5. THE METAL AGE - From 4000 BC people in the Middle East began to make metal objects. - They used fire to heat metal and turn it into tools and weapons. - The Metal Age has three periods: 1. The Coper Age (from 4000 BC) 2. The Bronze Age ( from 3000 BC) 3. The Iron Age ( from 1000 BC) - These periods didn’t begin at the same time in all parts of the world.
5. THE METAL AGE LIFESTYLE IN TH METAL AGE - The use of metal led to important changes: 1. Metal working was complex, so workers became more specialised. 2. Metal tools ( ploughs) improved techniques in agriculture. 3. People who had metal weaons, like swords and spears, acquired greater power. Settlements needed walls for protection. 4. Increased trade, and the invention of money, led to social differences between the rich and poor .
5. THE METAL AGE BELIEFS AND ART - Enormous stones were made into megalithic monuments. - These were religious sites and tombs - Types od megalithic monuments: 1. Menhirs: - They are single, standing stones. - They are often aligned in long lines or in circles called cromlechs. 2. Dolmens: - They are groups of vertical stones covered by large horizontal stones. - The space inside was used for burials. - Passage dolmens are longer and has entrance passage.