Tudor Grange Academy
Welcome to Tudor Grange Academy Principal’s Address I am delighted to report that the Academy has enjoyed tremendous and continuing success since opening in September 2009. We are developing a reputation as a school which is truly in the community, of the community and for the community. As you will already know, the ethos of the Academy is built around a set of core values; • • • • • •
Meeting the needs of every student Quality in all that we do Raising horizons Blending tradition and innovation The whole being greater than the parts Being inclusive and collaborative
We have constructed a broad,balanced,innovative and motivating curriculum,individually tailored to the needs of all our students. Much of the work we have done preparing the skills action and service curriculum will ensure that our students are active members of their local, national and even international communities. We know that everyone is different and whatever their flair or talent, we prioritise developing our students’ aspirations through new experiences. As we move forward and continue to develop, we value constant feedback and collaboration with parents as our key partner in establishing excellence across the Academy. This handbook has been designed as a useful reference tool to help you navigate through the early days of your partnership with us. I look forward to working with you all in this tremendously exciting coming year.
Rose Rees Academy Principal Designate
The aim of this guide is to provide you with key information about the Academy to support the learning of your child both in the classroom and at home.
It is an important element of the partnership between home and the Academy aimed at giving the best opportunities to all our students. Please take some time to read through the details carefully, and discuss the contents with your child.
Contents How do I make contact with the Academy? The College Structure Academy Policies, communication with home, student post Tudor Grange Academy Website When will my child attend? Hours of attendance Absences and Leave of absence for family holidays Consent to administer medicines In confidence How will my child get to and from the Academy? How will my child know what books to bring? What equipment will my child need at the Academy? What should my child wear to attend the Academy? What about security? Lost property What are the arrangements for lunch? What about homework? Academy Property
How do I make contact with the Academy? There may be times when you need to contact the Academy. The Academy Support Administrators can be contacted on 01527 523088 between 8.00am and 5.00pm. To assist us in dealing with your enquiry effectively please use the examples listed below:
I need to confirm a date
Contact Academy Reception on 01527 523088.
What if my child is sick?
Contact the Attendance Officer via reception.
I need to pass on an urgent message to my child Contact the Achievement Leaders via reception.
What if my child is late?
Please write a brief note of explanation in your child’s organiser. On arrival your child will need to sign in at student reception.
I need to speak to my child’s tutor over a minor matter Contact the Achievement Leaders via reception.
I need to discuss a matter in detail with my child’s tutor
Send in a letter outlining your concerns addressed to the appropriate member of staff.
I need to speak to one of my child’s subject teachers
Send in a letter outlining the details addressed to the appropriate member of staff.
I am concerned about an incident in a lesson
Send in a letter outlining the details addressed to the Head of Department for that subject.
I am concerned about an incident outside of a lesson
Send in a letter outlining the details addressed to your child’s tutor.
Academy Policies Particulars of policies relating to bullying, child protection, health and safety, the promotion of good behaviour and sanctions adopted in the event of students misbehaving are available upon request from the Principal’s PA. The core business of the Academy is teaching and learning. We want to dedicate our resources and time to ensuring that every student achieves. The behaviour policy of the Academy is therefore designed to ensure that we eradicate any disruption or distraction to our core business of teaching and learning. An abridged version of the full policy is provided for you as an appendix to this document. Details of the complaints procedure adopted by the Academy are also available upon request from the Principal’s PA and on our website.
Considerations and Forms Photographic Images At Tudor Grange Academy Redditch we take the issue of student safety very seriously. This includes the use of images of students in Academy publications and on the Academy website. Research has shown that using digital images and videos in education can motivate and enthuse students, help encourage creativity and improve communication and team-working skills. At the Academy we would like to use images of students for educational and promotional purposes on the Academy website, in printed publications on CD-ROM and in digital video productions. Schools, however, have a duty of care towards students, which means that students will remain unidentifiable in digital images, reducing the risk of inappropriate contact if images are used in this way. If you are unwilling for images of your child to be used in this way please indicate this on the appropriate form.
Communication with home The Academy will communicate important general information in the following ways: Common Assessment reports are issued each half term detailing how well your child is progressing in each subject. Your child will also receive one full written report each year from outlining their overall progress. Student Post is distributed to students via tutors. The number of items should be recorded in your child’s Personal Organiser for your information. Please check with your child that you have received all the items. The Tudor Grange Academy Redditch website includes a calendar of events, Academy term dates and Tudor Grange Academy News. The website can be found at www.redditch.tagacademy.org.uk
When will my child attend? Hours of attendance -Monday to Friday inclusive:
The Academy Day Students are registered during each period of the day. The statutory registration of students takes place at 8.50am and at 12.30pm at the start of Period 4. Prompt attendance is expected throughout the day. In addition, there are supervised study/homework facilities available in the Learning Resource Centre until 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday and until 4.00pm on Fridays. Progress reports are issued each half term detailing how well your child is progressing in each subject. Your child will also receive one full written report each year from their tutor outlining their overall progress.
Hours of attendance Monday to Friday inclusive: 8.40am 8.50am 9.10am 10.10am 11.10am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.20pm 3.20pm
Arrive Tutor Period Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Break Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lunch Lesson 5 End of day
An optional period 6 provision will be issued separately. Activities will run from 3.20pm until 4.30pm and sometimes beyond. Details regarding Period 6 activities will be posted on our on our website.
Absences The Academy’s Attendance Officer checks the registers and if a student is still absent by 9:30am and no communication has been received from the student’s parent/carer then contact will be made with the student’s parent/carer on the first day of absence. Students who have been absent for whatever length of time should bring in a parental note of explanation on the day they return. When a student has been off sick for more than three days, it is important for parents to contact the Academy (a phone call will do), to update us about the problem. Please notify our Attendance Officer of any infectious or contagious illness occurring in the household of a student. In such cases, a student should not attend the Academy until a medical certificate has been submitted indicating that he/she may do so with safety to other students.
Leave of absence If a student needs to attend a medical appointment, or requires a leave of absence for any other reason, a letter must be brought from home. The letter should be shown to the tutor and then passed to the Achievement Leader for Attendance and Standards who will issue a ‘leave of absence permission slip’. The leave of absence should be obtained before the day it is needed, except in an emergency. Before leaving the Academy the student should report to Main Reception and sign out. Students must be collected by parents/carers from Main Reception unless a letter, giving specific permission to leave the Academy alone, is received. This will be indicated on the ‘leave of absence permission slip’. On returning to the Academy the student should immediately sign in and hand the slip back in to Main Reception. A letter confirming that the Leave of Absence form has been received and whether the holiday has been either authorised or unauthorised will be sent to parents within 7 days of receipt of the Leave of Absence form. If the Academy has referred the student/family to the Local Authority for any form of legal action the holiday will not be authorised even if it falls into an exceptional circumstances category.
The parent/carer should be made aware that if they do take a holiday in term time and it does not fall into the category exceptional circumstances it will lead to the student being automatically marked as having unauthorised absence. The Academy will then consider whether to refer the matter to the Local Authority to take appropriate legal action.
Leave of absence for family holidays As an Academy we recognise the importance of family time and holidays together. However, we have a strong belief that attendance and academic success go hand in hand so would urge that academy term dates are adhered to, in accordance with recent guidelines. In accordance with the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2013 amendment of the 2006 Regulations, Tudor Grange Academies Trust will be complying with the amendment in that the Principal will not be authorising leave of absences unless there are “exceptional circumstances”. The Academy has a responsibility to safeguard every child on roll at the Academy and therefore a Leave of Absence form must be completed in any circumstances, 3 weeks before the planned leave and submitted to the Principal for the Principal’s decision. A letter confirming that the Leave of Absence form has been received and whether the holiday has been either authorised or unauthorised will be sent to parents within 7 days of receipt of the Leave of Absence form. If the Academy has referred the student/family to the Local Authority for any form of legal action the holiday will not be authorised even if it falls into an exceptional circumstances category. The parent/carer should be made aware that if they do take a holiday in term time and it does not fall into the category exceptional circumstances it will lead to the student being automatically marked as having unauthorised absence. The Academy will then consider whether to refer the matter to the Local Authority to take appropriate legal action.
Consent to administer medicines Academy staff are unable to administer medication to students. However,if it is absolutely necessary that your child receives medication during the school day, the Named First Aider will be able to do this, but only on completion of a Consent to Administer Medicines form. All medicines must be in their original packaging and must have the student’s name and prescribed dosage on it. Please contact Main Reception for more details.
In Confidence If there are circumstances at home which may affect your child’s work or behaviour at the Academy (e.g. illness in the family), please notify the Academy. Such information will be treated with discretion, though, if you wish, teaching staff will be informed in general terms that there is a problem.
How will my child get to and from the Academy? We want all students to arrive at the Academy safely and on time. Please read through this information and then discuss and agree the travel arrangements with your child.
Walking to the Academy Any students walking to the Academy should use public footpaths and wherever possible should walk to the Academy with a friend. Good standards of behaviour and respect for all our neighbours’ property and privacy are expected at all times; students should be aware that whilst they are wearing the Academy uniform they are representing the Academy.
Cycling to the Academy As an Academy we would like to encourage as many students as possible to cycle. Tudor Grange has an area where bikes can be locked. Your child would be expected to lock their bicycle using a suitable cable and lockers are provided for the storage of helmets. We would prefer your child to wear a cycle helmet. Although we cannot insist upon this we would encourage you to tell your child to wear one.
Car In order to ensure the safety of all our students, parents/carers who bring their children to the Academy by car should not park on the approach road to the entrance of the Academy and must adhere to the one way system once on the Academy site.
How will my child know what books to bring? Your child should check their timetable each evening and pack their bag ready for the next day. All students are issued with their own personal organiser at the beginning of each term for this purpose. It has a number of functions. • • •
A personal diary for daily work A place to record work to complete at home A communication medium between parent/carer and teacher
Each week students are expected to enter the following information: • • • • •
Full particulars of each homework set, written clearly; Day/date when completed homework is due and any special arrangements for handing in; The length of time taken to complete each piece of homework; Each homework entry neatly ticked when completed; Special dates and commitments
The personal organiser is an important record document and planner, we therefore expect students to keep them neat and tidy. We do ask parents to sign the personal organiser each week. Your child’s tutor will sign and monitor the personal organiser on a regular basis. We hope that the organiser will provide you with a useful insight into the work your child is doing at the Academy. By signing the organiser promptly and regularly, you are also helping us to monitor this important aspect of our work. As you sign the organiser, we would like you to check that your child is maintaining it properly as outlined above, and satisfy yourself that the homework has been properly completed and all the details entered in the organiser. Your signature should be placed in the organise at the bottom right hand corner of the right hand page. The organiser is a useful medium of communication between home and the Academy; please use it to let us know about homework and other matters, and ask your child to show any entry to his or her tutor. Every Thursday the number of items of student post is recorded in the personal organiser.
What equipment will my child need at the Academy? The following items are recommended by the Academy to support and enhance the work of your child • • • • • • • • • •
2 pens 2 pencils 1 pencil sharpener 1 eraser 1 ruler (15cm minimum) 1 glue stick 1 pack of colouring pencils 1 highlighter pen Maths calculator Pencil case
Please note that for safety reasons liquid ink erasers, such as Tippex, are not allowed. Mobile phones should, under no circumstances, be brought to the Academy. If a mobile phone is seen it will be confiscated and we will ask that a parent/carer come to the Academy to collect it at a convenient time. Contact between parents/carers and students and vice versa can always be made through the Year Office if there is an emergency.
What should my child wear at the Academy? Tudor Grange Academy is very proud of the standards it maintains with uniform. This is achieved through the partnership between the Academy and home. To enable you to support the Academy the full uniform requirements are listed below. Please note that items of uniform can only be purchased through the Academy shop.
Green with the Academy badge on pocket, single breasted, two-button blazer. Blazers are to be of the green shade specified by the Academy.
White, buttoned to the neck with enough material allowance to remain tucked into waistband. Optional, for summer wear only - white, short-sleeved shirt.
Official Tudor Grange Academy tie, neatly knotted and reaching the waist. Ties should not be tucked into shirts.
Pullover, Sleeveless Or Long Sleeved
Medium grey. V-necked. Round-necked pullovers and sweatshirts are not permitted.
Grey and purchased from the Academy shop only.
Dark grey and purchased from the Academy shop only.
Plain black or dark grey. Girls may wear plain, neutral or black tights.
Plain black with a maximum heel height of 5cm and a maximum sole thickness of 2cm (the heel height is measured from the ground to the welt up the back of the heel). Boots, boot-style shoes, stiletto heels, sling-back shoes, canvas shoes and trainers are not permitted.
Plain grey, dark green, navy or black with no stripes, designs, patterns, slogans or fur. A very small brand logo is allowed, please contact the Academy if in doubt.
Scarves And Gloves
Plain bottle green, black or grey or the Academy official scarf.
No student will be allowed to wear jewellery. A watch may be worn.
Girls may wear a discreet amount of mascara only. No other make-up, nail varnish or false nails are allowed.
Extreme hairstyles, cut and colour are not allowed on any occasion. Examples of extreme hair styles would include close shaved, decoratively shaved, as well as, for boys, hair length below the collar. Two tone colouring, extensive highlighting and decorative braiding are not allowed. Hair bands (girls) should be black or bottle green, if worn. Hair slides (girls) should be plain black or bottle green if worn.
Black or bottle green.
Black and pinned under the chin to stay on the head comfortably. Hejabs worn around the neck only are not permitted.
Plain black beanie style or Academy hat.
Academy Bag
An Academy bag purchased from the Academy for years 7 and 8 and a plain black bag suitable for carrying an A4 folder for older year groups.
Tudor Grange Academy Physical Education Kit Girls’ Kit
Black Academy shorts with yellow trim, Academy sports shirt in black with yellow trim, yellow football socks and white ankle socks, outdoor trainers and studded boots, shin pads (compulsory for hockey lessons), black tracksuit bottoms.
Boys’ Kit
Black Academy shorts with yellow trim, Academy sports shirt in black with yellow trim, rugby shirt, yellow football socks and white ankle socks, outdoor trainers and studded boots, shin pads (compulsory for hockey, foot-ball and rugby lessons), black tracksuit bottoms.
Optional Extras
Gumshield (advised for rugby and hockey) Hooded sweatshirt with Academy badge Fleece with Academy badge Please remember: Academy uniform should not be mixed with non-uniform items. School bags should be an appropriate size and free of graffiti. The sports clothing specified in the uniform list must be worn for PE and games, and for matches with other schools. All uniform must be clearly labelled. The use of laundry markers is proving to be most effective in the re-turn of mislaid items. In travelling to and from the Academy, while at the Academy, and while representing the Academy at functions or matches, students must wear full Academy uniform. Uniform is also normally to be worn during educational visits. The Academy runs its own uniform shop and most items or uniform can only be purchased from here.
What about security? All articles of clothing and all personal property must be marked clearly with the owner’s name. A student is not allowed to borrow another student’s property (including PE or games kit) with or without the consent of the owner. Money or valuables of any kind must not be left in coat pockets. During practical activities such as PE when blazers and other clothing may be changed, money and valuables must be left with the staff in charge of the activity. If your child forgets to bring anything you may bring the articles to the Academy, clearly labelled with name and tutor group, and leave them for collection in Main Reception.
Lost Property Loss of property must be reported without delay. Those who find lost property must hand it in to Main Reception. If a student loses something, he/she should first look for it in the most obvious places. Lost PE kit will initially be held in the PE office before being passed to Lost Property. Students who have lost items of property may check Lost Property via Main Reception before and after school and during morning break.
What are the arrangements for lunch? Students can either purchase food from the Academy dining room or bring a packed lunch. In the dining room the Academy operates a cashless system. Students’ accounts can be credited through Parent Pay, which is an internet payment system. This is the preferred means of payment for all Academy activities. The Academy will provide logon and password details to access the system. Cash machines are available outside the dining room to make payments to your child’s account should this be necessary. Parents will be able to view their child’s lunch account balance and the details of what is being purchased using the Parent Pay system when it is activated. Students are identified in the dining room by use of biometric data held for this purpose. This involves a finger scan which is converted into numeric data and stored for each student. No register of fingerprints is kept, nor is it possible to reconstitute a finger print from the data we hold. If you are unwilling to have your child’s biometric information used in this way, or would like to talk further about this please contact your child’s Head of Year. For the benefit of everybody, good standards of behaviour are expected and the instructions of the lunchtime supervisors must be followed at all times.
What about homework? Assessment The Academy maintains a rigorous assessment routine of half termly common assessments and annual end of year examinations for all subjects. Students are prepared for their half term common assessments by two shorter formative assessments which usually fall in weeks three and five of the half term. We expect that students use homework time to ensure they are fully prepared for in class assessment, reviewing their work and undertaking practice to consolidate learning. A return to linear assessments, testing knowledge and understanding of a long period of learning, means that it is now even more important that learning is deep and embedded and students are confident of their understanding at every assessment point. We are very aware that confident learners are happy learners.
Sometimes staff will guide students as to the work they should undertake at home to augment their learning in school. Use the following as a guide to how much study time your child should undertake at home: Year 9
30 – 45 minutes per day
Years 10 and 11
90 – 150 minutes per day
Separate guidance is issued for Years 12 and 13.
Marking and feedback Students make outstanding progress when they receive support at home. Please take time to review your child’s books and go through the feedback they receive from their teachers. We work hard to ensure work is marked clearly and feedback includes targets and guidance as to the next steps your child should take to ensure further success. Should you have any concerns or queries regarding marking or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact the school. A set of key principles underpin our expectations with regard to independent study/homework: • • • • •
Enable the student to reinforce and consolidate learning that has occurred in the classroom Help to further establish the attributes of a learner that are at the heart of the Academy’s aspirations, such as independence and perseverance Give the students experience of tasks which cannot be easily undertaken in the classroom: investigations, enquires etc. especially where these contribute to supporting the development of independent learning routines Promote engagement of parents/carers or community partners in helping to further the education of the student Enable the student to develop the skills they require to be successful learners: to be able to organise themselves, their time, their resources and their learning space.
Project Learning Many students in the Academy enjoy extending their study beyond normal expectations. Such students also enjoy understanding challenges which stretch their independent study skills and resourcefulness. Every half term the Academy sets a college challenge. Most challenges are competition based and result in a selection of winning entries being presented formally to a panel of Governors or senior leaders in the school. Excellence in the college challenges is recognised formally by the school.
Academy Property Students are expected to look after all Academy property, including the fittings and furnishings of the Academy and the fabric of the buildings. Students must not interfere with light switches, heating controls, blinds or any equipment installed for fire prevention in the Academy. Any damage done must be reported immediately to a member of staff. Students will be expected to pay for any damage which could have been avoided.
BEHAVIOUR POLICY 1.1 The aim of the Academy behaviour policy is the promotion of positive student behaviour such that the Academy aim itself may be successfully fulfilled. Paramount to this policy is the health and safety of all members of the Academy community. In order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, good behaviour in all aspects of school life is essential. The fostering of self-discipline, co-operation, respect for self and others, and tolerance are an important part of the school’s work. Without these attributes, individual young people will not be able to take up the full educational opportunities on offer or achieve all that they may. Our ‘Behaviour Policy’ has been produced as a result of discussions between governors, staff, students and parents/carers and we keep it and the procedures it gives rise to under regular review. At the heart of the policy is the belief that all young people have the right to go about their every day business of learning without hindrance, and that all staff have an active part to play in this, and in creating and maintaining a caring, learning and reflective environment ,and the responsibility to correct behaviour which militates against this. An important measure of our success is our collective determination and ability to intervene at an early stage, and to deal effectively with problems that arise. All staff have more than one role and the common thread that goes across both their pastoral and academic roles is the collective responsibility for reinforcing good behaviour and correcting unacceptable behaviour. Our ‘Behaviour Policy’ can be viewed on our website.
Roles and Responsibilities
2.1 Students are expected to: i. know what the Academy means by good behaviour; ii. know and understand all Academy rules; iii. follow the Academy’s Code of Conduct; iv. adhere to the lesson expectations; v. set an example to others by their own behaviour; vi. accept and respect rewards for good behaviour; vii. understand that poor behaviour is unacceptable and will be punished; viii. take responsibility for ensuring good behaviour; ix. inform a member of staff of poor behaviour by others, whether in the Academy or on the way to or from the Academy. 2.2 Parents are expected to: i. accept and support the Academy’s student behaviour policy; ii. recognise the Academy’s need to balance the rights of the individual student with the effective conduct of the Academy as a whole; iii. provide direct practical support to ensure that the child abides by the Academy rules, for example en-suring correct Academy uniform, daily punctuality, homework undertaken in line with Academy policy; iv. participate in the Academy’s behaviour-related procedures, for example monitoring the personal diary, the report b look for a student ‘on report’ and attending meetings with Academy staff to discuss the child; v. inform the Academy of any personal circumstances which may be relevant to the child’s in-Academy behaviour; vi. take an interest in the child’s in-Academy behaviour, using home-based rewards or sanctions in sup-port where appropriate. vii. Agree to matters being referred to other agencies such as the Education Welfare Officer if recom-mended by the Academy. viii. Follow the appropriate procedures for contacting the Academy when it is necessary. 2.1.1 The responsibilities of the Academy, the parents and the student are summarised in the Home/Academy Agreement which is signed by the Academy, the student and parents on the student’s entry to the Tudor Grange Academy Redditch.
Rewards 3.1.1 Rewards are the positive recognition of achievement and progress and are an important part of maintaining student motivation and high expectations. The following are probably the most common ex-amples but are not a finite list: Praise/verbal comment – an often underestimated, important reward; Written comment; Prominent dis-play of students’ work; Vivos; College badges; Certificates of merit and commendation; Certificates for good attendance; Praise postcards Uniform reward cards; Public commendations (in assembly for example); Visit by or to Curriculum Leader/Lead Teacher to praise work of individual or class; Visit by or to Lead Teacher Achievement to praise good or responsible behaviour or outstanding achievement; Visit by or to class by the College Leader to praise good work or behaviour or outstanding achievement; Visit to class by Principal; Privilege award as a result of good work or behaviour.
Academy Rules 7.1
The Academy’s general rules of conduct are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Do not use verbal or physical violence Do not use racial abuse or harassment of any kind Do not interfere with other people’s property Do not bring to the Academy any item which may cause injury or has the potential to be used as a weapon Do not bring any personal belongings including ipods and other MP3 players, mobile phones, cameras or other such items to the Academy except those required for lessons. Swapping or selling items on Academy premises is not allowed Large amounts of money should not be brought into the Academy, but if it is essential to bring it in, it should be left in an envelope sealed and stored by the Achievement Leaders or the Head of Year
7.2 The Academy’s rules of movement are: 1. 2. 3.
Move quietly and quickly, without running around the building. Remember to keep to the left and in single file on stairs and in the corridors Leave the Academy at the end of the day sensibly and unless attending an activity be away from the Academy premises ten minutes after the scheduled finish Use only the tennis courts or field (when open) for games
7.3 The Academy uniform rules are: i) ii) iii)
Wear the full Academy uniform correctly at all times, including to and from the Academy Do not wear outdoor clothing indoors Adhere to the Academy’s jewellery, hair and make-up regulations
7.4 The Academy’s rules relating to the environment are: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)
Look after books and materials issued. (The cost of replacing lost or damaged books is the responsibility of the student’s parents). Look after the buildings and the furniture Put litter in the bins provided Do not eat in classrooms or corridors at any time. Chewing gum must not be brought into the Academy Do not bring correcting fluid into the Academy Do not bring cans or glass bottles of drink into the Academy
The following outlines the 4 steps detention card procedure
Subject & Private Detentions
1 2 3 4
Card given by member of staff issuing detention Student’s responsibility to have the card signed by parent / guardian Student serves detention and teacher supervising detention checks card for signature Teacher supervising detention passes detention card to College Admin Office as soon as possible
College & Departmental Detentions
1 Detention card issued by the College Leader / Curriculum Leader by post with letter or telephone call to explain concern 2 Student is responsible for having the card signed by parent / guardian 3 Member of staff supervising receives card when student serves the detention 4 Detention card passed to College Admin Office as soon as possible
Uniform & Late Detentions
1 2 3 4
Card given to student by member of staff issuing the detention Student’s responsibility to have the card signed by parent / guardian. Student serves the detention (in college detention) Student Group Tutor passes the detention card to College Admin Office as soon as possible
Considerations and Forms At Tudor Grange Academy Redditch we strive to ensure all our students are able to meet and even exceed their potential. We know that parents/carers play a vital role in helping us help our students. If there is any information in this Handbook that is not clear, or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Academy.
Tudor Grange Academy Redditch
Tudor Grange Academy Redditch
Woodrow Drive Redditch B98 7UH UK
www.redditch.tgacademy.org.uk info@redditch.tgacademy.org.uk t. 01527 523088
Part of Tudor Grange Academies Trust