Asset finance - legal and regulatory update May 2013 LEASE ACCOUNTING
Lease accounting proposals: how will the industry respond? he second exposure draft
charges (front loaded) and
(ED2) of the long planned
amortization payments (on a straight
lease accounting standard
line basis); or
2013). The joint standard setting
case where the rental profile is level
bodies – the International Accounting
from year to year), as with current
Standards Board (IASB) and the US
operating leases, and perhaps with
Financial Accounting Standards
all expense to be presented as rental
Board (FASB) – have spent a great
rather than a combination of finance
deal of time re-deliberating the
charges and amortization.
should be issued this week (May 16,
proposals since the first exposure draft (ED1) issued in 2010. The development of the new
- fully straight line (at least in the
Corresponding issues potentially arise with the income recognition profile in lessor accounting (see
standard has been an open process,
below), but the lessee side P&L
and there will be no surprises in the
expense profile has been the more
substantive proposals in ED2. The
critical issue.
core objective of this project has been to require the balance sheet
Current proposal for lessees
capitalization of all leases by lessees, removing their off-balance-sheet
The ED2 proposal for lessees will be
treatment for contracts with
as agreed by the Boards last June. It
substantial unguaranteed residual
will be based on an equipment
values (RVs) currently classified as
versus real estate split. The great
operating leases. The only
majority of equipment leases would
exceptions will be “short term
be accounted for on the front loaded
leases” (STLs), defined as those
expense profile like current finance
which can in no circumstances
leases; while most property leases
continue for more than 12 months.
would be on a straight line basis
The thorniest issue in the Boards'
(presented as a single rental
deliberations has been that of
expense) like current operating
accounting for periodic lease
expense in the profit and loss (P&L)
There would be some exceptions
account or income statement, on
on either side, based essentially on
capitalized leases. The question is
residual value (RV) type criteria. Thus
whether the expense profile should
some very long term property leases,
such as the 99-year contracts that
- front-end loaded, as with current
are common in the UK, would be
finance leases which are already on-
accounted for like most equipment
balance sheet, with the overall
leases. A much narrower range of
expense broken down into finance
equipment leases (with exceptionally
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update LEASE ACCOUNTING
high RVs, yet not sufficiently short
Last month FASB held a final pre-
loaded in the case of finance leases
term to qualify for off-balance-sheet
ED2 meeting without the IASB to
with zero RV to almost completely
treatment as STLs) would be treated
review the model from the standpoint
straight line for those leases (mainly
like most real estate leases.
of complexity issues. They agreed
of real estate) where RV is
only by the narrowest possible
exceptionally high but which are not
document to accompany ED2, the
margin of a 4-3 vote to proceed with
within the scope of STLs. However,
Boards are likely to argue that
ED2; and they decided to conduct
this would have been very complex
equipment leases are not intended to
intensive fieldwork with account
for lessees to operate, since they
be treated inconsistently with
preparers and users in the USA on
would have had to estimate RVs or
analogous property leases. They will
the viability of the income statement
useful lives of the leased assets; and
suggest that the asset type split is
approach in ED2 during the comment
it was firmly rebuffed in the outreach
merely an expedient for the starting
In the “Basis for Conclusions”
point in separating leases with high
The IASB has now decided to join
If the Boards could be persuaded
and low RVs, since equipment leases
in this new proactive outreach
to move away from their current
do normally have relatively low RVs
process, so it will be global in scope.
expensing proposal, the most likely
compared with leases of non-
In any event the global equipment
alternative would seem to be a
depreciating real estate.
leasing industry will need to consider
reversion to what the joint Boards
Thus the objective is to split leases
its response to ED2, and its
briefly favored early in 2011, towards
according to relative RVs. However, it
prevailing view seems likely to be
the beginning of the re-deliberation
will represent a deliberate “moving of
unfavorable towards the equipment
process after ED1. This would be to
the goal posts” compared with
vs real estate split in the P&L
allow straight line expensing for all
current lease classification, where
expensing model.
operating lease type contracts, while
only the contracts with low RVs are treated as finance leases. Under the
finance leases would be “scoped One model or two?
ED2 proposals only those with
out” from the new leasing standard and defined as “in-substance
particularly high RVs will be treated
It seems clear from all the Boards'
purchases” (i-SPs) rather than
like current operating leases – though
deliberations to date that none of the
most real estate leases will still be on
standard setters would consider it
that side of the line.
appropriate for current finance leases
lease classification “goal posts”
to be expensed in the same way as
might stay where they are under the
Boards had reached a deadlock on the
the straight line approach that they
current IAS 17 standard. Whenever a
P&L expensing approach, they
now accept for most property leases.
retention of current lease
identified three alternative options
In that sense a truly single model for
classification was tentatively
which were subjected to intensive
expensing is not on the agenda.
proposed (for either lessee or lessor
“outreach” consultations with a sample
However, this does not necessarily
accounting or both) , the two Boards
of lessees, lessors and users of
mean that the Boards could not be
concurred on the point that the
accounts. All three alternatives received
moved from the idea of a specific
“principles based” test in IAS 17,
negative feedback; and the Boards
equipment vs real estate split in a
rather than the numerical tests in the
then agreed on the current proposal.
lease classification method.
US equivalent Topic 840 (formerly
In April-May 2012, after the two
It has taken almost another year to
There was only one stage when a
Under this possible solution, the
FAS 13), should be the basis for
agree on some consequential changes
true single model for lessee
in other aspects of the draft standard,
expensing was under consideration.
and to complete the drafting of ED2. In
This was the “underlying asset”
accounting rules for i-SPs would
the meantime, however, the favored
approach favored by the IASB early
remain substantively as they are for
P&L expensing method has not been
last year. It would have resulted in a
finance leases; but they would be
field tested like the alternatives
“seamless robe” continuum of
derived from the principles in
rejected earlier.
expensing profiles, from fully front
separate standards. For lessees the
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convergence. If this alternative were adopted, the
Asset finance - legal and regulatory update LEASE ACCOUNTING
relevant standards would be the
profile, similar to the current rules for
developed; but also at key stages of
respective ones (in International
finance leases.
the subsequent re-deliberation.
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
For leases currently classified as
Whenever the standard setters
and US GAAP) for accounting for
operating leases, the R&R basis will
have considered the specific issue of
property, plant and equipment (PPE).
be seen by many lessors as an
symmetry between the two sides,
If scoping-out of i-SPs were also
improvement on current rules. This
most members of both Boards have
applied on the lessor accounting side
will be particularly true for captive
tended to say that while symmetry
(which would not necessarily follow),
lessors and their corporate groups.
was seen as desirable if possible, it
the relevant principles for lessors
Current accounting rules prevent the
should not be pursued at the
would be found in the converged
recognition of a normal up-front
expense of obtaining the most
revenue recognition standard, which
selling profit, where a captive group
appropriate outcome on either side.
is about to be issued (following what
sells equipment on an operating
was originally a parallel project to the
lease. The R&R model will allow such
expressed the view that the existing
one on lease accounting).
selling profit recognition for the lease
lessor accounting model does not
receivable element of the sale,
necessarily need fundamental
deferring it only for the RV element.
change in the sense that they feel the
While dispensing with a split model within the lease accounting standard itself, this alternative would not of
The ED2 proposals will embody a
Many Board members have
lessee side does in the absence of
course truly represent a single lessee
symmetry principle as between the
full balance sheet capitalization.
accounting model. Some would see
lessee and lessor sides. For the bulk
Many have acknowledged that lessor
it as unsatisfactory to have the
of equipment leases front-loaded
accounting should reflect the
accounting rules for i-SP
lessor income recognition under R&R
business models of lessors rather
transactions located outside the
will broadly match the front-loaded
than just reflecting contract features
lease accounting standard, when
expense profile for lessees – while for
that suggest particular solutions on
many of these facilities (such as
most real estate leases there will be
the lessee side.
finance leases with no purchase
straight line P&L accounting for both
option in the UK market) are within
the general definition of leases for
Lessee and lessor accounting rules are both important considerations for
This linkage is a factor that the
the leasing industry. However, in
both commercial and all legal
leasing industry will need to consider
exploring alternative solutions the
in framing its response to ED2. While
two are not necessarily closely
most equipment lessors will consider
Others in the leasing industry might feel that “scoping out” i-SPs and
the lessee side proposals in ED2
permitting straight line lessee
unsatisfactory, they may also see
expense profiles for all current
risks that a major change on the
operating leases would be a better
lessee side could have unwelcome
The Boards seem unlikely to give
outcome than accepting the
repercussions for the lessor
ground on the essential principle of
equipment vs real estate split that will
accounting model.
comprehensive capitalization for
be put forward in ED2.
Though it will in effect be proposed
Other issues
lessees. Some respondents to ED2
in ED2, strict symmetry between
may argue for the scope of the STL
lessee and lessor accounting has not
exemption to be widened, and
been an overriding objective of the
perhaps extended to leases running
On lessor accounting the ED2
Boards. During the long gestation
for up to two or three years – or
proposals will generally be welcomed
period of the new standard there
perhaps to “non-core assets” such
by the leasing industry. In nearly all
were several stages when there was
as vehicles or office machinery taken
equipment leases the lessor would
no such symmetry in the latest
on lease by a typical business
be subject to the “receivable and
tentative proposals. This was true of
outside the transport or IT sectors.
residual” (R&R) model. This provides
ED1, in which the lessor side
However, unless such suggestions
for a front loaded income recognition
proposals were not at all well
met with wide support from users of
The lessor side
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update LEASE ACCOUNTING
accounts as well as lessors and
To date, the global accounting
for the transitional application of the
lessees, the standard setters may
standard setters have taken the view
new rules to pre-existing lease
find them unpersuasive. To date, they
that this aspect is not their problem,
contracts. Given the continuing
have taken the view that the
and that bank regulators can resolve
proposal to front-load expense on
materiality condition which qualifies
it by clarifying their own rules on
contracts currently classified as
all accounting rules is sufficient to
intangible assets. However, some
operating leases, the originally
address the problem of complex
national accounting standard setters
proposed transition rules would have
accounting rules for leases that are
have supported the leasing industry's
given rise to a heavy incidence of
on an insignificant scale.
contention that the ROU should be
reported losses in the initial years of
classified as a PPE asset.
application of the new standard.
There will nevertheless be a number of specific issues in ED2,
Many of the proposals agreed by
However, the “modified retrospective
beyond the main lessee and lessor
the Boards for ED2 have been
approach” now proposed would
accounting models, on which
generally welcomed in the leasing
alleviate that problem.
respondents in the leasing industry
industry. The proposals for
could usefully comment.
accounting for possible lease
scope, there is one aspect of the
The Boards have declined to clarify
Though much more limited in
renewal periods, and for other
proposed transition rules in lessor
whether the lessee's “right of use”
contingent rentals, have been greatly
accounting that seems clearly
(ROU) asset should be regarded as a
simplified compared with ED1.
anomalous. This concerns operating
tangible PPE asset or as an
The rules for recognizing
lease portfolios that will have been
intangible asset. This would make no
“embedded leases”, within what
securitized prior to transition, within
difference to accounting rules in
might otherwise be viewed as pure
the accounts of the originating
themselves, but it could become a
service contracts, have been made
very significant issue for banks as
much clearer. The proposed
lessees. Under the Basel III rules for
accounting rules for what are more
accounting the lessor recognizes the
measuring banks' regulatory capital,
clearly service-inclusive leases have
underlying leased asset on its
through changes to be phased in
also been simplified; as have those
balance sheet, rather than the lease
over the four years up to 2018,
for sale and leaseback transactions.
receivables. If the bulk of the
intangible assets will have to be
It is now clear that three of the
Under current operating lease
receivables' value is sold to a third
deducted from capital. This
seven FASB members, together with
party funder in a securitization deal,
represents a severely adverse
probably a smaller proportion of
this is accounted for as a secured
treatment compared with that for
IASB members, will be attaching
borrowing. The lessor recognizes the
tangible PPE assets in bank
formal notes of dissent to ED2,
cash proceeds from the funder and a
infrastructure, which are merely
criticizing particular features of it.
corresponding financial liability to
subject to a standard weighting as
However, these dissenting notes are
that party.
risk assets comparable with typical
unlikely to be viewed with favor in the
credit exposures.
leasing industry, as some will
the R&R lessor accounting model,
This Basel III change seems
It is proposed that on transition to
suggest changes that would make
the full lease receivables outstanding
primarily targeted at quite different
the rules more complex for lessees,
at the time would have to be newly
types of intangible assets, notably
in such areas as lease renewal
recognized. They would be
goodwill arising on accounting for
periods, contingent rentals or
presented on the balance sheet as
corporate acquisitions; but it extends
disclosure rules.
lease receivables pledged to lenders,
to all intangibles, and so could affect the ROU if it were so regarded, This
in line with the required presentation Transition rules
for secured borrowings.
leases, though the major impact
On the lessee accounting side the
corresponding transition treatment of
would be on real estate leases in bank
Boards have agreed a considerable
previously securitized finance lease
head offices and branch networks.
improvement to the ED1 proposals
or loan receivables, nor with the
problem potentially affects all kinds of
This is not consistent with the
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update LEASE ACCOUNTING
future treatment under R&R of
incorporated in a future edition of
securitizations of leases that would
IFRS SMEs; but it is only at that
be currently classified as operating
stage that most unlisted companies
leases. In all those cases the portion
subject to IFRS will become subject
of receivables on which risk had
to the new rules for leases. In view of
been transferred to the funder would
the current cycle for updating IFRS
be de-recognized by the originator.
SMEs the effective date for them
The staff report on this subject
could be January 2018 or even later.
received by the Boards, when it was
In most EU countries unlisted
considered in November 2011,
companies are not subject to
identified possible solutions that
mandatory compliance with IFRS but
seemed more equitable. However, for
are able to use national GAAPs. In
various reasons the Boards rejected
some of those countries, including
the UK, Spain and Ireland national GAAP rules are kept quite closely
Operative dates
aligned with IFRS. However, here again there may be some delay
There will be a four-month period
before the new converged lease
allowed for comments in response to
accounting standard is reflected in
ED2, so this should run until some
the national rules.
time in September. The Boards will then need some further redeliberation. Even if no major further changes were agreed, it seems unlikely that the new standard could be finalized and issued before December of this year at the earliest; and it could take much longer. The most likely final effective date of the new lease accounting standard is January 1 2017. The “dates of initial application”, from which listed company lessees and lessors will have to file prior year comparative information on the new basis, would then be January 2015 for those in the USA and January 2016 for those in the EU. Depending on national regulations, most unlisted companies reporting under IFRS could be subject to the special IFRS standard for smaller businesses (IFRS SMEs). The current edition of IFRS SMEs reflects the full requirements of IAS 17; and it is likely that the rules of the new lease accounting standard will be
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update BANK REGULATION
Bank regulation: part of the backdrop to asset finance anking regulations continue
January 1 2014, so that the first two
that changed in Basel III compared
to evolve in the backwash of
annual phases of Basel III will be
with Basel II – those banks will still not
the global credit crisis of
implemented together in Europe.
be held to current global standards.
specifically focused on asset finance,
EU will permit higher levels of
higher minimum buffers for the
the leasing industry will be affected
minimum capital to be applied across
narrowest “core Tier 1” definition of
since banks and their subsidiary
the board in those member states
capital. Additional minimum capital
companies play such a dominant role
where national regulators wish to
buffers for some 30 of the largest
in advancing or funding asset finance
exceed the mandatory EU
banks which meet the criteria of
facilities in most national markets.
requirements, though this will be
“global systemically important banks”
subject to agreement by the European
(G-SIBs), whose failure would cause
Commission. The UK and Sweden
significant dislocation in international
pressed for the right to take this action,
markets, will be phased in between
At global level the changes in bank
which would have been precluded by a
2016 and 2019. The Financial
solvency rules agreed under the
“maximum harmonization” principle in
Stability Board (FSB), set up by the
Basel III package started to take
earlier drafts of CRD IV.
Group of 20 (G20) countries, has now
2008. Though the changes are not
Solvency rules
effect at the beginning of this year.
The agreement finally reached in the
Beyond Europe, Japan
Significant increases in the regulatory
implemented the first phase of Basel
minimum levels for shareholders'
III at the end of March.
capital in relation to banks' credit
However, the USA has still to
The main emphasis in Basel III is on
identified the banks to be initially classified as G-SIBs. The Basel Committee of Banking Supervision (BCBS) has also adopted
exposures will mostly be phased in
finalize its Basel III requirements for
requirements for national regulators
over a six-year period up to January
the limited number of “core banks” to
to apply similar extra capital buffers,
2019, with some elements of the
which they will be mandatory, and
on the same time scale, for other
package taking a further three years.
some other “opt-in” banks who
large banks defined as “domestic
The agreed commitment among all
adhere to the full Basel regime
systemically important banks” (D-
major countries is to apply the Basel
voluntarily. The core and opt-in banks
SIBs). These will be defined by similar
rules to “internationally active banks”.
account for the great bulk of the
criteria to those for G-SIBs –
The European Union goes further,
international business of US-based
concentrating on size,
requiring member states to apply the
banks, but not for the bulk of
interconnectedness, substitutability
Basel rules to all regulated banks.
domestic US banking. The mandatory
and complexity - but from the
However, most major jurisdictions are
requirements for non-core US banks
standpoint of national rather than
running a little late in completing the
are currently based on the first (Basel
international consequences of
local rules to implement Basel III.
I) global agreement.
possible bank failures. Compared
The EU reached final agreement on
From January 2015 the non-core US
with the rules for G-SIBs there will be
the outlines of the CRD IV directive
banks will be brought more into line
more national discretion on the D-SIB
and associated regulations for this
with the risk asset weighting (RAW)
regime, but national regulators will be
purpose in February this year.
requirements of Basel II, which for
required to publish details of the
However, it will take member states
most banking transactions have not
adopted frameworks.
until mid-year to adopt the national
been changed by subsequent Basel
legislation required by CRD IV; and
agreements. However, in terms of
from the scope of regulatory capital
these will not be made effective until
minimum capital levels – the element
some hybrid instruments between
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The Basel III changes will exclude
Asset finance - legal and regulatory update BANK REGULATION
debt and equity that are less loss-
For the first time from 2015 the
would not have been challenged by
absorbing than common
global Basel rules will incorporate
the LCR. However, many Euro zone
shareholders' equity.
minimum requirements for banks'
banks will face significantly higher
liquidity, as well as their solvency.
liquidity requirements when these
lessors and lease funders in the
Both of these factors played a part
two new rules come fully into effect.
banking sector are subject to the
in the onset of the global banking
“internal ratings basis” (IRB) model
crisis from 2007.
In all major countries most larger
The policy dilemma
for RAWs. The weightings of their
In January, however, BCBS
leasing exposures will reflect the
announced a major relaxation of
All elements of the Basel III package
security value of their retention of
one of the planned liquidity rules,
will constrain the credit capacity of
title in the leased asset, and will
the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
the banking sector, while hopefully
thus be more favorable compared
which will require banks to hold
making banks safer and more
with unsecured loans to customers
defined liquid assets matching a 30-
resilient and reducing the exposure
of comparable credit standing.
day outflow of funds. This will now
of sovereigns to any further rescues
During the course of this year BCBS
be phased in over four years,
of distressed banks considered “too
is due to consider a review of the
instead of being applied in full from
big to fail”.
regulatory consistency of RAWs on
January 2015. Perhaps more
banks' credit exposures from one
important, the range of permissible
agreed in 2009, it was assumed that
country to another.
liquid assets has been extended
the post-crisis recession in most
beyond sovereign debt to some of
national markets would be over by
new additional minimum solvency
the more readily marketable
the time that the new prudential rules
requirement, measuring banks'
exposures to private sector
started to bite. The latest concession
“leverage” - i.e. the relationship of
customers (with appropriate
on the LCR is the only instance to
shareholders' capital to unweighted
“haircut” discounts).
date where BCBS has rowed back
From 2018 Basel III will bring in a
gross assets. In some jurisdictions, notably the
Some securitized residential mortgage portfolios will now be
When the Basel III package was
on the earlier proposal in response to fears on the economic implications.
USA, unweighted leverage ratios
eligible assets for the LCR.
already play a part in bank solvency
However, this concession has not
countries, there are plenty more
rules. Some regulators in other
been extended to securitized motor
instances of the policy dilemma for
countries have come to the view
vehicle or equipment leasing assets.
the authorities as between
that the whole RAW system has
A further liquidity rule, the more
At the national level in many
strengthening banking capital and
become unnecessarily complex,
complex net stable funding ratio
encouraging banks to boost lending
and simple leverage ratios in fact
(NSFR) presently due to be
so as to stimulate economic activity.
give a better measure of true risk.
introduced from 2018, is also now
In the UK bank regulators have
under review and may be subject to
called for substantial re-
in parallel with the existing metrics
concessions in timing and/or in
capitalization by major banking
of capital in relation to weighted risk
substance. The NSFR involves
groups while at the same time
assets. In most countries, which do
weightings of the items on both
government is pressing them to
not currently have leverage ratios, it
sides of a bank's balance sheet to
expand lending.
will therefore trigger increased
match the value of wholly or
capital requirements for exposures
partially liquid assets against
scheme launched in the UK last year
attracting relatively low RAWs,
exposures to outflows from the
offers banks medium term lending
mainly those to customers with top
liabilities side.
facilities from the Bank of England,
The leverage ratio will be applied
quality credit ratings. Leasing
Banks in some jurisdictions,
The Funding for Lending (FFL)
on terms reflecting a margin above
portfolios with public sector
particularly the UK where relatively
UK sovereign funding costs, subject
customers are likely to be adversely
stringent liquidity rules are already
to qualifying conditions on the
applied by national regulators,
volume of net new advances.
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update BANK REGULATION
Equipment leasing exposures by
of the Euro zone banking union
seen whether the UK authorities will
bank lessors have been included in
project. This includes the idea of a
implement this rule as required, or
the relevant credit aggregates, so
common deposit guarantee scheme
will perhaps mount a legal challenge
that FFL incentivizes leasing as well
for the Euro zone states. It would
to it.
as pure lending.
embody an element of “fiscal union”
Most bank lessors in the UK are
Meanwhile the UK has made
through a potential transfer of
important changes to its national
participating in FFL. However, the
resources from stronger to weaker
banking supervision regime. Last
possible advantage from it depends
member states of the zone, which
month the UK prudential supervisors
on the alternative funding costs of
naturally meets with resistance in
were transferred from the former
each bank. One major player (HSBC)
some countries.
Financial Services Authority (FSA) to
is not participating in FFL since it is funding itself more cheaply from its
a new Bank of England division, the The UK and Europe
retail deposit base, and is less
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
dependent on wholesale funding
The Euro zone banking union
than its competitors.
agreement was reached by the EU as a whole. As part of it, the UK and
The Euro zone
other non-members of the Euro zone received some assurances that they
Last year the Euro zone states took
would not in effect face a block vote
the first steps towards a regulatory
from Euro zone countries in
“banking union” to shore up
decisions binding on the European
institutions in the distressed
Banking Authority (EBA) which
peripheral states which face a
oversees the implementation of EU-
challenging interaction of
wide banking supervision legislation
commercial banking exposures and pressures on their own sovereigns. The first leg of banking union is for
More widely, however, as host to the major international financial centre in Europe in the City of
the European Central Bank (ECB),
London, the UK has some concerns
which presently has no role in
about the possibility of being
prudential regulation, to take over
outvoted on banking and financial
some such responsibilities from the
market regulations by EU member
present national regulators.
states who are less critically involved
Some Euro zone states wished to
in global transactions.
see a wholesale transfer of these
An instance of this was seen in the
powers to the ECB, believing that
final decisions on CRD IV earlier this
only the assurance of a common
year, where limits on the relative level
standard of supervision would
of bonus remuneration in banks were
sustain confidence in some of the
added to the directive over the UK's
national markets. However, others
objections. These limits will tend to
resisted this. Under a compromise
make executive remuneration less
agreed at the end of last year, the
loss-absorbing, by increasing fixed
ECB will take over regulation of the
salaries relative to bonus pools; but
larger Euro zone banks from April
were nevertheless included in a
directive which was supposedly
However, there has been no progress to date on other elements
concerned with making banks more resilient to losses. It remains to be
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update TAXATION AND LEASING
Taxation and leasing: a varied picture variety of current tax changes
response to the new accounting
encourage the use of leasing.
will have some impact on
standard. Apart from all the statutory
Enhanced fiscal depreciation may be
leasing transactions. Others
references to lease accounting, there
intended to stimulate fixed
will affect the broader fiscal
is currently a formal extra-statutory
investment in general, or for limited
environment for leasing companies
concession whereby lessees in the
periods as economic stimulus
and their corporate groups.
case of finance leases can obtain tax
measures; or they may favor narrowly
relief for leasing expense on a front
targeted types of plant investment,
loaded profile that matches current
for example for environmental
accounting rules, even though the
Effects of accounting changes In some IFRS jurisdictions the
legally permitted expense comprises
proposed new accounting standard
the actual rentals which normally
company (if eligible to claim fiscal
could have tax consequences. For
follow a level profile. The leasing
depreciation) may often be able to
example, in the UK the tax rules
industry would expect this provision
make more effective use of the
contain references to finance leases.
to be extended to all future leases
relevant allowances when the
These have the same meaning in
subject to front loaded expensing.
customer chooses to lease,
current IFRS and in UK GAAP ; but
There could also be other countries
In any such case, a leasing
compared with the alternative of the
they will be affected by the new lease
where accounting follows IFRS, and
customer purchasing the asset
accounting rules.
where some lease taxation rules
outright and claiming the tax write-
reflecting IFRS concepts such as
offs itself. The equipment user will be
anticipated that the new accounting
lease classification would need to
unable to utilize tax reliefs if they are
standard might be finalized sooner
change with the new accounting
in a tax loss position.
than it has been in the event.
The UK tax authorities at one point
Consequently, “holding” provisions
In the USA by contrast the tax
In the USA enhanced Year 1 tax write-off rates, introduced as a
were adopted in tax law, freezing the
code as applied to leasing
stimulus measure in 2009, came to
IAS 17 lease accounting standard in
transactions seems impervious to
an end at the beginning of this year.
its current form for those corporate
changes in lease accounting rules.
However, the normal write-off rates in
taxpayers following IFRS for tax
However, the capitalization of
the USA, and in many other
accounting. The period of operation
operating leases under front loaded
countries, are still sufficiently
of these provisions was not
lessee expense profiles will
attractive to provide an incentive to
specifically limited, but they were
nevertheless give rise to major new
use leasing finance in some cases.
clearly meant to be transitional. It will
mismatches between reportable and
not be satisfactory for such a law to
taxable income streams for US
UK. The fiscal depreciation rates
remain in operation for any length of
lessees, with consequential deferred
have been reduced in the UK in
time after IAS 17 is changed, since
tax accounting issues.
recent years; and since last year the
taxpayers would then have to apply old and new lease accounting rules
main capital allowance (CA) rate has Fiscal depreciation incentives
simultaneously for tax and financial reporting purposes. Consequently there will have to be UK tax law changes at some stage in
This is much less true now in the
been reduced to 18 per cent on the “reducing balance” basis. This
In many countries there are examples
means that only 45 per cent of the
of favorable tax write-offs for plant
asset's value can be written off
and machinery which may indirectly
against taxable income in the first
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update TAXATION AND LEASING
three years of an asset's life. Rules in
objections from other member
force since 2006 mean that for
states, including the UK and
certain types of longer term lease
with limited RVs, only lessees rather
before the FTT proposal is finalized. Wider tax issues
In the case of securitization deals, which for various reasons are
Since 2010 several European
invariably structured as multi-stage
countries including the UK, Germany
from claiming the 100 per cent Year
transfers involving bonds to be
and France have introduced new
1 write-offs on plant types deemed to
issued to investors by special
balance sheet taxes on banks. These
be environmentally favorable. Such a
purpose companies, FTT could be
taxes all follow a similar form,
concession for business cars with
triggered on every transaction in the
although they have not been co-
very low carbon emissions was
process. This would give rise to an
ordinated through the EU. They serve
available to lessors until March this
imposition far above the nominal rate
in effect as a tax on wholesale
year, but has now been removed. UK
of the tax.
funding by banks, since the tax base
than lessors can claim CAs. Also, lessors have been excluded
asset finance agreements can be
The Commission issued a draft
comprises the total balance sheet,
structured with bargain purchase
outline of the FTT earlier this year.
less retail deposits and shareholders'
options or as conditional sale
Under this proposal, FTT would be
contracts (i.e. with no RVs), in which
charged on:
that may be available. However, this
These taxes have no specific effects on asset finance, but they
case the lessee can claim any CAs - any relevant trade executed within
form part of the overall fiscal
is obviously of limited value where
a tax charging country, or by a
environment for banking sector
the lessee/ hirer is not in a position to
financial institution based in such a
lessors. They tend to discourage
international banking groups from
make timely use of the allowances.
- in addition, on trades executed FTT Eleven EU member states including
elsewhere in certain defined
charging countries, as they are
instruments issued in a charging
applied by each country to the global
assets of locally based banks, but only to the local banking assets of
Germany, France and Italy are jointly developing a financial transactions
basing themselves in the tax
The second leg of the proposed
foreign based banks. In the UK the main corporation tax
tax (FTT), designed to charge tax at a
tax – affecting external trades in
rate of 0.1 per cent on the trading of
locally issued instruments - is
rate is being reduced progressively
financial instruments. This would not
modelled on the existing UK stamp
to an internationally competitive rate
apply to primary credit advances
duty on purchases of company
of 20 per cent. However, the bank
such as leases. However, it would
shares. However, it would apply to a
levy rate has been subject to
affect the secondary funding of
wider range of instruments than
continual increases at the same time,
shares, including bonds and
so as to cancel out the benefit of
exchange-traded derivatives.
reduced corporation tax to the
These countries are proceeding under the EU's “enhanced co-
The UK authorities are now
operation” procedure, which allows
considering a legal challenge in the
member states to co-ordinate certain
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
actions in conditions where there is
against the current Commission
no EU-wide agreement. The
proposal, because of its effects on
European Commission takes the
trades executed outside the charging
initiative in drafting the ground rules.
countries. It remains to be seen
The FTT was moved into the
whether this matter will proceed to a
enhanced co-operation arena after
hearing by the ECJ, or will be
an earlier proposal for FTT
resolved through negotiations
throughout the EU met with
between the UK and the Commission
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banking sector.
Asset finance - legal and regulatory update KEY ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2012-2013
Key developments over the past year Date
Subject area
New development
Reduction in rates of UK annual write-offs of expenditure on
2012 April
equipment (for allowances claimed from this date): main rate down from 20% to 18%, rate for long life assets down from 10% to 8%. April
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) announce further slippage in timetable for finalization of new leasing standard, following earlier disagreement between them on profit and loss (P&L) account expensing rules for lessees.
Outreach exercise with lessees, lessors and account users shows no support for IASB's preferred model for lessee expensing
Banking supervision
US authorities issue Notice of Proposed Rule-making (NPR) for implementation of Basel III changes (to be applied to “core” and “opt-in” banks)
Banking supervision
EU agrees in principle for “banking union” proposal within Euro zone, including some transfer of banking supervision powers to European Central Bank (ECB)
Boards reach agreement on new proposal for P&L accounting, based on equipment v real estate split: most equipment lessees to apply front loaded profile; confirmation of “receivable and residual” (R&R) model for equipment lessors.
Banking supervision
UK government firms up legislative proposals for capital “ring fencing” of UK retail banking within major banking groups, and longer term proposals requiring banks to issue more lossabsorbing debt
Banking supervision
Start of temporary increase to minimum capital requirements for all banks in EU, pending transition to Basel III rules due from 2013
Financial transactions tax (FTT) formally abandoned as EUwide proposal; but several member states including France and Germany agree to pursue possible co-ordinated adoption of the tax under “enhanced co-operation” procedure.
Boards' new proposals for lessee expensing criticized by US account users represented on FASB's Investors Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC)
Banking supervision
European Banking Authority (EBA) announces that EU common supervision in line with phased Basel III rules will be delayed beyond January 2013 due to delay to agreement on associated European legislation
Lease funding
Start of UK Funding for Lending (FFL) scheme: central bank funding of commercial bank credit, including some leasing business
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update KEY ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2012-2013
Boards complete main re-deliberation process on technical issues arising from June decision on split lessee expensing model
Banking supervision
Basel Committee of Banking Supervisors (BCBS) finalizes rules for required national action for enhanced regulatory capital buffers for “domestic systemically important banks” (D-SIBs) following earlier decisions for “global systemically important banks” (G-SIBs)
Banking supervision
Liikanen Report proposes EU-wide rules for capital ringfencing of retail banking within universal banks
Lease funding
IOSCO (international securities market regulatory body) proposes global convergence of rules for minimum risk retention by credit originators in securitizations
Banking supervision
Financial Stability Board (FSB) identifies individual banks to be treated as G-SIBs under Basel III
Banking supervision
FSB issues consultative proposals on global regulation of “shadow banking”
Banking supervision
EU reaches agreement on move for ECB to assume supervision of the larger banks within Euro zone states
UK and German national standard setting bodies criticize IASB/ FASB proposals, and call for more cost-benefit analysis
Date or period
Subject area
Banking supervision
General start of transition to global Basel III rules (subject to
2013 January
implementation delays in many jurisdictions): - 1st of 3 annual phases of higher common equity tier 1 (CET 1) capital levels - removal of newly disqualified capital instruments from CET 1 capital - 1st of 10 annual phases in removal of other capital instruments to be newly disqualified from non-CET 1 capital. January
Ending of US fiscal stimulus for investment in equipment (enhanced Year 1 write-offs): rates revert to pre-stimulus levels for each asset class, for expenditure incurred from this date.
Banking supervision
Further increase in rate of UK bank levy BCBS agrees major relaxation of earlier agreement for Basel III liquidity rules due for adoption from 2015
Business conduct
UK government confirms plans to transfer Consumer Credit Act regulation from Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to the new Financial Conduct Authority (FCA); but with further consultation on some aspects.
European Commission firms up proposals for FTT among 11 concurring member states under enhanced co-operation procedures
Banking supervision
EU institutions reach agreement on principles of legislation to implement Basel III changes
UK Budget statement: government announces further future reduction in corporation tax rate, but future rise in bank levy rate
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update FUTURE ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2013
Ending of lessors' access to enhanced tax write-offs on “green” car fleets in UK, for expenditure incurred after this month
Banking supervision
Commencement of Basel III implementation in Japan
UK main corporation tax rate falls from 24% to 23%
Banking supervision
UK oversight passed from former Financial Services Authority (FSA) to Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) within Bank of England
Start of optional “cash basis” for UK income tax on unincorporated micro-businesses: simplified tax deductibility of rentals etc for eligible lessees.
FASB votes narrowly to confirm concurrence with proposals agreed to date with IASB: some members indicate that they will attach dissenting notes to new exposure draft.
Lease accounting
UK launches legal challenge against European Commission's FTT proposals Extension of UK FFL scheme to include bank lending to nonbank lessors
Timetable for future developments Likely date or period
Subject area
2013 May-June
Banking supervision
US authorities likely to finalize Basel III compliance rules for affected banks
May-June *
Lease funding
US authorities to announce next step (either finalization or further consultations) on minimum risk retention rules for securitization deals
Banking supervision
BCBS to receive report on consistency of regulatory risk asset weightings on credit exposures
Second exposure draft (ED2) of new standard to be issued by joint Boards
Boards to consult with US lessees, lessors and account users on ED2 P&L account proposals National standard setting bodies outside USA likely to comment on ED2 “General anti-abuse rule”, giving UK tax authorities additional powers to counteract artificial avoidance, to take effect on final passage of 2013 Finance Act
Expiry of comment period on ED2 Boards to commence re-deliberation of accounting standard following comments on ED2
Target date for report from Swedish review of corporate taxation
Business conduct
Possible date for FCA to issue details of proposed rules for UK credit business regime to take effect from April 2014
Earliest likely date for Boards to issue final version of new standard
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update FUTURE ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2014-2015
Likely date or period
Subject area
Banking supervision
Banking supervision
January January onwards
Taxation Taxation
January onwards
Banking supervision
April April
Business conduct Taxation
Further transition steps in Basel III: - next phases in increased CET 1 capital ratios and removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital; - 1st of 5 annual phases in required new deductions from capital (for goodwill etc). Effective start date for compliance with Basel III (first two phases) in EU Further increase in UK bank levy rate Authorities in many counties (including the UK) subject to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) will start to review the corporate tax treatment of some features of leasing transactions, as a consequential effect of the new accounting standard (if finalized) Possible start of moves by national standard setters to align national GAAP lease accounting rules for unlisted companies with the new global standard (if finalized), in EU countries where national GAAPs are currently close to, but independent from, IFRS – including UK, Sweden, Netherlands and Norway. Effective date for ECB to assume partial control of banking supervision in Euro zone UK credit regulation to pass from OFT to FCA UK corporation tax rate to fall to 21%
Likely date or period
Subject area
Banking supervision
Lease funding
Banking supervision
April May
Taxation Banking supervision
Further transition steps in Basel III: - 1st of 5 annual phases of new liquidity coverage ratio (LCR); - final phase of higher CET 1 capital requirements; - next phases of removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital, and items to be deducted from capital. Likely “date of initial application” (DIA), for purposes of prior year accounts comparable with period after final effective date of new lease accounting standard, for US listed companies Minimum 5% risk retention rule for securitizations in which EU banks invest (in force since January 2011 for new bond issues) to be extended to new exposures within pre-2011 securities Risk asset weightings for US non-core banks to become more aligned with Basel II model UK corporation tax rate to fall to 20% Final target date for UK legislative enactment of “ring fencing” rules for separate capitalization of retail banking operations within major banks
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update FUTURE ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2016-2018
Likely date or period
Subject area
2016 January
Banking supervision
Further transition steps in Basel III: - 1st of 4 annual phases in start of new “buffer zones” (i.e. levels of CET 1 capital above minimum for licensing, but within which banks will be subject to limits on distributions from profit), and in capital surcharges for G-SIBs; - next phases of removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital, items to be deducted from capital and LCR - start of capital surcharges for D-SIBs.
Likely DIA (see above) for new standard for listed companies subject to IFRS, and for US unlisted companies
Likely date or period
Subject area
Banking supervision
Further transition steps to Basel III: next phases of buffer
2017 January
zones, G-SIB surcharges, removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital, items to be deducted from capital, and LCR. January
Likely final effective date of new global standard (except for companies eligible to use the international standard for smaller companies (IFRS SMEs))
Likely date or period
Subject area
2018 January
Banking supervision
Further transition steps in Basel III: - (subject to further review) introduction of “net stable funding ratio” (additional liquidity rule); - introduction of new leverage ratio (regulatory capital measured against unweighted risk assets); - final phase of items deducted from capital; - next phases of buffer zones, G-SIB surcharges and removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital.
Likely final effective date of new global standard for users of IFRS SMEs
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Asset finance - legal and regulatory update FUTURE ASSET FINANCE REGULATION 2019-2022
Likely date or period
Subject area
Banking supervision
Further transition steps to Basel III:
2019 January
- final phases of buffer zones, G-SIB surcharges and LCR; - next phase of removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital. January
Banking supervision
Target effective date for required use of more loss-absorbing debt by UK banks
Likely date or period
Subject area
2020-2022 January each year
Banking supervision
Final transition to Basel III, with last 3 phases of removal of certain instruments from non-CET 1 capital,
* = best estimate of uncertain date,
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Š Asset Finance International, 2013 All rights reserved
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