Fishing and forestry

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4. FISHING AND FORESTRY FISHING - Fishing involves catching fish and other aquatic animals: - for direct consumption - use as raw materials for industry. Industrial fishing is carried out in seas and oceans. We can distinguish into: 1. Coastal Fishing: - Near the coast - Daily activity - It uses small boats - It uses traditional techniques It products are sold at local fish markets (lonjas) and markets. 2. Deep-sea fishing: - It is carried out in areas a long way from the coast - It uses medium-sized boats that go out in flotillas - They stayed out more than ten days. - The process of preserving the fish begins at sea. 3.Deep-sea fishing in international waters: - It is hundred of miles from the coast - It uses flotillas with several fishing boats and aone large factory ship -The factory ship collects the fish from the other boats and begins processing it. - Seasons can last several months

4. FISHING AND FORESTRY FORESTRY - Forests have been an important source of many different types of products and resources. - The most important are: 1. Cork: - Obtained from the bark of cork oak trees -It is used to manufacture corks for bottles of wines and other uses, example: in insulation. 2. Resins: - Substances secreted by certain plants (conifers) - They are used in the cosmetics and chemical industries. 3. Rubber: - It is extracted from the sap of certain tropical trees. - It is used to manufacture tyres and other products. 4. Wood: - It is used for construction and furniture manufacture. - it is used as a raw material for making paper and as an energy source. Forestry : - It is the practice of rationally exploiting forests using modern agrarian techniques to obtain forests resources sustainably through reforestation. - worldwide deforestaion is causing by: - overexploitation of forest resources - clearing forests for farming - Forest fires

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