Islamic economy and society

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The Muslims developed many economic activities throughout the Mediterranean and Asia: 1. Agriculture: - They grew new crops (cotton, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables). - Many crops came from other parts of the world: - Sugar cane from India - Rice from the Far East - They improved irrigation techniques (wells, dams and water channels). 2. Craftsmanship: - They produced textiles (also silk and linen) - They were expert manufacturers of glass, paper, wood and ceramics. - They worked in small workshops. 3. Trade: - They developed trade routes between east and west. - they were great travellers who went long distances by land and sea. - the use of gold and silver currency promoted trade.


CITIES There were great cities in the Medieval Muslim world. However, Christian Europe was rural in this period and had little trade and urban life. Cities played an important role in polical, cultural and economic life. We can distinguish different parts in the Muslim cities: - The medina: - it was located in the central part of the city. - The most important buildings were located in this area.

- The mosque (mezquita): - It was a building to practice islamic religion

- The alcazar : - it was the residence of the political auhorities.

- The souq (zoco): - It was the market.


Muslim cities wer surrounded by defensive walls The streets were narrow and winding.



It was based on religious and ethnic factors.


We can distinguish two big groups: 1.

Muslims: these were divided in two gropus: a) b)


The Arabs,they were the aristocracy and had greater power, wealth and land. Below them were the inhabitants of he conqueed areas hat converted to Islam. On the Iberian Peninsula they received the name of Muladis.

Non- Muslims: -

This group was compound of Christians and Jews. They paid special taxes. They were tolerated because they were considered to be “peoples of the Book” , because they believed in he Bible, like Muslims. On the Iberian Peninsula, Christians who lived in Arab regions were called Mozarabs.

5. ISLAMIC ECONOMY AND SOCIETY DAILY LIFE - Families were under male authority. - Women had to obey their fathers, and laer their husbands. - Muslims lived in simple houses, with few windows due to two main reasons: 1. To keep temperatures cool inside 2. To protect the privacy of the family

- Women lived in a separate part of the house, called the harem. - According to the Quran, hygiene was very important for Muslims, and as a consequence there were public baths in all cities.

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