ECN March 2013

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March 2013

ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS Essex Chapter Great Britain Monthly Newsletter Special Interest Articles:


• Essex Chapter Down Under • Easter Egg Run 2013 • 2013 “Reunion” Rally Details

Individual Highlights: Director’s Spot


2013 Rally Flyer


Rodder’s Ramble


Easter Egg Run


Black Bear Bitz


Gaz’s Rides




Party Night Review


Fran’s Titbits


Member’s Page


AHCC Recipe Corner 17 Out and About in Oz


Tour Preparation


Sponsorship Needed


Isle of Wight 2013


Events Page


Guess Who?


And below the Winning Team from the Chapter Quiz Night (see more on both stories inside……)

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ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS A Word (or two) from the ECN Editors

“This year’s Rally is going to be better than ever – all of your favourites and lots more… “

Well the sun has shone for a few days at least in February meaning that we can get out on the bike at last! Saying that Mark has ridden to work all winter (on the Triumph) except for the very worst snowy/icy days, but that is very different to getting out on the Harley for a nice day out. The 16th and 17th February were lovely riding days (once it warmed up after the cold early morning start) with sunshine too so we went down to Kent to look for some new locations to visit – and found a perfect 16th Century pub in Hartfield which is well worth a visit sometime – and the Pooh Bear “pooh sticks” bridge is just a little walk away if you fancy reliving some childhood memories. Called in at Maidstone HD where they are currently offering a 15% discount on all the Harley clothing if you bring a donation of old/unwanted clothes for the Salvation Army. Black Bear are doing something similar too – see pages 10/11 for details – so a great time to buy some new gear for the new riding season and help a very worthwhile cause at the same time. 23rd Feb was a busy day as we first had an early(ish) start to meet up with GazFran and The Director to visit the site for this year’s “Old Farts” weekend. Gary found the site and boy is it a good one! I can say no more since it is, of course, a mystery destination, but it looks like this year’s event will be another fun filled chilled out weekend – definitely one not to miss (6th/7th July)! That evening saw the Chapter Quiz/Party night expertly arranged, organised and compared by the king of quizmasters - Phil Hart – who must have spent weeks arranging it all and shopping for various fruit and veg (you had to have been there!!) It was a really fun evening with all bike related questions and (not bike related) games, and the food produced by everyone attending was scrumptious! Well done to Phil and roll on next year’s…….. A shame that our favourite drummer missed his skiing holiday due to injury but great that he could make it to the quiz instead. And a bigger shame that our favourite head road captain couldn’t make it due to his injuries after his recent spill, but we wish him a very speedy recovery. I am sure he will be devastated that he missed the Folies Bergere line-up at the end, but Dr Jazz made a great substitute!

Please send your articles and photos by 23 March to get them published in the April 2013 ECN. All contributions very welcome! . You will all have seen from the Website Events Calendar that there are literally tons of rides and events organised this year. More than any before we think, and of course there will also be last minute rides too, when appropriate, so don’t forget to keep checking the website as we are sure there will be plenty that you will fancy taking part in and it would be great to see more members than ever out on their bikes and riding with the Chapter at some point this year. We will try and ensure that the rides for the next two months are always listed at the back of this Newsletter but the website will be more up to date, and of course checkout Kevin’s weekly updates and the Hot Line too. Finally your 2013 Rally Booking Form is enclosed with this issue of the ECN. Book early to be sure of your free commerative “Reunion Rally” pin which will look like this and is sure to become a collector’s item. This year’s Rally is going to be better than ever – all of your favourites and lots lots more….. Hope to see you all there on 9th August! In the meantime Ride Safe and Have Fun

Mark and Louise

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Director’s spot Well after a long haul through the winter it seems that the better weather is just round the corner, and not a minute before time as well. Even though it was a freezing day for AHCC Lazy Saturday , with Fran making it a Valentine’s Day Special………and what a turnout, with over 60 people arriving on an absolutely freezing cold day, some even on bikes to enjoy Julia’s Valentine’s cakes. It was very impressive with a couple of new people coming over to see what was going on as well. Having had a little bit of work done on my bike which I had planned to do over the winter I even had an opportunity to go out myself. The membership renewals are going very well with more people taking up membership than this time last year, which is always very re-assuring to know that the Chapter [as it says on the Web Site] is indeed going from Strength to Strength, incidentally what a great photo of you all at the Anchor, for our “End of Season Party” what a really friendly, smiley bunch of people we all look, who could possibly resist joining the largest band of Harley riders in Essex!! Southend Shakedown looks good at the moment with all the plans in place to make this a better bash than last year, all we need is good weather. I’ve worked out that if Anglia TV want to interview me again this year, if I speak really slowly then I might get more than the 5 seconds of air time I got last year !! The Essex Chapter “Reunion” Rally tickets are now on sale, can you believe it’s our 22nd Anniversary rally……….22 years, and we’re still getting better and better!!!! and what a great theme as well, it totally reflects what so many of you have told us that one of the things you most look forward to about the Essex Chapter Rally, is the opportunity to meet up with friends old and new from Essex and from other Chapters and clubs. But don’t let this put you off if you haven’t come to an Essex Rally before why not try it and see. At £25.00 a ticket, for 3 days of sun, sea and Softails, remember to book early for your free commerative Reunion Rally pin, this is fantastic value for money. Sudbury Stadium again will be the venue with their superb facilities which include on-site toilets and showers and bar and various food outlets. The bands are in place, with the magnificent B17’s taking top spot on the Friday night, and after many, many of you asking for Robbie Gladwell to play again, he is taking top billing on the Saturday night featuring members from Cockney Rebel. I did try and book Harry for the Saturday night, but was told that Robbie would have to come along as well, Ah well !!………but for those who missed last year’s rally you missed an unbelievable night of fantastic music from Robbie, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. I know a number of us have also see the band since - though Fran has now been banned as they thought she was a stalker, and we have always been treated to a superb evening of entertainment every time. The fantastic Jake House will also be doing an acoustic set on both the Friday and Saturday evenings. DJ Chunky Munky and all the usual things will again be prominent including a “Loud Shirt Competition”. This year we might ban all members from Surrey Chapter UK from competing as Mandy dressed up in a hi-Vis jacket did not constitute a “Loud Shirt” but at least she tried…..expect more merriment from our friends South of the river this year as they’ve promised to come back to defend their prizes, as well as visitors from other Chapters. Friday’s ride to Black Bear and the main Saturday ride as planned going through the lovely picturesque Essex and Suffolk countryside, also there will be a number of traders as well, including Black Bear HD and AHCC once again in attendance, though AHCC would have had to give back to the Olympic Committee the tented village they pinched last year. There will also be some more Falconry displays from our friends at Harlow Falconry, and as usual, the “Ride in Bike Show” Chapter Boot Sale Stand, and silly games. If you prefer not to camp either by tent or caravan there are a number of hotels and B & B’s available locally, I’m sure that in the absence of any dead bodies or gas explosions it may seem that it might not be as exciting as last year but I’m sure that by the Summer things will have changed……. Only One Way to find out – BOOK NOW! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT AGAIN UNFORTUNATELY NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE SITE AND NO GLASS BOTTLES.

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Director’s Spot continued:

A guy pushed his motorcycle from the patio into the living room where he began to clean the engine with some old rags and a bowl of petrol. When he finished he sat on the bike and decided to start it to make sure that everything was OK. Unfortunately for him the bike was in gear and crashed through the patio door with him clinging to the bars. His wife who had been working in the kitchen found him crumpled on the grass, badly cut from glass, and called the ambulance services to take him to hospital. Later that afternoon after many stitches and bandaged up she brought her husband back home and put him to bed, later on deciding to clean up the mess in the living room and dumped the bowl of petrol down the loo. Shortly afterwards her husband woke up and lit a cigarette and went into the bathroom, sat down and tossed the cigarette into the toilet which promptly exploded which blew the man through the toilet door. On hearing the explosion the wife found her husband with his trousers blown away and burns on his buttocks called for the ambulance services again. The same paramedics arrived back at the house and loaded the husband onto a stretcher. One being rather curious as they had of course seen the gentleman already earlier in the day asked his wife how the injury had occurred. When she told them they began laughing so much they dropped the stretcher and broke his collarbone…..Thanks Paul. The Chapter Quiz Night on 23rd February arranged by Phil Hart was a resounding success with a few late entrants, boosting up the numbers at the last minute. The evening became fiercely competitive with various [friendly !] barracking occurring between teams.........Who's this badger bloke as he seemed to be the answer for a lot of questions ? Despite telling the members of the committee, the majority of which had found themselves on the White Team that they couldn't go for an outright win as it wouldn't look good for everyone, after a couple of rounds we were so far ahead we had to sandbag the last couple of rounds !!!!!! The last round with the oranges, cucumbers and celery were absolutely delicious. Hopefully the millionaires in the winning team will value their prizes for years to come. And finally we have the start of the riding season just round the corner starting with Bob Andrews who is leading a ride to Black Bear HD at Newmarket on the 2nd March, then the Community Links Annual Easter Egg Run organised by Aussie Mick on the 23rd March(see meeting up details elsewhere in this mag) and our friends from 3 Rivers Chapter who are visiting Leigh Cockle Sheds who Gary has arranged to meet up at Boreham and escort them over. A scenic run on 24th March to the Ace Café by Lee Turner might suit you better rather than the first 2013 Harley Night at the Ace Café on Thursday 28th with a nonscenic ride there leaving at 6.45pm at Sainsbury’s at Walthamstow, led by none other than my goodself! Remember that throughout the year there are the normal monthly meets, Green Man 1st Friday, The Cricketers first Tuesday, The Lodge 2nd Thursday, The Plough 3rd Wednesday, and the Eagle on the last Friday, with Bob temporarily postponing his Saturday runs until the weather gets a little better, and lastly AHCC Lazy Saturdays on the 2nd Saturday at Maldon, no wonder we’re busy, but if you need more information then check out the Web site, Forum, ECN, ESX Weekly updates, HOT line or just ring someone. Ride Safe and Have Fun (see below for me having fun!!) Phil

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Rodders Ramble [Often imitated, [even by other Chapters no less!] but as yet, never yet equalled!] [The totally Original Happily Grumpy old man]

This, as those of you that have a ‘history with the club, will be aware that we are now in the ‘silly season’ that is to say there’s not much happening around the scene so it makes it more difficult to fill a page…….. “So mind what you say!” I was among those privileged to witness a disturbingly deep observation by our very own Fran at the Eagle the other night on the merits, or otherwise, of blow up dolls, what sparked this off I know not……….. one really had to be there, and Gaz, I’d be worried on her source of information! Also, the subject of the infamous Australian outlaw Ned Kelly came up, and I remarked how, after all these years, his body had recently been released to his family for a suitable burial, although minus his head which went astray back in the twenty’s or thirty’s after being put on display. Dear Fran wanted to know why Ned Kelly wanted to take the head off one of my relatives……… the conversation seemed to go downhill from there-on in. I see we are to be regaled with yet another ‘expose’ of life in the ‘real world of gangs’ from across the pond naturally! Bet that’ll be riveting viewing……….. NOT! But until the weather brightens what else is there to do? Speaking of brighter weather, are you going anywhere? Would you like some company? It doesn’t matter if you don’t think anyone else would be interested, [I’ve been to some very odd places with the club over the years…… and ending up enjoying them immensely]. Tell someone about it, so if no-one wants to go with you what have you lost? You’ll be still going anyway and you never know it might turn a pleasant day out into a day to tell the grand kids about…..”The day we led twenty bikes to town” sort of thing. Never know some idiot might make a TV series about it! After all there IS worse on the box in winter. As those of you out there that know me will have noticed, my girth has, of late, diminished considerably, this in itself is no bad thing BUT, like it always says in the small print on any medication you get from the Doctors, “There may be some side effects!” As one approaches the prime of life…….OK, the older you get and believe me it’s coming to all of you, the pressing need to make use of the smallest room in the house gets more frequent, especially during the hours of darkness. As with any other dutiful and caring husband, you always refrain from switching the light on so as not to disturb the gentle sleeping of the ‘Riding permission authority’ [She who can make your life hell if you waken her] and make your way as silently as a breath of summer breeze along the landing to the required room. Now we get to the ‘side effects’, due to the lack of holding power of the now far too large candy-striped winceyette Jim-Jams, and the dis-inclination to wear HD braces in bed to keep them in place, they submit to the laws of physics and descend around your ankles. This causes you to inspect the landing carpet at closer quarters than you would have liked without the use of ‘Falling-down liquid produced by distillation’. The resulting kerfuffle is a sure fired guarantee to awaken the slumbering one with the resulting inquisition and recriminations that will go on for hours and hours. So when you see all these adverts for slimming plans just remember one thing, losing weight can also have a dark side! You never see the trim young things that advertise these things falling ‘base over apex’ on their way to the loo in the middle of the night plus they all look to be seven stone wringing wet….. again another case, I feel, for the Trades Description people!

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More down the avenue of ‘misunderstood ‘ conversations, one member, who shall remain nameless but suffice to say he may have cornered the market in diesel flavoured petrol, asked another member “How’s things?” to which the reply was “I’m fine now that I’ve lost three stones”, “Where from, it doesn’t notice?” says our hero, “No, three kidney stones” came the reply. “So is that what induced the weight loss?” our intrepid member asked ….. moral of this tale must clearly show……….Liz, please don’t send him to the hardware store to buy candles…..especially ‘Four candles’… As with the way of life, all things come at the same time, things that are apt to p*ss you off anyway, it was the time for our car to go for the annual service prior to going through the government revenue gathering exercise, [the bike and the truck are also due in the next few months]. Due to using the main dealer network it does tend to be a tad pricey but I feel safe in the knowledge that any parts used will be the right ones and therefore prolong the life of the vehicle. Half way through the morning I get THE phone call…..”It needs a number plate light, and a wiper blade, the rear brakes are 80% worn so they really should be replaced…………Oh, and one of the front springs has broken!”. Now how long the spring had been like that I’ll never know as the car has not driven any differently since I’ve had it, but they are the experts so it had to be done. After paying the bill which most probably could have wiped out the national debt of a small country one of the fellows in the office said “We’ve had a spate of front springs this week, eight so far!” Now if this was from vehicles of similar ages you’d suspect a batch of inferior parts but the affected vehicles ranged from twelve year olds up to one year olds, so that should rule out shoddy parts being used in manufacture. So what has caused this epidemic of failures? Let me think…….it couldn’t possibly be anything to do with the appalling state of our roads, could it? After all, the money our Government is taking in Road Fund Licences IS spent on the upkeep of the roads of this Country…….isn’t it? As I couldn’t escape to the garage out of ‘Managements’ way it was decided that the kitchen was due for a revamp……OK, painting anyway. Anyone who knows me will be aware how much I enjoy D.I.Y, to me a paintbrush should be classed along with items such as the AK47…. A dangerous weapon! But the exercise was embarked upon. Huffing and fluffing about put off buying the necessary paints etc. for a couple of days but AS I wasn’t doing anything we had to make a start. Now I’d never admit it to ‘Management’ but once into ripping off the old paper it was quite pleasurable, but that led on to other problems. Walking around the ‘emporium of torture’ [Homebase, other outlets are available], there was an item that couldn’t be done without. It said you could paint a whole room in a day….. really? It consisted of two sponge applicators, a small tray with a roller in it and, “That’ll be £20.00 thank you very much!” Got it home then found it needed an extension pole [not included] so that added more money. Then we come to use it, always looks easy on the box doesn’t it, take it from me it aint! Nearly needed new windows as that was where the damned thing was going to exit the house, but calmness prevailed, nearly! The ceiling was completed and we’re still a married couple….Just! Walls had begun to show their age, worry lines had appeared in the shape of bloody great cracks, but fortunately I had the remedy! Some time ago I had to move some coat hooks and as this left holes I’d purchased a tube of ‘instant filler’. Was I proud of myself or what! I opened the tube and, with a little effort squeezed copious amounts of the paste onto a scraper and began to fill. Going very well…..until that is I squeezed a little too hard and instead of the damned stuff coming out of the nozzle the bottom of the tube gave out letting about a pound and a half of rapidly drying plaster down the front of me……Oh was I ever so happy! The kitchen remains as is, bare walls and cupboards removed, [wonder how long I can put off doing any more to it, have to consult the ‘year planner’ to see what’s on] and now IT’S BLOODY SNOWING AGAIN!!! Keep it safe out there…….


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Come along and support this worthy cause delivering Easter Eggs for the underprivileged children of Newham. The Essex Chapter contingent will be meeting for breakfast beforehand (from 9.30am) at Checkers Diner near Chelmsford (CM2 6TE) departing from there at 10.45am sharp (so join us then if you don’t want breakfast) for a meandering ride through to Epping Forest to meet up with Aussie Mick and his crew for the ride through to Canning Town. All welcome – just bring an egg or two! If you can’t make the ride but would like to donate Easter Eggs to Community Links then if you can give them to Phil Riley at any Chapter meet or leave them at AHCC and we will ensure that they make their way to Aussie Mick. See below for a pic from last year’s ride.

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Black Bear Bitz It looks like what many refer to as the riding season is now just around the corner. We’ve had a few good days already where those who have been going stir crazy over the winter have dragged their bikes out and turned up in Newmarket en masse. We’ve already put in our request for a dry sunny day on Saturday 2 nd March when Essex Chapter are having a rideout to come and see us. I’ll even get the doughnuts in as well. The last week has seen us take orders for a significant number of new and used bikes and the workshop is crammed with bikes whose owners have suddenly realised that they had better get them made ready for the spring. Our winter service offers have now finished so our free collection and delivery service has ended but we will still offer a subsidised van service and of course we have workshop loan bikes so you can take off on something fresh and new while we work on your pride and joy. Some of you may have seen us featured in Motorcycle News’ “Destination Dealer” feature recently telling the world what most of you already know – that we are a good, old fashioned Harley-Davidson dealership run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts where you can come along and feel at home rather than feeling that you are being processed by a faceless corporate entity. A photo of the showroom was also featured in MCN the following week alongside a feature about HarleyDavidson’s latest charitable venture supporting the Salvation Army. This is on the next page – but you may need a magnifying glass to read it – or have a look at the noticeboard in the showroom. We have a large box in the showroom for you to leave any of your old unwanted riding gear which we will then give to the charity either to keep the homeless warm or to be sold in their shops to raise funds for the cause. It’s another great opportunity to show the public what caring individuals Harley Owners are and, if you decide to purchase some replacement Harley-Davidson Motorclothes at the same time, we’ll give you a token of our appreciation! At Black Bear we are also currently running a Sportster promotion aimed at those taking their first step into Harley ownership knowing that it’s likely to be the start of a lifelong obsession. Basically if they buy a new 883 Sportster then bring it back within a year to trade up to a new Big Twin we guarantee to give them a part exchange allowance equal to the purchase price of the first bike when they trade up. Naturally we have a few terms and conditions but it demonstrates the strong residual value of Harley-Davidsons and enables our new customers to progress quicker than they might otherwise. Please tell your friends if they’re looking for an introduction to the Harley lifestyle. It’s still a couple of months away but we’ve also set the date for our first Open House of the year. Please make a note of it now – Saturday 27th April, another great day of bikes, bands and burgers! We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Steve Loxton

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INTERCHAPTER MEET UP: 7th APRIL 2013 Hi one and All, Gaz here, We have the opportunity to Meet up with the 3 Rivers Chapter on Sunday 7th April 2013. They are going to the Cockle Sheds at Leigh on Mud for a day out at the Seaside and would like to meet up with our chapter. I have arranged to meet them at Boreham Services Lorry Park at Midday (12:00hrs ). If you can make it please turn up and give them a BIG ESSEX WELCOME. ( You know its the only way!!) This is a great opportunity to promote our Chapter and foster good friendship. Ride Safe


NEW MEMBER’S RIDEOUT – ALL WELCOME 14th April 2013 Hi One and All, Gaz here (again). Its now coming up to that time of year when you will be out in the garage with the polishing cloth giving the Old Girl a once over. ( I have Lol). Time to look at the riding season again, which is fast approaching, there are some Good rides lined up this year. One of them being the New Member’s Ridout ( Newbie), this is a Great Opportunity for New Members to get to know a few more old and new Members of the Chapter and Committee. Also a way to see how we as a Chapter ride together using the Two Man system of marking junctions. So all of you New Members please make a date in your diary or Chapter Wall planner for Sunday 14th of April, which will be a Mystery Ride of aprox 1:30hr through the Countryside and mainly B roads. I have been informed that the SUN will shine on the day: The Meeting place will be The Greenman Pub at Herongate, Time 10:00hrs, leaving at 11:00hrs. So you late nighters can still have a lay in. Last Year’s newbie ride was well attended with more seasoned Riders than new, so this year don’t be afraid to get that new Bike Dirty. And remember all you “old” members are very welcome too – so come along and welcome the newbies! If you need to know anything about riding in a group or the two man system, then speak to a Committee Member or Road Captain, photos of the mentioned can be found on the Chapter Website. Looking forward to seeing you all soon Ride Safe

Regards Gaz

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Dragstalgia 2013 – Santa Pod Raceway 13-14 July 2013 A group of us went to this event last year and we had a great time despite a damp ride down there. We weren’t sure about going again this year, but a few of you have asked about it, so, if we can get a group of at least 10 bikes together, we will sort it out with the organisers at Santa Pod. Last year our Club pitch was great – in the pit lane, so hard standing for the bikes and right next to the driest patch of grass in the whole place. They even fenced our area and put up Essex Chapter signage. With the gazebo up to keep off the rain and provide a chill out area, we watched the world go by! There were lots of traders, a good choice of food vendors and a variety of entertainment. Plus the Wall of Death and dodgems! Let me know as soon as possible if you are interested please – Follow this link to get full details but basically vehicle related activities during the day – drag racing, run what ya brung, traders and club displays - and live entertainment in the evening. We plan to leave Thurrock services at around 8.30am and take a leisurely ride to Santa Pod, probably stopping en route for breakfast. We camp for one night and return home Sunday afternoon. The price is £30 per person including entry to Santa Pod, evening entertainment and overnight camping. Mark Ball

Did you know? The very first motorcycle was invented in 1885 in Germany. In 1901 William S. Harley came up with a blue print of an engine that was intended to fit in a bicycle. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle was built in 1903 and used a tomato can for a carburetor. Harley-Davidson built push-bikes between 1917 and 1923. William A. Davidson never became a motorcyclist. The RAC discovered under the Freedom of Information act that there are currently 2331 fixed speed camera sites in the UK but that only 487 are actually operational ie taking pictures. Trouble is which ones are they??

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Essex Chapter Kicks Off the New Year in Style

The new season got off to a great start at the recent Quiz/Fun night. Rod & Vera had found a great venue for us just off the A12 at Galleywood which made it very accessible for everyone. About 50 people braved the winter chill and in best Essex Chapter spirit had a great party evening. A biker quiz, music, silly games and one of the best spreads I've seen, meant that everyone went home satisfied. The quiz was so close meaning that anyone of the teams could have won going into the final game, but it was the Orange team that stormed to victory. They really knew how to deal with a cucumber ! The winners collected their trophies and a One Million dollar biker bank note from our Director. Also the Yellow team who were only 'slightly' behind received a special prize - The Pete Wilson Appreciation Trophy or rather Dolly the blow up sheep as it's really known. After all the games had finished our very own 'Dancing Queen' Fran led the dancing as usual, but all too soon the group were kicking their heels up to the sound of New York, New York as the evening drew to a close. From the comments that I received everyone enjoyed themselves and are all looking forward to the coming riding season and the other great events that are planned. Thanks to everyone that helped make it a great night, but special thanks to Rod & Vera, Kev & Heather and of course Pete Wilson for the loan of his speaker ensuring that we could rock the evening. See you all soon. Phil H P.S. See lots more pics on page 19 and on the Chapter website

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FRAN`S TITBITS Hi everyone it’s your New Member’s Rep here - Fran Hope you are all well from all these nasty bug’s that are going around? Valentine’s day at AHCC ‘s turned out brill. Gary & I got there about 10 to decorate the gazebo that the boys had put up already, so I gave it the Golden touch with lots of red & love. As it was quite a cold morning we didn’t know how many would turn up, so as one bike came so did another & another then the cars started piling in. Andy even had to do a bit of car parking duty. We had about 60 people, I was well chuffed. They all had a bit of red on even some of the guys said they had red pants but being the lady I am I didn’t look, but as you can see Gary’s not a gentleman as he took a photo of Wendy’s heart on her pant’s - oh la la!. Ollie’s mum made me 2 cakes with hearts on - thank you Sam, then Julia turned up with the most amazing cup cakes I have ever seen - better than in the shops. She made every bit herself & they tasted lovely. Thank you very much to Julia & the girls. ( see pics on the website ) We made short work of the cakes & had a good natter, with a few newbies turning up & an old member Roy who has rejoined us with his lovely doggie who was so good & loved all the fuss, plus he got to meet a lot of people that he knew years ago. Don’t forget to keep looking on our events paper as rides will soon be coming up in March, & then there are all our pub meets & AHCC Lazy Saturdays. Thanks to everyone at AHCC & all of you who turned up to make it a brill day. See you all sometime someplace somewhere. Ride safe FRAN x

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Due to an oversight with the membership renewal packs, the BMF Discount code was omitted from their contents. Any member wishing to take advantage of the BMF discount please contact Bob Andrews for the code required. via email or text me on 07709-864652 or just ask when you see me at events (Apologies for inconvenience).

New Chapter Members We have the following new members who have recently joined the Chapter – please look out for them and be sure to make them feel welcome: Simon and Paula Burt Ron Eaton


Neil Bullock


ROAD CREW TRAINING Head Road Captain, Pete Wilson, is holding a training evening for all of the Chapter’s Road Captains and Road Crew at the Green Man Public House Herongate on Monday 25th March starting at 7.30pm. This will involve some videos and some general discussion about riding and managing rideouts, and sandwiches/finger food will be provided. This event was a great success last year and this year’s will be even better. If you have thought about joining the road crew but are not sure what is involved or if it is for you, then please please do come along on the night and find out some more – no obligation at all, just a chance to get some information and meet the other road captains and crew. Just email Pete if you can – (you can just click on this link) if you might be coming so he can make sure he has enough food and chairs. FIRST AID TRAINING Then a bit later in the year Steve Shipperly (Chapter Safety Officer) is organising a Saturday daytime event for First Aid training provided by an Essex Policewoman who is a real character and has appeared on Emergency Bikers on the telly. She is “known” to Roger Went who put Steve in contact with her. This will be primarily bike related first aid – “first on scene” etc, as well as some more general first aid – and is going to be provided for FREE (YES – FREE!!) in the Chelmsford area. This is a great opportunity to put yourself (and your pillion) in a much better position in the unfortunate event of an accident and is bound to be very popular as numbers are limited to 20 and Road Captains will be asked to attend. If oversubscribed then there will a list and the plan will be to run it again. The date is not confirmed as yet but if you would like to take advantage of this then email Steve now – just follow this link – and ask to be contacted when the date is available. First come first served!

Need Patches Sewn on?? Brenda Defries - For All Your Leather Repairwork 07930 - 224558 As many of our readers will know, Brenda Defries, a longstanding member of Essex Chapter, is great at sewing on your patches to jackets, vests etc, and can also do leather repairs. She is happy to sew on patches for any of our members for a reasonable fee and can be contacted on the above number or is usually at the monthly meeting at The Lodge PH (second Thursday of every month) so give her a call or see her there.

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Ahcc Lazy Saturday Recipe Corner Featuring Julia’s Recipe of the Month Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day, and that it’s warming up a bit now….I’m hopeful! Thank you to everyone that made it down to the Valentine Lazy Saturday last month, I was so pleased so many people made it down even though it was freezing! There were lots of sweet treats to devour, and the tea and coffee flowing as usual. Thank you to Ollie’s mum, Sam for making her Coffee cake and Lemon cake…and the lovely Caz for the shortbread and for your help once again. I am just going to give you my basic sponge recipe as a few people asked about it, and it never fails….

Basic Sponge (makes 7 largish cup cakes, multiply as needed) 100g Caster sugar (I use golden) 100g butter, softened 2 medium eggs 100g Self raising flour ½ tsp vanilla essence for plain cakes, Or - 1 tbsp cocoa powder for chocolate cakes


Preheat oven to 160C


Beat butter and sugar together


Add one egg at a time and combine thoroughly


Add flour in 3 or 4 batches and stir to combine between each


Add vanilla essence Note: if you want chocolate cakes, leave the vanilla out and after weighing the flour, remove a tablespoon of flour and replace with a tablespoon of cocoa – and more or less depending on how chocolaty you like them. Divide between the cases (I use an ice-cream scoop so they are even) and bake for approx 20 minutes, either test with a skewer or if springs back nicely when you push of the top of one of the cakes. As to the decorating and toppings, although I made all the decorations and topped them all myself I have to give credit to Lottie & Jakes in Maldon who have a shop and decorating courses they run with different themes, it was a great excuse to do the Valentines one when Fran told me she planned to come down and decorate the yard again…which looked great by the way Fran. So details for them are 01621 843323 See you next month….. Julia x

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Essex Chapter “Out And About” This Month At the AHCC Valentine’s Lazy Saturday and the Chapter Party Night

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The Losing Team from the Quiz Night with their booby prize – Baaa! Where’s Bryan by the way – gone to sheep???

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Essex Chapter goes down under!!

In October 2012 Lee and I had a trip to Sydney to see our son. The journey wasn’t as bad as we thought, refuelling in Hong Kong for 3 hours on the way. Before we went Lee e-mailed Sydney chapter to see where the nearest dealership was. They replied straight away and invited us to their Aussie rally, which would have been good, but we wanted to spend as much time as we could with our son. We did all the usual sightseeing though and had a fun weekend in the Hunter Valley on a wine tasting tour staying in a log cabin. Although when we arrived it was freezing (they had snow that day up in the Blue Mountains)!! We eventually managed to find the Sydney dealership which is called Trivett. The staff weren’t very forthcoming until we got the Essex Chapter flag out - then they started to chat to us. Lee managed to get a few t-shirts (as you do) and I found a good cool bag ready for my wine!


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A pic of Lee on an old Electraglide



a pic for the girlies from the wildlife park.

We found another dealership on the way to the wildlife park. It is called Blacktown. They were a much more friendlier dealership with a better range of clothing too. So definitely worth another trip next time we go to Australia (we hope)!! G’day for now! Tracey (Turner)

Murphy's Law of Motorcycling A Motorcycle cannot fall over without an audience. The odds of a motorcycle falling over are directly proportional to the size of the audience. Newness and cost of the bike are also contributing factors. You will not feel the need to go to the toilet until you put on your rainsuit. The fact that your keys are still in your pocket will not become apparent until after you put on your gloves. Quick fixes are so named for how long they stay fixed. The only part you really need will be the one that is out of stock. Nothing is harder to start than a used motorcycle being shown to a prospective buyer. You will never suffer a punctured tyre on the road until you leave the repair kit at home. "Universal" accessories are so named because that is where you have to search to find the bike they fit. PHIL H

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Carol and I attended the RTTW on 6th October 2012, the 5th Anniversary run for ride to the wall but due to tennis elbow or badminton elbow, I decided to go by car. For those not sure what the National Arboretum is, it’s a memorial to all those who have lost their lives since the 2nd WW, every year there are new names added from conflicts, i.e. Afghanistan. There are also memorials to civilian services too. Well worth a visit, as we find new memorials each time we go. To date this magnificent run has raised over £150,000.00 towards the upkeep of the Arboretum which is situated in Lichfield in Staffordshire. The arboretum receives no money from the government and is run entirely by donations.!!! We had a great day, weather was good, no rain. A bit of mess up to start with as we stayed in a hotel overnight and Carol left her phone there so we had to do a 14 mile round trip to collect it!!! Women !!! Over 15,000 bikers were there, from all corners of the UK and I even saw one from DUBAI chapter, so yes its a well known run, there were I think 7 or 8 starting points all getting there at staggered times. There were various food outlets on offer, some a bit salubrious some better... The highlight of the day was the flypast of a Dakota plane, magnificent. There was then a speech/thank you from Martin Dickenson who had the original idea for this and now is the main organiser, helped by some other very able volunteers. Then the wreaths from all the other chapters were laid and then the bikers filed past. They then disbanded and made their weary way home. Might I just add, although there were a lot of ex-servicemen and women bikers there, there were also a lot of non service people just paying their respects. Hope to see some of you next year in 2013. It is always on the First Saturday in October. Sorry not sure of the date at the time of writing. ERIC AND CAROL MEDCALF MR AND MRS "THE CLOUD"

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SPONSONSHIP NEEDED FOR LONDON MARATHON 2013 - Update Hi, calling all Essex Chapter Members, Just a reminder that I am doing the 2013 Virgin London Marathon next April. I will be running in aid of the National Osteoporosis Society. I have raised £140 so far (early days) and want to raise as much as I can. I need to raise a minimum of £1600. A planned Chapter Rideout will be held early in 2013 to help me raise funds which will be in the local Essex area with a stop for food! I have not sorted a Rideout destination as of yet but I am up for any suggestions as to the route, destination, food stop and a suitable date? Early March 2013 would be great as it is close to the event and I am more likely to get a few more people to come as the weather might be kinder. So all members please feel free to contact me with your suggestions and let’s make this a really great event as well as raising money for a very deserving cause? Below is a link to my Justgiving page for donations – all welcome and none too small for this great and worthy cause. If I raise enough I might even have an Essex Chapter badge sewn on my running vest!!! Thanks in advance for your support! Regards Neil Bishop UPDATE FROM NEIL - The ride is going to be sorted out very soon so keep an eye on the website events page for the date! Roger Went and Simon McKay are on the case and have promised to confirm the details very shortly. I have raised about £250 so far, with some promise of more money and really need your help to raise much more money as I am behind on what I need. My training is going well and I am running the Colchester half marathon on March the 17 th as part of my training.

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UPDATE - ISLE OF WIGHT “DOUGHNUT RIDE”2013. I thought I would just bring you all up to date and can report that we now have 43 chapter members actually booked hotel accommodation and ferry bookings which I would reckon to be between 30-35 motorcycles so it is going to be quite a rolling party. We are planning the start/meeting point is likely to be Warrs Mottingham dealership and be then taking a similar downward route as taken last year. The return Sunday trip, unlike last year, will be the same way as the downward trip but stopping for a coffee/comfort stop at Rykas, Box Hill, a well known biker haunt and recommended if you have not previously visited. It is steeped in biker history. I am advised there is still accommodation available at our main chosen hotel, The Medehamstede so if you are thinking of coming and have not yet booked, I would strongly you recommend you book as soon as possible, not forgetting to advise me. It would be good if we could fully book the hotel and have it all for ourselves. If the hotel becomes fully booked, there are plenty of hotels and B&B's in very close proximity. On the Saturday, I am planning a Rideout towards the Needles but stopping on the way at some new venues. Of course being an island, we shall be varying the ride from last year by going this year in an anti-clockwise direction !!!!! The ferry crossings will be on the Portsmouth Gunwharf - Fishborne route. We shall be taking the 3.30 pm Friday 21st. June ferry outward, and the 11.00am. Sunday 23rd June inward. The cost seems unchanged and for 2 persons and motorcycle it is £18 each way. If I may suggest, it would be best to book sooner than later. Please email me if you haven’t already told me that you are coming – the more the merrier - at There will be a country music singer on the Friday night and I am told the girls are all dressing up for that, and on Saturday night by popular demand we have the wonderful Michelle who entertained us all so well last year – it will be a weekend to remember! Simon McKay Essex Chapter Road Captain

BREAKING NEWS! OXFORD English Dictionary publishers Oxford University Press have been forced to drop their existing definition of the word 'biker' after complaints by, unsurprisingly, bikers. The previous definition of 'biker' read: 'A motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang: a long-haired biker in dirty denims.' Of 524 bikers polled over the phrasing, more than three quarters described it as inaccurate, whilst 20% claimed to be 'outraged and offended' by it. The study, conducted by insurance firm Bennetts, described the average modern biker as 'likely to be over 35, middle class, working in IT or telecoms, and likely to ride a Honda.' Just one in ten bikers now has long hair, according to the report. The definition has been amended to read: 'Biker: A motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang or group'. However 65% of the bikers polled claim to spend most of their time riding alone, and not 'as part of a gang'. How would your dictionary definition of a biker read?

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Events March/April 2013




March 2013 Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Tuesday 5thst Saturday 9th Thursday 14th Wednesday 20th Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Thursday 28st

Monthly Meeting Pre-Season Ride to Black Bear HD Monthly Meeting AHCC Open House Lazy Saturday Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting Community Links Annual Easter Egg Run Chapter Ride – Ace Café The Scenic Route Ace Café Monthly Meet

Green Man PH Herongate from 7pm Departing Boreham @ 9.30am sharp Cricketers PH AHCC Yard Maldon from 10am Lodge PH Plough PH See page 9 for details Departing Thurrock Services at 10am Departing Sainsbury’s Walthamstow (Loxton Rd) at 6.45 pm led by Phil Riley Eagle PH

Friday 29th April 2013 Monday 1st

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday 2nd Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Thursday 11th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th Wed 17th Sunday 21st Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th

SOUTHEND SHAKEDOWN 2013 – let the riding season commence…………….. Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting Director’s First Breakfast Run 2013 INTER CHAPTER RIDE WITH III Rivers Chapter Monthly Meeting AHCC Open House Lazy Saturday Newbies Ride - 1st of 2013 Monthly Meeting Sunny Side Up Breakfast Ride Ace Café Monthly Meet Monthly Meeting Black Bear Open House – All Welcome East Quay (Whitstable) Lobster Shack Run

Ride Dept Green Man PH at 9.30am and A127 Diner (Porkys) at 9.50am to Chapter Stand Cricketers PH Green Man PH Herongate from 7pm See website for details See page 12 for full details Lodge PH AHCC Yard Maldon from 10am See page 12 for details Plough PH Departing Boreham Lorry Park @ 10am Departing Sainsbury’s Walthamstow (Loxton Rd) at 6.45 pm Eagle PH Black Bear HD Departing Thurrock Services Petrol station @ 10.30am sharp

Please keep checking the Forum and Website as well as the Hotline as there may be other events in March/April depending on the weather! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forthcoming Events and Dates for your diaries: 5th May – Ride to Krazy Horse Bury St Edmunds departing Boreham @ 10am and J28 A12 @ 10.30am sharp th

Saturday 18 May – Mercedes World Brooklands Ride – see website for details th


Friday 24 May – Friday 1 June - Peak District Tour (see October ECN for details) st


Friday 21 – Sunday 23 June - Isle of Wight Doughnut Run 2013 – see page 24 th


Saturday 6 /Sunday 7 July – Old Farts Weekend 2013 – Booking Form available next Month st

Sunday 21 July – Chapter Teddy Bear BBQ – Booking Form available next Month th



Friday 9 – Sunday 11 August 2013 – Essex Chapter 22

Annual Rally @ Sudbury AFC – BOOK NOW!

!!Last but by no means least!! – Bob Holmes’ Famous Saturday Runs every Saturday – ring Bob for details of meeting point etc no later than Friday night on 07788 667213. The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Committee of Essex Chapter.

Page 26 of 26 Essex Chapter GREAT BRITAIN 8 Holgate Court 4-10 Western Road Romford Essex RM1 3JS

ESSEX CHAPTER NEWS GUESS WHO COMPETITION? Note the A35 van in the picture, that in itself should give you an idea of the date, also the ‘Café Racer’ style of the bike he’s posing on. One more clue…..he loves his music! Who IS this longstanding and much revered Chapter member???

HOT LINE: 07729 665790


Chapter Committee

We’re on the Web! See us at:

Chapter Director

Phil Riley

Assistant Director Photographer/Inter Chapter Representative Assistant Director/ Treasurer Secretary

Gary Driver 01621 851197/07831 876869

Mark Ball

Phil Hart

Safety Officer

Steve Shipperley Bob Andrews Glyne Shipperley Louise Ball Heather Wood Pete Wilson Kevin Wood Frances Driver Rod & Vera White

Membership Officer Members Forum

Merchandise Officer Editor Events Co-ordinator Head Road Captain Webmaster New Members Rep Chapter Historians

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