Greek culture had a great influence in ancient times.
It ‘s considered to be the foundation of Western civilisation. PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE
PHILOSOPHY: - The Greeks were the first to use reason to examine the nature of human beings and the world around them. - Imporant philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
SCIENCE: Main scientists: - Mathematics: Pythagoras - Physics: Archimedes - Medicine: Hippocrates
GEOGRAPHY: - Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth.
HISTORY: - Herodotus was considered to be the “Father of History” - Thucydides wrote a history of the Peloponesian war.
LITERATURE Epic poems, such as the Iliad and the Odissey, were written around 700 BC. Odes: celebrating events or people. Short lyrical poems: like poems of Sappho, a woman poet. Theatre: - Probably it developed from religious ceremonies. - Later there were competitions each year, when authors competed for prizes. - Tragedies were written by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. - Comedies were written by Aristophanes
They were polytheists, who had many gods. Their gods had the appearance of human beings, but had supernatural powers. They believed that the gods lived on Mount Olympus. Gods an goddesses: - Zeus, the supreme god. - Hera, Zeus’ wife and goddess of family - Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love - Athena, goddess of wisdom - Apollo, god of science and art - Poseidon, god of the sea Each city also had its own god that protected the city. The official cult involved sacrifices and processions, like the Panathenaia festival in Athens. They also believed in heroes, who were the children of gods and human beings, like Hercules. Temples were holy places, where prayers and offerings were made. They consulted oracles, which were believed to communicate messages from the gods. The Olympic Games : - were sports competitions in honour of the gods. - They were celebrated every four years. - Greeks from all the city states prticipated in thse and for that reason these helped to unite Greek civilisation.