2. SPAIN -
Spain is formed by: - The Iberian Peninsula (most of Spain’s territory) - The Balearic Islands and The Canary Islands - The autonomous cites of Ceuta and Melilla - It’s in the south-west of Europe - -Frontiers: - The Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Sea in the north - Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean in the west - The Mediterranean Sea in the east - The strait of Gibraltar, in the south, it’s conncting the Atlantic and the Mediterranean - Climate:- Nearly all the country is in the temperate zone. - Except of The canary Islands where there is a subtropical climate. - The average altitude:- is fairly high (660 metres) - -it ‘s due to : - The Central Plateau (a vast plateau) - and several mountain ranges
CENTRAL PLATEAU: It’s a vast inland plateau at an altitude of 650 metres. It is divided into two parts by the Central Chain It is surrounded by several mountain regions: The Galician Massif, The Cantabrian Chain, Iberian Chain, Morena Range. OTHER MOUNTAIN REGIONS (beyond the Central Plateau):
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The Pyrenees (with some peaks have an altitude over 3,000 metres), The Catalan Coastal Chain, the Baetic Chain (where is locate the Mulhacen Peak, the higgest peak on the Peninsula)
3. LOWLAND REGIONS: - include the basins formed by the Ebro and Guadalquivir rivers. - coastal plains are narrow between the mountains and the sea. - Coastline of Spain is fla and regular, except in Galicia, whee there are rías or coastal inlets.
THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: The main mountain range is the Tramonana Range (on Mallorca). It has the steepest relief. Ibiza has steep relief Menorca and Formentera have flatter relief
2. THE CANARY ISLANDS: Were formed by volcanic eruptions The Teide is the highest mountain in Spain