Tudor Grange Academy Worcester 2016-17
June 2016 The Skills Action Service curriculum is part of our core provision for years 7, 8 and 9 within the Academy. We dedicate two hours every Wednesday afternoon to a variety of courses which are designed to ensure that students develop a range of skills, using them to serve a local, national or even international community. This part of our curriculum achieves a wide variety of objectives: students develop essential skills and attributes such as project management skills, self-confidence and enterprise. The time we dedicate to this option allows talented students to immerse themselves in an area of expertise, and everyone develops a keener awareness of the needs of communities and the benefits of utilising our skills to benefit others. With students having the opportunity to participate in three choices over the academic year, their exposure to a variety of opportunities will contribute to their own personal development. The Academy has developed its own internal series of accreditation for work done in this curriculum area, enabling students, parents and staff to see the progress being made over the year in each of the three chosen options. In year 9 the focus is on linking students’ achievements to the Tudor Values to really enhance and develop their character. This year our aim will be to reinforce links with our local primary schools, with students demonstrating and teaching the skills they have learnt to younger children. Alongside this, students will also be working hard to support key Academy events such as the Winter Fayre, utilising their skills to raise money for our chosen Trust charity. Just as importantly, we know that students very much enjoy their SAS options, and it is a delight to be around the Academy on Wednesday afternoons.
Mrs S Roach – Principal
How does the Skills Action Service Curriculum work? •
Each child selects three options from the different option blocks available
They are allowed to select up to two choices from one option block
If students are interested in Active Cooks, Carpentry or Animal Care they should only choose one of these three options and not all of them
On their choices form students will be asked to give their reasons for their choices
Please note that Adventurers is a compulsory option to be taken either in year 7 or 8.
How is progress tracked in each SAS choice? •
Students have the opportunity to achieve four outcomes over the course of their option
If they achieve all four outcomes and attend a period 6 or other extra-curricular activity, they will be awarded a bronze award
Students achieving a bronze award will be presented with a certificate in recognition of their achievement
Students obtaining three bronze award certificates will receive a bronze award lapel badge
If a student achieves six bronze awards over the course of years 7 and 8, they will be eligible for a silver award.
Students achieving nine bronze awards in years 7-9 will be eligible for a gold award.
Gold, silver and bronze character awards are also awarded in year 9 for students demonstrating the Tudor Values
Students in year 9 are given the opportunity to become SAS Champions, working with years 7 and 8 and supporting members of staff
Period 6 or other extra curricular opportunity
Bronze Award Certificate
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 9
Achieving all of your Tudor Values SAS outcomes in each of your three options to a gold standard during this year will enable you to achieve a SAS Tudor Values Gold Rose.
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Good Soil Base Camp
Drama Authors Inc.
Debating and Media
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Carpentry Crafts Art and Design
Textiles Product Design
Option Blocks
2016-17 c So
Animal Care Photography Music Active Cooks
Crest Science
Young Chamber
Carpentry Tudor Radio Astrology
Please note that some options are only available to certain year groups. This will be clear from the option form and the information about each choice.
Active Cooks
(Available to students in Years 7 and 8.)
Active Cooks will give you the chance to appreciate new dishes and flavours. You will learn to experiment with new combinations of ingredients, plan dishes for different occasions and use new and familiar ingredients in exciting ways. The Active Cooks stall at the Winter Fayre is always the first to sell out and makes a huge contribution towards the monies donated to the Academy’s chosen charities. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate your knowledge of different peoples’ dietary needs Use a range of preparation and cooking skills safely and confidently Demonstrate the ability to work safely with heat and other items of equipment Plan and cook a meal based on specific criteria
Please note that students will be required to bring in their own ingredients each week.
Adventurers Adventurers is your introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, which is available from year 9 onwards at the Academy. Throughout the twelve weeks of the choice, you will become better equipped to deal with everyday emergencies, learn about nutrition and how to preserve the environment, as well taking part in practical sessions such as cooking, orienteering and first aid. There will also be opportunities to put your skills into practice on an overnight camp, a day’s hiking or geocaching in the local area using your orienteering skills. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Cook a hot meal using the appropriate camping equipment Navigate your way around the local area using orienteering skills Design a healthy meal for a camping trip Demonstrate the ability to carry out basic first aid
Please note this is a compulsory option which must be taken either in year 7 or year 8.
Animal Care (Available to students in Years 7 and 8.) Students opting for this SAS choice will develop an increased awareness of their immediate environment, discover how to care for animals and learn gardening skills whilst helping to run the Academy mini farm ‘Tudor Range’ at White Ladies Aston. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Explain how to keep animals free from thirst, discomfort, pain, injury, disease, fear and distress Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety needed when working on a farm Work as part of a team to maintain animals’ welfare Demonstrate an ability to work safely around animals on the farm
Art and design
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9.)
Students will work with a variety of media, including acrylic, pencil, watercolour, paper collage and ink, focussing on subject matter such as still life, portraiture and landscape. Tasks will be developed by students each week and will either be pieces completed in the two hours on Wednesday or more detailed art works taking a number of weeks to complete. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate you can use line successfully by exploring a minimum of three line drawing techniques Show your ability to use tone and texture to create form Use three-dimensional materials to recreate ideas in an artistic style Work as part of a group to create a three-dimensional sculpture
(Available to students in year 9 only)
SAS Astronomy gives students the opportunity to learn more about the incredible Universe in which we live. Anyone with a passion for space, stars and the Solar System will find a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered, including how to identify constellations of stars in the night sky, how to build and use a sundial to tell the time and why it is so difficult to discover new planets. If mathematics and their application in a scientific context interests you, then come along and discover this extremely rewarding subject which will greatly expand your knowledge of the cosmos and open up a world of possibilities. What outcomes do I need to achieve? • • • •
Present the properties of the Earth, Moon and Sun and how they interact with each other to the group Identify and observe constellations and describe the life cycle of stars Give a presentation about the structure of the Universe and explain how it has evolved over billions of years Build a working sundial and explain how it functions
Authors Inc.
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9)
If your brain is bursting with characters, plots, poems and more, then Authors Inc. is the perfect option to help you polish your creative talents. You will learn how to chart your chapters, smooth out your scripts and be given opportunities to perform, narrate and critique your own work as well as that of your peers. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Present your favourite book, or author to the group Investigate the life of an author, playwright or poet Create a short story, scene or poem to present to pupils at a local primary school Write a series of reviews of books in the LRC for other Academy students
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9.)
The SAS Carpentry option will equip you with basic woodwork skills needed to create designs out of wood and give you the know how to develop your own carpentry products. Patience, self-confidence and a sense of achievement will all be developed through this option. Working with and supporting other SAS groups you will complete different carpentry projects as well as designing wooden items for presents and to raise money for charity. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate the ability to use woodworking machines and hand tools safely Complete a finger joint to a good standard Manufacture an item that you would take home and use Manufacture and finish a product to a good standard which can be sold
(Available to students in years 7 and 8)
In this SAS option you will have the opportunity to develop your creative and practical skills through a variety of craft projects. Valuable skills which will be developed include problem solving, attention to detail, patience, creativity and self-confidence. You will also acquire knowledge of basic techniques which you will then go on to develop to suit your own creative style, working with a wide variety of materials. Through selling items which you have made at the Winter Fayre and other Academy events you will also help support local, national and international communities by raising money for the Academy’s chosen charities. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Create a design for a piece of jewellery Present your design to the group Design a product linked to a theme which could be sold Create a finished product which can be sold
Crest Science (Available to students in years 7 and 8) The National Crest Science Award option will guide and encourage students to develop their creativity, evaluation and communication skills in a scientific context. Students will present their projects, set clear goals, produce and develop their own ideas. There is a requirement for students to plan their own investigations, carry them out and then refine and improve their techniques. The Award suits students who already enjoy science. In previous years, students have tested pasta for its overcooked sticking power, washing powder for its effectiveness and sun cream and its ability to protect us from the sun’s rays amongst other products. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Produce a report detailing what your research on a scientific topic Plan and carry out a scientific investigation which includes a practical experiment Write up a scientific investigation using the correct language and layout Work as a team and present your findings to the whole group
Dance (Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9.) In SAS Dance students will have the opportunity to learn a number of different dance styles, learn dance terminology and benefit from flexibility training. Learning to work effectively in a group and on their own will help students to gain in confidence. SAS Dance sessions will be split into two sections: warm up and choreography. Students will learn how to stretch their bodies in order to become more flexible which will improve their ability to dance. Choreography will be taught in small, easy to follow sections, and then rehearsed until everyone feels comfortable with the piece as a whole. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? •
Perform an initial technical dance choreographed by the teacher
Devise and present a self-choreographed piece of dance to a small group
Use space, movement and pace to create a technical piece of dance
Take part in a whole group performance, choreographed by the teacher
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9.)
This SAS option will provide students with the ability to develop their creative skills and give them an appreciation of the wealth of talent which exists across the world in play writing and performance. You will have the opportunity to investigate scenes from a number of plays written by a wide variety of playwrights around the world. Devising scenes, acting, teamwork, self-confidence, and learning to improvise are all some of the skills provided by this option. Students will be encouraged to experiment with their performances, with opportunities to film and record also provided. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Perform a monologue from a text selected by the teacher Complete an analysis of a character in a play Devise and perform a scene in twos or a small group Take part in a whole group performance
Excellence in Sport
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9.)
Do you have a passion for sport and want to improve your skills? In SAS Excellence in Sport sessions you will have the opportunity to improve your teamwork, communication and organisation skills, whilst also having the opportunity to experience a range of sports. Running and managing your own sporting activity will develop your leadership and management skills. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Participate in a variety of sporting contexts and activities in order to develop key life skills. Demonstrate coaching and leadership skills Effectively plan, organise and run an activity Identify, develop and apply tactics to all sports and activities
Good Soil Project at the Tudor Base Camp (Available to students in year 9 only.) Tudor Grange Base Camp needs you! Working together with members of the Good Soil Project, students will take on the upkeep of this area, painting and varnishing the cabins, making repairs, building raised beds and planting vegetables and fruit. The Base Camp Trench will also fall under this group’s responsibilities and it will maintained by the groups of students involved in this project. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Work as a team to complete tasks which are assigned to you Demonstrate the ability to use all tools safely Contribute ideas for the design of areas of the base camp Grow and care for the plants and vegetables grown on site
Hair (Available to students in year 9 only) The SAS Hair option provides students with the opportunity to develop their communication and teamwork skills, to improve their self-confidence and ability to assess and improve their performance. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Meet and greet customers at the salon using the correct language and approach Demonstrate the ability to use products and salon equipment safely Create a hairstyle using tongs Wash, dry and style a family member or friend’s hair and evaluate your performance
Media and Debate (Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9) Welcome to the world of expressing yours views on current affairs and other hot topics. In this option you will have the opportunity to research the way in which the media present their viewpoints from different angles and learn how to convey your ideas articulately and eloquently. Present your views in collaboration with Tudor Radio live on a Wednesday afternoon. Lead your team to victory in a debate. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Research a current topic which interests you and report back to the group Write a speech or article persuading the group that your viewpoint is valid Take an active role in a debate about an idea or current topic Review and evaluate the way in which different media formats have reported an event
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9)
Performance is at the heart of SAS Music. Students will have opportunities to sing, play, compose and record their work in the recording studio as part of this SAS option. They will explore a variety of different styles and genres in SAS Music, always with a view to performing to their peers and at other venues in and around the community. Students will be able to develop their skills to become confident and musical young performers and composers who can share their talents with the wider community. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Take part in a whole group performance of a piece of music selected by the teacher Arrange and perform a piece of music as a group Compose a vocal or an instrumental piece of music in a group Rehearse and give a solo performance of a piece of music
(Available to students in years 7 and 8)
SAS Photography is a combination of learning about how a camera works, setting up photo shoots, composing good photographs and then manipulating them in Photoshop. During photoshoots, you will prepare the models, apply make-up, select clothing and decide on lighting. Approximately twothirds of the time will be spent on the computers manipulating photographs or completing research What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Produce a research page on a relevant artist or photographer Take a range of successful photographs considering important factors Manipulate your own photographs effectively Create a Photoshop manipulated image which could be sold
Product Design (Available to students in year 9 only) In this SAS option, you will develop your knowledge, skills and understanding from a variety of subjects in order to create a series of products. Teamwork, risk taking and ‘thinking outside the box’ will be required as you go on a journey of innovation and design. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Finish a product to the correct specification and experiment with its presentation Design a product, completing a prototype to ensure its viability Present your product to the group and give constructive feedback on other students’ ideas Create a product that could solve a problem and that could be sold
(Available to students in years 7, 8 and 9)
This SAS option gives you the opportunity to perfect your sewing skills, be creative and develop, evaluate and demonstrate your ideas. Students will create items for different age groups. Using colour and different fabrics to create a desired effect will help students to appreciate tone and texture. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Produce a research page and mood board based on the work of a designer Successfully make a child’s soft toy by following a pattern Design, make and evaluate a simple garment or item which could be sold Present your ideas for a series of items to the group
Tudor Radio
(Available to students in years 7 and 8)
This SAS option enables students to learn the skills to plan, produce and run their own radio show. It will also give them the opportunity to develop their teamwork, organisation and communication skills as well as building their confidence in public speaking. Students will take on various roles within the radio station and experience working in the production, technical and broadcasting teams. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Show creativity when developing ideas as part of a radio team Develop skills in editing audio sequences using appropriate software Develop knowledge and understanding of radio studio equipment Plan, record and edit segments for a radio show
Young Chamber
(Available to students in years 7 and 8)
In this option, students will be provided with many of the key enterprise skills needed in today’s society. These include skills such as leadership, teamwork, planning, and design, working to deadlines, risk taking, ICT and communication skills. Students work in small groups to develop ideas, design, calculate costing and create products. They will then be responsible for marketing and selling their products and then taking and fulfilling orders for customers. This could be internally to staff and students or at other Academy events such as the Winter Fayre. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Work as part of a team to develop ideas and design a product Calculate the cost of your product and create it Take an active role in marketing and selling your product Create a portfolio of evidence charting your work on the product
Year 9 Skills Action Service Curriculum Character - the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Tolerance
In year 9, the SAS curriculum will aim to support you in developing the character traits above in line with the Academy’s Tudor Values. Achieving all of your Tudor Values SAS outcomes in each of your three options to a gold standard during this year will enable you to achieve a SAS Tudor Values Gold Rose. During year 9, you will also be involved in three Life Skills sessions which will take place once a term, building on the work which you have done in years 7 and 8. You are also invited to apply for the position of SAS Champion. If successful, you will stay in the same SAS option for one or two terms or the whole year, working with years 7 and 8, developing character traits whilst supporting the students and staff in your selected option. An application form can be obtained from Student Services or from the student shared area. Please see Ms Dewe for further details. As part of your year 9 SAS curriculum, you will also be required to work with students in our local primary schools, passing on your skills or working on a project alongside pupils in these schools.
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester Bilford Road Worcester WR3 8HN 01905 454627