Hoggit Nov 2012

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November 2012, Volume 9 Number 11


The world famous Oxford UK Chapter

We lead and others follow

The Oxford UK Chapter is sponsored by

Chapter Hotline 07876-663327 Dealership 01865 735 121

THE G’Day one and all.


After last months Article, talking about signs that make me chuckle, I thought I would share some other signs that were sent to me. The “don’t drive like a ….” one, I am lead to believe, is from the land down under but was sent to me by some one from Southern Africa. So lets just call it a Southern Hemisphere sign. There were others that one might deem a little to risque for it to go into print, but are genuine signs out there. There were a few good opportunities to get out on the Harley’s during October. Some great ride outs and escapes to the Dealership too. On one of the Saturdays, Elaine and I witnessed a new type of LoH rideout. It wasn’t exactly LoH but it was about 15 or so Ladies out on their bicycles, that roll up outside the Dealership. The lead rider was in a yellow flossy and the tail was in a pink one. We watched them line up in their wheel to wheel formation. They turn left at the stop street, and then right. Elaine and I just started to chuckle as they got split up a little Elaine was hoping the Lead would do a second women drop off and then wondered if they used the same buddy system as we did. They were probably weekend warriors as some of their skills were not up to the usual bicycle standards that we should see on the roads. Well they never did do a drop off but the Lead and tail were kept very busy trying to keep everyone together and safe. They (or rather our imaginations) provided an hilarious 20 minutes or so watching these people out doing something different on the weekend. Maybe we should have stopped them Elaine?, you could have given them some Road Captain advice. Sticking with the Dealership, did any of you head over there on Halloween Saturday? If you didn’t you need to check out the photos


sunrise and set at a reasonable time of the day (see the positive spin I am trying to have on the clocks going back?) Seriously though I love the colours in the sky at sunrise and sunset. To me it’s a little miracle unravelling in front of me everyday. Neither day is the same in that great big sky of ours. I was driving to work the other day (yes I know, why was I not on my bike?!), a few leaves along the pavement got caught in a gentle whirlwind and blew across the car. Surprise surprise my imagination ran away with me. It looked like the invisible man was hidden amongst a pile of leaves and had just stood and put his hands out to catch the car. The beautiful golden browns, rusty yellows and aging green leaves clinging to him, yet gentling rising up and manoeuvring over the road.

on page 7. The great thing about the Dealership Folks is they really go the whole “HOG” when it comes to festivities. I wonder what we will all dress up as on our Coffee morning in December? Did you get your 110 anniversary pin at the open weekend? I did (nah nah nah nah nah) the first 110 people in store received one. Who needs Milwaukee when we have Oxford, eh?

Some days that wind has not been that gentle has it? Major gusts and chucking rain bashing against the windows, sometimes with a bit of sleet in it for good measure. Well I’d rather me here than in New Jersey and New York, where Sandy hit. My brother is currently over there for work, so had to evacuate to a city near by and ride out the storm. They still don’t have power but are safe and well. He said he and his crew had a crate of Corona so they were fine. Ha! We may have a new Editor, so I will be handing over the keys to Hoggit Towers soon. Which means that really is almost all Folks. See you out there. Jean

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. The crisp blue sky autumn days are few and far between but we can still capture some wonderful sights, if we just keep our eyes open to them. We now get to see the



HOGGIT Chapter I can then report back to you at the December AGM.

Hi everyone. I wonder how many times i will be fined this month ? I don’t recall doing anything wrong recently but then I didn’t remember what I was supposed to have done wrong last month ! I managed to make it to the repatriation this time, the other people there were very friendly and appreciative of our attendance but the last time I went I near broke my neck to get there on time to find that the procession was early & I had missed it, very frustrating . As I f this occasion wasn`t enough for one day, whilst we were there, it was confirmed another two soldiers had been killed from the Ghurkas Regiment, dear oh dear.

34mph in a 30 zone in a safe area in error, definatley. There will be a road captains meeting on the 3rd November this will be the start of planning next year`s calendar. Don’t forget to let us know if you are aware of an event worth a look. Our AGM will be in December , this will leave January free for renewals etc. One again we will have an end of season special raffle. Some really nice prizes are up for grabs upon purchase of a separate raffle ticket. The prizes are:-

The ladies lunch at Cholsey was well attended the food was hot surprisingly as the plates were as cold as frost I was surprised & relieved this was the case. I have been asked about an`off road` experience ! No not the one you didn’t mean to have a proper off road day or two, not as difficult as the Dakar Rally but very enjoyable it is apparently is there anyone else interested in doing this ??

A one week self catering holiday courtesy of Eurocamp, inc. ferry crossing for two adults & two children. £150.00 off your bike insurance redeemable with HD Carole Nash Insurance. £150 voucher to spend at Oxford Harley - Davidson on anything .

I`m looking forward to our skittles evening again at Cowley Conservative Club on the 17th November this is usually well attended so put this date on your calendar last year we had over 50 members there . Hopefully the salt wont be too quick in finding its way on to our roads just yet cos I intend riding, cold weather or not. If you have suggestions for next years calendar of events,please post them in the suggestion box or speak up while you have the chance, we would appreciate your input. Ride Safe Out of Gas Cy

A two book encyclopedia set `The Legend of Harley Davidson valued at £80.00. The books are loaded with colour photographs & make some interesting reading. So some really nice stuff . Any sympathy for this guy ? Not from me.!But doing

The SofER committee will meet for a de brief, for the final time this year on 10th November in Kent, home of Invicta



THE I took delivery of my nice new softail deluxe a few weeks ago, what a fab bike. It’s great to ride, it was a bit sad to see the Sporty go but very exciting to get onto a bigger bike. I never thought when I started on this journey just over 2 years ago that I would ever get to the stage when I looked forward to getting the bike out.

Anyway back to business, the Morse walk on 7th October was really good day and the weather really made it, the route was lovely skirting by the rivers Thames and Cherwell. We had just over 20 for afternoon tea, which apart from the interesting sandwiches it was an extremely enjoyable afternoon.


Saturday 8th December we will be having a coffee morning at the dealership; all proceeds will go to the chapter charities. We plan to have tombola, if anybody has anything they would like to donate please bring it along and give it to me at the Skittles evening. Donations of cakes and/or savouries to sell would be most welcome

The LoH luch on Saturday 26th October was again very well supported, 17 of us, 8 bikes and the rest in cars. It was a lovely sunny, but cold day which made me glad that heated grips are being fitted soon.

Saturday 1st December, will be Christmas shopping trip to Winchester, there is plenty to see and do. Go and see King Arthur’s round table, visit the city

Blazing Saddles Rally Somebody wanted to fine Causie for missing a bimbo in Weymouth but yet again, not enough info on Elaine's fone to explain this one better.

David Clough & Russell for missing the junction on the M6 and getting seperated from the rest of the rideout, amazing when there was several hundred bikes in the pack. Ray for putting on Elaine's pink high viz when Geoff clearly asked him to wear


All of the oxford merchandise is always on view at chapter night; please come along a take a look. Please note that t-shirt orders that have your name printed are non-returnable. Payment must be made with the order. If you can’t make chapter night drop me a line with your order. We also have a selection books and biker magazines yours for a small charity donation.

Dorian - whilst paying his dues for previous unpaid fines (acceptable as he lives in Yorkshire and doesn't visit very often) he seemed to think that handing over a tenner banked him enough fine money to be cheeky most of his weekend stay.

RTTW Road Crew Head RC Geoff for asking road crew to set their bike clocks using TIM123 yet managed set his one hour early. Russell for not filling up with fuel before leaving Cherwell Services Services, it was a bit of a shock to see one of our road crew in another fuel station en route to the arboretum

museum or the city mill (which is National Trust). Excellent for shopping, there will be a Christmas market by the cathedral or for the more energetic an ice rink. Keep an eye on the forum for more details.

Brian C for missing the main entrance to to the Big Pit.

orange as he was tailing for the ride. General Causie for drying off the seat of his Ducati with hand towels from the dealership and then dumping them on the ground for somebody else to clear away as he rode out of the carpark. LoH Officer Julie for forgetting the merchandise information at October club night and thus unable to assist members wanting to order/buy items.


Judge Crusty would like Brian C to give him the name of the member who never handed over their key fob to security on the Big Pit ride-out? LoH Lunch Louise for leaving her keys behind in the pub and thus clearly not able to start her bike. Ray for leaving his glasses behind at the pub.


HOGGIT Greetings my fellow cousins, how the devil are you all doing? Been busy the past month? Been anywhere of interest in the past month? Found a new good riding road in the past month? Found a new tea/cake/coffee stop during the past month? If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above then perhaps you’d like to share with the rest of your riding family and drop Jean Jeannie a line or two about it. As I put fingers to keyboard I’m wondering what to jibber about but by the time you’ve read to the end of the page you will have gathered that I’ve miraculously found something for you. Today (or last night) the clocks went back an hour, in fact only half of them have gone back in our household so Ray’s possibly wondering what the deal is at the moment. Anyway, I was catching up with a few messages on Facebook and adding a couple of bits to the Chapter’s FB account when in pops a message from one of our American buddies across the pond, Stephen’s just got out of bed and wondering about breakfast & here I am late afternoon wondering what to do for tonight’s supper. I never thought I’d be a follower of FB but I must admit that it’s pretty good for keeping up to date with our fellow friends across the pond, especially our two transatlantic members BJ & Luann. That reminds me, I really should ask them for a rally article as they went to Williams for the Arizona State HOG Rally a while ago. Ray & have stopped off at Williams a couple of times during our various American travels, it’s on Route 66 and is the ‘gateway’ to the Grand Canyon. But what have other Oxford members been up to though? A bunch of us went to New Forest Chapter’s Blazing Saddles Rally which was a good weekend and well worth a return visit again next year. It was the usual story with the weather: sun, rain, wind, sun, rain but there was an exceptionally good turnout of bikes for the rideout in Weymouth on Saturday morning, if you go to our FB page you can see a video of the 200+ bikes that Lesley & Richard managed to take. On returning to the rally site, our fellow member (and Head RC for TV) Nij showed his bike in the Ride in Bike Show and walked away with two medals and a trophy for Best in Show…. I’ve never seen Nij look so speechless. In fact, of the 10 Oxford members that travelled to Weymouth, 7 of

us are also Thames Valley members so along with the rest of Thames Valley we had a good representation from our neck of the woods. The following weekend saw Oxford providing road crew for one of the meeting/collection points for the Ride to the Wall and we escorted several hundred riders from Cherwell Valley Services to the National Arboretum. Huge Thanks go to each of our Road Captains (Kim, Paul, Steve Price, Brian & David) and Marshalls (Ray & Russell) who took part in this, especially to Director Cyril & Activities Officer Andy for leading it and to our Head Road Captain Geoff for all of the time & effort he put into this with the event organisers to make it work. Thanks also go to our previous Director David Simpson for riding in the Parade of Flags with our very own chapter flag. This was the first time Ray & I have ever attended this event as we’re normally in America but we shall be regular RTTW attendees from now on, it was just amazing; a very proud, poignant, powerful and emotional day. Geoff and I had the honour of laying a wreath on behalf of Oxford UK Chapter; this will be a memory that shall stay with me for a very long time….. it was a very proud moment to be able to honour our troops in such a way. The day after couldn’t have been more different, 20+ members took part in the Morse Walk in Oxford and it was such a treat to see Nigel & Val Watson in our midst again. Our LoH Officer Julie was our tour guide for the afternoon and apparently we walked about 5 miles but with all the chatter and admiring the autumn scenery we’d have never guessed it was that far, although we were ready for a cuppa by the time we got to Browns for our afternoon tea.


As for what else have we been up to……The Dealership Open Weekend drew in lots of familiar faces, a bunch of members went to Battle for the Battle of Hastings event only to get there and find it got cancelled, not to be put off they headed off to Brighton for the Brightonia event. Our fellow member & Road Captain Paul Farmer was showing his customised bike but as yet I’ve not heard how he got on. Rounding off the month, the LoH Lunch was yet another successful trip out and meeting up at the dealership beforehand was a bonus as Alan & his Crew had got into the Halloween groove and were quite a frightful sight. It was also a treat as we were graced with the presence of our Yorkshire member Dorian who was heading of to Newark for another event as soon as he’d finished off his lunch. As for the month ahead, well it doesn’t appear to be slowing down any. Our Road Captains will have met up on Sat 3rd Nov to put together a selection of dates and rideouts for you all. On Sat 10th Nov Cyril & I will have been to Maidstone, Kent for the SOFER debrief meeting and plans will start again for SOFER 10. As you’re all reading this now I can remind you that it’s the Skittles Night on Sat 17th Nov which will be a fun filled social evening, if you’ve not booked up for this yet then please go and see our Activies Officer Andy and pay your fiver. The following weekend will see our joint Riverboat Cruise with Thames Valley on Sat 24th Nov for our end of season party, please see me if you wish to book for this and this November’s chapter night is the last call for tickets. Then Sat 1st Dec is the LoH trip into Winchester for a Christmas Market, please see Julie to let her know you’re interested. Sat 8th Dec will be the LoH Coffee morning, please see Julie’s article for more info on this. Sun 9th Dec is the Reading Toy Run and then it’ll be club night yet again. It can’t be said that there’s nothing going on, there’s always something for somebody at sometime. So, considering I wasn’t sure what to write, I’ve managed to find something to keep you occupied for a short while. Now, I really must go and finish changing the rest of the clocks. Over ‘n Out, Elaine












September 2012.

Ladies 1, gentlemen 1. Actually, that should really be Gentlemen 3 and Ladies nil, as I had inadvertently led the ride straight past the Big Pit entrance (whilst checking my mirrors for the stragglers being rounded up by the ever efficient Jane) and instead into the back entrance, which originally had been a concreted road which, over the years, had deteriorated into a series of very deep ravines and craters. I immediately placed my trusty V-Rod into motocross mode and did a power run across the shattered road surface much to Renee’s discomfort. We made it, along with a couple of others but wisely, the rest stopped and were led via the proper route to the Pit by Superstar Jane who saved the day, and probably a few bikes. Having now assembled together and parked, it transpired that we now had one ‘dead’ bike which turned out to be caused by both battery terminals being loose. Hand in your watches, phones, ipods, ipads, Kindle’s, PC’s cameras, car keys. In fact anything with a battery, oh, and don’t forget your cigarettes and lighters. You can’t take any of this down a mine. Possible build-up of explosive methane gas you know.

We had already been kitted out with a heavy safe-battery belt and Helmet, with miners light attached for our 300 foot decent in a cramped lift cage to the mine shaft. Now, this is not good if you suffer from claustrophobia and yes, one of us who shall remain nameless suffers from just that. Maybe going down into a Mine shaft was not the best thing to be doing. The lady in question however handled the confined spaces very well. Having reached the Tunnels we were taken a short distance and given a brief safety chat, at which point it emerged that another one of us still had their key fob on their person.

It was gratifying to learn that the old wooden pit props holding up the roof of the Mine would tell of an impending collapse by giving off warning sounds which the Miners ears got attuned to. The new steel props which we were standing next to don’t! They just give way. Cue a shuffling of feet towards a wood supported area! On the way to Big Pit we stopped near Burford to pick up some leather clad biker chick waiting at a Bus stop complete with Helmet and Gloves. So, Russell took Ruth on board and we continued to a fuel stop on the Gloucester ring road and then on to Harts Barn, just beyond Gloucester, for a breakfast. I had phoned in advance but the message didn’t get through and the reception was a little cold. However we all got served without problem and an apology for their initial panic was given, so all ended well. 10 Bikes and 15 people. Not a bad turnout. Thank you to all who enjoyed the day and especially to Jane for being just a perfect Tail!

and a very good turn-out by all bikes. Trade stalls, Marque tent with exhibits very interesting and a few live bands playing along the Brighton front. Best laid plans, next year give it another try, possibly.

For those who braved the rain, wind and hail stones only a few made the weekend trip. Plan visit the town of Battle, to see the reenactment battle of Hastings on Sunday. Cold and slightly damp the first arrived Friday evening. On Saturday by another couple in afternoon with the rest arriving around 5 o'clock. All meeting later for dinner Andy informed us that the battle had been cancelled due to enactment ground being rain soaked. Oh well plan 'B' Brightonnia. We all left on a cold Sunday morning heading to Brighton, some wanted to see Eastbourne beachy head while others made they way direct to Brighton. As it turned out the weather was dry and bright at Brighton



THE Film Review: The Loveless 1982- Colour- 85 minutes Willem Dafoe, Robert Gordon


scenes of a lifestyle long past and places long lost.

“You never can tell on a day like thisthings could be goin' jake one minute, then, presto- before you know it, you're history.” Vance If you enjoy 1950’s retro, moody and atmospheric movies, you’ll enjoy “The Loveless”. Plot-wise, the film never develops beyond the basic “…bikers roll into small town cause trouble, leave…”, but there is a whole lot more to the movie such as the incredible retro feel of Southern late 1950s, Rockabilly Biker culture and a great soundtrack. Don’t expect to race through this film at breakneck speed or experience drag racing down Main street, punch ups or outrageous terror but rather lingering

Since our Chapter has been asked to participate in the repatriations as they take The Final Turn into the John Radcliffe Hospital, our fellow member Bill Gibbard has attended each of them and represented our Chapter, along with Elaine, Ray, Kay & Cy when they have been able to. Because the repatriations are always around 4.30 - 5pm on a

Vance, played by Willem Dafoe in his first major role, is an ex con, riding through Georgia on his way to Daytona to watch the bike racing. He is separated from the rest of his small ‘gang’ as one of their Harleys broke down and is going ahead to find a place where the bike can be repaired. The opening scene has him coming across a stranded woman with a flat tyre on the side of the road. Vance, like so many of his ilk is an opportunist and wastes no time in taking advantage of her situation. Finally he arrives at a truck stop diner on the edge of a small town and settles down to wait for the rest of the gang. The story moves slowly, backed with a moody sound track and long, sensuous scenes which create a strong sense of tension building between the diner waitress, the owner and other guests. The rest of the gang arrives and the tension builds even more as the heat of the day

Thursday evening it is not easy for many members to attend for a whole range of reasons. As a nation, we pay tribute to our many fallen heroes on Armistice Day 11th November, sadly, during to in the past two months there have been eight repatriations:

slows the pace of everything, the actions, the dialogue, even the music. The viewer is never quite sure what is around the corner as it is inevitable that events are on a knife edge. The tinder is bone dry, all it needs is a spark. Enter the way too sexy Telena (Marin Kanter), a fifteen year old rebel, daughter of the town’s rich bully driving a red sports car. Vance becomes entranced with the girl and the story evolves into a more erotic mode. There is a violent climax to the movie but it is almost irrelevant as the point of the whole film is more about the suffocating atmosphere than the action. It is worth noting that the story begins at dawn and finishes that same evening, giving a sense that not much happened during the day, and yet for the town’s folk, their whole world changed forever. It is a study of how culture clashes can create conflict and that black leather-clad men (and women) on bikes can be the catalyst for fear and loathing. The leather-clad bikers, their 1950’s Harleys, the rockabilly sound track and the retro scenes make this movie a priceless jewel for anyone who has any interest in any of these phenomena and I would strongly recommend viewing. The Loveless was directed by Monty Montgomery who went on to work on Twin Peaks and Katheryn Bigelow who went on to win an Oscar for her 2008 movie, ‘The Hurt Locker’. Much of the movie’s excellent sound track was written by Robert Gordon. Good viewing, Ian

Private Thomas Wroe - Yorkshire Regiment Sargeant Jonathan Eric Kups - Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Captain James Townley - Corps of Royal Engineers

Sargeant Lee Paul Davidson - The Light Dragoons

Corporal David O'Connor - (40 Commando) Royal Marines

L/Cpl Duane Groom - Grenadier Guards

Corporal Channing Day - 3 Medical Regiment

Sargeant Gareth Thursby - Yorkshire Regiment




HOGGIT Blazin’ Saddles Well, Nij & I were lucky to get tickets to this brilliant rally. The first organised by the new committee of The New Forest Branch, we booked one of the 100 holiday caravans on the Sea View site near Weymouth, the venue for the rally and started planning. We were to share accommodation with Elaine & Ray and this worked out very well. I drove the van as Nij was not sure if his leg would hold out ... luckily it did ... so I was able to take luggage for both Thames Valley and Oxford chapter members. We met up at Chieveley services near Newbury and ably led by Don Wibberley set off for Weymouth. The guys stayed dry for most of the ride but suffered for about five minutes of REALLY heavy rain.

Saturday dawned bright and we joined the parade for the ride around the area and then into Weymouth. We were greeted by the “crew” with bacon rolls before we set off and then had a really well organised ride with police escort for an hour.

Sunday evening gave some of us a chance to rest and recover. Nij took a young lady who was on site with her husband and friends for a ride down to Weymouth and then it was time to pack up for home. Causie and Andy also liberated a helium balloon in the shape of a pair of cowboy boots for me ... thanks guys xx

After a lunch break we arrived at the site around 15:00 and were checked in by the new Forest guys with one of the most imaginative rally packs I have ever seen in 20 years of HOG rallies. We received as well as our pins and programmes, a tin of baked beans, a toilet roll and a cowboy hat ... Blazin’ Saddles indeed! Oh, there was a free photo taken by Snakes pics as well. So many old friends were there, it was a back in time moment for both Nij & me. We had lots to talk about and catch up with, not to mention a few drinks and good food on Friday night.

with several other HOG members including Andy Spindlow who was determined to have an ice cream no matter what the weather.

Thanks so much New Forest for a brilliant weekend. The sun shone for most of it and we are looking forward to the next one

Back to the site and we persuaded Nij to enter his Glide in the ride in show. At 22 years old she is still beautiful ... to us anyway ... and the judges must have thought so as well, he took Best Tourer and also Best in Show. He was so surprised that when it was announced he said “Oh s**t” which made the mayor laugh. Made even better when he had his photo taken with her and introduced her as his Mum ... her husband loved that

Oh, I forgot ... Robbie was there and was PARTYING, not working for a change ... nice one Robbie Trish

J Saturday night we sat around and talked, danced in the hall and generally had a great time. Sunday Nij & I went to Swanage for a ride and met




HOGGIT Disco - although its is a winter trip all their boats are centrally heated Fancy dress is optional - but the theme is James Bond 007, if you do wish to dress up for it. There will also be a great raffle

November Sat 3rd Road Crew Events Meeting Mon 12th Committee Meeting Tues 13th Chapter night Sat 17th Skittles Night at Cowley Conservative Club Sat 24th End of Season Boat Party with Thames Valley Chapter in Windsor December Sun 1st Dec LOH lunch and Christmas Shopping trip to Winchester (Ice skating anyone?) Saturday 8th Dec Christmas Coffee morning at the Dealership Sun 9th Dec 27th Annual Reading Toy Run Mon 10th Committee Meeting Tues 11th Chapter AGM

Skittles Night and Supper at Cowley Conservative Club. Saturday 17th November

To secure your place, please pay your £30 to Assistant Director Elaine Shepherd at November Club Night. Please note that cheques to be made payable to Thames Valley Chapter.

Thames Valley & Oxford Chapter's Riverboat Cruise Saturday 24th November The cost per person is £30 per person, this price has been subsidised by £5.50 each by the chapter and includes: Boat Picks up and drops off at The Promenade Barry Avenue Windsor SL4 1QX (opposite Browns restaurant). The Boat will leave prompt at 7.30pm and returns at 11.30pm

These have always been a good, fun social evenings so come along and chill out with everyone else.

Price includes: Glass of mulled wine on arrival. Christmas BBQ menu: BBQ Turkey, chipolata sausages, new potatoes, waldorf salad, tomato and grape salad, coleslaw, traditional stuffing, followed by Christmas pudding and brandy sauce or Yule log and cream, followed by coffee and mince pies. Dinner will be followed by

How do you get a sweet little 80-yearold lady to say the F..... Word? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!

The wife turned to me and said, “Darling, look. I haven't worn this in 25 years and it still fits” “I said, 'It’s a scarf”

In a recent survey, Tom Hanks was named the politest celebrity. He even signs his cheques T.Hanks.

What did one llama say to the other llama the night before they were going on holiday?Alpaca the suitcases!

Gather at 7pm for a couple of games of skittles. £5 per person for buffet supper to be paid to Activities Officer Andy Spindlow at October's club night.

As I parked my car in the car park today, security approached me; “I'm afraid you cant park here after eight” Just because I'm a chocolate mint doesn't mean I should be treated this way. What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?An investigator.

The closest hotels are listed below but prices may vary to those mentioned below. TheTravel Lodge, Windsor Central, 34 King Edward Court, Windsor, SL4 1TG, Tel: 08719 846331. Around £50.10 Macdonald Windsor 23 High St SL4 1LH Around £138 Mercure Windsor Castle 18 High St, SL4 1LJ. Around £104 (no breakfast) Best Western Royal Adelaide Hotel, 46 Kings Road, SL4 2AG. Around £99 inc breakfast The Harte & Garter High St SL4 1PH Around £101.15 inc breakfast Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor SL4 2JJ Around £69.89 in Breakfast. (This is a bit out of Windsor) Innkeepers Lodge Old Windsor Toby Carvery, Straight Road SL4 2RR Around £66.00 inc breakfast

I have a new job crushing cans, ts soda pressing How does the moon trim his hair?Eclipse. What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover? The position of the dirt bag. What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? 'Are you sure it's mine?'




Assistant Director

LOH & Merchandise Officer

Cyril Grieve

Elaine Shepherd

Julie Garlick

director@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

assistant-director@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

LOH@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk



Head Road Captain

Trish Moss

Kim Taylor

Geoff Kirby

treasurer@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

secretary@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

road-captain@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

Activities Officer


Dealer Representative

Andy Spindlow

Jean van Heerden

Adam Plumstead

activities-officer@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

editor@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

Oxfordhdparts@ bladegroup.co.uk

Membership Officer


Kay Gibbard

Marcus van Heerden

membership-sec@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

webmaster@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk


photographer@ oxfordukchapter.co.uk

Oxford Chapter Nights are held every second Tuesday of the month, at Abingdon Football Club, Culham Road. OX13 3HP. Feel free to come and join us.

Keep in touch with Chapter news and events at www.oxfordukchapter.co.uk and the Chapter Hotline 07876-663327 Culham Publication Services 01235 464 904 www.cps.culham.org.uk

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