111320 Real Estate Directory

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Page 4 Friday, November 13, 2020



5 tips to save on energy costs ably in a cooler room (around 65 degrees Fahrenheit), so automatically lowering your thermostat at night during the fall and winter could mean both better sleep and lower utility bills.

BRANDPOINT Home may be where the heart is, but the higher energy bills from staying home 24/7 are causing households across the country a hefty case of heartburn. The hot summer months were tough enough, but as we head into the cold winter months, we’re in for another peak in power bills. Although you may not feel in control of lowering those bills, there are a number of ways households can reduce monthly energy usage and costs. Here are tips for changes - large and small - that can add up to big savings on utility bills. Reduce your hot-water usage Hot water heaters can contribute to as much as 13% of your electric bill. You can lower the costs of heating up water in your home by taking shorter showers and lowering the standing temperature on your water heater. Lowering that temperature can also help prevent scalding due to overly hot water, which is a good safety measure for households with young children. According to Energy.gov, some manufacturers usually set their water heater thermostats at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can easily set the temperature down to 120 degrees for an energy savings of 4-22% annually. Go solar and put your home to work for you Now is a great time to go solar, no matter where you live, and according to a 2020 survey by Harris Insights & Analytics, homeowners are increasingly interested in solar energy as a way to help take control of their energy bills while in-

Replace old bulbs You’ve probably heard this before, and you may have even replaced one or two bulbs in your home already. But the truth is, it’s the easiest step to take that can save a lot of energy. Swapping out your old incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs saves both energy and money in the long run. According to EnergyStar.gov, an Energy Star certified LED bulb produces light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent lighting. And while they may cost a little more up front, they last up to 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs.

vesting in their home - their most prized possession. Lower costs. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the cost to install solar has dropped by more than 70% over the last decade, and it’s even less if you take advantage of state and federal tax credits. Solar panels installed in 2020 receive a 26% federal tax credit, and in 2021 will receive a 22% tax credit. Over the lifetime of a solar system, the average home can save between $10,000 and $30,000 in energy bills. Investment Opportunity. At a time of historically low interest rates, homeowners see solar as an investment, not just a purchase. So it’s important to find a brand you

can trust, a company that will stand behind its products for years to come. It helps to look for a solar panel manufacturer that offers a best-in-class 25-year warranty to provide peace of mind for years to come. Easy. New virtual tools and resources also make going solar easier than ever, like LG’s personal solar advisor called “Solar Concierge.” It includes a free analysis of your home and will guide you step-by-step toward the best solar option. Upgrade your HVAC system With as much as half of the energy in your home going towards heating and cooling, choosing an ENERGY STAR certified HVAC sys-

Ask your utility company for an energy audit Finding out where you may have tem can have a big impact on your leaks or insufficient insulation can comfort and your utility bills. Look help you discover specific ways to for efficient systems with stylish reduce energy costs. Most utility indoor units like LG’s sleek Art companies offer energy audits for Cool Mirror that offers enhanced free, to help homeowners assess performance in a beautiful mirwhere they could be losing heated rored design. Choose a single zone or cooled air. system to provide added comfort Once you’ve identified trouble to a room or a multi-zone solution spots, you can prioritize and tackle for whole home comfort. home repairs and home improveAnother simple upgrade is to ments from the minor to the major, use a programmable thermostat. such as caulking around windows Set it and forget it to enhance sav- and weather-stripping doors to ings. As temperatures change in adding attic insulation or replacing the summer and winter, adjusting old windows. the thermostat just a few degrees Following even one or two of higher in the summer and lower in these steps right now can help you the winter can make a big differreduce your monthly energy bills ence. And according to Healthline. and enjoy your home comfortably com, it’s easier to sleep comfortthis winter and for years to come.

US long-term mortgage rates rise; 30-year at 2.84% WASHINGTON — U.S. long-term mortgage rates rose this week. They remain at historically low levels, now around a percentage point below a year ago. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average rate on the 30-year benchmark loan increased to 2.84% from 2.78% from last week. By contrast, the rate averaged 3.75% a year ago. The average rate on the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage edged up to 2.34% from 2.32%. Breaking their downward trend through most of this year, mortgage rates were bolstered by the news Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine may be 90% effective, based on early and incomplete test results. The vaccine announcement came two days after Joe Biden became president-elect upon defeating President Donald Trump by crossing the winning threshold of 270 Electoral College votes with a win in Pennsylvania. The historically low borrowing rates have bolstered demand from prospective homebuyers. Demand for homes has remained strong despite a brief slowdown in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, but at the same time the rise in home prices has stretched the limits of affordability for many would-be buyers. The government reported Thursday that the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell last week to 709,000, a still-high level but the lowest figure since March and a further sign that the job market might be slowly healing.

Is now the right time to refinance your mortgage? Consolidate your debt with a lower payment. You can get some of the lowest rates in the state, plus your money stays on Kaua‘i.

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Friday, November 13, 2020 Page 5



real estate directory P L A C E Y O U R A D today 2 4 6 - 0 3 2 5

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Wailua Bay View Apartments Living Area: 686 sq. ft. Bed/Ba: 1/1 LIST PRICE: $500,000 MLS 644114





Lihue $950,000 5Bed/4.5Ba Interior Area: 3,718 sq.ft. Lot Size: 10,067 sq.ft. MLS 643520 Clifton A. Kukino, RB-15364 (808) 639-1490 Jordan Kukino, RS-81289 (808) 634-5032


with over 3,700 square feet of living area in the heart of Lihue. Floor plan lends itself to multi-generational households, home office or multiple rental possibilities. Completely remodeled interior and new roof in 2009.



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Stay Informed Friday,



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Total Land Area: 18,664 sf (2 lots) Living Area: 1,790 sq. ft. Beds/Baths: 3/3 Price: $800,000 MLS 639230


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Featured Homes

are renters Ways

eowners g hom becomin

have BRANDPOINT that millennials than different Baby The world is a lot up in Gen Xers and revolugrown the digital the world knew. The of smartuse disruptive Boomers of sharing tion, widespread and adoption as ride just a such are phones apps technologies rental have althat and vacation the factorslandscape. few of student the social y, rising and other tered prices many Unfortunatel home hit have rising debt, factors them to beeconomic and left afford a they millennialsthey cannot though new opfeel as of the Amerilieve that forth this Many be Road #4 out brought home. location, priced will never have become a homebeen a great property homes to have and they rental price portunities Talk about home. your age, can dream sales from vacation buy a without owner. popular lots awayand Poipu to beable to matter what the average Fitwo d home - that’s an In 2016, Beach But no plenty of ways just have Disclosure and is just you MortgageTrail, are $70,600 foot - NMLS , is a Brennecke’s for a manufacture there homeowner, creatively. the utiliVanderbilt500 Alcoa Park! home a was around per squaresoluand very Beach 3 BD 3 BA Inc., 37804, 865-380-3000 that with and last come a little more nmlsrental of $48.82 to land nance, first recent TN This combine average them an affordable to think vacationwith many rental to become a re- you a deposit anda lot of money Lic. Maryville, (http://www. of the popular trends, #1561, ess.org/), AZ or arties, making renters looking you will rent, it’s NMLS The rise at current found that with living made well maintained Fid month’son something . tion to up to kitchen Looking study are now consumeracc, Loans a California to upgrades. for to homeowners manufacture GA choose area opens in the the last spend own. #BK-0902616 The spacious cent research pursuantLaw license,#6911), “We believea great solutionaffordmany time in never of U.S. households do people and dining lounging ranged more than at any (Lic. seeking room lanai. Enjoy the stars! number So why reason is that phones, homes offer Lenders that nance Mortgage One that just like things renting With a rising households a split dining under third bedroom Mortgage worried says Vanderbilt rent? many NH Inc. Presiother realize 50 years.many have nation of rentsun or lower-level area and with Residential Residential by the don’t a able housing,” countlessbasis, homes today and Finance Illinois Licensed MT Lic. of homerenters,becoming “We work Private, own living cars andon a daily of well. Call nation Mortgage Hamilton. find financ- Licensee, Dept. we are with its entry as than a we use to help needs and Banking Department, by PA dent Eric AT changed. ers rather separate with the their Licensed have mean our customers OFFERED that fit #1561, owners.is most evidentpeople under for a tour! 50 priorities ing options es.” Vol. 5, No.Banking. MLS#612139 This inNew solution 15, 2017to |continue from Vanderbilt generation, Multifamily ex- December Friday, Week ofand circumstancdon’t have check for for housing ••• RB-13451, Content Inc. a new $1,790,000 younger the National found now new Shaw Renters a monthly own. The Sponsoredand Finance, As demandprices on to rise, Rick 30, who Council have of all rentout and never and adapted doling 808.639.0774 Mortgage continue they’ll changed creases, Housing for 50 percent d it’s homes housing has firsthas something d isting account U.S. market manufacture because a the of today’s either. manufacture ers in aren’t renting change, providessup- housing option, throughthe standards and They with this up to homebuyers in short affordable know time options. a more residents are going for a market affordable As manycountry, rents and 2015, up solution quality, ply of out the Between 2012 has gone rent up. When and gross to $959. the median rising

Poipu 2277 Nalo

m island.co thegarden


St. #174 Fee Simple 2110 Kaneka Huleia



Regency Townhouseprice: $675,000sq. ft. 3 Bdr., Asking over 1700 ½ Bath, ,2 size Total full air conditioning garage, 2 with 1 car lanai & large ve in ready. views mountain furnished-mo lot with to Puakea Corner for belt. Adjacent location & green Prime & Golf Course. services. to all access house on Saturday 20 & 21 13 & 14, Open : Glenn January Sunday, appointment for . or call 808-246-0091 Kaser

e fixed-rat to slips US 30-year, e rate mortgag on 303.93 percent The rate

Flooring Kauaiiors # C-32054 & Inter

N— WASHINGTO U.S. mortgages this week.said percent Mac year fixed-rate to 3.93 Freddie 30slipped buyer from Mortgagethat the benchmark was down Thursday loan rate and 4.16 peryear home last week 3.94 percentago. year 15-year, fixed-ratereficent a those

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will host

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Highwa Rd. Kuhio Hwy & Ahukini of Kuhio 3-3222 corner


On the

on The rate popular with unwas 16, 2017 9:30am to 2pm homes, 3.36 percent. mortgages, theirDecember at Saturday, nancing this week year ago. a Community College

Front Lawn of Kaua‘i

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Grinds & Da Kines For Your

Check da Scene


15, December

M– F Deliveries a‘a Islandwide25 Kuhio Hwy. Kap


8.24 percent,



S RDAY SATU 11AM 7:30-

Save the Date!



changed percent adjust3.37 Kauai It was on five-year to 3.36 Kim Chee/ Miki Macs; Haole Girl Sweets; Kauai The rate Cofee rose Roasters/ last week Monkeypod Jam; Hanalei mortgagespercent Aunty Lilikoi;able-rate Moloa'a Bay Coffee; 3.35Kala 'O Hakus ago.Kauai; Mailelanis; Kula from Bakery, Flowers Express; Heavenly Rea year Kookies; Kopercent Payments. Lures; Salty Wahine; Tropical percentWater White the Federal monthly Precious Kreations/ and 3.19 interest On Wednesday, Minimum short-term in 2017. “The raised approval. in the serve the third time priced for to credit rates had already interest 9am-6pm - Subject Mon-Fri market so long-term rates, Available OPEN: Sat 10am-3pm mortgageKiefer, a rate hike, Financing including said Len rates, moved,” hardly Mac economist.mortgage average lenders Freddie To calculate Mac surveys Monbetween Freddie rates, week. the country each across Wednesday day and ••• Press Associated


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FULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE COMPANY bec ark side achini Allan Par D GARDEN ISLAN SPECIAL TO THE culture divi — The agri announced KEKAHA DuPont has rasion of Dow s in its Kauai ope its nge major cha which it will expandin, er here und s tions arch activitie as Hawaii rese fing on island by staf creasing percent. 50 much as created earlier this The firm,


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15, 2017


Days Shopping tmas until Chris

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Page 6 Friday, November 13, 2020









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noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. (We are closed advertisers, The Garden Island does reserve the right to edit, Saturdays and Sundays). refuse, reject, or cancel any ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct or expenses resulting from publication errors or omission of or cancel a Friday real estate/rental single-column ad, please an ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to call by noon on Thursday. publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To cancel or change Check your ad for errors the first day it runs in the paper. cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject an ad in the Garden Island, call us by 4:45pm on Monday, We are unable to issue credit for errors reported after the to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, first day of publication. While we try to accommodate our

Garage & Lanai Sales




For Rent Lihue-$950,000 5 Bed/4.5 Ba. Interior Area: 3,718 sq.ft. Lot Size: 10,067 sq.ft. Clifton Kukino RB-15364 808-639-1490 Jordan Kukino RS-81289 808-634-5032 MLS 643520

Puhi-$629,000 3 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,248 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,102 sq.ft. Mark K. Tanaka RB-9222 808-639-0367 MLS 641879

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Kapaa-$795,000 2 Bed/2 Ba. Interior Area: 1,102 sq.ft. Lot Size: 3.07 acres Carol C. Cummings RB-14915 808-651-4766 MLS 640834


PRICE REDUCTION Princeville-$1,599,900 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 3,925 sq.ft. Lot Size: 20,093 sq.ft. Glen Kojima RS-80593 Glen@KauaiRealty.net MLS 632144


Koloa-$549,000 3 Bed/1.5 Ba. Interior Area: 1,074 sq.ft. Lot Size: 8,438 sq.ft. Mayu Tomizawa RS-67283 808-634-8765 MLS 636230

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Princeville-$929,000 4 Bed/3.5 Ba. Interior Area: 2,594 sq.ft. Lot Size: 11,078 sq.ft. Leah Ragsac RS-80621 808-212-4086 MLS 636512



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have BRANDPOINT that millennials than different Baby The world is a lot up in Gen Xers and revolugrown the digital the world knew. The of smartuse Boomers of disruptive tion, widespread ride sharing a and adoption such as are just phones apps technologies rental have althat and vacation the factorslandscape. few of student the social rising and other tered prices many Unfortunately, home have hit rising debt, factors them to bea economic and left afford they millennialsthey cannot though new opfeel as of the Amerilieve that forth this Many be Road #4 out a homehome. location, priced will never have brought a great property homes to become have been and they rental price Talk about portunities home. your age, can dream sales from vacation buy a without owner. popular lots awayand Poipu to beable to matter what the average Fitwo an home In 2016, Beach Disclosure and But no plenty of ways just have is just - that’s you MortgageTrail, NMLS are $70,600 foot is a Brennecke’s for a manufactured there homeowner, creatively. the utiliVanderbilt500 Alcoa Park! home a was around per squaresoluand very Beach 3 BD 3 BA Inc., 37804, 865-380-3000, that with and last come a little more of $48.82 rental to land nance, first recent TN This you combine and lot of money average them an affordable to think vacationwith many rental to become a re(http://www.nmlsMaryville, deposit AZ Lic. of the popular trends, #1561, ties, a rent, it’s a you will making renters looking or arNMLS The rise at current found that with living made well maintained Fimonth’son something tion to Loans California up to kitchen Looking study are now consumeraccess.org/), to upgrades. for to a homeowners. manufactured GA choose area opens in the the last spend own. #BK-0902616, The spacious cent research pursuantLaw license,#6911), “We believea great solutionaffordmany time in never of U.S. households do people and dining lounging ranged more than at any (Lic. seeking room lanai. Enjoy the stars! number So why reason is that phones, homes offer Lenders that nance Mortgage One that just like things renting With a rising households a split dining under third bedroom Mortgage worried says Vanderbilt rent? many NH Inc. Presiother realize 50 years.many have nation of rentsun or lower-level area and with Residential Residential by the don’t a able housing,” countlessbasis, homes today and Finance Illinois Licensed MT Lic. of homerenters,becoming “We work Private, own living cars andon a daily of well. Call nation Mortgage Hamilton. find financLicensee, Dept. we are with its entry as than a we use to help needs and Banking Department, by PA dent Eric AT changed. ers rather separate with the their Licensed mean under have our customers OFFERED that fit #1561, owners.is most evident for a tour! people 50 priorities Vol. 5, No.Banking. ing options 15, 2017to |continue MLS#612139 This inNew solution from Vanderbilt generation, Multifamily ex- December have Friday, for Week ofand circumstances.” for housing don’t RB-13451, Content Inc. a new $1,790,000 younger the National found now check The ••• new Renters a monthly As demandprices on to rise, Rick Shaw Sponsoredand Finance, own. 30, who Council have of all rentout and never and adapted doling 808.639.0774 Mortgage continue they’ll changed creases, Housing for 50 percent it’s homes housing has firsthas something isting account U.S. market because a today’s the housing change, manufactured either. manufactured of ers in aren’t renting provides option, throughthe standards and short supThey with this in up to homebuyers affordable know options. time a more residents are going for a market affordable As manycountry, rents and 2015, up solution quality, ply of out the Between 2012 has gone rent and up. gross to $959. When the median rising


Grinds & Da Kines For Your

Check da Scene



St. #174 Fee Simple 2110 Kaneka Huleia



Regency $675,000 ft. 3 Bdr., Townhouse price: 1700 sq. Bath, Asking 2½ size over Total full air conditioning, garage, 2 with 1 car lanai & in ready. views large mountain furnished-move lot with to Puakea Corner for belt. Adjacent location & green Prime & Golf Course. services. to all access house on Saturday 20 & 21 13 & 14, Open Glenn January Sunday, appointment: for or call 808-246-0091. Kaser

fixed-rateto US 30-year,rate slips mortgage on 303.93 percent The rate

Weekend TODAY!


Homes for Kauai Flooring & Options & Lifestyles product of Styles from 1000s with you work to final installation, We budget selection your # C-32054 and within Insured Installation Studio Dance & License Aloha & Installation, Licensed



& Interiors

YEAR’ ‘THE GREATEST TIME OF THE Holiday Fair — WASHINGTON U.S. mortgages this week.said percent Mac year fixed-rate to 3.93 Freddie 30slipped buyer from Mortgagethat the benchmark was down Thursday loan rate and 4.16 peryear home last week 3.94 percentago. fixed-rate year 15-year, those reficent a


Co-sponsored Kaua‘i Community College County of Kauai


808-245-8808 oors.com

will host its holiday recital Sunday

Lihue Highway, Rd. Kuhio Hwy & Ahukini of Kuhio 3-3222 corner

kauaifl On the

of Kaua‘i Lawnadjust-

Front 3.37 Kauai It was on five-year to 3.36 Kim Chee/ Miki Macs; Haole Girl Sweets; Kauai The rate Cofee rose Roasters/ last week Monkeypod Jam; Hanalei mortgagespercent Aunty Lilikoi;able-rate Moloa'a Bay Coffee; 3.35Kala 'O Hakus ago.Kauai; Mailelanis; Kula from Bakery, Flowers Express; Heavenly Rea year Kookies; Kopercent Lures; Salty Wahine; Tropical percentWater White the Federal Precious Kreations/ and 3.19 interest changed

Moloa’a Bay Chocolate




on The rate popular with unwas 16, 2017 9:30am to 2pm homes, 3.36 percent. mortgages, theirDecember at Saturday, nancing this week year ago. a Community College

–1pm SATURDAYS 9:30am College Campus

On the Kauai Community

Made ~ Chocolate! Locally Grown ... Locally

Save the Date!


On Wednesday, short-term in 2017. “The raised in the serve third time priced for the rates had already interest rates, market so long-term mortgageKiefer, a rate hike, including said Len rates, moved,” hardly Mac economist.mortgage average lenders Freddie To calculate Mac surveys Monbetween Freddie rates, week. the country each across Wednesday day and ••• Press Associated


Mon-Fri OPEN: Sat 10am-3pm



- Subject

to credit







Notice is hereby given that the vessels listed herein, impounded by the DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF BOATING AND OCEAN RECREATION (DOBOR), 2494 Niumalu Road, Lihue, HI 96766, will be disposed of by public auction pursuant to Chapter 200, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS). Due to safety concerns arising from the COVID19 pandemic, the public auction shall be conducted by sealed bids only. All interested bidders shall deliver their sealed bid in-person or via mail to the address above and may deliver their bid at any time prior to the deadline. All in-person sealed bids must be delivered prior to 4:00pm on December 4, 2020. All sealed bids sent by mail must be postmarked no later than December 4, 2020. Any sealed bids arriving after the specified deadlines will not be considered.

Serving Kauai since 1902


and Niihau


An auction catalog with pertinent information and procedures may be obtained in-person during the hours of 7:45am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, ckonsexcept state holidays, at the address above or at the be e sid The dark Port Allen SBH office, Port Allen, Kauai; the Oahu District Office at Ke’ehi SBH, Oahu; and online at: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dobor/2020/11/09/kauaives selauction2020/

to Brothers Inc. ide g; Hartung statewcompanies marketsWestside seed increase staffin ercial A.G., in the toKauai’s activities, with reduction for comm to — starting firms from four d research of food products Kauai operations ofateSyngenta closely iden- tal number of of an impending er t to expan and t had been a Swiss conglomer three. Rumors GMO agriculture at DowDuPon Brothers DowDuPon ction scalethegrow strains. tified with shake-up over pesticide , Hartung Dow Meanwhile seed developer that produyear by the merger of DuPont widely criticized its GMO and rife for weeks. Hybrids acquired de continue on Kauai Inc., a leading organic and conbecome a In 2016, Beck’s use. It will of BASF Corp., and E.I.

activities it Co. operations in the process produces GMO, for farmers, said Chemical and techother research into production the Kauai and Co., is al chemical operations ventional seeds nature of its Allan Parachini ISLAND Nemours internation as it diversifies corporate , one of the GARDEN ent an become a farming. dividing its A8 changing SPECIAL TO THE t announcem divi- of three new companies on ag- was operations and will food SEE CHANGE, of into of developThe DowDuPon Kauai — The agriculture focus exclusively scale grower in a series KEKAHA t has announced which will and DuPont changing production commercial markets was the third Both Dow operafor are rapidly operations sion of DowDuPon beyond. riculture. in its Kauai ments that had separate focused on products and possibly expand its major changes the previous statewide, which it will here, in- previouslyboth of which genetitions under Hartung acquired on Kauai, nt of improved activities as soy Hawaii research on island by developme seed corn and staffing creasing percent. cally modified 50 much as created earlier this The firm,


, Abuse victim keiki need Christmas cheer THE GARDEN

crowd Costumed what awaits anticipates characters their favorite night of in opening Wars movie


been a viclatest Star bigail has for tim of abuse Jessica Else ISLAND many years. THE GARDEN wonderful notes of The “I have five the same guy,” The first across the with LIHUE — children have recently left March echoed Grove “I Kukui Imperial she said. in front of seeking counselon Thursday of speakers him and am I don’t have 3:30 p.m. Cinema at rose from the crowd exising and help. except my outside. and a cheer anything people waiting1 p.m. and I my children.” about 20 tence and hoping she will here since Jobe Al“I’ve been said Abigail is for this,” give her children got off work the inaugural be able to for the holidays. snagged the line for the len, who something need of clothing front of of “Star in place at the screening They are some school and 7 p.m. advancedJedi.” and shoes saga Last Wars: The been watching the supplies. to keep my chilAllen has child and said he’s “I intend no matter 40 was a since he to see where dren in school forward lead. CALL looking g will A8 RIBE of storytellin front of SUBSC years SEE ZONTA, TO alone at the He wasn’t Clarke arlong. Nick 1:30 ISLAND at about famithe line for theater d.com / THE GARDEN at the FUJIMOTO enislan stake his rived to DENNIS thegard Kalaheo Value repp.m. from line. in and Kirra more imof Star ly’s spot smuggler, showing is entirely Clarke “This movie a is a Pantoran for the advance Rogue One,” going Formanov they wait portant than g important is ” r, Franceska Thursday while said. “Somethin Luke Skywalker. of Rey, is Luke Skywalke with light side 245-0433 E to happen Caspillo, of Anahola, Alex Formandark side and SUBSCRIB is SkyJonathan CALL TO nd.com resents the Kukui Grove Cinema. character thegardenisla the said his favorite ——— Wars at 348 SIDE, A4 Number SEE DARK Volume 113


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15, 2017


ds Alakai fin

a home

Notices to Creditors Days Shopping as until Christm






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The items listed in the auction catalog are sold as is, where is; DOBOR makes no guarantees or warranties as to any of the vessels in the auction. No vessel shall be sold for less than its minimum bid upset price listed in the auction catalog. Unless specifically stated, the sale of these vessels will not include a berth, mooring, storage area, or trailer. Buyers must make separate arrangements for use of a berth, mooring, or storage area, if desired. Winning bidders must remove the vessel from its present location within the required time after being issued a Bill of Sale for the applicable vessel. The required time for removal after auction shall be prescribed in the auction catalog.

garden. governing for the comThe school’ssought agriculis a school eight to This that will put Kauai board of or rechallenged munity transfor- ture land, but free going to be century education ed property 21st ahead of set to are duced-pric to find. meet those collabora- mation.” who school was proved hard skills of creativity, ations, critiby When the ago, Brittany Steinbeck, lving ly approved tion, communic 10 months to problem-so unanimous State Charter2016, moved here board cal thinking, the Hawaii n in the school’s open and caring.” will be at Kahili School Commissio were joinedthe charter school members help The school located year. a new school board Park, the following change the open in August past Kauai has Mountain working to KOLOA — the highway a “We’re the make this mauka of still to ending 2017. school. the school Public world needs said. “I came Maluhia Road, But in April, she Alakai O Kauaicontinues ena home. Blackhappen,” lengthy search.at so many didn’t have space was a Charter School for a grand toA8 “We looked last couple today SEE ALAKAI, to be in the well felt green rollment its students places over students. said. a must for tal of 165 and grow and families years,” Blackwell out explore keiki “Dr. nature, children “Kauai got said Kani school. coor- “We’vewaiting for this need a choice,” principal there, B” Blackwell, school. “They the dinator of

Charter School open in 2018

Fifth Circuit Court Notice and Notice to Creditors 5CLP-20-0000086 Estate of William George Laidlaw, also known as William G. Laidlaw and William Laidlaw, Deceased Filed, a document purporting to be the Last Will and Testament and First Codicil of the above-named decedent who died on March 2, 2020, together with a Petition for Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative, praying for probate thereof and issuance of Letters to Lucia N. Mundon Laidlaw, whose address is 5-3422 Parkdale Blvd. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 3T4. November 25, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. before the presiding Judge in Probate at 3970 Kaana Street, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, is the appointed date, time and place for hearing said Petition and all interested persons. All creditors of the above-named Estate are hereby notified to present their claims with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof, even if the claim is secured by mortgage upon real Estate, to said nominee, at the address shown above, within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or they will be forever barred. Dated: Lihue, Hawaii, October 27, 2020. Christine Martinez, Clerk Paul M. Ueoka Shawn H. Yamada Tina M. Tsuchiyama Tel No. 808.242.4535 Fax No. 808.244.4974 Attorneys for Petitioner (TGI1301460 10/30, 11/06, 11/13/20)

enter.com KukuiGroveC

DOBOR reserves the right to remove any item from the auction at any time. If the current registered owner(s) of any of the vessel(s) at auction pay all outstanding fees and charges prior to 4:00pm on December 3, 2020, the vessel(s) will become unavailable for purchase. All vessels not sold at auction shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 200-16, HRS. Auction items are listed below. All auction items are under the custody of DOBOR. Going aboard any vessels shall be prohibited without an appointment. Any unauthorized persons found aboard the vessels shall be charged with trespassing and prohibited from submitting a bid. Item #21-003: "LADYHAWK II", Doc. No. 694980, a 38’ steel hull sailing vessel Suzanne D. Case Chairperson Nov 9, 2020 Department of Land and Natural Resources (TGI1303288 11/13/20)


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Kapaa- $475,000 3 Bed/2 Ba Interior Area: 1,056 sqft Lot Size: 9.182 sq.ft. Daniel B. Kurisu RS-79218 808-652-7302 Maile Properties of Kauai MLS 633563

Waimea- $225,000 Lot Size: 9,285 sq.ft. Daniel Kurisu (S) RS-79218 808-652-7302 MLS 635569



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Puhi -$635,000 3 Bd/2.5 Ba Interior Area: 1,404 sq.ft. Shelly Kaui Carvalho RS-64829 808-652-3886 MLS 631332

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g; Hartung ease staffinmmercial m tivities, incr ta A.G of Syngen search ac food products foKaur aico re nd operations te closely ide pa glomera t to ex ower ofins. a Swiss con O agriculture and GM e thers DowDuPonoduction scalethegrDow stra tified with over pesticid Hartung Bro er that ed ile, iciz nwh crit elop Mea pr widely its GMO and seed dev merger of de continue , a leading organic and conon Kau year by the and E.I. DuPont become a use. It will O, activities it cess Inc. Co.

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