2. THE MAIN FEATURES OF CLIMATE • - There are three main features: temperatures, wind and precipitation. 1. TEMPERATURE: -
Is how warmer the air is. Instrument: we measure it with thermometer. It ‘s expressed in degrees Celsius (ºC) We can show it it on a map through isotherms ISOTHERMS: Lines that connect places of equal temperature.
Is the movement of the air masses. It’s caused by air currents created in zones of different atmospheric pressure. Instruments: - Anemometer:we use to measure the speed of the wind. - Weather vane: we use to show the direction of wind. Types of winds (3) - a) seasonal winds: Monsoons - In Asia - It carries heavy rain - It blow in summer from the Indian ocean to the continent. - In winter, monsoon, blows from land back to the ocean. -b) wind s that always blow in the same direction: trade winds (vientos alisios) - c) Sea breezes: they change direction continually
2. THE MAIN FEATURES OF CLIMATE 3. PRECIPITATION: - Is the amount of water that falls in a place - It can be in 2 forms : liquid (rain) or solid (hail and snow). - It is caused by condensation of water vapour which form water drops hat falls because of the gravity. - instrument: pluviometer or rain gauge: it records the amount of water that falls during a period of time. - It express in millimitres (mm) - We can show on a map through isohyets. - Isohyets: lines that connect places with the same amount of precipitation. - - precipitation is unevely distributed over the world.
2. GREENHOUSE EFFECT - Sun rays heat the Earth - A mixture of water vapour and carbon dioxide prevent (evita) that the heat leaves. - This proccess is called Greenhouse effect and allow life exists in Earth - Pollution: - has increased tha amoun of carbon dioxide in th e atmosphere. - This produce that planet gets warmer and it’s dangerous to plants and animals.