Types of settlement

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RURAL AND URBAN SETTLEMENT People form settlements when they live together in a territory. Traditionally, settlements have been classified as rural or urban according some criteria:

Size: - Rural settlements have smaller populations than cities. 2. Economic activity: - Urban populations mainly work in the tertiary sector and industrial activity. - In rural areas many people work in agriculture. -But, nowadays agricultural work is mainly done by machines and many people who live in the countryside do not work in farms. - Transports and communications have transformed the relationship between rural and urban areas. 3. Many inhabitants of rural areas commute to work in cities. 4. Factories and companies have moved out of cities. - They have located in neighbouring regions, where land is cheaper. - the surrounding regions have lost their rural character

1. TYPES OF SETTLEMENT RURAL SETTLEMENT -They are usually located in areas where water and fertile land are found. - Agriculture, grazing and orestry can be carried out in this type of environment. - Two types:


Dispersed settlement - Population lives in separate buildings, dispersed across an extensive territory. - It is common in some parts of northern Spain, especially mountainous regions. 2. Concentrated settlement - Buildings are built close together, so they form villages and smalls towns. - It is common in many Spanish regions (Castilla- La Mancha, Extremadura)

1. TYPES OF SETTLEMENT URBAN SETTLEMENT -High population density is characteristic of urban settlement. - Buildings are built near each other. - Industrial activity and services are located in small areas. - Buildings are higher and closer together than in rural areas. - Cities are centres of transport networks and there is big traffic around them. - Urban population has grown over the last two centuries due to the rural exodus. - Cities continue to grow rapidly in developing countries due to the rural exodus.

1. TYPES OF SETTLEMENTS THE INTERACTION BETWEEN RURAL AND UBAN ENVIRONMENTS - Interactions between rural and urban environments: - Rural areas supply to the cities : - food, raw materials and some industrial products to cities. - Many leisure acivities are practised in rural areas - Much of the urban population originally lived in the countryside.

- Cities suply to the countryside: - Urban companies and institutions sell products and provided services to the rural inhabitants. - There has been a trend for people living in cities to move away nd look for homes in the neighbouring countryside.

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