090420 Real Estate Directory

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Page 4 Friday, September 4, 2020



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Julie Black, Principal Broker & Owner (808) 652-6174 with daughter Kela Caspillo, Realtor Sales Person (808) 652-6173 kauaidreams.com

Featured Homes

Kilauea 2462 Liliuokalani St. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home is located in the Puu lani Subdivision in Kilauea. It has been recently upgraded in the past 2 years with a new roof, new kitchen cabinets & countertops, new flooring and new paint. $789,000. MLS# 641847. Call Donovan Gardner RS74909, Kauai Dreams Realty, today to see this move-in ready home. 808 651-9911.

US mortgage rates little changed; 30-year at 2.93% ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — U.S. average rates on long-term mortgages changed little this week, remaining at historically low levels that has sparked demand for homes. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average rate on the 30-year home loan ticked up to 2.93% from 2.91% last week. By contrast, the rate averaged 3.49% a year ago. The average rate on the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage declined, however, to 2.42% from 2.46% last week. Housing demand continues as one of few bright spots in the pandemic-hobbled economy. Sales of new homes soared in July, rising nearly 14% as the market continued to gain traction following the spring downturn caused by pandemic-forced lockdowns. In the wider economy, the government reported Thursday that the number of laid-off Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell to a still-elevated 881,000 last week — evidence many businesses continue to slash jobs.


who may need some assistance with technology during the day. “A lot of times when kids are left Without warning last spring, to their own devices or in their millions of parents found themown room, they get distracted reselves working from home while ally easily,” says New York-based their kids attempted to do schoolinterior designer Jenny Dina work under the same roof. The Kirschner. “So sometimes it is nice changes happened so quickly that to have that communal working families — especially those short space.” on space — could only make the For one client in Brooklyn, best of it with hastily arranged Kirschner carved out an open solutions. workspace within a living room by Nearly six months later, many placing a desk along the back of interior designers are helping clithe sofa. With ample shelving and ents make more considered decoclosed storage along the wall berating changes, big and small, to hind the desk, this section of the serve the whole family during the living room becomes a micro-ofnew school year. fice that blends with the decor of Interior designer Everick Brown the rest of the room. says a priority for his clients in the While kitchen tables can be suburbs outside New York City practical workspaces, there can has been finding enough quiet EVERICK BROWN/EVERICK BROWN DESIGN VIA AP be a downside to this solution. space and privacy to effectively “When it becomes somebody’s A room designed by interior designer Everick Brown in Yorkwork, study and take Zoom calls. command center, then they need We all used to want a room with town Heights, N.Y. to pick up and move that stuff eva view, says Brown. “Now everyIf a low table and small chair ar- easily be undone if normal school- ery day. And you’re sitting with body’s just searching for a room somebody else’s work staring at ing resumes soon. In the meanen’t available, try placing a stool with a door.” time, it allows both girls to spend you, and they might be thinking, or sturdy box under the table to He’s also focusing on health and create a solid resting place for lit‘Oh, I need to go back to work aftheir school day in a space with wellness: A portable standing ter dinner,’” Kitson says. plenty of natural light and a view tle feet. desk can easily be moved from Managing that work/life balance out a window, rather than tucked For adults, too, ergonomics room to room so family members matters: Be sure to use a desk or is just as important as managing away in a basement playroom. can share it when one needs a And even if an entire room can’t space, she says. We don’t just table and chair at the right height, break from sitting. need to work and study at home so your feet can rest solidly on the be repurposed, there are ways to There are also desktop risers this year. We need to have fun, floor and your back is supported. give each family member a workthat turn any desk or even the Sometimes the answer is using space that serves them. It doesn’t too. kitchen table into a standing desk a room in a completely new way. New Jersey-based interior dehave to be large: “48 inches wide for part of the day. Kitson has a client with two by 24 inches deep is about all you signer Terri Fiori says allowing a For families with younger kids, daughters who each had their need to accommodate notes and a child to choose beautiful but calmNew Jersey-based interior deown bedroom. They’ve now pencil, and your laptop or iPad, ing colors for their bedroom can signer Linda Kitson suggests find- moved the two kids into one room and then a desk light,” Brown help create a workspace the stuing a work table and chair scaled — letting them choose a new says. “What we’re really looking at dent is excited about. to a child’s size, just as elemenpaint color together to make the is basically a 4-foot-by-4-foot If your home has a window seat, tary school would have. Properly space feel like it belongs to both of space.” she says, you can let kids spend them — and put desks in the Some families might find that sized seating lets kids sit with part of the day studying there (or other bedroom to create a shared working near one another, rather their feet on the floor, which may use it yourself). A view of the outclassroom. than in separate rooms, is better -- doors can help focus and boost help them concentrate and stay It’s a temporary shift that can especially those with young kids everyone’s mood. on task. Melissa Rayworth ASSOCIATED PRESS

Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd. Serving Kauai’s Condo & Community Associations with award-winning service


awaiiana currently serves nearly 60 residential and commercial associations on the Island of Kauai. Kauai native Sunshine Ruiz Hatto serves as Hawaiiana’s Director of Kauai 2SHUDWLRQV IURP LWV RIŅFH DW WKH .XNXL *URYH Executive Center in Lihue.

Sunshine Ruiz Hatto Director Kauai Operations

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Serving nearly 60 associations on Kauai 99% retention rate among clients Local (vs. mainland) banking All employees are in Hawaii

US construction spending edges up tiny 0.1% in July ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — U.S. construction spending edged up a tiny 0.1% in July, breaking a string of losses due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The Commerce Department reported that the slight July gain followed a 0.5% decline in June. In July, spending on residential construction rose a solid 2.1% while nonresidential construction fell 1%. The 0.1% July gain was weaker than the 1% increase that many economists had been forecasting. Still, home sales have been strong after an initial hit from the pandemic, and the hope is that those gains will help lift housing construction in the months ahead. “The trend should improve, especially for residential spending, reflecting strong demand for homes as seen in new and existing home sales,” said Rubeela Farooqi, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics. The report showed that total government construction fell by 1.3% in July. The expectation is that government building will be depressed in coming months as state and local governments face severe budget restraints.

We’re looking for one with a door







Hawaiiana’s Kauai Properties: Alihi Lani Alii Kai at Hanalei Alii Kai II Aliomanu Estates Apopo Hale Emmalani Court Halaulani Condominium Hale Honu Halelani Village at Puhi Halemalu at Puhi Hanalei Bay Villas Hooluana Condo at Kohea Loa +RRNHQD DW 3XKL Kahala at Poipu Kai Kainani Villas Ka‘iulani of Princeville .DNHOD 0DNDL 2FHDQYLHZ Kalaheo Pali Kai Kalihiwai Ridge Kauai Beach Resort Kauai Beach Resort Association Kawaihau Sports Villa . * (QWHUSULVHV &RQGRPLQLXP .RKHD /RD 0DVWHU $VVRFLDWLRQ .RORD *DUGHQ $SDUWPHQWV Kuhio Shores at Poipu .XNXLĢXOD Lae Nani 0DNDQXL 0DQXDORKD Pali Ke Kua Paliuli 3LNDNH Plantation at Princeville Poipu Crater Poipu Kai Association Poipu Kai Racquet Club Poipu Kai Water Reclamation Poipu Kapili Poipu Sands Princeville II Community Association 3ULQFHYLOOH 0DNDL 5DQFK DW +DOHOHĢD Princeville Sealodge I Puamana 3XKL ,QGXVWULDO 3DUN Pu‘u Po‘a Regency at Poipu Kai Regency Hule‘ia Regency Villas at Poipu Kai Sandpiper Village I The Villas at Poipu Kai Villas at Puali Villas of Kamali’i Villas on the Prince :DLNRPR 6WUHDP 9LOODV Wailua Bay View Waipouli Beach Resort Hawaiiana is “here” and open for business during this uncertain time. Deemed an essential business, Hawaiiana is maintaining its regular business hours. While our meeting room is open to the public, we are currently only able to accommodate a maximum of three people. Please feel free to contact us via phone or email. You may also visit our website at hmcmgt.com to contact your property management team, ask questions about your bill or receive COVID-19 updates.

For more information about Hawaiiana’s services, contact Sunshine Ruiz Hatto at 792-0515 or email sunshine@hmcmgt.com. HINAHEA LANGI OFFICE MANAGER, SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT






Friday, September 04, 2020 Page 5



real estate directory Koloa




Koloa-$549,000 3 Bed/1.5 Ba. Interior Area: 1,074 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,438 sq.ft. Mayu Tomizawa RS-67283 808-634-8765 MLS 636230

Princeville-$1,599,900 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 3,925 sq.ft. Lot Size: 20,093 sq.ft. Jesse Fukushima RS-71180 808-482-0325 MLS 632144




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Your locally owned paint store. Serving the people of Kauai for over 24 years! Kapaa-$825,000 2 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,102 sq.ft. Lot Size: 3.07 acres Carol C. Cummings RB-14915 808-651-4766 MLS 640834


Lihue Waimea - $525,000 2 bed/2 ba, 1,060 sq ft Kelly Liberatore, (B) RB-17674 (808) 639-2061 Coldwell Banker Island Properties MLS# 296411



Waimea- $225,000 Lot Size: 9,285 sq.ft. Daniel Kurisu (S) RS-79218 808-652-7302 MLS 635569

Lihue-$649,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 2096 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,428 sq.ft. Ashley Carvalho RS-73535 808-639-9307 MLS 636748

Princeville-$929,000 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 2,594 sq.ft. Lot Size: 11,078 sq.ft. Glen Kojima RS-80593 Glen@KauaiRealty.net MLS 636512

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Lihue $595,000 2BR 1BA Living Area: 1,076 sqft Land Area: 21,704 sqft MLS 641244 Eric N. Yama RB-10975 (808) 639-3414

A charming and quaint, 2 bed/1 bath home, located near the end of a quiet street. Over 21,000 sqft at property, vegetated with fruit bearing lychee, mango, mountain apple, banana and tangerine trees. A small stream meanders through the back side of the property, a true tropical hideaway right in the heart of Lihue town. Tired of fighting traffic? Want to be near schools, shopping, restaurants, government offices, the airport, the harbor, etc? And a condo’s just not for you? Lihue is the place!

Kapaa- $510,000 3 Bed/2 Ba Interior Area: 1,056 sqft Lot Size: 9.182 sq.ft. Daniel B. Kurisu RS-79218 808-652-7302 Maile Properties of Kauai MLS 633563


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Puhi-$629,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,248 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,102 sq.ft. Mark K. Tanaka RB-9222 808-639-0367 MLS 641879

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thegardenisland.com Friday,


Featured Homes



15, 2017


Greeattings Season’s friends from your






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have BRANDPOINT that millennials than different Baby The world is a lot up in Gen Xers and revolugrown the digital the world knew. The of smartuse Boomers of disruptive tion, widespread ride sharing a and adoption such as are just phones apps technologies rental have althat and vacation the factorslandscape. few of student the social rising and other tered prices many Unfortunately, home have hit rising debt, factors them to bea economic and left afford they millennialsthey cannot though new opfeel as of the Amerilieve that forth this Many be Road #4 out a homehome. location, priced will never have brought a great property homes to become have been and they rental price Talk about portunities home. your age, can dream sales from vacation buy a without popular lots awayand Poipu to beable to matter what the average two an owner. home and FiIn 2016, Beach Disclosure But no plenty of ways just have is just - that’s you MortgageTrail, NMLS are $70,600 foot is a Brennecke’s for a manufactured there homeowner, creatively. the utiliVanderbilt500 Alcoa Park! home a was around per squaresoluand very Beach 3 BD 3 BA Inc., 37804, 865-380-3000, that with and last come a little more of $48.82 rental to land nance, first recent TN This you combine and lot of money average them an affordable to think vacationwith many rental to become a re(http://www.nmlsMaryville, deposit AZ Lic. of the popular trends, #1561, ties, a rent, it’s a you will making renters looking or arNMLS The rise at current found that with living made well maintained Fimonth’son something tion to Loans California up to kitchen Looking study are now consumeraccess.org/), to upgrades. for to a homeowners. manufactured GA choose area opens in the the last spend own. #BK-0902616, The spacious cent research pursuantLaw license,#6911), “We believea great solutionaffordmany time in never of U.S. households do people and dining lounging ranged offer more than at any (Lic. seeking room lanai. Enjoy the stars! number So why reason is that Lenders homes like phones, that nance Mortgage One renting With a rising households a split dining under third bedroom Mortgage things that just worried says Vanderbilt rent? many NH Inc. Presiother realize 50 years.many have nation of rentsun or lower-level area and with Residential Residential by the don’t a able housing,” countlessbasis, homes today and Finance Illinois of homeLicensed MT Lic. renters,becoming “We work Private, own living cars andon a daily of well. Call nation Mortgage Hamilton. find financLicensee, Dept. we are with its entry as than a we use to help needs and Banking Department, by PA dent Eric AT changed. ers rather separate with the their Licensed mean under have our customers OFFERED that fit #1561, owners.is most evident for a tour! people 50 priorities Vol. 5, No.Banking. ing options 15, 2017to |continue MLS#612139 This inNew solution from Vanderbilt generation, Multifamily ex- December have Friday, for Week ofand circumstances.” for housing don’t RB-13451, Content Inc. a new $1,790,000 younger the National found now check The ••• new Renters a monthly As demandprices on to rise, Rick Shaw Sponsoredand Finance, own. 30, who Council have of all rentout and never and adapted doling 808.639.0774 Mortgage continue they’ll changed creases, Housing for 50 percent it’s homes housing has firsthas something isting account U.S. market because a today’s the housing change, manufactured either. manufactured of ers in aren’t renting provides option, throughthe standards and short supThey with this in up to homebuyers affordable know options. time a more residents are going for a market affordable As manycountry, rents and 2015, up solution quality, ply of out the Between 2012 has gone rent and up. gross to $959. When the median rising

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— Flooring WASHINGTON U.S. mortgages this week.said percent Mac year fixed-rate to 3.93 Freddie 30slipped buyer from Mortgagethat the benchmark Rd. was down Ahukini Thursday loan rate and 4.16 perHwy & year home last week of Kuhio 3.94 percentago. corner fixed-raterefiyear On the cent a on 15-year, those The rate popular with unwas percent. mortgages, their homes, at 3.36 nancing this week year ago. a changed percent adjust3.37 Kauai It was on five-year to 3.36 Kim Chee/ Miki Macs; Haole Girl Sweets; Kauai The rate Cofee rose Roasters/ last week Monkeypod Jam; Hanalei mortgages Aunty Lilikoi;able-rate percent Kauai; Mailelanis; Moloa'a Bay Coffee; 3.35Kala Hakus 'O ago. Kula from Bakery, Flowers Express; Heavenly Rea year Kookies; Kopercent Payments. Lures; Salty Wahine; Tropical percentWater White the Federal monthly Precious Kreations/ and 3.19 interest On Wednesday, Minimum short-term in 2017. “The raised approval. in the serve third time priced for the to credit rates had already 9am-6pm interest - Subject Mon-Fri rates, market so long-term Available OPEN: Sat 10am-3pm mortgageKiefer, a rate hike, Financing including said Len rates, moved,” hardly Mac economist.mortgage average lenders Freddie To calculate Mac surveys Monbetween Freddie rates, week. the country each across Wednesday day and

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8.24 percent,

FRIDAY r 15, 2017


ers Inc. to Hartung Brothts statewide se staffing; marke Westside seed companies in the toties, increa for commercial A.G., Kauai’s with reduction to cts of Syngenta iden- — starting of firms from four research activi Kauai operations te closely tal number of an impending r of food produ to expand and t had been a Swiss conglomera three. Rumors GMO agriculture at DowDuPon DowDuPont ction scalethegrowe strains. tified with shake-up over pesticide Hartung Brothers Dow Meanwhile, seed developer that produyear by the merger of DuPont widely criticized its GMO and rife for weeks. Hybrids acquired de continue on Kauai Inc., a leading organic and conbecome a In 2016, Beck’s use. It will of BASF Corp., and E.I.

activities it Co. operations in the process produces GMO, for farmers, said Chemical and techother research into production the Kauai and Co., is al chemical operations ventional seeds nature of its Allan Parachini ISLAND Nemours internation as it diversifies corporate , one of the GARDEN ent an become a farming. dividing its A8 changing SPECIAL TO THE t announcem divi- of three new companies on ag- was operations and will food SEE CHANGE, of into of developThe DowDuPon Kauai — The agriculture focus exclusively scale grower l markets in a series KEKAHA t has announced which will and DuPont changing production was the third Both Dow operaare rapidly operations products for commercia beyond. sion of DowDuPon riculture. in its Kauai ments that and possibly previous expand its previously had separate focused on major changes the statewide, which it will here, inboth of which tions under Hartung acquired on Kauai, nt of improved genetiactivities as and soy Hawaii research on island by developme seed corn staffing creasing percent. cally modified 50 this much as created earlier The firm,

ons side beck The dark

, Abuse victim keiki need Christmas cheer

crowd Costumed what awaits anticipates characters their favorite night of

ISLAND in opening Wars movie been a viclatest Star bigail has for tim of abuse Jessica Else ISLAND many years. THE GARDEN wonderful notes of The “I have five the same guy,” The first with across the LIHUE — children have recently left March echoed Grove “I Kukui Imperial she said. in front of seeking counselon Thursday of speakers him and am I don’t have 3:30 p.m. Cinema at rose from the crowd exising and help. except my outside. and a cheer anything people waiting1 p.m. and I my children.” about 20 tence and hoping she will here since Jobe Al“I’ve been said Abigail is for this,” give her children got off work the inaugural be able to for the holidays. snagged the line for the len, who something need of clothing front of of “Star in place at the school screening They are and some 7 p.m. advancedJedi.” and shoes Last the saga The Wars: supplies. to keep my chilbeen watching he’s Allen has and said “I intend no matter was a child where 40 since he to see dren in school lead. CALL looking forward A8 RIBEwill of of storytelling SUBSC years at the front SEE ZONTA, TO alone He wasn’t Clarke arlong. Nick ISLAND about 1:30 the line for theater at.com / THE GARDEN famiFUJIMOTO enisland stake his rived at the DENNIS thegard Kalaheo to Value repp.m. from line. in and Kirra more imof Star ly’s spot smuggler, showing is entirely Clarke “This movie a is a Pantoran for the advance Rogue One,” is going Formanov they wait portant than important , Franceska Thursday while said. “SomethingLuke Skywalker.” of Rey, is Luke Skywalker light side 245-0433 happen with of Anahola, to Alex Formandark side and Caspillo, SUBSCRIBE is SkyJonathan CALL TO nd.com resents the Kukui Grove Cinema. character thegardenisla the said his favorite ——— Wars at SIDE, A4 Number 348 SEE DARK Volume 113





R 15, 2017



Days Shopping as

ds Alakai fin


a home

garden. governing for the comThe school’ssought agriculis a school eight to This that will put Kauai board of or rechallenged munity transfor- ture land, but free going to be century education d property 21st ahead of set to are duced-price to find. meet those collabora- mation.” who school was proved hard skills of creativity,tions, critiby When the ago, Brittany Steinbeck, lving ly approved tion, communica 10 months to problem-so unanimous moved here State Charter board cal thinking, the Hawaii n in 2016, the school’s open and caring.” will be at Kahili School Commissio were joinedthe charter school members help The school located year. a new school board Park, the following change the open in August past Kauai has Mountain working to KOLOA — the highway a “We’re the make this mauka of still to ending 2017. school. the school Public world needs said. “I came Maluhia Road, But in April, she Alakai O Kauaicontinues ena home. Blackhappen,” lengthy search.at so many didn’t have space was a Charter School for a grand toA8 “We looked last couple today SEE ALAKAI, to be in the well felt green rollment over students its places students. said. must for grow a tal of 165 and families years,” Blackwell out explore and “Kauai keiki said Kani “Dr. got children school. nature, coor- “We’vewaiting for this need a choice,” principal there, B” Blackwell, school. “They the of dinator

$1,250,000 3BR 2.5BA Living Area: 2,283 sqft Land Area: 1.81 acres MLS 641043 until Christm

Charter School open in 2018 John Steinhorst ISLAND THE GARDEN





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Ann Tremain RS-825354 (808) 639-3675 Very Private 3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath home with Approximately 2283 sq ft. Tiled Pool with Large Sunning Step and Gorgeous Waterfall, 2nd story Covered Lanai that runs full length of Great Room. Porte-Cochere Entrance Fruit Trees - Orange, Tangelo, Lemon, Fig, Coffee , Banana, Cherry and Macadamia. Separate detached deck with covered kitchen and dining, area. Serene pasture land and colorful mature tropical garden. Lots of room for growing Vegetables. A guest house of 500 sq ft may also be built on the property ( Check with county to verify ).

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