Glossary of marketing
Thaidy Lorena Carvajal Pe単a Faculty of Humanities Group: 2BM ESCUELA COLOMBIANA DE CARRERAS INDUSTRIALES-(ECCI) University.
Student enrolled in the program Modern Languages with emphasis Business Administration
Advertising campaign: An advertising campaign is a series of advertising messages that share the same idea and topic. Analysis: An analysis consists of identifying the components of everything, of separating them and of examining them to manage to accede to his more elementary beginning.
Autonomy: Qualify that it has every person of directing his own life of agreement with his conscience, his way of thinking, wanting to take decisions.
Barter: The barter is the exchange of objects or services for other objects or services and differs from the habitual dealing in which not intermediate the money in liquid in the transaction. For the contract for which two persons accede to barter he is named barter.
Capacity of purchase: It is the purchasing power of a person, company, institution or country, which allows him to have access to the goods and services that he needs.
Competition: Rivalry, opposition between whom they aspire to obtain the same thing. Currency: there is defined as a currency the piece of paper or metal, which is used by the countries as measure of change (money) by his legal or intrinsic value.
Client: A client is that person who receives certain service or, in exchange for some monetary compensation or any other object of value. The word comes from the Latin cliens.
Creation: Production of a thing from nothing.
Demands: It are defined as the quantity and quality of goods and services that can be acquired in the different prices of the market by a consumer or by the set of consumers in a certain moment.
Distribution: It is that set of activities, which are realized since the product has been elaborated by the manufacturer until it has been bought by the final consumer, and that has for object make come precisely the product (good or service) up to the consumer.
Establishment: Place in which there is realized a commercial, industrial activity or of another type.
Falsification: Copy or imitation of a thing that wants to make pass for real or authentic. Financing: To obtain resources and means of payment to destine them to the acquisition of goods and services, necessary for the development of the corresponding economic activities.
I exchange: It is the exchange goods and services between the offer and the demand. It offers: An offer is, on the other hand, a product that offers to the sale to a reduced price. I wish: Intense Feeling that a person has for obtaining a thing.
Marketing: It is the series of activities that are realized, in order to satisfy the needs of the client.
Monopoly: Derecho legal granted to an individual or to a company to exploit in sole right a business or to sell a certain product. Mopnosonio: It is a situation of failure of market that appears when on a market a consuming only one exists, instead of several.
Need: what does that the things happen infallibly of certain way.
Oligopoly: Market in that a few companies carry out the production of a good or service, which creates a high degree of interdependence between the decisions of the same ones.
Oligopsonio: it is a situation of imperfect competition that arises on a market where there exists a small number of plaintiffs in which the control and the power settles on the prices and the quantities of a product on the market.
Perfect competition: It is a type or model of market in which there exist numerous sellers and buyers who are ready to sell or buy freely between them products that are homogeneous or equal on a given market.
Positioning: It is the mental place that occupies the conception of the product and his image when it is compared with the rest of the products or brands competitors.
Potential user: A potential client is a client who is not royal, that is to say, a person who might manage to buy a product or to acquire a service
Public Administration: A set of activities designed to achieve the aims and functions of the State.
Prestige: Influence, authority, value or good reputation that has a person or a thing. Price: Is the monetary value that is assigned to something. Private company: It is a company dedicated to the business which owners can be not governmental organizations, or that are shaped by a relative number of owners who do not trade publicly in a stock market.
Private companies: They are private institutions legally authorized to realize financial, mortgage operations, of capitalization and of saving, in any sector of the economy.
Product: Is any thing that can offer to a market to satisfy a desire or a need. Profitability: Is the aptitude to produce or generate an additional benefit on the investment or realized effor.
Promotion: The promotion of sales is a tool or variable of the mixture of promotion (commercial communication), consists of incentives of short term, to the consumers, to the members of the distribution channel or to the sales teams, which seek to increase the purchase or the sale of a product or service.
Rate of values: A stock market is a private organization that offers the necessary facilities in order that his members, attending to the mandates of his clients, introduce orders and realize negotiations of purchase and sale of values, such as actions of companies or joint-stock companies, public and private, certified bonds, titles of participation and a wide variety of instruments of investment.
Rest of the world: He is an agent who allows us to exchange goods, services which it allows us to obtain an opened economy.
Royal user: He is that client who is faithful to the product or service that offers the above mentioned company.
Sales: Is the action and effect of selling. Self-sufficiency: Act by means of which a person, a community, a company can be supplied for yes same to satisfy his basic and more important needs.
Service: A service is a set of activities that seek to answer to the needs of a client. The services include a diversity of activities recovered by a large number of civil servants who work for the condition (public services) or for particular companies.
Smuggling: Is the purchase or sale of goods evading the duties, that is to say evading the taxes.
Storage: The concept of storing is a concept that is in use for referring to an act by means of which one guards some product or element of a company.
To stir into action: To add dynamism to an activity, her to develop or to do that he receives more importance.
The price of sale: is the result of the price of production added to a profit. Thought: It is that one that is brought to the reality by means of the intellectual activity. Trade: Partner is named a trade to the economic activity consisting of the exchange of some materials that are free on the market of purchase and sale of goods and services, be for his use, for his sale or his transformation.
Transport: it is in use for describing to the act and consequence of moving something to and from.
Trends: All the tools used by the technical analyst have an alone intention: to detect and to measure the trends of the price to establish and to handle operations of dealing inside a certain market.