1. GEOGRAPHY IS A SCIENCE Geography: - It is the science of exploration that helps us: - learn about our physical surroundings. - Understand the phenomena that occur there.
Geographers: - They are experts who explain transformations in the world using diferent techniques and methods. - They try to solve practical problems.
1. GEOGRAPHY IS A SCIENCE BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY - There are three branches: physical, regional and human geography. 1.
This branch studies the Earth’s physical environment including its ecosystems.
Specialists: -
Manage and organise natural areas Prepare environmental impact studies. Predict and prevent natural hazards. Provide environmental education.
This branch analyses : the relationship between specific geographic areas and society It studies any potential problems.
Specialists: Work in spatial planning and decide which geographic areas should be protected and which can be used for certain activities. Decide where to build elements of infrastructure.
1. GEOGRAPHY IS A SCIENCE 3. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY - This brach seeks to explain : - how we adapt our activities to our surroundings -
It analyses the form of spatial organisation.
Specialists: -
Prepare transport plans Analyse the best places to locate factories and shopping centres. Explain the causes behind the existence of deprived areas in cities.