Spanish society

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During the 1940s and 1950s, Spain had a very traditional economy and society. The country was close to outside influences during the early years of General Franco’s dictatorship. The country began a process of modernisation during the 1960s that continued in the late 20 th century.

Economic Growth: - The economy as modernised - There was a massive development of the tourist industry on the coast. 2. Urbanisation: - Migration from the countryside to coties was part of the transformation of a traditional rural society into a modern urban one. 3. Democracy: - After Franco’s death in 1975, the dictatorship ended. - In the democracy, citizens’s rights were defined by the Constitution of 1978. 4. Attitudes and lifestyle: - The Spanish educational system expanded, Spaniards became better educated. - Spain became more open to the outside world. - People adopted lifestyles which were similar to the rest of Europe. 5. The place of women: - Women began to work outside their homes. And had fewer children. - The proportion of working women still remains low compared to much of the European Union.


In the late 20 th century, Spain became a post-industrial society, with a high level of economic development and social welfare:

Economic development: - The economy of Spain expanded in the late 20 th century. - Spanish industries were modernised - An excellent network of roads and railways was created. - Most of the working population belongs to the tertiary sector. 2. Health: - Social welfare improved - Everybody receives health care if they need it. 3. Education: - Young people receive a good education, although it is not easy to find a job afterwards. - Education is free and compulsory up to the age of 16. 4. Technological: - The use of information and communication technology spread throughout society, especially among young people.


THE EFFECTS OF THE CRISIS -Spanin’s economy expanded in the late 20 th century and early 21 st century, and standards of living improved. - The situation wordened after the international crisis of 2008. - Spain was more affected than other countries due to the “property bubble”( Property speculation pushed house prices very high until they suddenly collapsed. 1. Unemployment levels: - They are risen and are especially high among young people. - Young people needed to find work before they can leave the family home and become independent.

2. Housing: - Hose prices have now fallen , but people still have to go on paying back the money they borrowed many years ago. - unemployment people find it very difficult to find the money. - The construction of many new houses was started but left unfinished.

5. SPANISH SOCIETY 3. Immigration: - Millions of immigrants arrived in Spain in the early 21 st century. - Since 2008 they have found it much more difficult to find jobs. - Some mmigrants live in bad conditions and face social exclusion. 4. An ageing population: - The proportion of older people is increasing an many of them need special care at home or in residential accomodation. -A special law (Ley de dependencia) established financial assistance for older people. - it will be difficult to find enough resources in the future. 5. women: - Many women had entered the labour market - But more women than men are unemployed today.

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