2. FEUDAL SOCIETY THE THREE ESTATES -In early Medieval society each person belonged to one of three groups: 1. The nobility: -They had a military role. -They were supposed to defend the population. 2. The clergy: - They were belonged o the Church. - Priests and monks prayed and led a spiritual life. 3. The third estate: - They were mainly peasants. - Later on, in these group there were merchants and craftsmen. Only the clergy were not born ino an estate. Nobility and clergy had many privileges: - They did not pay taxes - They held political positions
THE NOBILITY Feudal nobles were dedicated to warfare. They were given military training as young boys. During their adult lives they carried on their military activity. In war they could acquire more land and wealth. The upper nobility owned large fiefs and lived in castles surrounded by knights. Serfs and free peasants works for them Leading nobles had hereditary titles: Duke, Marquess and Count. Beneath them, the knights had little wealth, only horses and weapons.
THE CLERGY Clergy played a key role in feudal society, because religion was an important part of people’s lives. Clergy members received an educaion and directed religious practice. Church leaders (bishops, abbots‌) came from noble families. They were spiritual leader, but also feudal lords, because he Church owned grea estates. Some churchmen were royal advisers. At a lower level, priests, monks and nuns led simpler lives.
2. FEUDAL SOCIETY THE PEASANTS - They were the majority of the population and lived in harsh conditions. - There were two categories: - Free peasants: - Someimes they owned small plots of land. - They lived in villages - They were free to move around or get married.
- Serfs: - They were subject to their feudal lords. - They were born, lived and died on the same piece of land.