The beginning of a modern state

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4. THE BEGINNINGS OF A MODERN STATE ADMINISTRATION -The Catholic Monarchs developed an authoritarian monarchy, especially in Castilla. - In Castilla had a greater tradition of centralised power. - They imposed royal autority through several institutions: - Council of Castilla - Council of Arag贸n - Council of War - In the Crown Arag贸n was a Viceroy in each kingdom.

4. THE BEGINNINGS OF A MODERN STATE RELIGIOUS UNITY -During the Middle Ages had been three religions on the Iberian Peninsula: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. - This ended under the catholic Monarch who imposed religious unity. 1. The inquisition: - This tribunal was introduced in Spain in 1478. - It was for discovery heretics, people who did not follow Christian morality or secretely practised another religion. 2. The expulsion of the Jews: - In 1492 a decree (or law) ordered all Jews leave the country unless they became Christians. - But some of them, privately went on practising Judaism. 3. The expulsion of the Muslims: - Few years after the fal of Granada (1492), the Muslims were allowed to practise their religion. - But several decrees leading by Cardenal Cisneros imposed Christianity on the Muslims who became known as moriscos.



One of the aims of the Catholic Monarchs was o make the monarchy the one real power in heir kingdoms:


The mayorazgo: - The nobility kept their privileges and passed their estates on to their descendants. - In this way, the monarch reinforced royal authority over the nobility. Military Orders:

2. -

They fall under the contro of the King Fernando.

3. The corregidor: - An important administrative and judicial figure in the cities. 4. The Santa Hermandad: - It was a precursor of a police force in the cities and in the countryside. 5. The Court of Justice: - There were two: one in Valladolid and the other one in Granada. 6. The Contaduria Real de Hacienda( la Hacienda real): - It was a central tax offices to collect new taxes and to have regular incomes. 7. A permanent and professional army: - They created its own army and due to they did not depend on feudal armies.

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