091820 Real Estate Directory

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Friday, September 18, 2020 Page 3

Comforting hues, flexible design Fall home decor trends




In recent years, brown anything in a living space was considered by some arbiters of decor as drab and outdated. But this fall the hue is back in favor, in part because of the unsettled, anxious state of the world. “Brown traditionally makes people feel comfortable and safe, and those are feelings that many of us are looking to our homes to provide,” says interior designer Dawn Hamilton of Oakland Park, Florida. It’s just one of the trends in decor this season, when the pandemic has made home an even more essential space for living, working, studying and more. Also on the watch list: flexible rooms, indoor and out. Cozy palette Hamilton says today’s brown palette is being used in new ways, as a neutral in all kinds of materials, and as an accent color. “Brown feels very earthy and rich. It’s warm and inviting, and has the same grounding properties as black, although it’s not quite as harsh,” she says. New York designer Becky Shea also cites brown’s organic versatility: “It’s a tone that works cohesively with neutrals as well as dark, bold tones like navy, graphite and black.” Eilyn Jimenez of Sire Design in Miami is adding a mocha brown vanity to the guest bathroom of a “minimalist, French chateau-style” home she’s designing. “It adds a layer of depth with a vintage feel,” she says. Don’t overdo brown, she

Hanamaulu IN ESCROW Princeville-$929,000 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 2,594 sq.ft. Lot Size: 11,078 sq.ft. Glen Kojima RS-80593 Glen@KauaiRealty.net MLS 636512

Hanamaulu-$510,000 4 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,428 sq.ft. Lot Size: 7,700 sq.ft. Eric N. Yama RS-10975 808-639-3414 MLS 637291



New York-based designer Glenn Gissler painted this New York loft in Benjamin Moore’s deep, rich Van Buren Brown, with columns and ceilings in crisp Decorator’s White. warns, but blend it with modern materials like marble for beautiful juxtapositions. “Bringing it in with light woods, leathers and other natural materials can help make a space feel timeless,” Jimenez says. Melissa Morgan of M Interiors in San Antonio, Texas, thinks brown’s rebirth is “a reaction to years of very light, tonal interiors. Clients are looking for warmth and sanctuary in their homes more than ever.” Lighter, yellowish browns, like caramel, often works well in leather. “In upholstery, we consider saddle leather to be a form of

brown that’s like a trusty pair of blue jeans — it goes with everything,” says Chicago designer Brynn Olson. Soft browns and caramels are also appearing in pillows, lamps and drapes. Caning is on trend too, says Amy Leferink of Interior Impressions in Woodbury, Minnesota. Colors like purples and blues, of any intensity, also complement brown. Comfort and flexibility “Home has always been a refuge for recharging and relaxing; it’s going to become even more so,” says architect Jeffrey Dungan of Birmingham, Alabama. The ideal room now, he says,

converts easily from family room to office, studio, guest room or self-quarantine space. Outdoor spaces, too, must be flexible. “Can we design outdoor spaces that still have privacy, which become oases to enjoy fresh air and sunlight without being in public?” says Dungan. Some designers say that because of quarantining and the variety of uses expected from rooms, they’re getting requests for more self-contained rooms. He says some clients want a separate entrance area, where shoes, clothing and belongings can be sequestered from the main living areas.

Puhi-$629,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,248 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,102 sq.ft. Mark K. Tanaka RB-9222 808-639-0367 MLS 641879 Kapaa-$825,000 2 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,102 sq.ft. Lot Size: 3.07 acres Carol C. Cummings RB-14915 808-651-4766 MLS 640834



Kapaa- $475,000 3 Bed/2 Ba Interior Area: 1,056 sqft Lot Size: 9.182 sq.ft. Daniel B. Kurisu RS-79218 808-652-7302 Maile Properties of Kauai MLS 633563

Koloa SOLD

Koloa-$549,000 3 Bed/1.5 Ba. Interior Area: 1,074 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,438 sq.ft. Mayu Tomizawa RS-67283 808-634-8765 MLS 636230

Waimea- $225,000 Lot Size: 9,285 sq.ft. Daniel Kurisu (S) RS-79218 808-652-7302 MLS 635569

Waimea - $525,000 2 bed/2 ba, 1,060 sq ft Kelly Liberatore, (B) RB-17674 (808) 639-2061 Coldwell Banker Island Properties MLS# 296411

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Lihue-$649,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 2096 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,428 sq.ft. Ashley Carvalho RS-73535 808-639-9307 MLS 636748

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Page 4 Friday, September 18, 2020



Public Auctions

Public Auctions

Established in 1921, Goodfellow Bros. (GBI) is a large heavy-civil contractor with operations throughout Hawaii. GBI has always maintained that our employees are our greatest asset and we are now seeking to add to our team. Our Kauai region in Koloa, HI is looking for an individual to join our team as a





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noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. (We are closed Saturdays and Sundays).

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UNIT# OCCUPANT NAME 18638 Adam Walter 13415 Nicole Smith (TGI195494 9/18, 9/25/20)

Deadlines: Regular, single-column classifieds in The Garden Island can be placed until 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

AMOUNT OWED $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00


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noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. (We are closed Saturdays and Sundays).

Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct Best Prices for noon on Friday for Sundayand and Monday.Please (We are advertisers, The or Garden Island does the right to edit, Monday. callclosed your sales executive 246-0325 for reserve or cancel a Friday real estate/rental single-column ad, please Statutes, the and construction Sundays). deadlines for larger, multi-column refuse, reject, or cancel any ad at any time. All ads areon subject ads. call by noon Thursday. 29 Years GuaranteedSaturdaysbyandGreenwood to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses Homes of Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To cancel or change Check your ad foroferrors the first day it runs in the paper. Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct or expenses resulting from publication errors or omission Call C&S for all yourThe an ad in the Garden Island, call us by 4:45pm on Monday, We are unable to or cancelthat a Friday real estate/rental time. All ads are subject to approval prior toissue credit for errors reported after the certain Single single-column Family ad, please an ad atforanythe following day, first day of publication. While we try to accommodate our publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting on Thursday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday glass needs! call by noon Residence, situated at from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate DEVOE PAINTS Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To change Check your ad for errors the first day it runs in the paper. cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject Allcancel majororcredit Ka Ho’okui Pl, an ad in the Garden Island, call us by 4:45pm on Monday, We are 5751 unable to issue credit for errors reported after the to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. cards accepted Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, first dayKoloa, of publication. While weTMK: try to 2accommodate our HI 96756, SPECI AL PLANT SALE 822-2162 or 822-5247 6-017-043, has been Fruit Trees and

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Legal Notices


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If you are not currently receiving a home exemption, you may file a claim for the exemption to reduce the real property assessment on your home. To be eligible, you must occupy your property as your principal home. Must have own In order for the exemption to be effective in the next year 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 , the claim must be filed by transportation. September 30, 2020 . Others who may be eligible for an exemption and are affected by the September 30, 2020 deadline include: Hansen’s disease sufferers, totally disabled veterans, property owners who are deaf, blind or totally disabled, nonprofit organizations, low & moderateincome housing projects, safe room, kuleana, home preservation tax limitation, and additional home exemption relating to owner-occupants’ income. In order to qualify for an exemption, the document by which the property was acquired (i.e., deed, lease, agreement of sale, etc.) must be recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances on or before September 30, 2020. To expedite the filing process, the claimant should know the tax map key number of the property. A change in ownership or use, such as the sale or rental of the property, voids the exemption and must be reported to the assessor within 30 days. Failure to notify the assessor of the change subjects the claimant to back taxes and a civil penalty for each year that the change remains unreported. Exemption claim forms are available at 4444 Rice AKC Shih Tzus New Arrivals St., Suite 454, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766 or on our 9/15/20 & NKC Soon.F/M $3K.Dep.req. Serious inq. website www.kauaipropertytax.com . For additional information, call 241-4224. only.Call 808-645-0229 (TGI1291672 9/16, 9/18/20)


Public Hearings

Deadlines: Regular, single-column classifieds in The Garden Island can be placed until 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Project Engineer

The Project Engineer (PE) is responsible for administrating the technical aspects of assigned projects and works closely with owners, subcontractors, vendors, utility companies and local state and federal agencies to ensure work is being completed on schedule and onMERCHAN budget. The PE DISE also works harmoniously with the craft and salary employees creating a team environment, and may supervise other employees. Please apply at

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Legal above ground septic tank systems Call for more info: w/dry compost or flush toilets $700+ WAILUA HOMESTEAD, Tashi 808-652-0551 888-341-0782 KOLOA TOWN,


Business Hours Call Center

Monday–Friday; 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct Deadlines: noon on Friday for SundayandandMonday. Monday.Please (We are advertisers, The or Garden Island does the right to edit, callclosed your sales executive 246-0325 for reserve or cancel a Friday real estate/rental single-column ad, please Regular, refuse, All ads areonsubject WEsingle-column classifieds in The Garden Island can Saturdays and Sundays). deadlines for larger, multi-column ads.reject, or cancel any ad at any time. call by noon Thursday. be placed until 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses GLADLY Subscribe today Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To resulting cancel or Check ad foroferrors the first day it runs in the paper. and Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct or expenses fromchange publication errors your or omission ACCEPT: an ad insingle-column the Gardenad,Island, 4:45pm on ads Monday, Wetoare unable and Monday. Please call your sales executive or 246-0325 for or cancel a Friday real estate/rental please call an us ad by at any time. All are subject approval priorto toissue credit for errors reported after the for We theare following day, day of publication. While we try to accommodate our deadlines for larger, multi-column ads. publication. not liable for lossesfirst or expenses resulting call by noon on Thursday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday thegardenisland.com from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To cancel or change Check your ad for errors the first day it runs in the paper. cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject an ad in the Garden Island, call us by 4:45pm on Monday, We are unable to issue credit for errors reported after the to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, first day of publication. While we try to accommodate our

OWNER’S NOTICE OF FOR AS LITTLE AS Recycled Appliances Business Hours Call Center COMPLETION OF Washers,Dryers, CONTRACT WE Stoves & GLADLY ACCEPT: $250+ Refrigerators NOTICE IS HEREBY A WEEK Tankless Gas Hot * that pursuant to the ON ALL MERCHANDISE ADSGIVEN *Restrictions Water Heaters $175 may apply. Call for details. Provisions of Section 507C&S Glass & Screen Business Hours Call Center Tashi 808-652-0551 43, of the Hawaii Revised Monday–Friday; 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. *Restrictions may apply. Call for details.

Notice is hereby given to sections 507-65 & 507-66 of MERCHAN part III self-service storage facilities DISE State of Hawaii DISE that Rosa Storage, LLC Self-Storage will sell by competitive bidding on/after Oct. 10, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. property belonging to those listed below. Auction will be held at 931 Kipuni Way, Kapaa, Hawaii 96746. Property will be sold as follows: Used household ANNOUNCE goods, furniture, personal items, clothing, electronics, MENTSMERCHAN tools, equipment and miscellaneous unknown boxes DISE belonging to the following: Stay



Public Hearings

Public Hearings

Notice of Public Hearing The Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC), State of Hawaii, will hold a statewide public hearing to accept comments on the existing Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC), and proposed amendments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HHFDC shall hold the public hearing remotely by conference call commencing at 9:30 AM HST on Friday, October 23, 2020. Interested members of the public are invited to submit written comments or to participate in the public hearing conference call by using the following toll free call-in number: Call in Number: (888) 482-3560 Participant Code: 5870602 The proposed QAP is to be effective for 2021. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and to state their views relative to the QAP, either orally or in writing. Those wishing to comment on the QAP during the conference call, are requested to give prior notice to HHFDC by sending an email to jocelyn.k.iwamasa@hawaii.gov no later than 4:30 PM HST the day before the hearing. HHFDC reserves the right to limit comments to 10 minutes per commentator. Those wishing to submit written comments should do so by sending them to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Attn: Finance Branch, 677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to the email address shown above.

Kukui’ula Kauai LLC Owner(s) (TGI1294949 9/11, 9/18/20)


advertisers, The Garden Island does reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject, or cancel any ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omission of an ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed.


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The Judicial Selection Commission, State of Hawai’i, announces that the term of the Honorable Sabrina S. McKenna as Associate Justice, Supreme Court, State of Hawai’i, will expire on March 2, 2021. Associate Justice McKenna, in accordance with Section 3, Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Hawai’i, has petitioned to be retained in office and to be renewed for an additional term. The Constitution of the State of Hawai’i empowers the Commission to determine whether Associate Justice McKenna should be retained in office for an additional term of ten years. The Commission invites interested persons to submit written comments or fill out an evaluation form on whether Associate Justice McKenna should be retained in office for a new term. All written comments and evaluation forms will be kept CONFIDENTIAL . Please visit the Commission’s website to access and fill out the form JS-P-081, Judicial Retention Evaluation Form . Written comments and/or form JS-P-081 must be postmarked or faxed by November 10, 2020 to: Commission Chair Ronette Kawakami, Esq. Judicial Selection Commission State of Hawai’i 417 South King Street Honolulu, Hawai’i, 96813 FAX: (808) 538-5205 Website: http://www.courts.state.hi.us/courts/ judicial_selection_commission (TGI1294943 9/13, 9/14, 9/15, 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/20/20) NOTICE OF ANTICIPATED JUDICIAL VACANCY The Judicial Selection Commission is accepting applications and nominations for the anticipated judicial vacancy in the office of the Associate Judge, Intermediate Court of Appeals, State of Hawai‘i . The Constitution of the State of Hawai‘i requires that the persons selected by the Commission be residents and citizens of the State of Hawai‘i and of the United States, and have been licensed to practice law by the Hawai‘i Supreme Court. An associate judge of the Intermediate Court of Appeals shall have been licensed for a period of not less than ten years preceding nomination. Nominators : The Commission also invites persons to nominate qualified individuals for the position. Mail your nomination to the address below with the nominee’s full name and mailing address as soon as possible and not later than the nomination deadline of October 26, 2020 . Applicants : The Commission invites anyone who meets the constitutional requirements and is interested in the position to apply directly to the Commission. Applicants are not required to nominate themselves. TO APPLY : Please visit the Commission’s website and fill out form JS-P-084, the Application for Judicial Office Form. The application must be postmarked to the address below on or before the ap p licatio n deadline of December 10, 2020 .

Commission Chair Ronette M. Kawakami, Esq. Judicial Selection Commission State of Hawai‘i 417 South King Street Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Website: https://www.courts.state.hi.us/courts/ A copy of the QAP with the proposed amendments is available for review on the judicial_selection_commission HHFDC website at www.hawaii.gov.dbedt/hhfdc . To receive a copy by mail, call (TGI1295065 9/13, 9/14, 9/15, 9/16, 9/17, Sherrie Kagawa at one of the telephone numbers below: 9/18, 9/20/20) 587-0567 (Oahu) 274-3141, ext. 70567 (Kauai) 984-2400, ext. 70567 (Maui) 974-4000, ext. 70567 (Hawaii) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT 1-800-468-4644, ext. 70567 (Molokai or Lanai)



$3,000,000 Lot Size: 28.15 acres MLS 641772


STATE OF HAWAII If access or communication assistance and/or services (e.g., large print, taped materials, sign language interpreter, or translator) are required to participate in this SUMMONS public hearing, please contact the HHFDC’s Departmental Personnel Office at (808) 587-0501, by email at hhfdchr@hawaii.gov, or by written request at least ten (10) business days before the meeting. Prompt requests help to ensure the availability STATE OF HAWAII of appropriate accommodations. To: Defendant DAVID V. MOE JR. Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Plaintiff Denise Iseri-Matsubara KAUAI GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT Executive Director UNION, a federally chartered credit union, filed a Complaint (Assumpsit - Money Owed); Declaration; Exhibits 1, 2 & 3; and Summons against you in Civil No. RC 19-1-0382, in the District Court of the Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii, praying for judgment for sums due and owing for nonpayment of a signature loan, (TGI1295509 9/18/20) interest, late fees, costs and attorneys’ fees and for other proper relief. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the Courtroom of the Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court, Kauai, Hawaii, on Monday, the 9th day of COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING COMMISSION - 4444 Rice Street, Suite A473, November, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. of said day or to file an Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, 96766, tel: (808) 241-4050, fax: (808) 241-6699, email: answer or other pleading and serve it before said day planningdepartment@kauai.gov. Pursuant to the provisions of Special Management upon SHERMAN SHIRAISHI, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose Area Rules and Regulations of the County of Kauai and Kauai County Code, Chapter address is 2403 Ulu Maika Street, Lihue, Hawaii, 8, as amended, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 91, and the Rules of Practice and 96766. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will Procedure of the County of Kauai Planning Commission, notice is hereby given that be taken against you for the relief demanded in the the County of Kauai Planning Commission (“Commission”) will hold a public Complaint. DATED: Lihue, Hawaii, September 3, 2020. hearing on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. by Microsoft Teams Audio: +1-469-848-0234, Conference ID: 236 981 075# to hear testimony /s/ Debra Manini and comments from all interested persons regarding the following: CLERK OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT 1. Special Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2021-1, Class IV Zoning 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9/20) Permit Z-IV-2021-3, and Use Permit U-2021-2 to allow operation of a retail facility, (TGI1294813 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT conduct agriculture tours & host community events, and associated site improvements that include an unimproved parking area on parcels situated on the STATE OF HAWAII mauka side Kuhio Highway in Hanalei Town, approx. 900 ft. east of the Kuhio Highway/Aku Road intersection, further identified as 5-5067 Kuhio Highway, Tax SUMMONS Map Keys: (4) 5-5-009:013 & 5-4-003:001 (Por.), and affecting a total area of 13.54 acres. 2. Special Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2021-2, Class IV Zoning STATE OF HAWAII Permit Z-IV-2021-4, and Use Permit U-2021-3 to allow installation of a statute of King Kaumualii within the Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historic Park in Waimea, To: Defendant LINCOLN NIAU along the makai side of Kaumualii Highway, approx. 800 ft. east of Waimea Town, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Plaintiff further identified as Tax Map Key: (4) 1-7-005:003, and containing a total area of KAUAI GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT 17.26 acres. All persons may present testimony for or against any application as public UNION, a federally chartered credit union, filed a witnesses. Such testimony should be made in writing and presented to the Complaint (Assumpsit - Money Owed); Declaration; Department prior to the hearing. Late written testimony may be submitted up to Exhibits 1, 2 & 3; and Summons against you in Civil seven days after the close of the hearing in cases where the Commission does not No. RC 19-1-0367, in the District Court of the Fifth take action on the same day as the hearing. Any party may be represented by Circuit, State of Hawaii, praying for judgment for sums counsel if he or she so desires. Also, individuals may appear on their own behalf, a due and owing for nonpayment of an auto loan, member of a partnership may represent the partnership, and an officer or interest, late fees, costs and attorneys’ fees and for authorized employee of a corporation or trust or association may represent the other proper relief. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the corporation, trust or association. Petitions for intervenor status must be submitted to the Commission and the applicant at least seven days prior to the date of the Courtroom of the Presiding Judge of the above-entitled hearing advertised herein and shall be in conformance with Chapter 4 of the Rules Court, Kauai, Hawaii, on Monday, the 9th day of of Practice and Procedure of the Planning Commission. A copy of the proposal will November, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. of said day or to file an be emailed to any interested person who requests a copy. Please submit your answer or other pleading and serve it before said day request to the Planning Department. KAUAI PLANNING COMMISSION, Glenda upon SHERMAN SHIRAISHI, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 2403 Ulu Maika Street, Lihue, Hawaii, Nogami-Streufert, Chairperson, By Kaaina S. Hull, Clerk of the Commission. NOTE: IF YOU NEED AN AUXILIARY AID/SERVICE, OTHER ACCOMMODATION 96766. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will DUE TO A DISABILITY, OR AN INTERPRETER FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING be taken against you for the relief demanded in the PERSONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AT (808) Complaint. DATED: Lihue, Hawaii, September 3, 2020. 241-4917 OR ASEGRETI@KAUAI.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REQUESTS MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WILL ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. /s/ Debra Manini UPON REQUEST, THIS NOTICE IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATE FORMATS SUCH AS CLERK OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR ELECTRONIC COPY. (TGI1294811 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9/20) (SA/TGI/HTH/WHT1294135 9/18/20)


Ann Tremain RS-82535 (808) 639-3675 360º View of Ocean, Sunrise, Sunset, Niihau & Mountains all included ready and waiting for you to build an amazing safe house, estate home or family compound. Can possibly put 7 units on property if CPRed - Please check with county. Maybe the most spectacular view property left on the South Side of Kauai.

Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice


Lihue $389,000 Lot Size: 9,034 sqft MLS 640664 Jesse Fukushima, RS-71180 (808) 482-0325

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Only lot within Puakea I subdivision that is available. Close to shopping centers, golf course and all the amenities that the Lihue region can offer. Buyer need to do their due diligence on all cc&r’s that is attached to Puakea I subdivision. Property has been staked (8/14/20). Seller will not pay for staking.

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