NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016 AUTUMN TERM 1 Theme: Genre and Style
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - Assessment Week
Week 5
Week 6
Introduction to genre: Biographical/ Autobiographical/ Diary writing Genres Diary entry Nouns Nouns -ce (Key Word List) Place Value and Rounding
Biographical/ Autobiographical/ Diary writing Diary/ recount writing
Comprehension on Genres
Comprehension on Biography
Comprehension on Autobiography
SATs preparation and revision
Recount Adjectives
Biography and Autobiography (Biography about a fictional character) Singular and Plural
SATs preparation and revision
(Baseline Assessment)
Cold write Writing own Autobiography/ Biography for somebody else Verbs and Adverbs
(Baseline Assessment)
Root Words (Key Word List) Time and problem solving
(Baseline Assessment)
Double Constant (Key Word List) Multiplication and Division written methods and problem solving Multiplication and Division
Plurals (Key Word List) 2D and 3D Shapes Units of Measure and Measuring Scales
Place Value and Rounding
Comparative and superlatives (Key Word List) Addition and Subtraction written methods and problem solving Addition and Subtraction
2D and 3D and Units of Measure
All Living Things Classification Introduction
All Living Things Classification classifying plants and animals
All Living Things Classification classifying plants and animals
All Living Things Classification micro-organisms, plants and animals
All Living Things Classification micro-organisms, plants and animals
All Living Things Classification Assessment
Writing Grammar and Punctuation Spellings Maths Mental Arithmetic Science (Biology) R.E Humanities ICT/ Computing
(Baseline Assessment)
Question marks and Exclamation marks
What can we learn from religions about temptations and finding your way through the moral maze? How do I know what is right and wrong? How does religion help people choose between right and wrong? North America North America North America Setting up Folders/ Souring information from the Internet
Microsoft Office Packages (Outlook)
Microsoft Office Packages (Word)
North America V Europe Microsoft Office Packages (Word)
Microsoft Office Packages (Publisher)
Microsoft Office Packages (Publisher)
NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016 AUTUMN TERM 2 Theme: Short Story Writing Reading Writing Grammar and Punctuation Spellings Maths Mental Arithmetic Science
R.E Humanities ICT/ Computing
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - Assessment Week
Week 5
Week 6
Comprehension and reading skills: Barrow Quest Barrow Quest Story
Comprehension and reading skills: Barrow Quest Barrow Quest Story Baseline Assessment
Reading Week (Classical Text) Gulliver’s Travels - J. Swift
Assessment Week
Comprehension on Poetry
SATs preparation and revision
(Classical Text) Gulliver’s Travels - J. Swift Narrative Stories Past and Present Tense
Assessment Week Narrative story Direct Speech (inverted commas)
SATs preparation and revision
‘ay’ sound (Key Word List) All four number operations and Prime and squares numbers Prime and squares
Baseline Assessment
‘ough’ sound (Key Word List) Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
‘f’ sounds (Key Word List) Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Homophones (Key Word List) Area and Perimeter And Basic Algebra (Inverses) .
Assessment Week
Fractions and Decimals
Percentages and Decimals
Area and Perimeter
Silent letters (Key Word List) Averages Week, Mode, Medium Range and Charts and Graphs. Basic Algebra
Animals, including humans:
Animals, including humans:
Animals, including humans:
Animals, including humans:
Animals, including humans:
1 , 2 and 3 Person
Assessment Week
What will make our city a respectful place? What can we learn from each other? What makes people more respectful? Can people who are different live in harmony? What makes that easier or harder? The achievements of the earliest Civilisations – An overview of where and when the first civilisations first appeared – Shang Dynasty
Microsoft Office Packages (PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Packages (PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Packages (Excel)
Animals, including humans:
The achievements of the earliest Civilisations – An overview of where and when the first civilisations first appeared – Indius Valley
Microsoft Office Packages (Excel)
Microsoft Office Packages (Excel)
Microsoft Office Packages Assessment
NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - Assessment Week
Week 5
Week 6
Non-fiction texts Range of argument texts News articles
Non-fiction texts Range of argument texts News articles
Writing week – Year 6 class project – Create a newspaper.
Writing week – Year 6 class project – Create a newspaper.
Non-fiction texts Range of argument texts Recount
Non-fiction texts Range of argument texts Speech
Writing to argue, explain and discuss
Baseline Assessment
Writing to argue and inform WRITING ASSESSMENT
Writing to recount
Writing to recount
Grammar and Punctuation
Commas in list and commas to mark clauses/phrases
Baseline Assessment
Suffix and Prefix
Writing to argue/ inform: Journalism – news article READING ASSESSMENT Apostrophes for omission/ possession
Unstressed letters (Key Word List)
Baseline Assessment
Suffixes (Key Word List)
Ratio and Proportion
Assessment Week
Mental Arithmetic Science (Biology)
Ratio and Proportion
Electricity Electricity and Circuits
Theme: Writing to argue and discuss
Words with que (Key Word List)
Soft c sound (Key Word List)
Reflection, translation and rotation
Fractions and Percentages of a number
Assessment Week
All four operations problem solving and multiple and factors. All four operations
All four operations
Fractions and Percentages of a number
Electricity Electricity and Circuits
Electricity Electricity and Circuits
Electricity Electricity and Circuits
Electricity Electricity and Circuits
Electricity Electricity and Circuits Assessment
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
Who inspires me? -How do those who inspire us influence us to act?
R.E Humanities
Prefixes (Key Word List)
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
We are app planners Planning the creation of a mobile app
Geography Social study – Cumbria (UK), Europe and North/South America
We are project managers Developing project management
NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016 SPRING TERM 2 Theme: Non-fiction (Stories, diaries and recounts)
Writing Grammar and Punctuation Spellings Maths Mental Arithmetic Science (Physics) R.E Humanities (History) Computing
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - Assessment Week
Week 5
Week 6
Reading Comprehension and inference skills Tom’s Midnight Garden Philippa Pearce Letter
Reading Comprehension and inference skills Tom’s Midnight Garden Philippa Pearce Diaries
Reading Assessment Week
Reading Comprehension and inference skills Tom’s Midnight Garden Philippa Pearce Poetry
Reading Comprehension and inference skills Tom’s Midnight Garden
Conjunctions Words ending in ‘ent, ‘ant’, ‘ence, ance’ (Key Word List) Co-ordinates and graphs and charts Number facts
Standard and NonStandard English
Reading Comprehension and inference skills Tom’s Midnight Garden Philippa Pearce Report Assessment Week Hyphens, brackets, colons, semi-colons, dashes Hyphenating Prefixes (Key Word List)
Assessment week
Sentence types-statement, command and question
Assessment week
Consolidation/ Revision
Assessment week
Words ending in ‘able’ and ible’ , ‘al’, ‘el’, ‘le’ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision
Words ending in ‘sure’ and ‘ture’ and ‘shun ‘ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision
Number facts
Number facts
Assessment week
Number facts
Number facts
Light Light and Shadows (the eye) Reflection
Light Light and Shadows (the eye) Mirrors (Reflect p.2)
Light Light and Shadows (the eye) Newton – Light spectrum
Light Light and Shadows (the eye) 2D and 3D & Shadows
Light Assessment Silhouettes and observation
Light Light and Shadows (the eye) Travel
Words ending in ‘cial’, ‘tial’, ‘cious’, ‘tious’ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision
Philippa Pearce
Short Story
Who inspires me? -How do those who inspire us influence us to act? Comparing People and Places – Grand Canyon
Comparing People and Places – The Alps
We are market researchers Researching the app market
We are interface designers Designing an interface for an app
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - Assessment
Week 5
Week 6
NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016 Theme: Writing
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Secondary Ready Tests Week
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Letter Writing - Informal Consolidation/ Revision
Letter Writing - Formal
Assessment - Letter
Secondary Tests Week Non-Chronological Report
Superheroes Project
Superheroes Project
Consolidation/ Revision
Consolidation/ Revision
Secondary Ready Tests Week
Words ending with ‘en’ and ‘on’ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision Consolidation/ Revision
Words ending with ‘er’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision Consolidation/ Revision
Words ending with ‘ery’, ‘ary’ and ‘ory’ (Key Word List) Consolidation/ Revision Consolidation/ Revision
Secondary Ready Tests Week
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation living things have changed over time
Grammar and Punctuation Spellings Maths Mental Arithmetic Science (Physics) R.E
Humanities (Modern History) Computing
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation living things produce offspring
Tricky words (Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
Secondary Ready Tests Week Secondary Ready Tests Week
Budgeting and planning a Bedroom Consolidation
Budgeting and planning a Bedroom Consolidation
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation animals and plants are adapted
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation animals and plants are adapted
Evolution and inheritance Evolution and Adaptation Assessment
Can religion build a fairer world and make poverty history? What is fairness and justice? What can we learn from religious teaching about poverty and justice? How do I believe we should treat people justly? A non-European study, providing contrasts between British history and Benin Africa or Meyan Civilisations.
We are app developers Developing a simple mobile phone app
We are marketers Creating video and web copy for a mobile phone app
NEW Primary Long Term Planning – Year 6 2015-2016
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 Assessment Week
Week 5
Week 6
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Holiday Island Project
Holiday Island Project
The Cluedo Project
The Case of The Missing Head
The Case of The Missing Head
Grammar and Punctuation
The Cluedo Project Writing Assessment Week Consolidation
(Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
(Key Word List)
Ten Ticks Puzzle activities Consolidation
Ten Ticks Puzzle activities Consolidation
Budgeting and planning a Theme Park Consolidation
Budgeting and planning a Theme Park Consolidation
Cube, Hexagon, Triangle, Patterns Consolidation
Spirals Projects
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles Introduction
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles circulatory system
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles circulatory system
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health
Animals, including humans: diet and lifestyle Health and Lifestyles Assessment Week
Theme: Project Week – Creative Writing
Mental Arithmetic Science
Can religion build a fairer world and make poverty history? What is fairness and justice? What can we learn from religious teaching about poverty and justice? How do I believe we should treat people justly?
Humanities Computing
Earth Matters
Climate Change
Revision module Creating video and web copy for a mobile phone app