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D E S I G N / A C A D E M I C / COMPETION/ป ร ะ ว ั ต ิ ศ า ส ต ร ์ /THEORY/ / ก า ร ว า ง ผ ั ง เ ม ื อ ง / V O LU N T E E R / W O R K S H O P / ANALYSIS/THAINESS/ ว ั ฒ น ธ ร ร ม /INTERIOR/ CHARACTER/ ร่ ว มสมั ย / STUDYMODEL/SPACE/ PERSPEC TIVE/HYPERTOWER/ HYP E R - R E A L / T E C H N O LO G Y / P O R T F O L I O / PA R A M E T R I C / S I M U L AT I O N / SIMULACRUM/ สถาปั ต ยกรรมพื ้ น ถิ ่ น /LAYOUTPLAN/ VIRTUAL-REALIT Y/BIOMIMICRY/ ท ฤ ษ ฎ ี ส ถ า ป ั ต ย ก ร ร ม / V I S UA L / E X P E R I M E N T / S C R I P T / F I E L D - CO N D I T I O N / P R E S E R V AT I O N / แ น ว ค ว า ม ค ิ ด / C O N C E P T / A X O N O M E T R I C / S T R U C T U R E / V E R T I C A L / BOUNDARY/RELATIONSHIP/สถาปัตยกรรมแบบยั่งยืน/ MATERIAL/INVISIBLE/ ไดอะแกรม /TEMPORARY/ P H Y S I C A L / M A N I F E S T O / THALEKANGKHAO/UNORGANIZED/ CLICHE/SOCIETY/CHARACTERISTIC/ ARCHITECTURE/สถาปัตยกรรม/SHIFTING/ M O D E L / PA R A D I A G M / S T U D E N T / องค์ประกอบทางสถาปัตยกรรม/EXTERIOR/

Profile record

Thale Kangkhao Bangkok, Thailand 4th October 1994 Interesting in Architecture and other various field of design especially in topic of History, Theory and Manifesto . He also interesting in other field such as Economy, Politics, Innovation, Global warming, literature, and philosophy because Thale believe that the understanding of various field of knowledge is the only way to expand the boundary of architecture further.


GPA 3.57

Education School of architecture and design King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi KMUTT 2014-2019 The Demonstration School of Ramkhamhaeng University DSRU 2007-2013

Personality Able to Work Under Pressure High Leadership Skill Teamwork Player Able to Solve Complex problem

Skills 3D modeling Sketch up Rhinoceros/Glasshopper 2D drafting AutoCAD Graphic Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Prefabrication Laser cuting 3d printing Writing Academic writing Language Thai English


Academic Activity


International Activity


Architecture Workshop



Activity Section

Academic Section Redefine Learning Space: Charoenkrung Workforces Educational Center


Asa School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D) Volunteer Camp 2017


Life on transits: An Analysis Of Metro Malls Versus Street Markets


Kenetic Experiment: Traditional Fishing Net Kinetic Structure


Bang Khun Thian Hyper Tower


Is it a museum?


Blurring Boundary


The Swiftlet Club


Movement of Ramayana Warrior


Competition Section Competition Work







Activityy Section

Arcademic Activity

DAS Magazine Part of the Founder Team and Editorial

The national outstanding youth and children Award Out of Site Exhibition at KX learning center 2016 2007 annual visit to the prime minister 1 project exhibited From The Ministry of education of Thailand AFS intercultural program AFS Alumnus class of 2010 in Montgomery, Alabama, USA.

Architecture 4.0 Exhibition at KX learning center 2017 2 projects exhibited

Unlocked Architecture Exhibition 2017 Teacher Assistant 2017 - History of architecture and 1 projects exhibited interior architecture II


Future Metropolitan ASA’60 BAAN BAAN Reconsidering Dwelling 2017 The design team for the university work showcase Idea Nowadays the coming of globalization and mass production effect to everything in our life even our living place the introducing of material like concrete and trending of international style in the past also effect a lot to housing in Thailand especially “Row house”. This type of housing become very popular and effect to our daily life. So how people now a day be able to define the word home because every house unit is the same everywhere.

Concept the idea that even the outside of the house is the same but inside is differently because the function of house itself change according to the people who live inside it mean people itself define the place that call home. Final outcome The interactive model that allow visitor to interact with the model. we want to see how people in Thailand define the place of home in their own idea. Under the trend of globalization and mass production.

Each people has their own activities and different purpose of using the space.

Each person has the required space that suitable for one person. When 2 people has to live together the spaces need to be bigger follow the area that they needed.

Sometime the usage of space is for more than 2 person (for group) so the spaces need to be bigger. For example, in the shop house if people need more space they will recreate and transform the space by themself.

one modular will represent 1 unit area of 4x4 m. Every house is full with activities and the way to define it best depends on what do you use it for. The purpose and usage of it might be changes but the way it will all arrange and be together will mostly be the same. If people need more space the space will be bigger follow the people that use it.

Idea Diagram

Type of size

1 Unit Size

Type of color

2 Unit Size

3 Unit Size

Green type color

Blue type color

Red type color

Orange type color

Support facillity

Private space facillity

Common space facillity

Special facillity

3 Unit Size

How to play Pick the size of unit that fit to your need. to put inside your home

Put the box into the container that we provide. stack all the program to define the meaning of your home

Pick the color of unit that you prefer to put inside your home

Finish and share your home to us on your Instagram #HomeSOAD #HomeSOAD


International Activity

Study Trip

Liason for ASA’60 Forum (Baan Baan) For Mr. Chelvadurai Anjalendran Sri lanka architect

Barcelona, Spain - Paris, France 2 July 2017 - 14 July 2017 Tokyo, Japan 3 Nov 2017 - 16 Nov 2017


Architecture Workshop Kanagawa University Yokohama, Japan 21 May 2018 - 3 June 2018

International Lecture Series and Workshop Jun Igarashi Japanese Architect 23 June 2017

Kyoto Institure of Technology (KIT) Bangkok, Thailand 2 Sep 2017 - 9 Sep 2017 Architecture and Energy Workshop Keio University (SFC) 7 Nov 2017 - 14 Nov 2017



Academic Section Academic Section


Year 2019

REDEFINING LEARNING SPACE: CHAROENKRUNG WORKFORCES EDUCATIONAL CENTER This Thesis content is not complete still in the developing Through Thesis year process, the following content will contain research of the thesis and early stage of architecture design Project member Thale Kangkhao

The current situation of Bangkok is going toward the era of automation and artificial intelligent in the nearly soon future. This will create hugh-transformation into city in the nearly future. The technology such as AI has brought some impact and issue into work replacement to working class in Thailand. Charoenkrung become the place to fulfillment the gap between work class and technology in 21st century.

Project advisor Dr. Chanen Munkong

The interesting of urban development, charoenkrung become the case study to understand the phenomenon that has been change into the urban structure through Culture of Congestion, the idea from Rem Koolhaas in the book Delirious New York. As the result Charoenkrung has been driven through several elements that cause the district to rise and fall in itself. Nowadays Charoenkrung represent as the nostalgia of the prosperity of Bangkok city in the old time. In the same time with the problem of automation and artificial intelligent going toward the global scale. Thai government decided to provide the strategy to tackle with the 21st century. Charoenkrung Creative district become the government solution to change the business strategy into creative business to respond with the change of the global trend. In reality this Charoenkrung creative district lack of understanding to the reality, the project support just only specific group of people in Thai society, lack of concerning to the low and middle income, one of the largest group in Thai society and will mostly impact by the development of technology in the future. The place requires the training place for low and middle workforce to adapt their self with the 21st century working landscape. In Conclusion, transform the Charoenkrung district, into the solution for the need of larger group of people in the society to tackle with the transformation and development of technology. Redefine the idea of adult learning school to answer with the low and middle working class in Thai society and the school that be able to create learning context into Charoenkrung district in 21st century.



D A study of Culture of Congestion from delirious New York by Rem Koolhaas through Charoenkrung district. the study of urban scale phenomenon through district culture and an impact of future Technology such as Automation and Disruptive Technology in 21st century district.

The result of study has given the posibility to transform an existing site in charoenkrung to become learning area for low and middle to tackle with the working landscape in disruptive technology era.

“Culture of Congestion� From Delirious New York by Rem Koolhaas


The important of technology through the change of the city. technology can divide charoenkrung into 3 different period of time

First Wave: the First Western Road in Bangkok City


Second Wave

: Technology Toward the East Bangkok


Third Wave (Future Situation): The Future Charoenkrung Digital economy and Disruptive technology

The public still Require the solution program to support Low and Middle working class in Thailand one of the leargest group in Thai society to tackle with the disruptive technology.


2013 13

THESIS STATEMENT The architecture that answer to the need of Low and middle work force to tackle with the transformation of working landscape in Disruptive Technology Era.


RETHINKING “THE SPACE FOR LEARNING” CONCEPT Hypothesis, Development of Technology The study has been research through adult cause the transformation of learning in 21st learning, Social constructivism learning, and century . People Be able to learn everywhere characteristic of existing context in the area. from their house, working place, travelling ETC.



this project plan is highly concern with the existing context, local user, and how a future context will have inflence and impact to the existing site.











Year 2017

ASA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (SoA+D)VOLUNTEER CAMP 2017 1:1 scale Library Building in remote area Responsibility as One of the Head design team of the building

Project member Student of School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D)

The Student Volunteer project has a purpose to help the need of people in the rural remote area in Tak Province which lack of infrastructure and basic need. the local people ask us to build a learning center which will be use by student from 3 different group of villages in mountain tribe. In this project, I have been in charge to as one of the head in the design team for the building. The Design of the building try to reflect the space for everyone and in the same time the design be able to serve all the require function for the student in this remote area.



all of the process on this project has been responsibility by student only. From the start to finish which all the process has been illustrate into building diagram to show the construction of this building.

This Project used about 21 Days to finish through many participation over 80 students during the construction. Some of the picture has show the building after finish the process of construction and some of the Detail inside of this Library. All material and Detail has been thinking to serve all the function and need of local people in tribe area.

Construction Diagram



Year 2018 25

Life on transits: An Analysis Of Metro Malls Versus Street Markets Architecture Journal attend SAAN : The First International Conference on Design, Innovation, and Creativity. Paper Author Thale Kangkhao Thitiphan Sukkasem Dr. Chanen Munkong

This Architecture Jourmal has been the written work to attend the conference that has been held by the School of Architecture and Design, KMUTT Abstract This study is an attempt to reveal the composition of street markets and to understand their fundamental elements and local characteristics. Specifically the markets clustered around nodes of the most modern transport in tropical cities. In terms of architecture, this study aims to understand some basic characteristics, both advantageous and disadvantageous, of street markets and metro malls. The author carried out a comparison between both types of markets in five locations to identify such characteristics. The multi-complex aspects of city life are apparent in the form of street food markets. Street markets represent a way of life and Thai culture in Bangkok. The architectural aspects of street markets in a tropical climate appear to be characterized as free and unstructured. As a result, street markets not only appear exotic in the eyes of foreigners, but also offer the special experience of mingling with sellers, bargaining and the unique qualities of local of food and products. In Bangkok, new street markets are emerging in the areas closest to the latest transportation infrastructure – Bangkok Skytrain (BTS), that has greatly impacted the way of living in Bangkok. Commuters have adjusted their patterns of travel, daily food shopping activities and street vendors have accordingly changed their modus operandi. With new infrastructure around BTS stations have come new activities, new jobs and new markets. Local street markets linked to BTS stations in Bangkok show four characteristics as follows 1) Walk through markets with a certain degree of informal planning: 2) Adaptable and time relevant: 3) Spaces to wait or relax incorporated in the market areas: 4) A sense of freedom to move around. These four characteristics are rarely seen in the metro malls around MRT stations. It may be concluded that one disadvantage of the metro mall is that its design has created a gap between the local cultural context and the normal behavior of Thai people.


Year 2018

Kenetic Experiment: Traditional Fishing Net Kinetic Structure The Kenetic Model Experiment: the study of kenetic movement has the possibility to recreate Architecture space. Project member Thale Kangkhao

Project advisor Takashi Nishibori

Start from the research of all kind of kinetic movement in our daily life such as Toys, Body movement, and traditional object Etc. As the result Yokyo (Thai Traditional fishing net) Become the study for the Kenetic structure system method. The project involve with experiment on physical model through diverse of systematic model to to study the movement of the mechanic system and using various kind of system and material apply to the model itself lastly with the additional of electronic mechanic device allow the model be able to move and change adjuist through the time. this Kenetic fishing models has been reproduce another 8 models and attach to the surface of fishing net. With the different time of movement and the conflict that happen into the fishing net surface. Not just only the movement model that provide the changing condition into the surface it self but the surface itself has become the floating of space that continue change follow the mechanic. In the later on during the project, Project advisor tell us to use the video editing program to using the technology to advance the imagination to recreate the visual of the space from this kenetic motion structure. This project has allow me to do something that different from usual idea of design but allow me to experience the way of thinking into the new idea.



The tension of thread move and adjust the In the same time, the fishing has create the surface not just only change the surface of the space underneath itself, become adjust and fishing net transform follow the kenetic movement in the same time.

Workshop Temporary Exhibition

Workshop Workshop

Arrt Supply Shop

Workshop Museum Shop

General Storage

MDB Room

Pump Room

Chiller Room


Temporary Exhibition

Security Check



Hallway Permanent Exhibition Second Room

Permanent Exhibition

Back Stage Outdoor Theatre


Sculpture Garden

Sculpture Garden


Year 2016

Bang Khun Thian Hyper Tower The generating of hyberreality space through the parametric design. Project member Thale kangkhao

Project advisor Sedhar Jirawattnotai

The development of technology in our real life allow us to be able to create simulation and simulacrum in our reality world. this technology will lead the way how the architecture student will get educate and how the work will produce and represent in the future. it come out with the idea of hyperreal space or hyper reality space the condition or situation that what is real and what is fiction are seemlessly blended together. so it mean that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and other begin. the technology also allow student to learn and get the knowledge from every where. the introduction of virtual reality also give the benefit atmosphere for student to support their study material. This project we have the opportunity to using the biomimicry idea to apply to this project. the Bang khun thian Hyper Tower got inspire from the ability of cattle fish that allow itself to transform their skin and camouflage with the environment that surround it in several minutes. we try to stimulate the idea of skin layer that cover the cattle fish skin to represent the idea of future school that have the combination of reality and hyperreality existing side by side and can not be sepperate. we using the scientific data combine with parametric design (glasshopper program) because we believe that the combination of biomimicry data and parametric design will generate the unexpectation space that never happen before in the reality world.



the existing of hyperreality space and reality space is seamless. the idea of hyper reality space is something that beyond the reality so that mean the existing of this place is not just only define in height level but it also exist in horizontal and vertical space close to the people and activity that people do.

so that mean we can not sepperate the hyperreality and reality space from each other both of this space will exist together and created the different space for education and other facilities for the architecture school.

the function of the school will be change some function of the school will be remove and change the state of we believe that the hyper reality space (the condition itself into something else such as lecture room or data that what is real and what is fiction are seemlessly library. blended together ) will take a lot of effect to the education inside the school. some of the new facility will be add inside the system and the data system also the data base will be add to allow the memorie to input the data into internet also.



Interior perspective

Section A


Biomimicry:Visual Camouflage pattern the cattle fish mix their visual camouflage pattern to generate more than 40 character pattern that using in reality that can seperate into 3 main types of pattern that is Uniform, Mottled, and Disruptive. each of the pattern respond in each environment differenly. Parametric design script the cattle fish scipt that we design. we created the field condition that stimulate from the research data . then using each pattern as the surface and see the model respond to the site and generate interesting outcome in the last.

Experiment 1 created the model of the script that can be able to shift and change the space and void in vertical way Experiment 2 the new experiment on space by change the direction of the script . instant of script created the form by generate from the vertical way it change in to horizontal way. Experiment 3 in the last experiment we combine both of the result in the vertical way and hirozontal way together to see how the script will generate the forn inside this field condition

Create the dot line from the point that construct by the XYZ core axis then connect them together.

experiment 1

experiment 2

experiment 3

Create field condition with that apply to the graph data with different field condition

Create the attractor point that allow the surface can respond to the field condition in the Horizontal space and vertocal space.


Connect dotline that in the same section together to create a smooth surface that be able to respond


Exterior Perspective






Section B


Study Model

Study Model

Final Model

Final Model

Final Model

Final Model

Exterior Perspective

Final Model


Year 2016

Is it a Museum? A manifesto of the museum in Thai culture in 21st century

Project member Thale kangkhao Panon Sooksompong

As we are working on the Thai Museum and Cultural Center. We are interesting in the meaning of Thai Culture. When we start to observe from the advertisement from the tourism government that represented our culture in very Thai classic style of dress and culture it is something that call cliché in our society.

Project advisor Michael Paripol Tangtrongchit

So we go back to our main idea and ask a question ‘what exactly is Thai culture’. In reality, everything that we see is pretty different from the cliché of Thai. The way that society created and the way that people do is very contrast. We believe that all of this thing that happen on the street and our regular life that is call Thai culture that we face. It has a lot of unique characteristic that we cannot find in any other place in other country. We define characteristic into 3 simple definitions; unorganized, functional, and drive with creative and fun activity. After that we develop this idea and concept further to apply it into our conceptual model that expressing the character of contemporary thai culture in the 21st century and then we apply the conceptual model into the our museum project. we believe that the idea of museum in Western world would not fit and fully express the the idea of very thai culture in the right place. This leads to the uniqueness from Western museum organization and created program is far different from the Western. The characteristic of unorganized of space but still functional express in our building juxtaposition and program. The purpose of this building also change the museum used to be the place to conserve things and remine culture to some class of visitor. This place will not just only preserve the art and culture but museum it self can be able to generate, reflect, and represent culture and become part of culture, society, and history that we live in.



The conceptual models try to visualize our idea about the definition of Thai culture in our way. we try to combine all of the definition into our work like unorganized but functional and have fun feeling inside the idea. Each of the models trying to experiment it in many way to and the best way to visualize the idea of us.

Conceptual Model

Building juxtaposition

building shift







MARKET TEM MPORARYY PROGRAM permanentt pprrogr gram am m THEATRE A E

Add Connection


Meeting point, Market


The idea of program inside the building become rigid shape because we do believe that the program will be there and will not change different from the open space and circulation that become fluid shape that can be adjustable and changeable according to situation and time

About the building design. each building contains Warehouse - Design the simple form of warehouse to different ideas as shown; respond to the function need. Permanent - idea of traditional and preservation of Theatre - The idea of thai theatre that used for outdoor existing building, the faรงade of building. This building performance space such as khon, folk drama, and used to preserve many kind of artwork. outdoor movie. Seminar - using the faรงade and shape like shipping Temporary - We decided to connect and bond each container to represent the idea of reuse and recycle building together to make harmonize in the site by material for daily object use in Thai culture. using fluid form and very contemporary shape. Library - represent the library in temple, the place where All of the idea can be represent in the layout plan. kept sacred books.

Interior Perspective


We have started to ask the question about the culture The result is close to the goal that we want to reach the and society that we live in. idea and many thing of Thai society already explain in itself but we still cannot reach to our highest goal that the way that we experiment and study allow us to do we want to question and answer to to everything in our many things from our comfort zone. Our final museum society. project We be able to visualize our strong idea and abstract thinking into the reality of architecture that we We still become that we still lack of how we created the have to face. interior space and feeling of space. this is something that we have less concern in our work both of us will All of the idea adjust to the architecture term and solve our problem and develop this skill in the next become the museum in the final outcome of us. project.

Model View

Model View

Workshop Temporary Exhibition

Workshop Workshop

Arrt Supply Shop

Workshop Museum Shop

General Storage

MDB Room

Pump Room

Chiller Room


Temporary Exhibition

Security Check



Hallway Permanent Exhibition Second Room

Permanent Exhibition

Back Stage Outdoor Theatre

Sculpture Garden

Sculpture Garden

Layout plan


Exterior Perspective

Model View


Year 2017

Blurring Boundary Reinterpret, redefine and reinvent the relationship between space and its context

Project member Thale kangkhao

Project advisor Ekawat Ophartpongsakorn

The concept of the light line come from created light line to represent the idea of something that can see or feel but can not touch (the invisible boundary). So i think that this kind of idea can use to represent something that used to have or something used to exist. Finally i come out with the idea about our king to represent him and honour his past. there are many possibility way to create but the most interesting idea that attract me the most is the idea of after ceremony event of the king. Right now people go to give respect to his body and the royal funeral pryer but how about after the event because the royal funeral pryer is permanent structure something that have to be remove after finish the event of the king. So How can we can still represent king rama nine and give respect to him and make people remine of him. Decide to use the exactly place of royal funeral as the place of the site. using only the light beam and very small structure to distrube less of the existing site .The design and composition of the light based on Phra Sumen mountain (based on believe of brahman and hindu religious the mountain that stand for the core of the earth, the middle of earth and universe). Seperate into 7 tube of light in each side represent the level of Phra Sumen mountain with the idfferent hierachy height level of light tube. The highest level of light beam is 40 metre heigh.the structure design to relate the surrounding site like Wat Phra Kaew. In the middle the light design only using the pure life that combine the small light together to represent of the King Rama nine


EExterior Ex xte teri teri r or o Perspective Per erssp peccti tive ve


Concept drawing- try to express the idea of invisible Model represent the idea of the structure and physical boundary by using the light as the feeling of boundery impact that be able to happen in to the reality. the final but something that can be see and feel but can not model using clear acrylic as main material. touch. this drawing using charcoal on paper technique to express the idea. Concept idea the diagram represent the idea of royal funeral that is the temporary structure after the finish of the royal funeral the structure will be remove. So the concept of the project it self is to create something that reminding the royal funeral to the public without disturb the area of Sanam luang.

Existing of royal funeral

Perspective represent the idea of the effect that happen in Sanam Luang during the night time. the light will give a very strong impact and strong feeling. the light will lead into the sky.

Dissappear of royal funeral

Reminding of royal funeral Concept idea

Concept drawing

Study Model

Study Model

Model View 1

Model View 2



Year 2017 49

The Swiftlet Club Local interface, the integration of design and local context

Project member Thale kangkhao Panon Sooksompong

Project advisor Ekawat Ophartpongsakorn

Why swiftlet club? Edible bird's nests are bird nests created by edible-nest swiftlets using solidified saliva, which are harvested for human consumption. They are particularly prized in Chinese culture due to their rarity, and supposedly high nutritional value and exquisite flavor. Edible bird's nests are among the most expensive animal products consumed by human. because of the value of the edible bird’s nests are very popular. the create of edible nest farm is something that very popular esspecially in asia region. this create a very large group of bussiness in this area but there are still have some several problem that cause the trouble to the Thai edible bird’s nest bussiness to grow. such as the problem with the export bussiness, problem with the Hygiene and plague, problem with the Goverment and politic, problem with the edible bird nest quality control, and problem with the people misunderstood about swiftlet bird bussiness. the creating of swiftlet club as a hub that allow all of the people who involve with the edible bird’s nests bussiness have the opportunity to create stronger social club that can be help each other together to solve the small problem scale into large problem scale of the edible bird’s nests society.


Concept of preservation and renovation

Architecture space development

Using the old existing building of old historical bird nest house as our site. The concept is to preserve the existing of bird nest farm in the existing building in the same time the renovation create the new program and more dynamic activity into inside the building.

the using of common bird farm structure grid, shitfing and stacking. allow the common seen structure created the form and new experience of space by it self.

Common grid bird farm structure

The existing building. the historical building of birdnest house

Shifting the grid pattern

Rescale the grid

Erase old grid

Horizontal grid shift along the vertical grid

Preservation program and Renovation outside and inside the building

Preservation bird nest house. allow people to observe the bird inside the farm

Renovation of interior and exterior. Allow to invite new function inside the building

Connect the building together

Combine the seperate building as a whole. allow the continuety experience into inside building


Extened the shiftig grid to all surface to create the structure








Axonometric Structure

Exterior Perspective









































Floor plan

Elevation A


Elevation B



Year 2015

Movement of Ramayana Warrior The analysis of thainess culture to create unique character of architecture. Project member Thale kangkhao

Project advisor Akarapon Nampeeti

Khon is one of the important thainess thing of Thailand because khon united many kind of Thai culture in once. Khon using the dance posture to communicate the meaning with the audience. The role of the fighting is one of the important part of khon that have very interesting movement and also convince the audience to feel the feeling of war and fight in the same time. We interesting on the fight posture that happen between two character in short period. We can separate the posture in Then we decide to trace the outline of the characters and observe the repetition from the dance posture step to see the space that occured from the both character Emphasize the space that occurred between fight of two character step by step and created the frame structure that related with the space the feeling of dynamic pressure and tension. After research and develop the study model we decided to using the wooden frame structure in study model to create the structure of pavilion.


Concept drawing- try to express the idea of invisible boundary by using the light as the feeling of boundery but something that can be see and feel but can not touch. this drawing using charcoal on paper technique to express the idea.

Concept idea the diagram represent the idea of royal funeral that is the temporary structure after the finish of the royal funeral the structure will be remove. So the concept of the project it self is to create something that reminding the royal funeral to the public without disturb the area of Sanam luang.

Study Movement 1

Study Model

Study Movement 2

Study of Space

Model View


Model View

Final Model View





Competition Section Competition Section


Concept of Tabura rasa Tabula Rasa state project: Disconnect to Connect Blue Scope Design Award 2018 - People and Lives Top 10 Honorable mention from Architecture Instead of allow people to go back to nature, connect to people, talk with social ETC. In contrast we try using the students all over Thailand. different concept the idea of Tabura rasa to create the space that allow people mind to become the blank The idea: problem of information overload As we are all witness people speak less in the reality, space, unwritten, disconnect with the mental content. concerning they self and focus more in the digital world. Allow people to truely stay with they self and start to From this point of view we would like to create the relize the reality of they self from the inner spirit. People public space that not just only allow people to connect will start to reconnect back into the reality by they self. to each other. in the alternative way to proivide the This is the Future Public space in the next era. disconnect Space to allow people to connect back to Reality world

Interior Perspective




NO MAN’S LAND: Living Without Territory No Man’s Land Project Dezeen x MINI Living Future Urban Home Competition 2018 No Man's Land instead of build on the real surface of earth. prevent the conflict that be able to happen in the future. Idea the building itself will build on the artificial system structure Human create artificial territory that call country or nation. We (the construction technology will be very advance in future) use it to divide different of race, religion, Language Etc. This thie call as a village for 1 unit system. the structure will boundary is the main cause of many problem and conflict in impact very little area of earth surface and environment but this world. The only way of human to seek the solution is to be able to increase the territory of the human as much as destroy this "invisible boundary" of race and religious and possible. at last human will stay in this territory prevent the create the world of globalization. The World without territory conflict between each other in the same time prevent harm that every human in every race live together as a one world to the earth environment. that call "Earth".


Axonometric Diagram



NOT ANOTHER BRICK ON THE WALL Hostels For Hope Competition 2016 Concept Every citizen of the country is like the Brick that make country strong but every brick have their own detail and identity. we use this concept to created this building we believe that every patient have different problem and different need. We decided to design the building be able to adjust to all the problem that can effect to patient (liver) especially financial problem. We design the program and function even the construction process that be able to solve the problem from patient them self to the society of the community.

Effect to society The place that is not just only the objective for patient to rest. We think further how to let all the patients stay here and don’t have to worry about funancial needs and come out with the process that patient don’t have to pay the hostel by the money instead they will work to paid for rent. Patient will attend the activity such as create the craftsmanship and grow the corp. All of the craftsmanship will put in souvenir shop and sell to the customer. Money that get from customer will return back to the hostel and the profit will be share back to the patient.




No Need






Profit will return back to the patient

Idea Diagram






HORIZON HOUSE Global House Design Contest 2017 The competition to create the nature house that relate to nature. in the site area of 540 sq.m. the site locate in Tambon Pha Nam Yoi , Amphoe Nong Phok, Roi Et Province.

Concept The existing context and site show a very clear open space and surrounding that there do not have anything block the view. If we created any building on the site it will disconnect building that become frame of nature and allow the view to pass through the building. Push the building a little sink under site to make it blend with the natural landscapre. Final out come of the building that become part of the nature and allow nature to pass over it.

Idea Diagram



D E S I G N / A C A D E M I C / COMPETION/ป ร ะ ว ั ต ิ ศ า ส ต ร ์ /THEORY/ / ก า ร ว า ง ผ ั ง เ ม ื อ ง / V O LU N T E E R / W O R K S H O P / ANALYSIS/THAINESS/ ว ั ฒ น ธ ร ร ม /INTERIOR/ CHARACTER/ ร่ ว มสมั ย / STUDYMODEL/SPACE/ PERSPEC TIVE/HYPERTOWER/ HYP E R - R E A L / T E C H N O LO G Y / P O R T F O L I O / PA R A M E T R I C / S I M U L AT I O N / SIMULACRUM/ สถาปั ต ยกรรมพื ้ น ถิ ่ น /LAYOUTPLAN/ VIRTUAL-REALIT Y/BIOMIMICRY/ ท ฤ ษ ฎ ี ส ถ า ป ั ต ย ก ร ร ม / V I S UA L / E X P E R I M E N T / S C R I P T / F I E L D - CO N D I T I O N / P R E S E R V AT I O N / แ น ว ค ว า ม ค ิ ด / C O N C E P T / A X O N O M E T R I C / S T R U C T U R E / V E R T I C A L / BOUNDARY/RELATIONSHIP/สถาปัตยกรรมแบบยั่งยืน/ MATERIAL/INVISIBLE/ ไดอะแกรม /TEMPORARY/ P H Y S I C A L / M A N I F E S T O / THALEKANGKHAO/UNORGANIZED/ CLICHE/SOCIETY/CHARACTERISTIC/ ARCHITECTURE/สถาปัตยกรรม/SHIFTING/ M O D E L / PA R A D I A G M / S T U D E N T / องค์ประกอบทางสถาปัตยกรรม/EXTERIOR/

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