1. AN UNEQUAL WORLD - One in five of the world’s population lacks the things neccesary for an acceptable standard of living. - The common way to measure the wealth of an area is to calculate its per capita GDP. - This is done by dividing the gross domestic product (GDP) by the number of inhabitants. - This does not teflect the real distribution of wealth, as a minority of the population may have a large part of its assests. - A country gets full development when its entire population is able to meet its basic needs. - There are few countries in the world that meet this condition. - The United Nations created a Human Development Index (HDI) to measure people’s quality of life based on three criteria: - Income - Access to education - Life expectancy at birth
COOPERATING AGAINST INEQUALITY Free market economic model is based on the law of supply and demand. Companies compete with each other to obtain higher profits. This has generated a great economic growth. But, it has led to an increase in inequality on a global level and within each state. After the Second World War, several international organisations, states, non-governmental organisation (NGOs) and private foundations began worling to reduce the differences between rich and poor countries through international cooperation. Their objective was to create a global development alliance.