092520 Real Estate Directory

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Page 4 Friday, September 25, 2020



Home costs don’t stop at a down payment space.” Begin to budget for renovations, especially if you need to hire a general contractor. Wolf recommends getting on the contractor’s schedule during their low season and buying some items when they happen to be on sale, even if the installation has to wait.

Sara Rathner NERDWALLET If you’re saving for your first home, there’s no shortage of advice out there — some of it questionable, even if you do have an avocado toast habit. Still, it’s true that your down payment may be the biggest check you ever write. But once you move in, it’s also true that the cash tends to just keep flying out of your bank account like that money-with-wings emoji. If you drain your savings on closing day, you’ll have to delay furnishings or repairs, to say nothing of less-pressing cosmetic changes. A sizable cash cushion makes the cost of owning a home more manageable. But even if you lack that cushion, it helps to at least know what to expect and what else you may need to finance or start saving for again. Here’s what I learned. Things will break I’ve lost count of the handymen, electricians and plumbers who have paraded through the home my husband and I bought in October 2019. As I type this, our dryer is being repaired for the second time since we moved in. All told, we’ve spent around $1,300 on small fixes. Repairing issues yourself is cost-effective, but only if you know what you’re doing. If a repair involves dangerous work, or you lack the skills and equipment to do it safely and correctly, hire a licensed and insured professional. What should you do? w Pay close attention to the home inspection. “Leaking roofs, mold, electrical and plumbing issues are the mostly commonly noted concerns on an inspection


A homeowner tours their new home, in Washingtonville, N.Y. report,” says Day Coker, owner of house running.” AC by Day C, an HVAC maintenance You’ll want to make your and repair company based in High house a home Point, North Carolina. If the inspecAs a renter, you may have put up tion turns up issues, negotiate with with lumpy sofas or rickety chairs, the seller to either repair them or thinking eventually you’d have lower the selling price. “real” furniture in your own home w Find out the age of major applilike the kind you see at a carefully ances. When you can estimate how staged open house. But you’re purmany years an appliance has left, chasing a structure; the furnishings you can save up for its replacetypically don’t come with it. ment. We spent around $8,000 on furniw Create a repair fund. Aim to ture this year. save around $5,000, says Chelsea Another sneaky expense? Lipford Wolf, co-host of the “ToSmaller accessories like towel day’s Homeowner” TV show and racks, shower curtains, shelves, creator of “Checking In With Cheland storage bins that make a space sea,” a home improvement blog functional. and video series. “That would cover most home systems that you What should you do? would need to repair to keep your w Save on furniture and decor.

Brand-new, solid wood furniture is expensive, but antiques are well-constructed and can be had for a fraction of the price. Between antique stores, estate sales and Craigslist, we spent less to score high-quality pieces. w Do the small stuff yourself. When in doubt, watch a tutorial on YouTube or ask for guidance at a hardware store. I’ve hung art, shelving and curtain rods, and our current project is painting our guest room, which doubles as my office. We hire a handyman only for more complicated work. w Plan for the big stuff. “Beyond the first year, that’s when you see people taking on bigger projects,” Wolf says. “They’ve had a chance to live in their house and use the

Even ‘move-in-ready’ homes need work A new neighbor told me she spent $500 on an electrician to replace older, ungrounded electrical outlets throughout her house. We lucked out with modern outlets, but not enough of them. We hired an electrician at $75 an hour to install more than a dozen additional outlets. Neither our house nor our neighbor’s was sold as a fixer-upper. “The first year of homeownership is usually spent finding out all of the flaws you didn’t notice during open house and the final walkthrough,” Coker says. What should you do? w Be nosy at the open house. Pepper the real estate agent with questions, flip all the light switches and open all the closets. Look for furniture in an illogical place, which may be covering damage. “It’s perfectly acceptable to lift up a rug to make sure there’s nothing funky under there,” Wolf says. w Assess what can wait for later. Your home inspector can identify what needs to be fixed now and what can wait. You can begin saving for future renovations while you make do with the cramped kitchen or lackluster backyard. w Don’t put off maintenance. Little issues balloon into expensive repairs. Routine maintenance on even new appliances and systems can help them last longer and run more efficiently.

Mortgage rates tick up to 2.9%, remain at historic lows ASSOCIATED PRESS SILVER SPRING, Md. — U.S. average rates on long-term mortgages rose slightly this week but remain at historically low levels. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average rate on the 30-year home loan edged up to 2.90% from 2.87% last week. One year ago, the rate averaged 3.64%. The average rate on the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage also rose, to 2.40% from 2.35% last week. Low interest rates have made demand for housing even stronger, but supply remains scarce. The National Association of Realtors reported Wednesday that the number of existing homes for sale in August was 1.49 million units, a decline of 18.6% from this time last year. Although sales of existing homes rose 2.4% in August to its highest level since 2006, the lack of inventory is pushing prices higher, causing some concern. NAR said the median price for an existing single-family home reached $315,000 in August, up 11.7% from last year.

US homes sales rise 2.4% in August ASSOCIATED PRESS SILVER SPRING, Md. — Sales of existing homes rose 2.4% in August to its highest level since 2006 as the housing market recovers from a widespread shutdown in the spring brought on by the coronavirus outbreak. The National Association of Realtors said Tuesday that sales rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6 million homes sold last month. Sales are up 10.5% from a year ago and back to pre-COVID-19 levels of early 2020. Although the pace of sales has slowed significantly after back-toback months of more than 20% gains, it’s the third straight monthly gain after big, consecutive declines in March, April and May. The median price for an existing single-family home reached $315,000 in August, up 11.7% from August 2019. Last month was the first time the median price for a home breached $300,000.

Is now the right time to refinance your mortgage? Consolidate your debt with a lower payment. You can get some of the lowest rates in the state, plus your money stays on Kaua‘i.

Visit us online at www.kgefcu.org to learn more. Anyone can be eligible for membership with KGEFCU






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Waimea- $225,000 Kapaa- $475,000 Cemetery Grounds Lihue-$649,000 Lot Size: 9,285 sq.ft. advertisers, The Garden Island does reserve the right to edit, 3 Bed/2 Ba Maintenance 3 Bed/2 Ba. Daniel Kurisu (S)any ad at anyF/P refuse, reject, or cancel time. All ads are subject Interior Area: 1,056 sqft shifts available. Interior Area: 2096 sq.ft. RS-79218 to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses Lot Size: 9.182 sq.ft. M-F. at of or expenses resulting from publication errors Inquire or omission Lot Size: 8,428 sq.ft. 808-652-7302 Daniel B. Kurisu 4716to Maalo an ad at any time. All ads are subject approvalRd. priorLihue to Ashley Carvalho MLS 635569 RS-79218 HI 808-245-3661 publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting RS-73535 from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate to approval prior to publication.808-652-7302 We are not liable for losses 808-639-9307 Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To resulting cancel or change Check ad foroferrors the first day it runs in the paper. cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject or expenses from publication errors your orof omission The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct Maile Properties Kauai 636748 an ad in the Gardenad,Island, 4:45pm on ads Monday, Wetoare unable to toissue credit MLS for errors reported after the to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. or cancel a Friday real estate/rental single-column please call an us ad by at any time. All are MLS subject approval prior 633563 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, first day of publication. While we try to accommodate our

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Across From Kauai Community College

4490 Puhi Road, Lihue Mon-Fri 7:30am to 4pm Sat 8am to 12 Noon

Your locally owned paint store. Serving the people of Kauai for over 24 years!

2 Bed/1 Ba. Interior Area: 833 sq.ft. Lot Size: 3,534 sq.ft. Ashley M. Carvalho RS-73535 808-639-9307 MLS 639730

Koloa SOLD


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AKC Shih Tzus Male $3K. Deposite req. Serious inquries, only in Hawaii. Call 808-645-0229

Kapaa Koloa-$549,000 3 Bed/1.5 Ba. Interior Area: 1,074 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,438 sq.ft. Mayu Tomizawa RS-67283 808-634-8765 MLS 636230

Appliances Puhi



Legal above ground septic tank systems w/dry compost or flush toilets $700+ Tashi 808-652-0551 888-341-0782

Apartments For Rent Lihue-$649,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 2096 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,428 sq.ft. Mark Tanaka RS-9222 808-639-0367 MLS 636748

Puhi-$605,000 3 Bed/3 Ba. Interior Area: 1,395 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,835 sq.ft. Carol Cummings RB-14915 kauairealty@gmail.com MLS 635202

KAPAA: The Courtyards at Waipouli 1, 2, & 3bd units, granite counters, custom cabinets, stainless appls, solar hot water, walk to beach & Kintaro. PETS OK Call for availability (808) 822-1300 www.courtyardsatwaipouli.com


Legals / Public Notices Summons





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Public Auctions


Notice is hereby given to sections 507-65 & 507-66 of part III self-service storage facilities State of Hawaii that Rosa Storage, LLC Self-Storage will sell by competitive bidding on/after Oct. 10, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. property belonging to those listed below. Auction STATE OF HAWAII will be held at 931 Kipuni Way, Kapaa, Hawaii 96746. Property will be sold as follows: Used household To: Defendant DAVID V. MOE JR. goods, furniture, personal items, clothing, electronics, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Plaintiff tools, equipment and miscellaneous unknown boxes KAUAI GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT belonging to the following: UNION, a federally chartered credit union, filed a OCCUPANT NAME AMOUNT OWED Complaint (Assumpsit - Money Owed); Declaration; UNIT# Adam Walter $ 1,000.00 Exhibits 1, 2 & 3; and Summons against you in Civil 18638 Nicole Smith $ 1,000.00 No. RC 19-1-0382, in the District Court of the Fifth 13415 Circuit, State of Hawaii, praying for judgment for sums (TGI195494 9/18, 9/25/20) due and owing for nonpayment of a signature loan, interest, late fees, costs and attorneys’ fees and for other proper relief. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the Courtroom of the Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court, Kauai, Hawaii, on Monday, the 9th day of November, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. of said day or to file an answer or other pleading and serve it before said day upon SHERMAN SHIRAISHI, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 2403 Ulu Maika Street, Lihue, Hawaii, 96766. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED: Lihue, Hawaii, September 3, 2020. AIRPORT OPERATIONS CONTROLLER II /s/ Debra Manini (Lihue, Kauai) CLERK OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT Salary: $3,185.00 Monthly (TGI1294813 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9/20) (Job Number: DOT-AIR-2020-33) STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS

Recycled Appliances Washers,Dryers, Stoves & Refrigerators $250+ Tankless Gas Hot Water Heaters $175 Tashi 808-652-0551

Garage & Lanai Sales Saturday - Sept. 26th 8am -12noon 2848 Awapuhi Street No Early Birds! Clothing ,furniture, kitchen gadgets, some plants, cook books galore & misc.







Rolling Meadows, Kapa‘a Homesteads Land Area: 3.70 acres Living Area: 1,102 sq. ft. Bed/Ba: 2/2 LIST PRICE: $825,000 MLS 640834

Waimea - $525,000 2 bed/2 ba, 1,060 sq ft Kelly Liberatore, (B) RB-17674 (808) 639-2061 Coldwell Banker Island Properties MLS# 296411

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Kapaa-$1,250,000 3 Bed/2.5 Ba. Interior Area: 2,283 sq.ft. Lot Size:1.81 acres Ann Tremain RS-82535 808-639-3675 MLS 641043

Princeville-$1,599,900 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 3,925 sq.ft. Lot Size: 20,093 sq.ft. Jesse Fukushima RS-71180 808-482-0325 MLS 632144



Kapaa $394,000 Interior Area: 590 sq.ft. MLS 642400 Mark K. Tanaka, RB-9222 (808) 639-0367 Ted T. Miura, RB-12398 (808) 652-6698

A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Kauai Kailani 205 A full kitchen with stainless appliances for your use or for your visitors ... this is one of a kind oceanfront unit with an elevator which overlooks the pool and ocean ... stroll along the white sandy beach and look for glass balls along the “kiddie” tidal pond ... this well-maintained 2 bedroom unit is a very short walk to everything including shopping, post office and numerous restaurants ... includes a dedicated parking stall #2 for your use or your visitor ... This is a must see ...

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Plaintiff KAUAI GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, a federally chartered credit union, filed a Complaint (Assumpsit - Money Owed); Declaration; Exhibits 1, 2 & 3; and Summons against you in Civil No. RC 19-1-0367, in the District Court of the Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii, praying for judgment for sums due and owing for nonpayment of an auto loan, interest, late fees, costs and attorneys’ fees and for other proper relief. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the Courtroom of the Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court, Kauai, Hawaii, on Monday, the 9th day of November, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. of said day or to file an answer or other pleading and serve it before said day upon SHERMAN SHIRAISHI, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 2403 Ulu Maika Street, Lihue, Hawaii, 96766. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DATED: Lihue, Hawaii, September 3, 2020. /s/ Debra Manini CLERK OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT (TGI1294811 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9/20)


GLASS & GLAZING LLC 1770 Haleukana Street Suite 102 Lihue, HI 96766 Supplier of glass products and hardware. Repairs & installation.

Joni Hamada-Patricio, Member Noel Patricio, Member License No. C-30983

Ph. (808) 245-8793 Fax (808) 245-3642

The Department of Transportation is seeking individuals with experience controlling aircraft parking and movement, enforcing regulations and operating radio communications to maintain safety and operational efficiency in airport ground operations areas. Must have experience inspecting runways, airfields and aircraft parking and maintaining logs and records. Minimum Qualifications: To qualify, you must meet ALL of the following requirements: General Experience : Two (2) years’ work experience which demonstrates the following abilities: (1) meet and deal effectively with people; (2) understand and apply various rule and regulations; (3) prepare reports; AND (4) act effectively in emergencies. Specialized Experience : One (1) year work experience in (1) airport ground operation control work which includes the assignment and control of aircraft parking positions; (2) direction and control of the movement of aircraft and vehicles on the ramp; (3) inspection of runways; AND (4) inspection of airfields and aircraft parking ramps and (5) enforcement of aircraft and vehicular operational rule and regulations.

Stay Informed

State/City & State/City & County Jobs County Jobs

For more information and to apply, go to https://jobs.hawaii.gov/careers/ An Equal Opportunity Employer/AA/Minority/ Female/Disability/Veteran (TGI/KMW1295692 9/20, 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/30/20) Established in 1921, Goodfellow Bros. (GBI) is a large heavy-civil contractor with operations throughout Hawaii. GBI has always maintained that our employees are our greatest asset and we are now seeking to add to our team. Our Kauai region in Koloa, HI is looking for an individual to join our team as a

Project Engineer

The Project Engineer (PE) is responsible for administrating the technical aspects of assigned projects and works closely with owners, subcontractors, vendors, utility companies and local state and federal agencies to ensure work is being completed on schedule and on budget. The PE also works harmoniously with the craft and salary employees creating a team environment, and may supervise other employees. Please apply at


EOE Minority, Female, Disabled & Veteran Employer

Completion of Contract OWNER’S NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONTRACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Provisions of Section 507-43, of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, the construction by RB General Contracting of that certain Single Family Dwelling situated at 2589 Na’u Place, Lihue, Hawaii, TMK: 3-3-20-06, has been completed. Scott & Sandra Kouchi Owner(s) (TGI1296223 9/25, 10/2/20)

Page 6 Friday, September 25, 2020



A Guide to Home BuildingWater and Remodeling Best Shade-Loving Garden Plants for Kaua‘i Roofing Supplies

By Ken Bernard and Sarah Herring Furniture of Garden Ponds Nursery

Shady or sunny? When it comes to water gardening it really does not matter. Furniture at Water gardens can work in Quality any location. Kama‘aina Prices. Residential, It is always best to ask, ‘how muchCommercial, sun Vacation Rentals does your location get? This will guide 4-1624 Kuhio you to the plants that will work. AftHighway, er Kapaa all, we want you to be successful! Try to 808-822-7766 monitor the amount of lightwww.otsukas.com your area is receiving with visual observation or even apps such as Sun Seeker that can help you to do so with accuracy. Construction What can we do for the areas of our gardensLuis that and are inEddie partial shade (1.5-4 hours of sun) or full shade (less than 1.5 Soltren Construction hours of sun)? Oftentimes it is these lessProven Quality glamourous shady areas of our gardens and homes that needs a little lift, a little 808-639-4836 life (a little mana so to speak). Its these www.soltren construction.com Lic. Nos. BC13867, BC17338

shady areas that beg the question, what water-garden plants will work in lowerlight situations? How do I breathe life into these areas with shade-loving water gardens?

not part of the Taro family, yet the shape of its leaves looks like one. It has a shiny waxy leaf and will grow up out of the water as the plant matures.

4-1525 Kuhio Hwy, Kapaa A variegated hala

flowers that are one day blossoms, yet the bloom is a succession of sprigs - so youUnion will get 10-16 blossoms, one after Credit


(Pandanus baptistii) is Loans 808-378-4446 another shade plant that will grow with We asked for Ken’s top picks for shade at www.aloharoofingsupply.com no direct sunlight. We prefer a Japanese loving water-garden plants. Here is what Favorable variety we carry since the darker the he had to say: location the whiter the variegation, where Rates! One of the best flowering shade-loving the local varieties stay yellow. Hala is a 245-2463 plants is the peace lily (Spathiphyllum). long-term plant that will go up on its www.kgefcu.org It can flourish in no direct sunlight and A shade-loving water garden stilts and create quite a Hawaiian look tolerate water up to its crown. The darker in your shaded pond or water-container the location, the darker the leaves will another. It can tolerate up to 4-5 hours of garden. become. If it has direct sunlight it would sun, but the pads will grow smaller. We have a giant iris variety that does not prefer morning sun for up to 3 hours or Another flowering plant that we have had bloom and can get up to 5 feet tall in low afternoon sun for up to 2 hours. If the Flooring success with are Anthuriums (Anthurium light when let to go wild in the muck of location is too dark, it will not do well. andraeanum). We carry varieties that a big pond. In a two-gallon pot of dirt tolerate their ankles in water and will Chinese Taro or sometimes called it can get 2 feet tall in low light and in grow up out of the water as it matures. A 3 hours of morning sun or 2 hours of ‘Buddha Heart’ (Alocasia cucullata) is red blossom with a yellow stamen creates 808-245-8808 afternoon sun it can get 16-18 inches tall. 3-3222look Kuhio an amazing tropical in Hwy, a shaded It does need about an hour of sun or two Lihue water container garden. hours of filtered light to do well. Kauaifloors.com Honourable mentions go to Umbrella Dark leaf Taro (Colocasia esculenta) also License # C-32054 Palm, Penny Wort, Sagitaria, Horse Tail, tolerates low-light areas with no direct Zepher Lily, Water Poppy, Cardamom, sunlight. Good reflected light will help and Water Lettuce, Acorus or ‘Sweet Flag’ keep the taro more natural-looking since which you can read about on our blog the leaves tend to face the sun. We carry post at: http://www.gardenpondskauai. a black and cranberry colored taro. If com/hawaii-shade-water-plants you get 2 -3 hours of sun, mixing in a green taro really gives you a nice groupBe sure to stop by to find the perfect planting with a lot of color. ceramic from our new shipment, to create your shade-loving water garden today! White or yellow fringe (Nymphoides indica) will grow well with no direct We are open Sunday 12-5pm and you can visit our website at sunlight and the pads can be up to 10” gardenpondskauai.com or call us at across and can look like water lily pads. 808-828-6400 for more information. Its blossoms look like miniature silk


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