Participants Thailand Youth Voice
Greeting from the President Welcome to Thailand About Thailand Youth Voice About AIESEC Venue Agenda Special events Pick up timetable Bus Timetable BTS Sky train Map to Assumption University Contact us
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Dear Delegates, On behalf of Organizing Committee team, it is an honor for us to organize the Thailand Youth Voice Conference 2014 in first time ever in Thailand. We are proudly inviting you to one of the Most Powerful Conference in South East Asia, where more than 100 youth leaders meet at 23rd-26th of October 2014. The amazing Organizing Committee team is working hard for the conference That would create a memorable experience for all of you. Thailand Youth Voice in
"Your Voice DOES matter"
a theme of is expected to bring you chances to discuss about social issues, learn how to initiate and manage project successfully, develop your personal and leadership skills, and most important part is to give such a positive impact to change our Thai society! What are you waiting for? We are wholeheartedly welcome you to the most amazing conference. See you in this upcoming October in Thailand.
Best Regards, Chaiyaphak Charoenthanakitrat President of Thailand Youth Voice Conference 2014
Welcome to “THAILAND”
With twelve million foreigners flying into the country each year, Thailand has become Asia's primary destination for people looking to spice up their lives a little. Yet despite this vast influx of tourists and their cash, Thailand's cultural integrity remains largely undamaged – a country that adroitly avoided colonization has been able to absorb Western influences without wholly succumbing to them. Though the high-rises and neon lights occupy the foreground of the tourist picture, the typical Thai community is still the traditional farming village. Almost fifty percent of Thais earn their living from the land, based around the staple, rice, which forms the foundation of the country's unique and famously sophisticated cuisine.
“Your Voice Does Matter”
What’s that about Y
Objective 1. To raise awareness about the need for to solve current social issues in Thailand 2. To empower youth with the ability to make their voices heard and the confidence to start taking actions, thus eventually develop into leaders in the future 3. To equip youth with the skill to realize the ideas in form of sustainable social projects 4. To build a network of youth leaders with the same vision for Thailand 5. To support the feasible projects which are relevant to the society
AIESEC AIESEC The organizer of TYB Conference, AIESEC, is the world’s largest student-run organization operating in 113 countries with over 86,000 members all round the world. Our goal is the development of youth leadership and we make this possible through our day to day operational activities (in which we give students an actual role and job, ranging from staff to leaders) and through international internships. The internship opportunities that we make possible range from voluntary activities in developing communities around to world to professional internships in top companies in dozens of countries. In Thailand, we are located in 4 of the top universities in the country: Assumption, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn and Thammasat Universities. With 4 Expansion Kasetsart, Mahidol International College, Tainichi Universities and University of Thai Chamber of Commerce. We have over 200 members in the universities and are led by group of both local and international AIESECers. Our activities in Thailand range from having international internships in companies, schools and NGOs in Thailand, organizing numerous activities such as conferences, events, social projects etc.
Venue : Assumption University
We will have ice-breaking games where we go through each station for fun games that will get everyone closer. More importantly, you will get to show your craziness to us through these games.
we will have cultural booth, performances and cultural fashion show. Requirement : All delegates are required to wear traditional customs and bring along items that represent their countries and cultures.
White t-shirt is required.
PARTY AND PERFORMANCE GOING TO BE CRAZY! *Colorful and formal outfit is required.
Vice President Delegate service TYV Email: Phone: 0996549542
Organizing Committee Delegate service TYV Email: Phone: 0823394160
Organizing Committee Delegate service TYV Email: Phone: 0983987951
Organizing Committee Delegate service TYV Phone:0830029832