1. THE ECONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY - As humans , we have developed methods of producing, exchanging and consuming goods and services to meet our needs. - Economy : - It is the collection of goods, services and activities that e humans have developed to meet our needs. - It constitutes the wealth of a given geographic area.
- Economic activity allows us to survive.
1. THE ECONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY - Economic Geography: - It is the field of Gepgraphy that connets economic activity with the location in the world where it takes place. - It studies: 1. How location affects economic activity, that is to say, the impact of gegraphy on the economy. 2. The influence and the impact of economic activity on ur physical surroundings and how space is organised. 3. It allows us to analyse if and why there is unequal access to resources among the population, and how the inequalities in the way people live can increae.
The distribution of economic activity across the world is extremely unequal. To identify the areas with more or less economic activity, we use some indicators: 1. Gross domestic product (GDP): - It measures the total goods and services produced in an area in a year. - In Spanish is the PIB (Producto Interior Bruto) 2. Human Development Index (HDI): - It measures the access to education and healthcare, among other things. 3. Employment data for a country. 4. Household consumption (Consumo de los hogares): - How much money families spend. 5. State investment (inversiรณn del Estado)
The geographic distribution of these indicatores explain us the distribution of wealth and inequality around the world: 1. 2.
Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America have less economic activity. North America, Europe and East Asia concentrate the economic activities.