1. HUMANISM CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMANISM -Humanism was a philosophical and cultural movement. - It started in Italy, in the 14 th century. - Society and culture became progressively more secular. - Main principles: 1. Antropocentrism: - They rejected theocentric mentality which revolved around God. - Humanists were interested in studying humanity because, as the only species with reason and freedom, they believed humans were the centre of the universe.
2. Classical antiquity: - Humanists studied Greek and Latin texts and were inspired by the philosophers of antiquity. - They admired Plato and Aristotle for their pursuit of knowledge through reflection and reason. 3. Scientific curiosity: - They were interested in science and technological progress. - this scientific spirit was devoted to learning about naturethrough experience and observation. - Their aim was to understand the world through reflection and scientific experiments.
1. HUMANISM THE ORIGIN OF HUMANISM - During the 14 th century, humanism developed in Italy. - During the 15 th century, it spread from the different regions: 1. Florence: - Arts and culture flourished under the rule of the Medici. - Famous humanists were : - Machiavelli, author of the political text, The Prince. - Ficino who studied and translated the works of Plato. 2. Rome: - The papal court contributed to the spread of humanism and promoted authors like Cusa and Piccolomini. 3. Naples: - Many scholars and humanists, like Valla, found support in the court of Alfonso V of Aragรณn.
1. HUMANISM SPREAD OF HUMANISM - From the late 15 th century humanist ideas spread through Europe thanks to:
The use of Romance languages: - Humanists chose French, Spanish and Italian as their means of transmitting knowledge. 2. The invention of the printing press: - Gutenberg perfected the printing press in 1450. - This changed humanity because it allowed many books to be printed and spread new ideas, like humanism, even faster. 3. Schools and universities: - These centres of study had scholars that translated ancient texts, exchanged ideas and incorporated new thinking models to universities such as Bologna, Florence, Alcalå de Henares‌
- During Henry VIII regency, Thomas More, an English lawyer who criticised the society of this time and proposed a new model of social organisation in his book Utopia, published in 1516. 2. The Netherlands - Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote The Praise of Folly which is considered to be the best representation of Christin humanism. - This work combined encyclopedicm knowledge with a strong critical spirit and religious values. 3. Spain: - Cardinal Cisneros founded the University of Alcalรก de Hgenares in 1499 which became the centre of humanism during the reign of Carlos I. - Nebrija worte the first book on Spanish grammar. - Vives was an important philosopher and educator.