjoyed reading ‘Boy’ by Roald Dahl? Come to book club to discuss your opinions on the novel. This half term’s challenge is to write a review for the ‘TGI book blog’ for your chance to win a book token to fund your next text.

Maths Number is the most important skill in mathematics and it is important that students have a sound understanding of number before moving on to other topics. Students will learn about fractions, decimals and written calculations.

Core Independent Learning Core independent learning tasks will be set on a weekly basis by each individual classroom teacher.

Extended Independent Learning Week 3: Departmental task set – Fractions Week 6: Long division Students will determine how long it would take a panel of judges if they saw every act that auditioned for the ‘Z factor’ programme and will be encouraged to develop this class task through independent learning. Students will be encouraged to develop functional skills through tasks set online: www.

Period 6 opportunities Wednesday - Middle Years Maths club. These sessions will be for students to develop their problem solving skills.

Science You will begin the term by using microscopes to investigate the basics of all organisms with simple animal and plant cell structures. You will learn the different functions of the cell and how it allows the organism to survive. This will lead onto the study of different organs within the human body, which may include the opportunity of dissection. You will go on to learn about how new life is created, and will explore the emotional, moral and ethical implications of creating new life. Finally, you will learn about how the body changes as it prepares for adulthood, thus completing the cycle of life.

Core Independent Learning

Research and present findings in a portfolio entitled ‘The workings of the human body’. Please see below for specific tasks: Week commencing 10th September Research a specialised cell and produce an annotated picture of that cell explaining its function. Week commencing 17th September Select an organ system of your choice and research it. Draw a labelled diagram showing the organs involved and explain the functions of them. Week commencing 3rd October Research the developing foetus in the womb, from embryo to new born. Use annotated diagrams to illustrate the stages involved or write in detail to explain each significant stage of development.

Extended Independent Learning

Research how developments in medical science have allowed for organ transplants. Write about which organs can be transplanted and the conditions required for a transplant to be successful.

Period 6 opportunities

Enhance your skills with a microscope and observe more dissections in Science club.

Religious Studies This half term is R.S you will study the Christian view of power, creation and stewardship. You will do this by examining Christian sources of belief and comparing them to scientific developments. You will begin thinking about how humans use the power they have been given and whether we use it in an acceptable and moral way.

Independent Learning tasks Week commencing 10th September: Create a visual display to illustrate beliefs about the use of human power versus responsibility. This will be completed at home using TGI space to guide and support you: Week commencing 17th September: Watch the interview with Robert Oppenheimer about the creation of the atomic bomb. Find or produce a picture of Robert Oppenheimer and in a speech bubble next to it, record his thoughts on the creation of the bomb. Week commencing 3rd October: Watch the clip about the dropping of the bomb, complete the template: ‘Responses to Hiroshima’. This will be provided by your teacher.

Extended Independent Learning Produce your own creation story explaining how dominion was given to mankind or animals. This is to be as imaginative as possible but must have a meaning behind it which explores the use of power.

French You will take part in short scripted and unscripted exchanges in French asking and giving basic information which would normally be used in introductions to new people. You will recognise and use basic questions and structures to give information about your identity including your name, age, nationality and birthday. You will recognise and apply patterns in sequences such as numbers, the alphabet, days, months and some grammar structures. Finally, you will work with a partner to adapt model exchanges, using substitution to develop your own conversation which you will then record and evaluate.

Core Independent Learning Week commencing 12th September Design a poster to illustrate the main conversation points you have learned so far. Week commencing 19th September Apply patterns learned in class to complete a numbers table. Week commencing 26th September Construct a bar-chart illustrating the results of a survey completed in class. Week commencing 10th October Learn your lines. Rehearse your role with a family member or friend. You will be recording your conversation with your partner and without your script.

Extended Independent Learning Play memory games to develop your command of French numbers and the alphabet. See your teacher for a range of games to play with your friends.

Period 6 opportunities Create your own virtual French character using “Voci�. Ask your teacher for details of the ICT session to show you how.

PE When taking part in any sporting activity, co-ordination and control is everything, without this you will not be able to execute skills and movements. This half them you will look at using simple tactics and strategies to enhance team or individual performance within sport. You will be setting your own goals within PE and will identify the aspects of your own performance (both as an individual and as part of a team) that you want to improve upon over the following weeks. At the end of the project you will be leading warm ups and cool downs in small groups and will analyse your own performance to highlight the improvements that you have made over the half term.

Extended Independent Learning Watch high level professional sports performances on TV or the internet and identify the ways that they warm up.

Period 6 opportunities Attend extra curricular clubs.

Performing You will be looking into the way in which different cultures from around the world use storytelling as a means of communication and entertainment. You will develop your physical and vocal skills and use them to perform the stories that you have created in English in front of an audience.

Core Independent Learning Week commencing 17th September: Use the internet, or books within the LRC to research the art of storytelling Week commencing 3rd October: Learn your lines in preparation for the final performance.

Extended Independent Learning You will use your research to shape your story and you will have the opportunity to book additional rehearsal time so that you can prepare for performance. You may also choose to attend Drama Club which will help you to further develop your skills.

Period 6 opportunities Develop your skills by attending Drama club which takes place on Thursday after school. The music department will also be offering, string band, swing band and choir after school. If you would like to improve your dance skills, you might want to join the academy dance group which will rehearse after school in the dance studio.

Visitors/Visits this half term Students will take part in a drumming workshop which will be led by a percussion specialist. This will help them to develop and embellish their stories in preparation for performance.

Art You will develop tonal drawing skills by learning to graduate and blend your shading. You will then use a photograph of yourself to produce a pencil self portrait. Which demonstrates the tonal skills that you have developed this half term.

Core Independent Learning Week commencing 12th September: Tone and Form Rose worksheet Week commencing 26th September: Create a wordsearch using key art words

Extended Independent Learning Develop your drawing skills by using other medias to create tonal portraits. Why not draw a member of your family or a friend?

Period 6 opportunities Life drawing class to support tonal drawing skills. All years welcome.

What have you learnt this half term?

You will have been given targets in all curriculum areas, what are you main areas for development?

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