THE THIRHY YEARS ‘ WAR The Habsburg dynasies of Spain and Austria domnated Europe in the early 17 th century and both were supporters of catholicism. Opposition to Habsburg ascendancy (hegemonía) and religious differences led to the outbreak of he Thirth Years’ War (1618- 1648) This war started when the Protestants of Bohemia reelled against the Austrian emperor Ferdinand II. Protestants and Catholics throughout Europe allied themselves with one side or the other. Austria and Spain fought against Sweden, Denmark and the United Provinces. There was also a war between Spain and England. France was a Catholic country, but it allied with Protestant forces in order to weaken its great rival, Habsburg Spain. The war ended with Habsburg defeat at the Treaty of Westphalia(1648). After this, the United Provinces and Sweden both acquired greater influence. The French Bourbon monarchy was the biggest winner. The war between France and Spain continued until French Bourbon ascendancywas confirmed at the Treaty of the Pyrenees .
ABSOLUTE MONARCHY IN FRANCE France was an absolute monarchy under Louis XIV. All the power was held by the king, who received his authority from God. The king created a powerful bureaucracy, a diplomatic service and a permanent army. Louis XIV’s foreign policy aimed for European domination. He acquired new territories under the Treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees.
In England, the political system went through many changes. Yn the early 17 th century king Charles I tried to establish an absolute monarchy. But he was opposed by Parliament, which was controlled by radical Protestants. Parliamentary forces triumphed in a Civil War and Charles I was executed. For a few years, England was a Republic under Oliver Cromwell. The Monachy was restored, but a second uprising, called the Glorious Revolution, overthrew King James II in 1688. This time England remained a monarchy, but a Bill of Rights recognised the right to hold electins and confirmed the powers of Parliament. These changes set England towards a parliamentary monarchy. England was an exception in Europe, because most states followed the example of Louis XIV ‘s absolute monrchy.
2. POLITICAL CHANGE IN EUROPE EUROPE AFTER TH THIRTY YEARS ‘ WAR - The balance of power was very different in Europe after the Thirty Years ‘s War. - The most important was the rise of France and the decline of he Habsburg monarchies. - Other changes: - The Holy Roman Emperor: - Now, it had no authority over any of the states that made up his empire. - In practice, they were independent.
- The United Provinces: - It was officially recognised as a Republic. - Dutch commercial and maritime power made the United Provinces one of the great European nations. - Sweden and Denmark became influential in northern Europe.